How to make New Year's toys from polymer clay. Christmas tree toys made of polymer clay

In December all the shops are crowded New Year's decor and toys, but why spend money and buy replicated jewelry when with the help polymer clay and some simple manipulations you can make Christmas decorations with my own hands! Baked polymer clay is a very strong material, even if you accidentally drop the finished toy, it will not break or receive any damage. This Christmas tree decoration will serve you well for many years! In this master class we will do DIY New Year's toy- it will be tender polymer clay snowflake...

DIY Christmas tree toys. Materials and tools

To create we need:
  • white(you can take a white translucent or waxy shade);
  • Liquid polymer clay (gel) Fimo, Sculpey or any other analogue;
  • Acrylic rolling pin or pasta machine;
  • White glitter, or any dry shimmering shadows;
  • Blade or stationery knife;
  • Needle or toothpick;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Two brushes: one for liquid plastic, the second for glitter;
  • Paper, pen and scissors;
  • Varnish for plastic.

Snowflake made of polymer clay. Master class

So, let's start sculpting :
1. First you need to draw a sketch of a snowflake on paper. You can do this by hand or find snowflake designs on the Internet, adjust them to the size you need, print and cut out the image. The diameter of my snowflake is 9 cm.

2. Knead the white plastic until maximum elasticity and roll out on the widest setting of a pasta machine or using an acrylic rolling pin. Place a model of a snowflake on the surface of the clay layer and roll it with a rolling pin so that during the cutting process it holds tightly and does not mix with the surface of the layer.

3. And now the longest and most labor-intensive process in this lesson is cutting out a snowflake from plastic. Using a thin blade or scalpel, clearly cut out all the outlines of the snowflake along the contours of the paper sketch. Try not to move the paper picture when cutting - if it is inconvenient to cut, do not unfold the snowflake, but twist the working surface itself, otherwise the paper sketch will move and it will be difficult to cut out a perfectly straight one.

4. Remove the paper sketch from the clay surface and use a scalpel to cut out a hexagonal shape in the center of the snowflake. Inspect the polymer clay snowflake for small uncut parts and get rid of them.

5. To ensure that the glitter adheres firmly to the surface of the future snowflake and does not fall off, generously lubricate the surface of the snowflake with liquid gel.

6. Let's start decorating DIY Christmas tree decorations. Using a brush, apply glitter or shimmering dry shadows of a white shade onto the surface of the snowflake coated with liquid plastic. Place the product in the oven for firing.

7. After firing, turn the snowflake over and again coat the other side with liquid gel and apply glitter or sparkles. Place the snowflake in the oven for the second baking.

8. Cover the product with water-based varnish, let it dry and thread a satin ribbon into the central hole of the snowflake, the ends of which are tied together in a knot. Your DIY Christmas tree toy is ready!

It can also be an excellent Christmas tree toy. We told you how to make it in the last master class.

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The New Year and Christmas holidays are approaching us every day. “Krestik” has already begun preparations for this magical fairy-tale time and showed you, dear needlewomen, what gifts and New Year’s decorations you can make with your own hands. We have also made a colossal selection of the best master classes on creating the symbol of 2017 - the Rooster. In addition, we invite you to make New Year's crafts from polymer clay. And we will make a New Year's boot and a pocket, which we will fill with festive little things.

We are sure that polymer clay crafts for the New Year will be a wonderful gift or decoration for your interior! So let's get started quickly! You will need:

  • Cold porcelain or plastic for creating flowers
  • Paint the colors you like
  • Pastel and brushes to apply it
  • Scissors with sharp tips
  • Floral ribbon (optional)
  • Stack for plastics
  • A rolling pin or any object that can be used to roll out the material
  • Utility knife or blade
  • Magnet
  • Glue (PVA, white latex, universal “Moment” or superglue
  • Wire
  • Paper and pencil for templates


Draw and cut out the shape of a sock from paper.

Mix some blue into the plastic.

Roll out with a rolling pin, apply the template and cut out.

