How to relieve constant tension in the head during neurosis? How to quickly relieve stress or nervous tension.

Modern life forces you to solve all sorts of problems every minute, make choices, and experience stress. And there is almost no time left to stop, rest, relax. As a result, irritability, nervousness appears, and a sense of inner comfort is lost.

The ability to relax is gradually lost. In this state, most of us live for years, not suspecting that such internal discomfort has a name - internal tension.

How does internal tension manifest itself in the body, what is the cause of internal tension, how to get rid of internal tension? This one is very important topic we will talk to you today:

How to recognize this condition?

The fact that a person experiences constant internal tension is eloquently evidenced by drooping shoulders, back pain, and muscle tightness. The person becomes overly nervous and suffers from sleep disorders. This negative state inevitably leads to health problems. Gastritis, peptic ulcer, hypertension, as well as cardiac ischemia, heart attacks, strokes and even migraine attacks occur, among other reasons, due to it.

Why does this condition occur?

The main reason for tension within a person is the reluctance to solve accumulated problems. How often, having encountered them on your life path, a person prefers not to solve them, but hides like an ostrich, “burying his head in the sand.” But unresolved problems do not allow you to relax and give rise to new problems and obstacles. The result is ever-increasing internal tension.

For example, relationships with your “other half” are not going well. And instead of calmly talking to each other, clearing up the accumulated grievances and solving this problem forever, the person continues to maintain painful coexistence and the tension increases. The release is usually separation and divorce.

The same is observed in professional activity, when a person is not satisfied with his job, salary, relationships with superiors or colleagues do not go well. But we keep all our emotions to ourselves and humbly go to our office.

And we are all well aware of the common truths: a child must be obedient and study well. A wife should be a good housewife, no matter what, take care of her husband. And he, in turn, is obliged to earn decent money. But in life, our expectations do not always coincide with the correspondence. For example, if the husband is a doctor and earns little, does that mean he is a bad husband?

Internal “shoulds” and “shoulds”, discrepancies between “how it should be” and “what I want” accumulate. Therefore, most of us have internal tension.

How to get rid of it?

Do as you need:

As we already know, the state of internal tension is directly related to unresolved problems and the discrepancy between the concept of “should” and your own desires person.

Therefore, to eliminate this condition, you need, no matter how trivial it may sound, to love yourself and not be afraid to solve the problem as you need. Nothing will “settle out” by itself and nothing will work out as it should. You need to understand that only you are responsible for your life, and only you can do whatever you want.

Learn to relax!

It is very good to have a massage session to relax stiff muscles. Better yet, find a good osteopath. With its help, you will get rid of a huge amount of accumulated tension in the body. After the first procedure it will be released large number the necessary energy to help cope with unresolved problems.

If possible, start doing yoga. Regular exercise will restore flexibility to joints and elasticity to muscles. Yoga will release trapped energy, and in addition, the consciousness will noticeably clear, and new healthy ideas will appear. In addition to relaxing your body, take care of your inner state and start visiting a psychologist. This will help eliminate internal psychological stress, see problems as if from the outside, and then successfully cope with them. After that more strength will remain for life itself.

Eat right!

Be sure to complete all the above recommendations proper diet. If available overweight, start getting rid of it. Give up strong alcohol, quit smoking. Eating vitamin products will help you replenish your vital energy: fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, berries. Be sure to eat porridge, seafood, fish, and dairy products.

Chat with loved ones!

If necessary, have a heart-to-heart talk with the person closest to you. Don't keep everything to yourself. There is nothing wrong with other people's advice. You don’t have to use them, but they often lead to the right thought, which then helps you get out of a negative situation or solve a problem.

Therefore, do not isolate yourself, invite friends to your place, go to visit yourself. And don’t forget to have fun: go to the theaters, attend concerts. Just sit in a cafe or go shopping. This will improve your mood and help you look at everything from a different perspective.

It seems words like nervous tension , anxiety And stress- have entered the everyday vocabulary of almost every adult Russian.

I suggested experimenting with how we react to words. And is it really so that we think, feel and speak in harmony, even for ourselves. Such exercises allow us to identify which attitudes prevent us from realizing our desires and feeling easy and at ease.

