How the timbre of a woman's voice affects her attractiveness to men. Why are men attracted to a high-pitched female voice? Is it possible to attract a man’s attention with a voice?

In an effort to please men, women resort to all sorts of tricks and tricks: these include all sorts of tricks related to appearance, and even certain basics of male psychology that help to understand how a man thinks, and based on this information, set up cleverly woven networks and traps. The vast majority of women, unfortunately, miss only one thing: their voice. For some reason, it is believed that such a small figure (in comparison, for example, with a figure of 90-60-90) means nothing and does not affect a woman’s popularity with men. But is this really so?

In reality, of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to charm a man with a voice like a siren: nevertheless, you will have to abandon your faith in mysticism. Nevertheless, the voice can significantly influence relationships with men and, under certain conditions, even help its owner win the hearts of the stronger sex. We found out how a woman’s voice affects her popularity with men: find out about this too.

Is it possible to attract a man's attention with your voice?

Let's start, as usual, from the beginning: is it even possible to attract a man's attention with the help of his voice? Not literally, of course: it is quite possible to attract a man’s attention with a loud cry, but whether this attention will be what is desired and sought after is a big question with the prospect of a negative answer.

Making guesses is not the best way to get to the truth, so we conducted a small survey to find out from our male readers what attracts them most in beautiful ladies. You can see this survey in our special publication, but as you probably already guess, the voice has become the most popular item that attracts the attention of the stronger sex. About fifty-eight percent of respondents voted for him.

A visual image is, of course, good, but a woman does not always have the opportunity to demonstrate it at the first impression. Even putting aside accidents, the consequences of which are loss of vision, there are already plenty of options when a man cannot really see a woman and is forced to rely mostly on her voice.

In this case, the voice may not even be a means of attracting attention, but the only way to leave a good first impression: a man may not even want to date someone with shrill teacher intonations, for example, no matter how beautiful the photograph of a potential partner may be.

How does voice tone affect attractiveness?

So, we found out: the voice is, if not a weapon of mass destruction, then still a pretty powerful thing. With its help, you can not only leave a pleasant first impression, but also attract the attention of the man you like. But how do timbre, voice type and tone, together and individually, influence attractiveness?

Listening to a person’s voice, but not seeing it, we willy-nilly try to visualize it in front of us: in this way our brain tries to compensate for the lack of information. Scientists, conducting an experiment with many respondents, found that a person is able to more or less accurately determine the size of the speaker’s body, even if he cannot see him in front of him.

This is probably why most men prefer ladies whose voice is high (a low voice can indicate the impressive size of a potential partner, as well as any health problems), and also has a characteristic hoarseness. The latter can be either an individual preference or indicate a certain maturity of the woman.

Of course, this does not mean that for the sake of the coveted hoarseness in your voice you need to destroy your health, trying to achieve it by shouting for a long time or in other ways that are no less dangerous for the body. Nevertheless, it is still worth practicing your pronunciation by playing a little with tone and speed: this way you can determine the approximate potential of your voice and choose the option that suits you.

As you can see, you can become more attractive not only with the help of tricks with cosmetic procedures. Sometimes, in order to please a man and generally be more popular with the opposite sex, it is enough just to have the “right” voice, and not a stunning figure.

However, if possible, you should not limit yourself to one voice: men, as you know, mostly love with their eyes. What do they really like about a woman? We have previously found the answer to this question: read our previous publication and you will find out what two things in your image can make men fall in love with you at first sight.

Tell us what you think about this: can, in your opinion, the timbre and type of a woman’s voice influence her attractiveness and popularity with the opposite sex, or not? Why?

The young woman insisted, “Are you listening? My voice is so low that people mistake me for a man on the phone. Okay, I'm a lawyer, and that's good for my job: I win almost all my cases. But in life this voice bothers me. And my friend doesn’t like him!”

Leather jacket, short hair, angular movements... The woman also resembled a young man in that she spoke in a low voice with a slight hoarseness: such voices are found in strong personalities and heavy smokers. The phoniatrist examined her vocal cords and found only minor swelling, which, however, is almost always observed in those who smoke a lot. But the patient asked for an operation to change her “male” timbre.

