People born in winter characteristics. If a child was born in winter: character traits, health, choice of name, upbringing

It has been established that the health characteristics and character of a child depend on the time of year in which he was born. All this affects the future of the child and his destiny.

The “key” to this fact is related to the nature of the food that mother eats, solar activity during pregnancy, with the amount of time the mother spent on fresh air etc.

Babies born in winter time(from December to February) combines a number of striking facts, as scientists have found. Now we will talk about them:

1. Winter babies have good health

Scientists explain this fact by the fact that most of the pregnancy occurred in late spring - summer, which had a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. The expectant mother spent most of her time outside, basking in the rays of the warm sun. Large quantity vegetables and fruits rich useful vitamins, which mother and baby received, strengthened their immunity and protective functions of the body in the best possible way.

Winter babies are even born much larger. Harvard scientists studied this. They weighed and measured groups of children aged 8 months, 4 and 8 years. Their assumptions were confirmed.

2. Alternative version

This version was proposed by scientists at the University of Tennessee, USA. In their opinion, winter babies are susceptible to a number of serious diseases that are not typical for summer children. All experiments were carried out on laboratory animals. After analyzing the results, scientists came to the conclusion that children born in winter, suffer from colds more often, and are prone to depression (among patients psychiatric hospitals“winter” patients are 8% more likely than others), quite often suffer from bronchial asthma, allergic diseases, and suffer from headaches more often than others.

They explain all this by the fact that in winter children spend very little time in the sun, so the production of vitamin D in their bodies is significantly reduced, which helps absorb calcium, and therefore is very important for the formation skeletal system. In addition, vitamin D affects the production of melatonin, which strengthens the child’s immunity. Second important point is a long stay of the child indoors, and strong wrapping when going outside. All this gets in the way correct formation protective properties of the body.

3. Winter children are long-lived

In Europe, sociological data on older people was studied. Scientists have concluded that "winter" ones are about 16% more likely to live to see their centenary. Here scientists focused specifically on people born in December. In addition, people born in winter are physically resilient and very often achieve high results in sports!

4. Winter children have a very hard time with jet lag.

Winter babies have a hard time with climate change and the failure of their biological clock. Traveling with time zone changes is painful and generally undesirable for them. They have a much harder time acclimatizing to a new place. It is important for parents to know these “points” and plan trips correctly.

5. Winter babies are often born. ahead of schedule

In winter, children are born about a week earlier. Scientists explain this fact by the fact that in winter, expectant mothers are under constant influence of viruses (flu, etc.), which causes premature birth. A child who was born prematurely is usually less developed and has an insufficiently developed immune system, visual organs, and hearing.

6. Winter children are most often farsighted

If summer babies suffer from myopia much more often (24% more than others), then winter children are most often farsighted. The reason for this is believed to be that in winter the sun is less active, and children's eyes in the first months of life are less exposed to its rays. Scientists studied 300 thousand children and concluded that winter people practically do not suffer from eye diseases throughout their lives.

7. By nature, winter babies are strong-willed, stubborn and persistent.

They have great efficiency. To achieve their goal, “winter” ones are ready to work day and night, which is why they often achieve heights in sports and reach the top at a professional level. Most often, these are self-confident individuals, with high self-esteem, which helps them in the future.

IN family life things don’t always go smoothly for them, as they have a rather quarrelsome character, they like to argue over trifles and bicker. They obey no one, do not consult with anyone, their actions are sometimes quite cruel, which they themselves sometimes regret.

In order to soften the “winter ones” a little, to rid them of excessive severity, hardness and pride, yes, it is pride that is characteristic of these people, they need to be given names that will bring gentleness, openness and complaisance into life.

People born in winter are easy to distinguish from others: they are more emotionally cold and reserved than those born in spring, summer or autumn. And this is not just about the characteristics of the zodiac signs. Harvard scientists have proven that winter babies are physically healthier, but less affectionate, and they have a high risk of developing mental problems in adulthood.

Scientists from Harvard tested children born in winter months, immediately after birth, at the ages of eight months, four and finally eight years. It turned out that “winter” babies were born larger on average, and subsequently surpassed their peers born in warmer seasons in weight and height, and also demonstrated higher rates of mental development.