To add texture to the sock, take any fabric, place it on top and roll it with a rolling pin - the pattern of the fabric will remain on the clay. You can also experiment with lace or any textured or patterned surfaces.

If you are working with cold porcelain or self-hardening clay, it is important to add texture quickly, without delay: then top layer will set and become elastic.

We mix plastic of a lighter tone than our sock (you can just add white).

Roll out a small piece.

We cut out a strip for the elastic band of the upper part of the sock, apply it, cut it to the required length and glue it (round the sides).

Roll out the light clay again, cut out a semicircle and place the heels in place; cut off the excess and glue it on.

We do the same with the “nose” (place for fingers).

On the toe and heel, using a stack or a piece of wire, we make indentations imitating threads.

We pierce holes on top of the elastic with a stack - like a machine stitch.

Leave to dry in a sock small item- so that a depression appears.


We do the same thing with our future denim pocket, we only change the shape.

We make a dotted line with wire, like threads on a real denim pocket.

Take a white pastel and blue colors, plan the crumb (more white than blue).

Use a brush to tint the pocket, making “scuffs”.

Brick wall

We make a brick wall on which the Christmas stocking will hang: we paint the porcelain in brown, roll out and cut out a rectangle.

Using a knife or a stack, not too deep, so as not to tear, we make longitudinal strips.

In the same way, we complete the brick drawing with vertical hollows between the lines.

We tint with white and brown pastels.

Holly sprigs

For making holly leaves dark green Take grass and dark green paint and mix it into porcelain.

Make a holly leaf template, roll out the porcelain and cut out the leaf.

Using mold or wire we make veins.

We glue a piece of wire into the middle of the sheet and make a rod. We will need several such leaves.

Now we make the holly berries. Roll out small peas of red plastic. We make a loop on the wire, dip it in glue and plant the berry. Using the wide end of the stack, make a depression in the center of the berry and drop dark brown or black paint into it.

For this it is better to use acrylic or watercolor, since oil takes a long time to dry.

We make buds: we roll up small pieces of plastic into droplets and string them on a wire.

Using scissors, we make criss-cross hollows. You can make a lot of such buds and berries different colors and size.

For added beauty, add small hydrangea flowers. We place a very small piece of clay on the wire with glue.

We pinch off 4 more identical pieces, roll them into droplets and roll them out into the shape of sharp petals.

Glue them one by one to the base, forming a flower.

Cones will look very beautiful in a bouquet.

To make them, we place a plastic ball on a wire coated with glue.

Using the tips of the scissors, make small cuts in a row in a circle.

Completely cover the ball with “needles”.

The bumps will look especially impressive different colors and sizes.

Candy and gift

For the “candy”, roll out a white sausage, trim right size and bend one end.

Paint the dried and hardened workpiece with a thin brush with red acrylic paint.

It is important to choose a smooth brush, without protruding hairs, otherwise you won’t get neat lines.

We paint with a spiral twisted line along the entire length. Let's dry it.


Instead of (or together with) candies, you can also make delicious colorful donuts! Watch a master class on sculpting fruit donut beads

We mold the “gift” in the shape of a small cube and cut it diagonally with a knife.

Roll out a ribbon of a different color thinly, flatten it with your finger and glue it onto the walls of the gift.

Making Christmas tree decorations from polymer clay is a pleasure! This kind of creativity brings a lot positive emotions, both during work and after it. Modeling has several advantages:

  • no need large number tools;
  • you can sculpt anything;
  • cheap and accessible material;
  • minimum labor.

Let's prepare the workplace and get started

By and large, making such crafts is no different from modeling from plasticine. The only difference is that the toy will need to be baked so that the clay hardens and the craft retains its beauty. Before work you need to prepare the place. Put everything on the table necessary materials and tools:

  • polymer clay;
  • a little flour or talcum powder;
  • small knife;
  • paints;
  • paper clips;
  • threads

We will sculpt figures from clay. We will need a knife for leveling the surface, as well as for applying patterns, indentations, and so on. The paper clips will play the role of ears to which we will tie the thread. Talcum powder or flour perfectly prevents clay from sticking to your hands or table, which prevents modeling.

