Boys' names are similar to their middle names. How to choose the right first name and patronymic

Every person understands perfectly well that being called by his own name evokes in him a certain sense of self, which greatly influences his daily actions and choices made in life, which leads to movement either along best case scenario, or worse. And this is clear to anyone.

If you choose a name for a boy based on his patronymic, a logical question arises - how is the child himself taken into account?

The fulcrum in choosing a name is the person whose fate you want to alleviate. The name must be selected for a specific child, his personality, life task, and not for the father.

When choosing a name for a boy, you need to concentrate on the child and the effectiveness of the impact of various names on the condition, character and fate of the baby. The right name will improve your character, condition and life, but the wrong name can greatly worsen it. A name is not just a word. A name is a certain meaning, information, association, wave, vibration that affects both the consciousness and the unconscious of a person.

If you take a name just like that, then the consequences can be unpredictable. Sometimes parents take the names of successful acquaintances, relatives, outstanding people. Assuming a child like that one successful person, will not disappear with such a name. But individuals, characters, weak and strengths people are different, which means you need a different name to adjust your fate and character. This is how blindly borrowing a name can harm your child.

How to name a boy with the middle name Alexandrovich - you can take popular options:

1. Alexander Alexandrovich
2. Maxim Alexandrovich
3. Artyom Alexandrovich
4. Mikhail Alexandrovich
5. Ivan Alexandrovich
6. Daniil Alexandrovich
7. Dmitry Alexandrovich
8. Kirill Alexandrovich
9. Andrey Alexandrovich
10. Egor Alexandrovich
11. Nikita Alexandrovich
12. Ilya Alexandrovich
13. Alexey Alexandrovich
14. Matvey Alexandrovich
15. Timofey Alexandrovich
16. Roman Alexandrovich
17. Vladimir Alexandrovich
18. Yaroslav Alexandrovich
19. Fedor Alexandrovich
20. Gleb Alexandrovich
21. Georgy Alexandrovich
22. Konstantin Alexandrovich
23. Lev Alexandrovich
24. Nikolai Alexandrovich
25. Stepan Alexandrovich
26. Vladislav Alexandrovich
27. Pavel Alexandrovich
28. Arseny Alexandrovich
29. Denis Alexandrovich
30. Timur Alexandrovich
31. Anton Alexandrovich
32. Mark Alexandrovich
33. Leonid Alexandrovich
34. Arseny Alexandrovich
35. Sergey Alexandrovich
36. Nikolai Alexandrovich
37. Dobrynya Alexandrovich
38. Bogdan Alexandrovich
39. Semyon Alexandrovich
40. Viktor Alexandrovich

And yet, what name is suitable for the patronymic Alexandrovich? To choose a name that effectively influences the child’s fate, it is necessary to analyze the unique essence of the boy, and not the name of the father.

Choosing a name without analyzing the impact on the individuality of a particular child is the same as choosing software on the device according to packaging, without taking into account the essence of a particular device. Or how to make a roof for a house without taking into account the dimensions and weather conditions places where there will be a home, simply according to the principle “this is how I want it.”

But what underlies this “I want”, what knowledge, understanding of the mechanics of the influence of a name on the conscious, unconscious, character, aura, destiny. And the score real consequences of the name in life... that same responsibility. Or irresponsibility, due to ignorance, ignorance and personal ambitions. Unfortunately, it is not the person himself who burdens the life, but his child with the wrong name.

But at the same time, parents turn to doctors, auto mechanics, lawyers for help... and their own ignorance (lack of experience, skills, understanding of the consequences/cost of a mistake) in this matter does not cause anything other than the usual desire to find an appropriate specialist. Without sacrificing ambitions.

To choose the right name, you need to set a task - what do you want to develop in the boy through the name. For example, improve health, protect against birth problems, strengthen certain qualities. Next, you need to look at the weaknesses and strengths of the aura of the child and parents and select a name that “closes” as much as possible weaknesses and protecting from external negative impacts and potential problems. When choosing a name, it is important to consider the purpose of the person and his place of residence.

The main goal that should be set when choosing a name is to make a person’s life the most harmonious, protect him from expected problems and help him maximize his potential. And don’t choose a “melodic” name for your patronymic.

