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Homemade food to order. Rear quarter beef is a delicious meat for preparing a variety of dishes. Here there are such types of meat as: rump, hip, apple, shank, thick edge.
For the convenience of our customers, we will cut into pieces of 3-4 kg for FREE!
Average weight: 39-51kg

For the convenience of our customers, we will cut into pieces of 3-4 kg for FREE!!!
Average weight: 45-55kg
Products are delivered throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Front quarter beef - delicious fresh meat from our own farm. This part includes such types of meat as: sirloin, shoulder, neck, ribs, brisket, shank.

Front quarter beef - delicious fresh meat from our own farm. This part includes such types of meat as: sirloin, shoulder, neck, ribs, brisket, shank.

Homemade beef liver, if obtained from a healthy individual raised on natural products, is a very healthy and tasty product in its qualities. So, if the product is fresh, beef liver should be dark in color and have a weak, barely noticeable bitter taste.

A large number of dishes are prepared from beef liver, both in Russian cuisine and throughout the world. It can be used as an ingredient in salads, cutlets, pates, boiled and fried. It is suitable for making barbecue and can be deep-fried. Potatoes, cereals, and vegetables are used as side dishes.

When stewing beef liver, various fruits, apples, figs, prunes and even lemons are added.

Nutritionists and scientists involved in the study of proper nutrition prove that beef liver should be included in their daily diet for those who lead a particularly active life, athletes, and businessmen. It contains a large amount of selenium, which has a positive effect on heart health, protects against heart attacks and strokes. In addition, fresh and natural beef liver contains a huge amount of various vitamins and microelements.

Some people practice the beef diet; it allows you to lose up to 10 kg of weight in two weeks. But such a diet is dangerous, requires supervision by specialists and should not be abused.

Products are delivered throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Natural beef liver if it was taken from a healthy animal unit, grown on natural forage, is a healthy and delicious product. Fresh beef liver must be of dark color, have a weak, subtle bitter taste.

There are a lot of dishes cooked of beef liver as in the Russian cuisine so in the whole world. It is an excellent ingredient for salads, cutlets, pastes, beef liver can be boiled or fried. It is appropriate for cooking shish kebab, it can be also deep-fried. They can serve potatoes, different kinds of porridge and vegetables as a garnish.

Various fruits, apples, figs, prunes and even lemons give an exquisite taste to the stewed beef liver, make it especially delicious.

Dietitians and scientists studying the nutrition issues, prove that beef liver must be included in the daily diet of those who lead a particularly active lifestyle: sportsmen, businessmen. It contains a large amount of selenium, it positively affects the health of the heart, protects people from heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, fresh and natural beef liver contains a huge amount of various vitamins, microelements. Some people practice beef diet, it allows them to lose up to 10 kg of weight in two weeks. But this diet can be dangerous, it requires a strict control of specialists and it cannot be abused.

Besides, beef liver is a rich source of vitamin A, which means it helps keep your eyes, skin and immune system healthy. Beef liver also contains iron; it is among the best sources of iron available.

The delivery of products is carried out in Moscow and Moscow region.

El hígado de vaca ha sido una de las vísceras más populares de la vaca desde hace mucho. El hígado de vaca, procedente de un animal sana, que ha sido criado en condiciones ecológicas, tiene propiedades beneficiosas, es un alimento muy saludable y delicioso. Si dicho alimento es fresco, debe ser de color oscuro y tener un sabor sutil algo amargo.

El hígado de vaca se usa para la preparación de muchos platos rusos así como en varios platos de todo el mundo. El hígado de vaca cocido o frito es un ingrediente integrante de ensaladas, chuletas, pastas de carne. Es ideal para cocinar pinchos morunos. Algunos prefieren el hígado de vaca frito. De guarnición sirven patata, papillas diferentes, varias verduras.

Estofando el hígado de vaca, se agregan varias frutas, manzanas, higos, ciruelas pasas e incluso limones.

