Training on emotional burnout of adoptive parents. Special children especially need a family

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Emotional burnout among adoptive parents

Nowadays, you can find a lot of information about the problems of family adaptation in children, a little less about the problems of adaptation in adoptive parents, and unfairly little about emotional burnout syndrome.

The term “burnout syndrome” was introduced into psychology by the American psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberger in 1974. He determined that this syndrome is manifested by emotional exhaustion.

How can you determine in time that you are burning out and promptly seek help?

There are three stages of the syndrome:

  1. Voltage stage. This stage is characterized by increased irritability and fatigue, which increases towards the end of the day. You are waiting for your child to fall asleep so that you can breathe peacefully, drink a cup of tea and, finally, take a bath.
  2. Resistance(stage of active resistance). At this stage, you may catch yourself trying to minimize your experiences and protect yourself from them. You try to avoid any tense situations because you feel that you no longer have the strength to deal with them. You begin to save on emotions - this is the main noticeable factor. Not only do you stop worrying when something goes wrong, but you simply strive to run away, hide, or crawl into a secluded corner, at least for a little while. Unfortunately, by turning off negative emotions, you also turn off positive ones. During this period, you may catch yourself in the fact that what used to please you no longer makes you happy. Emotions have become dull, as if you are falling into suspended animation. You do ordinary things mechanically, without getting involved in them, without living them. Initiative and creativity disappear from life.

At this stage, four areas of your life suffer:

You begin to evaluate yourself negatively as a parent. You may begin to doubt the correctness of your decision to accept a child. You may decide that you overestimated your strength. And even you may have thoughts of giving up.

You develop a negative attitude towards your loved ones: towards a child who behaves so badly, towards a spouse who does not help or support you (although, in fact, this may not be the case at all), towards friends and parents - and this can be annoying both lack of support and, conversely, attempts by loved ones to support you. When they tell you: “Everything will pass!” - in a state of burnout, you don’t believe it, you may get angry and think that this is the end.

The attitude towards the world is as hostile or indifferent. Thoughts may arise that the whole world is against you, or that the world is generally indifferent to you and your experiences. The world can be understood as institutions (kindergarten, school, hospital, your work), simply the people around you, workers various fields services - in shops, hairdressers.

The meaning of not only your life changes (adopting a child into the family), but, in extreme cases, the meaning of life in principle, may be lost. Dreams of a wonderful future may melt and dissolve - with your child, it may seem to you that everything will always be black and hopeless.

3. Stage of exhaustion (chronic depressive disorder). At this stage, you may begin to develop psychosomatic illnesses, addictions (alcohol, substance abuse real life in fantasy computer games). This is the extreme, most difficult stage of emotional burnout.

I think that even if you start to burn out, you will not reach this stage!

If you draw a straight line of your involvement in your life situation, then at the beginning it will be complete and absolute involvement, and at the end it will be avoidance of emotional involvement.

As can be seen from the figure, emotional burnout syndrome does not occur immediately; moreover, if you know a few tricks, you may not even get to know it!

Burnout syndrome is not a disease, but only a specifically changed attitude towards your life and activities.

For the onset of the syndrome, reasons are necessary. They can be external and internal.

Internal reasons include:

  • setting unrealistic goals (when your expectations are high and results are delayed),
  • ignoring your own limitations (when you think that you can do more than you really can, you overestimate your strength),
  • inability to realistically evaluate one’s achievements and results (inflated demands on oneself),
  • inability to adequately evaluate the attitude of other people towards oneself (inflated demands on loved ones when they are not able to do for you what you expect from them),
  • constant concern for the health of another person (child).

TO external reasons include:

  • physical limitations (serious illnesses of you or your child),
  • housing restrictions,
  • financial difficulties,
  • social isolation (remoteness and inability to communicate with other adoptive parents).

