The hottest pepper, as it's called. The hottest peppers in the world: rating, description of varieties

In ancient times, wine was considered a delicacy of the gods; there were strict rules for consumption that turned into real rituals. Today, many people who drink wine do not know how to drink it correctly and with what.

The right snack can reveal best qualities drink

It’s hard to imagine a feast without the ladies’ favorite drink – wine; it’s what immerses us in fragrant flower fields, vineyards and saturates an ordinary day with sunshine.

Correctly selected glasses

It is better to choose glasses for this drink without decorations. The laconism of the vessel is able to convey the beauty of the contents.

Important! Rich wines are poured into large glasses, and light wines into smaller glasses.

This is due to the fact that white wine should not be heated before drinking, but red wine, on the contrary, loves the warmth of the hands; exposure to temperature increases the flow of oxygen, which improves the aroma. Also than stronger drink, the smaller the glass size you choose.


Red The wine is poured to no more than 2/3 of the glass, serving temperature is room temperature, heating is permissible to reveal the aroma and taste.

White wine usually takes up 3/4 of a glass, the temperature of such a drink is 7 degrees.

Dessert, Madeira and sherry– served at room temperature.

Rules for drinking all wines:

  1. First you need to enjoy the color of the drink by holding the glass up to the light.
  2. Next, inhale the aroma of the drink; it should have pronounced grape notes.
  3. Sip just a little, wetting only the end of your tongue.
  4. Take a small sip, letting oxygen into your mouth (opening it slightly).
  5. Food paired with a drink should not leave an aftertaste or interrupt its taste.
  6. It's best not to serve multiple white or red varieties in one meal.
  7. Correctly combine complex and simple tastes. This is how the taste of a simple wine is complemented by a complex dish and vice versa.

Important! If presented different types drink, drink white first, then red. Young wines are also drunk earlier, and aged wines are drunk later. Dry ones are served first, and then sweet ones.

In order to prevent mixing of tastes and aromas, different varieties must be poured into clean glasses. Under no circumstances should the wine be consumed in one gulp; it is drunk slowly and held in the mouth for 2-3 seconds in order to feel the opening bouquet.

Watch a video in which a professional sommelier explains how to drink wine correctly:


Red wine is a light alcoholic drink made from red grapes. There are about 4,500 species in total. It is not only pleasant, but also useful product, experts have revealed positive influence on blood quality and heart muscle.


Semi-sweet wines are universal; they are most often consumed not only for quick snacks, but also for full meals and long feasts.

Suitable snacks:

  1. An ideal complement to semi-sweet red wine would be seafood, especially crayfish, oysters, lobsters, and crabs. The taste will improve not only of the drink, but also of the seafood itself.
  2. Also good additionvegetable salads containing peas and cauliflower.
  3. It will be especially wonderful when consumed with high-quality chocolate (both dark and milk), with varieties of mild cheese, as well as ice cream. And to enrich the taste of the drink, a well-soaked chocolate cake is additionally served.
  4. The semi-sweet red is complemented by bananas, juicy ripe pears and ripe strawberries.
  5. When choosing a hot dish, give preference to those that contain dietary meat - rabbit, partridge or chicken.
  6. Dishes of Spanish and Italian cuisine will ideally complement this type drink


Not everyone likes this type of drink. The inherent astringency and acidity are the main reasons for its unpopularity.

However, by choosing the right snack, you can play it out in an interesting way:

  • Main appetizer – meat which will absorb excess acid. It is best to give preference to ham, smoked sausages, smoked lard, bacon, and chicken roll.
  • An interesting addition would be sweet fruits: nectarines, mangoes, peaches; and berries: plum, strawberry. Some argue that fruit play is both spectacular and controversial. Not everyone will like the combination.
  • When choosing cheese, opt for mature and sweet ones. You can prepare an appetizer of olives and cheese on skewers.
  • Complements dry wine pizza and spaghetti, as well as tartlets.