What words or phrases cause an aggravated reaction and reveal current problem mental disharmony. And then, outline the ways of psychotherapeutic work. It's always like this if it's real emotional state disharmonious, then we cannot adequately perceive everything that we see, hear, feel. This means that the response to the world will not be the best option.

For example, when I discuss with a client the aphorism “An egoist is an unpleasant guy who thinks about himself, not about me,” the client zealously, in all seriousness, defends his position on why this aphorism is bad. I understand that the word “egoist” catches him. And the client himself is an egoist, but he tries to deny it and make excuses. This is one non-negotiable point. Secondly, I test by color choice, and understand what emotional state he is in, and what aggravates the perception of this phrase. After our specific collaboration, the attitude towards this aphorism is changing.

When I first read this phrase, my first and only reaction was laughter. Well, obviously this is a humorous statement. Didn't anyone notice?

Now who I answered and who I didn’t.

I answered everyone who fulfilled both parts of the condition:

1. I made an arrangement of aphorisms and colors.

2. Sent 3 emails to my email. addresses of friends to whom I recommended my blog.

This work, although interesting, is tiring. Quid pro quo!

AND Thanks a lot to those who shared with me their favorite aphorisms, parables, etc.!

The bad news is that everyone stress, nervous tension, anxiety, fatigue, many apathy. In principle, the reasons for all this can be very diverse, and often inevitable. Good news the fact that you can recover and throw off all this unfriendly burden.

I'll briefly talk about how I relax. And then, I will give win-win recommendations.

Depending on temperament and level energy state, everyone chooses the most pleasant and feasible look stress relief. I relax, recover and am ready for new exploits, with the help of sex, sports, dancing, energetic music, short meditations, water procedures, reading, applied literature that interests me. No less, I enjoy it when I spoil people close to me with gifts and goodies. These are my stable and reliable methods.

Non-permanent methods include:

A trip to nature. You should definitely be alone, and in your own car. It is advisable that it rains, and I go out onto the mountain, with an opening view of the Volga River and the forest beyond. If it’s at night, then I go to the mountain with an overview of the city at night. I turn on my favorite music and enjoy beautiful view, fresh air, to the sounds of your favorite melodies. In Volgograd, it’s difficult to find a mountain, but a couple favorite places I ran it in. The view is truly gorgeous.

Rare trips to hypermarkets also add strength. Provided that I have some next culinary masterpiece in mind. Because I'm rarely in the kitchen, so cooking for me is not something everyday. But if I take up cooking, I do it with all my heart, and I just get tremendous pleasure. And in my family it’s a holiday - Tanya cooks, which means there will be something delicious. Well, of course, it will be delicious - I put all my soul and all my imagination into the process. If I lie down in front of the TV and ask my husband to turn on something “light,” he plays cartoons for me. He says it couldn't be easier. I love cartoons about Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Prostokvashino and other classic delights. I’m taking a break from meeting with a friend, and I’m childishly happy about my old acquaintances, whom, unfortunately, we very rarely see.

I think I wrote everything I’ve been doing for so long that I didn’t even remember anything else.

How to relieve anxiety and stress.I recommend the classic one, and not only, music to remove “black glasses”. Listen to any music you like.

1. Benedetto Marcello “Concerto for oboe and string orchestra in C minor.”

2. Tomaso Albinoni “Adagio for organ and strings.”

3. Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov “Second Concerto for Piano and Orchestra.”

Getting rid of apathy, detachment.

4. Franz Peter Schubert “Barcarolle”.

5. Robert Schumann “Intermezzo from the suite “Vienna Carnival”.

6. Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin “Etude, A-flat minor.”

We also move away from regrets about the past.

7. Antonin Dvorak “Slavic dance”.

8. Ludwig van Beethoven "Fur Elise".

9. Edvard Grieg “Concerto for piano and orchestra.”

The music of Mozart, Rachmaninov and Vivaldi will always energize you!

— Visit old friends.

— Have a family holiday.

- Remember your favorite tunes.

— Organize relaxing holiday outdoors (walking in the park, watching animals and birds, fishing, etc.).

