They say that the king is not real!!! “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”: favorite phrases from his favorite movie But the Tsar is not a real Ivan Vasilyevich.

But the king is not real!

Remember this phrase from Gaidai’s famous film comedy “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”, when the archers rebelled, suspecting that the tsar had been replaced? There were many tsars in Russia, starting from Ivan III, the grandfather of the famous Ivan the Terrible, and ending with Nicholas II. But of all the reigning persons, Gaidai chooses Ivan the Terrible. Was it a random choice or was there something natural about it?

I have long been surprised by the ability of many artists to provide information in their works that they had no way of knowing. Let us at least recall the famous epic novel by writer Robertson about the collapse of the huge ocean liner Titan, written 14 years before the collision of the real Titanic with an iceberg. Or a more recent example with the 2008 edition of the novel by the Ukrainian writer Gleb Bobrov, “The Age of the Stillborn,” which describes the civil war in Donbass, and which mentions such well-known names as Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Yasinovataya, etc.

Of course, the story of Ivan the Terrible in the 20th century, when Leonid Gaidai lived and worked, belongs to the past, not the future. Therefore, Gaidai, in principle, could know that Ivan the Terrible was not a legitimate tsar. But for this you need not just to know history, but to know it very well. But I have doubts about this; after all, Gaidai was a film director and could not boast of excellent knowledge of Russian history. And therefore, his choice in favor of Ivan the Terrible could be due to the same factor that is characteristic of many artists: they unconsciously receive information from some universal bank of information and then present it in their books and films in the form of fantasy or even fairy tales.

Ivan IV (the future Terrible) on his mother’s side was descended from the Golden Horde temnik Mamai, and on his father’s side from the ancient Rurik. But there were constantly rumors among the people about the illegal origin of the king. And the grounds for such rumors were quite serious. Let's remember the story.

After the defeat on the Kulikovo field, Mamai fled to the Crimean Kafa (today's Sudak) to his allies, the Genoese, who then owned Kafa. But they did not forgive him for the death of the Genoese infantry participating in the battle, and killed him. And the son of Mamai fled to Lithuania to Prince Vitovt. He received the fugitive kindly and instructed him to hold the defense of the southern borders of his state from the Mongol-Tatars. Vitovt understood that Mamaev’s son had nowhere to go: as soon as he returned to the Horde, he would be killed immediately (nobody needed a new contender for the Horde throne). And Vitovt’s calculation was justified; the mamaich served the prince faithfully.

In 1399, Vitovt went to war against the Horde, but suffered a crushing defeat on the Vorskla River. The defeat was so complete that only one person remained with the prince - this very Mama's son - and all the others who survived simply fled. For two days the mamaich took the prince through local ravines and swamps, allegedly getting lost. And for Vitovt, every second was precious, because there would always be many hunters for the empty place of the prince in the capital. Finally, Vitovt was so worried about his absence in the capital that he promised his companion princely dignity if they got out to the people right now. And a “miracle” happened: two hours later the satellites reached a local village. Now the return to the state capital was a done deal.

Vytautas kept his promise. He awarded his companion the princely title and gave the town of Glinsk as a reward. Thus, a new family of princes of Glinsky appeared in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Very quickly the new princely family became the richest and most influential in the state. What contributed to this - the Tatar cunning inherent in the genes, or the benevolent attitude of the grand dukes - is not known. But as always happens in such cases, the lucky ones acquired a lot of envious people and even enemies who did not accept the appearance of upstarts. Therefore, the strongest opposition was formed against the Glinsky princes among the old boyar and princely families. And the last Prince Glinsky, after an unsuccessful coup attempt, had to flee. He fled to Rus', where at that time the son of Ivan III, the newly divorced Tsar Vasily III, ruled.

Tsar Vasily was married to Solomonia for 20 years, but the marriage was childless. Finally, tired of waiting for an heir, the king accuses his wife of infertility, imprisons her in a monastery and divorces her. After this, the search for a new wife begins. And then the king’s gaze fell on the niece of Prince Glinsky, Elena, who was running to him. The wedding took place in 1526. And in 1530, a boy was finally born, who would become Ivan the Terrible in the future. So, Vasily’s accusation of infertility of his first wife was justified if a boy was born? This is where the mysteries and intrigue begin.

