Name for a boy born in winter. The most beautiful and rare names for boys

The year of the Fire Rooster is approaching. Children born in 2017 will be purposeful, tenacious and energetic. Now you need to think about what name to give your child.

Choosing a name for your future baby is not as easy as it seems to many expectant parents. Some people know even before conception what they will name their first child, while for others, even 9 months is not enough to decide on a name. After all, you want it to be consonant and beautiful. There are a lot of such names, and in order to choose just one for their child, parents have to study a lot of information. Now there are several ways to choose a name for a newborn.

Name the child in 2017 by date of birth and according to the church calendar

Most parents do this, they open the calendar of names and look for desired date, as well as month. This option does not always suit everyone, because some names are downright ridiculous and even funny. So it’s better to do differently and open the church calendar of names. Every day is the day of one or more saints, both male and feminine. The new little man named after the saint is automatically protected by his guardian angel.

The name according to the calendar must be assigned to the child correctly:

  • You can baptize your baby on the 8th day after birth.
  • During baptism, parents can choose a name for the baby. If up to this point the parents have not decided on a name, then the sacrament of baptism is postponed to the 40th day of birth.

Name your child in 2017 according to their zodiac sign

If you believe in horoscopes, check with the stars and constantly monitor all information, then it is logical to choose a name for your baby, taking into account the location of the planets. Then the parents will be happy, and the baby will grow strong and healthy.

What to name a boy in 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, it is important to name the boy correctly so that he grows up brave and strong-willed.

The most popular names next year for boys:

  • Mark;
  • Kostya;
  • Timur;
  • Artyom;
  • Nikita;
  • Arkady;
  • Yakov;
  • Victor.

Energy and balance will give your child such beautiful names:

  • Edward;
  • Danil;
  • Plato;
  • Pasha;
  • Robert;
  • Vadim.

If you want your baby to grow up sociable and cheerful, choose the following names:

  • Ivan;
  • Vasya;
  • Lenya;
  • Oleg;
  • Rodion;
  • Valery.

The following names will give authority and assertiveness:

  • Matvey;
  • Dima;
  • Andrey;
  • Julian;
  • Ilya.

To ensure that your baby grows up to be inquisitive and achieve his goals, name him:

  • Gregory;
  • Bogdan;
  • Arseny;
  • Denis;
  • Stepan;
  • Mikhail;
  • Alexey;
  • Fedor (Felix);
  • Timothy.

Rare names for boys in 2017

And again we look at the church calendar; next year there will be fashion for rare and old names returns. The most beautiful name for a boy is Zakhar, that is, God's memory. You can also call the boy Elisha - this is very gentle and consonant name will give the owner firmness and willpower, it means “salvation”, and also Alexander is a common name, meaning “winner”.

Another very beautiful and rarely encountered name is Miron or Emir, which means “rules the world.”

What to name a girl in 2017

Girls born in the year of the Rooster will grow up obedient and feminine from childhood and be distinguished by good self-organization.

Popular names for girls: Vika, Kira and Natasha (or Natalya).

The following names will help a girl gain balance and energy:

  • Kate;
  • Tom or Tamara;
  • Karina;
  • Veronica;
  • Diana.

Hardworking, sociable and cheerful:

  • Svetlana;
  • Alina;
  • Pauline;
  • Ella;
  • Luda;
  • Valeria.

Do you want to grow a unique personality with a strong and powerful character? Check out these names for girls:

  • Tanya;
  • Dasha;
  • Lena;
  • Lyuba;
  • Rita;
  • Ulyana;
  • Zhanna;
  • Albina.

Rare names for girls in 2017

Some of their best qualities the symbol of 2017 will be given to girls born in the year of the Rooster.

The most beautiful and rare names year: Katyusha, which means “pure”, Lisa is a real royal name for the baby.

According to church calendar, in 2017, the most beautiful name for a girl is Veronica, which means faith in victory, as well as Zlata, which means the most precious, Olesya (“protector”) and Alisa – a mysterious, mystery woman.

