Interesting methods for getting rid of fears; they will overcome even the most inexplicable phobias. How to deal with fear? Overcoming your fears

Hello, friends!

While preparing the material for today’s article, I asked myself what fear is. Fear of being misunderstood, of failing, of being bad parent or fear of spiders - all this is the cause of our emotional imbalance and nervous state.

Have you encountered inexplicable worries and worries? Has it ever happened that it was impossible to understand the cause of anxiety? Bad dream, nail biting habit, stomach problems and more dangerous symptoms come from the head and are the riders of His Majesty of fear, which so shamelessly and inappropriately invades our lives. How to fight your fears and survive the battle with phobias? Today's material is about this.

Know the enemy by sight

What is fear? These are events, objects and situations that evoke in our subconscious an epic level of panic horror, fear and total shock.

A person experiencing this emotionally paralyzed and unable to make logical decisions, to avoid this situation. Let's remember ourselves in this wonderful state.

For example, imagine a person who is very afraid of spiders. It would seem that he is aware of the fact that the spider is unlikely to cause harm and he himself is a hundred times more afraid of the two-legged creature. But what happens at this moment? Oh yes, the eyes expand to the size of a sphere or a black hole, the heartbeat quickens and we freeze.

Why is that? If you look at this situation in slow motion, like a movie, then you can imagine two plot developments:

  • a man “arms himself with a slipper” and prepares for battle
  • or a less loud option - running away from the threat with a shrill cry of “Help!” "

In both cases, we choose the most suitable option for salvation, based on our character and danger level threatening us. The state of panic that envelops our mind and forces adrenaline into our blood serves faithful assistant in everyday life.

What do you ask? Very simple. Fear is protective property of our body and if it weren’t for him, the sea would really be knee-deep, and sticking your fingers into a socket would become a common pastime, albeit a one-time one. But what to do when fear prevents you from living and gets completely out of control?

Fear of being afraid

Today, the world is teeming with phobias. The number of their names has grown to such large proportions that it is physically impossible to describe in a nutshell.

For most people they are paradoxical and absurd, but for some they are a serious problem.

What are phobias? The browser line with such a request bends like an overripe branch of fruit. human illusions regarding your safety.

For example, acribophobia- fear of not understanding the meaning of what you read, aulophobia- fear of flutes, arachibutyrophobia- fear of nut butter sticking to the soft palate of the mouth - winners in the “Combo! "

Verbophobia, that is, I have no fear of words, so I will continue to sprinkle thoughts about inexplicable fears. There is an opinion that they are in our lives, comes from previous incarnations. The man who died from a snake bite in past life, will be afraid of them in the present. Do you believe this explanation? Of course, we would like to understand the root of the problem and be aware of ways to combat it, in order to avoid awkward phobias.

Breathe deeper

Ability to control yourself plays a decisive role in our lives and deserves an Oscar for its immense contribution to human psycho-emotional health.

Common advice that can be received from people who are qualified to give advice is as follows:

In order to pacify your fear once and for all, you need to face it and feel the emotions that at that moment are overwhelming like an avalanche.

Truthful and harsh.

If we imagine ourselves in a situation that brings us to the point of stupor and panic attack, as in a film, where there are you, the proposed conditions and he is the object of fear, then it is much easier to control yourself. Is not it?

The power of imagination

Visualization is a great tool for letting go of the grip of an unexplained phobia. You observe yourself in a moment of “lack of control” and learn in advance to behave as you would like, and not as a phobia. Letting go of fear helps daily work on yourself.

A lot of people resort to various kinds assistants: coaches, psychologists and extreme conditions. Finding ourselves alone with our enemy, we turn on the entire reserve of accumulated energy and switch the toggle switch to the “Survive” mode, at any cost.

Imagine what would happen if you found yourself in a desert without a single drop of water? Yes, the fear of the flute will instantly seem inappropriate to you occupation and the brain will ignore it, even if it meets it on the way to the oasis.

Belief in safety

Some fears come from childhood. Those who were bitten by a dog in infancy will undoubtedly understand me. It is possible and necessary to overcome what is ingrained in the subconscious. And it will help to do this Believe in yourself .

The power of affirmations works perfectly in solving this issue! When faced with your “sworn friend,” the first thing you should do is say the phrase “I am safe” mentally or out loud.

