When will it be hot in July? Forecasters do not expect a hot summer in central Russia

Published 07/06/17 10:10

The Hydrometeorological Center and the Ministry of Emergency Situations announced the weather forecast for July-August 2017 in Moscow and Central Russia.

What will the second half of summer 2017 be like according to weather forecasters?

In 2017, the second half of summer will be moderately warm. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia told Izvestia that this month in Central Russia we should again expect heavy rains and squally gusts of wind. At the same time, in the south of Siberia and in the southern regions Far East Fires are possible - dry and hot weather is forecast there.

Head of the Department for organizing public information of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Alexey Vagutovich intkbbach reminded that in the last few months there have been many natural disasters. Moreover, what was previously an anomaly for some regions is now becoming the norm: a large number of precipitation, record minimum and maximum temperatures.

In such conditions, the Ministry of Emergency Situations had to reconsider the system of informing the population about possible disasters - social networks began to be used more.

In the summer of 2017, Moscow will experience tornadoes and hurricanes

According to the director of the Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand, in the summer dangerous phenomena observed five to six times more often than in winter. Vertical vortex structures - tornadoes - are extremely rare in our country, and he did not rule them out in the near future. According to Vilfand, in July you can expect hail, heavy rain, squally winds, and thunderstorms.

The problem is that many natural disasters it is impossible to predict in advance - this can be done in a day, and most often in several hours or even in several tens of minutes. Main recommendation, which Roman Vilfand gave to the residents of Russia, is to monitor weather forecasts very carefully in the summer.

In turn, Mikhail Lokoshchenko, a leading researcher at the Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, advises residents of central Russia not to put warm clothes and heaters far away. According to him, the summer will no longer be hot.

Long lasting weather anomaly, according to scientists, is associated with a long and stable blocking anticyclone over Central Europe. Cold air masses were constantly carried into the area of ​​the Russian Plain, which was located above its eastern periphery.

The hydrometeorological center spoke in detail about the anomalies of June 2017 in Moscow and the regions of Russia

According to operational climate monitoring carried out at the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, for the second month in a row (May and June) in the European territory of Russia (ER) from Barents Sea up to the Lower Volga it was abnormal cold weather. The end of spring and beginning of summer turned out to be the coldest here since 1994, and last June was the 2nd coldest in the 21st century, according to the Hydrometeorological Center website.

The opposite picture took place in Siberia, in the east of the Urals and in the west of Yakutia. It was hot here in June. Thermometers remained in the range of +25…+35 ° C for most of the month, and on some days reached +40 ° C. Average monthly temperatures in this region exceeded the norm by 2-5 ° C.

On average for the month, air temperatures were below normal not only in European Russia, but also in Scandinavia, India, eastern China and a significant part of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Average air temperature in June Northern Hemisphere Earth has rank 3-5 among the most high values, second in this indicator only to June 2016 and 2015.

What will the summer of 2017 be like in Russia: abnormal weather in the summer of 2017. For more than a month now, residents of the central and southern parts of Russia have had to bravely endure all the unpleasant surprises that the weather brings.

Destructive hurricanes, prolonged downpours and low temperature- this is clearly not the weather that Russians expected to experience at the end of May and beginning of June. This is not the first time that slight warming up to 20 degrees has been replaced by colder temperatures and rainfalls. Residents of our country are unlikely to remember such a cold “start” of summer over the past 30 or even 50 years. Therefore, every day more and more Russians are interested in the weather forecast for summer 2017.

What will the summer of 2017 be like according to weather forecasters?

Unfortunately, weather forecasters also tend to make mistakes. Thus, the forecasts they made on the 20th of May did not come true. According to the expectations of Hydrometeorological Center specialists, June was supposed to begin with average temperature about 20 degrees and dry. However, residents of the central regions of Russia continue to freeze and get wet under torrential downpours. Therefore, you should not expect a serious improvement in the weather in this part of the country until June 20 - the temperature is unlikely to rise above 22-23 degrees and the rain will remain.