Please note that the birth of the child occurred four years after the wedding. If the king had normal virility, how to explain such a long interval between the wedding and the birth of the heir? On the other hand, in Southern Rus' there are widespread legends about the robber ataman Kudeyar, who, according to one version, was the son of Solomonia, born to her secretly in a monastery after a divorce, and born not from the king, but from an unknown guard with whom Solomonia entered into a relationship to take revenge on her ex-husband. If Kudeyar is indeed the son of Solomonia, then the version of her infertility turns out to be incorrect. And her husband Vasily should be considered infertile. And the fact that the king’s second wife nevertheless gave birth to an heir can be explained as follows.

Elena understood perfectly well what fate awaited her if she could not give birth to an heir for the king: the example of Solomonia was constantly before her eyes. Therefore, having realized after a couple of years that she would never give birth to the king, Elena could conceive an intrigue with the birth of a child from another man. And the best candidate for the role of the real father was the boyar Ovchin Telepnev-Obolensky. He served as a bed servant in the royal court, that is, he was responsible for all bed things and, due to the nature of his service, had the right to appear in the palace at any time, even at night. After the death of Vasily, when his son little Vanya was still just a child, it was the boyar Ovchina Telepnev-Obolensky who became the most faithful ally and support of the widowed queen. And she really needed such support, because... Being more Lithuanian than Russian by upbringing, she could not boast of love and respect from the Moscow boyars. And yet the boyar front turned out to be stronger. Ovchina Telepnev-Obolensky was accused of attempting to kill the growing prince and, despite all Elena’s efforts, he was sentenced to death. After the execution, the arbitrariness and arbitrariness of the Moscow boyars began, because Elena no longer had any power and was only tolerated on the throne.

Meanwhile, little Vanya grew and grew. And finally, when he entered into full royal power and put on royal clothes, no one could throw the accusation of illegitimate birth into his eyes with impunity.

PUTIN'S DOUBLE... They say the tsar is not real!

They say the king is not real!
Many people write that Putin hid his wife in a monastery because she has not appeared in public for too long.
It seems to me that another version is more likely - neither Putin, nor his wife, nor his children have been in public for a long time, or anywhere else.
There are several indirect evidence of this.

1) Appearance.
All this funny talk about Botox makes me think the president has gone crazy. It’s convenient to blame all sorts of idiotic tricks on the same crazy thing. But only one fact can be considered accurate and verified - the man called Putin has changed his appearance dramatically and very strongly.
In the same way, his wife’s appearance changed dramatically and very strongly. Her appearance at the elections is simply a classic of the genre of public disguise: this shaggy wig, a spacious, enveloping cloak that hides her figure... “Gestalt” to recognize some kind of integrity. Attentive people will not recognize the details.

Before us are completely different people playing a role. Like Lenin or Stalin on Red Square, taking pictures with tourists. What do caricature Lenin or Stalin do to be more like the original? That's right, they use "stereotypical behavior." “A cap in your hands, a pipe in your teeth.”

2) Behavior.
The real Putin has been repeatedly seen engaging in gopnik behavior. He said “chew snot” and said “wet in the toilet”, and this was part of his image. The current Putin has turned this gopnik into a grotesque. He no longer has these phrases and this style - he only uses them. And when communicating with the local public, and even at all sorts of international meetings. So Lenin’s double, if necessary, would constantly lisp in an exaggerated manner and constantly use words like “my friend” - after all, this is what “ordinary people” expect from him. Although there is one moment that also betrays the person playing the role.

3) Attitude.
The person is detached. Neither he exists for the audience, nor does he exist for the audience. He is rude from the screens and stands, talking obvious nonsense, having fun and having fun. A real “tyrant tsar” in this case would have committed all sorts of other tyranny - but in the political, and especially economic sphere, the course is very tough and does not change under the influence of the moment. It is based on a simple rule: “the rich get richer, the poor get poorer,” which is not violated under any circumstances. In all other things, the artist portraying Putin allows himself to have fun and fool around.

Another indirect evidence of Putin’s substitution are two points. The first is the political situation. Medvedev's presidential term was marked by a whole bunch of completely crazy, often contradictory ideas for legislation. This continues to this day. At public levels with low funding, where the interests of the largest oligarchs are not affected, there is trash, waste and complete chaos. The second is news about Putin. All this Lada-Kalina, Botox, amphorae and fish-kissing - if we ignore their delusional essence - are aimed at only one thing. So that people would say “what a fool the Tsar-Father is,” but not ask the question “why is the Tsar-Father not like himself.” It needs to be hidden in the most visible place, the secret is hidden behind a curtain of noise.

