How and why directors of capital schools are removed. Meet me

Last week, on February 12, the measured life of school No. 2114 was disrupted. The director was summoned to the district education department, where he was informed of his dismissal. The next day, a new director and security arrived at the school. However, the former head and parents did not agree with this “raider” approach. The initiative group collected signatures for an appeal to the presidential administration. The Education Department believes that everything is happening according to the law. tried to understand the situation.

Tap, choir and Scientology

The state budgetary educational institution of Moscow “School No. 2114” is among the top 500 schools in Russia. In the capital's top 400 it ranks 48th. And this educational institution, among 18 others, received a grant from the President of Russia for additional education. But parents say it wasn't always like this.

When Sergei Pavlov became the director, he gradually, through additional education, and by carefully selecting teachers, brought the school to a high level,” Vyacheslav, a representative of the initiative group of parents, told - By the way, we have a very good choir. We recently performed at the conservatory and took third place in the all-Russian competition. There is a unique tap studio. Lots of other extra activities. And our director tries to implement all this with minimal costs for parents. Our after-school program is still free.

The former director of school 1332 (currently 2114) Maria Struve was fond of Scientology. And she introduced this ideology into the educational institution entrusted to her.

Hubbard courses were organized at the school,” Olga Susakova, deputy head of the education department of the Southwestern District, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Both teachers and children attended these courses. Moreover, schoolchildren were “strongly advised” to attend them by their teachers. And the director hired new teachers only on condition of appropriate “professional development.” At first Struve was reprimanded. We tried to explain to her in a humane way that mental influence on children is a crime. And Maria Georgievna excitedly convinced us of how wonderful Scientology is.

Moreover, the introduction of “progressive” Western methods, paid additional classes and other inventions cost a pretty penny not only to parents. The Education Department of the South-Western Administrative District has calculated that out of 980 thousand rubles allocated to the school in 2009 for the purchase of equipment, only 200 thousand went into business. The rest of the funds disappeared. Perhaps Struve gave them to Scientologists.

Pavlov, who replaced her, had to work hard to regain trust in the school from parents and students.

The director's abilities were also appreciated by the district leadership. After the reform associated with the unification of schools and kindergartens into educational complexes, it was Sergei Petrovich who was offered to head the unified administration of four schools and nine kindergartens.

The first thing he did was gather parents at each school. I distributed questionnaires for people to write about what they would like from the new administration. Many were surprised by this approach. Sergei Petrovich is generally a very open person who highly values ​​any opportunity for dialogue with parents and students,” notes Vyacheslav.

The school passed two inspections organized by the management with success. And nothing foreshadowed trouble for the talented manager.

Three on the side - you are not there!

Last Thursday morning, Sergei Petrovich was suddenly summoned to the education department of the South-Western Administrative District, where he had a very unpleasant conversation with the boss. Pavlov retold it to

I'm firing you!
- For what?
- I didn’t like the inspection act.
- Under what article are you dismissing me?
- According to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (“termination of an employment contract by agreement of the parties” - approx. "")
- What is the basis?
- The expiration date of the contract...
- It is not written in my contract that it is valid until February 12. You have no right.
- It doesn’t play any role now.

Pavlov’s last argument, protesting against the dismissal, was that he was on sick leave.

The confrontation continued at the school, where both Pavlov and the acting director of the school, Andrei Zinin, who holds the position of deputy head of the education department of the South-Western Administrative District, arrived. According to the parents, Zinin replaced the guards the very next day and demanded that Pavlov not be allowed in. However, he managed to inform the parents of the students about his suspension.

The assembly hall was full of parents. Everyone agreed that the new director was appointed illegally. We decided to act. We quickly collected a hundred signatures for an appeal to the Russian Presidential Administration and went to an appointment with the Department of Education.

The salvation of those being laid off is the work of those being laid off themselves.

Representatives of the initiative parent group of school No. 2114 emphasize that they do not feel any hostility towards the deputy head of the education department of the South-Western Administrative District Andrei Zinin, who is vying for the place of their beloved director. Someone notes that he is too young and not educated enough. Others say that the young and energetic Zinin will be more in demand at some problematic school, and not here, where everything is already smoothly running.

