The secret meaning of the name. Elmira is a princess! The name Elmira origin and meaning

Full name: Elmira

Similar names: Ilmira, Amira, Almira

Church name: -

Meaning: honest; conscientious; famous

The meaning of the name Elmira - interpretation

The name has Arabic roots according to one version. Translated it means “ruler of the world”, “princess”. The name Elmira has several versions of its origin. So, if we talk about the Muslim version, then it was among the representatives of this religious movement that this name appeared in the first place. Other historians say that among the Tatars the meaning of the name Elmira is conscientious, honest, famous, illustrious.

Name Elmira in other languages

Astrology of the name Elmira

Favorable day: Tuesday

Years later

Elmira is a sickly, not very sociable girl. It takes a long time to get used to kindergarten. She plays with everyone, but you have to approach her first. The girl is silent, obedient, her parents have no problems with her. IN elementary school He studies well and is persevering. She is flexible and will perform well in artistic circles, dancing, and singing. With age, she becomes more welcoming and friendly, acquiring a wide circle of friends.

Elmira is growing up as a cheerful and sociable girl, but this does not become noticeable right away. If there are strangers nearby, she becomes silent and shy. The girl grows up obedient and easy to raise. At the same time, she understands very well what is good and what is bad. Elmira does not succumb to negative influences, which allows her to worry much less about the child. It can also be noted that the girl does not like to take risks and is extremely cautious. This feature will remain with her for the rest of her life.

Growing up, Elmira does not become more sociable. She has one true friend, whose friendship the girl values ​​very much. Her main hobby is reading, books will completely replace her live communication. Elmira is a real homebody, that's all free time devotes his time to studies. Easily enters a prestigious educational institution. The owner of the name has a balanced character; she is extremely careful in her statements and judgments. Distinctive feature character - responsiveness.

Elmira is always ready to help and sympathize with a person. Those around her know this character trait and often take advantage of her kindness and responsiveness. Elmira studies diligently and even with pleasure. The girl has excellent academic abilities, which is noticeable even in kindergarten. She is smart and loves books very much. The craving for reading remains with her throughout her life, and she reads especially a lot in adolescence. The child has many talents besides studies. Elmira has naturally good vocal abilities, and her ear for music allows her to become successful in the musical field.

Elmira is a modest and rather reserved woman who is loyal to others. She has a balanced character, she hates haste, she carefully thinks through all her actions and plans in advance. They often turn to her for help. Elmira is a sympathetic person; she “passes” through herself all the troubles of her loved ones. Helps others selflessly, without expecting anything in return. She knows how and loves to work, but she will never become an ambitious careerist.

For the adult Elmira, children will always come first; for their sake, she is ready to sacrifice her own self-realization. The most energetic name is Elmira, born in winter. She will constantly try to manage her husband. But in return, the farm will be properly managed. Elmira will be especially good at cooking. In her personal life, she is not always happy and often marries several times. She still can't find her mother and mother-in-law common language.

Elmira's character

What does the name Elmira mean? The meaning of the name Elmira is determined in numerology by the number 9, which indicates a person with various talents. Elmira is capable of becoming a leader if she does not deviate from the high ideals that she initially proclaims and begins to strive for justice and honesty.

Under the number 9, talented, creative people are often born, who subsequently become famous throughout the world, and it is quite possible that a girl named Elmira will have the same future. It all depends on her desires and abilities. If they can be united and sent to the right direction– success will not be long in coming, no matter what goal the name Elmira sets for herself.

Year-old Elmira has the most difficult family relationships. She is not very friendly and affectionate with her husband, and it is difficult for her to find a common language with her own mother. But in her family she is the absolute leader.

Later, after the birth of the children, mother Elmira, as a rule, does not work at all, constantly focusing only on their upbringing. She cannot be called capricious at all, but she can be extremely contradictory.

Elmira's fate

In numerology, the name Elmira corresponds to the number six. It predetermines the desire of the owner of the name for stability and peace. Throughout her life, Elmira will try to look impeccable in the eyes of others; for her, there is nothing more important than reputation. She is a person who will never take the path of radical decisions.

In any situation, a woman will try to find a compromise; she cannot stand conflicts.
The Six will never be a leader. But as an executive and responsible employee, she simply has no equal. The totem bird is the vulture. She endows Elmira with slowness, phlegmatism, and sensitivity to the opinions of people around her.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Studying is easy. The owner of the name often receives two higher education, works in his specialty. Career ambitions and vanity are alien to her; she does not know how and will never weave intrigues in the service. For the sake of children, a woman is able to quit any job and devote herself entirely to housekeeping. Elmira belongs to that category of women who firmly believe that a man should bring money into the family.

