Top best comic fortune telling. Scenario for the New Year

New Year - special holiday, in which it is not customary to be sad. If you take care in advance of an interesting holiday program for the company with which you are planning to spend New Year's Eve, then, for sure, this beginning of the year will be remembered by many of you. Fortune telling is considered one of the most popular and exciting entertainments on the night from December 31 to January 1. However, we emphasize that this is just about entertainment and should not be taken too seriously. All predictions should be humorous and amuse the company gathered at the table. If you pay attention to some of the ideas we have given below, then, for sure, this will make your holiday truly bright and special. Having fun on New Year's Eve is not at all difficult if you take the time to prepare it in advance and approach the preparation of fortune-telling with humor and imagination. Remember that all predictions on this holiday should lift spirits and set guests in an optimistic mood, so special attention treat their writing! Let each member of your company feel the atmosphere of good magic in the New Year and try to believe that a miracle still exists and will soon burst into his life!

Comic New Year fortune telling

Let's take a closer look at a few simple, but at the same time quite interesting fortune-telling!

Fortune telling for love

For this fortune telling, you need to prepare pictures of the same size (about fortune telling card). The pictures should depict famous and successful personalities. Now the picture needs to be cut into two parts figuratively. Hang one half of the picture on the Christmas tree, and place the other half on the table with the “pattern” down. Of course, we are not talking about one picture, but several at once. Now invite everyone to tell fortunes about his prospects that will await him in the new year. The fortuneteller must choose one of the fragments on the table and find the missing part on the tree - it is important that it is not clear from the first fragment which famous person we're talking about. As a result, in the next 12 months the life of a fortuneteller will be similar to that which was in store for the celebrity in the picture in the past year. Write down in advance the achievements of certain stars on a separate sheet of paper.

Offer your guests a fairly simple and exciting fortune telling. They need to ask some question by writing it down on paper. For example, the question is written like this: “Will my salary be raised in the new year?” Now you need to carry out a simple mathematical operation - count the letters in each of the words and add them together. In the version given in the example, it will look like this: 8+2+3+1+5+4+5=28. Since the number turned out to be two-digit, you should add its digits together (2+8=10, 1+0=1). Now let’s see how this or that result is interpreted:
1 – You don't need to know the answer to this question.
2 – Everything will turn out the way you want.
3 – Dream less, act more!
4 – The Universe will help you!
5 – Nothing can be certain.
6 – Something may prevent your desire from coming true, be vigilant!
7 – Stay hopeful.
8 – Do not doubt anything, and luck will smile on you.
9 – Try to influence the situation.

Comic predictions

Perhaps the easiest way is to write comic predictions in advance on small pieces of paper. Put them in a bag or a regular hat, and invite each guest to take out their prediction. Possible options for such prophecies:
    Look forward joyfully - a bag of money is waiting for you! Forget about crying - good luck awaits you! It will be hot year– and with him a tour to the island! Only joy lies ahead and swimming in love! Well, grab your luck by the tail - the keys to the dacha are waiting for you! There will be a lot of impressions with a jar of sweet jam! Don’t be sad, don’t be sad – there’s a lot of happiness on the way! It's time to smile - wealth is running to you!

Gypsy comic fortune telling for the New Year

Gypsies have long been known for their accurate fortune telling, so why not take advantage of their secrets on New Year's Eve?

Despite the fact that this fortune-telling is considered humorous, it often easily puts the fortune-telling company in an optimistic mood. So, first you need to stock up on a deck of simple playing cards. Let the child sit on the deck, and you tell the guests that this way the cards will be predicted more accurately. Then mention, for example, the following: “Whoever gets more of the suit of hearts will be lucky in business throughout the next year.” After this, distribute cards to all fortune telling participants, as if for a game - now they must look at them and say whether luck smiled on them or not. The trick is for you to buy several decks in advance and make one of them - one in which all 36 cards will consist only of the suit of hearts. Surely, such a result will make everyone present smile.