It is quite obvious to me that somewhere between 2007 and 2010 the real V.V. Putin disappeared along with his family. Whether it was his conscious decision to leave big politics for some quiet European castle, or whether he was liquidated by his “friends and classmates” in the basement of some Ipatiev house, we are now unlikely to know. The Seven Bankers hired several artists, launched several exciting stories about Kabaeva and Botox on the Internet, and now rule the country solely in the interests of big capital. The first test ball was “Medvedev’s eccentricities”, the second was the “Prokhorov” seven-banker project, when they nominated the most obviously stupid (= controlled) person from among them, in order to soon proclaim him the next “successor” and finally consolidate the power of the capitalists in the country.

However, it is worth noting that this does not change anything in terms of protests. Protests and rallies, slogans “Putin - go away” are just a way to show the secret rulers of the country the discontent of the people. Another question that is important to understand is that even if the hired artist is “left,” the seven-banker community will not necessarily completely abandon its previous course. But this will at least be feedback, which is not observed at all now.

President Putin in Tuva, I found another oddity: in the photo with the fish, the president is posing in the same pants as in 2007. The trip itself is not included in President's schedule on the official website, but journalists from the Kremlin pool were not invited there.

One of the first to draw attention to the oddities in the coverage of the trip "New Newspaper": For some reason, fishing was hidden from ordinary Russians for six days, and the TV channels covering the event did not come to an agreement when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev joined the company. This happened because journalists were not taken on the strange trip, and they had to report on it using photographs from the Kremlin press service.

By the way, they are completely ambiguous. Official websites are just confusing. Photo in Instagram Medvedev, entitled "In Tyva. With Vladimir Putin" on Putin's website made “during a visit to the Sayano-Shushensky state natural biosphere reserve.” The Prime Minister, by the way, also published his photo report on the trip only on July 26.

In the middle of the week, all federal channels showed a video of President Putin fishing with Medvedev and Shoigu in Tyva. Bloggers found some similarities between Putin’s fishing trip and the one he went on back in 2007. Moreover, there is no information about the president’s trip to Tyva in 2013, even on the official website of the head of state.

and we see something wonderful:
July 21 from midnight to 8 a.m. showers, from 8 a.m. to midnight 90% or 100% cloudy.
On July 20, in the morning there was a thunderstorm, from midnight to 14:00 completely cloudy, from 14:00 to 19:00 80% cloudiness, thunderclouds, then shower.

Well, okay, maybe the photographers successfully caught the sun coming out from behind the clouds, the blue sky halfway across the sky. Let's say.

But who is this posing with us instead of Vladimir Vladimirovich with a pike?
Attention here. This is the real Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the famous photograph of 2000. Please look carefully at the profile of the nose. Concave, neat, regular nose, of medium length, without the slightest hint of a hump, typically Slavic.

But this is the man who allegedly caught a pike in Tyva on July 21. Take a close look at the profile of the nose.

Once again, close-up. We see a large aquiline nose, with a clearly defined hump, in the shape of a beak, noticeably longer than V.V. Putin’s real nose.

Now for the soft part. They say - I emphasize, these are just rumors, but I have the sons of several very high-ranking people as friends - that a certain back disease turned out to be so serious that last year the issue of long-term treatment for the guarantor abroad was considered, and in March of this year it allegedly became irreversible character.

I have a terrible guess. This guess explains all the pandemonium that has been going on in the country for the last month.
Let's assume that exactly 1 month ago V.V. Putin was unable to fulfill his duties due to health reasons. According to Part 3 of Art. 92 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “in all cases when the President of the Russian Federation is unable to fulfill his duties, they are temporarily performed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.” That is, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.
It is also clear that Medvedev without Putin means the end of the careers of people like Sechin and Yakunin, as well as the quiet resignation of people like Bastrykin. They cannot allow Medvedev to become acting. President. Therefore, until it is completely impossible to hide the truth, a stalemate will remain in power - Medvedev does not have enough resources to push aside Sechin-Bastrykin-Yakunin-Shoigu. But they also have no opportunity to dismiss Medvedev himself from the post of prime minister. In addition, Medvedev has Chaika, that is, the Prosecutor General’s Office.