Burnout syndrome can appear at any time, or it may not appear at all. This is not something obligatory and inalienable, but it is a possible obstacle on your path to harmony and joy. As a rule, this syndrome appears in the middle and final stages of adaptation of a parent to a child, when the first joy and excitement from the appearance of a new family member has passed, and the difficult path of adaptation and daily worries has begun.

What to do, how to protect yourself, how to prevent emotional burnout?

There are several simple rules, if followed, you will not be afraid of any burnout.

  1. It is necessary to ensure that all areas of your life are filled: in addition to daily worries about the new member of your family, it is necessary that you have healthy eating, good rest, enough communication with family and friends. It is also very good if you have some kind of hobby, favorite activity, which you can devote some time to.
  2. Avoid isolation! It is very important that you have the opportunity to meet and communicate with other adoptive parents so that you can share, exchange experiences, experiences, and support each other.
  3. Regulate the level of involvement in processes. Remember that engagement is the most important component. But excessive involvement for a long time without the opportunity to switch even for a short time inevitably leads to emotional burnout.
  4. The most important thing: if you find that you are starting to save on emotions, get tired quickly or are constantly irritated, it’s time to sound the alarm! Recognize that you are on the path to burnout and take action.

If you admit that burnout is catching up with you, then the first thing you need to do is rest. It’s better to choose the vacation that you prefer. It could just be an opportunity to lie on the couch with a book and watch favorite movie, go shopping, go out into nature, ride a bike or just spend the evening with friends.

Don't bottle up your emotions. Remember that you are just like everyone else normal person, you can experience any emotions. Do not be alarmed if you suddenly feel emotions such as anger, irritation, anger or resentment towards your child. Express your emotions in any way that is safe for yourself and your baby: draw, sing, dance, share your experiences with loved ones, cry. Don’t hesitate to ask your family for help and support, whether it’s the need to sit with your baby for a couple of hours or just to listen to you.

The main thing is to remember: burnout syndrome is not a disease or a death sentence, it is just the ability of your psyche to respond to emotional overload.

Be healthy, harmonious and happy!

Club meeting

surrogate parents

on the topic:

“Prevention of burnout syndrome

substitute parents"

Prepared by: educational psychologist

support for foster families

O.V. Ponasian

Meeting agenda:

    Coffee break

    Opening remarks

    Welcome speech and information message from the head of the guardianship and trusteeship department


Progress of the meeting:

    Welcome speech from the head of guardianship and trusteeship

    Training “Prevention of emotional burnout syndrome of foster parents”

Psychologist. Dear participants, before starting our workshop, I invite everyone to stand in a circle and say with a bow: “Hello!”, wishing each other, first of all, health. So, hello! (Participants bow and lower their hands.)

Psychologist. The ancients claimed that during a bow, part of the energy seemed to flow from a person’s head, thus, when we bow, we exchange energy of our own free will. We are all connected by the air we breathe, by common energy, and by interests.

Today we are united here by a common topic of interest to everyone: “Prevention of the emotional burnout syndrome of foster parents.” The goal is to get acquainted with non-traditional ways to preserve and strengthen physical and psychological health.

Psychologist. For recent years In Russia, the number of children with neuropsychiatric disorders has increased. The number of children with psychological and pedagogical neglect has increased. Deviations in somatic, emotional, sensory and motor development are manifested in the inability to tolerate physical, intellectual and emotional overload. Children develop high level stress vulnerability (high ability to get sick).

However, the living conditions, moral and emotional atmosphere in which the child lives in kindergarten, depends entirely on adults (teachers) and they, undoubtedly, are responsible for the happiness and health of children.

It is well known that the teaching profession is one of the most energy-intensive. Its implementation requires enormous intellectual and mental expenditures.

Emotional exhaustion of parents occurs quite quickly, known as “emotional burnout syndrome.” Having become “empty”, having lost vitality, what results can a parent achieve?

