Edgard Zapashny: “I have children, my girlfriend needs to accept this circumstance. Family secrets of Zapashny How many brothers are Zapashny 2 or 3

A famous family television program came to visit. They filmed all the Zapashnys - Tatyana Vasilievna, Aunt Olya, Lyudmila Semyonovna, brothers. And Lenka and I were almost hiding in the closet in the next room, choking with laughter. For us it was just a game. If it’s necessary for business, why not?

I sit down with a book on the sofa, the TV is on in the background. Hearing a familiar voice, I looked at the screen - some program was interviewing trainer Zapashny.

Attention, viewers, here is an enviable groom! - the presenter rejoices. - Tell me, Edgard, what kind of girls do you like?

He takes on a thoughtful look and begins to list:

Beautiful, smart, with a sense of humor.

And you haven’t come across one like this yet?

No, I'm still looking.

We had a close relationship for thirteen years, but all these years Edgard portrayed himself as a bachelor to the audience; this, of course, increased his popularity among the female half of the audience. Many celebrities live this way. It happens that they have had wives and numerous children for a long time, and they still talk about the search for an ideal. True, we didn’t have children. And we didn’t get to the registry office. In the Zapashny dynasty there is, perhaps, a superstition - all the men in their family found happiness only in their second marriage. Simple mysticism. Believe it or not. But Edgard believed in this and was afraid - if we get married, what if we immediately separate? I was of the same opinion: we can do without the stamp, because everything is fine as is. But of course we were family. And Edgard's transformation from a novice tamer to a real star happened before my eyes.

Children of circus performers grow up behind the scenes. My dad Vladimir Aleksandrovich Petrikov is a gymnast, and my mother Larisa Nikolaevna works with dogs. When I was little, we lived in Saratov, but traveled around on tour almost twelve months a year.

Once in Rostov-on-Don - I was eight years old - I was playing near the rehearsal arena. And suddenly a prince floats in on a white horse! A boy in a neat frock coat, his hair flowing. The horse is tall, the boy’s stirrups and legs are at my eye level, and he himself seems to be soaring in height. Like in a fairy tale! It was Edgard, who also came on tour with his parents and younger brother Askold and then worked in the room " graduate School horse riding." It was very beautiful. When, years later, I reminded him of this incident, he said uncertainly: “Yes, it seemed like there was some kind of girl.” But I remembered this story, and one day, under the window of my hotel room in Omsk, a heart-rending scream suddenly rang out: “Petrikova-ah! Look out!”

I looked out and what did I see? My beloved is prancing on a white horse and waving to me! It turned out that near the circus, girls from an equestrian school were giving children rides and Edgard begged them for a horse to “amaze a girl.” I teased him for a long time afterwards: “My pimple rode on a white horse!” Garik - that’s what those closest to him call him - was not offended, we always loved to make fun of each other.

But I got ahead of myself. When I turned seventeen, I, a promising gymnast, was invited to work by Walter Mikhailovich Zapashny himself, the father of Edgard and Askold. Of course she agreed, although she was terribly afraid of her mentor: everyone knew that he was a real monster at work. Rehearsals started at nine in the morning - and try to be late! And then for many hours in a row - horses, aerial gymnastics, acrobatics. Cooked with Edgard new number“Pas de deux on horses” - an acrobatic couple on the backs of running horses. It seems that’s it: five more minutes and you’ll simply collapse from fatigue. And then, smiling blissfully, Walter Mikhailovich finally says: “Now you can rest. “As soon as you catch your breath, he adds: “Do fifty push-ups.” And then abdominal exercises.” By evening I was barely alive. And Walter Mikhailovich still with the same intonation and facial expression: “Are you tired, dears? Rest, and I’ll be waiting tomorrow at nine!”

We rehearsed together with Baranka - that’s what everyone calls my friend Elena Baranenko. We, the two Lenas, were given nicknames at the circus: she was named after her last name, and I was nicknamed Malaya due to my short stature. Baranenko is truly a landmark of our team, a walking joke. Blonde with blue eyes, active and easy to communicate, she has such in a high voice that as soon as people hear him, they begin to giggle. Although Lena doesn’t specifically try to make anyone laugh, it happens naturally.