Reference! A spicy and spicy dish will best highlight the wine aftertaste and aroma.

The video explains which snacks go well with red wine:


Almost all dishes are suitable for this type of wine.

The best are:

  1. For semi-dry cheese, it is especially interesting to add mold to the cheese, which will reveal many notes in the bouquet.
  2. Salad with seaweed and mayonnaise.
  3. Fatty types of sea fish.
  4. Meat snacks will complement the drink and make its taste richer.
  5. Berry and fruit salads great option to increase the sweetness of the wine.


There are two opinions: some believe that sweet wine does not require addition and is independent, others argue that such alcoholic drink It's better to snack on food rich in proteins and with saturated fat content.

Adhering to the second point of view, consider possible options snacks:

  • Red fish will perfectly complement the drink, especially tuna and salmon.
  • A wonderful addition is dishes with mushrooms and cauliflower.
  • A variety of desserts go well: cookies, ice cream.
  • If you choose fruits, choose those that have a hint of sourness - kiwi, orange.
  • Goes well with sweet red wine various options meat, starting from cold cuts, ending with steaks.


Dessert wines - wines containing from 12% to 17% alcohol in their composition are fortified. Very aromatic and sweet, so they are often called liqueur.

They drink them from Madeira glasses. The most popular type is Cahors.


  • Served with fruit or sweets: cakes and sweets, puddings.
  • The main addition is fresh crusty bread.


White wine is an alcoholic drink that has a mild taste and is made from white grapes. It has yellowish, greenish, creamy shades.

The drink has bacteriological benefits, fighting viruses and bacteria during the cold season.


  • The ideal complement is fish dishes: baked, fried, stewed
  • When choosing meat, it is better to give preference to white chicken meat, veal, game.
  • The wine taste will be complemented by a delicate pate, as well as seafood - shrimp, mussels, squid.
  • Among the hot dishes best option- julienne.
  • Young, mild cheese is suitable.

Important! Snacks for a semi-sweet drink should not have a strong flavor. Otherwise he will interrupt taste qualities guilt.


Best snacks:

  1. Seafood: red and black caviar, crayfish, lobster, oysters, mussels, octopus.
  2. Steamed dishes - fish, poultry, liver. Such a light addition will not interrupt the aroma and taste.
  3. Sweet fruits are suitable - peaches, pears, as well as ice cream without additives.


  • An incredible combination will be with rolls and sushi.
  • The taste of wine will be enhanced by baked goose and duck, as well as foie gras.
  • Butter cakes are an interesting addition.
  • Sausages will highlight the best notes of the drink.


  1. Suitable for desserts: pastries, cakes.
  2. Pairs with crackers and mild cheeses.

Attention! Sweet wine should be served very cold.

In the video, a professional sommelier explains what to combine different types of wines with to get maximum pleasure:


This type of drink has a pronounced berry and fruit aroma, notes of almond and linden - this is the taste of summer. As a rule, rosé wine is easier to drink and refreshing in the summer heat.

Perfect as an aperitif, at a business meeting or date.

Reference! Serving temperature 11 degrees. The glass is half filled. The optimal aging time is 2, 3 years.

Successful combinations:

  • A wonderful combination of rose wine with white and red meat (for example, white meat chicken baked in orange sauce).
  • A good addition is tender pates and cream cheese.
  • For desserts, it is better to choose something light, such as whipped cream and meringue.


It is also champagne, the main attribute of the New Year, weddings and graduations.

The range of snacks is very diverse:

  1. As an aperitif, it goes well with savory cookies.
  2. Lightly salted red caviar, sandwiches and tartlets with red caviar.
  3. Cheese is best young
  4. Ice cream (chocolate and without fillers).
  5. Strawberries and cream, berry desserts.

Important! Despite popular belief, sparkling wines do not go well with chocolate or red meat. The combination is also unacceptable lemon juice and champagne.


Pomegranate wine is less common among those presented. It is produced in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Iran. The drink is inherently thick, unlike other types.