Fortune telling "Magic bag"

As the celebration moves toward its conclusion, offer the guests another interesting comic fortune-telling that will indicate to them what kind of year awaits them ahead. For this entertainment, you will need some kind of fabric bag or an opaque cellophane bag, in which you should put different items of approximately the same price category (souvenirs, sweets). Now the guests need to get themselves an item - it will not only remain as a gift for them, but will also act as a kind of prediction. Write in advance on a piece of paper what this or that item will mean and what prospects it promises to its new owner. For example: a bar of dark chocolate - “In the new year everything will be “chocolate” for you”, milk chocolate - “In the coming months everything will be sweet-sweet”, a keychain in the shape of a dog - “Friendship will play a big role in your life”, a flashlight - “Soon you will make an incredible discovery” and so on.

Merry New Year's fortune telling

You will need to prepare for this fortune-telling in advance - stock up on leaves with predictions, rolled into a tube. Each tube, for a festive mood, should be tied with a ribbon. On all the pieces of paper, write funny prophecies for the coming year. Examples of predictions:
    All sorrows are behind you, happiness awaits you ahead! You will soon be smiling - a trip to the sea awaits you! Great luck awaits you - there is a dacha at the foot of the mountain! They are waiting for you delicious lunches and in love there is only victory! Fate will act wisely - send you on vacation abroad! Wait for a ticket to the islands - neither for the cinema, nor for the ballet! You won’t escape fate - they’ve been in love with you for a long time!
Place the fortune sheets on a beautiful dish and invite your guests to take one of them for themselves. After this, each of the fortune tellers can read the prediction out loud.

  • If you work hard and hard in the new year, you will receive a reward in the form of a bonus.
  • If you get up early in the new year, you will never be late for work.
  • You can’t work like a horse in the year of the pig - this will set you back a whole year. If you take a long time to choose a TV channel to watch on New Year’s Eve, you will wake up on January 1 with the remote control in your hands.
  • New Year of the Pig is good for those who like to sleep. Count the stars and sleep like a baby.
  • On the morning of January 1, leave the entrance and look to the left - you will see a bright and brilliant future.
  • How many peas you eat from Olivier - so many wishes will come true in the new year.
  • Champagne finished on the morning of January 1 will remind you of the past year.
  • A hat lost on January 1 means buying a new one.
  • Gifted to my wife on New Year frying pan - to the bump on the forehead. And a fur coat means love and mutual understanding.
  • A passion for cakes and chocolates in the new year means updating your wardrobe.
  • In the new year you will be promoted at work - your office will move to the floor above.
  • In the new year you will find many new, exciting... household chores.
  • By giving your wife a piece of jewelry for the New Year, you ensure yourself a well-fed life for the whole year.
  • After such a delicious New Year's treat- you will fight off guests all year.
  • If you are a big boss in the new year, you will gain 50 kg.
  • In the new year, your pragmatic interest will develop into a romantic passion.
  • In the new year you will meet great love. Very big. So 120 kilograms, no less.
  • This coming year, avoid the cold from your significant other. Otherwise you will be sick all year.
  • Taking off career ladder this year, watch your step so that there are no dizzying consequences.
  • Keep it clean. Wash your hands before eating. If your hands are dirty, you will get contagious diseases.
  • In the morning, after the New Year's feast. Beware of a heavy blow. Stepping on the scale.
  • In the new year, move forward boldly - and wealth awaits you.
  • A visit to the fitness club and swimming pool in the first quarter of the coming year will lead to envious glances from your friends in the next two quarters.
  • For those who are passionate about fishing, fishing happiness will come in the new year. Will open next to the house
  • Fish and seafood store. There will always be a catch to report to your wife.
  • In the new year you will have everything you want. And you won’t get anything for it. New, exciting journeys await you... to the countryside. Don't be upset - this is also a change of scenery.
  • This year a strong explosion is expected - all your envious people will burst.
  • In the coming year, all the doors of supermarkets and boutiques will open for you. And my husband’s fat wallet will lose a lot of weight.
  • This year you will find a treasure... You will discover your husband's stash, which he saved all last year.
  • In the new year you will learn a lot of new and useful things. They will give you an encyclopedia.
  • In the new year you will be attacked. Luck and success will attack you and you will not be able to fight them off.
  • Beware. Very soon. Very soon. Great... love awaits you.
  • Your creative success as an artist in making your own face will be noticed by many men this year.
  • Your charm and beauty are preparing a happy meeting for you in the new year

If you are going to have a holiday, be it a birthday, a corporate party or any other celebration, pay attention to comic fortune telling for the guests at the table. Light, cheerful and humorous predictions will brighten up the festive evening and will not let the invitees get bored. And today we will tell you about the most popular types of this entertainment.