Don’t be lazy and ask yourself the question: “What’s the worst that can happen?” " Your task in this method of influencing your mind is to calm and talk with the child who lives in us from birth. You have every right experience fear. There is nothing shameful in this, as well as in the desire to part with him. Let go of the desire to experience these types of emotions, transforming them into a feeling of security and calm.

That's all. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us about what you are afraid of and how you deal with it?

See you on the blog, bye-bye.

You don't have to fight your shortcomings. The fact is that this is one of the many patterns imposed on you by society. And the rules of society (the system as a whole) are never interested in your personal development. Yes, at least the fact that everyone around is diligently “struggling” with their shortcomings already gives us reason to question the statement.

What do we have left in return? What effective method development? Work on your strengths! It is in them that our hidden uniqueness lies. “He’s not very handsome, but what a wonderful smile he has!” "She doesn't have ideal figure“, but she knows how to behave in public and at home - to create comfort.” “He doesn’t even know how to hammer a nail, but why does he need it - he’s a millionaire?” “She doesn’t know how to cook borscht, but how “delicious” she is in bed! .." This is how people notice and emphasize strengths from those around you. Notice how the pros completely outweigh the cons. We are ready to forgive many shortcomings for one thing that we really like in a person.

Many famous actors They don’t have super looks, but they have charisma, a special charm that sets them apart from others. Many vocalists do not have a strong voice, but have a pleasant timbre. Many directors do not shoot according to the canons, but create classics that violate the canons. Many outstanding creators around the world did not have any special education, but radically changed art. Millions of people had no education at all, but achieved success thanks to unique abilities which they have developed within themselves.

The pitfall of the “fight your weaknesses” pattern is that we focus on our negative aspects, shortcomings. Thus, we do not develop our uniqueness and originality. We focus our attention on the wrong things in order to develop harmoniously.

Note that when you work on your mistakes, it is very exhausting. And at some point you just stop enjoying what you do in general. Whatever you do, everything turns into a viscous gray routine. And the more you work on your mistakes, the more you make mistakes. Any desire to get rid of one’s shortcomings, to get rid of the “bad” self only leads to an intensification of all this. You'll never be able to sort yourself out like that with a little sucker :)

The most important thing to start with is to accept your shortcomings. Perhaps you have some weaknesses, perhaps you are a little lazy, perhaps your body parameters are not what you would like - you need to accept everything and stop thinking about it. How bad weather like black in white, like bad breath in the morning - it has always been and will be in different quantities or intensity.

And now the most important thing: think, what are your strengths? What makes you “cool”? This is what should once and for all become your guide in daily practice. How to determine your advantages? Remember what you love about yourself or what you love to do most. Perhaps someone once said that you have a very pleasant voice. Perhaps you are praised for sports achivments, math skills. Or perhaps you have wonderful taste and know how to choose clothes for someone or furnish the interior of a house. The options may be different! The main thing is to grab this key.

Replace your habit of sweating over your shortcomings with the wonderful habit of loving yourself in all forms! Every time you finish any work, praise yourself. Even if nothing worked out, you failed - please yourself. Buy ice cream, take yourself to a movie, take a fragrant bath with... someone. I am not kidding! Never, I repeat, never punish yourself! Never scold yourself! Treat yourself kindly and gently - this is the only way you can accumulate strength and energy to move on. Be grateful to yourself for any efforts, regardless of the result.

Make it a habit to highlight the best and the good in everything that has been done! Ask people: What did you like best about what I did? What do you remember most? Be grateful for praise and compliments and give them yourself. Don't skimp on Nice words. You may not like your new acquaintance, but he will be well dressed. Tell him this and you will see him bloom with joy.

Change the dominant “shortcomings” to the dominant “my strengths”, and you will feel a huge, unpleasant burden of “guilt” (for your shortcomings) fall off your shoulders. And very soon you will notice how changes will begin to occur in your life. Wonderful changes.

Leader of classes on sacred geometry and drawing mandalas, author of the blog “Life is like a miracle.” I love to develop, learn something new, let it pass through myself, and then share the most interesting, powerful and heartfelt things with other people. I do yoga, body-oriented and breathing practices, dance, draw and cook.

  • “What if no one comes to me?” - my old one children's fear. IN school years I was afraid that none of my friends would come to my birthday, and I would blow out the candles on the birthday cake, surrounded only by my parents and older brother. As an adult, I worked as a PR woman for ten years, and every time a couple of days before the event that I organized, I began to panic: “What if no one comes”?