Greetings, dear readers! There is an opinion: what you name a child, so will his life. Today there is a tradition of giving children rare foreign or old Russian names. Kindergartens and schools are filled with Seraphims, Ostaps, Vladislavs, etc. By the way, children are generally calm about such “inventions” of the parents of their comrades, because meeting a rare name in a children’s company is no longer “rare.” I suggest you consider names for boys, rare and beautiful, which will help you name your heir correctly.

  • Before choosing a name for a boy, pay attention to its meaning. It happens that an option seems acceptable and sonorous, but its meaning does not prepare the child the best. better fate or it is not at all clear what it is hinting at. For example, Kondrat means “square”. Do you want to name your baby this?
  • Another criterion is that it be consistent with the patronymic. Imagine that your baby will grow up and take leadership position. What will his subordinates call him? Initials should be pronounced easily, without tension. If the middle name is long and difficult to pronounce, choose a short, melodious name, for example, Ilya Igorevich. But Konstantin Igorevich will not sound very pleasant, and it will be completely difficult to pronounce.
  • Make sure that children do not laugh at your baby when he goes to kindergarten or school. True, today there are many children with unusual names, and it is difficult for adults to imagine how a word can be changed. And yet, be prepared to give your baby the most “harmless” thing possible.

If the parents are believers, they can give the boy a name according to Orthodox calendar. Each day is dedicated to certain saints, whose names are given to newborns.

Orthodox by month 2018

Church names today are again held in high esteem. In 2017, Seraphim, Savva, Fadei, Luke and other boys with outdated names were registered in the registry office. Adherents Orthodox faith We offer names for boys, rare and beautiful, Orthodox by month 2018:

  • January. If your child was born this month, he has a strong and tough character. Such boys can be called Ignat (peace-loving), Makar (happy), Adam (human), Emelyan (calm).
  • February. February children are gentle and sensitive. At the same time, they are patient and hardworking. Boys can be called Nikanor (winner), Daniel (God's court), Savva (elder), Kirill (lord).
  • March. People born this month have an optimistic disposition and a good sense of humor. Such options as Eugene (noble), Alexander (defender), Timofey (one who honors God), Fedor (gift of God) are suitable for them.
  • April. April babies are dynamic and very much like the wind. They constantly need change. Such children can be called George (farmer), Nikita (victorious), Maxim (great), Lazarus (help from God).
  • May. May boys behave freely in company, are optimistic, and can take responsibility. They are called Makar (happy), Kuzma (who arranges the world), Gleb (God's favorite), Denis (god of vitality).

  • June. June boys enjoy authority from their elders and easily gain sympathy from the opposite sex. The following options are suitable for them: Elisha (saved by God), Mstislav (avenger), Severin (strict), Timothy (one who honors God).
  • July. July guys are organized and confident, they make decisions quickly. The following options will suit them: Leonty (lion-like), Emelyan (affectionate), German (German), Kuzma (organizer).
  • August. These boys are especially trusted and can be good comrades. They are principled and rarely violate their principles. Name your son David (beloved), Leonid (like a lion), Lawrence (crowned with laurels), Ermolai (broadcasting to the people).
  • September . Boys born this month often become the life of the party. They are trusting and not prone to conflicts. Suitable names for them are Samuel (the one whom God hears), Bogdan ( given by God), Theodosius (given by God), Zakhar (memory of God).
  • October. These boys are passionate and never get bored, although they complete all their tasks. Call them Konstantin (permanent), Vladislav (owner of glory), Andrey (man), Oleg (sacred).
  • November. These people spend money easily and seem out of this world. They feel awkward in the company of others and make few friends in their entire lives. Such boys can be called Dmitry (fertile), Rodion (rosehip), Matvey (divine man), Gregory (vigorous).
  • December . December children seem indifferent and mysterious, but inside they are very emotional. Stepan (wreath), Plato (with broad shoulders), Gury (lion cub) are suitable.

Russians and their meaning

Modern Russian versions of names came to us from antiquity or were adopted from other peoples. They are rare and very beautiful, so they may well serve as the basis for your choice:

  • Augustine - summer;
  • Alexey – defender;
  • Anatoly – eastern;
  • Antoine is a derivative of Anton;
  • Arseny – courageous;
  • Bronislav – defender;
  • Velimir - ruler of the world;
  • Vitaly – vital;
  • Damir – peace-loving;
  • May – warm heart;
  • Florin - blooming.