I started my work in the team of another Zapashny - Mstislav Mikhailovich, Walter’s brother. There she released a stunningly beautiful “Cord de parel” - an aerial performance almost under a dome, at a height of fifteen meters without insurance.

But one day I wake up after another rehearsal - wild pain. I broke my back: I can’t straighten up, I can barely crawl. At the hospital on Pirogovka they made a disappointing diagnosis: “That’s it, it’s over! If you continue to work, it will paralyze you.” I cried a lot, later life lost its meaning. The chiropractor, our circus doctor, pulled me out of this state. with their own with magic hands he realigned the vertebrae, but insistently recommended taking a break for three months, postponing rehearsals - let the body rest.

But don’t hang around doing nothing! And then, on my mother’s advice, I started training dogs. As they say in such cases, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped: I discovered this profession. Dogs are like children to me: bobtails, labradors, poodles, several mongrels - all our wonderful four-legged artists. They live in a circus, each has their own very comfortable enclosure, and for long-distance tours - a comfortable car with a place for walking. I can talk about my pets for hours. Just like Edgard about tigers...

Our relationship with the future star began on tour in Saratov. The day before, Askold, a big fan of technical things, his parents bought game console, and all our circus youth, after the performance, poured into his room to watch. The way he played is a separate picture: Askold enthusiastically pressed the buttons, cursed, groaned, all the emotions were on his face. He fights, and Edgard and I joke about something. Circus people have a special sense of humor, their own words, jokes, practical jokes, which are not always understandable to people from the outside. Here's an example. If a new person joins the team, one of the old-timers will definitely send him to the ringmaster (there is such a position). He will say:

Here's a bucket for you, bring some fiflyakov.

And the man runs, looking for:

Can you tell me where to find fifljaki?

Look, maybe they were taken to the stable?

And everyone laughs behind his back, because the fiflyak is just a trick: jumping back from your feet to your hands and back. Or, for example, they give a newcomer a toothbrush: “We urgently need to brush the horses’ teeth before the morning performance!” And the poor fellow with this brush rushes to the stable, catches the unfortunate animals, and climbs into their mouths. They are, of course, shocked. Innocent, kindly pranks.

And then, in the Saratov hotel, we also fooled around and laughed. I wouldn’t have paid any attention to the bore if he had been at least three times wonderful, but Edgard was very cheerful, sociable - charming, in a word. We started dating, went to late-night movies or went to clubs to party until the morning. Zapashny had then blonde hair, and I cut my hair like Cleopatra because I was interested in history Ancient Egypt, together we looked artistic, bright and trashy. Meanwhile, Lena Baranenko’s relationship with Askold was developing, everything was wonderful there too.

And somehow it happened naturally that Edgard and I began to live together in hotels. And since a circus tour is not a day or two, or even a week, they began to arrange life according to special rules. Both of us are “crappy aesthetes” - that’s what they called each other. It is obligatory to have breakfast and lunch at a set table: only the same cutlery, tablecloth, napkins. This is the custom among both the Zapashnys and my parents. Everything is cultural, tasteful, and no pasta with ketchup and sausages piled up in a heap! They carried a lot of junk with them: curtains, candlesticks, pillows...

You go into the room, see shabby walls, gray bedspreads and take out your curtains, all sorts of things - you create comfort. The budget was shared, every penny was distributed: so much for food, so much for other needs. There were no big incomes then. I have never asked my beloved for a fur coat or a car. And when money and success came, so did expensive gifts, in general Edgard - generous man. I remember, after winning the “King of the Ring” show, Edgard used his fee to buy me the car I dreamed of. It was such a surprise! Although the first gift was a gold bracelet, which he presented on March 8th, I still keep it.

After another tour, we went to my parents and announced that we were now a couple. They were happy for us: “Great!” And Walter Mikhailovich and Tatyana Vasilievna accepted me into the family. Aunt Olya, Tatyana Vasilievna’s sister, and their mother Lyudmila Semyonovna, the grandmother of Edgard and Askold, were warmly warm.

Circus - unique world, and Zapashny occupy it special place. Working with predators is difficult and dangerous; the handler must have an iron will and a tough character. I mumble, if he suddenly finds the courage to enter the cage, the tiger will devour him in a second - the predator has enormous strength! Helping Edgard, I sometimes tinkered with the tiger cubs, accustomed them to holding hands, and one day such a big, cute kitten came up to me in the enclosure and playfully, almost tenderly grabbed my leg. It’s as if the ticket was validated on a tram: click! And in the leg there are two holes from the fangs to the bone. But this is just a tiger cub - what can we say about adult animals?!