- Engage in gentle sports (swimming, jogging, cycling, etc.).

— Pamper yourself with pleasant bodily treatments (massage, therapeutic and mud baths, etc.).

— Try to combine physical and spiritual techniques, for example, in yoga classes, aromatherapy, meditation and other techniques that interest you.

Develop aesthetic culture (visit museums, exhibitions, theatrical and film productions, etc.).

— Try to “create” on your own (write poetry, draw, sculpt, create masterpieces of culinary art, etc.).

- Write down and tell jokes and funny incidents from your life and the lives of people around you.

— Set yourself a goal (the smallest one), plan the stages of achieving it (write it down), set yourself intermediate tasks (write it down). Place this plan in a prominent place and mark with a sign each completed task, each completed stage.

- Write slogans on beautiful pieces of paper - “Win!”, “Become!”, “Realize!”, “Organize!”, “Achieve!” and hang these slogans throughout the apartment or in your workplace (if possible) in such a way that your eyes will always come across them.

— If the previous steps are too difficult for you, then master the “SCHN” (do something) technology. And it doesn’t matter what you do. Achieve at least a little success and back it up with a positive incentive (treat yourself).

— There should be a smile on your face most of the day, and only good thoughts in your head.

— The most important thing is to learn to enjoy every moment of life, love yourself and the world around you!

If you know any other ways, how to relieve nervous tension, anxiety and stress, harmonize soul and body. Often, one word read replaces hundreds of books read!

Sincerely, Tatyana Mamai

Many people suffer from constant nervous tension due to problems at work or in the family. Therefore, they are always in a bad mood and state of health, they find it difficult to sleep, and in the morning they feel overwhelmed and tired. If this continues for several days or weeks, then nervous exhaustion of the body may occur, mental disorder. It's worth thinking about how to relieve nervous tension before it develops into something more serious.


The causes of nervous tension can be very different:

  • Changing living conditions. Previously, the levels of a person’s physical and neuropsychological stress corresponded to each other. Now there is a clear preponderance towards the second, which has a negative impact on health.
  • Increased information flow. Technological progress, high-speed exchange of information, and lack of free time require a person to perceive and process a colossal amount of data, which forces his brain to be in constant tension.
  • Increase in the number of unwanted contacts. The number and duration of unpleasant contacts in public transport, on the street, in line at a bank or store far exceeds the volume of pleasant communication (with family, friends).
  • Prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields. Scientific and technological progress has made human life much easier, but forced him to constantly be in the zone electromagnetic radiation(computers, TVs, microwaves, etc.).
  • Increasing background noise. In big cities, people are constantly surrounded by background noise. Even when returning in the evening after work, the first thing many people do is turn on the TV, which does not allow the brain to relax, causing headaches, sleep disturbances, insomnia, rapid breathing, increased blood pressure, psychoses and nervous strain.

  • Unfavorable environmental background. High level carbon monoxide, smog, car exhaust, oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, zinc, radioactive fumes negatively affect gas exchanges occurring in the lungs and brain, affecting nervous system and psyche.
  • Age-related changes. With age protective forces the body weakens, changes hormonal background, everyday and material problems encourage a person to perceive more negatively real existence. Troubles that in adolescence you forget about the next day or don’t pay attention to them, in mature age They are forced to scroll through them several times, engaging in self-flagellation, psychological self-destruction, causing strong emotions and stress.

As a rule, neuropsychic stress is accompanied by poorly controlled muscle strain. A sedentary lifestyle and constant nervousness leads to the fact that a person constantly feels hypertonicity and nagging pain in the neck, shoulder girdle, and lower back. Each movement is given to him with effort and enormous energy consumption, performance decreases, irritability appears, which further aggravates the psychological state.


It is believed that women, not men, are more likely to suffer from nervous tension. This is due to the fact that women are accustomed to expressing their emotions clearly; they tend to worry more about it or not. Men, on the contrary, know how to restrain their emotions, they relate to life’s troubles more simply, and therefore they experience stress less often.