This, gentlemen and ladies, is where the most plausible version of Navalny’s release on July 19 appears. Leonid Volkov, regarding this release, said that the president had “gone crazy,” Stanislav Belkovsky said that the president was “in the astral plane and suspended animation.” Everything is much simpler and scarier. Putin did not give orders at all to either imprison Navalny for 5 years or release him. Do you really think that if Putin were alive and able to make decisions, he would have hidden Navalny in the morning, and by the evening he would have ordered his release, revolutionizing Moscow and creating the image of Navalny as an indestructible hero?
No. The decision on imprisonment was made by Bastrykin and Co., the decision on release was made by Medvedev. Bastrykin called the Kirov court, Medvedev called Chaika. They didn’t go for any approvals, because there was no one to go to.

Does this version explain all the other oddities? Yes, he explains. It's immediately clear why:
1) Medvedev began to appear on screens so often - for example, on the same fishing trip with “Putin”;
2) Tina Kandelaki (!) first stated that she “sees potential in Navalny,” and then transferred money to Navalny’s election fund (!!!);
3) Navalny is conducting a completely free election campaign in Moscow, and only Bastrykin weakly threatens to initiate a case for stickers pasted on the State Duma.

I would like to end the post with a quote from Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev’s favorite book, “Heart of a Dog”:

“The ball still exists, and no one has definitely killed it.
“Professor,” the black man spoke in great surprise, raising his eyebrows, “then he will have to be presented.” It's been ten days since I disappeared, and the data, excuse me, is very bad..."

The most popular comedy of the USSR, “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession,” turns 40 today. Based on the play by Mikhail Bulgakov, Leonid Gaidai’s film sparkles with wit, and quotes from it are forever embedded in our everyday speech, becoming popular and involuntarily bringing a smile to our lips.

Today the portal recalls favorite phrases from cult movies, spoken by favorite actors.

Yuri Yakovlev (Ivan Vasilyevich Bunsha and Ivan the Terrible)

You are mistaken, dear, this is a public matter. With your divorces, you are sharply reducing our indicators.

Come to your senses, come to your senses, Comrade Timofeev, before, you know, you see ancient Moscow - without the sanction of the relevant authorities!

I am tormented by vague doubts...

Tsar, very nice, hello, Tsar!

Do you think it’s easy for us kings? Nothing like that, philistine talk... We, the kings, should be given milk for free for being harmful!

Hey man! Human! Waiter! Kidneys once for the queen!

I demand that the banquet continue!

You will still answer for your antisocial experiences, hooligan!

With delight I surrender myself into the hands of my native police, I hope and trust in them...

Ulyana Andreevna, I reigned! But he didn’t change you! I was tempted by the queen, but I did not succumb, I swear!

I hear from an impostor!

Oh, it's hard for me! Tell me again, are you not a demon?

The housekeeper made vodka.

What Boris the Tsar?! Boriska - for the kingdom?! So he, the evil one, paid with despicable things for the kindest thing?! He wanted to reign himself, Volodya everyone?! Guilty of death!

Why did you offend the noblewoman, you scum?!

Pray, son of a pike, say goodbye to life!

And the noblewoman is sculpted with beauty! Red with lips, united with eyebrows... What else do you want, dog?

Well, get married, little bastard, the prince lets her go.

Oh, demonic clothes, oh, temptation!

Walled up, demons!

This is what the life-giving cross does!

Leave me, old lady, I'm sad...

Kazan took... Astrakhan took... Revel took, Shpak... n-didn't take.

You're lying, dog! I am the king!

They've been taken to the police, they're making a case!

Leonid Kuravlev (Georges Miloslavsky)

This is where I entered successfully!

Citizens, keep your money in a savings bank! If, of course, you have them.

I am an artist of large and small academic theaters; and my last name - my last name is too famous for me to name it!

Why are you looking at me like that, dear father? There are no patterns on me, and flowers don’t grow.

Fuck you. Fuck you again!

Wait a minute! If you once again interfere with the experiments of an academician and stand in the way of technical progress, I will kill you!..

Don't be silent as a stump, I can't work alone.

