Emotional well-being of the child. Emotional well-being of a child in a peer group

Irina Chernikova
Emotional and psychological state of the child

Ensuring the psychological comfort of children in preschool educational institutions is one of the most important tasks of the teaching staff. It is very important in what mood the child crosses the threshold. kindergarten. After all, I want to see every child going to kindergarten happy, smiling and not burdened with worries beyond their age. The effectiveness largely depends on this pedagogical activity, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in children that contribute to further success in school education.

Particular attention must be paid to the psychological comfort of teachers, since children have a very well developed intuitive ability to grasp emotional state of adults. What is psychological comfort? Psychological comfort is state inner peace, absence of discord with oneself and the outside world. It is worth emphasizing that the decisive role in creating emotional atmosphere belongs to the teacher-educator, his own mood, the emotionality of his behavior and, in particular, his speeches, as well as his friendly attitude towards children.

Create child emotionally-psychological comfort means providing the following conditions that facilitate the implementation of his individual program development:

Give child the opportunity to be yourself;

Correct the manifestation of negative emotions and negative behavioral motives, without violating the characteristics of the personal structure, using methods that are accessible and interesting to the individual baby;

Provide opportunities to meet immediate needs child in love, respect, play, motor activity;

Teach baby understand and accept your own feelings and emotions and other people;

Introduce ways to communicate with adults and peers for constructive communication in systems « child - child» , « child-adult» .

To the child preschool age is psychologically comfortable if he is healthy and not burdened with internal psychological problems, can be himself if he is surrounded by pleasant adults and children who accept him as he is, if child busy with exciting things. As L. S. Vygotsky noted, emotions -"central link" mental life of a person, and, above all, baby. All changes in cognitive activity that occur throughout childhood must be associated, he pointed out, with profound changes in the motivational and volitional sphere of the individual baby. Education involves not only teaching children a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the formation emotional attitudes towards the activities performed and the people around them. The effectiveness of raising and teaching children in preschool educational institutions, their psychological well-being depends on what feelings a particular activity, routine moment, situation, how child experiences his successes and failures, the attitude of adults and peers towards him.

Emotions affect all components knowledge: sensation, perception, imagination, memory and thinking. Not only emotions affect volitional processes, but the process of achieving a goal can cause a whole range of feelings, including negative ones. To ensure psychological comfort child in preschool educational institution, his mental health, balance is necessary emotions, therefore it is important to introduce children to human emotional world. Currently, insufficient attention is paid to the development emotional sphere of the child, especially in comparison with intellectual development. When raising emotions it is important not only to teach children to stimulate themselves in the process of volitional action with the help of positive emotions, but also not to be afraid of the negative ones that inevitably arise in the process of activity and creativity, because it is impossible to imagine any activity without failures and mistakes.

Frequently occurring negative situations, inattentive people around, and inability to cope with the problem that has arisen lead to a violation emotional state baby, internal discomfort. And if you do not pay attention to the problems that have arisen in time, this can lead not only to a reluctance to attend a preschool educational institution, but also to deviations in the personal sphere of the individual baby, to disruption of social contacts.

Huge impact on emotional state of the child, the formation of his personality is influenced by the teacher’s ability to create situations of success for everyone child. This is facilitated by the inclusion child on holidays, performances. Even the smallest role gives confidence child in one’s own importance, increases self-esteem. Trust baby to adults and personal stability is violated if child"left behind" group public speaking. This is the most important condition for trust baby to adults in kindergarten and a feeling of general psychological comfort. When building the educational process, it is important to take into account individual characteristics children, age capabilities.

When communicating and interacting with children, it is advisable to follow the rule of three "P":

Understanding - the ability to see baby"from within", look at the world from two points of view simultaneously - your own and baby, to see the motivations driving children.

Acceptance is unconditional positive attitude To child and his individuality, regardless of whether he pleases in at the moment or not. “I treat you well, whether you succeed or not.”

Recognition is first and foremost a right baby in solving certain problems. U baby there should be a feeling that it is he who chooses. Following the above rules, coordinated functioning of development emotional spheres and intellectual development will provide psychological comfort child in preschool educational institution, which means its full development.

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From the first years of his life, a child encounters a variety of objects environment, events, relationships, moods, thoughts. which, of course, affects the emotional state of the child.

Children and the world around us

Contacts with the outside world undoubtedly have a positive effect on the baby, expanding his horizons, giving him the first lessons in communicating with nature, peers, parents and other adults.