The reason for changing the school administration was, in the opinion of “angry parents,” the elementary desire to preserve a job in the educational structure.

On February 20, by decree of the Moscow government, our education department ceases to exist. They want to find a place for themselves, settle in, jump into the last carriage. There are four days left. Everything is very simple: you need to remove people and sit in their place,” Sergei Pavlov explained to

Violations for 5.9 million

As in the case of the Scientologist director, the city department of education became involved in the scandalous situation with Sergei Pavlov. Now school No. 2114 is under special control.

The head of the South-Western District Education Department, Mikhail Sluch, told that the whole story of the dismissal has a completely different background than Pavlov is trying to present it. Firstly, all this time a fixed-term contract was concluded with him “until the issue of appointing a director was resolved.” Secondly, serious violations were identified in the work of Sergei Petrovich, giving grounds for dismissal.

At the end of 2014, the Financial Control Service of the Department of Education conducted an on-site inspection of the financial and economic activities of school No. 2114 in relation to the affiliated school No. 1332 (where Pavlov was the director) for the period from January 1, 2012 to October 31, 2014. According to the results of the audit, a number of violations were revealed totaling 5 million 900 thousand rubles, notes Sluch. - In connection with these circumstances, the South-Western District Education Department decided to terminate the employment contract with Pavlov.

On that same fateful Thursday, Sergei Petrovich was invited to review the dismissal order, but he stated that he was temporarily disabled. Andrei Zinin, according to the head of the department, was appointed acting director due to Pavlov’s illness.

The Department of Education and the district administration are trying to reassure worried parents, appealing to the fact that everything will take place strictly within the framework of the law.

After Pavlov closes the certificate of incapacity for work, a decision will be made on the procedure for terminating the employment contract with him and the appointment of the director of school No. 2114 will be made, taking into account all competitive procedures, Sluch concluded.

It has not yet been possible to confirm or deny information about the upcoming reduction from an official source.

It is very likely that the events surrounding school 2114 will in the future take on the nature of a legal battle. However, at the moment, neither party to the dispute has contacted law enforcement agencies to protect their rights. will monitor the development of the situation.

Explained by several factors: methodology + non-state school + her own life position (+ experience of a mother of many children and a successful leader).

"Cost" of a tutor

But I learned a good lesson - thank you for not being a child in the 11th grade. Good salespeople rule not only in sales departments, in general... I want to understand the secret of the magic elixir - “tutor + school + child + parent.” It is not always successfully composed.

Theoretical. Inspired by an old woman who died in police custody.

But she didn’t cry either - don’t put your finger in her mouth. 02/16/2015 13:31:40, hanhi. I didn’t have money for a fine, and I was already crying when he dragged me to the police station... but I agree that it’s easier to exercise your power over someone who is unrequited...

Once again about CO

Well, somehow I don’t see full-fledged knowledge in the case of “studied at school for a year + tutors” or “year of private external study + tutors”. Those. This is probably a possible option for admission, but still not an education...

Visiting a child with disabilities

Olga Sergeevna says that Katya was admitted to the department for acute patients, but the doctor immediately transferred Katya to the rehabilitation department because she found the girl absolutely adequate.

Where will they find a teacher :)?

but on the contrary, I want to go to school. School + private lessons at home = much more than 30 thousand per month. In addition, you don’t depend on anyone; you work the other half at home or in your area.

Cry... about the nanny

Our nanny left us after the first week I went to work, without warning: (She left because she found CCTV cameras in the house. I am very worried, because I considered her almost a member of the family, I trusted her very much and with her daughter there was contact... She noticed the cameras 3 months after she started working and was offended that she was not warned about their presence, because she didn’t really screw up anything, sometimes she lied about little things, but it didn’t bother me (because it was compensated for). cameras and I always knew what and how it really was) Although they hung in the open and my husband and I thought that she simply did not care, or she did not understand technology so much that she was not able to identify the camera by its appearance. Moreover. She performed her duties well, I was very pleased with her. And today, without warning, she said that she would not come to work again... In general, I could not be more upset... I will say more: I think that I will never find a nanny like her again. She loved her daughter almost like her own granddaughter. If she couldn’t cope with some of my instructions (for example, studying early development from books, or potty training), then I think that it was my fault: I set tasks for the person that she should complete. unable... For me there was only one criterion: my daughter stayed with her without problems and did not cry...
Now I don't know what to do:
Toli, warn the future nanny about the cameras (and I think 99% that they will run away)
Toli, it’s better to hide the cameras. But then shake all the time, lest she notice them... And this is possible: no matter how you hide it. Because if you take very tiny ones, then they are of very poor quality. Or, to completely guarantee secrecy, you need to install them in the walls initially during renovation, this is also not possible :(
Either remove the cameras and leave only the voice recorder, BUT:
1. it’s inconvenient to listen to
2. it is impossible to find out what is happening to the child in real time.
3. Very! It's hard to give up the cameras. When you get used to being able to see what is happening with your child in...