Los dietistas y científicos que estudian los problemas de nutrición, demuestran que el hígado de vaca debe incluirse en la dieta diaria para los que lleven una vida particularmente activa, atletas, hombres de negocios. Contiene una gran cantidad de selenio, afecta positivamente la salud del corazón, protege de ataques cardíacos y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Además, el hígado de vaca fresco y natural contiene una gran cantidad de diversas vitaminas y microelementos. Algunas personas observan la dieta de la carne de vaca, que les permite que pierdan hasta 10 kg de peso en dos semanas. Pero tal dieta es peligrosa, requiere el control médico y no hay que abusar de ella.

La entrega de los alimentos se realiza en Moscú y la región de Moscú.

As for offal, the fact is that the veterinarian is not very positive about us transporting these products to Moscow, because all offal from the moment of slaughter must acquire its final form, be frozen or vacuum-sealed within 5 hours.
Products are delivered throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Tongue is a delicious fresh delicacy from the Vladimirskaya Meshchera farm. It is used to prepare aspic, boil it, and is also ideal for stewing. The tongue is very useful because it is rich in iron and other vitamins.

Tongue is a delicious fresh delicacy from the Vladimirskaya Meshchera farm. It is used to prepare aspic, boil it, and is also ideal for stewing. The tongue is very useful because it is rich in iron and other vitamins.

Beef refers to the meat of any cattle. The quality of home-grown beef depends on many factors, each of which requires special attention from the farmer. Thus, the age of the animals that are slaughtered, the types of feed, the amount of chemicals that are added to the feed and antibiotics, as well as the method in which the animal is killed are important. The last point is also important for the taste of the resulting home-made meat, since there is an opinion among a number of gourmets that if an animal experiences severe stress during slaughter, this is reflected in the taste of the resulting home-made product.

Among meat connoisseurs, domestic beef is usually divided into three varieties. The highest grade refers to the breast part of the carcass, the back part, and the fillet. The first grade includes the areas of the shoulder parts, the second - the shanks.

Domestic beef meat is especially valued if it comes from calves. Beef from calves is tender, aromatic, very dietary, healthy and necessary for healthy nutrition.

High-quality domestic beef should have a beautiful red color, a fresh smell, and a marbled pattern. The meat should be elastic and, after pressing, should restore its shape on its own.

Homemade beef contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and various elements that are necessary for healthy and proper human nutrition. Thus, beef tenderloin contains many mineral salts, cobalt, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. Beef is a valuable source of proper proteins, which are almost completely absorbed by humans when eating fresh meat. And vitamin B12, which is found in abundance in fresh beef, helps the body, even weakened by disease, to effectively absorb iron even from other foods.

Western doctors even prescribe eating beef for those who suffer from excess cholesterol, since homemade beef effectively affects the composition of the blood, helps it renew itself and receive useful substances from foods.

We will deliver our farm products throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.
Average piece weight: 2.1 kg.

Beef is the culinary name for meat from cattle, particularly skeletal muscle. Beef is a source of high-quality protein and essential nutrients. The quality of beef depends on many factors each of which requires the special farmer’s attention. So the most important factors are the age of the animal, types of forage, absence of chemical additives and antibiotics in it, as well as the way they slaughter the animal. The latter strongly influences the gustatory qualities of meat, because according to some gourmets, if the animal has been under severe stress during the slaughter, it negatively influences the taste of the obtained homemade product.

Experts in meat generally identify three types of beef. The superior quality type is breast part, rib and sirloin. The class I type is chuck, the class II type is shanks.

Veal, meat of calves, is always appreciated much higher than beef. The veal is tender, flavorful, healthy, dietary meat, necessary for proper nutrition.

Beef of high quality must have beautiful red color, fresh smell, and marbling. The meat must be elastic, return to its original form after pressing it.

Domestic beef contains a huge amount of useful vitamins, various elements that are necessary for healthy and proper human nutrition. So, the beef sirloin contains a lot of mineral salts, cobalt, iron, phosphorus, zinc. Beef is the most valuable source of the proper proteins, which are almost completely absorbed by a human body. As for the vitamin B12, which is abundant in fresh beef, it helps the body, even weakened by diseases, to absorb iron effectively even from other food.