Chronic fatigue syndrome underlies many psychosomatic diseases, the origin of which is directly related to the state of a person’s soul. Under the influence of this, the personality soon acquires a number of such deformations as inflexibility of thinking, excessive straightforwardness, instructive manner of speaking, excessive explanations, thought and speech stereotypes, authoritarianism, etc.

Drawing a conclusion, we can say that the problems of the teacher and the child are the problems of the whole society. To strengthen your physical and psychological health, you can use Art Therapy, i.e. healing through art.

Brainstorm: What is “Emotional Burnout Syndrome?”

Emotional burnout is a syndrome that develops against the background of chronic stress and leads to the depletion of the emotional, energetic and personal resources of a working person.

Burnout syndrome develops gradually.

There are three stages (Maslach, 1982) - three flights of stairs into the depths of professional unsuitability:

Stage 1 - begins with muting emotions, smoothing out the severity of feelings and freshness of experiences; the specialist unexpectedly notices: everything seems to be fine so far, but... it’s boring and empty at heart; disappear positive emotions, some detachment appears in relations with family members; a state of anxiety and dissatisfaction arises; Returning home, more and more often I want to say: “Don’t bother me, leave me alone!”

Stage 2 - misunderstandings arise with clients, a professional among his colleagues begins to talk about some of them with disdain; hostility begins to gradually manifest itself in the presence of clients - at first it is barely restrained antipathy, and then outbursts of irritation. Such behavior of a professional is an unconscious manifestation of a sense of self-preservation during communication that exceeds a level that is safe for the body.

Stage 3 - ideas about the values ​​of life become dull, the emotional attitude to the world “flattens”, a person becomes dangerously indifferent to everything, even to his own life; out of habit, such a person may still retain external respectability and some aplomb, but his eyes lose the sparkle of interest in anything, and an almost physically tangible coldness of indifference settles in his soul.

1. Decreased self-esteem.

2. Stage of loneliness.

3. Emotional exhaustion, somatization, LOSS OF WORK CAPACITY!

Express burnout assessment

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following sentences.

Count the number of positive answers.

The extent to which my colleagues irritate me is still minor compared to how my students unbalance me.

    Over the past three months I refused (refused) advanced training courses, participation in conferences, etc.

    I came up with (invented) offensive nicknames for my colleagues, which I use mentally

    I cope with my work affairs “with one left hand”. There is nothing that could surprise me with its novelty

    Hardly anyone will tell me anything new about my work.

    As soon as I remember my work, I want to take it and send it to hell

    Over the past three months, I have not come across a single special book from which I would have learned something new.

Evaluation of results:

0-1 point - You are not in danger of burnout syndrome.

2-6 points - You need to take a vacation, disconnect from work.
7-9 points - It's time to decide: either change your job, or, better yet, change your lifestyle.

10 points - the situation is very serious, but there is still a glimmer of fire in you, so that it does not go out, you need the help of a specialist.

Exercise “Wish” (adapted from O.V. Evtikhov)

Target: creating a favorable atmosphere in the group, focusing on positive qualities that help overcome professional burnout.

Materials:ball or soft toy of the choice of group members.

Time:5 minutes

Instructions: “You are invited to express your wish to the circle, to others

members of the group, about the quality that you think helps

overcome emotional burnout"

Participants pass the ball around and express their wishes.

Ways to f physiologically Ouch self-regulation :

    Various movements stretching and relaxing muscles

    Visit to the swimming pool gym, yoga classes, etc.

    RELAXATION is a method by which you can partially or completely get rid of physical or mental stress.


    long sleep,

    delicious food,

    communication with nature and animals,




    bath, sauna, massage;

    hot bath

with foam;


Ways of emotional self-regulation:

    laughter, smile, humor;

    thinking about the good, the pleasant;

    looking at the flowers in the room, the landscape outside the window, photographs, and other pleasant or expensive things;

    mental appeal to higher powers(God, the Universe, the great idea);

    “bathing” (real or mental) in the sun’s rays;

    breathing fresh air;

    poetry reading;

    expressing praise or compliments to someone just like that.

    doing what you love - hobby

Psychologist : To improve their physical and psychological health and wellness, children and parents can use Art Therapy, i.e. healing through art. Art therapy allows a person to free himself from pressures, relax, remove inhibitions, and be free. It is in this state of returning to oneself that strength is drawn for further creative growth.