Muslim modern

We offer several Muslim names, among which you can find a beautiful and unusual name:

  • Murat – desired;
  • Gerey - worthy;
  • Aidar – lunar;
  • Arthur - mighty;
  • Bashar is a man;
  • Danil is a gift from God;
  • Zafar is the winner;
  • Ildar is the leader.

Tatar modern

Tatar names are often associated with events that determined the fate of an entire people. All members of the Tatar family take part in the choice:

  • Ahmad is the one who is praised;
  • Timur - iron;
  • Narbek – light;
  • Irek - strong-willed;
  • Eldar - ruler;
  • Bakir – student;
  • Ainur – lunar;
  • Irkin is generous.


People are gradually returning to their history and are interested in Slavic names that were popular with our ancestors. Their meanings are clear and easy to read:

  • Dobrynya - kind;
  • Ladomir - good world;
  • Jaromir - ardent peace;
  • Peace lover - loving peace;
  • Milorad – rejoicing in the world;
  • Bazhen – desired;
  • Myron is peaceful.


Ancient names may have different origins, but this does not negate their euphony:

  • Aryan - brave, from the Aryan family;
  • Malachi is a messenger from God;
  • Philemon - beloved;
  • Svyatoslav - bright glory;
  • Peter is a stone;
  • Osip – multiplied;
  • Nahum - consolation;
  • We love - beloved;
  • Kirill is the ruler.


Male Kazakh names emphasize male virtues:

  • Aidar – strong;
  • Rashit – brave;
  • Samat – permanent;
  • Kairat – active;
  • Talip - scientist;
  • Ulan is brave.


A strong name can change a child’s destiny and give him energy, so Arabs are very careful when choosing it:

  • Abdullah is God's servant;
  • Akram – generous;
  • Alim – scientist;
  • Aman – healthy;
  • Wazir – minister;
  • Diliyar – soulful;
  • Zafar is the winner;
  • Iskander is the winner;
  • Kamran – mighty;
  • Masgood - happy.


Turkish names have Arabic, Turkic and Persian roots:

  • Mustafa – chosen one;
  • Balaban is a daredevil;
  • Ugar – lucky;
  • Baskurt - warrior;
  • Kerem – generous;
  • Akhmet is nice.


This Muslim names, among which there are very beautiful in sound and meaning:

  • Latif – open;
  • Muslim - Muslim;
  • Nazar – far-sighted;
  • Ramil – magical;
  • Rahman - merciful;
  • Rifat - noble;
  • Tair - flying.


Germanic names sometimes seem to sound rude, but among them you can really find beautiful options, emphasizing masculinity:

  • Albert – noble splendor;
  • Armin - army;
  • Arthur - from King Arthur;
  • Benedict - blessed;
  • Werther is a worthy warrior;
  • Wolf - wolf;
  • Gottfried - the world of God;
  • Colman is a pigeon.


Since he lives in the Caucasus large number nationalities, the list of Caucasian names includes those borrowed from other languages:

  • Rustam - brave;
  • Azat – independent;
  • Kydyr – powerful;
  • Amir - ruler;
  • Baisal – confident;
  • Karim is generous.


Since Chechens are Muslims, in the list of their names you can find many Turkic and Arabic ones:

  • Bulat - steel;
  • Rahim - merciful;
  • Murad is the one who strives;
  • Ikram – respectful;
  • Zakiy – pure;
  • Qays - unapproachable;
  • Pasha is a ruler.


Americans prefer biblical names or name a boy after his father or grandfather, adding the prefix “junior”:

  • Quentin is fifth;
  • Earl – famous;
  • Phil is a horse lover;
  • Marlon is a warrior;
  • Albee - sunny;
  • Tom is a twin;
  • Ben is a resident of the south.


Among the popular English names you can find those that come from Arab world, French or Greek:

  • Casey – vigilant;
  • Louis is a warrior;
  • Miki – like God;
  • Bertie – bright;
  • Matthew is a gift from God;
  • James is a conqueror;
  • Vic is a winner.