Western doctors prescribe beef for those who suffer from excessive cholesterol, because domestic beef effectively influences the composition of blood, helps it to regenerate and receive useful substances from different products.

We will deliver our farm products in Moscow and the Moscow region.
Average steak weight: 2.1 kg.

La ternera es la carne de cualquier ganado bovino. La calidad de la carne de vaca depende de muchos factores, cada uno de los cuales requiere una atención especial del granjero. Así los factores más importantes son la edad de animal, el tipo de alimentación, la cantidad de sustancias químicas y los antibióticos que se agregan a la alimentación, así como la forma en que han matado al animal. El último criterio es muy importante para las cualidades gustativas de la carne doméstica resultante también, porque hay especialistas que piensan que si el animal siente un gran estrés durante la matanza, esto se refleja en el sabor de la carne natural obtenida.

Los especialistas de carne distinguen tres tipos de la carne de vaca. El tipo más apreciado son el costillar, el lomo y el solomillo. La carne de primera calidad son partes de brazuelo, de la segunda clase es morcillo.

La carne de ternero doméstica es especialmente apreciada. La carne de ternero resulta tierna, con poca grasa y por eso muy dietético, necesario para una dieta saludable.

La carne de vaca casera de alta calidad debe tener un hermoso color rojo, un olor fresco, un patrón de mármol. La carne debe ser elástica, debe recuperar su forma después de la presión.

La carne de vaca casera contiene una gran cantidad de vitaminas beneficiosas, varios elementos necesarios para una nutrición humana sana y adecuada. Por lo tanto, el solomillo de ternera contiene muchas sales minerales, cobalto, hierro, fósforo y zinc. La carne de vaca es la fuente más valiosa de las proteínas correctas, que el hombre absorbe casi por completo cuando come la carne fresca. Además, la vitamina B12, que es abundante en carne fresca, ayuda que el cuerpo, aún debilitado por enfermedades, absorba efectivamente el hierro incluso de otros alimentos.

Los médicos occidentales prescriben la carne de vaca para aquellos que sufran de la hipercolesterolemia (nivel de colesterol elevado), ya que la carne de vaca natural influye en la composición de la sangre efectivamente, ayuda que la sangre se recupere y reciba sustancias útiles de los alimentos.

La entrega de los alimentos de granja se realiza en Moscú y la región de Moscú.
El peso medio del pedazo de carne es 2.1 kg.

Often, while walking through the shops of the city, we twirl first one product or another in our hands for a long time, lost in conjecture and tormented by doubts: “What is this unfamiliar word in the composition? Does this or that jar contain fewer preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers? Has the expiration date expired? By the way, where is it listed here anyway?” In a word, sometimes there are too many questions in your head, but there is still an alternative to such a gastronomic shopping quiz in Vladimir. And over time, she gradually expands her horizons.

For several years now, the Rozmarin farm shop has been operating on Tchaikovsky Street, selling natural products from its own farm located in the village of Ulovo, Suzdal region. And just a couple of months ago, the same point opened on Nizhnyaya Dubrovo. We couldn't pass by and stopped by to check out the range and quality of goods in the store.

Let's start with dairy products. Everything is the result of good nutrition and proper care of livestock on the farm. As a result, fresh cow’s and goat’s unpasteurized milk from the morning milk yield is supplied to the shelves of “Rozmarin” every day. And also kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, butter, sour cream and various types of cheese, the sight of which makes your eyes widen. Moreover, you can taste absolutely everything. Tested by me personally. Note to you: country dill cheese is especially good!

Frozen products are also homemade. Dumplings and dumplings with all sorts of delicious fillings are made by hand. The taste is exactly like grandma’s homemade ones.

For those with a sweet tooth, the farm shop is also a real paradise. Marmalade, cookies, gingerbread, candy bars, chocolate. In a word, there is plenty to choose from. And minimal harm to your figure. And all because the confectionery products are made from natural ingredients according to traditional recipes.

Affiliate products are also presented here. What is important is that it is proven. For example, all this delicious and soft bread is baked on the basis of this flour at the small production facility “Rozmarina”. The aroma is simply beyond words. Anyone who remembers the times when, as a child, he came out of a bakery hugging a warm brick, biting its crispy side, will understand.