She receives a small salary and is completely satisfied with it. She will never be poor, because she knows how to choose enterprising men as life partners. In the entrepreneurial field will not become a founder profitable business, but quite an executive partner. The ideal option is a family business in which a woman can completely rely on her husband and simply carry out all his instructions.

Marriage and family

Elmira is a woman who, on a subconscious level, strives for family relationships. In marriage she finds legal grounds isolate yourself from the outside world, build your own. In the family he displays unusual traits - despotism, leadership. Elmira is obsessed with control, she seeks to dominate her family. She finds the real meaning of life in children, and for their sake she is ready to completely give up even a very successful career.

Elmira is a good housewife and cook, a real keeper of the hearth. She is faithful to her husband and demands the same from her husband. Elmira's first marriage is most often unsuccessful. Divorce is not easy for her, but she is the one who initiates it.

Sex and love

Natural shyness and modesty prevent Elmira from communicating with the opposite sex. For the first romantic relationship is far from being resolved at a young age, manifests herself as a faithful and caring chosen one.

Shows caution in choosing a partner. An active, purposeful guy with a pleasant appearance can attract her attention. He should not be overly active, otherwise Elmira will feel uncomfortable around him. In sexual relationships she is reserved and completely subordinate to her partner.


Since childhood she has been growing sickly, parents should pay a lot of attention to her health and take her to a sanatorium for preventive purposes. She has a good vitality, but it’s hard to wake her up in the morning. You need to get enough sleep and proper nutrition to avoid problems in the future. In adult life, weak areas are the heart and blood vessels, and there may be a tendency to allergic reactions.

Although Elmira’s health is not great, it cannot be called weak either. As we have already written, Elmira is a fairly athletic girl, which of course has a positive effect on the child’s immunity. And the girl’s obedience makes it easy to follow the regime. Elmira has a high vitality, although she likes to sleep in the morning.

Interests and hobbies

My lifelong passion is reading. As a teenager, Elmira reads voraciously, sacrificing live communication with peers for the sake of books. If the parents decide to send the girl to dance, rhythmic gymnastics or singing, then she will definitely achieve success in these areas. He shows himself in the following areas: pedagogy, public relations, and can become an excellent assistant manager.

The most active and decisive in comparison with the others is those born in winter. In her personal life she is shy, which can lead to a rather late marriage, in which she nevertheless plays main role. Doesn't like getting up early in the morning. If she was born in December, then there may be two marriages in her life. These women give birth mostly to girls.

Forms of the name Elmira

Short form of the name Elmira. Elya, Mira, Almira, Alma, Amira, Mira, Elma, Elmi. Synonyms for the name Elmira. Ilmira, Amira, Almira.

Name Elmira in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 艾瑪拉 (Ài mǎ lā). Japanese: エルマイラ (Erumaira). Gujarati: એલ્મિરા (Ēlmirā). Hindi: एल्मिरा (Ēlmirā). Ukrainian: Elmira. Greek: Ελμίρα (Elmíra). English: Elmira (Elmira).

Origin of the name Elmira

The name Elmira has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Elmira is a traditional Muslim name. Among the Tatars, the name Elmira sounds like Ilmira, Almira. It is translated as “honest, conscientious”, and also has the meaning “famous, famous”.

According to the second version of origin, the name Elmira is a European name. In French Elmira is a female name paired with the male name Elmir (Elmer), Edelmir, Adelmar, Ademar, Aldemar, translated from ancient German meaning “glorious defender”, “famous warrior”.

According to the third version, the name Elmira is a Soviet revolutionary name, which is formed from the combination “Electrification of the WORLD”.

The name Elmira is widespread among Muslims, but is also found among both Armenians and Russians.

The diminutives Mira, Amir, El are also independent names.

Characteristics of the name Elmira

Elmira’s character is not bad, most often balanced, characterized by a cautious approach to everything. It is in vain to expect impulsive actions from this woman, because she tends to carefully think through and weigh every decision. IN childhood she will also be very cautious and serious, but at the same time affectionate and sweet. The parents of this girl can be calm about her, since she is independent, loves to study, enjoys participating in clubs (most often dance classes), takes her household responsibilities responsibly, and is not subject to negative impact the children around her.