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If a profession has become the life of several generations of a family, then this is a teaching dynasty. The phenomenon is precious and inexplicable. Is it possible to explain why the children and grandchildren of teachers also go to places where the work has never been easy and the salary is decent? Is it given to everyone to understand why these people do not push elbows in the crush for earthly goods, but, out of habit, established long before their birth, rely on their conscience in everything. There are many professions where continuity of generations is the cement for success. The profession of “teacher” is one of these.

In Moscow with a population of 11 million, almost 140 thousand people can say that they “live by school.” All of them are teaching staff. 60 thousand of them are teachers. The remaining 80 are additional education teachers, psychologists, educators... Not long ago it was decided to calculate how many hereditary teachers work in the capital's education system. They called out to schools and asked teachers to write about their relatives. So it turned out that there are about 400 teaching dynasties (families where three generations have been teaching) in Moscow. In some of them, the total teaching experience is 250-300 years. You can take any surname at random and write the history of their family. And in each case, it turns out that this is the history of a school, a city, or even a country. There are teachers everywhere. And they have always been there.

"A teacher should dress nicely and drive a nice car"

It’s a shame to be late for class, especially by 15 minutes. Therefore, I spent the remaining half hour at the door.

As long as a person is alive, he always has a chance to repent,” a bass rumble came from the classroom.

Dostoevsky is now taught in the sixth grade? - I prepared my first question and began to count the cracks that ran in bisectors along the pink wall. The last minutes before the bell rang was occupied by the garden in the window, planted thirty years ago, when the school was a new building.

Finally, backpacks flowed out of the class on the backs of girls and boys who were slyly looking around, and the owner of the bass who appeared next (who immediately struck me with his amazing resemblance to the young Taratorkin from the time of The Brothers Karamazov) “removed” the question from the agenda: “This is Tolstoy. The story “The Bishop and the Robber” ".

A second later, the teacher of Russian language and literature at the capital’s gymnasium No. 1507, Andrei Zinin, considered it necessary to add: “We can’t live without Tolstoy. We need to explain to the children why Russian literature is fundamentally Christian.”

“At first I came home empty, like a plastic bottle.”

At 26 years old, he habitually responds to “Andrei Sergeevich” and knows for sure why he became the class teacher of this “difficult” 6 “A”.

Here, as in all schools, there are few men: for work, physical education, rhythm and I,” he counts his fingers. - And then I have a lot of teaching experience, I started working in my third year at university.

You can’t argue with this; six years by today’s standards is already an entire era. In which, by the way, the principle works flawlessly: if a university graduate has worked for a year at school, he will not leave it.

What, did you get the “heroic” class?

Wrong word. Half of him is a boy, and this is a rarity now,” Zinin admits with pride as a collector. - They already have a clearly expressed masculinity, and they recognize fighting as the only true way to resolve conflicts.

So what should I do? Punish?

A modern schoolchild understands that there is essentially no way to punish him. Therefore, in any situation, irony is very helpful. Although not every teacher has such a weapon.

Teacher Zinin is very good at using this weapon. The peals of children's laughter during a lesson, overheard under the door, are proof of this.

Children provide great energy, but they also take a lot out of you,” continues Andrey. - I confess that at first I came home empty, like a plastic bottle. Then little by little I learned to teach. The teaching profession is one of the most difficult; it requires a huge number of skills from a person. Do you know why the saddest holiday for a teacher is September 1? Because on this day you clearly realize: your vacation is over, but you still haven’t recovered. And the incredible fatigue accumulated over the year has not gone away.