Here are a few that you can use yourself whentreatment of depression to alleviate your condition.

Training exercise:

You will need a plastic material - plasticine, clay or dough. Think about a problem that is bothering you. Now sculpt this problem. Talk to her, tell her everything you want. And then transform it into whatever you want. You can simply crush it into a shapeless lump, flatten it into a flat cake, or fashion something new into which your problem will turn. Maybe something beautiful?


Summing up. Reflection.

Psychologist: “Our lesson is over. I hope that you were able to relax on it, disconnect from your problems, and most importantly, from the problems associated with our children. I hope that the lesson also interested you, since during it we talked to you about the most important thing for you, about how you live and what you think about.

Educator-psychologist at the Kochergina Center Elena Ivanovna offers her own version of techniques and exercises for conducting classes on the prevention of emotional burnout.

1. Metaphor.

Tell me, what world do you live in?...Looking out the window, do you see a starry sky...or gray clouds? The top of a mountain...or a mountain of garbage? The surface of the ocean or dirty puddles?

-...Our every thought creates everything that surrounds us.

-...With every action, word, thought, we create the world in which we live!

Two people looked out the same window:

One saw death and fear,

Fire, suffering and grief,

The world we know is collapsing.

Another saw spring there,

Blooming gardens and blue skies,

Beautiful green foliage...

Two people were looking out the same window...

The psychologist gives each participant a Parable “Window” as a gift.

2. Exercise “10 Commandments to Start the Day.”(text of the commandments in the appendix)

Today, I invite you to “live” the moment in a positive, bright, successful and happy world! I invite you to a sunny meadow, but to start the day we need a special mood!

Participants are given the “10 Commandments of the Beginning of the Day” as a gift and read out by the presenter to the music.

3. Exercise “Candle”.

We are going on a journey... but you know that reliable, friendly, united people who understand each other are going on the road... now let’s check to what extent are you united? How do you understand each other? Will you be able to overcome the obstacle that awaits us ahead (the psychologist conducts an exercise with the participants from “ ropes course" - "Candle").

Instructions for the exercise: all participants line up. The psychologist gives a candle to the person on the far left, and gives a box of matches to the right. The task of the group: without leaving the place and without passing the candle and box of matches, light the candle! Condition: do everything silently. If the group finds it difficult, then give the opportunity to discuss for 1 minute. (Each participant, along the chain, receives 1 match, then the match of the last participant is lit, the fire is transferred from match to match and the last participant lights the candle).

4. Exercise " Rose-colored glasses» (fairytale music sounds). The psychologist congratulates the participants of the master class on their successful arrival at the “Sunny Glade”, then conducts the “Rose-colored glasses” exercise.

What do we usually do if the bright sun is shining in our eyes?...Correct! We put on sunglasses. And I suggest you put on not just sunglasses, but rose-colored glasses... and look at the world in a rosy light. Standing in a circle, each participant puts on “Rose-colored glasses” and says that he sees...what kind of world surrounds him,...(The psychologist summarizes: that everyone sees what he wants to see...)

5. Film “How Flowers Bloom.”

And now I invite you to contemplate the beauty of flowers in our sunny meadow... (a psychologist shows the film “How Flowers Bloom.”)

Discussion (the psychologist summarizes: that people are just like flowers: they grow, blossom, become perfect...).

6. Game "Who Am I?"

(To improve your mood, form an optimistic outlook on your life situation, understand yourself, the motives of other people)

-...Now everyone will come up with their own unusual name and association of yourself with a flower, tree or plant, remember everything or write it down on a piece of paper, but so that no one sees. Then, you need to find a mate.