The benefits of comic fortune telling

Laughter prolongs life - each of us knows this. What could be better than a well-placed joke? When the feast lasts too long, the guests get tired of eating and talking, and not everyone likes to dance, so the idea of ​​adding variety to the celebration with a musical break, although good, is sometimes not appreciated by everyone. But funny gypsy fortune telling for an anniversary or funny themed predictions for corporate party many will appreciate it. In a word, it’s fun, cool and unusual, and will also appeal to guests of any age - both adults and the youngest.

Comic fortune telling for birthdays and anniversaries

If you are having a birthday, try to surprise your guests with something new, fresh, and unusual. After all, a banal feast with salads and cake is already a thing of the past. For most of the fortune telling that we invite you to consider, guests will not even need to get up from their seats.

Notes with predictions

The simplest comic fortune telling for guests at the birthday table is funny notes with predictions. If you are celebrating a holiday in a cafe or restaurant, before it starts, while the invitees have not yet entered the hall, place a small postcard or a beautiful mini-business card under the plates. Naturally, the predictions on them must be printed or handwritten in advance. It will be very cool if you know exactly where and which of the guests will sit - then you can make interesting individual forecasts for each person. Usually no one looks under the plate, so the risk that your idea will be discovered ahead of time is minimal.

It is best to notify people that they need to look under the plate after they have already eaten the hot dish and are now sitting waiting for desserts and tea. You can even create a mystical effect by asking the cafe workers to turn off the lights for a few seconds, and after turning them on, as if they accidentally looked under the plate and said, “Look what I just found!” - in this case, the guests will immediately begin to raise their plates. Of course, it is better for each person to read his prediction out loud, especially if we are talking about a company of close people who know about each other’s lives.

Wizard hat

A wonderful surprise for the holiday is the game "Magician's Hat". You can dress up one of the guests or a specially invited person in the outfit of a wizard from some famous fairy tale or film. He must have a hat in his hands. The wizard invites the guests to find out their future, approaches each of them and asks them to pull out a piece of paper with a fortune from the hat, reading it out loud. An excellent option is comic fortune telling in verse - they are usually received with delight. It is not at all necessary to compose a whole poem for each card; simple rhyming lines are enough, for example:

  • “You will be with the one you love. And you’ll even buy a car!”
  • "Waiting for you good month“There will be a lot of dancing and singing!”
  • “Wait for a salary increase and active movement!”
  • “Expect a lot of love, and also a way to your family!”
  • “Your dreams will come true - soon you will become a dad!”

Prediction on cups

Before drinking tea, the birthday person or his assistant places tea in tea cups. small items- one in each. Each item should symbolize something.

  • The key is buying an apartment or car
  • Coin - for money
  • Hairpin - a lot of social parties
  • Button - household chores
  • Pacifier - birth of a child
  • Ring - wedding (for singles), important events personal life (for married people)
  • Pin - beware of ill-wishers

You can include other items in your set, the main thing is that they have meaning. Next, the host or hostess puts the cups on the tray so that their contents are not visible and approaches one of the guests - he must choose any cup he likes, after which the birthday person tells what to expect in the near future to this invitee. After fortune telling, the item is placed back in the cup so that other guests do not have to guess on the remaining items.

Comic New Year and Christmas fortune telling

Now let's talk about what fun predictions you can make for your guests during the New Year or Christmas celebrations.

Fortune Pie

This comic fortune-telling for guests at the table on Christmas or New Year will definitely appeal to everyone, because in order to find out their future, those present will literally have to eat. The hostess of the house where the celebration is taking place bakes pies or one large pie in advance, in each piece of which she puts a piece of paper with a short prediction, for example, “ long trip", "romantic date", " new love", "family troubles", "support from friends". Each guest must try the treat and read out loud what awaits him in the coming year. In the company of young people or teenagers, you can come up with funnier predictions related to the lifestyle and habits of those gathered at the table.