Thus, their ability to remember and assimilate information was much higher than that of “summer” children. Thanks to this, they did better in school. Among the “winter” schoolchildren there are much more excellent students, and they are more diligent.

And Israeli ophthalmologists, having studied data on the health of 300,000 children born in different times, concluded that babies born in June and July were 24 percent more likely to suffer from severe myopia and other vision problems than those born in December and January, regardless of where exactly they were born.

In addition, according to statistics, centenarians are more common among “winter” people. They are physically resilient and often achieve success in sports. No wonder many famous athletes born in winter!

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Partner news

“Children of winter” - and according to the horoscope this is usually Sagittarius, Capricorn And Aquarius- are usually slow and have a cold, even “frozen” temperament, which is why they are sometimes accused of being “callous” and “insensitive.” These “crackers” are not easy to spin into strong emotions, completely natural for summer Gemini, Cancer And Lviv. From a psychological point of view, they are typical introverts, immersed within themselves. This closed people, they do not like to demonstrate their true feelings, and even those close to them cannot always understand what is on their mind and soul... But at the same time, they can be very naive and decent, and their inner experiences can be very deep. You can also always rely on them, unlike “summer” individuals who have seven Fridays a week, and all actions can depend on their mood. If you want to have a reliable partner in business, give preference to a person whose birthday is in winter.

In the foreground for “winter” people is usually professional activity. They are usually successful because they are naturally persistent in achieving their goals, which has good career potential. But sometimes laziness interferes with them - it affects that the birth occurred during the period of “hibernation”. If they manage to overcome their laziness, they achieve great heights. They make talented actors, poets, mathematicians, businessmen and lawyers. At the same time, astrologers say, those who were born under the sign Sagittarius, more inclined to exact sciences, born under the sign Capricorn- to business and jurisprudence, and Aquarius usually give preference to the creative and spiritual spheres...

But not everything is so rosy. For example, December and January children are more likely to suffer from allergies to wool, and February children are more likely to suffer from pollen allergies.

Also, more than 250 studies conducted at different times by different scientists around the world confirmed that “winter” individuals have a much higher risk of developing nervous and mental illnesses. In psychiatric hospitals, the number of patients whose birth date falls in the winter months is approximately 8 percent higher than those born in other seasons...

Researchers explain all these features by the fact that during the gestation period, “winter” children, conceived, as a rule, in the spring, lack exposure to ultraviolet radiation. But, having come into this world in the coldest time of the year, when there is no warmth from the sun and vitamins, the baby is forced to actively “fight” for life, which affects his future fate.

How lucky you are if your baby was born in winter! It is from these children that persistent and strong-willed people grow up, striving to achieve their goals in everything; they are successful in various fields, becoming professionals. Children " Snow Queen"or "winter children" are far from the soft-bodied Kai, on the contrary, they are confident in themselves and in their decisions, they are not so easily led astray, because they are not only principled, but also stubborn. Children born in the winter months are endowed with enormous capacity for work and natural talents.

But on the other hand, “children of winter” grow into people whose pride is easily vulnerable. Their contradictory nature can play a cruel joke on them. This is probably why they suffer in most cases from themselves. Both in family and personal life, not everything is so smooth. They argue with or without reason. And in discussions they recognize only their point of view.

Children of winter: boys

If your baby was born in winter, prepare for the fact that he may subsequently get out of control, not accepting any power over himself. He will make decisions that he does not consider necessary to coordinate with anyone. His temper, gaining strength, will become quite steep, and submitting to anyone will not be in his character. Winter children can be characterized by cruelty, they understand this very well and suffer along with those offended by them. But these characteristics occupy only a quarter of their multifaceted nature, not reflecting their essence.

Children of winter: girls

In character they are not much different from boys. It can be both easy and difficult with them when it comes to communication. Alas, they are not always completely feminine; not everyone can be affectionate and gentle. Winter girls fearless, which will help them in decisively moving forward.

The name will bring harmony to the lives of winter children

How can you influence the character of winter children in order to smooth out the cornerstone features in the future? This is possible if you own necessary information and giving the child a name that will convey softness and complaisance to their nature will help them become more restrained. It is necessary to choose a name that will save them from excessive severity and hardness, and will calm their pride, which is more reminiscent of arrogance.