Nervous tension is characterized by decreased activity, inability to sleep at night, irritability, lethargy, and lack of desire to communicate with people. If a person does not pay any attention to this condition, then very soon, due to constant stress, he may experience much more serious problems with health.


Medicines for nervous tension can quickly relieve anxiety, irritability, stress, and increase performance, but sooner or later they will have to be abandoned. Therefore, you should not self-medicate; tablets are prescribed only by your doctor in cases that really require serious therapy.

Potent prescription drugs:

  • Phenazepam.
  • Tofisopam.

Over-the-counter medications:

  • Afobazol.
  • Atarax.
  • Adaptol.
  • Glycine.
  • Corvalol.
  • Valocordin.

Preparations with vitamin complexes:

  • Magne B6.
  • Vitamin B complex.

Herbal preparations:

  • Persen.
  • Novo-Passit.
  • Biovital.
  • Dormiplant.

Herbs, tinctures, extracts:

  • Peony.
  • Motherwort.
  • Peppermint.

Homeopathic medicines:

  • Homeostresses.
  • Tenoten.

Read also how to make strong sleeping pills at home and have a good rest without pharmaceutical drugs

No drugs

  • Physical activity. The active supply of oxygen to the brain allows you to cope with nervous tension, the functions of the endocrine system are normalized, and the functioning of precisely those parts of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for mood improves. The best way to help is to go for a walk fresh air with alternating walking speed and changing step length. A little exercise at the end of the working day will also be beneficial for your mood; if possible, it is recommended to visit the gym or swimming pool, or sign up for dance courses.
  • "Blowing off steam" - effective method getting rid of strong nervous tension when emotions overflow. You need to find an opportunity to retire and do whatever comes to mind - scream, break something, cry, beat a pillow.
  • Breathing exercises, meditation, yoga classes. Correct breathing and immersion in oneself clear the head of negative thoughts, relieve fatigue, nervous and muscle tension.
  • Restoring peace in relationships if tension is caused by a quarrel with loved ones. There is no need to accumulate negative emotions, it is better to immediately find out the reason why the disagreement occurred and call loved one for a frank conversation. If it is not possible to reach a compromise and resolve the conflict, there is a possibility that similar situations will be repeated and the tension will become constant.
  • Yawn. Very often, when a person’s performance decreases, his mental state worsens, the body reacts to these changes by yawning. As a result, there is an increase in the tone of the whole body, normalization of blood flow, acceleration of metabolism and removal of carbon dioxide. If nervous tension is felt more and more strongly, you can induce a yawn artificially - think about it, yawn several times without the need, and very soon the body will respond to the prompt.
  • Tea ceremonies. Tea is a natural tranquilizer; it has calming properties and can relieve nervous tension and anxiety. This is due to the fact that tea contains catechins, flavonoids, vitamins C and E, carotene, which strengthen and maintain the normal human nervous system. It really helps to calm down green tea.
  • Smile. Blood supply to the brain is closely related to the activity of facial muscles. When a person smiles or laughs, more blood and oxygen flows to the brain, it begins to work better, thereby improving mental state. Smiling, laughter and other positive emotions cope well with accumulated fatigue and disinhibit the body’s defensive reaction. Therefore, even an artificial smile or laughter helps to cope with obsessive thoughts, improve mood, relieve stress.

  • Working with your hands. There are many nerve endings at the fingertips, the stimulation of which has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain. So any work with your hands - embroidery, knitting, modeling, sorting cereals or cleaning things - will help cope with nervous tension.
  • Friendly hugs are the most pleasant and useful remedy from stress and nervous tension. In close physical contact with a loved one and a pleasant person peace of mind recovers very quickly. In the process of hugging, joy hormones are released, which have positive influence on the nervous system, relieving spasms and muscle tension, which certainly arises during emotional experiences.
  • Refusal bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, caffeine abuse, spicy and smoked foods cause nervous agitation. Constantly being in this state causes nervous tension and mental breakdowns.

In children

Children, just like adults, are subject to violent experiences and emotions, and in combination with enormous physical and psychological stress at school, they can suffer from nervous strain. The main criterion for selection medicines for the child is harmlessness and absence side effects, such as decreased concentration and memory, suppression of nervous system functions, drowsiness. Many homeopathic or herbal medicines meet these criteria.