However, they may contain complete danger for the physical and mental health of a preschooler, since he has not yet developed regulatory mechanisms and a critical attitude to reality, he does not have a sufficient amount of ideas about good and bad, useful and harmful, obligatory and desirable, permitted and forbidden, and the like.

Life and childhood emotions

Unfortunately, modern life The environment around the child is full of negative manifestations.

He can feel them in the family, on the playground, in a preschool, transport, store, and other public places.

As a result, in the near future this can cause various disorders of the neuropsychic state (anxiety, moodiness, tearfulness, sleep and appetite disorders, excessive excitability or inhibition in behavior, even early neuroses, depressive or aggressive states), and subsequently impose a negative child, the nature of his personality, worldview.

What kind of people do we want our children to be?

None of the parents wants their child to grow up as a pessimist, constantly dissatisfied with everything and everyone, prone to criticism, accusations, boredom and unable to see the bright side in life, to bring joy, beauty, and optimism into existence.

How to teach a child to enjoy life and raise him to be a positive person?

There are no ready-made recipes. Although the main solution to this problem lies in the psychological plane, and this does not at all mean the need to necessarily seek advice from psychologists.

Parents themselves can help him. The main thing here is to love your child, show constant attention and care not only for his physical, but also for his mental state, promptly notice positive and negative changes in these states and respond to them in adequate ways.

Children's emotional needs

Child psychologists argue that every child has certain emotional needs from birth, and in order for a child to be emotionally stable, resilient, and cheerful, these needs must be satisfied.

Need for love

Among them, the most important is the need for love and attention. When a child feels that he is truly loved and desired, his development will proceed normally, at an optimal pace, in an optimal time frame, under protection and guidance. parental love.

Without this love, the child’s anxious emotional state, disturbances, and delays may occur. social development individuals, for whose correction sometimes pedagogical efforts are not enough, and the help of a psychiatrist or psychologist is needed.

Parental affection

Of course, parents believe that they love their children, but the understanding of parental love is different people miscellaneous. Unfortunately, it does not always coincide with the emotional needs of the children themselves.

For them, the main thing is a kind word, confidential conversation, timely advice or warning, a warm look, a parental hug, a kiss, and not at all the formal satisfaction of their physical, material needs.

Realizing the importance of solving the problem posed for personal growth preschooler, parents must take certain steps in this direction.

Start with yourself!

Whatever surprises life has in store for you, try to restrain your emotions and hide Bad mood, control your own statements and actions in problematic situations.

Don’t transfer the negativity of your condition onto your loved ones, especially your children, but don’t demonstrate demonstrative isolation from the world when you feel bad.

Remember: such scenes are most often witnessed by defenseless children who are not able to adequately assess the situation, draw the right conclusions, and even more so, help you.

If you feel the need to relieve tension, do it not in the presence of the child and in an acceptable way (without rude words, screaming, tobacco and alcohol).

Only parents who control themselves are capable of taking the next step.

Watch the baby

Record your child’s emotional state for yourself. his achievements and failures, study the peculiarities of communication, behavioral reactions of the child and their reasons: what exactly causes him dissatisfaction, sadness, mood changes, joy, emotional uplift, what he likes to do, where to go, with whom he communicates more willingly or avoids contacts, etc. .

Consider the child’s emotional state and innate psychological manifestations nervous system, that is, the specifics of his temperament, and rely on the most positive of them in nurturing the cheerfulness of a preschooler.

The emotional state of the child is sanguine

It is easiest with a sanguine child, who, thanks to her natural balance, strength and mobility of nervous processes, is distinguished by emotional receptivity, openness to contacts with the world of people, objects, nature, disinclination to prolonged idleness, dissatisfaction, cheerfulness, and the like.

Maintain his optimistic mood, adjust children's activity so that any activity is based on motivated interest, is completed and brings satisfaction with the results.

Since such a child is easily susceptible to outside influence, avoid excessive regulation and dictate, give him the opportunity to express his own position, view of things and situations, and do not deprive him of self-sufficiency.

Phlegmatic child

Due to the inactivity of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system, such a baby sometimes seems indifferent, unemotional, withdrawn and sad. And in fact, he actively experiences events and impressions “within himself.”

Don’t be surprised by the lack of open expression of emotions, for example, in response to a long-awaited gift, a meeting with a loved one, a pleasant offer or an insult, or failure.