Walter Mikhailovich was torn to pieces by tigers more than once. His first trip to the arena with predators ended sadly. By that time he was a famous acrobat, but dreamed of becoming a trainer. At the Russian State Circus they tried to dissuade him for a long time: the Zapashny family act (he performed with his brothers) was a success, brought good profits, and suddenly Walter was about to leave for the tigers! But he stood his ground. Apparently, the officials deliberately slipped him a man-eating tigress: they say, give it a try, you upstart! This tigress, named Bagheera, had already torn people apart, knew the taste of blood, and that means the killer instinct could wake up at any moment. Which is exactly what happened right at the premiere: Bagheera threw herself at Walter Mikhailovich, and he then spent a month or two in the hospital.

“The killer tiger must be put down!” - experienced trainers convinced him. But Walter Mikhailovich refused, returned to the arena and continued to work with Bagheera. She no longer attacked him; on the contrary, they said, she became as loyal as a dog.

Soon he created the grandiose act “Lions and Tigers”: thirty-eight predators in the arena, there was nothing like this in the Soviet circus. Another cool number - Walter Mikhailovich introduced the horse Khalur into the cage. He ran in a circle, and the tigers jumped on his back - this is called a course. But in nature, a horse is a tasty prey for predators. Miracles of training!

It so happened that Walter Mikhailovich quarreled with his brother Mstislav (the reason is unknown to me). They did not speak for several years and until Walter Mikhailovich’s death they never truly reconciled. This is a very sore subject in the Zapashny family. And when Lena Baranenko and I entered the family, Tatyana Vasilievna sternly warned us: “Never drive a wedge between brothers! If you quarreled yourself, sort it out among yourselves, don’t get Garik and Askold involved!” Lena and I hugged and solemnly promised never to get between the brothers. We still follow this family rule.

On Thursday, September 22, at the age of 79, trainer Mstislav Zapashny, one of the most prominent representatives of the oldest circus dynasty Russia. NTV talks about who the Zapashnys are and what made their circus dynasty famous.

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Walter and Mstislav Zapashny

Mikhail and Lydia Zapashny had five children: Sergei, Walter, Anna, Mstislav and Igor.

Mikhail did not want his children to work in the circus, he hoped that they would get good education and therefore, on principle, did not take them on tour. However, during the Great Patriotic War 16-year-old Walter and 6-year-old Mstislav had to perform an acrobatic act at the Saratov Circus in order to feed their family. After the war, the boys remained in the circus and performed in a variety of genres: clowning, aerial gymnastics, horse riding, motorcycle racing, animal training, and taming predators.

And although over time the brothers began to perform separately, both came to training.

By the way, it was Walter Zapashny who first rode a lion in the arena and created the “Among Predators” attraction, in which tigers, lions, panthers and lynxes simultaneously participated.

And Mstislav graduated from the directing department of GITIS and became famous not only as a trainer, but also as a director of circus programs. So, in 1977, he created the only performance in the world where elephants and tigers were in the same cage; in 1996, the artist received the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for it. No less famous is Mstislav Zapashny’s heroic-historical circus pantomime performance “Spartak”, which has no analogues in the world in terms of the scale of its production. From 2003 to 2009, Mstislav Zapashny served as general director of the Russian State Circus.

Founders of the dynasty

The founder of the Zapashny circus dynasty of tamers, gymnasts and acrobats was the clown Karl Thomson, who toured back in Tsarist Russia under the pseudonym Milton. Thompson's daughter, Lydia, performed in the circus as a rider and gymnast from the age of 15, and her husband Mikhail Zapashny gave the dynasty a well-known surname.

Mikhail Zapashny was born in 1900 and had nothing to do with the circus; he worked as a port loader in the small seaside town of Yeisk. He was invited to the arena by wrestler Ivan Poddubny, who noticed his remarkable strength young man. So, Mikhail began to practice in the genre of French wrestling and for some time performed under the pseudonym Eaglet. Later, he became interested in power acrobatics and became especially famous with the act “Acrobats-Snipers,” the element of which was shooting from a small-caliber rifle.