Preparations for relieving nervous tension in children:

  • Adaptol.
  • Glycine.
  • Nervo-Vit.
  • Novo-Passit.
  • Persen.
  • Tenoten.
  • Motherwort extract.

During pregnancy

Many women experience constant nervous tension during pregnancy. This is explained by hormonal changes in the body, increased physical activity, and the awakening of maternal instincts, which make the mother worry about the unborn child. Purpose medicines in this case, it is carried out only by a doctor after considering all the risks of the effect of sedatives on the development of the fetus. Allowed for use during pregnancy:

  • Magne B6.
  • Novo-Passit.
  • Persen.
  • Valerian or motherwort extract in tablets.

Dedicated to all irritable and aggressive creatures! Useful tips, which will relieve you of nervous tension once and for all. Let's try!

If you, like me, love M. Mitchell’s cult novel “Gone with the Wind,” then you probably remember the strange Aunt Pittypat, who, according to a faithful servant, was constantly in a state of fluttering.

Modern psychologists would probably diagnose this condition, like nervous tension.

This is not stress yet, but if nervous tension is not dealt with in time, it will quickly lead not only to stress, but also.

Auntie Pitty struggled with her fluttering condition interesting methods: went to bed with a bottle of smelling salts.

She also had a swooning bottle of brandy.

Smelling salts have long gone out of fashion, and alcohol abuse is fraught with progressive alcoholism.

And in general, recipes for old maids from the 19th century modern people don't quite fit.

How to relieve nervous tension without harm to health, you will learn from this article.

To ensure that such unpleasant words as “nervous tension”, “stress”, “depression” never appear in your vocabulary, try to adhere to simple rules:

  1. Don't overwork yourself.
  2. You should have a normal weekend to help your body recover.
  3. Sleep no less than 8 hours a day (someone will now say to me: “Julia, who would say that?”, but let’s miss this moment :)
  4. When you get home, take off your watch, unnecessary jewelry, wash off your makeup - you don’t need armor at home.
  5. Your home clothes should not only be comfortable, but also beautiful.
  6. Don't clutter your home unnecessary things- an abundance of rubbish.
  7. Stay away from sources of stress, if any.
    If you can't distance yourself from them, learn to ignore them.
  8. If you start to feel unsatisfied with something in your relationship with your significant other, friends, colleagues, talk about it before it’s too late.
  9. Don't always keep yourself within strict limits, allow yourself weaknesses, be it a bar of chocolate or a new trinket.
  10. .
    If your body decides to take a day off, follow its example.
    Spend today with an interesting book, and you can do the cleaning tomorrow.

Remember these ten rules often, and you will never need to look for information about how to relieve nervous tension.

Symptoms of nervous tension

The symptoms of nervous tension are very similar to what we are more familiar with – stress.

We can say that nervous tension is the first step on the path to stress, from which it is a stone's throw to depression.

Do you need it? No?

Then we start looking for ourselves following signs nervous tension.

    Everything annoys you.

    Moreover, even those things that were previously unnoticeable and even brought pleasure get on your nerves, and people, the smells of duty, which you had difficulty withstanding before, cause a storm of negative emotions.

    Old childhood habits have returned to you, indicating irritation:

    biting nails, pulling hair, scratching, etc.

    Some of these bad habits may be new ones.

    You started to avoid people.

    Previously, you couldn’t imagine weekends without meeting with friends, and evenings without dinner with your loved one/family, during which you talked about everything in the world.

    And now all you want is to quickly lock yourself in your room and not see anyone at all.

    Small pleasant things no longer make you happy.

    You used to smile if you saw beautiful butterfly, a funny kitten, a cute child, an elderly couple taking care of each other, etc.

    Now you don’t see all this, and if you do notice, you just shrug your shoulders irritably and think about those around you: “Well, why are you smiling, idiots?

    Now he’ll come out if you stare at me like that!”

    Your emotional state has worsened:

    you get offended by little things, cry over trifles, often, easily break out into screams, etc.

