Winter names for boys. Beautiful and unusual names for boys: tips for choosing and rating of fashionable male names

Choosing a name for a man is a responsible matter. A newborn boy must be given a name that would personify courage, strength, and self-confidence. Of no small importance is the circumstance in which month the boy was born. For example, winter children are stubborn and domineering, so the name for them should contain soft sounds, softening negative character traits.

But in the spring, romantic and sublime natures are born, such boys need to choose strong and truly male names. In summer, brave and kind personalities are born, the names of such people must contain ringing sounds. But autumn gives the child notes of distrust and selfishness, so simple but sonorous names are chosen for such people. What are the planned popular male names of 2019 in Russia?

Today, parents are trying to choose unusual names for their children. But you shouldn’t get carried away with such a fashion trend. For a Russian child, it is advisable to select only domestic name, which will not distinguish the baby from his peers. Statistics show that the most popular male names in 2019 will not differ much from last year.

Popular male names

If you rely on the month of birth of the child, then the calendar of popular names advises choosing names for sons from the following list:

  • January - Kirill, Anton, Stepan.
  • February - Ivan, Alexey, Roman.
  • March - Konstantin, Denis, Bogdan.
  • April - Maxim, Egor, Semyon.
  • May - Arseny, Nikita, Vitaly.
  • June - Yuri, Vasily, Tikhon.
  • July - Philip, Andrey, Pavel.
  • August - Gleb, Leonid, Elizar.
  • September - Alexander, Sergey, Nikita.
  • October - Mark, Yakov, Nazar.
  • November - Rodion, Ignat, Gury.
  • December - Naum, Savva, Arkhip.

The registry office workers have compiled their list, which includes the most beautiful modern Russian male names of 2019:

  • Artem
  • Maxim
  • Alexander
  • Michael
  • Denis
  • Matvey
  • Artem
  • Danil
  • Kirill
  • Savely

So, the question of what is the most popular male name in Russia in 2019 to give to your newborn baby boy remains only up to the parents. What is the meaning of the most popular men's sayings regarding folk wisdom?

  • Danil - this name belongs to brave and responsible individuals. Danils love order in everything they create themselves. Danila also demands responsibility and justice from others.
  • Mikhail is a very charming and sweet person. Mikhails will definitely become good workers and responsible family men.
  • Artem - a boy with this name can be called a leader. A spring child should be called Artem in order to give the baby, along with the name, courage, bravery and determination.
  • Maxim - people who need constant support from loved ones or relatives. Maxim loves to work, so he often achieves excellent material benefits.
  • Alexander are purposeful, powerful and determined boys. Alexandras love honesty and a sincere attitude towards life.

The list of popular male names 2019 also includes beautiful names that have come into modern times from ancient times:

  • Arthur is a powerful and strong person. He often shows selfishness and a quick temper, but Arthur always tends to be responsible and fair.
  • Gleb is an ideal family man and son. Gleb has a reasonable disposition, he is distinguished by kindness and justice.
  • Elisha is an open and honest boy. Elisha will be the favorite of women in the future.
  • Rodion is an independent and slightly wayward boy. But his positive qualities are the desire for the best, as well as spiritual openness.
  • Miron - a boy named Miron will always be purposeful in life. He definitely achieves what he wants.

Each parent has their own motivation when choosing a name for their child. Some people like its sound, others are guided by fashion trends. IN pre-revolutionary Russia their children were named in strict accordance with the church calendar. Today people turn to priests for help less and less often, but beautiful Old Slavonic names are becoming fashionable - Svetozar, Yaroslav, Lyubomir, Mstislav. If you are in doubt what to name a girl in 2017 , The knowledge of astrologers and numerologists will help. They will tell you best options according to the zodiac sign. Arguing among themselves what to name a boy in 2017 , Moms and dads can consult with older relatives. The basic rule for choosing a name for a person is its euphony, compatibility with the patronymic and even the surname.

How to name a girl by her patronymic - Beautiful names in 2017

Which names are trending today and which are almost forgotten? What new things do parents come up with for newborns in order to distinguish them from the “ total mass"your child? Civil registry office employees are best equipped with this information. Every year they transmit information to sociologists about all the names given to children over the past period. When naming a girl born in 2017, parents should consider whether the name sounds beautiful when pronounced together with the middle name. If the middle name is too long, you should not give the child a name of 4-5 syllables. For example, “Anastasia Veniaminovna” is an unacceptable option, despite the fact that the name itself is wonderful.