Such a child will not constantly smile, jump for joy, or burst into tears in front of everyone, but occasionally he is capable of such violent reactions.

How to understand a child?

To understand his mood, state of mind, and determine the nature of his worldview, it is important, based on a trusting relationship, to talk with him more often different topics, teach him to express his attitude in ways adequate to his nature (words, drawings, music, singing, etc.).

Form a joyful, life-affirming attitude, confidence in own strength It will help to unobtrusively involve such a child in active activities (dancing, moving, sports games and exercises, entertainment, housework, in nature, etc.), in which he will overcome indecision, isolation and tune in to achieving success through the public manifestation of his capabilities.

Choleric children

Choleric children, hyperactive, hyperemotional, and “uncontrollable,” cause particular trouble.

Their worldview is characterized by a sharp change in attitudes, assessments, and moods from admiration, exaltation to denial, protest, and depression.

Based on the emotional state of the child and the innate tendency of choleric people to enjoy life, adults must maintain the stability of their positive mental states and teach them emotional regulation of behavior and activities.

And for this, at the same time, train them in the ability to be emotionally balanced, appropriate to the situation or events, the state of the people around them, to restrain negative emotions.

Children are leaders

Remember that choleric children are leaders, organizers by nature and feel comfortable when they are in the center of attention and recognized by their environment.

Allow them to self-realize in leadership, but keep relationships with peers under control, help harmonize these relationships to avoid conflicts, use their inherent sensitivity and concern for the environment, adjust their initiatives in a positive direction.

Melancholy children

The least cheerful are children with a melancholic type of nervous system. They are prone to prolonged idleness, anxiety, pessimism, insecure, touchy, perceive the world as if through dark glasses, and are afraid of even minor difficulties, failures, and dangers.

Based on the vulnerability, the ability of such children to deeply experience and understand the feelings of both their own and other people, parents should surround them with special love, an atmosphere of peace, comfort, security and fill their existence positive emotions, impressions.

How to correct a child's mood?

For example, during walks, draw the children’s attention to beautiful, interesting, unusual things and events (orange tulips bloomed in the flowerbed, and among them there are several red ones - what a beautiful combination of colors; but the cat is hunting a sparrow, but we will not let the defenseless bird be offended; late autumn chestnuts and rowan trees bloomed, and in the middle of winter - periwinkle, etc.).

Emotional well-being of the child in the family.

Consultation for parents.

Preschool age is the subject of close attention of scientists and practitioners as an important and responsible period of a person’s life, as the moment of the birth of the individual. During this period there is accelerated development mental processes, personality traits, little man actively advocates wide range various types activities. At the stage of preschool childhood, self-awareness develops, self-esteem is formed, and a hierarchy of motives and subordination occurs. And it is during this period that the most important is the influence of the family on the development of the child’s personality, the influence of the system of intra-family relations existing in it, as well as child-parent relations.

As is known, modern family included in many spheres of society. Therefore, the climate within the family is influenced by many factors: political, socio-economic, and psychological. A reduction in parents' free time due to the need to find additional sources of income, psychological stress, stress and the presence of many other pathogenic factors stimulate the development of irritability, aggressiveness, and chronic fatigue syndrome in parents. Many parents, being under the pressure of many problems, consider it possible to throw out their negative emotions on small child who cannot resist the psychological and often physical aggression of those seemingly closest to him. This is how children become completely dependent on mood, emotions and physical condition parents. This is far from in the best possible way affects psychological health children, attitudes in communication and behavior at the stage of growing up. In general, psychologists and sociologists characterize modern parent-child relationships as characterized by a general tendency towards neglect of parental responsibilities and the widespread manifestation of cruelty in both physical and psychological aspects.

In the course of studying parent-child relationships, specialists from various fields of science have identified a number of aspects that make it possible to “paint” the most complete picture of the relationship between children and parents. This:

Real interaction between parent and child;

Attitude towards a child based on the parent’s unconscious motivation;

Attitude towards the child formed during reflection.

This trinity is influenced by a number of factors:

    Personality characteristics of parents and forms of their behavior.

    Psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, their level of education.

    Emotional and moral atmosphere in the family.

    Range of means of educational influence.

    The degree of involvement of the child in the life of the family.

    Taking into account the current needs of the child and the degree of their satisfaction.