Edgard and Askold Zapashny

Edgar and Askold Zapashny the most famous successors family tradition, children of Walter Zapashny. At the age of seven, the brothers first entered a cage with predators and have since worked in a variety of circus genres. Now they are successfully touring the country. They received a number of circus awards, were recognized as “Best Circus Artists of the Year”, since 1999 Honored Artists of Russia, and since 2012 they were awarded the title of People's Artists.

Their older sister Maritza also became a circus performer, the only black panther trainer in the world. In addition, Askold and Edgard have a huge number of cousins, all of them are somehow connected with the circus and perform in the arena independently of each other.

Zapashny dynasty of trainers

On Thursday, September 22, trainer Mstislav Zapashny, one of the most prominent representatives of the oldest circus dynasty in Russia, died at the age of 79. NTV talks about who the Zapashnys are and what made their circus dynasty famous.

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Walter and Mstislav Zapashny

Mikhail and Lydia Zapashny had five children: Sergei, Walter, Anna, Mstislav and Igor.

Mikhail did not want his children to work in the circus, he hoped that they would receive a good education and therefore, on principle, did not take them on tour. However, during the Great Patriotic War, 16-year-old Walter and 6-year-old Mstislav had to perform an acrobatic act in the Saratov Circus in order to feed their family. After the war, the boys remained in the circus and performed in a variety of genres: clowning, aerial gymnastics, horse riding, motorcycle racing, animal training, and taming predators.

And although over time the brothers began to perform separately, both came to training.

By the way, it was Walter Zapashny who first rode a lion in the arena and created the “Among Predators” attraction, in which tigers, lions, panthers and lynxes simultaneously participated.

And Mstislav graduated from the directing department of GITIS and became famous not only as a trainer, but also as a director of circus programs. So, in 1977, he created the only performance in the world where elephants and tigers were in the same cage; in 1996, the artist received the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for it. No less famous is Mstislav Zapashny’s heroic-historical circus pantomime performance “Spartak”, which has no analogues in the world in terms of the scale of its production. From 2003 to 2009, Mstislav Zapashny served as general director of the Russian State Circus.

Founders of the dynasty

The founder of the Zapashny circus dynasty of tamers, gymnasts and acrobats was the clown Karl Thomson, who toured in Tsarist Russia under the pseudonym Milton. Thompson's daughter, Lydia, performed in the circus as a rider and gymnast from the age of 15, and her husband Mikhail Zapashny gave the dynasty a well-known surname.

Mikhail Zapashny was born in 1900 and had nothing to do with the circus; he worked as a port loader in the small seaside town of Yeisk. He was invited to the arena by wrestler Ivan Poddubny, who noticed the young man’s remarkable strength. So, Mikhail began to practice in the genre of French wrestling and for some time performed under the pseudonym Eaglet. Later, he became interested in power acrobatics and became especially famous with the act “Acrobats-Snipers,” the element of which was shooting from a small-caliber rifle.

Edgard and Askold Zapashny

Edgar and Askold Zapashny are the most famous successors of the family tradition, the children of Walter Zapashny. At the age of seven, the brothers first entered a cage with predators and have since worked in a variety of circus genres. Now they are successfully touring the country. They received a number of circus awards, were recognized as “Best Circus Artists of the Year”, since 1999 Honored Artists of Russia, and since 2012 they were awarded the title of People's Artists.

Their older sister Maritza also became a circus performer, the only black panther trainer in the world. In addition, Askold and Edgard have a huge number of cousins, all of them are somehow connected with the circus and perform in the arena independently of each other.

Zapashny dynasty of trainers

On Thursday, September 22, trainer Mstislav Zapashny, one of the most prominent representatives of the oldest circus dynasty in Russia, died at the age of 79. NTV talks about who the Zapashnys are and what made their circus dynasty famous.

Read below

Walter and Mstislav Zapashny

Mikhail and Lydia Zapashny had five children: Sergei, Walter, Anna, Mstislav and Igor.

Mikhail did not want his children to work in the circus, he hoped that they would receive a good education and therefore, on principle, did not take them on tour. However, during the Great Patriotic War, 16-year-old Walter and 6-year-old Mstislav had to perform an acrobatic act in the Saratov Circus in order to feed their family. After the war, the boys remained in the circus and performed in a variety of genres: clowning, aerial gymnastics, horse riding, motorcycle racing, animal training, and taming predators.