The French version of the name is usually very harmonious and not devoid of masculinity:

  • Adolf is a wolf;
  • Arman - brave;
  • Bernard – bear bass;
  • Valerie - the power of a foreigner;
  • Gustave - meditator;
  • Joseph – multiplying;
  • Didier – desired;
  • Jerome is a saint;
  • Kamil is the duty officer at the temple.

Yes, the list turned out to be impressive. I hope you were able to choose a name for your son from this variety of rare and beautiful names. And you can get acquainted with the list of female names.

If the article was useful to you, leave your comments. See you again!

Are you planning to add to your family in 2017? It's time to think about a name for your long-awaited baby! This is a difficult and responsible choice for any parent, because it is known that names carry a hidden meaning. Often they determine the fate of a person and the attitude of others towards him. If you already know the gender of the child, you should look for a couple of sonorous names for him in advance and discuss your choice in family circle. In this article, we will tell you the best names for a boy born in 2017 and which names to avoid.

When choosing a name, consider its meaning and combination with the surname

How to choose a name for a child?

When looking for a name for a baby, it is worth considering many details that at first glance seem insignificant. The combination of first and last name plays an important role. For example, the currently popular foreign names Oscar or Michael sound ridiculous together with Russian surnames and patronymics. Very often the baby is named in honor of the saint on whose day he was born. This tradition is as old as time, and many still adhere to it.

It is believed that in this way the newborn receives an intercessor in heaven, under whose supervision he will remain for the rest of his life. However, it is worth considering that the boy will probably be ashamed to introduce himself as Akakiy or Spiridon. In addition, a name that is too unusual can cause ridicule of a child in kindergarten or school. In this case, one name is given at baptism, and another, secular one is indicated in the documents.

Names trendy in 2017

Most Popular male names in 2017 – Sasha, Maxim and Artem
  • Surely many parents will name their sons in 2017 Alexandra. Translated from ancient Greek, this name means “protector” and “man.” It became popular after the triumphal campaigns of the great commander Alexander the Great. Characteristics Sasha is purposefulness, courage and authority - qualities necessary for a representative of the stronger sex.
  • The name is no less popular Maxim. It came to us from Ancient Rome and is translated as “the greatest.” Maxims are distinguished by their proud and at the same time balanced character. They are easily influenced - both in a positive and negative sense. Often the bearers of this name, due to the increased care of their relatives, lose independence and faith in themselves, but many of them still achieve success in life.
  • Artem- another name that recent years received thousands of babies. There are two options for its origin. The first indicates the literal translation from Greek - “unharmed”, “healthy”. The second connects the name with the goddess Artemis, the patroness of hunting and fertility. Artem is sociable, independent and assertive. He is an authority for classmates, colleagues and family.
  • Most likely, many parents in 2017 will name their child Mikhail, which in ancient Hebrew means “ equal to God" In Christianity, this name is borne by the head of the angelic army, the messenger of the Almighty and the protector of the Israeli people. Mikhail is also the patron saint of the city of Kyiv. Misha is charming and sociable, sensitive to art and proactive in his work. It is not surprising that this is the name of many successful men.
  • In recent years, more and more boys are receiving the name Daniel(Danila). It comes from the biblical Daniel (that was the name of one of the Christian prophets) and is translated as “God is my judge.” That is why its owners are revered as fair and decent people. Daniels can boast of their calmness, optimism and prudence. Their weak side is a small reserve of mental and physical strength, which is spent faster than that of other men.

Many parents will like names such as Ivan (gift of God), Andrey (courageous), Alexey (defender), Nikita (winner, conqueror), Kirill (lord), Vladislav (owner of glory).