(Work in pairs). Look carefully at each other and determine what flower your friend looks like, draw this flower secretly from him. Having united again, offer your version of the vision, and find out what flower your friend presented you with. If your ideas coincide, then that's great. This suggests that you could feel each other, guess the mood, which means your “state of mind is on the same wavelength.” And if your name also coincides with the name of a flower that your partner had in mind regarding you, then this is generally a super game! Thank each other. Even if your ideas regarding each other do not coincide, then thank them anyway. We thought about a beautiful, positive world, projected it onto ourselves and others. This is amazing.

(Metaphorical associative cards from the “Garden Keeper” series are laid out on the floor or table. The psychologist suggests finding the card that shows your flower. Participants read out the message-record on the card).

The psychologist thanks all participants of the master class for their work!

The material was prepared by E.I. Kochergina,

educational psychologist of the Center

In our city, a series of interesting training seminars by psychologist L.V. is coming to an end. Petranovskaya, organized by the Trinity Commonwealth of Adoptive Families “Tverd” with the support of the Guardianship Department... for adoptive parents, guardians and foster parents. Each topic is a storehouse of new knowledge!!! Many thanks to Lyudmila for coming to us and enlightening us, as well as to Tanya ejevika_t and her husband Yuri for organizing these meetings for us.
Based on the results of one of the seminars and materials from the book “How are you behaving? 10 Steps to Changing Difficult Behavior" prepared a publication in “GR” No. 4, 2011 for her newspaper project “Sunny Bunny” (by the way, I haven’t written anything about the project for a long time, I’m tired of it, to be honest, but in the light of new family “projects” I think it will perk up;)).


People who family circumstances or on duty, for a long time they constantly come into contact with human pain, they know what emotional burnout is. This is when you regularly have to give a lot of mental strength to other people, there is no end in sight to their problems, and there is nowhere to replenish your own “reservoir” of love and warmth. Often this problem does not bypass adoptive parents either.

What kind of illness?
Emotional burnout, or nervous exhaustion in other words, is a professional “disease” of medical and social workers, clergy and psychologists, employees of the Departments of Guardianship and Trusteeship and orphanages, volunteers in various areas of charity. People go into these professions at the call of their hearts, feeling the need to help people, to give them warmth and care, having at a certain period of life an increased supply of mental strength. However, what more people gives, the more requests there are. The world is not perfect. Having opened the door to the kingdom of pain and misfortune, a person sees how huge and diverse it is. At some point, it becomes obvious that there is still so much to be done, but there is less and less strength and warmth left every day! If at such moments you don’t give yourself a break and don’t replenish your mental strength, a person’s health and mental state will be at risk.
Adoptive parents, guardians and foster parents are no less susceptible to this disease. They are driven by the same good motives: to warm the orphan, to console him, to give him love and affection. But an adopted child is always traumatized: he has not received proper care and attention for so long, he has experienced so many troubles in his little life that, finally, he ends up in favorable conditions, strives to make up for lost time as quickly as possible. A child who escapes from an institution remains ill for a long time and often, he is full of various fears and for some time does not believe that all his troubles are behind him, and many times “checks” his new parents to see if they will bring him back... The process of his rehabilitation lasts for many months, or even years. In such extreme conditions The supply of love accumulated in the adoptive parents for years is exhausted in a few months, ringing a coin in the empty well of the soul of the unfortunate child. He needs more and more, he needs so much, and his parents have already given out everything they have stored. Where can I get more love? The child himself is not yet able to respond to feelings; he simply has not accumulated them yet. If there are no biological children in the family who can support the spiritual strength of their parents with their love, and there are no significant loved ones nearby who are always ready to help, moms and dads have a really hard time. Moreover, mothers suffer much more often from emotional burnout than fathers, due to a more subtle mental organization, greater sensitivity and dependence on the emotional sphere, and also because it is on their shoulders that the main concerns about children and solving their problems fall.