And although over time the brothers began to perform separately, both came to training.

By the way, it was Walter Zapashny who first rode a lion in the arena and created the “Among Predators” attraction, in which tigers, lions, panthers and lynxes simultaneously participated.

And Mstislav graduated from the directing department of GITIS and became famous not only as a trainer, but also as a director of circus programs. So, in 1977, he created the only performance in the world where elephants and tigers were in the same cage; in 1996, the artist received the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for it. No less famous is Mstislav Zapashny’s heroic-historical circus pantomime performance “Spartak”, which has no analogues in the world in terms of the scale of its production. From 2003 to 2009, Mstislav Zapashny served as general director of the Russian State Circus.

Founders of the dynasty

The founder of the Zapashny circus dynasty of tamers, gymnasts and acrobats was the clown Karl Thomson, who toured in Tsarist Russia under the pseudonym Milton. Thompson's daughter, Lydia, performed in the circus as a rider and gymnast from the age of 15, and her husband Mikhail Zapashny gave the dynasty a well-known surname.

Mikhail Zapashny was born in 1900 and had nothing to do with the circus; he worked as a port loader in the small seaside town of Yeisk. He was invited to the arena by wrestler Ivan Poddubny, who noticed the young man’s remarkable strength. So, Mikhail began to practice in the genre of French wrestling and for some time performed under the pseudonym Eaglet. Later, he became interested in power acrobatics and became especially famous with the act “Acrobats-Snipers,” the element of which was shooting from a small-caliber rifle.

Edgard and Askold Zapashny

Edgar and Askold Zapashny are the most famous successors of the family tradition, the children of Walter Zapashny. At the age of seven, the brothers first entered a cage with predators and have since worked in a variety of circus genres. Now they are successfully touring the country. They received a number of circus awards, were recognized as “Best Circus Artists of the Year”, since 1999 Honored Artists of Russia, and since 2012 they were awarded the title of People's Artists.

Their older sister Maritza also became a circus performer, the only black panther trainer in the world. In addition, Askold and Edgard have a huge number of cousins, all of them are somehow connected with the circus and perform in the arena independently of each other.

Zapashny dynasty of trainers

We invited Edgard's daughters - 6-year-old Stefania and 4-year-old Gloria - to the photo shoot, which took place at the Great Moscow Circus. As soon as they fluttered into their father’s office, he literally melted before their eyes. “Daddy, daddy!” - the Zapashny sisters chirped, climbing into their father’s arms. We started the conversation with the children.

I admit honestly: when my eldest daughter was born, I did not change, did not grow up, did not instantly feel myself in a new status: “I am a father!” No... Of course, my responsibility has increased, but I haven’t noticed any global changes. I didn’t want daughters, I assumed that over time I would get married and have sons. But it turned out differently. When Olga, the mother of my children, was pregnant with Stesha, our eldest daughter, I got into a conversation with my friend Kamil Gadzhiev and complained that, damn, there will be a girl, but I wanted a son... He looked at me with great surprise and said: “Edgard, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Daughters are what a strong man needs.” He is just raising his daughters. He started talking about them and broke into a wide smile. I was amazed at such a transformation of a brutal man. And when Stesha grew up a little and for the first time consciously reached out to me, hugged me, pressed me, I also melted. Now, when I see my girls, I become gentle and affectionate. Unless it concerns them going out to the arena or interacting with animals, then I am collected and strict.

We have rebranded - and instead of the Zapashny brothers, now the Zapashny sisters (Askold, like Edgard, also has two daughters. - Note "TN").

- The girls' father is me. No one will blame me for somehow treating them differently. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Edgard, do you manage to spend a lot of time with your children?

We have a special situation. There has never been a traditional family - mom, dad and children living under one roof. Olya and I are not married, but my daughters, of course, bear my last name, I immediately recognized my paternity. Their mother recently got married and gave birth to another child. Therefore, we see each other when it is convenient for Olya to bring the girls to me, most often here, to the circus. Although I live under time pressure, I walk with them, take them to parks, to the cinema, and go to their rhythmic gymnastics training.