Remember that each name has a specific meaning

Unusual male names and their meanings

IN lately Children are often given original and sonorous names. Here is a list of options that imaginative moms and dads will appreciate:

  • Name Arthur has many interpretations. According to one version, it comes from the Latin artus, which means “strength”, “power”. U ancient people Celts this word meant strong bear. It became famous thanks to the legends of the British King Arthur. The namesake of the medieval hero is often stubborn and hot-tempered, but at the same time has a talent for creativity.
  • Gleb– the name of a mysterious passage. From Old Scandinavian it is translated as “heir of the gods” or “pleasing to God”; it could have been transferred into Russian from the words “lump” or “bread”. Gleb is a reasonable and reserved young man, good leader and a patient husband.
  • Elisha translated from Hebrew as “God saves.” The owner of this name has been friendly and open since childhood. It's versatile developed person, capable of realizing himself in almost all areas of activity. It is believed that no woman can resist Elisha.
  • Lion– this is not only the king of beasts, but also “heart” in Hebrew. Many people associate this name with insolence and aggression, but in reality its bearer is a very gentle and friendly person who will one day make an excellent husband. However, Leo is no stranger to determination and assertiveness.

Each family has its own traditions of choosing a name for the baby.
  • Mark translated from Latin it means “born in March”, and from German it means “essence”, “core”. According to another version, the name comes from the French title “marquis” (written as marquis). Mark shines career success and a thirst for knowledge, but selfishness often lies on the way to his happiness.
  • Name Matvey in Hebrew means "gift of God" or " man of God" The owner of this name is a modest and patient, incredibly honest man. He is a born peacemaker and an excellent family man. To everyone's surprise, in the face of danger, Matvey can show remarkable courage.
  • Miron means “mirror” (sacred oil in Christianity, one of the gifts to the newborn Jesus) in Greek and “emir”, that is, ruler, in Persian. A man with this name is hardworking, true to his word and knows how to achieve his goal. At work or in a company, he often becomes a leader.
  • Rodion– a name with Slavic roots, derived from the word “native”. In Greek, this word denoted a resident of the island of Rhodes, named after the hermit saint. Rodion is characterized by a desire for independence, calmness and excellent self-control.

Each parent chooses a name for their baby according to their own criteria. For someone it comes first family traditions, for others - fashion trends and advice from friends. Many people believe that a name chosen according to horoscopes will bring success to the child in the future. But do not forget that only your love and care will make your child truly happy!

The uniqueness of each person is determined not only by the set of his internal qualities, abilities, attitude to life, but also name. The way a person was named at birth, along with other factors, has a significant influence on the development and formation of personality. That's why it's so important point– choosing a name sometimes becomes a real test for parents. To choose a beautiful name for a boy 2019, the calendar of names for boys will help happy parents.

In addition to the well-known points that are taken into account when choosing a name (family traditions, religion, fashion), you should also take into account the time of birth. It is no secret that the year of birth and its patron are capable of leaving an imprint on the character and fate of the newborn.

So, according to the eastern calendar, 2019 a year will pass under the auspices of the Yellow Pig. Thanks to his influence, babies born in 2019 will embody the best classical traditions - good-natured, purposeful, hard-working, generous. Boys will again strive to become astronauts and scientists, and will demonstrate independence in life path. In addition, they are not alien to a good sense of taste, the desire to stand out and be bright. The name of such a child, of course, should also radiate confidence and emphasize the presence inner rod at his place.

So, how do you decide on a name in 2019?

Russian male names 2019 by month

When choosing a name, parents often focus on the month and even the day of birth of the child, because the church calendar tells which of the saints will become the guardian angel for the baby in this case. It is not necessary to strictly follow old Russian traditions and choose unusual names - modern ones will remain relevant and very common in 2019.

Boys born in winter are usually endowed with a strong and strong-willed character. However, they often lack confidence in own strength. The name of such a baby should contain hard sounds to emphasize the strength of character of its bearer. Some name options depending on month of birth:

  • d December: Anton, Yaroslav, Nikolay, Gennady, Pavel, Mark, Arseny, Vasily.
  • January: Daniil, Konstantin, Yuri, Sergey, Ivan, Artem, Stepan, Kirill.
  • February: Roman, Gregory, Dmitry, Maxim, Vsevolod, Fedor, Konstantin, Egor.