"I passed the school inspection"

After such words of revelation, not asking the question that had been on the tip of my tongue for a long time was beyond my strength.

Have you never wanted to give up everything and go somewhere for a decent salary and a quiet life?

This happened four times,” Zinin answers. - The first time right after university. At that time I received 1.5 thousand rubles, according to the lowest pedagogical category. And the last time was three years ago. Then the real depression happened. I have friends since school, one is a lawyer, another is a translator, the third is a TV presenter, all of them are very successful people... And looking at them, I suddenly realized that I was losing my life. I still couldn’t explain to myself why I should love this profession, which essentially made me a beggar. I’m not a woman teacher whose husband feeds her. I feed my family myself. And I can’t do without a car, I like to dress beautifully, I think that a person should look decent. And then I was called to the position of proofreading editor with a salary of $2.5 thousand... In general, everything was heading towards leaving school. But at one point I realized that I had already given too much to the profession. And then confidence came: I passed the school test. Now I know for sure that I will never leave school. I have the first teaching rank, and from this year I am the deputy director of the gymnasium for educational work. Now I have a competitive salary. Well, plus part-time work in magazines, this is what my wife and I do at home. She is a student at Moscow State University, now on academic leave; our second child was born in August.

If it's not a secret, who's the boss in the house?

Probably, our relations are still closer to patriarchy.

Do parents help manage their children? Still, two very small ones...

Every minute we know that they are somewhere nearby. But I raise my children myself. Grandfathers and grandmothers only spoil their grandchildren.

"Let them learn from the classics"

Andrei Zinin has a rich legacy - the professional experience of his 18 relatives-teachers! It is also surprising that the family was able to preserve information about relatives born in the 19th century and who lived (before moving to Moscow in the 20s) in the Kostroma and Yaroslavl provinces. Andrei's great-great-grandfather is a hereditary nobleman Sergei Aleksandrovich Nifontov (1870-1919). Having worked for many years as a doctor, he was actively involved in social activities, was a member of the People's Freedom Party, and taught hygiene in a men's gymnasium. He died after contracting typhus from a patient. Another great-great-grandfather of Andrei Zinin was a gymnasium teacher Pyotr Nikolaevich Khalizev (1864-1936). His brother Alexey (1850-1910) also started at the gymnasium, and then rose to become the owner of a printing house and book publisher. He published several of his own works on literature and art. Andrei Zinin's uncle Valentin Petrovich Khalizev is a professor at the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University, a famous literary theorist.

When Andrei was born, I knew that he would also be a philologist, like seven generations of our relatives,” admitted Andrei Zinin’s mother Elena Andreevna, scientific secretary of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. Her teaching experience, like that of Andrei Sergei Aleksandrovich’s father, is 20 years old (he is a teacher at a pedagogical university). Both of them are the authors of a dozen textbooks on literature.

My seventh grade class is now shaking with pleasure over “The Captain’s Daughter,” they like Pushkin so much,” Andrey sincerely shared at parting. - And the naive texts of Russian dictations simply outrage them. So I read them excerpts from Chekhov or Tolstoy, let them learn from the classics.

“We talked with Lev Nikolaevich more than once about literature”

This photo has always been in the house. As long as Natalya Viktorovna can remember herself. The alley was always lost near the coniferous horizon. Grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich Dobronitsky, a literature teacher, always walked along it with his constant briefcase, in the same place, in Veshnyaki near Moscow. And next to him, throughout the decades of Natalya Viktorovna’s life, her mother, a very young documentary filmmaker, fluttered with an armful of bird cherry in her hands. Of course, dad took them off. He probably overtook him by a few steps and took aim professionally. Cameraman of the Central Documentary Film Studio Viktor Dobronitsky died in 1948. The winner of four State Prizes, who traveled to all the fronts of the war, was then only 38 years old. And his father will be destined to live a few more years and pass away on the eve of his centenary. And all these years, grandfather Vasya, looking more and more like the biblical elder (and this image did not even “spoil” Lenin’s Order for Merit in Education), looked after his granddaughter in the same way as all “his” children at the school where he After the revolution, I never learned to call it a gymnasium.