My children are at such an age that it is still difficult to cope without their mother. Especially the youngest, Gloria, she misses Olga very much. It’s easier for me with Stesha, she’s already older and I think she’d be happy to go with me even on vacation - she and I get along perfectly - but I don’t want to separate my sisters. I'm waiting for autumn, Olya promised to move with the children to my three-room apartment not far from the circus, and then I will see them more often. For now they live in Krasnoznamensk, 40 km from Moscow.

- You will give ex-girlfriend apartment?

Yes. She is the mother of my children. I don’t understand how people who once loved each other can part as enemies and not communicate. This is a tragedy!

We have an excellent relationship with Olya, as well as with her husband Dima. As soon as they announced themselves as a couple, we met with him and talked face to face. It was important for me to verify the adequacy of the person who took responsibility...

- When Stesha grew up a little and for the first time consciously reached out to me, hugged me, pressed me, I melted... Photo: Andrey Salov

- For other people's children.

Yes, but only moral. He won't have to feed my daughters. We immediately agreed that for Stefania and Gloria he is a friend, not a dad. I immediately discussed this sensitive issue so as not to provoke unnecessary conflict. The girls' father is me. No one will blame me for somehow treating them differently. I fully provide for both them and Olya; she doesn’t work and hasn’t worked since we started dating.

- You did not marry Olga, despite having two children. Why? Surely the girl planned to start a family with you.

I never imagined that I would have children out of wedlock. Olya sincerely loved me and did not understand that there were some things I couldn’t cope with. Her horoscope is Aries. Aries' stubbornness is a difficult quality. Plus Olya is jealous. And I am a freedom-loving person. A child cannot correct the characters of his parents. When she said that she was pregnant, she added: “I will give birth.” But I didn’t mind, I provided her with everything she needed, and met her and Stesha from the maternity hospital. But we never started living together.

A year later, he invited Olya to vacation in Venice so that she would come to her senses and recover, because all the worries about her daughter lay with her. And when we returned, we found out that we would become parents again. Olya was happier than me; she dreamed of having children from one man, even if he was not her husband.

With daughters Stefania and Gloria. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Edgard, can you name your daughters’ birthdays? Or do you need to call Olya for this?

Can! Stesha was born on February 24, Gloria on May 2. Although this knowledge was difficult for me (laughs), I have difficulty remembering dates. Ask me when Olga and I met and when we separated, I won’t say, because I don’t even remember approximately. But she, I’m sure, will accurately answer this question. I don’t remember, not because I’m stupid and can’t keep numbers in my head, but because I don’t see the need for this information. For me, the story is still ongoing; Olga and I are raising children. And even though each of us has our own personal life, we are close people and do not lose sight of each other. And the dates... I remember only one: the day my father died. This is understandable - the story is over forever. Askold and I became different that day.

- I would also like to talk about your beautiful children. Which one is more like you?

Stefania, the eldest, is soft, feminine, sociable, I feel very at ease with her. And externally like our breed. The war is still going on with the youngest. (With a smile.) Gloria is growing up as a stubborn girl, you need to find the key to her.

On the other hand, stubbornness can lead to success in the profession. It is important for my youngest to win her personal space and insist on her own. At such moments, I regret that she is not a boy, because she would have been raked to the fullest extent.

The girls gave their father drawings where they depicted their family: mom, dad and children - all together. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Could you spank me?!

Why not? Dad, Walter Zapashny, harshly punished my brother and me, and always for the job, for which Askold and I are incredibly grateful to him. We grew up to be normal men, not big boys. We were not even allowed to bring a C from school, let alone a D, and we were forbidden to raise our voices at any of the elders in the family. This applied to Askold to a lesser extent; he studied well, and from birth was more tolerant and diplomatic than me. Dad is an excellent trainer, he could mentally crush not only a tiger, but any person. When I reprimanded him, hammering every word, I felt sick. I wanted to say: “Dad, finally hit me, stop tormenting me!” I still punish my daughters. Not as strict as my dad, of course, but they know what an angle is, for example.

- Daughters are love and tenderness, and what else?

Severe headache. Stefania is now six, another ten years old, and boys will appear. I will be 51 years old at that time, which means I need to keep myself in good physical fitness to unscrew the heads of these goats. (Laughs.) No, of course, I haven’t yet begun to be jealous of the seven-year-old boys that Stesha likes, but I’m already looking forward to it.