Easy to drink, leaving a light nutty aftertaste. It is better to drink chilled; warm wine will resemble compote.

Reference! Drinking pomegranate wines is beneficial for the body, because... it is an antioxidant and slows down aging.

Best paired with:

  • Fruits (pears, nectarines, peaches, apples)
  • Desserts (biscuit, sweets)

A properly selected appetizer will reveal the flavors of the wine and make it richer.

Having become acquainted with the considered tricks and tips, everyone will be able to maximize the taste, color and aroma of the drink of the gods.

Before all the serious information that follows, we immediately warn you - you can drink wine from absolutely any glassware that you like. Glasses, mugs, glasses, shot glasses, even straight from the bottle. But, since our article is about the correct use of wine, we’ll still figure it out.

For white wine It is advised to choose smaller glasses than for red, and it must be drunk chilled. So, smaller glasses allow you to:

  • preserve floral aroma;
  • maintain low temperature;
  • express more acidity in wine;
  • release more flavors (even when low temperatures) due to its proximity to the nose.

Famous sommeliers have established that to achieve the most pleasant red wine Can. It is correct to drink wine from long-stemmed glasses with a wide neck (due to the characteristic bitterness and spiciness in the taste of the drink). And also serve better room temperature. These conditions provide:

  • sensation of numerous combinations of red wine aromas;
  • rapid evaporation of ethanol (for example, due to a wide surface);
  • softer and more balanced taste.

If you drink wine not at home, but, for example, in a restaurant or with guests, there are several techniques with which you can evaluate the quality and freshness of the wine.

1. Pay attention to the color and taste of the wine. Oxidized drinks lose their brightness in every sense. Moreover, the deep ones turn a tan color and take on a strange taste of vinegar and baked apples.

2. Storing wine at the wrong temperature. It can give it a sweet aroma and a nutty taste with a burnt sugar aftertaste. On top of everything else, high temperature often breaks the seal of the bottle (heated air pushes out the cork), so the wine can also oxidize. That is why, before learning how to drink wine correctly, you need to know the conditions for its storage.

3. The wine may be spoiled even before opening. The reason for this may be chemical contamination of the cork during production. In this case, the wine will smell very unpleasant (the smell is similar to wet or moldy paper/cardboard), and the taste will have almost no fruity notes and will taste damp.

The most important thing is the actual “acquaintance” with wine. In other words, when you bring the glass and take the first sips, it is important to look and feel the drink. How to do this?

1. Look at the wine.

Evaluate its color, density and viscosity. If you look closely, you can determine the age, strength and variety of grapes. Unless, of course, you plan to become a real sommelier or teach someone how to drink wine correctly. No? Then you can move on to the next points.

2. Inhale the wine.

From the first notes you can smell fruits, herbs or flowers. In addition, secondary aromas depend on winemaking methods. So, the most common smells are cheese crust, nut shells (almonds, peanuts) or stale beer. They are typical mainly for white wines. And at the end you can smell the aroma of roasted nuts, gingerbread, vanilla, tobacco, cedar and even autumn leaves.

3. Next comes a sip.

Wine can taste sour, sweet, bitter and sometimes salty. All wines will be slightly sour because all grape varieties contain acid. Some varieties are distinguished by their bitterness (for example, Pinot Grigio), which imparts a light, pleasant aroma of tonic. By the way, white table wines sometimes retain grape flavor, and this adds natural sweetness to the drink. Very rare wines have a salty taste; there are both red and white ones. The taste of wine stays with you for some time even after you swallow it.

4. You can “talk” to wine.

For example, consider whether the flavor was balanced (or too sour, too alcoholic, too tannic). Did you like the wine, did you remember its taste? And also have you ever tried a similar wine, would you like to repeat it, etc. The conversation can be long.