When to sound the alarm?
The process of emotional burnout occurs in several stages.
At the first stage, adoptive parents are mobilized, collected, and ready to give everything. They can eat poorly and sleep little, and not suffer from this, infections do not stick to them, they feel that they are able to move mountains. It is in this state that parents are at the moment of accepting a child into the family and in the first weeks and months of life together. They are ready to devote themselves completely to him, to give their all, to sacrifice everything.
Sooner or later the strength runs out. Fatigue sets in, the body and psyche urgently require rest. But no matter how it is! There is no time to rest, there is so much to do. Gathering their will into a fist, gritting their teeth, the parents forcefully continue to give, scraping the crumbs of love along the bottom of the soul and not caring about replenishing their “reservoir”. This is the second stage of burnout. The people on it have a special “stoic” expression on their faces, a tired voice and a heaviness throughout their whole body. Constant voltage doesn't let go. All thoughts are about business, problems. Conflicts unsettle people for a long time; comments are taken extremely painfully.
If the person still does nothing to recover, the third stage begins. Extreme fatigue. Irritability. Tearfulness. Complete indifference, interspersed with hysterics and outbursts of anger. The child is already “just annoying”, it seems that there is nothing good in him, “he is just taking advantage of us.” It is at this stage that parents often find themselves who, out of despair, began to resort to harsh punishments. As a result, a feeling of guilt appears and stress increases even more. At this same stage, the thought arises of returning the child to orphanage. I want to “run away from everything to the ends of the earth”, “give up everything”, and sometimes “die”. Nothing makes me happy anymore, everything loses its meaning. Complete emotional exhaustion sets in.
It would seem that there is nowhere else to go. But there are heroes who, as before, without sparing themselves, move on - to the fourth stage of burnout. They have nothing more to give to children, people in general, and they begin to imitate care and attention. Indifference, cynicism, and spiritual callousness come. Caring gives way to control, sympathy to omniscience and a smug confidence that “everyone can see right through.” People around them are perceived as hostile, everyone seems stupid, evil, petty, unworthy of respect and good attitude. In general, you should not bring yourself to this stage under any circumstances.
The stages do not necessarily follow one after another. Sometimes a person can go through all the states and come back even during the day. Almost everyone was at the second stage, and many were at the third stage. In itself, this is not so scary if you stop in time and realize what is happening.

How to recover?
If you notice signs of burnout, take immediate action.

Be sure to set aside time for yourself. Not according to the residual principle, “when it works out,” but absolutely necessarily. If you firmly know that, say, on Saturdays the grandmother stays with the child for several hours, and in the meantime you take care of yourself, it will become much easier to get through difficult moments during the week. Think about what activities restore you? A swimming pool, a walk, meeting with friends, putting on beauty, lying around with a book, going out with your spouse, handicrafts, sports... Everything that personally helps you relax and unwind should be present in your life regularly!
Give yourself “time outs” before unbearable fatigue sets in. Play a cartoon for the children and calmly drink coffee or take a shower. At this moment, forget about the doctors’ warnings that watching TV for more than 15 minutes a day is harmful. Believe me, a mother in the third stage of burnout is much more harmful! When you are in better shape, you will be able to play and exercise with children. Avoid chronic fatigue at all costs, especially lack of sleep. Even if the household is not in perfect order, you will still have the strength to smile at your children. Find time for shared pleasures and entertainment. Instead of spring cleaning On Sunday, take the kids to the park or to the cinema. Let not all the homework be done, but a kiss before bed is sacred.
If you ever feel like you're being selfish or irresponsible by relaxing while someone else is watching your child, remind yourself that this is an investment in your life. family well-being and into your child's future. The most important thing in your child's life is you. A miracle has already happened, you have met and now live as one family. Remember what you take adopted child not in order to become an ideal parent for him, but in order to simply be with him. Take care of yourself!
The material was prepared based on the results of a training seminar by psychologist L.V. PETRANOVSKAYA