Approach the assessment of the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate consciously. And give your son a name that has a positive impact on his character, condition and life.

    1. Find out how the future will change depending on the possible names of your child.

    2. Find out how the name affects the health, energy (aura), character and destiny of the baby.

    3. Eliminate risks possible harm(in 70% of cases names cause harm in life).

    4. Manage your child’s future not only through external forms(upbringing, education, profession).

To start selecting a name, please read the methods and recommendations indicated on this page. The service is paid.

Selection options

Method 1 is one of the main ones. With the help of numerology, you can determine a person’s character, his habits, inclinations, aspirations, as well as what awaits him in the future. Using the numerical numerological alphabet, all possible names are compared with specific patronymics and surnames, and the results of calculating fate using this method are determined. Since as a result of decoding the name there are both positive and negative values, the system analyzes and displays only those names that have only positive values from the point of view of numerology.

Examples of meanings of the numerological alphabet: positive - well-being, love, family, political activity, desire for profit, courage, honesty, etc., negative - war, disaster, sacrifice, destruction, disastrous consequence, poverty, crime, narrow-mindedness. We analyzed many people and the results showed that the values ​​obtained after deciphering the surname and patronymic are one way or another reflected in the person’s fate. And if one strives to reduce negative values, then a person’s fate will be easier and more successful. This numerological alphabet allows us to get a certain imprint of a person’s fate based on his full name, and depending on the chosen name, we impose a certain fate on the person. The presented alphabet allows you to obtain this data in an understandable, in simple form and make an appropriate choice of name.

On our one of the first sites on the page Secret of the name, numerology of the name in the section “Secrets of the name -> fate” you can make completely free calculations of your data, relatives, etc. and better understand how it all works. Therefore, the name selection service is based on the fact that only those names are selected whose meanings, when deciphering the first name, last name and patronymic, turned out to be favorable.

As a result of the selection, we get a list of names that, in terms of pronunciation or meaning, may not be liked. For example, you choose from popular names, but the resulting decoding does not turn out very well, then at least you can choose the second “correct” name. In ancient times, people were always given several names, although this tradition has remained to this day. The first is a worldly name, and the second secret name kept secret so as not to jinx it or cause damage, etc. As one of the options, you can choose a secret name using this method.

The priest's answer regarding the second "secret" name:
“At the same time, the presence of several names for a person has been a common phenomenon since ancient times and did not lead to any division. Many biblical persons had two names: the patriarchs Jacob (Israel) and Joseph (Tsafnaf-paneah). The Prophet Daniel in Babylon was given his middle name is Belshazzar. He held high government positions under the Chaldeans and Persian kings. Therefore, his second name was in constant use. He never refused the name (Daniel), which was given to him at circumcision on the 8th day. Our Lord Jesus Christ, accepting Simon, the brother of Andrew the First-Called, as one of His apostles, called him Peter (John 1:42). The name given by his parents was also preserved during his later life: “Jesus says to Simon Peter: Simon is Jonah!” (John 21:15). Many Russian saints had two names: Vel. book Olga (in holy baptism Elena), leader. book Vladimir (baptized Vasily). His children: St. Boris (Roman) and Gleba (David). Monks often have a mismatch between their worldly name and the one given at the time of tonsure. And since the name in the passport remains the same, when drawing up any document you have to give the previous name."

Vivid examples effective use Numerology is the fact that successful and popular personalities resort to it: politicians, businessmen, artists, athletes. Although, maybe they became successful precisely because of the application of this knowledge in practice.

Method 2. One of the rules of numerology says: if the birthday number is higher than the name number, this means that this person tends to follow his basic inclinations, which may make it difficult to develop the traits of his name or the vibration number of his name. Conversely, if the name number is higher than the birthday number, then the person's ambition and goals, expressed by this name number, predominate, so that the natural traits and inclinations of the individual are directed towards the circumstances of his choice. The human tendency is to set conditions rather than obey them.
A person with the same birthday and name has the opportunity to develop an even, harmonious character, the ability to take on all matters with ease.
It is not for nothing that many writers, actors and other people in creative professions take a pseudonym so that it coincides with the number of their birthday if it is successful, or improves it if it is not so successful.
Therefore, you can choose a name in which the number of the name will correspond to the number of birth. Calculate the child's birth date.