Jean Abitbol refused her: there were no medical indications for the operation, and he was sure that changing her voice would change the patient’s personality. Abitbol is an otolaryngologist, phoniatrist, and a pioneer in the field of voice surgery. He is the author of the “Vocal Research in Dynamics” method. After hearing from the doctor that her personality and voice were a perfect match, the female lawyer left disappointed.

Almost a year later, a ringing soprano sounded in the doctor's office - it belonged to a girl with shoulder-length hair, wearing a beige muslin dress. At first Abitbol didn’t even recognize his former patient: she persuaded another doctor to operate on her, and the specialist did an excellent job. The new voice demanded a new appearance - and the woman’s appearance changed surprisingly. She became different - more feminine and soft, but, as it turned out, these changes turned out to be a disaster for her.

“In my sleep, I speak in my old low voice,” she admitted sadly. - And in reality I began to lose the processes. I have become somewhat helpless, I lack pressure, irony, and I have the feeling that it is not I who is protecting someone, but myself who is defending myself all the time. I just don’t recognize myself.”

Renata Litvinova, screenwriter, actress, director

I feel very good about my voice. Perhaps this is the little thing that I more or less like about myself. Do I change it? Yes, involuntarily: when I’m happy, I speak in a higher tone, and when I make some effort on myself, my voice suddenly goes deep. But if in public places they recognize me first of all by my voice, then I don’t like it. I think: “Lord, am I really so scary that you can only recognize me by my intonations?”

So, the voice is closely related to our physical condition, appearance, emotions and inner world. “The voice is an alchemy of spirit and body,” explains Dr. Abitbol, ​​“and it bears the scars we have earned throughout our lives. You can tell about them by our breathing, pauses and melody of speech. Therefore, the voice is not only a reflection of our personality, but also a chronicle of its development. And when someone tells me that he doesn’t like his own voice, I, of course, examine the larynx and vocal cords, but at the same time I am interested in the biography, profession, character and cultural background of the patient.”

Voice and temperament

Alas, many people are familiar with the pain of recording a duty phrase on their own answering machine. But what does culture have to do with it? Alina is 38 years old and holds a responsible position in a large PR agency. Once, hearing herself on tape, she was horrified: “God, what a squeak! Not a PR director, but some kind of kindergarten!”

Jean Abitbol argues: this is a clear example of the influence of our culture. Fifty years ago, a ringing, high-pitched voice, like that of the French chanson and film star Arletty or Lyubov Orlova, was considered typically feminine. Actresses with low, husky voices, like Marlene Dietrich, embodied mystery and seduction. “Today it is better for a female leader to have a lower timbre,” explains the phoniatrist. - It seems that gender inequality is evident even here! To live in harmony with your voice and yourself, you need to take into account the standards of society, which sometimes force us to idealize certain sound frequencies.”

Vasily Livanov, actor

When I was young, my voice was different. I picked it 45 years ago, during filming. He recovered the way he is now. I am sure that a voice is a person’s biography, an expression of his individuality. I can change my voice when I voice different characters - Carlson, Crocodile Gena, Boa Constrictor, but this already applies to my profession. Does having an easily recognizable voice help me? Something else helps in life - respect and love for people. And it doesn’t matter at all in what voice these feelings are expressed.

Alina’s problem may seem far-fetched, but Abitbol reminds us: our voice is a secondary sexual characteristic. American psychologists led by Dr. Susan Hughes from the University of Albany in a recent study proved that people whose voice is perceived as erotic actually have a more active sex life. And, for example, if your voice is too infantile for your age, perhaps during your growing up, your vocal cords did not receive the proper amount of appropriate hormones.

It happens that a large, respectable man, a boss, speaks in a completely childish, ringing voice - with such a voice it would be better to voice cartoons than to manage an enterprise. “Because of the timbre of their voice, such men are often dissatisfied with themselves and do not accept their personality,” continues Dr. Abitbol. - The work of a phoniatrist or orthophonist is to help such people install the vocal apparatus and develop the strength of their voice. After two or three months, their true voice “emerges”, and, of course, they like it much more.”

what does your voice sound like?

Another common complaint about one’s own voice is that it “does not sound”; the person cannot be heard. “If there are three people in a room, it’s useless for me to open my mouth,” the patient complained during the consultation. “Do you really want to be heard?” - the phoniatrist clarified.