- Are you raising circus people? I suppose that girls cannot avoid an artistic career.

The main thing for me is that they love the circus as much as I love it, that they grow up to be hard workers and that I am proud of them.

- There is a two-year difference between your children, just like you and your brother. Are they as friendly as you, or are there problems?

- The main thing is that my daughters love the circus as much as I love it, so that they grow up to be hard workers and I am proud of them. Photo: Andrey Salova

They are attached to each other. Even though they fight. Gloria might hit Stesha out of the blue. The physically larger one, in theory, should give back. But no, he just looks with incomprehension. Then he says to me: “Dad, why is she doing this?” I call the little one to account, I force her to apologize to her sister. I really don’t want the terrible situation of hostility between relatives to repeat itself in the family. Dad didn’t talk to our uncle, his own brother, for 15 years. Then they seemed to make up, but communication was sluggish, they swore and quarreled, but nothing good came of it. Askold and I have a different relationship. Our parents were able to instill in us that we are a single whole and are responsible for each other. My brother was sent to school when he was less than six years old, so as not to separate us. You can imagine how hard it was for him!

The first C's or F's he received in primary school, demoralized him, I had to help, calm him down, I always felt responsible. Askold and I are truly the closest people.

- Not only children, but also adults are jealous. How do your girls perceive your children? Aren't they fighting for attention?

I think it's stupid women who do this. My girlfriend is adequate and friendly and understands the situation in which I live. I already have children, and this circumstance must be accepted, and not fought. And only a loving person can accept.

- Stefania is soft, feminine, I feel very at ease with her. And we still need to find the key to Gloria. Photo: Andrey Salova

I’m going to move with her to a house that I’m finishing. And there is a large children's bedroom with four beds. I want my daughters to come visit me and live with my new children. I hope I will have them someday. I want a boy. And not just one. I can fully provide for all my children.

Well, if there are no more heirs, let my daughters come to me with their girlfriends and rage in this room - for good measure.

- Edgard, before Olga you had serious experience of living together: you lived with your circus performer Elena Petrikova for 13 years. But they didn’t get married either. Is it your character, your fear of marriage?

Lena and I had a family, but without a stamp in our passport. I was young, I was always missing something, I was selfishly pursuing a career. And I thought that I needed status to be popular eligible groom, this added interest. Lena, we must give her credit, treated this with understanding. Everyone in our circle knew that we were a couple. Another thing is that people from the outside had no idea about this. About what was civil marriage, I announced when Lena and I broke up. By the way, we also have a wonderful relationship with her, which I’m incredibly proud of. They are trying to reproach me: I have created a harem around me. And I believe that remaining friends is a sign of wisdom. Lena, like Olga, is doing well in her personal life, there is no reason for resentment or hostility. She is dating one of the world's leading clowns, Italian David Larible. When he flies to Moscow, the three of us often have dinner together, and neither he nor I are jealous. (With a smile.)

With my girlfriend Lyubov on vacation in Sri Lanka (Winter 2017). Photo: From the personal archive of Edgar Zapashny

- You mentioned that you will soon celebrate a housewarming party with your new girl. Who is she? And are you ready for marriage or is single status still important to you?

Psychologically, it is now, at 41 years old, that I want to get married and love my wife for the rest of my life. I have matured for monogamy, I am no longer attracted to affairs on the side. I was looking for a woman with whom I would want to spend all my evenings together. In order not to look for more adventures on your own head, not to have mistresses. I want to have a home where I feel cozy, comfortable, where relaxation, sex, and a warm dinner await me.

I’m not ready to answer right now what our relationship will lead to. But I promise: as soon as we decide, I will give you an exclusive interview.

- I'll take your word for it. What is important for you to see in a woman? Maybe this will make someone think.

- I joke that my brother and I rebranded - and instead of the Zapashny brothers, we are now the Zapashny sisters. With daughters and nieces Elsa and Eva. Photo: Andrey Salova

I'm not interested in lazy women who sit on the heads of wealthy men and believe that their job is to spend their lover's money on themselves. No, I don’t respect them one bit, even if they are as beautiful as goddesses. I am interested in hardworking women, those who do something useful and necessary in life and at the same time manage to take care of their husbands, children and even look great.

And a woman must also realize that the man in charge of the house is the man. And then loneliness will not threaten her.