Magic bag

The comic fortune telling “Magic Bag” is ideal for celebrating the New Year. At the very height of the holiday, Santa Claus should come into the room (of course, he will be an acquaintance in disguise) with a huge bag and invite all guests to find out what awaits them in the coming twelve months. Pre-packed into bags symbolic gifts, from which predictions can be made. For example, a toy car can indicate that a person will buy a car, a children's saucepan - that a person will spend a lot of time in the kitchen, a soft toy heart - what awaits the questioner great love, baby doll - the birth of a child, a plush kitten - the appearance of a pet in the house, and so on. So that guests cannot guess by touch what exactly is in the bag, you can tie a string to each surprise and invite guests to pull it. It is advisable that there be more gifts than guests, so that the one who draws the gift last has a choice of at least three options.

Love New Year's forecast

Another interesting comic fortune-telling for guests at the table for the New Year is related to love. The person conducting the prediction session needs to prepare several identical items in advance different colors, for example, hair ties. Each guest is invited to close their eyes and choose one of the things, and then those present make a love forecast based on its color.

  • Red - passion, sexuality
  • Black - quarrels, omissions
  • Blue - mutual understanding, transition of relations to a new level
  • Green - birth of a child
  • Orange - joint creative project, active life
  • Blue - cloudless relationships
  • Purple - unusual and even sometimes mystical events
  • White - the situation will remain as it was

Gypsy fortune telling at a corporate party or other holiday

It was believed that the gypsies were the best at making predictions about the future. Therefore, comic fortune telling by a gypsy for a holiday, anniversary or corporate event remains popular at all times. Agree that the appearance of a charismatic fortune teller will have an indelible effect on your guests.

Crystal ball

This is a very interesting and exciting comic gypsy fortune telling corporate events always go off with a bang. When everyone present has already eaten, drunk and danced, a real gypsy suddenly enters the room - in a bright colorful skirt, gold jewelry and a black wig. She takes out a crystal ball and approaches each of the guests in turn, and then, looking into her magical instrument, tells something about the past, present and future of the chosen person. This fortune-telling will create a real sensation if she plays the role of a gypsy completely stranger, to whom the event organizer will tell in advance interesting information about each of those present. However, in place of the crystal ball, the fortuneteller can simply ask for the hand of each of those present and tell something by reading the lines. It will be no less impressive. The main thing to remember is that the comic fortune telling of a gypsy at a corporate party should be exclusively positive. Avoid making bad or ambiguous predictions, because among the public there may be suspicious people who take everything to heart.

Themed gypsy fortune telling for the anniversary

Comic fortune-telling by a gypsy for a woman’s or man’s anniversary does not necessarily have to take place in a mystical atmosphere. Can be arranged funny prediction from a book or a geographical atlas. This is done like this: a gypsy woman enters the room, carrying some kind of book under her arm (any fairy tale, some funny work, or even poetry will do). Next, she approaches the hero of the day or someone present and asks the person to ask a question. The questions should be fairly simple, for example, “will I have a vacation this year?”, “will we go to barbecue this weekend?”, “will I buy a new car?”, “will I get a bonus?” etc.

After the man has asked a question, the gypsy asks him to close his eyes, open the book to any page and point his finger in the right place. Then the person opens his eyes and reads out the sentence he pointed to. eyes closed. Most often, such predictions turn out to be very funny. Another way is to guess using a geographic atlas, but you need to ask questions related to the place, for example: “Where will we go on vacation?”, “Where was I yesterday?”, “Where will I go today after the holiday?” And you can successfully combine both of these methods, choosing either a book or an atlas depending on the question you receive.
The comic fortune telling of a gypsy at a corporate party and all the other funny predictions presented in the article can be modified at will, introducing more and more new elements into them.

Home for toastmaster

Gypsy fortune telling

Fortune telling by a gypsy for a corporate party, New Year

Good people, I will try to surprise you.
And I am surprised by
That I can predict the fate of everyone.
Which one of you will guess the riddle?
He will find out his fate.
So, my 1st riddle:
Is there a heel behind his nose? (shoe)

We continue fortune telling - gild the handle...
I wish my predictions come true!