    Interestingly, my fears never came true. My birthdays were noisy and fun, the events were always popular both among journalists and among clients, partners and other guests. And so, when a month ago I announced my course on drawing mandalas, my old childhood fear, like a little evil devil, crawled out of the depths of the subconscious and asked its eternal sly question: “What if no one comes to you?” My rational, rational brain immediately began to throw up “convincing” evidence that he was right: “Nobody needs this now,” “The market is overloaded with various courses on creativity and self-development,” “It’s too far to travel,” etc., etc.

    Driven by fear, I began to announce my classes with even greater enthusiasm, sending out mailings, posting ads on the Internet and inviting in person. A couple of weeks before the start of the course were spent in active preparation. But the fear did not disappear. On the contrary, as the appointed date approached, he became stronger and more intrusive.

    Day X has arrived. I arrived at the creative center with which I had an agreement to conduct my classes in advance. She slowly prepared the space: she laid out sheets of paper, placed cups with colored pencils and markers, turned on the music, sat down at the table and began to wait, listening to see if anyone was coming. But there was silence behind the door. My worst fears came true - no one came to me. At the table, prepared with such love by me, I sat alone, not hiding my annoyance and regret. Several minutes probably passed, but for me these minutes stretched into hours.

    And then suddenly I felt that I actually had a choice: to wallow in self-pity and regrets about unfulfilled dreams, or to accept everything as it is, without drawing any conclusions, without making assessments and without blaming anyone for anything.

    Yes, no one came to class - that's a fact. But, oddly enough, the world did not collapse because of this. And I didn't die either. Nothing bad happened. I’m sitting in a beautiful, cozy room, around me are colored pencils, felt-tip pens, erasers, crayons, compasses, pleasant music sounds, smells of jasmine. Beauty, and that's all. And suddenly I felt wildly funny. Just incredibly funny. My God! What I had been so afraid of for so many years, upon closer examination, turned out to be complete nonsense. A ghost! The fruit of a sick imagination. No wonder they say that fear has big eyes.

    I suddenly looked at myself from the outside and saw a little frightened girl who is afraid that no one will come to her, and for her this is like death. After all, in childhood it’s really like this: rejection - real threat for life. And when in childhood we forbid ourselves to live through our fear (we simply do not have the resource for this), it gets stuck inside us and sits long and persistently until we consciously allow ourselves to give up. Those. “die” in your expectations, in your ideas about yourself, about how everything should turn out in life. Allow yourself to be defeated, a loser, a loser. In short, someone who, according to one’s own conviction, “cannot be.” Let go of yourself, stop controlling the situation, trust life and accept what comes to us from a state of complete surrender.

    When difficulties happen in our lives, we usually try to quickly deal with them. But difficult life situations are given to us not so that we change them, but so that we ourselves change in them. By changing ourselves, we change the world around us.

    I ignored all expectations and accepted the fact that yes, no one will come today, but this does not mean that no one needs my classes, or that there is something wrong with me. And as soon as I stopped tyrannizing myself, treated myself with tenderness, compassion and slight irony, the door opened and a woman entered the hall. It was Svetlana. And she came to me for my classes. Can you imagine? Exactly to me and to my classes! How cool!

    Frankly, I forgot that we had written to each other the day before, and that there was an agreement between us to meet. If we have some kind of false belief or a program laid down by someone unknown, then we will adjust our reality to a ready-made template.

    Our lesson went wonderfully. Svetlana turned out to be deep, sincere and talented woman. One person also came to my second lesson. But my feelings and sensations from this were completely different. No regret or grief. I was happy about everything and accepted everything with gratitude. I still have no guarantee that someone will come to me. But there is no fear either. Nothing spoils my mood or takes away my strength before classes. By the way, three weeks later I conducted a master class for as many as twelve people. And this is just the beginning!

    How to cope with anxiety and fear? A few rules that I have come up with for myself:

    Let go of control over the situation, and over life in general. Stop expecting everything to happen the way you planned. Events happen that are beyond our control: we are not able to be responsible for other people, influence some external circumstances, etc. Accept any outcome of the matter, without judgment, panic or indignation. Take it as a lesson, after which you will gain new life experience, new opportunities, new perspectives will open up before you, you will see the situation from a different angle.

    Let spontaneity into your life. It is useful to plan and organize your life process. But be prepared to change and make adjustments. Life always offers us many others great ideas and opportunities that we often do not notice behind our strict routine, behind our rigid planning, behind our limited vision of how things should happen.