However, if you believe the forecast of the chief forecaster of Russia, the head of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, then his general forecast for the summer still inspires some optimism. According to him, the summer of 2017 is expected to be changeable, but quite comfortable with average temperatures within normal limits. You should not expect very heavy precipitation, just like dry periods.

It’s amazing to watch the seasons change every year. It would seem that there were only frosts and winter, but already the buds on the trees were blooming. According to forecasts, the weather forecaster already knows what summer 2017 will be like in Moscow. What should residents of the capital expect: sweltering heat or wonderful coolness?

Of course you do accurate forecasts so much long time Even the best specialists in this field do not undertake it. Because while long-term climate change can be predicted with accuracy, the weather can vary depending on very different conditions. Accurate forecasts can be obtained almost every day. However, the Hydrometeorological Center takes into account different indicators and, as a result, can give more or less accurate forecasts for the summer already in the middle of winter.

Needless to say, summer is the favorite time of many people. This is the summer season, this is vacation, these are holidays and just warm evenings after work, which are nice to spend on fresh air in pleasant company. But you can only be in the fresh air in summer in Moscow if there is no rain or, conversely, it is not too hot that there is smog. Therefore, Muscovites are waiting for what the weather forecasters will please: so that even without heavy rains, but without the heat. What will the weather be like?

Moscow weather in June 2017

In the first month of summer, the temperature norm will be within its usual limits of about 18 degrees Celsius. In the first days of June it will be quite cool and even possible rain. But then it will gradually become warmer and, after heavy showers and thunderstorms, pleasant sunny weather will set in. The weather will begin to improve somewhere in the middle of the month, at which time, according to weather forecasters, strong summer winds should subside.

That is, already at the end of June Moscow will enter a pleasant summer time. On this moment All forecasts show that the weather will be as pleasant as possible both for walking around the city and for going on a picnic.

Moscow weather for July 2017

Most often, it is the second month of summer that brings the most surprises to Muscovites and guests of the capital. Because it gets very hot and in Rus', from time immemorial, July was considered the hottest month of the year. This can be seen even according to folk signs. This year it will also be sultry and hot, so perhaps trips to the sea or even just a vacation at the dacha are best planned for July.

As for the average temperature regime for this part of the summer of 2017, while weather forecasters are leaning towards 33 degrees Celsius during the day, for a large city of many millions this is, of course, a strong test. But such heat will last a maximum of ten days, and then the thermometer will drop to a more or less normal 25 degrees Celsius: the very thing you need in a beautiful red summer, even if we're talking about about the city. By the way, July this year will be dry: there are no signs of rain yet. Changes to the program for the current year.

Moscow weather in August 2017

A very hot July will be followed by a calm and confidently warm August. Moreover, while there are all the prerequisites to believe that the end of summer will be rainy, but warm weather will still remain within 25 degrees. At the very end of the month, you can expect surprises from nature in the form of a sharp drop in temperature to 15 degrees Celsius. But still, it should be pleasant and comfortable outside.

Summer in Moscow in 2017 will be great. What kind of summer it will be for each day of the week needs to be looked at closer to specific dates. Because weather forecasters always emphasize that it is possible to more or less predict long-term climate changes, because their fluctuations depend on global processes. But predicting the weather in the long term is a thankless task. A cyclone may suddenly appear, a different wind may blow, which will ultimately lead to a major complete change in the previous forecast.

We must not forget that nature does not have bad weather. This approach should be very close to Muscovites, because due to climatic and environmental factors In recent decades, the weather in the capital has become unpredictable and short term can change dramatically. It's important to find the right approach to every season and every manifestation of nature, to rejoice in every day. It doesn’t matter whether it’s just warm or sultry outside, or maybe there’s a romantic and continuous downpour.

Who doesn't love summer? There are probably few people on earth who prefer snowdrifts or golden leaf fall coupled with torrential rains to the July heat. Summer is time short skirts, rash decisions, beach, sun, relaxation, and real positivity. It is in the summer that most people go on vacation to the seas or to others, no less. wonderful places. But when will that hottest, stickiest summer ever arrive in the near future? More precisely, how many days away is summer in 2017? A special counter-timer can easily give the most accurate answer to these questions. It is thanks to such a modern gadget that you can, without much difficulty or personal time, determine the exact amount of time until the arrival of the “sweiest” time of the year.