When choosing a name, it is best to give preference to the first method, and the second method can be used as a complement to the first. It is also possible to apply both methods separately; to do this, you need to select the appropriate setting on the name selection page.

Tip 1. When choosing a name, consider everything possible options. How will it sound in combination with the patronymic and surname? Do you get easy-to-pronounce and sonorous name options for your peers? Finally, will it be easy for the baby to pronounce it, because he will have to do it often! The more different variations of a name there are, the more different aspects of a personality will be able to acquire their name. So, if you want your child to be flexible, free to different situations and with diverse people, choose a name that is easily varied. If, on the contrary, you want to encourage his loyalty, stability and constancy, look for a name that is difficult to change.

Tip 2. Whatever path you take, usually the name you choose for your baby is associated with some person. And intuitively you try your baby on him, expecting similar reactions, actions, and abilities from him. This is not bad, this is natural and normal, this is the mechanism of influence of your parental message expressed in the name. You should be wary when the child’s name becomes an excuse for some undesirable traits that hinder him (according to the principle “what can you do, Peters are all so stubborn!”) or when you begin to pay attention to those shortcomings of the baby that upset you in the prototype.

Tip 3. Under no circumstances should you name a child in honor of the memory of deceased relatives, for example, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister. This can cause the child to feel inferior on a subconscious level. The child is also exposed to the negative influence of the fate of deceased relatives, because parents, choosing a child’s name in honor of deceased relatives, recognize the possibility of their fate repeating in the child’s life.

Tip 4. Be aware that by choosing a name, you are thereby, consciously or not, encouraging and supporting certain traits in your son or daughter. This is your first message to your baby about how you want him to be, what kind of fate you wish for him.

We sincerely hope that the presented materials and services will play an important role in the process of choosing a name for your child, and when he grows up, he will be pleased with it.

Modern parents take an extremely responsible approach to choosing a name for their future baby. Some prefer to name their children after relatives, others follow fashion, others are guided by church calendar. However, not everyone thinks about how well the chosen name fits with the baby’s middle name.

Meanwhile, at the moment will play a serious role in a person’s adult life. After all, sooner or later they will start turning to him full form and it is extremely important that this appeal does not sound funny and absurd. In this article we will talk about how to choose a name for a boy by patronymic.

Combination of first name and patronymic for a boy

Choosing a name for a future man should take into account the following parameters:

Middle name length

The longer a person's middle name, the shorter his name should be. Otherwise, addressing him with respect will become difficult to pronounce. For example, Vadim Stanislavovich sounds much nicer than Alexander Stanislavovich. To short the middle name is suitable both long and short names. For comparison, we can cite the following combinations: Konstantin Yuryevich and Egor Yuryevich.

Nationality of the names of the son and father

A Russian name will not be combined with a foreign patronymic and vice versa. Agree that the addresses of Vasily Iraklionovich and Ivan Abdushukurovich can hardly be called euphonious. However, many modern parents go to the other extreme. They name their children after Hollywood stars and other foreign public figures. As a result, Bill Sergeevich, Arnold Anatolyevich and Justin Valentinovich were born. Such a combination of name and patronymic for a boy can become a reason for ridicule at his address.

Alexandra, 28 years old: “They decided to name my cousin after his father’s favorite performer, Paul McCartney. But since the name Paul would sound absurd in Russian, the parents decided to add soft sign. As a result, the boy began to be called Paul, in the French manner. It is obvious that in the 80s of the last century such original name only caused bewilderment and ridicule among those around him. In addition, my brother’s middle name is the most Russian: Vladimirovich. The boy was constantly teased at school, and adults also made fun of him. As a result, he grew up as a man with a damaged psyche and low self-esteem, who openly despises his parents.”

Presence of sound harmony

The accumulation of consonant sounds at the junction of the name and patronymic is quite annoying to the ear. As an example, we can cite the following combinations: Alexander Vladimirovich or Mark Stanislavovich. It doesn't sound very good when a boy's name ends with the same letter as his father's name. There can be many examples: Viktor Romanovich, Maxim Makarovich, etc. Great option there will be the presence of identical sounds in the names of the son and father (Andrei Alexandrovich, Egor Igorevich).