Examples of beautiful names with patronymics in 2017 - How to name a girl

When naming a girl born in 2017, you can refer to the list of the most popular names. However, it is worth remembering that an adult is almost always addressed by his first name and patronymic. It will be difficult for others to pronounce names that are too long, where there are hissing sounds “cobbled together” or there are a lot of “r”, “z”, “x”, “ts”. All this makes names difficult to pronounce. For example, “Susanna Stanislavovna” does not sound very nice, while “Elena Stanislavovna” is pronounced softer. Try to choose names that “dilute” the sounds present in the middle name. For example, if the girl’s father’s name is Grigory (two ringing, hard-pronounced “g”s and two “r”), the successful names would be Alla, Alina, Polina, Svetlana, Alisa, Elena. This year the daughter can be named Arina, Ekaterina, Maria, Anastasia, Sofia.

How to name a girl according to the church calendar - Names according to zodiac signs in 2017

Unlike astrologers who advise naming children according to the signs of the Zodiac, the church recommends that parents of girls born in 2017 turn to the calendar - lists of names of saints. You can choose a name for your daughter based on the month and day of her birth. Babies born in July can be called Angelina, Maria, Yulia, Tatyana, Agrippina, Zhanna. Newborns born in September - Fekla, Varvara, Natalya, Anna, Elena, Ksenia. Full list names according to the calendar can always be found on the Internet and specialized literature.

How to name a girl according to the signs of the Zodiac and according to the calendar of the church calendar - Examples of names in 2017

You can also choose a name for a girl according to the church calendar. Such information is regularly published on the World Wide Web and in specialized literature. If parents do not find a name they like there, there is always another approach to solving this important problem - consult with an astrologer and name the child in accordance with zodiac sign his birth. 2017 is the year of the Red Rooster. Names should be filled with energy and confidence.

How to name a girl in 2017 - Beautiful names

Since 2017 is patronized by the Red Rooster - a very energetic, cheerful, active creature, always cheerful and thirsty for activity, the year will endow all girls born at this time with the same qualities. The 2017 babies will grow up to be a little restless, but smart children. Growing up, such girls will strive to attract maximum attention to themselves, but will be distinguished by great kindness and loyalty, enterprise and independence. Of course, such a girl will always be glad that her parents gave her at birth beautiful name, emphasizing her individuality and uniqueness. Fathers and mothers can already think in advance about such name options as Ruslana, Elizaveta, Angelina, Alevtina, Vasilisa, Pelageya.

Examples of beautiful names for girls in 2017

At the time when a child is given a name, he becomes part of the Universe, since the name is a kind of “bridge” between the material and spiritual world. The tiny man already has his own mission, life path. Each name carries energy. For example, Alexandra, one of the most beautiful and popular names of all time, favorably for girls born in 2017, means “protector.” Such a daughter will always respect her mother and father, honor them, support and help throughout their lives. There is no need to name the baby with a name that repeats her middle name. For example, the combinations “Stanislava Stanislavovna”, “Evgenia Evgenievna”, “Alexandra Alexandrovna” do not sound very harmonious. Beautiful options female names for this year will be Alla, Victoria, Alisa, Anastasia, Melania, Svetlana.

What to name a boy in 2017 - beautiful names for boys

Unfortunately, many parents, when choosing a name for a newborn baby, do not take into account the fact that any fashion passes too quickly, and a person will live with the name given to him all his life. Some of the already adults, dissatisfied with his name, change his name, choosing his favorite option. This can be done by any citizen who has provided the registry office with a passport office necessary documents(passport, birth certificate). Of course, a person with a euphonious name will never change it. The most beautiful names for boys that appeared in 2017 are Alexander, Plato, Daniil, Andrey, August, Kirill, Arseny.

Examples of beautiful names for boys for 2017

Many moms and dads choose names for boys after relatives or celebrities. In the USSR, there was a custom to call children with abbreviation names associated with communism and socialism. This is how the Kims were born ( Communist International Youth), Leninids (Lenin), Vladlens (Vladimir Lenin). In 2017, the son can be called Alexander, Anatoly, Roman, Orest. The year they were born will give boys deep intelligence, activity, observation, excellent reaction, and determination. Correctly chosen names will only emphasize these qualities.

How to name a boy born in 2017 according to the church calendar

The Christian Church claims that the name does not affect the future, does not carry happiness or failure. In the Bible, the word “name” denotes the essence of a person, his purpose, character. When thinking about what to name a boy born in 2017, you can open the church calendar and find the calendar there - a list of names of saints.