Sometimes the owners of this name grow into women who are too morally strict and can be reserved, so in childhood and adolescence, parents should pay attention to ensuring that their daughter does not withdraw into herself, but spends more time in public and knows how to relax. Such Elmira as an adult, although she will build her life carefully and according to rules, will still not be afraid of change and will be able to be open to communication.

Zodiac sign corresponding to the name- Aries, Scorpio.
Patron planet- Mars.
Talisman-stone, mineral, metal- jasper, Lapp blood, amethyst.
Talisman-color- red.
Plant talisman- asparagus, radish, beans.
Animal mascot- vulture, horse, dog.
The most successful day- Tuesday.
Predisposition to traits such as- receptivity, secrecy, impulsiveness, friendliness, discretion.

Numerology of the name Elmira

Those with the name number 6 are calm and sane. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and good name more expensive than immediate benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. Sixes are no different leadership qualities, however, they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


Planet: Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio.
Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, beans, hot pepper.
Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Elmira as a phrase

E (YE = E) Esi
L People
L Er (Creeping, Soft, Soft)
M Think
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Elmira

Characteristics of the name Elmira by season

“Winter” is more energetic and decisive than those born at other times of the year. In a marriage, the spouse leads. In the morning she likes to sleep longer and should not be woken up. She cooks deliciously. She cooks deliciously. She gives birth to girls and very rarely a boy.

“Autumn” is prudent and carefully thinks through her actions. She is disgusted, which is why she rarely visits, but she herself is very hospitable. Not too happy in her personal life. Cooking. Feels the need to change the environment, often rearranges furniture. Has well-developed intuition.

“Summer” is not very friendly and is not kind to her husband. The relationship with the mother is difficult. After the birth of a child, Elmira, as a rule, does not work, raising children. She has colorful dreams, often prophetic. Elmira is always the leader in the family. She is sincere in love, somewhat impulsive. Generous at heart. Does not tolerate heart complications, is very jealous. Not capricious, not very contradictory. Prudent, careful in relationships with people. Family life arranges it in her own way, and usually she succeeds. Relies more on his intuition than on his own conclusions. In love he gives a lot to his spouse, but demands even more from him. She is loyal, friendly, reliable. She is incompatible with her mother-in-law, so she and her family should live separately. “December” happens in marriage twice.

Characteristics of the name Elmira

Translated from Spanish - "princess". IN early childhood Elmira is growing sick and afraid strangers, does not suit everyone. In kindergarten she is shy and silent, but plays with everyone who approaches her first. He studies well at school and at the same time successfully studies in music school. She is flexible, dances and sings well. Reads a lot in early age constantly asks her parents to read to her. She has only one real friend.

Having matured, she becomes withdrawn, but remains flexible, even submissive. Outwardly she looks like her father, but her character inherits her mother’s. Homebody. He enters a university without much difficulty, can seriously take up music and study at a conservatory. Upon graduation, he becomes a doctor, teacher, accountant, nurse, music teacher, architect, fashion designer, engineer, and salesman. Being modest, she gets married late. Winter Elmira is more energetic and decisive than those born at other times of the year.

In a marriage, the spouse leads. In the morning she likes to sleep longer and should not be woken up. She cooks deliciously. Girls are born and very rarely a boy. December is married twice. Autumn is calculating and carefully thinks through her actions. She is disgusted, which is why she rarely visits, but she herself is very hospitable. Not too happy in her personal life. Cooking. Feels the need to change the environment, often rearranges furniture. Has well-developed intuition. Summer - not too friendly, unkind to her husband. The relationship with the mother is difficult. After the birth of a child, Elmira, as a rule, does not work, raising children. She has colorful dreams, often prophetic.

Elmira is always the leader in the family. She is sincere in love, somewhat impulsive. Generous at heart. Does not tolerate heart complications, is very jealous. Not capricious, but very contradictory. Prudent, careful in relationships with people. She arranges family life in her own way, and usually she succeeds. Relies more on his intuition than on his own conclusions. In love he gives a lot to his spouse, but demands even more from him. Too sensitive to external influences. She is loyal, friendly, reliable. She is incompatible with her mother-in-law, and therefore it is better for her and her family to live separately.

Pros and cons of the name Elmira

What are the pros and cons of the name Elmira? On the one hand, it is very beautiful, delicate, with an intriguing oriental shade in its sound. Its owners have an even, good character, besides, this name goes well with many Russian surnames and patronymics. In general, if we consider that this name can be combined with several beautiful abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Elya, Mira, Elma, Elmirochka, then it turns out that it is excellent option in order to name your child that.