We will paint the crafts after the clay hardens.

Wash your hands thoroughly before sculpting! Clean hands are the basic rule of sculpting. Not a single speck should get into the clay: this material sticks well, thereby it will “collect” all the debris. This also applies to the workplace, which should also be as clean as possible.

Let's start simple

You need to start by making the simplest Christmas tree decorations from clay. For example, from ordinary balls. In addition to the items presented above, you will need a foam ball.

Please note that the balls cannot be made entirely of this material, as they will be impossible to bake correctly. Maximum thickness clay should not exceed one centimeter! To make three-dimensional figures, use a “filling” from another material, for example, foil or foam.

If you don't have a foam ball, use foil. Make a small ball of foil, 3-4 centimeters in diameter.

Cover it with clay and roll it all in your palms to form an even ball. Take one small paperclip and stick it into the ball so that the ear sticks out slightly. Roll the ball in your palms again: the paperclip will be securely fixed in the clay. That's it, you can bake it (read the rules for baking in the next section).

After firing, wait until it cools down. All that remains is to decorate our toy. It is better to apply the background color with spray paint. After it dries, you can paint with other colors (with a brush) anything you want: the symbol of the year, a snowflake, a snowman or Santa Claus. Insert thread into the eye of the paperclip and tie a loop. Beautiful Christmas ball self made ready, just like factory! For short time you can make dozens of different toys without much difficulty.

Learning to make various figures

The simplest of them are flat toys. Here you will need some clay and one little secret. Culinary cookie cutters, which we will literally use to stamp out the blanks. We put the clay on the table and begin to roll it out like dough. We take tin molds and “stamp” blanks: hearts, Christmas trees, diamonds, and so on.

Insert paper clips or wire loops into the top parts. Place them on a baking sheet and bake like cookies. Further - only your imagination. You can glue something on them or draw something on them.

Do not forget to sprinkle flour or talc on your hands while sculpting. Without this, the clay will stick strongly to your fingers and the table, which will greatly complicate the making of the craft!

Complex (voluminous) clay Christmas tree decorations require a little more attention and perseverance.

You may need to sculpt individual parts from polymer clay, and only then assemble a whole figurine from them.

For example, this snowflake. It is assembled from a base, many different petals and circles.

Or, for example, a figurine of some animal, where the body, head, paws and tail are sculpted separately, and only then assembled into one.

Here it is better to use matches as a reinforcing material.

A beautiful house from a fairy tale.

A little patience and a cute owlet-miracle bird will appear in your hands.

Firing rules

It deserves even more attention compared to making Christmas tree decorations from clay with your own hands. Baking incorrectly can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Agree, it will be a shame if the craft you have been working on for a long time simply falls apart. Therefore, you need to adhere to the rules.

What to use for baking

Earthenware plates, ceramic tiles or the simplest steel pan are used as firing utensils. Be sure to place baking parchment on the last one, and only the crafts on top. It is better to put several layers of paper so that the products do not become deformed.

What temperature is needed and for how long

It depends on the craft itself, or rather, on its thickness and type of clay. Such information is always written on the packaging; be sure to read it before firing. Typically, the optimal temperature is 110-130 degrees Celsius.

It's best to use an oven thermometer to monitor the temperature.

When the craft is thin, for example a flower or leaf, the required time will not exceed five to eight minutes.

For massive textures, sometimes it takes half an hour. If you decide to burn something bulky, use toothpicks, as shown in the photo. This is done so that the craft is evenly fired on all sides.

Winter has already arrived, but nevertheless, in many cities the weather is not at all snowy. And I really want at least a little New Year’s snowy atmosphere! You can create it at home using different materials, for example, polymer clay. I suggest you decorate your Christmas trees with a cute toy made from this material. The snowman will turn out very bright and pleasing to the eye. In addition, such a snowman can serve as a keychain for you in the future.