Children of cold December

They are distinguished from other winter children by their lack of restraint and intense emotionality. In their irritation, they may go too far, and it will become difficult for them to curb this “restive horse.” In many cases, children understand this perfectly well, but cannot straighten out the spoiled situation. They see those who are far from attractive to them, and they know about the negative traits of their character, but they are not able to change anything: to restrain emotions where necessary, to remain silent. They keep flaring up like a match because of every little thing.

Their path in life cannot be called peaceful and measured. December children always find themselves almost the main ones in various, far from pleasant stories. Therefore, they do not accept routine and monotony. As soon as life silts up, the people of this month immediately begin to stir up trouble. Life seems to be a theater where they are the main characters, and everything else is scenery that must change quickly. This is their comfortable state of mind and an urgent need. Otherwise, depression and nervous breakdowns occur.

Suitable names for December children:

  • boys: Alexey, Artemy and Artem;
  • girls: Polina, Natalya and Irina.

Children of snowy January

They are more restrained than December ones. Their nature can be compared to stoics who will not be broken by failure. These children are also distinguished by patience and isolation. Children of this month keep their feelings and emotions inside themselves, as if in a casket under lock and key, hiding them from everyone, even from those closest to them.

Boys in the future become brave people, strong-willed and proud. These are wonderful friends, fair and reliable. You can always rely on them. They are gentlemen towards women, and seeing their weaknesses, they react condescendingly to them. Grown men act decisively and often take unnecessary risks. Carelessness and ill-considered actions can let them down. But these are wonderful husbands.

Girls who celebrate their birthdays during January are independent and self-reliant. They have masculine hardness and are proud of it. They often take a leadership position. January women do not reveal their souls to everyone, and they can be characterized as secretive. Since it is in their nature to control others, living together with them cannot be called easy. But at the same time, men will get spouses who will always help and support, will remain faithful to the end, and will amaze with their culinary talents. And the fact that such a woman will not brush off the dust once again is trivial compared to her merits.

Suitable names for January children are:

  • boys: Vasily and Ilya;
  • girls: Anastasia and Lilia.

Children of Harsh February

February children, like December children, are completely unbalanced, although they can control their emotions. They are often susceptible to nervous breakdowns and prolonged depression, from which recovery is difficult and takes a long time. February children are often unpredictable and impulsive. They are difficult to deal with for some, but fearless when it comes to others and also tenacious. Their decisions are dictated more by intuition, which is why they are successful. February children are distinguished by touchiness, rancor and vindictiveness. The weak are despised; at best, they are treated condescendingly. Often straightforward, they are not even aware of their selfishness. Their actions are not always noble, dictated by the quote “the end may justify the means.” These are excellent manipulators who, over the years, have succeeded in managing people perfectly. Such people are characterized by ambition, which spurs them on the way to career growth. They love children, and the children reciprocate. These are good parents with many children. February children often have to subject themselves to criticism and self-flagellation, which no one knows about.

The following names are suitable for February children:

  • For boys: Arkady and Valentin;
  • Girls: Alice and Vera.

The health and abilities of winter children are encouraging

They don't visit the pediatrician often. From the first days of their lives, children experience good development and growth. They have excellent eyesight. Possess high intelligence, tenacious memory, creative abilities. These are long-livers who die in their right mind.

Health problems of winter children

Allergic reactions may occur. There are cases of myopia. Mental disorder. But all this can develop under certain negative circumstances.

Why are winter children more resilient?

Because their mothers are pregnant during the summer sun, good nutrition, thanks seasonal vegetables and fruits. The female body has time to strengthen itself before winter and mobilize all its strength for the birth of a baby.

From the first days of life, prepare to harden your child to adapt to the cold. Don’t put off walking, even in sub-zero temperatures, except when it’s windy. It is not recommended to wrap up a child. The air in the children's room should be kept humid.

Babies born in winter (from December to February) are united by a number of striking facts, as scientists have found. Now we will talk about them:

1. Winter babies have good health

Scientists explain this fact by the fact that most of the pregnancy occurred in late spring - summer, which had a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. The expectant mother spent most of her time outside, basking in the rays of the warm sun. The large amount of vegetables and fruits rich in healthy vitamins that mother and baby received strengthened their immunity and protective functions of the body in the best possible way.