    Take off your “crown.” Don't strive to always be successful and prosperous. Forgive yourself for what you can’t do and what you don’t have time to do. Allow yourself to lose, fall and even crash. Once broken, you will see that the image of a “successful and prosperous person” no longer exists. And this image no longer needs to be maintained. The worst has already happened. Now you can relax, rest, catch your breath, get up and move on, easily and freely, concentrating your strength, attention and resources on something more important and worthwhile.

    Do not resist your fear, do not fight it, and in no case, do not say that you are not afraid. It's important to acknowledge fear. No assessments, judgments or judgments. Get closer to it, look at it more carefully: how it manifests itself in your body, what sensations you experience, observe them. Breathe deeply and calmly. Live consciously all your sensations. Allow yourself to be afraid. After some time, you will feel how the iron grip of your fear has weakened, and you feel better. And a little later you will see all the inconsistency and absurdity of your worries and fears.

    And yet there are phobias, the origin of which can be traced. They were born in a situation that was very frightening. It is enough for an unpleasant event to remind you of itself in some way or for a similar atmosphere to develop, and it works. conditioned reflex, and with it the habit of fear takes root.

    If you want to defeat phobias and “uproot” them, you will have to work hard. The first thing to do is to review your fears and admit that you have them. Take a notebook and make a list of what is stopping you from living.

    You can create a kind of fear rating. Write first giant phobias. It’s not easy to cope with them, the only way is to avoid them, for example: I’m afraid to fly on airplanes, so I never fly. Smaller fears bother from time to time. Let's say I'm afraid I didn't close the door, turned off the iron, and keep coming back to check. And there are minor "horror stories", which we drive away like annoying flies, afraid of our own negative fantasies. Ask why you need to write down minor fears? Firstly, they are easy to train on – so to speak, to pull out the weeds before they grow. Secondly, the energy of anxiety tends to flow from one fear to another: and who knows what the little “stupidity” that has crept into your head will turn into in the future.

    Next write, What do you lose by being led by fears? It is important not to play the role of a victim of your own phobia. Take responsibility for her, you “raised” her yourself.For example: fear of flying on airplanes ( aerophobia) deprives me of the opportunity to see new places and countries and have a pleasant rest. Let your friends come so happy. And I will sit in the country and water the weeds of fear with tears of unfulfilled hopes. Don’t say: “I don’t need this.” Just admit: “I have to, but I’m afraid!” The fact is that almost every step a person takes is associated with the unknown, and this causes anxiety. As Ph.D. said James Hollis: “Anxiety is the price of a ticket to life’s journey; no ticket - no journey; no journey no life. We can run from anxiety as much as we can, but this means that we are running from our life, which we have alone.”

    Don't feed your fears

    The list of fears is before your eyes. It is clear that there are giant phobias that require long and serious work. Here, of course, you should seek the help of specialists - psychologists and psychotherapists. But you can try to do something on your own.

    According to statistics, 40% of people are afraid of flying on airplanes, but still do it, thereby depriving their fear of power. And 10% avoid air travel, even afraid to think about it. Escape from unpleasant emotions each time it makes fear stronger, this is a kind of fertilizer for a phobia. You are feeding fear. And it is growing. The following law works here: by running away from what causes horror, a person receives relief, akin to pleasure, which reinforces the habit of fear. Like any habit, it is based on moments of high. Let's say you are afraid to ride the elevator and the very thought of having to do this makes your veins shake. And you climbed 15 floors on foot - it’s difficult, but at some physiological level there is jubilation - but it’s not scary! So, in order to neutralize fears - big and small - you need, first of all, not to give in to them, to meet them halfway with your visor raised. Any action contrary to one's own fears weakens them. And you need to do this consciously: if you feel fear raising its head, say: “I’ll do it anyway!” I'll rise above the clouds, ride in the elevator, walk through that door...

    It is important to feel stronger than fear, so it is useful to draw it (on paper or in the imagination), give it a comical name, contact it as with a real object, and drive it away when it appears and interferes with your life.

    Train your imagination

    If you have set a goal to overcome a phobia, start to overcome your fears in a safe environment. Exercise visualization 15 minutes a day, drawing pictures and events in your mind in which you behave naturally. In this case, you can choose affirmations- positive statements: “I walk the streets easily and freely, I succeed in everything, I’m safe!” After all, what fears are are the same habits. And from anyone bad habit, according to the doctor of psychology Terry Cole Whittaker, you can get rid of it in 21 days. An important condition is to do it not as you are used to, but vice versa.