Vadim Stepantsov, musician

Me and my voice - we suit each other, we are in harmony. I was told about its unusual overtones and sexuality, especially when it sounds on the phone. I know about this property, but I never use it. I didn't do much vocal work: early in my rock 'n' roll career, I decided that the raw voice had more life, energy and meaning. But some people should change their voice - many men have voices that are completely unsuitable for them. In one of Kim Ki-Duk's films, the bandit is silent all the time and only utters a phrase at the end. And he turns out to have such a thin and vile voice that catharsis immediately sets in.

The opposite case: a person literally drowns out his interlocutors with his “trumpet bass,” deliberately lowering his chin (for better resonance) and listening to how he does it. “Any otolaryngologist can easily recognize an artificially forced voice,” says Abitbol. - Men who need to demonstrate their strength resort to this more often. They have to constantly “fake” their natural timbre, and they no longer like it. As a result, they have problems in their relationships with themselves.”

Another example is people who are not aware that their voice becomes a real problem for others. These are “screamers”, who, not paying attention to pleas, do not lower the volume even half a tone, or “rattlers”, from whose indomitable chatter, it seems, even the legs of a chair can become loose. “Often these people want to prove something - to themselves or to others,” explains Dr. Abitbol. - Don’t be shy to tell them the truth: “When you talk like that, I don’t understand you” or “I’m sorry, but your voice bores me.”

Leonid Volodarsky, television and radio presenter

I'm not interested in my voice at all. There was a time when I was translating films, and now people recognize me first of all by my voice, they constantly ask about the clothespin on my nose. I don't like it. I'm not an opera singer, and my voice has nothing to do with my personality. They say that he became part of history? Well, good. And I live today.

Loud, shrill voices are really very uncomfortable. In this case, “vocal re-education” with the participation of an otolaryngologist, phoniatrist and orthophonist can help. And also - classes in the acting studio, where they will learn to control the voice; choral singing, where you learn to listen to others; vocal lessons to set the timbre and... find your true individuality. “Whatever the problem, it can always be solved,” Jean Abitbol is sure. “The ultimate goal of such work is to literally feel “in the voice,” that is, as good and natural as in your own body.”

Women with sexy voices have facial features such as high cheekbones, soft jawlines and full lips. Their faces are usually symmetrical. Many scientists believe that facial symmetry is a sign of good genes, writes The Hindustan Times.

Researchers from the University of Vienna photographed 42 female students and recorded their voices. The recordings were then given to the men to listen to. It turned out that the girls whose voice attracted participants were often beautiful. According to scientists, a pleasant voice means: a woman’s vocal cords, larynx and nasal cavities are well synchronized, which indicates the symmetry of her face.

Another study conducted by researchers at the University of Miami found that young women with deep, hoarse voices were less likely to make it past the final round of interviews. It turns out that a slightly squeaky low voice creates an unattractive female image. This is especially true for women job seekers, writes The Deccan Chronicle.

An experiment was conducted: seven young women and men made recordings of their voices (using their normal voice and making it slightly hoarse). These recordings were then played to a group of 800 volunteers. They had to determine whether the owner of the recorded voice was an educated, competent, reliable and attractive person. Volunteers also noted who they would hire based on their vote rating.

As a result, volunteers chose the owners of normal voices in 80% of cases. If the person on the recording deliberately made his voice more hoarse, then the volunteers rated him lower and were not ready to hire him. In particular, a hoarse voice was considered to belong to untrustworthy people.

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    Dance is an important part of human culture, especially in the context of courtship rituals, as it allows one to evaluate the physical abilities and general attractiveness of a potential partner. Scientists have found out which elements of women's dance are most attractive. It turned out that the movements of the pelvis and hips, as well as the asymmetry of the movements of the limbs, are crucial. As the researchers write, swaying the hips is a sign of femininity of movements, and the ability to control the limbs asymmetrically indicates developed motor skills. In this case, excessive independence of limb movements looks like involuntary and pathological.

    Scientists have found that men most like women whose back is at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the butt. This angle in primitive society allowed representatives of the fairer sex to work even in the last months of pregnancy, without the risk of injuring their backs - and it was more profitable for men to choose them as life partners.

    Do you like my voice? That means I'll like you too! Those with nice voices turn out to be more adventurous in bed. And such research was carried out by science-hungry scientists. The researchers placed 149 men and women in reproductive chambers. The audience listened to recordings of several voices. Without knowing it, those sitting and listening became sympathetic to the voices of those who began having sex at a young age, had more sexual partners and were not always unconditionally faithful.