Examples of names for boys born in 2017 according to the church calendar

When giving a name to a boy, pay attention to the month of his birth, season, day. If a child saw the light on a holiday associated with saints, name the child by the name of this saint. You should not give names in honor of deceased relatives - this is a bad omen. For babies born in 2017, the names Andrei, Matvey, Peter, Yulian, Dmitry, Ivan, Ilya, Gennady, Valentin, Yuri, Vladimir are suitable.

How to name a child - video joke

A name is not just a combination of sounds. Each of us, receiving our name at birth, opens our own “chronicle”. If you don't know what to name a girl in 2017 , refer to the church calendar and calendar. Arguing over what to name a boy in 2017 , you can look into the horoscope and find a beautiful name for your son according to his zodiac sign. Say out loud the child’s future name along with his middle name and listen to its sound. Do you like it?

So, it's done! A new addition is expected to your family, and doctors have already announced that a boy will be born. Naturally, any parents want their child to be not only healthy, but also happy. And also - so that good luck always accompanies him in life. And in this regard, not only the date of birth of the baby is very important, but also what you name him. Therefore, even the most beautiful names for boys in 2017 need to be chosen meaningfully, taking into account many factors. After all, a name is a kind of key to a person’s success, which at a decisive moment can play an important role in a person’s life. So you should approach the choice of a name for a boy seriously and carefully - it should be euphonious, not devoid of individuality and, as people say, happy.

How do you choose names for boys these days?

There are several options for choosing names that parents often resort to. The first of them is based on associativity - the boy is named after his father, grandfather, close friend families and so on. This option is good because the person after whom the child is named is really very dear to you. And you will definitely transfer your positive emotions to your child. But in this case, there is an unspoken rule according to which one should not name a boy in honor of the deceased. It is believed that in this case the child will grow up sickly and capricious, and may also repeat tragic fate the one in whose honor he received his name.

At all times people have had various examples to be imitated, so sons were usually named after heroes or celebrities. This trend has continued to this day, so if you want to find beautiful names for boys, you can turn to the gossip columns and choose the appropriate option. True, in pursuit of exoticism, you should not name the baby Sanchez or Mauritius: fashion will change very soon, but the boy will have the name for the rest of his life.

By the way, our ancestors acted simpler and turned to the calendar - the church calendar, choosing a name for a boy in such a simple way. It was believed that a child named in honor of a particular saint would receive his protection for life.

Top 5 fashionable and beautiful names for boys in 2017

If you still decide to follow the canons of fashion, then you should turn to statistics, which with mathematical precision determine the five most popular names in 2017. Many parents will name their sons this way. If you are one of them, you can be sure that your baby will be in trend.

Perhaps most often boys in 2017 will be called Dmitry. The name is euphonious and translated from Greek means “farmer.” Boys with this name have an inquisitive mind and enormous willpower. But at the same time, they are quite emotional and do not hide their true feelings. Justice is not alien to them, and for the sake of their loved ones and loved ones, Dmitry is ready to perform feats.

The name Alexander promises to become no less popular in 2017, whose owners are distinguished by reliability, devotion and determination. Translated from Greek, Alexander means “protector,” so boys with that name become the real support of their family.

The Jewish male name Michael is gradually returning to use, which equates its owner to God. Indeed, success awaits boys with this name; they will be able to achieve whatever they want. Since childhood, Mishas have an easy-going character, they are sociable and friendly. But at the same time, they are always ready to defend the weak, they know how to achieve their goals and clearly know what they want.

Daniel is another popular name for a boy in 2017, which has not gone out of fashion for several years in a row. Its roots should also be sought in religion, because that was the name of one of biblical prophets. The name literally translates as “God is my judge,” which indicates the humility and meek disposition of its owner. At the same time, Daniil is distinguished by his prudence and ability to quickly make informed decisions, which, you see, is an excellent quality.

The top five popular names for boys for 2017 includes Ivan, which means that its owner has been pardoned by God. Vanya’s character, as a rule, is an alloy of wisdom and dashing prowess, innate ingenuity and simplicity. Boys with this name are distinguished by curiosity, but at the same time they can become a victim of their own gullibility.

How to choose a name for a boy depending on the time of year?

“Seasonality” in the selection of names for sons is another principle that parents often follow. And this makes a certain sense, since, for example, the “autumn” Maxim will be less successful in business than the “summer” Maxim.