    You began to sleep poorly.

    It’s hard to fall asleep in the evening because you’re overwhelmed by unpleasant thoughts, you wake up several times during the night as if someone was waking you up on purpose, and the next morning, naturally, you have difficulty opening your eyes and feeling overwhelmed.

    Your relationship with food has deteriorated:

    I lost my appetite completely; or vice versa - they began to hamster in double portions; a love for harmful things appeared: sweet, spicy, smoked, etc.

How to calm your nerves?

If, nevertheless, nervous tension has overtaken you, then getting rid of it is not so difficult, naturally, with the help of my smartest advice! 🙂

The main thing is not to delay starting treatment.

    Switch from unpleasant things to pleasant things for you.

    Forget for half an hour about your monster boss, your husband who can’t find a job, your unfinished notes and other temporary difficulties.

    Turn on pleasant music, a funny movie, look at photos in which you are happy, read interesting article, make yourself some tea, etc.

    Don't hoard negative energy. It is better to get rid of negativity through physical activity.

    Jogging, darts, bowling, dancing, boxing - it's all great relieves nervous tension.

    Think about how to take advantage of an unpleasant situation for you.

    Are you afraid of the layoffs that have begun at work?

    Or maybe find this excellent reason instead of an unloved low-paying job.

    Rest and get some sleep.

    Sometimes, in order for nervous tension to evaporate, it’s enough to just have a lazy day off, you can even leave your pajamas on all day and not put on lipstick :)

    But be careful that such therapy does not become a habit!


    your reflection, close people, an angry boss, a strict teacher, a gloomy fellow traveler on a minibus who stepped on your foot and did not apologize (I know, it’s hard - but at least try it - that’s where it all starts).

Be sure to watch this rather interesting video,

where some techniques for dealing with nervous tension are also offered!

This may seem banal to you, but a smile really makes you brighter, and the bright warm sun and nervous tension are incompatible things.

Strengthen yourself and finally stop wearing this sour face - believe me, it doesn’t suit you.

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It is vital for a person to be able to quickly and effectively relieve nervous tension and restore mental balance.

Long-term harm negative emotions was proven back in the 11th century by Avicenna, the great Tajik scientist and doctor. He conducted an original and convincing experiment:

two lambs from the same litter were placed in the same conditions, but a wolf was tied near one. The lamb, which saw the predator, refused to eat, became weak and soon died. The other, on the contrary, developed and grew normally.

Humans are more plastic than those of lambs and are able to adapt to different stressful situations, but its possibilities are not unlimited.

Any strong emotion gives rise to the body and must be short-lived so that our psyche and the entire body have the opportunity to recover.

How to quickly relieve nervous tension

According to doctors, any physical activity is the best and effective method of eliminating nervous tension.

Walking tour

Change the situation, if you have such an opportunity, go outside and walk, alternating the pace of movement (slowing down, then increasing your step) and the width of your steps (replace small steps with wider ones). Soon you will notice that irritability and nervousness go away:

The function of the endocrine system was normalized, the work of the areas of the brain responsible for mood was activated, the biochemical processes triggered by stress switched to ensuring physical activity.

The effect is achieved faster if, while moving, you switch your attention from the problem to something else - to the contemplation of nature, to pleasant memories or dreams.

Physical education break

  • Sit on a chair, grab the seat, pull it upward with force and maintain this position for a count of 7.
  • Place your hands clasped behind your head. Press them on the cervical region, and resist this pressure with your whole body.
  • Sit on the edge of a chair, lower your arms freely, raise your head up. Count to 10. Then inhale, and as you exhale, bend to your knees. Inhale, straighten up slowly as you inhale.

If you experience emotional fatigue at the end of the working day, then you physical activity are extremely necessary. Join the gym, take up fitness, make walking a habit.

Letting off steam

If emotions are running high and you can retire, give vent to your feelings, do not hold them back under any circumstances! There are many ways to do this, choose the one that suits you: scream at the top of your voice, hit a pillow or other object, break it, throw something, etc.

By the way, German scientists have proven that women who scream during a family quarrel and break dishes reduce the risk of premature death from a heart attack or stroke many times over.