Interesting is the view of the American psychoanalyst J. Bowlby on characteristic features pathogenic parental behavior. He believes that the most painful situations for a child are the following:

When parents do not satisfy the child's needs for love and completely reject him;

When a child is a means of resolving conflicts between spouses in a family;

When parents use the threat of “stop loving” the child or leaving the family as a disciplinary measure;

When parents openly or indirectly tell their child that he is the cause of their troubles;

When there is no person around the child who can understand the child’s experiences.

In one of his studies, A.S. Spivakovskaya identified several types of dysfunctional families that use thoughtless educational influences:

"Family - sanatorium" .

Petty guardianship, strict control and excessive protection from imaginary dangers. The result is excessive overload of the child’s nervous system, which causes nervous breakdowns, emotional characteristics such as increased sensitivity and irritability are formed. With increased control and guardianship in children, protest reactions intensify, aggressiveness increases and a desire to decisively change the situation appears.

"Family is a fortress."

Parents try to act emphatically correctly, overly principled. This leads to increased child self-doubt and lack of initiative. In many cases, the child’s attention is concentrated on his own internal experiences, which leads to his psychological isolation and causes difficulties in communicating with peers. “Family is a fortress” usually leads a child to intrapersonal conflict, consequently, to overstrain of the nervous system and an increased risk of neurotic diseases.

“Family is the third wheel.”

In such a family, marital relationships are emotionally exaggeratedly significant, and the parents tend to instill in the child a feeling of inferiority, focusing attention on shortcomings and imperfections, which again gives rise to a feeling of self-doubt, lack of initiative, painful experiences of his own inferiority with increased dependence and subordination to parents. Such children often have fears for the life and health of their parents; they have difficulty enduring separation from them and have difficulty finding contact with others.

Natalya Pylaeva
The emotional well-being of the child is a common task for the teacher and the family.

What's happened emotion? What is she like? How does it affect baby? World emotions- this is a special class psychological processes who are the people (adult or child) expresses in relation to objects and surrounding reality. If adults can handle their emotions, That child(to a teenager) it's hard to do. They are defenseless against the flow of any kind of influence from the outside world. And this affects personality development baby.

From my experience in raising children and their development, I noticed that during conversations with parents, the dominant issues are those related to food: how to eat child what eats child); friendly interaction (who does he play with? how does he play). Sometimes parents don’t even know that from waking up child in the morning at home depends on his mood, his emotional condition for several hours. If during awakening a mother who smiles child, says something pleasant, in a calm voice, then their emotional state is transmitted to the child, the baby feels comfortable.

At our meetings with parents, we, educators, try to convey to parents that they should be more welcoming and responsive to the people around them, to their children. Together we need to notice children’s smiles, not ignore children’s tears, and share with child his joys and sorrows.

In order for people to understand each other, each person needs to express and prove himself. That's why baby it is necessary to lead to how to behave adequately in society. And in such situations, only we are adults, parents and teachers we can help our children. We must be a model for them, an example, because children, like "sponges" everything absorbs from their environment.

The sample always comes first families. What traditions are embedded in family, what kind of communication between members families, what are the rules of behavior, etiquette, what does he see? child, that's what he imitates. If in family love and mutual respect reign, caring for each other, and this is evident in the baby. By his happy smile, by his friendly attitude towards his peers and adults. And therefore our task help parents understand the importance emotional state of the child, his comfort with the society around us.

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Determined during the process of monitoring children in different types activities.

Level 1 – low. It is characterized by a pronounced disturbance of emotional well-being. Children in this group have a predominant negative emotional background, along with hyperactivity and a desire for extreme behavior. Also characteristic are a lack of emotional attachments with loved ones, difficulties in intragroup interaction, with peers and adults, inadequate self-esteem, self-doubt, and isolation. In some cases, neurotic manifestations are observed - head twitching. Most often this group includes boys from non- complete families raised without a father.

Level 2 – intermediate . In children of this group, a slight disturbance in emotional well-being is expressed in the predominance of a negative emotional background, along with excessive passivity, isolation and self-doubt. This group is represented mainly by girls and a small amount boys from single-parent families. For example, the main problem of a boy in a single-parent family is the mother’s misunderstanding of her son’s need for close contact with her. Such a desire is natural for a boy, while the mother perceives her son’s behavior as a result of the lack of paternal strictness, which she begins to diligently demonstrate. As a result, the child becomes insecure about his mother's love. For girls, they also have a natural need for closer contact with a parent of the opposite sex. In this regard, the girl may see her mother as a rival. This state of affairs is aggravated if the mother is too strict with the girl.