So, if your baby was born in the spring, then you should name him Eduard, Evgeniy, Vladimir or Kirill. These names for boys will become a real amulet and will help you overcome many difficulties in the future. If your son swarmed in the summer, then it is best to give him one of the following names - Alexander, Konstantin, Igor, Mikhail, Dmitry. The thing is that “summer” children have amazing spontaneity and a certain amount of frivolity, so a certain constant in the form of a name, which will become a deterrent for the child, does not fit in this case.

If a boy was born in the fall, then you can and should name him Yuri, Ignat, Matvey, Alexey, Roman or Stepan. These names will definitely bring good luck to the “autumn” child and help him achieve his goals in life. Well, if a boy was born in winter, then in this case it is worth choosing his name from the list that includes Daniil, Andrey, Nikolai, Valentin, Georgy and Boris.

Calendar of names for boys by month

Another way to choose a beautiful name for a boy in 2017 sacred meaning- focus on the month of his birth. There is a numerological calendar that allows parents to decide not only on a sonorous name, but also to correlate it with the period of birth of the child.

  • In January, it is best to call boys Anton, Boris, Vasily, Mikhail, Albert or Vyacheslav
  • In February, the most successful male names are Daniil, Vsevolod, Georgy, Veniamin, Bogdan, Zinovy.
  • The March boys should be named Evgeny, Gleb, Stanislav, Vladimir or Rodion.
  • If a boy was born in April, then such names as Victor, Peter, Ilya, Fedor are perfect for him.
  • The son born in May should be named Ivan, Oleg, Kirill or Arseny.
  • If your boy was born in June, then names such as Alexander, Pavel, Andrey, Hilarion, and Philip are best suited for him.
  • For a boy who celebrates his birthday in July, you should choose one of the following names - Kondrat, Egor, Semyon, Arkady.
  • If the baby was born in August, then you should name him Leo, Maximilian, Timofey or Klim - these names will be especially happy for the child.
  • A boy born in September should be called Igor, Veniamin, Denis, Mark or Rostislav.
  • If your son celebrates his birthday in October, then names such as Maxim, Valentin, Gennady, Leonid, Anatoly are perfect for him.
  • Among the current and fashionable names for boys who were born in December are Yakov, Lyubomir, Vikenty, Adam, Mikhail.

There is a theory that a person's name influences his destiny. It is partially confirmed by physicists. When the same sound waves are directed at a person (and according to the laws of physics, a word is a wave), he succumbs to their influence. Some believe in a connection between eastern calendar and name, zodiac signs and a happy future under special names. Boys' names in our country are varied. We borrowed English, German, Australian, Asian names, making derivatives of them. Which are the most popular names the stronger sex of humanity in the coming year? What to name a boy born in the year of the Rooster?

Characteristics of boys born in 2017

Connoisseurs eastern calendar focus on the charisma and strength of character of the boys of 2017. A bright manifestation of temperament, courage, determination, determination, confidence in one’s work - these are the main character traits of those born in the year of the fiery Rooster.

But this is not all the advantages of newborn boys. They are also not alien to manifestations of sacrifice and dedication, especially for close people, they are reliable. From boys born They will grow up to be good fathers; they are characterized by a reverent attitude towards family and loved ones.

Along with these characteristics, parents would like not to make a mistake with the baby’s name. After all, whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail - whatever course you give the baby at the beginning of life, he will stick to it. So, what names should you choose in the new year?

Popular names in 2017

When choosing what to name a boy born in 2017, parents often look at fashion trends, the popularity of a particular name. In the Year of the Rooster, these include: Matvey, Artem, Maxim, Timofey, Alexander. Their meanings are quite varied.

Matthews personify the gift of God; they are characterized by cleanliness, obedience, truthfulness, and justice.

Artems (unharmed - translation) are reasonable and calm. They are practical, never act rashly, and think everything through first. They are often the life of the party, as they are very sociable.

If you don't know what to name a boy born in January, Maxim is a great option. It is popular in 2017 and is suitable for this month. Maxims (great) are versatile, quickly learn something new, active, friendly.

What to name a boy born in winter?

These kids are calm and balanced, but they are characterized as stubborn and inflexible. They are persistent in difficult circumstances and keep their emotions to themselves.


For the boys in this winter month names such as Platon, Tolik, Alexey, Makar, Peter, Yuri, Vsevolod, Arkady and Arsenty, Evgeny and Modest are perfect.


Some parents do not believe in the Eastern wisdom of naming their babies, but want to name them according to the traditions of the church. What to name a boy according to the church calendar this month? The following names are suitable for January babies: Vasily, Yakov, Daniel, Semyon, Veniamin, Mark, Anton, Pavel, Ignat, Afanasy, Prokhor, Sebastian, Naum, Egor, Trofim, Valentin, Sergey.