Living conditions, the moral and emotional atmosphere in which a child lives depend entirely on adults, and they, undoubtedly, are responsible for the happiness and health of children. Emotional exhaustion of parents occurs quite quickly, known as “emotional burnout syndrome.” Having become “empty”, having lost vitality, what results can a parent achieve? Chronic fatigue syndrome underlies many psychosomatic diseases, the origin of which is directly related to the state of a person’s soul. Under the influence of this, the personality soon acquires a number of such deformations as inflexibility of thinking, excessive straightforwardness, instructive manner of speaking, excessive explanations, thought and speech stereotypes, authoritarianism, etc. Drawing a conclusion, we can say that the problems of the teacher (parent) and the child are problems of the whole society. To strengthen your physical and psychological health, you can use Art Therapy, i.e. healing through art.



Club meeting

surrogate parents

on the topic:

“Prevention of burnout syndrome

substitute parents"

Prepared by:

Educational psychologist Service

O.V. Ponasian

  1. Training “Prevention of emotional burnout syndrome of foster parents”

Psychologist. Dear participants, before starting our workshop, I invite everyone to stand in a circle and say with a bow: “Hello!”, wishing each other, first of all, health. So, hello! (Participants bow and lower their hands.)

Psychologist. The ancients claimed that during a bow, part of the energy seemed to flow from a person’s head, thus, when we bow, we exchange energy of our own free will. We are all connected by the air we breathe, by common energy, and by interests.

Today we are united here by a common topic of interest to everyone: “Prevention of the emotional burnout syndrome of surrogate parents.” The goal is to get acquainted with non-traditional ways to preserve and strengthen physical and psychological health.

Psychologist. In recent years, the number of children with neuropsychiatric disorders has increased in Russia. The number of children with psychological and pedagogical neglect has increased. Deviations in somatic, emotional, sensory and motor development are manifested in the inability to tolerate physical, intellectual and emotional overload. Children have a high level of stress vulnerability (high ability to get sick).

However, living conditions, the moral and emotional atmosphere in which a child lives, depend entirely on adults (teachers, parents) and they, undoubtedly, are responsible for the happiness and health of children.

It is well known that the profession of a teacher (foster parent) is one of the most energy-intensive. Its implementation requires enormous intellectual and mental expenditures.

Emotional exhaustion of parents occurs quite quickly, known as “emotional burnout syndrome.” Having become “empty”, having lost vitality, what results can a parent achieve?

Chronic fatigue syndrome underlies many psychosomatic diseases, the origin of which is directly related to the state of a person’s soul. Under the influence of this, the personality soon acquires a number of such deformations as inflexibility of thinking, excessive straightforwardness, instructive manner of speaking, excessive explanations, thought and speech stereotypes, authoritarianism, etc.

Drawing a conclusion, we can say that the problems of the teacher and the child are the problems of the whole society. To strengthen your physical and psychological health, you can use Art Therapy, i.e. healing through art.

Brainstorm: What is “Emotional Burnout Syndrome?”

Emotional burnoutis a syndrome that develops against the background of chronic stress and leads to the depletion of the emotional, energetic and personal resources of a working person.

Burnout syndrome develops gradually.

There are three stages (Maslach, 1982) - three flights of stairs into the depths of professional unsuitability:

Stage 1 - begins with muting emotions, smoothing out the severity of feelings and freshness of experiences; the specialist unexpectedly notices: everything seems to be fine so far, but... it’s boring and empty at heart; positive emotions disappear, some detachment appears in relationships with family members; a state of anxiety and dissatisfaction arises; Returning home, more and more often I want to say: “Don’t bother me, leave me alone!”

Stage 2 - misunderstandings arise with clients, a professional among his colleagues begins to talk about some of them with disdain; hostility begins to gradually manifest itself in the presence of clients - at first it is barely restrained antipathy, and then outbursts of irritation. Such behavior of a professional is an unconscious manifestation of a sense of self-preservation during communication that exceeds a level that is safe for the body.