Winter babies are even born much larger. Harvard scientists studied this. They weighed and measured groups of children aged 8 months, 4 and 8 years. Their assumptions were confirmed.

2. Alternative version

This version was proposed by scientists at the University of Tennessee, USA. In their opinion, winter babies are susceptible to a number of serious diseases that are not typical for summer children. All experiments were carried out on laboratory animals. After analyzing the results, scientists came to the conclusion that children born in winter more often suffer from colds, are prone to depression (among patients in psychiatric hospitals, there are 8% more “winter” patients than others), quite often suffer from bronchial asthma, allergic diseases, and more often others suffer from headaches.

They explain all this by the fact that in winter children spend very little time in the sun, so their bodies significantly reduce the production of vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium and is therefore very important for the formation of the skeletal system. In addition, vitamin D affects the production of melatonin, which strengthens the child’s immunity. The second important point is that the child stays indoors for a long time and wraps him up tightly when going outside. All this interferes with the proper formation of the body’s protective properties.

3. Winter children are long-lived

In Europe, sociological data on older people was studied. Scientists have concluded that "winter" ones are about 16% more likely to live to see their centenary. Here scientists focused specifically on people born in December. In addition, people born in winter are physically resilient and very often achieve high results in sports!

4. Winter children have a very hard time with jet lag.

Winter babies have a hard time with climate change and the failure of their biological clock. Traveling with time zone changes is painful and generally undesirable for them. They have a much harder time acclimatizing to a new place. It is important for parents to know these “points” and plan trips correctly.

5. Winter babies are often born prematurely.

In winter, children are born about a week earlier. Scientists explain this fact by the fact that in winter, expectant mothers are under constant influence of viruses (flu, etc.), which causes premature birth. A child who was born prematurely is usually less developed and has an insufficiently developed immune system, visual organs, and hearing.

6. Winter children are most often farsighted

If summer children suffer from myopia much more often (24% more than others), then winter children are most often farsighted. The reason for this is believed to be that in winter the sun is less active, and children's eyes in the first months of life are less exposed to its rays. Scientists studied 300 thousand children and concluded that winter people practically do not suffer from eye diseases throughout their lives.

7. By nature, winter babies are strong-willed, stubborn and persistent.

They have great efficiency. To achieve their goal, “winter” ones are ready to work day and night, which is why they often achieve heights in sports and reach the top at a professional level. Most often, these are self-confident individuals, with high self-esteem, which helps them in the future.

Their family life is not always smooth, as they have a rather quarrelsome character, they like to argue over trifles and bicker. They obey no one, do not consult with anyone, their actions are sometimes quite cruel, which they themselves sometimes regret.

In order to soften the “winter ones” a little, to rid them of excessive severity, hardness and pride, yes, it is pride that is characteristic of these people, they need to be given names that will bring gentleness, openness and complaisance into life.

Especially many questions arise if childbirth is expected in the fall or winter.

A few tips will help in preparing for the birth of a child in winter and in general during the cold season.

Things to take home after winter birth

As a rule, things for discharge from the maternity hospital are prepared in advance.

Typically, in the cold season you may need: a thin and warm undershirt, a thin and flannel (or knitted) cap, a thin and warm diaper, a flannelette blanket, a blanket (sintepon, sheep wool, etc.), a warm hat, a long ribbon.

Traditional sets, which include a duvet cover and a corner, are suitable for checkout.

IN lately More convenient accessories have appeared that are ideal for having a baby in winter. So, instead of vests, you can use warm bodysuits, and on top - insulated overalls.

Instead of a blanket, it is more practical to use discharge envelopes. It includes a blanket that is inserted into an envelope; in this outfit the newborn will definitely not freeze.

Some parents quite rightly prefer transformable overalls, the lower part of which can easily be converted into a bag. It is convenient and practical; later it can be used “with legs”. You can also buy a winter insulated envelope that looks like a cocoon.

Everyone has the right to choose what they like, any option is good in its own way.

Clothes for walking after having a baby in winter

The newborn and mother were discharged from the maternity hospital after a winter birth. What's next? Some parents believe that it is cold outside and it is impossible to walk with the baby. This is wrong, the baby needs oxygen, the fresh air strengthens the immune system, and improves sleep.