Surprises await you in life:
Hundred-program TV,
600th Mercedes
A huge house, a blooming garden,
The husband is rich and doesn't drink
And there are plenty of other miracles!

When you wake up one day, you see in the window
Prince Charming on a white horse.
With a smile in the saddle he will pick up, lovingly,
And he will take you to distant lands.

Pots of cabbage soup are waiting for you,
Vegetable vinaigrette,
Jellied meat from offal
And compote of dried products.
Well, it's time to reveal the secret.
So you'll become a cook!

You will be fat and ruddy,
You will raise geese and chickens.
The husband will drive up on a tractor and shout loudly:
“Smoke break, serve lunch, wife,
And a bottle of wine!”

You will be a noble knight,
Beautiful, strong and simple.
Know how to stand up for the weak,
Stand firm for justice.
And for the love of a beautiful lady
fight, asking for her hand.
Know that love brings happiness
Not tight wallets.

Your home will be cup full,
There is always an influx of guests there,
And your wife is the most beautiful of all,
There will be seven children.
And one day you come drunk:
An uneven step, a dull look...
The wife will be sad and say:
"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

Your life will be happy and long.
With a color TV, with a white Volga
With a yacht flying in the azure waves.
With bronze tan on strong shoulders.

If it doesn't come out of you
Sissies and crybabies,
Then life will give you
Brand new bucks!

There are many miracles in life,
The road is wide!
But just try to sit down
On your horse!

There are many ways and things to do in the world,
But always be yourself!
Then wide road
It will not become a narrow path!

My husband will buy earrings, fashionable boots,
He will carry it in his arms
and don’t ask for half a liter!

This is the news you received:
No salty food today!
And then, lo and behold, you’ll give birth.
After all, everyone in the world knows
Salty foods make babies!

You will soon be very rich.
Be known throughout the area as a millionaire!
Because Uncle will be found in America
He will leave you an inheritance without looking!

You will definitely be lucky in the lottery!
Run, hurry up!
If you buy a bag of tickets,
That's what you'll gain from a shoe lace!

So as not to get bored
We need to sing and dance.
Can't sleep at all at night
Entertain good people
If people are happy
You will become a pop star!

If you want to be happy,
So here's some advice for you:
Eat 3 kilograms of salt
And a big bag of sweets.,
Then drink some vodka...
You'll be happy for the life of you!

I was chatting here, joking...
Still didn’t please someone
I see someone's sad eyes...
Well, there will be dancing for you too...

You will be incredibly lucky:
You'll go pheasant hunting,
And you will bring home a boar -
The freezer is full until spring!

Finding no reason for this,
Buy yourself a car!
Finding no reason for this,
You'll sell it in a bit!

While stocking up in the store,
You will find five hundred rubles in the basket.
Put them on your phone
And there will be a festive ringing!

One day, when I went to work,
You say: “Fuck it! Reluctance!"
The boss will call - you’ll send
If they fire you, you say: “Well, so what!”

Running past shop windows,
You will exclaim: “Dear mom!
I want this bullshit!”
And you'll go broke.

The moment will come. Down to the ground
Everything will get boring. And embroidery.
And TV. And an ottoman.
Take up belly dancing!

And a long youth awaits you,
Pleasant travel cycle.
You will see the whole world and more than once,
So save money now, right away.

There will be blood beating in my veins,
Much love awaits you.
And happy too
Choose who you need.

Long line of luck -
There will be a dacha in the Canary Islands,
And all this without deception,
Pockets full of money.

The advice for you is this:
Always hold your tail like a pipe,
If you don't miss the moment,
You will be our president.

You'll soon be rich
Since you will find the treasure,
Just don't yawn for too long,
Start digging tomorrow
Don't rest for a minute
Dig all 24 hours a day,
You'll be digging for three months,
And then you can swim in wealth.

If you want to be happy,
So here's some advice for you:
Eat three kilograms of salt
And a big bag of sweets,
Then drink it with vodka,
You'll be happy for the life of you.

Let me tell you my fortune, dear
Show your hand to your aunt!
I'll tell you the whole truth,
Even who stole the pants!