Popular names this month are considered to be: Peter, Nikolai, Yuri, Dmitry, Vlas, Gabriel, Alexey.

TO church names include: Luka, Valerian, German, Valery, Roman, Gregory, Dmitry, Zakhar, Vitaly, George, Julian, David, Akim, Konstantin.

Spring babies

These are small leaders, they are persistent, but at the same time indecisive. This indecisiveness occurs at the most unpredictable moments, thereby preventing guys from accepting important decisions. Such boys are emotional, sometimes they need to be sobered up and supported, and then they are able to move mountains.


In March - the first month of spring, many parents are not afraid to perform the church rite of dedication (baptism) of the baby. It is this event that helps parents name little people according to church regulations.

What to name a boy born on Christmastide? In March these names will be: Egor, Mikhail, David, Arseny, Gerasim, Valery, Denis, Alexander, Daniil, Ilya, Timofey, Yuri, Savva, Rostislav, Evgeny, Kuzma, Ivan.


In this month of spring, preference is given to the following names: Sergey, Kirill, Peter, Tikhon, Egor, Maxim, Terenty, Joseph, Rodion, Alexander, Vadim, Fedor, Nikita.

The following names are suitable for babies born this month: Victor, Ivan, Denis, Nikita, German, Makar, Boris, Gleb, Roman, Vasily, Makar, Nikolai, Kirill, Maxim, Anatoly, Stepan.

Born in summer

No wonder everyone loves summer. This time of year brings bright colors every person. Boys born during these three months are characterized by optimism and energy. They bring a lot of trouble to childhood parents, since their energy is boiling, they do not stay in one place for long. Guys like this sports games, active pastime.


Male children this month should preferably have the following names: Elisha, George, Vasily, Ivan, Konstantin, Alexander, Christian, Denis, Yuri, Semyon.


This month makes it possible to name the boys Demid, Stepan, Julian, Stanislav, Anton, Denis, Mikhail, Vladimir, Sergey, Anatoly, David, Yakov, Andrey.


In August, they tend to name boys Roman, Ilya, Ivan, Trofim, Boris, Makar, Nikolai, Valentin, Leonid, Prokhor, Miron, Denis, Elizar, Dmitry.

Autumn boys

Autumn evokes sadness, calm, and tranquility. Babies born in autumn are calm, empathic, friendly, thoughtful, balanced, and reliable by nature.


Suitable names for babies born this month: Arkhip, Peter, Andrey, Arseny, Bogdan, Gleb, Zakhar, Pavel, Sergey, Leonty, Korniliy, Victor.


Popular names this month include Nikon, Zhenya, Demyan, Ignat, Illarion, Vincent, Mikhail, Andrey, Konstantin, Taras, Osip, Matvey, Orest, Nil, Philip, Gabriel, Maxim.

What to name boys is up to parents to choose. But it is important to remember that it is not the name that determines fate, but what is invested in the child. Raise him with love, give him impressions, support his endeavors, and then no matter what his name, he will be happy!

Lyudmila Redkina, psychologist, especially for the site

Useful video

The year of the red fiery Rooster is coming Chinese horoscope, one of the 12 animals of ancient astrology. The Rooster is calm, reasonable, straightforward, and hardworking. Can be generous and self-centered. Representatives of this sign have excellent taste and love to dress up. They are popular with people of the opposite sex.

Children born this year will be distinguished by their determination and business acumen. At the same time, they may not be trusting and dream a lot. How to name your future man without later regretting a bad decision or an inappropriate middle name for your grandson - this is the task facing the new parents of a child.

It is important that you like your son’s name, but at the same time do not overdo it in the pursuit of originality, which is often found in lately.

Maybe you want your baby to be the one and only on Earth, but he will not be very comfortable when he is called Akakiy or Novomir.

Psychologists say that children up to a certain age strive to be “like everyone else,” not to stand out from the crowd of their peers. I also don’t want to blend in with the general crowd of too common specimens and be the eighth in the school class.

What to name a boy born in the spring of 2017

Babies born in the spring are often indecisive, sensitive natures. For men this is not the best strong qualities. Indecisiveness can slow them down career growth, interfere with achieving your goals. They're in to a greater extent creative people, but persistence will not hurt them. They have enough stubbornness and ambition, but they do not like to solve problems, they try to avoid them or bury their heads in the sand.