In fact, the guarantee of a balanced and pleasant taste of the drink when consumed with food is their competent tandem. Here are a few rules on how to drink wine and combine it with food:

  • The wine must be more sour or sweeter than the food.
  • Red wines go best with fatty meats (eg beef, red fish).
  • White wines pair better with light meats (such as white fish or poultry).
  • Sparkling, white and rose wines are best paired with foods that contrast in taste and aroma.
  • It is more profitable to combine red wines with products of similar taste, thereby enhancing the taste properties of the pair.

If you suddenly have unfinished bottles of wine, how can you store it after opening and is it even possible? Can. But it all depends on the type and age of the wine.

“Playing with fire” in the daily diet is very useful - the active substances of hot peppers contribute to the production of hormones, fight depression and strengthen the immune system. But some varieties of pepper are so unbearable that it seems as if they are actually burning with fire! Hot top of the hottest peppers in the world.

1st place

Carolina Reaper - The brainchild of South Carolina. The lumpy surface and tail make it scary even in appearance, but tasting it is an even more dangerous task - the human mucous membrane is not adapted to such extreme doses of pungency. The degree of pungency is determined in chemical laboratories organoleptically, that is, by taste, but not pure product, and the extract. Therefore, it makes sense to conduct experiments with this type of pepper only at your own peril and risk.

The record holder owns 2,200,000 units on the special Scoville scale. In comparison, Chili, aka Cayenne pepper, has only 50,000 units on this scale, which evaluates heat based on the amount of the “hot” alkaloid, capsaicin. It is its content in one quantity or another that makes pepper more or less spicy.

2nd place

- this is the name of the pepper, which back in 2012 was the Guinness record holder for the hottest pepper in the world. This name was given to the pepper because of its round shape and tail, like a scorpion. Pepper fruits are used to make tear gas and pepper spray. You need to use autojack workwear whose price matches the quality.

On the Scoville scale, the severity of Scorpio Trinidad ranges from 1.5 to 2 million units.

3rd place

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T . The predecessor of the first two types, which until 2011 was the first among the hottest peppers. It was grown by crossing different varieties. Professional chefs who have had to deal with this type of pepper claim that the numbness of the fingers lasts for several more days, despite the fact that the dishes are prepared using gloves, a mask and a suit.

Sharpness: 1.46 million Scoville units.

4th place

- another pepper obtained artificially thanks to a breeder from Britain. It held the title of the hottest pepper for only two weeks, but don’t let that fool you – its heat will be enough to make even the most prepared person cry. In appearance, it has a lumpy surface and pleasant colors from orange to dark red.

Sharpness – 1.17 million units on the Scoville scale.

5th place

Spanish Naga . Despite the name, this type of pepper has nothing in common with Spain, except that its bright red color may be reminiscent of the Spanish bullfight. It was grown in the harsh conditions of UK breeding laboratories. Its pungency on the scale is 1.08 million units.

6th place

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia . Contrary to the rather “sweet” name, the reason for it is only the color of the pepper. India is considered to be its homeland, where it is popular in preparing a variety of curry dishes.

Sharpness – 1 million units.

7th place

Red Caribbean Habanero . This type of pepper is native to the Amazon and is quite popular in Mexican cuisine. Its spiciness is almost twice as high as a traditional habanero and amounts to 457 thousand units.

8th place

Tigerpaw NR . An artificially bred pepper variety originally from a US agricultural laboratory. Its origin does not allow it to be used as food, however, many extreme lovers use it for cooking to add to their list of tried-and-true insanities.

Sharpness – 331 thousand units.

9th place

Devil's tongue . This pepper variety actually resembles a tongue in shape and has a pleasant yellow tint. Tasters claim that its fruits have a nutty flavor; believe it or not - it’s up to every gourmet. The heat of this pepper is 270 thousand units.

10th place

Madame Jeanette . Pepper from Suriname, which with its pleasant yellow and its smooth shape may mislead you, but you should not trust the first impression - it is a frequent guest in the cuisines of Suriname. And the traditions of this cuisine are incomparably hotter and sharper than ours.

Sharpness – 225 thousand units.