We will need:
- polymer clay (white, orange, blue (you can take other colors, but of course it’s better to leave the snowman white);
- stacks for polymer clay;
- regular table salt;
- connecting ring;
- black marker or pen;
- two black beads.

Step 1

So, it's better to prepare everything first small details future snowman, namely: a carrot nose and buttons. You can additionally make snowmen a scarf, hat or something else. If you have baked clay, then immediately bake these small elements according to the instructions. If it’s self-hardening, just wait until the elements become hard.

Step 2

Now let's start working with white plastic. Quantity is at your discretion. If you are making a Christmas tree toy or keychain, then it should not be particularly large. And if, for example, you want to make cute ones with snowmen, then you will need to take much less clay. Make a snowman's body (the largest ball), a round head (a medium-sized ball) and two smallest balls (future arms) from white clay. You can make a snowman from three or even four parts, but this way it will look more neat.

Step 3

Next, pour regular table salt onto a saucer and roll all the white elements of the snowman in it - this will give the craft a “snowy” effect. You need to roll several times, but do not shake off excess salt. But if you wish, you can skip this step, leaving the snowman completely smooth.

Step 4

If you have baked clay, do not rush to put the figurine in the oven. Start connecting all the elements at once: first the head with the body. The clay has a fairly sticky texture, so there is no need for glue here - everything adheres well, although for reliability it is better to place small elements on glue. The photo cannot show the entire texture of the snowman: it turned out to be quite porous, reminiscent of real snow.

Step 5

Don't forget about the snowman's arms. By the way, it’s better to immediately insert the ring into the snowman’s head while the figurine is raw, otherwise you’ll have to drill a hole for it later, there is a risk of damaging the figurine, but you don’t want that? But if you forgot about it, then take the thinnest drill for such work and act extremely carefully!

Step 6

For the snowman's eyes, I took two black beads, but you can simply draw them with a marker. And in general, here you can take beads and other materials at your discretion. Even though you have already baked the nose or waited until it dries, it will attach perfectly to the raw figurine. And during the baking process everything will set even better. Well, if your clay hardens, then you will just need to wait for the figure to dry completely.

Step 7

Don't forget the snowman's buttons. It is better to glue them with glue, as they can “slip” off the round belly of the figure. The dot holes are also drawn in with a marker (in the case of baking, after the figure is completely ready).

Step 8

Something is missing: be sure to add a smile to the snowman so that he brings only joy to your home, charging everyone with positive energy! By the way, if something falls off during the process, don’t be afraid and don’t rush to get upset, just glue everything back into place! So, after this, you can safely bake the toy (in this case, paint on a smile after baking) or wait for it to dry.

Step 9

As a hanger, you can take a satin ribbon that matches the color of the craft itself. Thread it into a ring and tie it with a bow - it's that simple! Although you can make a pendant from threads or any beautiful chain.

Ready-made Christmas tree toy “Snowman” made of polymer clay

Now the toy is ready, which you can safely hang on the Christmas tree. This snowman really stands out against the backdrop of this spiky green beauty! And so that the snowman doesn’t get bored, involve all household members in the creativity and create a real family for the snowman! The process of sculpting snowmen on the Christmas tree will captivate both adults and children! By the way, after the New Year, you don’t have to put the craft away along with other toys until next year: just remove the ribbon and attach the appropriate accessories to the ring - you’ll get a cute keychain! This way, even in spring or summer, you will be filled with the fabulous mood of winter every time you use the keys. I wish you a fabulous and snowy mood and creative success!

Making Christmas tree decorations from polymer clay is a pleasure! Such creativity brings a lot of positive emotions, both during work and after it. Modeling has several advantages:

  • no need for a large number of tools;
  • you can sculpt anything;
  • cheap and accessible material;
  • minimum labor.

Let's prepare the workplace and get started

By and large, making such crafts is no different from modeling from plasticine. The only difference is that the toy will need to be baked so that the clay hardens and the craft retains its beauty. Before work you need to prepare the place. Place all the necessary materials and tools on the table:

  • polymer clay;
  • a little flour or talcum powder;
  • small knife;
  • paints;
  • paper clips;
  • threads

We will sculpt figures from clay. We will need a knife for leveling the surface, as well as for applying patterns, indentations, and so on. The paper clips will play the role of ears to which we will tie the thread. Talcum powder or flour perfectly prevents clay from sticking to your hands or table, which prevents modeling.
We will paint the crafts after the clay hardens.