What should you wear for your little one in winter?

Winter envelopes are very convenient for walks - first you need to wrap the baby in warm blanket, and then put it in an envelope. The top is made of windproof materials, and the lining is made of padding polyester or wool. The envelope will be needed even when the baby grows up to insulate the legs in a stroller or sled.

For older children there are options with sleeves. While the child is small, a regular blanket (discharge blanket) is also suitable for a walk.

The right stroller for walks in the cold season

Particular attention should be paid to choosing a stroller. After all, walking in winter can be a real test for a young mother. The main indicator of cross-country ability is the wheels. They should be wide, preferably rubber. This stroller travels well through dense snow and you don’t have to carry it yourself.

The cradle of a winter stroller should be roomy, because the child will be wearing thick clothes, and sometimes additional insulation in the form of a rug or blanket may be needed.

The box should not have many windows and pockets - these are additional places for ventilation. Many strollers have a screen that clips onto the hood of the stroller, leaving a small gap. It will perfectly protect the baby from wind and snow.

Before buying things for a child born in winter, you can consult with experienced mothers you know who have experienced the pros and cons of a particular product in practice. If there are none, then you can always find a lot of information on the Internet or from competent consultants in the store.

What inclinations, talents, successes and characteristics accompany “winter” children.

Despite the cold outside, the character of a child born in winter is exactly the opposite. Especially December children have a hot temperament, hot temper, excessive activity. They are not very conflict-prone, but there are more than enough people who treat them with antipathy.

"Winter" children know that they are not ideal and their behavior cannot be called flexible. But at the same time they do nothing about their vices. Fate decreed that winter children, especially December ones, often suffer from themselves. Because of their impulsiveness and temper, they are capable of burning bridges to dear people, and then regretting it. The same goes for your career. Intemperance in statements and excessive, naive directness of the “Decembers” do not lead to good.

"Winter" people does not match an ordinary measured life. As children, they dream a lot, fantasizing about a fabulous future. Today they love active games among their peers, and tomorrow they will retire and draw all day. Don’t be surprised by this behavior, because “winter” animals sometimes need to go into a kind of “hibernation.”

People who were born in winter prone to apathy and depression. They are often perfectionists, and when the world once again does not live up to their hopes, they withdraw into themselves and become sad.

"January" children have been demonstrating since childhood relative restraint and thoughtfulness of one’s actions. Boys born in January are respectful of the opposite sex from an early age, accepting and imbibing from kindergarten that they are future men. They usually grow up to be very courageous, strong-willed and decisive, if the right upbringing is applied.

There are a lot of personalities among the “January” girls with a strong, strong-willed, almost masculine character . They are used to being at the helm, and they are good at it. Often, such girls will play the role of a “gray eminence”, thanks to which their husbands become successful men.

"February" children are very emotional, but unlike "December" children, they are better able to curb the flow of their emotions and channel them in the right direction. They are distinguished by their stubbornness, straightforwardness, and determination. Children born in February are often selfish and vindictive. This is why they have difficulty building relationships with peers. But despite this, they are often surrounded by reliable, time-tested friends.

In general, among the "winter" There are a lot of talented and capable children. They don’t really like school and university cramming, but they willingly study clear examples and in informal settings, at various master classes. They have a kind heart, generosity and compassion for others.

Children born in winter have their own character - I didn’t even know that the time of year affects the character of a child, read the article, maybe you will see similarities with your child.

My son was born in December winter boy Sagittarius, it turns out that the child’s character is manifested not only by the year of life, by the zodiac sign, but also at what time of year your baby was born. It was very interesting to find out, I tried it on my wife for December and you know, everything fits even the profession, that’s how interesting it turns out that the time of year plays a role in a person’s life.

Children born in winter - what are they like?

Winter children rarely suffer from diseases; their vision is farsighted, I agree with this; my son was farsighted at the ophthalmologist.

Children born in December are active and independent.

Children born in winter are the most active compared to children born at other times of the year.

Excellent memory Children born in cold weather have excellent memory, they study well, they remember more and make fewer mistakes thanks to their memory.

December children are very persistent and inquisitive, which is why they get into various troubles. They need to know everything and be aware of everything.