    There is another exercise that “knocks” a phobia out of its home. Seek help from someone close to you and who knows you, let him give arguments in favor of your fear. Your task is to convince him of this. For example, let’s try to smash to smithereens “ acrophobia"(fear of heights). A friend says: “Climbing high is dangerous, you can fall!” You: “That’s not true!” And give your counterargument. He puts forward another phrase, and you respond with your argument. Psychological game should take place at a brisk pace: in 5 minutes, find 10 remarks “for” and “against”. You yourself will not notice how the subconscious program will change.

    Treatment with paradox

    There is such a technique in psychotherapy: paradoxical intention. The client says: “Doctor, I’m afraid!”, and the doctor says: “You couldn’t be a little more afraid.” For example, a person must speak in front of an audience and is extremely afraid of “failing”; his voice trembles, his hands shake. What does it offer? good doctor? Strengthen these sensations. Suffering from a phobia, people are afraid of the symptoms, and ultimately, of the fears themselves. And they are instructed: “Try to be afraid, expect fear, desire it!” It turns out that we take the phobia in check, begin to control it, and it disappears. In addition, a humorous approach always defuses the situation.

    Calm, just calm!

    When a phobia takes over, a person experiences a state of panic: the heart jumps out of the chest, the arms and legs become cold, and breathing is compressed. What to do in such a situation? Important learn in advance to relax and breathe correctly, while simultaneously switching attention to another topic. Keep it in mind best stories from your life, when you felt good, comfortable, and confident. Let's say you are afraid to ride the subway. When a panic attack creeps in, think: “How am I breathing?” And turn your attention to your breathing, aligning it. At the same time, turn on the “golden reserve” of impressions - beautiful pictures from the past, plunging into them down to sensations and poses. Smile! According to the theory of the American psychologist William James, emotions follow the body. Facial expressions, posture, gestures create the desired wave and change the mood.

    Finally, I would like to say that you need to be a very brave person to overcome your own phobias. You will have to go through nightmares and horrors, overcome feelings of anxiety. But life without fears is worth it!


    There is probably no such person who at least once in his life would not like to start new life from Monday, New Year's or next month. But it is very difficult to find those who did this. Usually such a desire remains just a desire, without causing any consequences. Therefore, the very first step on the path of struggle should be the realization that it will not be easy.

    The most serious opponent for any person remains himself. Working on yourself requires enormous willpower and faith in success. Understanding that your opponent, fear, is very strong and not so easy to cope with, will give you the opportunity to mobilize all the internal forces that you have.

    In the path of any change there is always internal anxiety. It is caused by the fact that it is very difficult to leave your comfort zone. The lifestyle that a person has led over the years provides him with a calm existence, in which there is no place for shocks. Everything in this world strives for peace. And any changes you want to make force you to step out of your comfort zone, which is sometimes very difficult to do because of the fear that everything will be bad.

    To get rid of such fears, write out a plan to achieve what you want in great detail. Imagine the most negative development scenario if you decide to change something in your life. A person is only afraid of the unknown; when he imagines what awaits him, he involuntarily begins to hedge his bets, preparing escape routes or Alternative option getting what you want.

    If you are afraid of relationships, remember where such fears came from. Replace the negative experiences of parents with the experiences of happy ones. married couples. Failed Relationships- analyze, maybe you don’t know how to choose or you yourself make mistakes that prevent you from creating a strong union. So, work on yourself, raise your self-esteem, stop settling for the first representative of the opposite sex you come across, or, on the contrary, get rid of unnecessarily high demands on them. Together with your loved one, you can always achieve whatever you want.

    Face your fears. Do what you are afraid of and you will see how all fears recede. Sometimes, in order to get rid of negativity, you need to find the strength within yourself to mentally relive what happened. And get rid of it once and for all.

    But you shouldn’t rush headlong into the pool. Fear is a protective reaction of the body that warns of possible danger. Therefore, you don’t have to walk through the park at night or bungee jump to prove to yourself that you can do anything. Remember, not all fears need to be fought.

    Thousands of girls dream of starting a singing career and becoming famous. Some even have very good talent, but do not know how to realize it. Becoming is not as difficult as many people think. To do this, you need to have at least basic singing skills, as well as a strong determination and motivation to achieve success.

    Be determined and fight your fears

    There is always tough competition among those who dream of becoming a singer. They want to captivate fans with their talent and become celebrities. Get ready for the struggle, many spend years to hone their singing skills, they participate in low-paid concerts with small audiences, but this is the only way to pave the way to a real career as a singer. Be patient and always think about your goal, you have a long job ahead of you.