Mismatch between first and last name

Naming a child after the father is not best idea. According to psychologists, a name has a direct impact on the character of its bearer. Its repeated use (Sergey Sergeevich, Ivan Ivanovich) can enhance both positive and negative traits personality. Another disadvantage of this solution may be inconvenience during communication. When two family members have the same name, there can sometimes be confusion when addressing them.

Many parents also wonder how to choose a name for a boy based on his patronymic and surname. Many of the points above should be taken into account when answering this question. If the middle name and last name are long enough, then it is better to choose a shorter name. National aspects and the presence of sound harmony should also be taken into account. As for the complete coincidence of the name with the surname and patronymic, such options should not even be taken into account. It is unlikely that parents endowed with imagination will name their child Sergei Sergeevich Sergeev or Anton Antonovich Antonov.

Olga Vladimirovna Gorelova, teacher of the Russian language department, candidate of philological sciences: “A name is not just a combination of letters and sounds. This is, first of all, the history of a person and each of us, receiving a name at birth, begins to write his story. A very important issue is the combination of first name and patronymic. After all, when a child grows up (and this happens quite quickly), they communicate with him in a respectful tone, exclusively by name and patronymic. And that means they should sound. This is where a lot of dissonant moments appear, such as a cluster of hissing or whistling sounds. You need to carefully check various combinations by ear, not forgetting to add your last name to them. The chain of sound should be smooth.”

How to choose a name for a boy

It is believed that the bearer of a particular name has certain character traits. Many parents want their child to be a strong and strong-willed person. In this case, you should pay attention to solid male names with a predominance of voiced paired consonants: Gleb, Grigory, Bogdan, Dmitry, Georgy, Andrey. If parents dream that their baby will have an easy-going and calm disposition, they should give preference to soft names. They are dominated by vowels and so-called sonorous sounds (m, n, r, l, th). As an example, we can cite the names Alexey, Mikhail, Roman, Vitaly, Elisha, Yuri. The intermediate link between strong-willed and flexible people are balanced, but at the same time very persistent individuals. Their names can be called neutral: Pavel, Arkady, Timofey, Vyacheslav, etc.

Of course, the phonetic structure of the name is a rather significant point. But we should also not forget about the associations that it carries. In the minds of most people, when a particular name is mentioned, a whole series of images and pictures appear. Based on them, we can compile psychological portrait a person completely unknown to us. For example, many Russians associate the name Alexander with images of outstanding historical figures(Nevsky, Macedonsky, Pushkin). Accordingly, the person wearing it is attributed only positive qualities, such as significance, greatness, influence, etc. The name Leo is associated with authority, strength, and becoming. Whereas the Mikhails are compared to clumsy, but incredibly sweet and charming “big guys”.

If parents want to name the boy according to the calendar, then choosing a name in advance does not make sense. After all, the main factor in this case is the date of birth of the baby. Throughout church year the memory of certain saints is celebrated daily. However, often mentioned in Orthodox calendar The names are very exotic and are not to the liking of adults. In addition, on certain days there are relatively few naming options, while on others the choice is quite extensive. Orthodox tradition allows a child to be named by the name mentioned in the calendar on the eighth or fortieth day from his birth. This significantly expands the list of options.

It is worth warning parents against naming a child with feminine and masculine names if his surname does not have a clearly defined gender. This may lead to a number of awkward situations or ridicule from peers. Of course, when using the name in full form, no questions should arise. Whereas abbreviated versions in combination with a surname can be perceived ambiguously. Let's give an example from life. The new teacher calls a student named Zhenya Shulga to the board, addressing him as a girl. And a boy, flushed with embarrassment, stands up from behind his desk to the friendly laughter of his classmates. Agree, the situation is not the most pleasant. Therefore, when naming a child, it is necessary to focus on his last name.

Also, while expecting a baby, it would be a good idea to read the meanings and descriptions of several names you like in order to choose the best option from them. In addition, many people turn to numerology, calculating the child’s numerical code by date of birth. To do this, you need to add all the numbers separately until you get a single digit number. Next, you should determine the codes of the names you like and compare them with the resulting value. If the birth number less number name, then the person will be subject to weaknesses and negative inclinations; if more, ambition will become his companion. The coincidence of code values ​​will make the child’s life harmonious and easy.

What names go with different middle names?