Like those born in winter, spring children lack confidence and assertiveness in character. They are distinguished by greater vulnerability, subtle sensitivity and a cheerful disposition. Most suitable names for them will be those that contain voiced and hard sounds:

  • March: David, Valery, Peter, Taras, Leonid, Timofey, George, Philip.
  • April: Makar, Andrey, Nikita, Victor, Rodion, Ivan, Stepan.
  • May: Konstantin, Peter, Gleb, Arseny, Ignat, Alexey, Alexander, Boris.

Names should be unobtrusive, light and simple summer kids, because their peculiarity is high emotionality, reluctance to stand out and love for loved ones:

  • June: Yan, Igor, Dmitry, Valery, Nazar, Innokenty, Denis.
  • July: Stanislav, Anatoly, Matvey, Mark, Ilya, Gleb, Pavel, Alexander.
  • August: Egor, Arkady, Vasily, Afanasy, Semyon, Yakov, Alexey, German.

Those born in autumn are creative, extraordinary individuals, whose bright individuality can be emphasized with the help of a name:

  • September: Nikita, Fedor, Daniil, Savva, Dmitry, Anton, Gleb, Makar.
  • October: Pavel, Vladimir, Roman, Vyacheslav, Konstantin, Rodion, Igor, Oleg.
  • november: Alexander, Victor, Maxim, Dmitry, Taras, Evgeniy, Arkhip, Afanasy.

Rare and beautiful names for boys 2019

Unusual, but pleasant to the ear, sweet-sounding names are gaining more and more popularity. 2019 will be no exception. This year you can pay attention to the following options:

  • Arthur- “strength”. This name itself exudes power and confidence. He has a passion for creativity and is very original.
  • Elisha- “bringing salvation.” Also creative and having the makings of a leader.
  • Lion- "heart". Despite all his assertiveness, he is very friendly and family-like.
  • Rodion- "native". He is distinguished by excellent self-control, endurance, and independence.
  • Miron- “ruler”. Determination, willpower, reliability and leadership - distinctive features bearer of this name.

Over time, extravagant, often even fictitious, names fade into the background. The classic remains unchanged. So, in 2019, among the names for boys, the most popular are the following: Alexander, Roman, Mark, Artem, Gleb, Daniil, Ivan.

In addition, other names can be considered fashionable. This is evidenced by the leading places in the rankings of search queries on the Internet: Matvey, Yanis, Timofey, Roman, Egor, Kirill, Nikita, Bogdan, Yaroslav, Timur, Marcel, Nazar, Stanislav, Marat, Milan and others.

Many things make a person happy and satisfied with life. So let the name given at birth only contribute to this!


Beautiful names for boys 2019 with name days can be found in the calendar.

Boys born in 2019 will be strong-willed, purposeful and hardworking.

Many parents try to give the boy a name that is consistent with European and Western names.

Calendar of names for girls.

There is a theory that a person's name influences his destiny. It is partially confirmed by physicists. When the same sound waves are directed at a person (and according to the laws of physics, a word is a wave), he succumbs to their influence. Some believe in a connection between eastern calendar and name, zodiac signs and a happy future under special names. Boys' names in our country are varied. We borrowed English, German, Australian, Asian names, making derivatives of them. What are the most popular names of the stronger sex of humanity in the coming year? What to name a boy born in the year of the Rooster?

Characteristics of boys born in 2017

Connoisseurs eastern calendar focus on the charisma and strength of character of the boys of 2017. A bright manifestation of temperament, courage, determination, determination, confidence in one’s work - these are the main character traits of those born in the year of the fiery Rooster.

But this is not all the advantages of newborn boys. They are also not alien to manifestations of sacrifice and dedication, especially for close people, they are reliable. From boys born They will grow up to be good fathers; they are characterized by a reverent attitude towards family and loved ones.

Along with these characteristics, parents would like not to make a mistake with the baby's name. After all, whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail - whatever course you give the baby at the beginning of life, he will stick to it. So, what names should you choose in the new year?

Popular names in 2017

When choosing what to name a boy born in 2017, parents often look at fashion trends, the popularity of a particular name. In the Year of the Rooster, these include: Matvey, Artem, Maxim, Timofey, Alexander. Their meanings are quite varied.

Matthews personify the gift of God; they are characterized by cleanliness, obedience, truthfulness, and justice.