    Even accomplished performers struggle with stage fright from time to time. This problem will most likely confront you as well. If this is the case and you constantly wonder whether the audience will approve of your performance, look for a way to combat this, try to increase your self-confidence. The best and effective way To do this, sing in public as often as possible. Sing with friends, sing on stage and remember that other people's opinions should not bother you, your goal is all that should concern you.

    Decide what you will sing

    Many aspiring singers do not sing their own songs; they are looking for compositions that they can perform well. This is quite important because... your goal at the beginning of your journey is not to show a beautiful song, but beautiful voice and execution. Select 10-15 songs that you know and sing well, and perform them in your performances. Try to balance your repertoire, do not allow it to consist only of the most popular songs or songs that no one knows.
    To fully express yourself, choose songs that require a sharp change in the timbre of your voice and the tempo of singing.

    Internet capabilities

    Aspiring performers who do not have large financial resources for their own promotion often begin their careers by posting their performances on the Internet. If you decide to follow this path, remember that the Internet is the same public, but anonymous. You may receive a lot of rave reviews, but it is also possible to have negative reactions to your performance. Post online only good, high-quality posts that you yourself are proud of and that your friends like.
    You can post your recordings on various video hosting sites and on social networks.

    Learn to accept criticism

    No matter how well you sing, there will always be people who don't like your singing. It is impossible to please everyone, even stage stars have fans and haters. Learn to accept constructive criticism and brush aside unfounded accusations, this will only help you hone your own talent. Never argue with those who challenge your talent; they may just be jealous of you.

    Improve yourself

    Continue to improve your vocals constantly, don't stop there. Practice as often as possible, try to master new genres and styles of singing. All this will give you confidence and strengthen your talent.

    Video on the topic

    Children are often afraid of something: the dark, separation from their mother, etc. To prevent childhood fears from later turning into adult phobias, it is necessary to take timely measures. How to deal with childhood fears? Of course, with the help of play and affection. A little bit of mom’s “magic” won’t hurt.

    How to deal with childhood fears with the help of a fairy tale

    The psychology of children is such that when listening to a fairy tale, they imagine themselves in the place of the heroes. Why just imagine? Write a fairy tale for your child yourself! For example, a child is afraid of an unknown creature living under the bed.

    Describe the situation in a fairy-tale manner: “Once upon a time there was a boy (girl) named... (child’s name). More than anything else, he was afraid of the Creature that lives under the bed...” and smoothly lead to a solution to the problem. For example: “... And the Creature, more than anything in the world, was afraid of a magic mirror (a cube, etc., something that a child actually has among his toys). And the boy just had this…” And then let events develop in such a way that the hero of the fairy tale drove away the Creature forever.

    How to deal with childhood fears using games

    If the option with a fairy tale does not suit you, you can simply play the game: “Chasing away fear.” Let the child draw what he is afraid of. Then, together, take a black marker and fill in the drawing with stripes, as if locking the fear in a cage. Or tear the drawing, symbolically destroying fear.

    Instead of a picture, you can use a pillow. Remember how in the film magazine “Yeralash”: a boy was afraid of a bully from his class, he made a figure of the bully out of a pillow at home and beat him well - and the fear went away.

    How to deal with childhood fears using words

    To combat childhood fears and win, learn not to ignore your child's fears. Do not isolate yourself from children's problems as if they were something insignificant. It is also not recommended to tell a child: “What are you afraid of as a little one? You’re already big!”

    Psychologists advise sharing your experience with your child, for example: “You know, I was also afraid of this as a child, but I did this and stopped being afraid.” If a child is hysterically afraid of some upcoming events (competitions, test work etc.), support the children’s spirit of independence and courage: “I believe you can do it!”, “You can do it!”, “Let’s train together to be ready for any circumstances.”

    Often children are scared to death of any medical manipulations. And all because mothers forget to really explain what will happen there - in the doctor’s office.

    It’s easy to overcome children’s fears of doctors: in detail and accessible language Inform your child about the procedure ahead and why it is needed. For example: “Your teeth have stopped protecting you from germs, and therefore we need the help of a dentist. The doctor will examine the teeth and apply a special ointment that hardens. This ointment is called a filling.” By supporting your words with a game or a fairy tale, supporting your child morally, you can overcome childhood fears and become a true friend and support for your child.

    Video on the topic