But Elmira’s health is a factor that requires the constant attention of her parents and herself. In childhood, the owner of this name may have poor appetite and reduced immunity. And as an adult, she may experience allergies, problems with metabolism or blood vessels.

Love and family relationships

In matters of the heart, Elmira's modesty will not be the most the best method in order to start a relationship, so she rarely meets new men, and then she does not know how to open up, looking closely for a long time and being careful. She needs a person who is a little more active than her, but not bright, since Elmira will feel awkward next to him. A weak man is also not suitable for her, because next to such a man the owner of this name will be unkind, maybe even tyrannical. She will be comfortable in the role of a mother, since she often finds the meaning of life in children.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Elmira can find herself in the role of an educator, for example, a teacher primary classes, music or dance teacher. But it is possible that she will quit her job after giving birth to children, becoming a housewife.

Famous people named Elmira

Elmira Kotlyar ((1925 - 2006) Russian poetess, translator, Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1961) and the Union of Moscow Writers)
Elmira Skripchenko ((born 1976) famous French, formerly Moldavian chess player, European champion (2001), multiple champion of Moldova and France, international grandmaster)
Elmira Galeeva ((born 1962) Russian singer, songwriter, laureate of the Grushinsky Festival, author of more than 200 songs)
Elmira Zherzdeva ((born 1936) Soviet singer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
Elmira Antonyan ((born 1955) Soviet athlete, seven-time USSR champion in singles (1976), doubles (1975, 1976) and mixed doubles (1976, 1977, 1980, 1981), two-time European champion in team competitions (1974, 1976 ), two-time medalist of the world championship in doubles (1975) and mixed doubles (1975) in table tennis; master of sports of the USSR of international class (1972))
Ilmira Shamsutdinova ((born 1976) Soviet and Russian fashion model, Miss USSR 1991)
Ilmira Nagimova (Tatar singer)
Elmira Abdrazakova ((born 1994) Russian model, winner of the Miss Russia contest in 2013, in the same year she represented Russia at Miss Universe)

Elmira's name day

Elmira does not celebrate her name day, since this name is not on the church calendars.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Elmira is suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Taurus, that is, from April 20 to May 20. This sign will slightly soften Elmira’s natural seriousness, make her simpler, patient, and sentimental, while maintaining her practicality, emotional and material reliability, observation and desire to achieve harmony in everything.

The meaning of the name Elmira s Spanish- "princess".

Diminutive variations of the name: Mira, Elya, Alma, Almira, Amira, Elmi, Elma.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Elmira is German, Tatar, Muslim. According to one version it is traditional Muslim name. It has such variations as Almira, Ilmira. Which in translation from Tatar means “conscientious, honest”, as well as “famous, illustrious”.

According to another version of origin, the name is European. From the ancient Germanic language it is interpreted as “famous warrior”, “glorious defender”. In French there are male variations of the name - Edelmir, Elmir, Ademar, Adelmar, Aldemar.

The name is common mainly among Muslims, but is also found among Russians and Armenians.

Characteristics of the name


Characteristics of the name Elmira are secrecy, receptivity, friendliness, impulsiveness, discretion.

Elmira as a child is a silent and shy child. She dances and sings well, and pleases her parents with excellent success at school. Loves books and is drawn to reading. As a rule, a girl is similar in character to her mother, and in appearance to her father. She is hardworking and flexible.

According to the seasons

  • Autumn“Elmira thinks through every step and is very prudent. She has good intuition. Often feels the desire to change something in his life. The girl enters the university and studies with ease. In any field of activity actively uses intuition and hints inner voice. As a profession, he can choose to be a teacher, doctor, accountant, engineer, architect. However, after the birth of a child, Elmira often devotes herself to home and gives up her career.
  • Winter” more energetic and decisive. She gets married late. Most often she leads her husband. She is a great cook and a homebody.
  • Summer“The owner of this name strives to be a leader everywhere. She has difficulty finding a common language with her husband, and is not very friendly with her mother or mother-in-law.
  • Spring” is closed in communication. Doesn't like to visit. She is very careful in her relationships with people. She is friendly, loyal, reliable.

Personal life

In love she is sincere and impulsive. She is not capricious, but very jealous. Elmira is a generous soul, gives a lot to her husband, but also demands no less.

Name compatibility

The name Elmira is well compatible with male names: Harry, Adolf, Igor.

Not suitable for marriage: Albert, Vladislav, German, Maxim. Elmira's personal life usually goes well.