Level 3 – high . Characterized by a pronounced positive emotional well-being. Children of this group, represented by a small number of girls from intact families, are characterized by a stable positive emotional background, adequate self-esteem, emotional connection and mutual understanding with close adults, absence of problems in the communication sphere.

Thus, it is obvious that the level of a child’s emotional well-being is determined, first of all, by the nature of intra-family relationships, the presence of emotional attachments between loved ones, and the personal and educational position of the parents towards the child.

Test to assess the level of anxiety and identify signs of mental stress according to A.I. Zakharov.

Read the statements carefully and evaluate how typical they are for your child. If this manifestation is pronounced, give 2 points; if it occurs periodically - 1 point; if absent - 0 points.

1. Gets upset easily and worries a lot.

2. Often cries, whines, and cannot calm down for a long time.

4. He is often offended, sulking, and cannot tolerate any comments.

5. There are fits of anger.

6. Stutters.

7. Bites his nails.

8. Thumb sucking.

9. Has a poor appetite.

10. Picky eater.

11. Has difficulty falling asleep.

12. Sleeps restlessly.

13. Reluctantly gets up.

14. Blinks frequently.

15. He jerks his hand, shoulder, tugs at clothes.

16. Can’t concentrate, gets distracted quickly.

17. Tries to be quiet.

18. Afraid of the dark.

19. Afraid of loneliness.

20. Afraid of failure, unsure of himself, indecisive.

21. Experiences a feeling of inferiority.

Processing the results.

28 - 42 points - neurosis, high degree of psychosis emotional stress.

20 - 27 points - there was neurosis or will be in the near future.

14 - 19 points - nervous disorder, average degree of psycho-emotional stress.

7 - 13 points - a high degree of mental stress, the child needs attention.

Less than 7 points - deviations are insignificant and are an expression of age-related characteristics.

Ensuring the emotional well-being of the child in the family

Preschool age is characterized by a child’s close emotional attachment to his parents (especially his mother), not in the form of dependence on them, but in the form of a need for love, respect, and recognition.

At this age, the child cannot yet navigate the subtleties well interpersonal communication, is not able to understand the causes of conflicts between parents, does not have the means to express own feelings and experiences.

Therefore, firstly, very often quarrels between parents are perceived by the child as an alarming event, a situation of danger (due to emotional contact with mother);

secondly, he is inclined to feel guilty for the conflict that has arisen, the misfortune that has occurred, because he cannot understand true reasons what is happening and explains everything by saying that he is bad, does not live up to his parents’ hopes and is not worthy of their love.

Thus, frequent conflicts and loud quarrels between parents cause preschool children constant feeling anxiety, self-doubt, emotional stress and can become a source of their mental illness.

The mental health or ill health of a child is also inextricably linked with the style of parenting and depends on the nature of the relationship between parents and children.

Styles parental education:

democratic, controlling, mixed.

Democratic characterized high level acceptance of the child, well-developed verbal communication with children, faith in the child’s independence combined with a willingness to help him if necessary. As a result of such upbringing, children are distinguished by their ability to communicate with peers, activity, aggressiveness, desire to control other children (and they themselves cannot be controlled), and good physical development.

At controlling In the parenting style, parents take on the function of monitoring their children’s behavior: they limit their activities, but explain the essence of the prohibitions. In this case, children may have such traits as obedience, indecisiveness, and non-aggression.

At mixed In their parenting style, children are most often characterized as obedient, emotionally sensitive, suggestible, non-aggressive, incurious, and with little imagination.

There are three types wrong education that leads to the formation of various neuroses.

Rejection, emotional rejection of the child (conscious or unconscious), the presence of strict regulatory and control measures, imposing on the child certain type behavior in accordance with parental concepts of “good children”. The other pole of rejection is characterized by complete indifference, connivance and lack of control on the part of parents.

Hypersocializing education – anxious and suspicious attitude of parents to the health, educational success of their child, his status among his peers, as well as excessive concern for his future.

Egocentric – excessive attention to the child from all family members, assigning him the role of “family idol”, “meaning of life”.

All negative factors are associated with the problem of the child’s neuroticism, i.e. with the causes of the onset and course of the disease. Due to the fact that it is in preschool age the most common are children suffering from neuroses and other mental illness, the problem of psychoprophylaxis of the mental state of healthy preschool children is very relevant.

Of course, the best preventive measure is good relationship parents with children, understanding by parents inner world your child, his problems and experiences, the ability to put yourself in the shoes of your children.