    It turned out that men find a woman in a studio photograph more attractive compared to her usual photographs, but are less likely to trust her. The results of the women's survey varied. Not only did female volunteers find the man in the studio photo more attractive, but they also tended to be more trusting of him.

    To whom or what does a beautiful woman owe? Scientists say they have discovered the answer to this question: a sex hormone called estrogen. The discovery is truly sensational because it means that men are primarily attracted to potentially the most fertile women.

    In conditions of food shortages, people change their views on the size of a potential partner. It turns out that in such situations, preference is often given to larger forms - in contrast to conditions when people have enough food and life is more relaxed.

    Scientists have noticed that women with curvy hips and large busts became the standard of beauty during difficult times of wars and economic downturns. Now they are trying to find a connection between the feeling of hunger and a weakness for beauties “in the body.”

    Why do heterosexual men pay so much attention to those large, bulging "bags of fat" located in a woman's chest area? Scientists have never given a clear answer to this question, but a professor of psychiatry at Emory University, who studies the neurological basis of complex social behavior, has offered his own explanation for the phenomenon.

    According to a study by scientists from the University of Texas, gender differences in preferences were noted for 5 out of 19 parameters (financial situation, physical attractiveness, chastity, ambition and age). Men dreamed of a physically attractive and young partner. Women were looking for a wealthy and ambitious partner who would be older. At the same time, psychologists from the University of Zurich showed that friendliness, intelligence, humor and cheerfulness are important for both men and women. Playfulness was in the middle, but not very far from the leading qualities. This trait turned out to be more important than, for example, higher education, good genes or religiosity.

    Naimark E. B.

    German ornithologists, working with zebra finches, compared the reproductive success of couples matched for love with those who were forcibly united with someone else's chosen one. There were 37% more young people in “happy” couples than in “unhappy” ones. At the same time, genetic incompatibility in both groups was approximately at the same level. Scientists have concluded that with monogamy, family harmony is the same point of application of natural selection as other characteristics that increase the number of offspring raised.

A famous psychologist spoke about how to charm a man just by talking to him, when and how to remain silent, why a woman’s voice should be “lined with velvet” and what voices irritate men Anetta Orlova, who wrote a monograph on this topic.

If our soul is reflected in our eyes, then our voice is a mirror of character. Intonation can color speech with warm shades of joy and self-confidence or add cold notes of arrogance and selfishness to what is said. So it's not just what you say, but also how you sound that matters.

Despite the fact that women love with their ears, the voice of the interlocutor is also important for a man. The pleasant melody of speech will not leave the listener indifferent; the timbre of the voice will complement and complete the image.

For different voices...

There is an opinion that a low voice sounds more pleasant and sexier, it seems that the writer thought so too Brendan Francis Behan. He said that men will always admire a woman whose voice is lined with velvet. Indeed, it is not difficult to fall in love with the owner of a deep voice, since her speech is imbued with self-sufficiency, strength and confidence. Such a woman looks inaccessible; it is not surprising that the hunter’s instinct awakens in men and the desire to possess her arises.

Besides, A breathy voice will help to excite a man. Whatever the girl is talking about, the words intertwined with her breath will tell the listener that he is interested in her sexually.

For those with a high voice less fortunate, since shrill notes are often associated by interlocutors with youth and immaturity. But if a man plays the role of father in a relationship, a girl with a high voice will be an ideal companion for him.

Loud and harsh voice causes opposite associations. Most often, owners of such a voice strive to control others, want to manage and command. This option is most likely suitable for a man who will forever remain a child; he will feel in a woman with such a voice the support he needs so much.

On the first date

A meek girl can easily charm a strong man, and the melody of her voice will help her emphasize her desire to be protected. On a date, it is better to speak quietly and measuredly., maintain semantic pauses, use adjectives and metaphors, exclude harsh words and phrases. It is also necessary to monitor your facial expressions and gestures; they should complement speech and not conflict with it. This may be a downcast gaze, smooth and not too active hand movements. But a woman's voice should not be lifeless. A man's attention will be attracted by the slight emotionality and freshness in the speech of his interlocutor.