Stage 3 - ideas about the values ​​of life become dull, the emotional attitude to the world “flattens”, a person becomes dangerously indifferent to everything, even to his own life; out of habit, such a person may still retain external respectability and some aplomb, but his eyes lose the sparkle of interest in anything, and an almost physically tangible coldness of indifference settles in his soul.

1. Decreased self-esteem.

2. Stage of loneliness.

3. Emotional exhaustion, somatization, LOSS OF WORK CAPACITY!

Express burnout assessment

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following sentences.

Count the number of positive answers.

When on Sunday afternoon I remember that I have to go back to work tomorrow, the rest of the weekend is already ruined.

If I had the opportunity to retire (due to length of service, disability), I would do so without delay

Colleagues at work annoy me. It's impossible to tolerate their same conversations

The extent to which my colleagues irritate me is still minor compared to how my students unbalance me.

Over the past three months, I have refused (refused) advanced training courses, participation in conferences, etc.

I came up with (invented) offensive nicknames for my colleagues, which I use mentally

I cope with my work affairs “with one left hand”. There is nothing that could surprise me with its novelty

Hardly anyone will tell me anything new about my work.

As soon as I remember my work, I want to take it and send it to hell

Over the past three months, I have not come across a single special book from which I would have learned something new.

Evaluation of results:

0-1 point - You are not in danger of burnout syndrome.

2-6 points - You need to take a vacation, disconnect from work.
7-9 points - It's time to decide: either change your job, or, better yet, change your lifestyle.

10 points - the situation is very serious, but there is still a glimmer of fire in you, so that it does not go out, you need the help of a specialist.

Exercise “Wish” (adapted from O.V. Evtikhov)

Target: creating a favorable atmosphere in the group, focusing on positive qualities that help overcome professional burnout.

Materials: ball or soft toy of the choice of group members.

Time:5 minutes

Instructions: “You are invited to express your wish to the circle, to others

members of the group, about the quality that you think helps

overcome emotional burnout"

Participants pass the ball around and express their wishes.

Methods of physiological self-regulation:

  • Various stretching and muscle relaxation movements
  • Visiting the pool, gym, yoga classes, etc.
  • RELAXATION is a method by which you can partially or completely get rid of physical or mental stress.


  • long sleep,
  • delicious food,
  • communication with nature and animals,
  • movement,
  • dancing,
  • music.
  • bath, sauna, massage;
  • hot bubble bath;
  • SPA treatments

Ways of emotional self-regulation:

  • laughter, smile, humor;
  • thinking about the good, the pleasant;
  • looking at the flowers in the room, the landscape outside the window, photographs, and other pleasant or expensive things;
  • mental appeal to higher powers (God, the Universe, a great idea);
  • “bathing” (real or mental) in the sun’s rays;
  • breathing fresh air;
  • poetry reading;
  • expressing praise or compliments to someone just like that.
  • doing what you love - hobby

Psychologist : To improve their physical and psychological health and wellness, children and parents can use Art Therapy, i.e. healing through art. Art therapy allows a person to free himself from pressures, relax, remove inhibitions, and be free. It is in this state of returning to oneself that strength is drawn for further creative growth.

Here are a few art therapy exercises , which you can use yourself whentreatment of depressionto alleviate your condition.

Training exercise:

You will need a plastic material - plasticine, clay or dough. Think about a problem that is bothering you. Now sculpt this problem. Talk to her, tell her everything you want. And then transform it into whatever you want. You can simply crush it into a shapeless lump, flatten it into a flat cake, or fashion something new into which your problem will turn. Maybe something beautiful?


Summing up. Reflection.

Psychologist: “Our lesson is over. I hope that you were able to relax on it, disconnect from your problems, and most importantly, from the problems associated with our children. I hope that the lesson also interested you, since during it we talked to you about the most important thing for you, about how you live and what you think about.