Name day

Elmira does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people

Famous people with the name Elmira: Elmira Galeeva (Russian singer), Elmira Antonyan (Soviet athlete), Elmira Skripchenko (French chess player), Elmira Kotlyar (translator, Russian poet), Elmira Zherzdeva (Soviet artist), Ilmira Nagimova (Tatar singer), Shamsutdinova Ilmira (photo model).

People have always known that the name given at birth has special power over fate. It gives various character traits, inclinations, and abilities. In order to fully realize oneself as an individual in this world, it is important to understand exactly what strengths and weaknesses bestows your name.

Origin of the name

The name Elmira has several versions of its origin. According to the first - Muslim - Elmira means “princess”, “mistress”, “mistress”. This name is considered to be a derived form of the name Amir, which in turn is a feminine variation.

It is also possible that Elmira is female uniform Arabic name Elmir, meaning “lord of the world.”

There is also a French version of this name. In France there is a traditional male name Elmer (Elmir), meaning “glorious defender”, “valiant warrior”. In this case, Elmira is a girl who is predicted to gain glory in battle.

In the Soviet Union, compound revolutionary names were in vogue, and the name Elmira was deciphered as “Electrification of the WORLD.”

In the Soviet Union, names made up of propaganda slogans were widely popular.

Name forms

The name Elmira is abbreviated in different ways:

  • Mira;
  • Almira;
  • Alma;
  • Amira;
  • Mira;
  • Elma;
  • Elmi.

Elmira is affectionately called this way:

  • Elmirochka;
  • Mirochka;
  • Ellochka;
  • Elechka.

Matching middle names

Middle names combine beautifully with the name Elmira:

  • Mironovna;
  • Lvovna;
  • Miroslavovna;
  • Leonidovna;
  • Andreevna.

Related names

For the name Elmira, related names are Arabic names Amir, Amira, Elmir, French Elmer, Elmir, Edelmir. A form of name such as Ilmira is often found.

Table: Elmira in other languages

Church name

The name Elmira is not in the Orthodox or Catholic calendars, so at baptism they choose a different name for her. As a rule, when conducting a ceremony, the most consonant name, which is on the list - in the case of Elmira, the name Elena is closest in sound. After being baptized under a different name, Elmira will have the same patron saints as Helen.

Elmira does not celebrate her name day.

Photo gallery: patron saints of Helena

Holy Martyr Helen - daughter of the Apostle Alpheus Helen Equal to the Apostles (Constantinople) - queen, did a lot to spread the Christian faith, using her political influence Helen of Serbia - queen, reverend, mother of St. Stephen, King of Serbia (XIV century)


According to the current transliteration rules adopted in Russia, the name Elmira is written in Latin as ELMIRA. Other forms of recording will be erroneous and may cause problems with the use of the documents.

Transliteration of the name is used not only when issuing a foreign passport, but also when issuing personal names bank cards, ordering goods from abroad.

Name and character

Today scientists are trying to unravel all the secrets of this world. Of course, they could not ignore such an interesting phenomenon as the influence of a name on the person who bears it. Now there are two branches of the science of languages ​​that deal with the study of proper names - these are onomastics and anthroponymics.

The name has a significant impact on the formation of a person’s personality - scientists no longer deny this fact.

Science puts forward rational theories that could explain such strong addiction character traits from the chosen name. Most of these theories are in one way or another related to our brain’s ability to build associative series. Because of this feature of human thinking, we transfer part of the knowledge about an already known subject to an unknown one, based on some external similarities. With names this happens in the following way - we hear an unfamiliar name, and associations involuntarily arise in our heads with some words indicating objects or phenomena already familiar to us. For example, the name Elmira can evoke a peaceful existence and also evoke distinctly Arabic associations. From here, a person who does not know Elmira personally can conclude that this calm girl with an eastern appearance.

Of course, such associations affect not only those around them, but also the bearer of the name herself. Elmira can independently build associative series that will uniquely dictate her behavior patterns. Thus, a person, realizing himself as the owner of a name, somehow drives himself into a certain framework created by him. So the name is involved in the upbringing and formation of personality from an early age.

Elmira in childhood

Little Mira usually suffers from being sick and thin; She has a hard time gaining weight and gets sick often. Because of this, the girl may lag far behind her peers in school, but parents should not worry - Elmira will catch up closer to high school. She is a capable and smart child, but her grades at school may not be the best due to her natural shyness. Elmira prefers to sit quietly in the corner, even if she knows the answer to the teacher’s question, because of this, teachers may consider her a completely ordinary student without outstanding abilities.