If a woman wants to charm a soft and flexible man, then she needs to emphasize her strength. Speech in this case should be clear, clear and even overly emotional, and the look of such an interlocutor should express self-confidence. You definitely don’t need to look at the pattern on the floor in a cafe, nor do you need to fiddle with your napkin during a conversation.

By the way, Patricia Kaas– the owner of a sexy, bewitching voice – gesticulates quite actively and sharply, her gait conflicts with her voice, which breaks the unity of the impression. She is a prime example of how nonverbal communication can conflict with the melody of the voice.

When talking with the man of your dreams, it is important to keep track of time and not forget about pauses. It has been proven that a man can listen to the speech of his interlocutor for no more than 20 seconds; he either will not perceive everything that is said after this time, or (even worse) will begin to get irritated. However, a man never gets tired of listening to compliments spoken in a soft and sexy voice.

Anyway, To hook a man, you need to be able to not only speak, but also listen to him. Integrate into your speech such constructions as “I understand you,” “I’m so interested in you,” “I like listening to your stories.” In addition, it is necessary to remember the words and phrases that he uses and sometimes pronounce them. And if a man asks: “What was I talking about?”, try to repeat the end of the phrase, he will appreciate how carefully you listened to him.

Uncertain speech is annoying

It is quite difficult for an insecure woman to attract the attention of men; things are even worse if the girl is used to complaining about her life. Naturally, the intonation will immediately reveal all the problems of the owner of the voice.
For example, drawn-out sounds, slurred speech or stuttering are signs that a woman needs constant care from her companion. It is likely that the first conversation with a man will be your last.

Assertiveness, turning into strong aggression, and masculine notes in the voice women will also cause negative emotions in men, yet they look for tenderness and care in us.

Fast active speech makes the voice fill with harsh halftones, this is tiring - it is not very pleasant to endure the tension for a long time.
A real man will always gravitate towards a soft woman whose speech and movements are soft. If a woman has a low voice, then the whole world is in her pocket.

Working on mistakes: exercises for voice and speech

“If beautiful voices were sold in supermarkets, they would have many buyers. It’s a pity that we haven’t thought of this yet,” said the gorgeous Marlene Dietrich. Can you imagine the line that would line up behind a soft, velvety voice? But while there is no such product on supermarket shelves, you can work on your intonation and speech yourself.

A shackled body is a real prison for a soft voice. Therefore, first of all, you need to remove all the clamps and allow your body to open up. The freed sexual energy will rise up the spinal column and allow the voice to sound more tender and attractive. Dancing classes will help you get rid of the shackles of your body: your body will become more flexible, your movements will be more flexible, and your voice will be sexier.

Take some vocal lessons, an experienced teacher will show you the basics of breathing correctly and remove the clamps that prevent your voice from sounding melodious. Start your day with a good gentle song performed by you and dancing to the sound of your own voice!

Intonation helps we need to convey a thought to the interlocutor, if we speak monotonously, on one note, the listener will stop perceiving the information. But in this matter you can’t go anywhere without training. To practice, take a few minutes and read passages from books. Take, for example, Bunin’s stories about love, voice the characters’ dialogues in a gentle voice and go out in a romantic mood to meet your love.

From the volume of your voice depends on how the interlocutor will perceive you, so you need to adjust it. Say numbers from one to ten at different volumes and determine which sound is optimal for you. But do not forget that if you are in a noisy place, the volume needs to be increased, otherwise the interlocutor will regard your quiet speech as disrespect for himself.

Learn to clearly formulate your thoughts, then you will create the impression of a confident woman. Rehearse in front of a mirror, watch your gestures, control them, as fussy hand movements will reveal your doubts in your own abilities.

Look at how the cat moves(this is the most attractive image for men). Imagine yourself as a catwoman and try to make your gestures as graceful. When you wake up, gently, like a cat, stretch in bed. When preparing breakfast, move like a cat, for example, walk slightly on tiptoe - this will add softness to your body, and therefore your voice. If your voice lacks sexuality, try purring and meowing every morning.

They say that women love with their ears. But for some reason they always forget about men. Men also love with their ears – her voice plays an important role in a man’s relationship with a woman.

It is believed that men love low female voices. That's what the statistics say. However, a small survey conducted among my friends suggests that a low voice is different from a low voice. So, despite the obvious advantages of Elizaveta Boyarskaya’s appearance, her voice attracts few people. Moreover, most men would make their choice not in favor of such a beautiful woman precisely because of her unattractive voice. So what should a real woman sound like?