Artems (unharmed - translation) are reasonable and calm. They are practical, never act rashly, and think everything through first. They are often the life of the party, as they are very sociable.

If you don't know what to name a boy born in January, Maxim is a great option. It is popular in 2017 and is suitable for this month. Maxims (great) are versatile, quickly learn something new, active, friendly.

What to name a boy born in winter?

These kids are calm and balanced, but they are characterized as stubborn and inflexible. They are persistent in difficult circumstances and keep their emotions to themselves.


For the boys in this winter month names such as Platon, Tolik, Alexey, Makar, Peter, Yuri, Vsevolod, Arkady and Arsenty, Evgeny and Modest are perfect.


Some parents do not believe in the Eastern wisdom of naming their babies, but want to name them according to the traditions of the church. What to name a boy according to the church calendar this month? The following names are suitable for January babies: Vasily, Yakov, Daniel, Semyon, Veniamin, Mark, Anton, Pavel, Ignat, Afanasy, Prokhor, Sebastian, Naum, Egor, Trofim, Valentin, Sergey.


Popular names this month are considered to be: Peter, Nikolai, Yuri, Dmitry, Vlas, Gabriel, Alexey.

TO church names include: Luka, Valerian, German, Valery, Roman, Gregory, Dmitry, Zakhar, Vitaly, Georgy, Julian, David, Akim, Konstantin.

Spring babies

These are small leaders, they are persistent, but at the same time indecisive. This indecision occurs at the most unpredictable moments, thereby preventing guys from accepting important decisions. Such boys are emotional, sometimes they need to be sobered up and supported, and then they are able to move mountains.


In March - the first month of spring, many parents are not afraid to perform the church rite of dedication (baptism) of the baby. It is this event that helps parents name little people according to church regulations.

What to name a boy born on Christmastide? In March these names will be: Egor, Mikhail, David, Arseny, Gerasim, Valery, Denis, Alexander, Daniil, Ilya, Timofey, Yuri, Savva, Rostislav, Evgeny, Kuzma, Ivan.


In this month of spring, preference is given to the following names: Sergey, Kirill, Peter, Tikhon, Egor, Maxim, Terenty, Joseph, Rodion, Alexander, Vadim, Fedor, Nikita.

The following names are suitable for babies born this month: Victor, Ivan, Denis, Nikita, German, Makar, Boris, Gleb, Roman, Vasily, Makar, Nikolai, Kirill, Maxim, Anatoly, Stepan.

Born in summer

No wonder everyone loves summer. This time of year brings bright colors every person. Boys born during these three months are characterized by optimism and energy. They bring a lot of trouble to childhood parents, since their energy is boiling, they do not stay in one place for long. Guys like this sports games, active pastime.


Male children this month should preferably have the following names: Elisha, George, Vasily, Ivan, Konstantin, Alexander, Christian, Denis, Yuri, Semyon.


This month makes it possible to name the boys Demid, Stepan, Julian, Stanislav, Anton, Denis, Mikhail, Vladimir, Sergey, Anatoly, David, Yakov, Andrey.


In August, they tend to name boys Roman, Ilya, Ivan, Trofim, Boris, Makar, Nikolai, Valentin, Leonid, Prokhor, Miron, Denis, Elizar, Dmitry.

Autumn boys

Autumn evokes sadness, calm, and tranquility. Babies born in autumn are calm, empathic, friendly, thoughtful, balanced, and reliable by nature.


Suitable names for babies born this month: Arkhip, Peter, Andrey, Arseny, Bogdan, Gleb, Zakhar, Pavel, Sergey, Leonty, Korniliy, Victor.


Popular names this month include Nikon, Zhenya, Demyan, Ignat, Illarion, Vincent, Mikhail, Andrey, Konstantin, Taras, Osip, Matvey, Orest, Nil, Philip, Gabriel, Maxim.

What to name boys is up to parents to choose. But it is important to remember that it is not the name that determines fate, but what is invested in the child. Raise him in love, give him impressions, support his endeavors, and then no matter what his name, he will be happy!

Lyudmila Redkina, psychologist, especially for the site

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