Breathing exercises

Place your hands on your waist. Inhale deeply through your nose, counting to 8 and inflating your belly. Then exhale through your mouth, counting to 16, while pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth, as if saying “Sssss”, this makes the exhalation uniform. Repeat at least 3 times. It is advisable to do this exercise for 15 minutes.

Exhaling through tension relieves all spasms, relaxes all muscles, eliminates not only nervous tension, but also fatigue.

Abdominal exercises

Retract-protrude, tense-relax, make a wave, etc.

Keep your hands busy with hard work

Go through small things, type on the computer, hold an anti-stress toy or. The fingertips are equipped with many nerve endings, by stimulating them we relieve tension.

Extreme food

If your health allows, eat a piece of red hot pepper. According to Dr. Fuhrman, an American scientist, this causes a rush of endorphins, the hormones of joy.


Ask someone close to you. Hugs will help you recharge with positive energy and restore your peace of mind.


Effective and very useful way, which has no side effects. Pleasure hormones released during the process have a positive effect on the nervous system, relieve spasms and muscle tension that always accompany long-term nervous tension.

Making faces

Have you noticed how little children love to make faces and imitate people? This way they intuitively get rid of unnecessary nervous tension.

It won’t hurt you to make faces in front of the mirror, this will help get rid of emotional stress and, perhaps, lift your spirits.


When performance decreases and mental tension decreases, we instinctively... In this way, the body helps us cope with the situation, triggering an ancient reflex for this.

When yawning, the tone of the whole body increases, blood flow improves, metabolism accelerates, and excretion is faster. carbon dioxide. These processes normalize brain activity and improve the functioning of the nervous system. Yawning can and should be induced artificially in moments of stress.

Tea relaxation

Tea is an excellent natural tranquilizer, having a calming effect on the body, it relieves stress and anxiety. These properties are explained by the presence of unique elements in the tea leaf (catechins, flavonoids, vitamins E and C, carotene), which strengthen and support the nervous system. Green tea is especially useful for calming.

Mix 1:1 black and green tea, add linden blossom, currant leaves or berries, horsetail or St. John's wort (or any other herbs, o healing properties whom you know). Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. After straining, add a spoonful of honey. This tea is wonderfully calming.

Soothing baths

Excellent and quick relief of nervous tension, are a good preventive measure nervous disorders and help with sleep disorders:

  • Mix sage, mint and birch leaves (2 tablespoons each) and pour boiling water (2 liters). Infuse for 4-6 hours in a warm place (you can use a thermos), strain and pour the infusion into the bathroom.
  • Pour boiling water (2 liters) into 5 tablespoons of yarrow. Insist in the previous way.
  • Mix the herbs of yarrow, chamomile, sage (2 tablespoons each) and prepare an infusion as described above.

Such baths have a vasodilating, antispasmodic, and relaxing effect.

Acupressure (acupressure)

Stimulates the production of natural calming hormones serotonin and endorphins, affecting biologically active points:

  • massage the anti-stress point in the center of the chin (on the inner part) in a circular motion: clockwise - 9 times and the same number against it.
  • Knead, squeeze and slightly stretch your middle fingers for 2-3 minutes.

Let's smile and laugh

If you know how to smile even when bad mood , then you are not in danger of nervous tension. Of course, there are situations when this is difficult to do, but it is still very necessary to squeeze out a smile. Your body will be sincerely surprised by the “wrong” reaction. He will be surprised and agree that everything is not so bad, but that it will be even better.

The fact is that there is a direct relationship between blood supply to the brain and the activity of the facial muscles.

While smiling and even more so laughter the flow of blood and oxygen increases, the brain works better, which has a beneficial effect on the mental state.

It is for this reason that smiling and laughter relieve fatigue and help switch to another state, disinhibiting the body’s defensive reaction.

Many scientists believe laughter - excellent natural, its effectiveness is comparable to meditation.

Constantly search, read humorous stories and visit funny sites, watch comedies and communicate with positive people who can “infect” you with a good mood.

Create as many good events in your life as possible, which means emotions and thoughts.

Create your reality! Be positive and healthy!