Here is a detailed table of beautiful combinations of names and patronymics:

Boy's name
Nikita, Alexander, Alexey, Dmitry, Konstantin, Ivan, Maxim, Pavel, Danila
Dmitrievich Ivan, Egor, Maxim, Alexey, Artem, Denis, Pavel, Vladimir, Yuri, Sergey, Evgeniy
Kirill, Dmitry, Roman, Oleg, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Alexander, Mikhail, Maxim
Ivan, Andrey, Egor, Mikhail, Sergey, Evgeny, Peter, Konstantin, Yuri, Maxim, Igor
Mark, Lev, Evgeny, Stepan, Yuri, Makar, Matvey, Semyon, Bogdan, Dmitry, Artem, Yan
Andreevich Evgeny, Roman, Zakhar, Arseny, Mikhail, Pavel, Ivan, Kirill, Anton, Daniil, Maxim, Sergey
Ivan, Stepan, Matvey, Sergey, Dmitry, Nikolay, Evgeny, Artem, Pavel, Yuri, Vitaly
Sergey, Andrey, Daniil, Kirill, Evgeny, Vitaly, Nikolay, Dmitry, Konstantin, Alexander
Pavel, Mikhail, Evgeny, Savely, Konstantin, Mikhail, Bogdan, Yuri, Vitaly, Vladislav
Evgeny, Yuri, Stepan, Vadim, Nikita, Arseny, Matvey, Ilya, Igor, Eduard, Ian
Vitaly, Stepan, Mikhail, Yuri, Mark, Evgeniy, Kirill, Maxim, Alexander, Konstantin, Victor, Ivan, Anatoly, Grigory
Sergey, Ruslan, Yuri, Alexander, Semyon, Igor, Pavel, Evgeniy, Stanislav, Maxim
Daniil, Rinat, Adam, Ignat, Yuri, Nikolai, Mikhail, Evgeniy, Sergey, Konstantin
Yakov, Miroslav, Mark, Makar, Peter, Pavel, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Alexander, Yuri
Yan, Alexey, Anatoly, Sergey, Evgeny, Semyon, Victor, Yuri, Arseny, Vitaly, Andrey
Evgeniy, Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Konstantin, Kirill, Svyatoslav, Mikhail, Daniil, Ilya
Oleg, Artem, Stepan, Dmitry, Denis, Maxim, Konstantin, Alexander, Artem, Matvey, Arseny
Stepan, Makar, Yuri, Savely, Anatoly, Nikita, Dmitry, Andrey, Pavel, Peter, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vyacheslav

Thus, when choosing a child’s middle name, parents need to take note of many interesting nuances. After all, children who are often beautifully named in the opinion of adults experience certain problems in everyday life. Having become adults, they consciously change their name to a simpler and more suitable option for them. Veniamins become Ivans, and Demids become Dmitriys. And this is a completely normal state of affairs. Therefore, when thinking about a name for your future baby, you should be guided not only by fashion and the desire to stand out from the crowd, but also by common sense.

Combination of first name and patronymic

In a family in which the birth of a baby is expected, it is common to argue about which name will be the best and happiest for the baby.

Often, not only future parents, but also grandparents, older children, and other relatives participate in debates.

Often painful thoughts on this topic do not stop even after the child is born. We offer several recommendations that may help in resolving such an important issue.

Since we cannot escape the middle name in this life, when choosing a name for a child, we must be guided by the desire to achieve a harmonious sounding of the first name and patronymic.

This means that when pronouncing your name and patronymic aloud, speech should flow easily, without stumbling over complex, difficult-to-pronounce phrases.

Basic rules for choosing a first name by patronymic

1. The name should not be duplicated, i.e. give the son his father's name. Perhaps someone thinks that such combinations as Nikolai Nikolaevich or Vasily Vasilyevich sound solid and weighty. However, in this case, the son will be very strongly influenced by his father’s energy. It’s good if the father is a happy and successful person, in which case contact with his energy is a blessing. And if the father is a person with a difficult character and difficult fate? In addition, in any case, when parents call their son after his father, they to some extent limit his personal potential, his capabilities, and pre-install his father’s programs into him, and this is undesirable.