And children don’t need any such upbringing, a personal example is enough,” he sometimes repeated the well-known Tolstoy truth. They knew Lev Nikolaevich; the literature teacher Dobronitsky traveled to the Tula province to talk to him several times.

And all his life he did not betray his messages: about artistic taste, which should mature in a person from childhood, and about the obligatory ability to create something with his own hands.

Summer holidays with my grandfather in Veshnyaki - this is the sun through the stained glass on the wooden terrace, a basket on the table with peas or apples from the plot and Vasil Vasilich himself with a pencil in his hands: “You see - the core, it can be soft, or hard, or inside a person..."

She never counted how many pencils Natalya Viktorovna broke during her 11 years of work as an architect. But one day she broke down on her own: she realized that it was pointless to continue resisting the obvious - it was her turn to enter the school class. This was 35 years ago.


“I’ll meet you at school,” a perky voice on the phone warned me.

How will I recognize you?

Yes, simple. My whole head is gray.

That's how we met. And we went to count the stars. Kremlin. They were not far away - through the door and immediately to the left. On the recreation wall of Moscow school No. 875, each on its own tower. And with the names of their creators, a whole team of them worked here. In the 80s, they left school, taking their certificates and leaving the mosaic Kremlin as a souvenir. And also the Tower of London in the English classroom, Berlin roofs in the German classroom, and a whole birch grove in the passage between two school buildings... Natalya Viktorovna Bogdanova’s students made mosaic panels based on their own sketches for several years. Until the school ran out of walls. Then her “aesthetes” (what other bias could her specialized class have?!) took up the kindergarten and vocational school in the neighborhood. Then they “landed” in the Ukrainian village of Markovka (where there was a labor camp near the school), and one day they unloaded at the gates of orphanage No. 29 in Ilyinka, near Moscow. And they couldn’t leave anymore. Although the touching drawings of his students had long been shining with sunlight from the walls covered with pieces of smalt from waste from a ceramic factory.

“My profession must necessarily be connected with raising children,” one of her students wrote in her diary then. These notebooks started almost everyone at once. Thoughts burned, begging for words. The Teacher's Newspaper then published the diary of Natalya Viktorovna herself for several months and for the first time presented its prize for the best publication not to a journalist, but to a teacher. And those girls of hers grew up and returned to the children, now as teachers.

Love without any coddling

“The sad dog is walking // Hungry and wet. // The street is his home.” The author of this three-line miniature and the illustration for it - 11-year-old Vladislav with the very childish surname Krokha - three months ago was named one of the winners of the International Hockey Competition in Tokyo. The Japanese really value the ability to say a lot in a few words. And this is already the fifth competition in which Honored Teacher of Russia Natalya Bogdanova and her current children have won.

My question about life principles did not pretend to be original, but it took her by surprise. Natalya Viktorovna frowns in puzzlement and sighs, but the words still don’t come.

“I’ve never spoken about this out loud,” she finally begins. - The main thing for me is to share everything that God has endowed me with: skills, abilities for something, love, but without any coddling, especially with those who do not have it. We also need to give children the opportunity to believe in themselves. Then they will master any project.

What is this project?

This is when you creatively explore something with your children, for example, the Middle Ages, and then make something hand-made - clothes of that time, armor, a backdrop for a performance...

Everything “man-made” then ends up in her office. And it lasts forever. Its graduates from all different years constantly dive here, as if into their childhood. For what? Apparently, for a sip of sincerity, which is clearly in short supply outside the school walls.

Home teacher council

The son and two daughters of Natalya Viktorovna Bogdanova did not escape the teaching injection. And each of them tried what it was like to be a teacher? Dmitry is in an architectural institute, Maria is in a secondary school (art teacher), Daria is in an elementary school (her teaching experience is 20 years, she is a candidate of sciences).

And this September, Natalya Viktorovna’s granddaughter Varvara also became “one of our own”. I enjoyed giving lectures to postgraduate students at the Timiryazev Academy. And she writes her dissertation on “the rapid and efficient growth of coniferous trees” with pleasure. When asked by her grandmother why there were spruce, pines and firs, Varvara answered without hesitation: “Let there be many, many of them, right up to the horizon, like in that photograph, remember?”