The Meshchera National Park was formed by Decree of the Russian Government No. 234 of 04/09/92 on the territory of the Vladimir region with the aim of preserving the natural complex of the Meshchera Lowland. Subordinate to the Vladimir forest management.
The Meshchera National Park is located in the south-eastern part of the Vladimir region on the territory of the Gus-Khrustalny district. In the west, the park borders the Moscow region. The Meshchersky National Park in the Ryazan Region adjoins the southern border of the park. Together, both parks serve the task of preserving the natural complex of the Meshchera Lowland. The total area of ​​the Meshchera National Park is 118.9 thousand hectares, including: 72.7 thousand hectares (61% of the total area) are allocated to the national park, and 46.2 thousand hectares (38.9%) are lands of other owners , owners and users are included within the boundaries of the park without exclusion from economic activity. Historically significant developed areas are located in the central and southern parts of the park. On these lands there are 46 settlements (urban-type settlements and villages), in which about 14 thousand people live. Forest lands of the park occupy 86.3 thousand hectares (72.6% of the total area of ​​the park), including 81.6 thousand hectares (68.6%) covered with forest. Three railway lines (Moscow-Kazan-Ekaterinburg, Vladimir-Tumskaya and local ones) and several roads pass through the park.

The Russian Compound Museum is located in the open air. Here visitors get acquainted with the life of Russian peasants. The following exhibitions are currently prepared:
- fragments of roof coverings (straw, reeds, shingles, wood chips, boards);
- fences (log, slanting, palisade, wattle fence, spindles, palisade, tyn);
- types of woodpiles;
- wells (crane, with a stick, a hook, with a collar, with a wheel);
- types of baths (black with a fireplace stove, with a brick stove, white);
- types of stacks (stackless, stokharny, stackless on a raised platform, stack);
- models of Russian huts.
Children will most like the bear in the enclosure; on the enclosure there is a sign “Maria Potapovna”. On this day there was a holiday here, by all accounts an annual one, and there were many tourists.

Within the current territory of the Meshchera National Park, traces of ancient man's presence dating back to the Late Stone Age (III-II millennium BC) were discovered. Ancient man settled near water, the abundance of which is characteristic of the Meshchera Lowland. This is evidenced by Neolithic sites in the valleys of the river. Buzha and Paul: “Mochalovsky afternoon tea”, Svyatoozersk sites, sites in the area of ​​\u200b\u200b. Mikulino and Petrushino. Archaeological finds are collected in the museum of the village of Perovo. The ancient commercial overland Ryazan Highway passed through the park, connecting the two cities of Ryazan and Vladimir. From the tract, the remains of an ancient bridge across the river have been preserved. Paul.
The Meshchera forests are closely connected with the struggle of the Russian people against the Tatar-Mongol invasion. According to the stories and epics of Hadji Rakhim, it was here that numerous bloody battles took place between Russian warriors and Tatar troops. Frequent clashes between them are evidenced by the large number of burials on the territory of Meshchera, the so-called tracts and grivas. Ryazan prince Evpatiy Kolovrat and his squad also fought in our area. According to legend, the hero was buried near the Meshchera roads in the area of ​​the Narma churchyard. The cities and villages of Meshchera have a unique architectural appearance. The most striking features of the architectural appearance of the cities and villages of Meshchera are: prominent elegant churches, the preserved “Maltsovsky houses” of the 19th century in the city of Gus-Khrustalny, the amazing carved design of log houses in villages and towns. Although Christianity finally established itself on our land in the 12th century, stone churches in Vladimir Meshchera began to be built about two hundred years ago. On the territory of the national park, 3 churches of the 19th century have been preserved: this is the elegant Church of St. Elijah (Palishchi village), where in the old days parishioners prayed to protect them from thunderstorms. The lonely Church of the Holy Trinity (Erleks village), rising like a white candle above the forests; the majestic Church of the Exaltation (village of Narma), in which mosaics from the second half of the 19th century have been preserved.

Used information from websites.