Nadezhda the Tsar says that I am Prince Miloslavsky. Does this suit you?

There were demons - we don't deny that. But they self-destructed. So please stop this stupid panic!

Enter Citizen Ambassador!

Such questions, dear Ambassador, cannot be resolved at the drop of a hat. We need to consult with our comrades, come back in a week.

Give your king my warm greetings!

Everybody's Free! Yes, the convoy is also free. The convoy is free!

Fedya, why are you huddling around your kidneys? Come here.

Oh, yes, your honor, you cut yourself!

There is no need to rush, I will always have time to sit down.

Dear autocrat, we are lost.

What do you mean? I ask you - what are you hinting at, royal face?

Alexander Demyanenko (Shurik Timofeev)

When you speak, Ivan Vasilyevich, the impression is that you are delusional.

If you were my wife, I would hang myself!

Do you think I want to poison you?! Dear Ivan Vasilich, this is not accepted among us. And in our age it is much easier to get poisoned with sprat than with vodka - drink with confidence!

So, have you already been released from the insane asylum?

Natalya Selezneva (Zina)

My gloves were taken away in a cafe... and I fell in love with someone else!

They tell him that his wife is leaving him, and he says “so-so-so-so-so”! Even somehow impolite! And you know, somehow it’s even tempting to start a scandal...

I am leaving my husband - this holy man with all the comforts!

So it was I who took the scoundrel Yakin’s suitcase!

Vladimir Etush (comrade Shpak)

But I, Zinaida Mikhailovna, was robbed - the dog and the police promised to come...

Oh, you are rehearsing...

It’s natural how you play... And your king is so... typical! Looks like our Bunshu.

This role is abusive, and I ask you not to use it on me! God, what a house we have! Either they steal, then they call names... and we are also fighting for the honorary title of “a house of high culture of life” - this is a nightmare, a nightmare!

What kind of drunken antics are these?! I will file a complaint against you... collectively!

Now the police will figure out which of us is a slave.

You need to have a snack!

Hello, police? This is what today’s robbed Shpak says...

Everything that was acquired by back-breaking labor still perished! Three tape recorders, three foreign movie cameras, three domestic cigarette cases, a suede jacket... three... jackets.

Mikhail Pugovkin (director Yakin)

Wait for me and I will come back.

I walked through the stage with her, hysterical! This is my professional responsibility. Profession de foi!

Packs... like cherubs! Your Excellency, have mercy. By the way, you misunderstood me... I don’t speak languages, your honor.

My life...

Velmi, thank you very much!

Because we are really late for the plane.

Natalya Krachkovskaya (Ulyana Andreevna Bunsha)

However, you have character... If I were your wife, I would also leave.

Alexander Sergeevich, I'm sorry to bother you during your family drama. Ivan Vasilyevich is not with you?

Comrade Lieutenant, I am the wife of this alcoholic!

And you will be cured, and you will also be cured... And I will be cured...

They taught you on their own, they all went bald!

Take the demons alive!

Ya-ya, Kemsk volost...

Twisted hare kidneys, pike heads with garlic... Black, red caviar... Yes! Overseas caviar... eggplant!

The army has rebelled! They say the king is not real!

Impostors have repeatedly laid claim to the Russian throne - there were three False Dmitrys alone.

Usually they were helped in this by foreigners, most often Poles. But they were not very successful in this. Perhaps after that, someone came up with the idea of ​​​​replacing the young Tsar Peter I: after all, the best way to subjugate a country is to put your own person at its head.

Worm of Doubt

At first I thought: this can’t be true! He found a “simple” explanation: he liked life there, he was amazed by the “achievements” of the West, hence the changes in consciousness.

Later the doubts intensified. Well, Rus' was not so backward then as to amaze a neophyte; in general, it was not much different from its Western neighbors. The real Peter I would hardly have noticed the “benefits” of Western civilization at all, because from childhood he lived like a king.

So the original “explanation” no longer seemed convincing to me.

The Tsar was replaced

What exactly makes you think about substitution?

A brave 26-year-old Orthodox Russian young man, blood and milk, left with the Great Embassy to Amsterdam, and returned a man much worn by life, in appearance almost twice his age.