For 2 districts we have: 6 school directors, 5 doctors (one chief physician), 4 heads of social services, 1 head of the MFC, 1 associate professor, 2 pensioners, 1 head of a public organization, 1 head of the local unit of United Russia, 1 former deputy and the head of the Ministry of Defense.

Northern Butovo

Zinin Andrey Sergeevich

03/20/1981, place of birth - Moscow, position - director GBOU "School No. 2114".

Arkharova Olga Petrovna

02/25/1970, place of birth - Leninogorsk, East Kazakhstan region, position - head of the MFC Northern Butovo district.

Tutrin Nikolay Nikolaevich

Born 08/01/1950, place of birth - Chulino, Gorkovsky district, Omsk region, position - pensioner.

Shcherbachenko Petr Sergeevich

Born 12/17/1985, place of birth - Moscow, position - associate professor Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance of the Financial University under the Government Russian Federation".

Lekov Ruslan Muratovich

Born October 26, 1952, place of birth: city. Bolgrad, Odessa region. Ukrainian SSR, position - doctor-methodologist at the Consultative and Diagnostic Clinic No. 121 of the Moscow Department of Health.

Ilyukhina Vera Alekseevna

Born 09/01/1953, place of birth - village. Long Sands, Kamensky district, Tula region, position - director"Schools No. 2006".

Baranovskaya Elena Valentinovna

Born 12/25/1957, place of birth - Moscow, position - president regional charitable children's and youth public organization " Society for Disabled Children"NAITIE". Re-elected.

Kurbatov Alexey Alexandrovich

01/20/1970, place of birth - village. Krasivka of the Pichaevsky district of the Tambov region, position - teacher at the sports and patriotic club "Voskhod" at the Church of Dmitry Donskoy, pensioner.

Lesaeva Olga Alexandrovna

12/05/1978, place of birth - Moscow, position - manager territorial day care department social service center"Butovo".

Cane Alexander Vladimirovich

11/29/1980, place of birth - Murmansk, position - deputy chief doctor and for the medical part of the “Consultative and Diagnostic Clinic No. 121 of the Moscow Department of Health”.

South Butovo

Tyazhelnikov Andrey Alexandrovich

Born 03/18/1975, place of birth: city. Krasnoyarsk, position - chief physician"KDP No. 121"

Makarov Alexander Sergeevich

10/31/1968, place of birth - village. Beregovoe, Putyatinsky district, Ryazan region, position - director"School No. 1161." Re-elected.

Gessler Dmitry Mikhailovich

Born 04/13/1965, place of birth: city. Moscow, position - director"Schools No. 2009"

Zernichenko Larisa Evgenievna

Born 10/11/1959, place of birth: city. Chisinau, position - director“School No. 1883 “Butovo”

Begliarova Seda Vilenovna

Born 10/18/1969, place of birth - Baku, position - branch manager doctor- surgeon at "KDP No. 121 of the Moscow Department of Health"

Lisitsyna Tamara Ivanovna

Born 04/21/1958, place of birth - village of Martyanovo, Sosnovsky district, Oryol region, position - supervisor district executive committee of the Moscow city regional branch of the party "United Russia". Re-elected.

Frolova Natalya Valerievna

Born July 13, 1965, place of birth: city. Moscow, position - director"Center for Comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people"Butovo". Re-elected.

Izyumtsev Oleg Leonidovich

Born 07/30/1969, place of birth - Dnepropetrovsk region, city of Zheltye Vody, position - Deputy General Director interregional public organization "Ecology Culture Society".

Anikina Tatyana Ivanovna

Born 08/01/1948, place of birth - city. Ryazan, position - acting director and State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow " School № 1492. Re-elected.

Osennyaya Elena Viktorovna

Born 03/25/1972, place of birth - village. Lunino, Luninsky district, Penza region, position - head of branch No. 3 - doctor-pediatrician at Children's City Clinic No. 118 of the Moscow Health Department.

Timofeeva Olga Nikolaevna

Born 20.11.1977, place of birth - village. Textile worker of the mountains. Kaliningrad, Moscow region, position - director