Why is the man upset?
I see everything is not as it is!
Need to fill a glass
And sit straight on your butt.

Yes, fate is your old woman
Like a horse's furrow!
Now to the left, now to the right
She will turn you on.

Well, I'll tell you
Lots of money, wife!
So that you don’t spend it all at once.
Let the wife keep the treasury!

I see you are a good man!
You have many sins!
You'll break that window with your hand,
Then you'll come home drunk.

Yes, my fortune telling is powerful!
Whatever I say, it will be so!
They took their glasses and raised them
And whoever is against is a fool!

Comic gypsy fortune telling for women***
To you, my dear, -
The road to the store
Products there are at a discount
A Georgian will sell you...
But be careful with him
You know what he is like:
The seller will destroy this
Your family peace!
It's time for you to get married
But they don't get married...
Now I'll guess
And tomorrow they will take it!
Late tonight
You will go out to the balcony,
And there is a man with flowers
AND white-white horse!

Such beautiful woman
What more could you want -
To you, my dear,
One thing I can say:
It's time for you to go on stage -
On stage to sing for you,
And we're on TV
Let's start watching you!

The stage has been crying for a long time,
Without seeing you there.
When you become famous,
Don't forget me!
To you, my dear,
I will say this about life:
You will find yourself a lover,
I’ll tell you how.

I won’t teach in front of everyone -
After all, this is your secret,
You will receive instructions
When will the banquet take place?
For a good woman
I don’t feel sorry for the good -
I'll tell you my fortune
Little kids...

And soon, very soon -
And tell your husband -
You arrived with the family,
Mom, wait!

To you, my beauty,
I will say this:
Don't make eyes at your neighbor
Otherwise I will punish you!
Of course it's very difficult
Don't stare at him
Moreover, he called
Go to the Caucasus...
Agree, dear,
Then you will give yours,
When I check for sure -
Who did he come here with?
All personalized congratulations

And you still believe in a fairy tale,
Do you want to be a princess?
And on myself Ivanushka -
To marry the prince...
I, in general, this is the case
I'll hug you
But only half the kingdom
I'll have to give it to you.
Only a wedding is cheaper
I'll make it all right
With the boy Ivan,
By rank - a fool!

Get up, my dear,
Get up from the table
A little happiness and wealth
I didn’t sleep through mine.
Walk half a kilometer
All the time to the east
And the money that is in the house
Bury it in the sand quickly.
From wooden money,
Literally a year later
It will rise, full of currency,
Green garden!
Don't worry about money
Don't break the rules.
The money will not disappear -
We will guard them!

People are lucky, Rada,
Straight, they take curls -
To you (point to the guest)
They will offer to go
to Hollywood itself.
There in this Hollywood
They're preparing a role for you
English Queen,
And Richard Gere is the king!
People are lucky, Rada,
Straight, they take curls,
We are right here with you
They won't accept you in Hollywood!

You, girl, at the wedding -
Well, the first "star"
Beautiful and smart
Always active.
You have your talents
And they give benefits -
There are a lot of suitors
I got ready, right there.
Be careful with them
Beauty, look!
Let two remain
Well, at most, let's say three.
To everyone else: “Goodbye!”
And wave your hand -
Look, you're drooling,
Complete drunks!

From many options
You will choose one -
He will be English
Solid gentleman.
Now you have to
Drink tea only with milk
And study zealously
English language.

Your husband today
It will shock you right away -
He'll bring you home from work
Mysterious bag.
The bag will move
Will show a red tail,
And soon everything will appear
Mustachioed scoundrel.

Don't look at life harshly
You will get married very soon.
I won’t hide who the groom is -
Let's put the apple in the dish.
I see everything as if in reality -
Your husband will take you to Moscow,
He will be rich, handsome,
Good-natured, not arrogant.
Happy career to you, girl.
Suddenly lucky -
WITH good offer
Your boss will come to you.

He will say that he is worthy
You are more than enough.
Naturally, salary
Will start paying double.

Comic fortune telling by a gypsy for men***
You're an old man,
And you still believe in fortune telling,
Probably advertisements
You also write to the newspaper.
To calm you down -
I'll make it up now...
A young girl
You will meet at a late hour!
And you will be pleased
And happy for five or six days,
While in your pocket
There are many currencies.