Advice for parents - communicate more with the girl, try to identify her inclinations. Elmira often shows interest in exact sciences, but she may also have artistic talent. Determine her interests and abilities and put in as much effort as possible to develop them, otherwise Elmira will modestly sit on the sidelines for the rest of her life.

Elmira and her parents need to pay attention to the next years in the girl’s life - 4, 13, 17.


As a child, Elmira usually suffers from infectious diseases, but with age, the immune system gets stronger, and the girl gets sick less and less. After coming of age, Elmira’s health can only be envied - she is spared flu and colds, she does not complain about gastritis, ulcers, and allergic reactions that are common today.

Elmira's weak point is her eyesight; the girl needs to constantly monitor the health of her eyes.

Elmira - you are a huge ocean,
Which can be difficult for me to know
And I will be drunk from your love,
Me without you. Elmira, impossible.

What is love - Elmira

Talents and abilities

Elmira often shows a penchant for mathematics and exact sciences. She is able to quickly understand the essence of formulas, knows how to think abstractly, and remembers precise data well. These abilities should be developed from childhood, otherwise Elya may bury her talents.

Elmira usually does not have any athletic talents, but an active hobby will not hurt her - it will help improve her health in adolescence. However, with due diligence and diligence, she can achieve certain heights and in sports fields.

Elmira Antonyan - Soviet athlete, table tennis player, International Master of Sports of the USSR (1972)

Elmira often demonstrates her love for artistic disciplines - painting, sculpture. If a girl has shown an interest in drawing, she should find a good teacher who can reveal her talent. We must not forget that Elmira is very modest, and therefore she is unlikely to ask to find her good teacher. If possible, it is worth finding a teacher at home who will work with the girl individually and in a comfortable environment for her.

Love and relationships

Elmira, as a rule, has a difficult personal life. Due to innate modesty, a girl often cannot overcome herself and begin to communicate more actively with the person she likes, preferring to wait for the object of her adoration to approach her himself. If she is lucky and the chosen one pays attention to her, then a long-term, tender relationship is practically guaranteed - Elmira knows how to choose young people suitable for her and cherish the relationship. If not, then Elmira faces loneliness - the girl is quite constant in her affections, so she does not know how to forget unsuccessful crushes.

Elmira is amazing unearthly beauty, which, however, he may be afraid to demonstrate. She, as a rule, does not like to attract the gaze of other people, so she often hides her attractive appearance. On the one hand, healthy modesty protects her from unscrupulous suitors, on the other hand, it repels those with whom pleasant and good relationships are possible.

Elmira Abdrazakova - Russian model, winner of the Miss Russia 2013 contest

Table: compatibility with other names

AlexanderPleasant romantic relationship
AlexeyA strong marriage based on mutual respect and friendship is possible
AndreyMutual disinterest
BorisBoring relationships that will end on their own
VladislavA strong marriage is possible
EvgeniyLack of common interests
KirillMutual hostility
SergeyA romance is possible, but a strong relationship will not work out
FedorFriendly affection
IanA strong marriage is possible

Name horoscope

The zodiac sign, like the name, gives a person certain traits and qualities. They can resonate with the properties of the name, suppressing them or revealing them more fully.

Aries is the most fire sign zodiac

Aries is the only zodiac sign that can reduce Elmira’s excessive modesty to nothing. Elmira-Aries knows how to show off, she loves to demonstrate her skills and talents, and also has a healthy social circle.

Elmira-Taurus dreams of strong marriage, faithful husband, several children and a cozy home. She values ​​home peace, knows how to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in the house, and has been preparing for the role of a housewife since childhood. Her needs are small, but she knows how to be truly happy.

Elmira, born under the sign of Gemini, loves to communicate with peers as a child, and in adolescence, as a rule, she finds one or two best friends, with which he does not part until old age. She is a loyal and devoted friend, but can sometimes be somewhat forgetful and flighty.

Elmira, under the sign of Cancer, becomes too immersed in her thoughts

Elmira-Cancer suffers from high expectations. She is often disappointed because her wild fantasy prevents her from adequately perceiving reality. Elmira, born under the sign of Cancer, often overestimates people and idealizes them, which subsequently has a bad effect on her fate.

Elmira, born under the sign of Leo, has unhealthy self-esteem. She can change her attitude towards herself from a goddess and a queen to the very the worst person on the ground. Such emotional swings often have a bad effect on her mental and physical health. She often withdraws into herself and tries to rule at least in her imaginary world.