2. When choosing a name for a child, you need to strive to ensure that the first letter of the middle name does not repeat the last letter of the name. For example, such combinations of first name and patronymic, such as Artem Markovich or Irina Alekseevna, cannot be called very euphonious, since in them the last letter of the name seems to be “eaten up” by the patronymic. This rule is especially true for names of girls whose fathers' names begin with the letter A.

In addition to this recommendation, we can say that such combinations of first name and patronymic are very undesirable, in which the first name ends with the same syllable with which the patronymic begins. Examples of such not very successful combinations are Rimma Matveevna, Bogdan Anatolyevich, Alina Naumovna, Savva Vasilyevich. It is also necessary to avoid the accumulation of consonant sounds at the junction of the name and patronymic - this will make the name difficult to pronounce. Examples of such dissonant combinations: Alexander Vladislavovich, Robert Vladimirovich.

3. In order for the name and patronymic to sound harmonious, the number of syllables in them must be different. So, with short patronymics, of which there are quite a few in the Russian language (Lvovich, Ilyich), long names consisting of three or more syllables (Nikolai, Alexander, Innokenty) go well. On the contrary, long middle names (Stanislavovich, Vladimirovich, Konstantinovich) sound more harmonious in combination with short names(Artem, Ivan, Ian, Oleg).

This is easy to verify by comparing, for example, the sound of such combinations as Oleg Ilyich and Oleg Nikolaevich, Yana Olegovna and Yana Vladimirovna. The explanation here is very simple - different quantities syllables provides a more harmonious distribution of sound vibrations. If we talk about middle names of average length (3-4 syllables), then they are best combined with names of the same average length (3 syllables), for example, Alexey Ivanovich, Yaroslav Olegovich.

4. When choosing a name for a child, you must definitely pay attention to “nationality”, i.e. origin of both name and patronymic. WITH psychological point From our point of view, such combinations of first name and patronymic are more acceptable where they have the same “national category”. For example, if the father has the name Ibrahim, then for the child you need to choose a name that has eastern roots, otherwise dissonance cannot be avoided. How will a person who is forced to be called Ivan Manfredovich or Malvina Semyonovna feel in society? It’s uncomfortable, to say the least, since among those around him, such exotic combinations of first and middle names will cause at least bewilderment, and even ridicule.

There is another way to look at the question. From the point of view of esoteric teachings, each child, thanks to his patronymic, is already under the protection of his “national” egregor. If the name belongs to the same nationality, then the existing protection is enhanced. If the name and patronymic are “of different clans and tribes,” then influence and protection are dispersed.

5. When choosing a name for your baby, try to avoid a situation where his first name and patronymic will duplicate the first name and patronymic famous person, especially if this is a person with an ambiguous fate. Surely, for a person with the patronymic Ilyich, the name Vladimir will not be the most favorable option, because this combination already has its own specific energy. Regardless of how a person’s fate develops, associatively, people around him will always perceive him through the prism of this historical figure and hang the appropriate “labels” on him. Is this good, or is it still better so that your child does not have a psychological burden associated with any personality?

6. Another important psychological recommendation for combining first and middle names. If the patronymic contains many sounds that carry active, aggressive, “yang” energy (for example, many sounds - r, dr, br, a, ya), then for balance it is necessary to choose a softer, “yin” name. The category of patronymics with Yan energy includes the following: Alexandrovich/Alexandrovna, Fedorovich/Fedorovna, Arturovich/Arturovna, Robertovich/Robertovna, Eduardovich/Eduardovna. To soften them up, it is better to choose more “affectionate” names, for example, Vasily, Evgeniy, Oleg, Lev, Alexey, etc.

The situation will become clear if we compare the sound of such combinations as Robert Eduardovich and Lev Eduardovich, Artur Alexandrovich and Mikhail Alexandrovich. Obviously, the first combinations sound more dynamic, so the character of these people may lack harmony, but will have an excess of activity and aggression.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.

Name and character

A name has a huge impact on a person's character. It can soften or strengthen existing inclinations and traits, and even influences a person’s position in society.

Every person understands perfectly well that being called by his name evokes in him a certain sense of self, which greatly influences his daily actions and choices made in life, which leads to movement either according to the best scenario or to the worse. And this is clear to anyone.

If you choose a name for a boy based on his patronymic, a logical question arises - how is the child himself taken into account?