The low female voice comes in different forms. There are women with problems on the vocal cords or simply smoky voices. Men definitely don’t like these guys, simply because they sound just like men. However, if a woman has a velvet voice , then she can consider herself truly fatal. After all, such a voice speaks of the self-sufficiency, strength and self-confidence of its owner. It is difficult to possess such a woman, so the man’s hunter’s instinct awakens and he begins to actively court her.

I like it very much men have so-called “wet” voices . It is impossible to speak loudly and quickly with such a voice; it sounds beautiful only with slow, quiet speech, even in a whisper. This voice is truly feminine, it excites and lulls at the same time.

Also to seduce a representative of the stronger half of humanity maybe a breathy voice . Such a voice tells a man that he is desirable, that the woman is committed to a close relationship, that she is ready for sensual love. This is a voice with sexual overtones that cannot be unpleasant for a man.

Not every woman is blessed with a high-pitched female voice . And not every man is ready to accept such a voice. Indeed, for many, a high voice is subconsciously associated with youth and immaturity, and therefore unpreparedness for adult relationships. However, if a man is determined to communicate with an infantile girl and is ready to take responsibility for her, then a woman with such a voice will evoke only positive emotions in him.

Loud, harsh, abrupt voice does not evoke positive emotions in anyone. For example, psychologists claim that panic in a crowd can be caused by children's and women's voices, which are loud and harsh. This is exactly how a man perceives a woman with a loud voice. It is impossible to relax with her, you cannot find peace, she does not evoke passionate sexual desire. So if you're not too lucky with your voice, it's worth working on it.

Speech technique teachers advise doing a few simple exercises in order to develop a beautiful voice.

For starters, it's worth work on your body – after all, it is his stiffness that causes the tightness of the vocal cords. Tense shoulders and neck, poor posture, chronic diseases - all this prevents your voice from breaking out. Don't forget the importance of physical exercise - simple daily stretching exercises will help you relax your thoracic spine and reduce pressure on your vocal cords. All this will allow your voice to sound softer and more sensual.

Sing! After all, singing not only allows you to get rid of an accent and problems with speech (stuttering, for example), but also perfectly releases your true voice. If possible, take a few vocal lessons - an experienced teacher will show you breathing exercises. And don’t forget to start every day with a song - this way you will “cleanse” your speech apparatus, “wake up” your ligaments, and you won’t have to clear your throat before starting a conversation all day long.

Read good books out loud . Voice over the lovers' dialogues, trying to breathe life into them and your understanding of love. Alone with yourself, you will be able to bring into reality your idea of ​​an ideal voice, of how, in your opinion, a true declaration of love should sound. And only then, having practiced, it will be much easier for you to reproduce all this in reality - including in your own relationships.

Adjust the volume of your own voice . Do not speak too quietly - this is considered a sign of bad taste and disrespect for the interlocutor. At the same time, speaking too loudly will alienate your counterpart and will not give you the opportunity to create the necessary intimacy and trust. So you should pay attention to the volume at which your interlocutor is speaking and try to adapt to him. However, it is still better for a woman to speak a little more quietly than a man, making the conversation pleasant and smooth.

Each has its own approach.

Each man is unique and requires a separate approach. You are unlikely to be able to charm different men in one way, so take a closer look at your potential companion.

A weak woman can please a strong man - this is logical, because opposites attract. And your voice will help you appear weak - speak quietly, smoothly, making pauses. Do not use obscene expressions, try not to raise your voice in any situations. Whispers, quiet iridescent laughter, affectionate words - all this cannot but please a truly strong man.

A soft and flexible man requires a completely different approach. It makes him feel calmer to feel that he is nearby. a woman you can trust, who can take care and support . In this case, it is worth acting in contrast - if he speaks softly and smoothly, a woman needs to be able to clearly formulate her thoughts, not be afraid of specific expressions and power in her voice. With all your behavior, show self-confidence, emotional stability and harmony with the world around you. In a word, don’t be afraid to show your maternal instinct, there’s actually nothing special about it, because no one is forcing you to become his real mother, just be prepared to meet the needs of the man you care about.

In a word, if you don’t want to become a chronic disappointment for your man, or for a man you deeply like, work on your own voice - let it be a powerful weapon in the matter of seduction.