Virgo loves routines and schedules, she values ​​pedantry and punctuality

Elmira-Virgo is a neat, modest person who really values ​​her comfort zone. She loves to automate everything she can, so she often chases new technologies (especially home appliances). It is important for her that everything goes strictly according to plan - any deviations from the daily routine can make her nervous.

Elmira, born under the sign of Libra, is characterized by sloppiness and confusion. She is forgetful and often confuses words, days, years, and names. However, she is not stupid - she just thinks about her own things very often and loses touch with reality. She is often gifted creatively; she can make a good writer or poetess.

Elmira-Scorpio looks calm and balanced, but any little thing can set her off. She can go berserk in seconds and harm anyone who gets close enough to her. After outbursts of rage, she usually does not repent or ask for forgiveness; most often she is convinced that she is right.

Elmira, born under Sagittarius, values ​​sincere, faithful friendship more than anything else. She can idealize people whom she considers her friends, but in general Mira-Sagittarius knows how to understand personalities. It is difficult for a stranger to deceive her, but she trusts her friends unconditionally.

Elmira-Capricorn is a very gentle and vulnerable nature. She is quite hardworking and diligent, but periodically she needs a break from everything - at such moments she withdraws into herself. It is very important for her to have a person nearby who understands this condition and is ready to help her relax - create a comfortable environment and leave her alone with herself.

Aquarius conveys his qualities to Elmira - inconstancy, changeability

Elmira, born under the sign of Aquarius, is very fickle both in judgment and in affection. She can easily consider a wonderful person whom she considered her yesterday. worst enemy, and with best friend to quarrel to smithereens over a trifle. At the same time, Mira-Aquarius does not consider this to be anything wrong - after a heated quarrel, as if nothing had happened, she can approach her former friend and start a normal conversation. Such behavior often unsettles others, so for a long time friendly relations She usually doesn't.

Elmira, born under Pisces, secretly dreams of being treated like a queen - carried in her arms, showered with flowers and diamonds. She, however, does not say this out loud and prefers to modestly and silently fantasize about a person who will guess her desires and fulfill them all. Unfortunately, this behavior does not lead to good relationship- Elmira-Pisces almost demands mind reading from her chosen one, and for the lack of such telepathic abilities he can cause a real scandal.


In addition to the name and zodiac sign, the formation of personality is also influenced by the time of year in which a person was born. It is also capable of conveying certain qualities that can help or hinder a person from realizing himself.

Summer Elmira flutters through life like a butterfly

Summer Elmira, as a rule, is not constant. She is cheerful and carefree, but rarely thinks about the future. However, as long as there are people nearby who are ready to take care of her, she is forgiven for such behavior. Childish spontaneity often helps her out of seemingly hopeless situations.

Elmira, born in the fall, often suffers from reclusiveness. She is often afraid of the world around her and is convinced that all the people around are trying to harm her. Most often, these fears are irrational and groundless, but if there have been several similar cases in her life, she can become convinced of the reality of the external threat and forever imprison herself within four walls.

Winter Elmira has talents in the arts. From early childhood she shows a penchant for any discipline - be it ballet, painting or music. She has the patience and perseverance to develop these talents, which is why Mira, born in winter, often becomes famous.

Spring Elmira is distinguished by responsibility and hard work

Spring Elmira is a born hostess. She knows how to arrange the house in such a way that as much time as possible is spent on maintaining cleanliness and order. She has teaching abilities, so she has no problems raising children. She can become an excellent teacher or child psychologist.

Esoteric correspondences

Letter by letter analysis

Russian astrologer Felix Kazimirovich Velichko suggested special kind name parsing - semantic-phonetic analysis. Behind this complex term lies a simple method of letter-by-letter analysis. Each letter of the name is considered separately, and then the meanings of the symbols are summed up, revealing a complete and comprehensive description of the name.

  • E - insight, extrasensory abilities;
  • L - a penchant for the arts, the ability to see beauty;
  • b - the ability to catalog information, divide and connect again;
  • M - caring, tenderness, sacrifice;
  • I - thin artistic taste, excellent aesthetic education;
  • R - distrust, the ability to look at the root of a phenomenon, to see the root causes;
  • A - impulse true desire, the ability to discover your needs.

So, Elmira is a girl gifted with rare insight. It is difficult to deceive her, she sees human characters well, and also knows how to dismember and sort out the motives of others. She is caring and gentle, able to identify the needs and wants of others. With all this, she does not dissolve in those she cares about - on the contrary, she knows exactly what she wants and moves towards her goal, using her insight and intuition.