So it makes sense to think about strong names for the heir, carrying energetic hardness. These are Grigory, Egor, Dmitry, Igor, Gleb, Bogdan. They contain paired consonants and the booming sound R. The choice according to the calendar remains popular among modern parents. The baby will have a beautiful name from church calendar, as well as his personal guardian angel. Moreover, there are much more male options in the calendar than female ones.

Among the most popular at present, which will also be in demand in the new year 2017 - according to the calendar of March - are Daniel, Makar, Ilya, Fedor, Yaroslav, Philip. Boys born in April still called Ivan (one of the most common names for recent years), Nikita, Kirill, Andrey, Alexey. Zakhar is a very popular option among young parents. Zakhar also celebrates his birthday in April.

Among the May birthday boys - Maxim and Alexander, beloved by many. Translated from Greek, Alexander means protector of people, not bad for a real man. It’s not for nothing, apparently, that Alexander is in the top popularity of all times, not only in his native lands, but throughout the world - beautiful, sonorous, noble, out of fashion. If you want to distinguish yourself, you can call the May baby Luka, Clement, Gavrila, or even Sylvester (in translation from the Latin forest).

What to call a summer tomboy

Summer children are usually very emotional, active, energetic and stubborn. Many famous personalities born in the summer - actors, politicians, public figures. Born in summer They are characterized by optimism, cheerfulness, and high self-esteem.

So it’s important to support your son’s innate positive attitude similar name.

If parents adhere to the church calendar, then the summer name days are, again, for the popular Ivan and Timofey. In July, Catholics celebrate the calendar of Claudius and Benedict, who are not often found in our open spaces. Parents who do not want to limit themselves to a conservative option can also choose Ernest, Heinrich or even Photius. From the eternal classics, Alexander, Andrey, Vladimir are suitable.

Autumn male names in 2017

Boys born in autumn will delight you with their determination, hard work and perseverance. Autumn men are good family men, sensible, responsible, they do everything slowly and thoughtfully. Babies can be called whatever you want, since little can affect the character inherent in nature.

Scientists have found that children born in the fall are more active and energetic than others their age.

Men's September choice for the calendar is huge; look for a harmonious combination with a patronymic, so that your son grows up to be an even more harmonious person. Bogdan, Semyon, Stepan, Miron, Timofey are some of the most popular and beloved in recent times.

September birthdays - Georgy, Ivan, Mikhail, Alexander, Anton - will also always have a relevant and noble sound. About the same choice for those born in October - November. Among the unusual and rare ones are African, Galaktion, Augustine and Peacock. But this assortment is for a big fan of the original.

Babies born in winter are strong-willed, purposeful, stubborn natures. The winter man is endowed with a cool disposition, pride, and toughness. At work, they “burn” and expect high results from others. Qualities for a man that deserve respect. Especially in December ones they are most pronounced.

In order not to aggravate all the rigidity with which they were endowed harsh winter, it’s worth thinking about a soft, harmonious option for your son. Perhaps he will help the proud, domineering boy to balance his quarrelsomeness and desire to argue with others all the time. The 2017 Year of the Rooster will add optimism to them, which winter men often lack. And Roosters are born leaders, so all the makings of a future leader are evident.

A good choice for winter baby All popular options starting with the letter A will appear - Alexander, Andrey, Arseny, Artem, Alexey, Arkady, Afanasy. They are also present in the winter Saints. According to astrologers, “Decembers” should be called Ilya, Danya, Kirill, Nikita, Anton, Mikhail, Pavel, Sergei, Fedor. The January ones, in order to soften their hardness and pride, are best called Gregory, Vasily, Peter or Ignat. Arseny, Maxim, Georgy, Ivan, Alexander, Efim are suitable for those born in February.

For lovers of rare species

In recent years, the lists of super-original and funny names have been replenished with new copies, ranging from English. Eden, Paradis and not ending with Google, Dobrynya, Xerox. Unlike Soviet times, the field of activity for modern parents has grown significantly.

The most basic requirements for most mothers and fathers are that the name be rare, but noble. The choice is more than huge for any letter of the alphabet. Augustine, Adam, Anastasy, Artamon, Arthur, Vilen, Volodar, Gaspar, German, Count. Among those that have been gaining popularity recently, but remain quite rare, are Mark, Maximilian, Naum, Oscar, Plato.

Whatever the choice, it is hardly worth calling the newborn son as a joke for the sake of or without consonance with the patronymic (Artamon Arturovich or Ksenophon Konstantinovich), as well as all the boys in a row born in 2017 - Petya in honor of the Year of the Rooster.