Even before his return, the tsar ordered his first wife, Evdokia Lopukhina, to be sent to the monastery, and later he stubbornly refused to meet her. Although he lived for eight years and, according to all evidence, he loved her, he wrote passionate letters to her while he was away. By the way, Evdokia Lopukhina gave birth to three sons to Peter I, all of them were later killed, like many former relatives and friends of the young tsar. To put it mildly, it is very strange for a real king, but understandable for an impostor - they are all strangers to him!

The former tsar loved everything Russian, but the new tsar was almost sick of it. Has he really hated everything that is his, his own, his father’s, so much in two years?..

Suddenly he stopped wearing his usual Russian clothes and dressed in European ones.

And why, after the overseas “tour,” did the sovereign almost forget the Russian language, speaking it a little better than the level of “mine, yours, don’t understand”? I didn’t write anything for several years - written language is more difficult than spoken language - I just dictated. Sometimes he wrote Russian words in Latin letters.

It is significant that immediately after the return of Peter I, all materials about the childhood and youth of the future tsar disappeared from the Russian court archive. But from 1672 to 1697, “daily records” were kept, in which literally every step of the prince was recorded. Among them were decrees and letters of the real Peter, from which one could compare the handwriting.

The real sovereign knew about the location of Ivan the Terrible’s library, each tsar passed on its secret to his heir, but the replaced one was completely unaware of this and made a lot of efforts to find it. But in vain. At the same time, his sister Sophia knew the secret; the princess visited the library.

During a trip abroad, the entire Russian entourage of the young tsar inexplicably “shrivelled and evaporated”: many died, others mysteriously disappeared to God knows where. He returned almost exclusively with foreigners.

It is significant that along with the new encirclement a considerable army arrived in Russia. These were Poles. It was they who later suppressed the revolt of the archers and all those who were dissatisfied.

In general, throughout his reign, Peter I brought foreigners closer to him, inviting them from abroad in large numbers, providing all sorts of benefits. In my life I constantly communicated with them. He could have chosen a bride from almost any royal house in Europe, but, contrary to tradition, he took a foreigner, Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya-Kruse, of dubious quality.

His formerly beloved Moscow - in which he was born! - the replaced king hated it, fled from it at every opportunity, and then generally moved the capital closer to what he liked and what his soul was drawn to. Was it because he was afraid of being exposed, and therefore did not show himself where the real Peter was known and still remembered?..

"The army rebelled..."

When a strange man returned after a two-year absence, not like his former self, who did not recognize anyone and spoke Russian poorly, there was immediate talk that “the tsar was not real.” Some of the archers rebelled, demanding Princess Sophia, Peter’s sister, to the throne. Discontent was brutally suppressed.

The king was not satisfied with this; an additional 14 torture chambers were built, where the archers were tortured. Even those who did not take part in the riot lived openly in Moscow and did not hide from anyone. Most of those tortured soon confessed to everything, including their hostility towards foreigners. The latter was punishable and a sufficient reason for punishment?!

It should be noted that the archers in those days were the most loyal and combat-ready troops, they became them by inheritance. According to some sources, their number reached 20 thousand people. The country was practically left without an army. Instead, they recreated another one, of course, according to Western models, where foreigners were skillfully placed in the most important positions.

After the massacre of the archers, by order of the tsar, they issued a commemorative medal with inscriptions in Latin, which had never been done before in Rus'.

"Switched German"

At that time, many people knew or guessed about the replacement of the king. There were persistent rumors that Russia was ruled by a “replaced German,” but they were brutally suppressed.

Over 90% of the records of state crimes of the Preobrazhensky Order consist of accusations of those who spoke about the substitution of the sovereign or an impostor, listened to such speeches, or did not report them. This is what we struggled with in the first place! This means that the substitution was noticed immediately, and therefore the king’s new entourage sought to eradicate the truth in the most severe way.

“Real kings” began to appear in different parts of the country. They were captured, tortured, and if they had not previously died during the torture, they were executed.

D.S. Merezhkovsky wrote about the substitution in his work “Antichrist”. Historians A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky discovered that the official birthday of Peter I - he was born on May 30 (June 9), 1672 - does not coincide with the day of his angel, which is not the case with any of his predecessors. On the named birthday of the king, Saint Isaac is honored. It is quite possible that he bore this name until he replaced the true Russian sovereign.