Basic moments

Thanks to the most common calendar, you can easily find out the exact calendar at any time of the day or night.
the rest of the time until the arrival of summer 2017. By the way, most of those interested in the three hot months of next year also want to know what exactly this time will be like in terms of weather. Usually, using the information received, you can plan your vacation in advance. Today, for better orientation in the matter of weather, it is worth using two proven methods: the forecast of weather forecasters or the ability to check the truth with folk signs. One more thing: don’t forget about the Indian summer 2017 – farewell warm days before the attack cold autumn. When will summer come in Russia in 2017 and what will the weather be like at that time?

If you trust completely long-term forecasts weather forecasters, then summer will be uneven throughout Russia. Simply put, in some areas the arrival of the hot sun can be noted as early as the end of April, while others will not be able to enjoy the summer warmth until July. In the light of such information, a completely logical question arises: when will summer come in Russia?

June 2017

This month next year will turn out to be normal - not too hot. Of course, frosts are unlikely to manifest themselves at the beginning of summer, but even against the backdrop of May, the weather in June will be cooler. True, some of the weather forecasters have already stated more than once that May has become almost in the summer month due to a sharp increase in temperature. The same cannot be said about July 2017. You can go on vacation in June, but it’s better to wait a couple of weeks.

July 2017

The next month of summer will be one of the busiest for a wide variety of events. Which ones? It’s just that until July 1, 2017, the water warms up enough so that you can go to the beach and get your dose of vitamin D, mixed with water procedures. But this statement is more suitable for the southern regions of the Russian Federation, while in the northern regions the temperature in July will not exceed +20 degrees.

If we talk about precipitation, then in the middle of summer there should actually be no rain. By the way, this is one of the main features of Russian July.

August 2017

Since August is considered last month summer, at night the air temperature will drop noticeably, even despite the hot midday. A period of heavy rainfall is also expected, and some places may even experience prolonged downpours. True, in the southern region of Russia August will be dry and simply ideal for an even tan.

From the information provided, we can conclude that the summer of 2017 will be quite warm, dry and hot in places, and rainy and cool in others. But basically, all three months of this time of year should not differ too much from the average summer for each individual region.

Summer 2017 according to folk signs

Despite the ability to accurately predict the weather even over long periods of time, knowledgeable people do not trust 100% the words of the Hydrometeorological Centers. The easiest way to find out everything about the upcoming season is with the help of various folk signs. Thanks to this ancient and time-tested method, it will be possible to say no less accurately what the coming summer should be like. After all, previously there were no weather forecasters and, depending on the behavior of the weather, all sowing and harvesting took place. A lot of signs about any of the seasons have survived to this day, and each of them is special in its own way. It is worth choosing the most common of them to determine the “mood” of summer 2017.

1. If dew settles on the grass in the evening, tomorrow there will be good clear weather without precipitation.

2. If larks, swallows and swifts fly high during the day, the weather is not expected to change in the near future.

3. The leaves of the fern begin to curl downwards - the weather is good; upwards - you should expect bad weather.

4. The flies have become too active, which means the heat and summer heat will come soon.

5. If there are a lot of cobwebs flying in the air, the weather will remain dry and hot for the next few days.

6. The louder the grasshoppers chirp in the evening, the better off they will be. weather the next day.

7. Birch trees release a lot of sap in spring; summer will be cold and rainy.

8. If in the spring the snow on the anthill begins to melt on the southern side, then all three months of summer will be cold, while the northern part indicates a long and warm summer period.

9. If roosters begin to crow loudly during the day and chickens intensively preen their feathers, there will soon be a thunderstorm.

10. If there is lightning but no thunder during a summer thunderstorm, the coming weeks should be accompanied by dry weather.

This is only a small part of those folk signs with which you can determine the weather for any time of the year with a 100% guarantee. Try using them to independently determine the weather for June, July and August 2017. But to find out exactly how many days are left until next year, you can use a regular calendar. Everyone has this on mobile phone. If approximately, then about 11 months. Almost!