And you, probably, have money
And you're waiting for a house with a fountain,
Dream about it all
You don't get tired all day...

So, you are my silver

And my yacht, -

Your dream is so close

Just at your fingertips...
Lock it in your apartment
You finger the bathroom faucet -
It's so inexpensive
You will get a fountain!
You brought out the luck
Caught her by the tail -
Not everyone is so lucky
Luck and flair.
You, you are my killer whale,
Right from early morning
The wife will find you on the other side,
This will be “YES”...

To you, man, in life
So lucky -
You will advance in your career
Out of spite for envious people.
Honor and respect
People are waiting for you everywhere
And wives and mistresses
They'll wait a little.
For everything, my precious one,
Your strength is not enough
What can I do -
You asked for it yourself!

To you, my diamond,
Machine interest -
You will receive as a gift
Shiny Mercedes.
Don't bite your nails
And don't get into a rage
Your new car
A garage won't do.

Listen to us, honey,
Until the very end -
In a box with a red bow
Toy on the porch.

Such handsome guy,
But in love there is a failure.
Pretty blonde
You have chosen the camp.
Your calculation was inaccurate -
The blonde was taken away.
Incorrect calculations
My friend, you let me down!
Of course it's not free
Put it on your hand -
I'm getting a girlfriend:
Show me which one!

To a respectable man -
Solid interest.
Why into intimate business?
Have you climbed, sir?
On the naked body of money
You wanted to save up.
Now take a pill
Well, drink some water.
Remember: on washcloths
And brooms for baths
You won't see any income
At least hit the wall.

The candy wrapper with this fortune-telling can also be marked so that the “gypsies” know that it is better to read this fortune-telling out loud to them:

Here is the main ringleader
At the wedding table -
(or "For festive table»)
Shyness and modesty
I left it for later.

Pretended to be a sheep
Silent and simple
And I haven’t missed it yet
Not a single girl...
Look, my killer whale,
When you go home,
Rada and I for protection
Then you can take it with you!

New Year's Eve– this is the time when work colleagues get together, best friends, relatives, loved ones. It is impossible to imagine the New Year without fun, congratulations and, of course, gifts. Many people expect something special from him. Comic predictions for the New Year 2019 can be a real surprise for those who decided to celebrate this event in your circle.

  • for family;
  • for work colleagues;
  • for children;
  • for your closest friends.

In fact, there are a huge number of such forecasts. They can be with jokes, in prose, in poetry, short quatrains, according to the signs of the Zodiac, etc. They can be presented after competitions as a gift, after dance competitions in the form of surprises, said during a toast, etc. Short funny predictions for all guests can make New Year's Eve unforgettable.

New Year is the best time to lift the veil of mystery and find out. New Year's Eve is a time of miracles and therefore each of us is happy to know what will happen very soon.

When preparing for the New Year, you need to prepare predictions for all participants in advance New Year's Eve. They can be presented in in different forms. For example, in the form beautiful cards, which must be pulled from a colorful bag, a mysterious chest or a hat. Prophecies can be glued with tape with reverse side New Year's toys so that they are not visible. IN right moment You can invite guests to choose their favorite toy and read the predictions out loud. You can put a fateful forecast in cookies or candies that the hostess is preparing for New Year's Eve.

It’s better to have a little more options than guests. After all, for the one who turns out to be last in choosing predictions, it is very important to have a choice.

And yet, we must take into account that all prophecies are positive character, did not offend those present and did not touch them to the quick. In this regard, it is better to choose funny predictions with jokes. Each of us hopes only for the best in the coming year. Therefore, predictions should be kind and optimistic. Here are examples of forecasts for various situations, which are possible with .

Predictions for colleagues

Forget that the holiday is coming
You need to move forward in your career,
While colleagues are simply drinking heavily,
Hint your boss about career growth!

The coming year is prophesied for you
Fame, money and success!
A sea of ​​crazy emotions
And recognition from everyone!

Today you are among friends,
Shout again: “pour, pour”
So that tomorrow you won’t be ashamed,
Today you need to be respectable!