Wash your hands thoroughly before sculpting! Clean hands are the basic rule of sculpting. Not a single speck should get into the clay: this material sticks well, thereby it will “collect” all the debris. This also applies to the workplace, which should also be as clean as possible.

Let's start simple

You need to start by making the simplest Christmas tree decorations from clay. For example, from ordinary balls. In addition to the items presented above, you will need a foam ball.

Please note that the balls cannot be made entirely of this material, as they will be impossible to bake correctly. The maximum thickness of the clay should not exceed one centimeter! To make three-dimensional figures, use a “filling” from another material, for example, foil or foam.

If you don't have a foam ball, use foil. Make a small ball of foil, 3-4 centimeters in diameter.
Cover it with clay and roll it all in your palms to form an even ball. Take one small paperclip and stick it into the ball so that the ear sticks out slightly. Roll the ball in your palms again: the paperclip will be securely fixed in the clay. That's it, you can bake it (read the rules for baking in the next section).

After firing, wait until it cools down. All that remains is to decorate our toy. It is better to apply the background color with spray paint. After it dries, you can paint with other colors (with a brush) anything you want: the symbol of the year, a snowflake, a snowman or Santa Claus. Insert thread into the eye of the paperclip and tie a loop. This beautiful handmade Christmas ball is ready, just like a factory one! In a short time you can make dozens of different toys, without much difficulty.

Learning to make various figures

The simplest of them are flat toys. Here you will need a little clay and one little secret. Culinary cookie cutters, which we will literally use to stamp out the blanks. We put the clay on the table and begin to roll it out like dough. We take tin molds and “stamp” blanks: hearts, Christmas trees, diamonds, and so on.

Insert paper clips or wire loops into the top parts. Place them on a baking sheet and bake like cookies. Further - only your imagination. You can glue something on them or draw something on them.

Do not forget to sprinkle flour or talc on your hands while sculpting. Without this, the clay will stick strongly to your fingers and the table, which will greatly complicate the making of the craft!

Complex (voluminous) clay Christmas tree decorations require a little more attention and perseverance.
You may need to sculpt individual parts from polymer clay, and only then assemble a whole figurine from them.
For example, this snowflake. It is assembled from a base, many different petals and circles.

Or, for example, a figurine of some animal, where the body, head, paws and tail are sculpted separately, and only then assembled into one.
Here it is better to use matches as a reinforcing material.

A beautiful house from a fairy tale.

A little patience and a cute owlet-miracle bird will appear in your hands.

Firing rules

It deserves even more attention compared to making Christmas tree decorations from clay with your own hands. Baking incorrectly can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Agree, it will be a shame if the craft you have been working on for a long time simply falls apart. Therefore, you need to adhere to the rules.

What to use for baking

Earthenware plates, ceramic tiles or the simplest steel pan are used as firing utensils. Be sure to place baking parchment on the last one, and only the crafts on top. It is better to put several layers of paper so that the products do not become deformed.

What temperature is needed and for how long

It depends on the craft itself, or rather, on its thickness and type of clay. Such information is always written on the packaging; be sure to read it before firing. Typically, the optimal temperature is 110-130 degrees Celsius.

It's best to use an oven thermometer to monitor the temperature.

When the craft is thin, for example a flower or leaf, the required time will not exceed five to eight minutes.
For massive textures, sometimes it takes half an hour. If you decide to burn something bulky, use toothpicks, as shown in the photo. This is done so that the craft is evenly fired on all sides.

If fired incorrectly, toxic gas may be released from the clay! Monitor the temperature and time, be sure to follow the recommendations. Do not bake polymer clay crafts with food.

Dog made of polymer clay - video

Beautiful Christmas tree toys made of polymer clay - video