The fulcrum in choosing a name is the person whose fate you want to alleviate. The name must be selected for a specific child, his personality, life task, and not for the father.

When choosing a name for a boy, you need to concentrate on the child and the effectiveness of the impact of various names on the condition, character and fate of the baby. The right name will improve your character, condition and life, but the wrong name can greatly worsen it. A name is not just a word. A name is a certain meaning, information, association, wave, vibration that affects both the consciousness and the unconscious of a person.

If you take a name just like that, then the consequences can be unpredictable. Sometimes parents take the names of successful acquaintances, relatives, or prominent people. Assuming that a child like that successful person will not disappear with such a name. But the personalities, characters, weaknesses and strengths of people are different, which means that a different name is needed to correct fate and character. This is how blindly borrowing a name can harm your child.

How to name a boy with the middle name Mikhailovich - you can take popular options:

1. Alexander Mikhailovich
2. Maxim Mikhailovich
3. Artyom Mikhailovich
4. Mikhail Mikhailovich
5. Ivan Mikhailovich
6. Daniil Mikhailovich
7. Dmitry Mikhailovich
8. Kirill Mikhailovich
9. Andrey Mikhailovich
10. Egor Mikhailovich
11. Nikita Mikhailovich
12. Ilya Mikhailovich
13. Alexey Mikhailovich
14. Matvey Mikhailovich
15. Timofey Mikhailovich
16. Roman Mikhailovich
17. Vladimir Mikhailovich
18. Yaroslav Mikhailovich
19. Fedor Mikhailovich
20. Gleb Mikhailovich
21. Georgy Mikhailovich
22. Konstantin Mikhailovich
23. Lev Mikhailovich
24. Nikolai Mikhailovich
25. Stepan Mikhailovich
26. Vladislav Mikhailovich
27. Pavel Mikhailovich
28. Arseny Mikhailovich
29. Denis Mikhailovich
30. Timur Mikhailovich
31. Anton Mikhailovich
32. Mark Mikhailovich
33. Leonid Mikhailovich
34. Arseny Mikhailovich
35. Sergei Mikhailovich
36. Nikolai Mikhailovich
37. Dobrynya Mikhailovich
38. Bogdan Mikhailovich
39. Semyon Mikhailovich
40. Viktor Mikhailovich

And yet, what name suits the patronymic Mikhailovich? To choose a name that effectively influences the child’s fate, it is necessary to analyze the unique essence of the boy, and not the name of the father.

Choosing a name without analyzing the impact on the individuality of a particular child is the same as choosing software for a device based on packaging, without taking into account the essence of a particular device. Or how to make a roof for a house without taking into account the size and weather conditions of the place where the house will be, simply according to the principle “this is how I want it.”

But what underlies this “I want”, what knowledge, understanding of the mechanics of the influence of a name on the conscious, unconscious, character, aura, destiny. And the score real consequences of the name in life... that same responsibility. Or irresponsibility, due to ignorance, ignorance and personal ambitions. Unfortunately, it is not the person himself who burdens the life, but his child with the wrong name.

But at the same time, parents turn to doctors, auto mechanics, lawyers for help... and their own ignorance (lack of experience, skills, understanding of the consequences/cost of a mistake) in this matter does not cause anything other than the usual desire to find an appropriate specialist. Without sacrificing ambitions.

To choose the right name, you need to set a task - what do you want to develop in the boy through the name. For example, improve health, protect against birth problems, strengthen certain qualities. Next, you need to look at the strengths and weaknesses in the aura of the child and parents and select a name that “covers” the weaknesses as much as possible and protects them from external negative influences and potential problems. When choosing a name, it is important to consider the purpose of the person and his place of residence.

The main goal that should be set when choosing a name is to make a person’s life the most harmonious, protect him from expected problems and help him maximize his potential. And don’t choose a “melodic” name for your patronymic.

Approach the assessment of the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate consciously. And give your son a name that has a positive impact on his character, condition and life.

    1. Find out how the future will change depending on the possible names of your child.

    2. Find out how the name affects the aura, character and destiny of the baby.

    3. Eliminate the risks of possible harm (in 70% of cases, names cause harm in life).

    4. Manage your child’s future not only through external forms (upbringing, education, profession).