Funny predictions
For all honest company,
But personally, personally for you
And at all a year will pass Just kidding!

In the works next year
It will bring you success!
And a lot of money to boot,
To buy you a dacha in the Moscow region!

Forecasts in verse

You will have a lot of money
You will have a successful journey!
There won't be any worries
But the main thing is to start working!

The stars are prophesying for you today
Be kinder to your friends!
Otherwise they are all together
They will put you in your place!

All wishes at this hour
Today is just for you.
Sleep more, relax,
Don't waste your bottle!

This is a prediction
Talks about your upbringing!
Why laugh at others?
Try to figure it out for yourself!

It will be quiet in your personal life,
If you make me angry!
And if you are obedient,
Everyone will fall in love with you!

Short prophecies according to the signs of the Zodiac


Oh, what a stubborn sheep

We'll tell you straight to your face!

We need to give in more

So as not to get caught all year!


You don't have the strength of character

Well, start digging the dacha,

To stock up on low-fat food for you,

So that you become thin at the end of the year!


Your character is loving

Adventures abound for you

Carries to point five,

Oh, how would there be no adversity!


Cancer, crawl forward

Stop hiding behind everyone

Otherwise you'll be here for a whole year

Success will bypass!


Lions should be careful

Drink a lot so as not to fight.

To you all year long at all the parties,

Be at different drinking parties less often!


Stop sleeping or you'll oversleep

Happiness, you are completely friends,

Come on, wipe the dirt off your face,

It's high time you became a prince!


Stop hanging around in the hole

To be today, then not to be!

It's time for you to be able to decide

And start living actively!


They may run away from you

All friends, keep this in mind!

Refrain from biting

Next year, do it!


You are driven only by fire,

Don't touch you in a fever,

But you won’t burn when you’re blazing,

More often than not you extinguish passions!


Capricorn in the Year of the Dog

Get lucky in the lottery

He's your soulmate

He'll take you to the Canary Islands.


Let's celebrate the New Year!

Retribution will come later...

After all, drinking is dangerous for Aquarius,

Your head will be crazy in the morning.


You fishes swim in a smooth stream

And you shouldn’t give importance to the little things!

Then luck will quietly float nearby,

Moving you only forward!

Short funny predictions

  • I wish you not to be bored in vain. There will be new friends.
  • Don't let worry bother you. A new job is waiting for you.
  • There are many different impressions. On wonderful journeys.
  • May success follow. You are the best to study.
  • Surrounded you for comfort. And incomes will increase.
  • I wish you luck. A new addition to your family is waiting for you.
  • A toast to your health. There will be career growth for you.
  • Luck will not leave you. There will be a new dacha for you.
  • I want to keep the style. You will have a car.
  • Good luck, happiness, peace to you. You will have your own apartment.

Wishes for family and relatives

You have a lot of friends and acquaintances, and everyone will come to visit you soon.

Very soon from friends
Wait for good news!

You will soon be very lucky,
Fate will bring a surprise!

So that money flows like a river, so that you can have caviar for breakfast,
So that your career goes straight up, and in all matters - success!

So that you are loved and appreciated, so that you dig up a treasure in the forest,
To drink and not get sick, to eat and not get fat.

And a lot of household chores and household chores await you.
But in your family and in your personal life everything will work out great!

A good family atmosphere awaits you
And a dizzying personal career.

Let success follow! You are the best to study!

I wish you to live a pleasant and easy life!
And so that your wallet is tightly packed with money!

May you not live sadly,
Cabbage crunches in your wallet,
The key to the car is in my pocket,
The TV remote is waiting on the sofa.

Predictions for children

If you will help your mother
Wash dishes, put everything away,
Your wish will come true
For exemplary obedience!

You have a surprise, my friend,
A fun prize awaits you!
You just have to deserve it
And be good all year!

There will be a feast for you my friend
Well, prepare your mouth,
Lots of delicious ice cream
Sweets, cakes, pastries!

If you don't eat porridge
You won't grow up, my friend,
You'll be weak all year
Like a pea pod!

My friend, if you want to grow up
And save your health
Drink more milk
And don’t shed tears over him!