The famous Russian historian-researcher V. Shemshuk wrote the book “The Devil’s Coup in Russia.” The Russian writer and publicist N. Levashov was a supporter of the version of the replacement of the Tsar. His views are shared by I. Danilov, candidate of philosophical sciences, head of the “Philosophical Assault” project. One of the co-founders of the Mozhaisk Historical Society, V. Kukovenko, wrote the book “How Peter I was replaced.”

The deeds of the great "reformer"

Official historians portray Peter I as almost the “greatest reformer” who implanted civilization in a “savage country.” In fact, he was much more like a cruel conqueror who barbarously and mercilessly destroyed the foundations of Russian life.

Here is a short list of the acts of False Peter:

He vigorously promoted alcohol and tobacco, organized parties called assemblies, at which he literally got the invitees drunk. On his orders, barrels of wine were rolled out into the square and everyone was treated to free food.

He gave the peasants ownership to the landowners, turning serfdom into real bondage. But earlier it was said that “a peasant is a title higher than a king”...

+ He forbade the wearing of Russian clothing and imposed a fine for it...

Replaced traditional Russian writing with the alphabet of Cyril and Methodius. Among other things, he actually cut off a huge layer of written sources in the old language; they became poorly understood by subsequent generations.

+ Under the pretext of making copies, he confiscated ancient handwritten books from the monasteries and destroyed them, and brought in the Germans to write “Russian” history; they made it extremely non-Russian. They even brazenly pointed out that the Germans gave the Russians statehood, although they themselves did not have one at that time: a single German state appeared on the world map many centuries later.

+ Russian self-government - zemstvo - was replaced by a bureaucratic apparatus of foreigners on the Western model.

He carried out a tax reform, established taxes, which ruined many. It is typical that for supporters of the old way of life, taxes were doubled. Sometimes the right to collect taxes was given to generals, and each province was obliged to maintain military units...

He issued a decree on succession to the throne, according to which the heir was forbidden to choose brides within the country, but could take them abroad...

Peter I abolished the Patriarchate and subordinated the Church to secular power through the Synod. He carried out repressions against the clergy - the bearers of Russian culture, and tried a lot to bring them closer to Catholicism.

Who dared to be an impostor?

It looks very much like the real Peter I was replaced by the Dutchman Jaan Musch. It was the family of a certain Klaas Musch that the “Russian” Tsar provided constant financial assistance. And he gave his widow a boat worth 450 guilders. And the helmsman Antip Timofeev, who saved the life of Peter I during a storm on the White Sea, received only 30 rubles (about 150 guilders) as a reward.

The tsar's passion for everything Dutch and the Dutch is striking. During Peter I’s trips abroad, it was noticed that he most willingly communicated with Dutch skippers, easily went with them to wine cellars and gave them plenty to drink there.

Once, while visiting Holland, he completely indifferently sailed past the capital, Amsterdam, hurrying to the small town of Saardam (Zaandam). There he visited almost all the common people there, willingly dined with them and drank. Eyewitnesses noted that he looked like a man who had returned home after a long separation and was now visiting all his relatives and friends.

There is evidence that the real Peter suffered from hydrophobia from an early age, but who returned from a foreign “voyage” demonstrated excellent swimming skills and had a clear craving for the sea and ships. Looks like he was an experienced sailor, perhaps even a pirate. During naval battles, he showed obvious experience in boarding combat, and a very thorough one, which required considerable practice to master. Where could he buy it if he had never participated in such battles before?!

According to another version, the foreigner who replaced the original Russian Tsar was named Isaac Andre. St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg was later named after him.

"The Man in the Iron Mask"

Where did the former Russian Tsar go? Or rather, where did the conspirators take him? What is his future fate?

One version is this: the true Peter I was kept in the famous Bastille with a velvet mask on his face. This gave rise to the legend of the “iron mask” and numerous speculations about who was hiding under it. The events coincide in date: the replacement of the Russian Tsar (if it took place) occurred at the end of the summer of 1698, and the man with the mask was brought to Paris shortly after that, in September of the same year.

Whether there is a connection is unknown, but it was then that the commandant of the Bastille changed. In the lists of this prison, the prisoner is listed as Magchiel, which resembles a distorted surname Mikhailov, under which the real Russian Tsar stayed abroad. The unfortunate man died five years later. After this, the cell was searched extremely thoroughly, destroying all traces of his presence.

Alexander ZIBOROV.