January children are hardy (thick-skinned), they have a reasonable attitude, they approach the situation after thinking everything through, they are stubborn in their aspirations, if they want something, there is no need to convince them, it is useless, they will do it their own way. They become independent early and independent of their parents. Leaders in all areas of life. Girls are good cooks, but they hate cleaning the house, no matter how you teach your child to be tidy, nothing will come of it.

February babies are windy and fickle, just like the month itself. They show courage, purposefulness, are straightforward, are not inclined to regulate in the current situation, and like to say everything directly to your face. Careerists - will walk boldly through life and build career ladder, and they will all have a pronounced inclination towards the exact sciences. But unlike December and January children, they are susceptible to allergic diseases.

Compared to summer children, winter children have excellent memory and are inclined to study exact sciences therefore, among such people there are many scientists, architects, lawyers and even economists.

Babies born in winter begin to crawl earlier than babies born in warm periods.

And the advice of pediatricians for children who were born in the winter season is to harden them, don’t go for long walks in the cold - this is done so that the child adapts to the coolness.

Here they are interesting facts I found out about my son. And you found similarities between your children, perhaps someone has older children, and therefore now we can draw conclusions whether this is true or not. Please tell us about this in the comments, it’s very interesting.

Did you know that a person’s character and health are influenced not only by the month and date of birth, but also by the time of year? Winter children will differ significantly from summer children in physical, mental and emotional development.

Scientists explained this fact by the influence of certain conditions on the course of the entire pregnancy, starting from the first months. Factors taken into account environment: climate, viral infections, food and hormonal background women.

The time of year a baby is born can play an important role in the formation of resistance to diseases or, conversely, create a risk of infection. But this does not give a 100% guarantee that the child will definitely accept it; this is a so-called “risk factor”, with its exceptions.

Each season is beautiful in its own way and provides “its children” with advantages. But there are also disadvantages. will share these discoveries with my readers. Having learned the secrets about the formation of a child’s character and health, responsible parents will take this into account and insure the baby if necessary.

Sociable activists: children born in winter

According to psychologists, it is during the winter season that the most active, talented and purposeful children are born. One can only envy their optimism. Children born in winter are sociable and wonderful diplomats. It is very difficult to confuse them, because they know what they need and confidently step towards their goal.

Winter children are in good health, but there is a predisposition to diseases cardiovascular system. Girls born in winter need to adjust their diet more often, since they mostly have high level cholesterol.

Scientists from the Institute of Demographic Research have found that people born in winter are more likely to become long-livers.

Persistent Sensuality: Children Born in Spring

Vulnerable, sophisticated and sensual children born in spring months, have a weak immune system and are susceptible to frequent colds. Their parents should pay more attention to strengthening the immune system, strengthening and maintaining health.

Spring children are very hardworking. They often achieve excellent results and success in life thanks to perseverance and the ability to listen to advice.

Such children grow up creative personalities related to art. Hard work is contraindicated for people due to their delicate nature and poor health.

Sunny lucky ones: children born in summer

Children born in the summer are the darlings of fate and they are the real lucky ones. And this is because they themselves think so and approach life easily and without coercion.

Summer children are very active, sociable, one might say, public. They will always come to the rescue if called. The optimism of summer people is worth envying; there is little that can break them. Children are very energetic and have high self-esteem.

Children's health born in summer, very strong, and the later the child is born, the stronger his health. This is due to the onset of pregnancy in the mother at a certain time.

The lucky ones in summer enjoy life themselves and give a boost of energy to their parents.

Optimistic good-natured people: children born in autumn

According to scientists, it is in the fall that the most positive and kind children are born. They have a balanced character, are very friendly and can fill the whole world with their kindness and sincerity. Children born in autumn are quite optimistic about life and love communication.

Autumn children, growing up, quickly find a use for themselves. They are very capable and will be able to work in financial sector, legal or economic.

It is in the fall that left-handers are most often born. A middle age People born in the autumn months are close to longevity.

But children born in autumn are especially susceptible allergic reactions. Parents should be attentive to all allergens to protect their child from the risk of exacerbations.

To grow good man, worth being a good parent. The character that nature bestows on your baby can be adjusted by honing everything positive aspects and softening the negative ones. Although, of course, at what time the baby was born is not so important for loving parents, the main thing is to be healthy and happy!