Photo gallery: famous bearers of the name

Elmira Skripchenko - chess player, European champion (2001), multiple champion of Moldova and France, international master (1998), women's grandmaster (1995) Elmira Galeeva - singer, songwriter, laureate of the Grushinsky Festival Elmira Eerzdeva - Soviet and Russian singer Ilmira Shamsutdinova - Miss USSR 1991 Ilmira Nagimova - Tatar singer

Elmira is a gifted and talented girl who, without the right environment, can bury her abilities, never showing them. It is extremely important for her to have a healthy social circle and loved ones who will support her development.

3 version of the meaning of the name Elmira

Spanish - "princess"

The name is found among both Armenians and Russians.
In early childhood, the girl grows up sickly, afraid of strangers, and does not go into everyone’s arms. In kindergarten she is shy and silent, but plays with everyone who approaches her first. He studies well at school and at the same time successfully studies in music school. She is flexible, dances and sings well. She reads a lot, at an early age she constantly asks her parents to read to her. She has only one real friend. Having matured, she becomes withdrawn, but remains flexible, even submissive. Outwardly she looks like her father, but her character inherits her mother’s. Homebody. He enters a university without much difficulty, can seriously take up music and study at a conservatory.
Upon graduation, he becomes a doctor, teacher, accountant, nurse, music teacher, architect, fashion designer, engineer, salesman.
Being modest, she gets married late.
“Winter” is more energetic and decisive than those born at other times of the year. In a marriage, the spouse leads. In the morning she likes to sleep longer and should not be woken up. She cooks deliciously. Girls are born and very rarely a boy.
“Autumn” is prudent and carefully thinks through her actions. She is disgusted, which is why she rarely visits, but she herself is very hospitable. Not too happy in her personal life. Cooking. Feels the need to change the environment, often rearranges furniture. Has well-developed intuition.
“Summer” is not very friendly and is not kind to her husband. The relationship with the mother is difficult. After the birth of a child, Elmira, as a rule, does not work, raising children. She has colorful dreams, often prophetic. Elmira is always the leader in the family. She is sincere in love, somewhat impulsive. Generous at heart. Does not tolerate heart complications, is very jealous. Not capricious, but very contradictory. Prudent, careful in relationships with people. She arranges family life in her own way, and usually she succeeds. Relies more on his intuition than on his own conclusions. In love he gives a lot to his spouse, but demands even more from him. Too sensitive to external influences. She is loyal, friendly, reliable. She is incompatible with her mother-in-law, and therefore it is better for her and her family to live separately. "December" happens in marriage twice.

4 version of interpretation of the name Elmira

The name Elmira is from the Uzbek sun goddess. Shy as a child, she will not be the first to offer friendship. Will get married at about 21 years old. She loves to sing and dance, but most of all she can dance oriental dances. He loves to cook. Prepares all dishes deliciously. He hasn’t touched old things that are more than 10 years old, but if he touched it with even 1 finger, he washes his hands thoroughly and doesn’t eat for 4 hours. She is a future chef, salesperson, model. But more often than not, a chef and a model at once. She is very beautiful. And he loves to take photographs and poses very well, learning to take great photos. As a child she is plump and after 10 she is thin. She studies well at school, she is a solid student, and at the same time she does well in music school. In the future, she will get married once, have 2 or 3 children, and one of them will definitely be a boy. Her husband loves her very much and does not offend her. Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke. Mira's husband wakes up by name: Nikita, Kirill, Volodya, Sergey or Denis.

Numerology of the name Elmira

Name number: 9

People born under the number nine have the ability to forgive everyone around them and high spiritual qualities. In addition, they have well-developed instincts, empathy, the ability to empathize, creative thinking. They can realize their talents in creative fields and achieve considerable success. They also always enjoy the recognition and love of others, which can play both a good and an evil role in their fate.

The meaning of the letters in the name Elmira

E- curiosity, insight and sociability. These people love good society. They have great abilities in the field of literature and journalism. Also among them there are a lot of individuals who work in areas where intuition should be well developed, for example: medicine, police, etc. It is very difficult for these people to find their soulmate.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

b- easy-going, balanced and slightly shy natures. They have a good-natured attitude towards all people, and in every possible and impossible way they try to avoid conflict situations. In their work they pay attention to even the smallest details.

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make wonderful leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on internal qualities. Much success they manage to achieve in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. Constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • E- (YE = E) Esi
  • L- People
  • b- Er (Creeping, Low, Soft, Soft)
  • M- Think
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Name Elmira in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic in Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Elmira in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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