The character of a she-wolf in women. A woman who behaves well

has no chance to go down in history.

The meaning of the word “Good” according to Efremova’s dictionary:
Good -

1. One who is distinguished by dignity and decency.
2. Someone who is distinguished by exemplary behavior.

What follows from this? And what is the concept “good woman” is imposed on us by society and prevailing stereotypes. Well, let’s remember what those around us tell us: good woman must be an excellent housewife, decent, kind, sweet, modest, stay at home and raise children, with stable moral principles, to be faithful and devoted, and so on blah blah blah. No, of course, there is a rational grain in this. But... who came up with these stereotypes? Somehow, I seriously doubt that they were invented by us women. And, consequently, they impose a standard model of behavior on us and try to force us all into one “stall”, to measure us with a ruler, criteria of decency and “goodness”. So we spend our entire lives bowing down to established patterns just to conform to what we ourselves don’t understand. Why strive to be someone you don't want to be. It’s okay, if all this public morality corresponds to the personal values ​​of a woman... it’s unfortunate when discord occurs... in the end we get a woman with a split personality, tormented and dissatisfied with life... I read and remembered the phrase somewhere a long time ago: "He was good man, but no good"(read it, what's the point!!!). So it is here.

Men often manipulate women in such a way that they try to appeal to our decency and “goodness.” Here are my favorite male manipulations:

1. “I thought you were a good (decent) woman”

2. “I wanted to marry you, but in the meantime I realized that you are a dishonest woman” or “I will only marry a woman who... (and here is a list of qualities of a good wife)”

3. " good girls They don’t behave like that.”

The meaning of all these manipulations is the same - to confuse, cause a feeling of guilt and a feeling of imperfection. Men resort to these kinds of tricks more often than we think! It’s just that not everyone can hear the subtext of the statements, but it goes something like this: “Girl, you are far from perfect, you still have to grow and grow before me. So come on, go out of your way and earn my attention, trust, respect, whatever. And I’ll stand on the sidelines and revel in my power over you and the way you “jump” in front of me.” It's a shame? Sounds cruel? Girls, this is a man's world. If you want to be complete perfection, then you are barred from going to the nearest mental hospital. The “goodness” makes the mouth feel cloying. Why drive yourself into a corner of social standards or, even worse, the standards of men?! There is another, alternative way - this is the way to be yourself! Your real self! No labels and no censorship!

What does it mean to me to be yourself? Let me explain - be yourself - This:

1. Enjoy life in real time. I throw off the shackles of prejudice. After all the past cannot be returned or changed, and the future has not yet been determined. Remember: “there is only a moment between the past and the future, it is called life!” I live online, i.e. here and now. And I enjoy it! Why worry about what I will say and what I will do and whether I will do it right. Believe me, a woman gets away with a lot if she doesn’t worry about this topic. Winners are not judged. Even if I blurt out something wrong, I’m a girl, you can always defuse the atmosphere. The main thing is not to go in cycles, but to include reasonable indifference.

2. Do what I want and, accordingly, not do what I don’t want. I decide what is good for me and what is bad for me. Yes, I have certain obligations to my family and to other people important to me. But these are rather the boundaries of my desires. But not opportunities. I like to dance at a disco in Vitebsk, I sit down and go to fulfill my desire. This is my whim. Allow yourself to pamper yourself from time to time. If I don’t want to meet a man for serious reasons, I won’t do it, no matter how much I love him. After all, there will be no one left except me until the end of my days. Everything in this life is temporary, even a man. This approach changes the vector of direction from a man and dissolving in him alone to his beloved.

3. Inner comfort and harmony. Everything I do and say fits into my value system and my personality. When I communicate with a person, I am morally on the same level with him. I don't put him on a pedestal and I don't put him below me. I “lead” a person psychologically. I put aside fear, confusion, anger so that I can be internally comfortable in the current situation. An example from life. The man looks intently at my chest and says:

Do you have any milk?

Yes, I have…. Goat…. – I find the answer instantly.

They both laughed for about ten minutes. Would I be able to quickly respond to this attack from a man if I were not on the same psychological level with him? Hardly. This is the power of banter!!!

4. Not a clouded mind. Sometimes our main “computer” needs a major reboot. After all, our brain stores so much information, often completely unnecessary. I filter incoming information, and if I feel like it’s time to restart the processor, I do so. I then concentrate on some object (preferably a stationary one), completely dissolve in this object and don’t think about anything. This action does not take much time - 5-10 minutes a day is quite enough. Such overload helps to structure thoughts, and in some cases even helps to find a way out of their situation or solve a problem. In any life situation, it is very important to maintain a clear mind and quickly respond to current events. A consciousness not clouded by unnecessary data helps you quickly navigate, maneuver and emerge victorious from almost every situation. When communicating with men, this skill manifests itself in all its glory. Let me give you an example. Just recently I was lucky enough to attend a restoration dedicated to the military events of 1812. Naturally, according to established tradition, disguised “hussars” were present at this event. I couldn’t afford to miss the opportunity to take a photo with a man in uniform. And so I choose the most charming one in my opinion and go to the prey. “Hussar” resisted at first (he turned out to be one of the organizers of the holiday and was busy with organizational issues), but I'm used to getting my way. What have I done? Yes, I just looked him closely in the eyes... and that’s all... That’s how we ended up in the photo – a girl and a boy looking intently into each other’s eyes, without looking away… romantically…. Goal achieved... And what’s most remarkable is that if I had some blocks in my head or if my subconscious was clouded with all sorts of unnecessary things, my manipulation failed...

5. Self-realization. I realize myself not only in a relationship with a man. This is only a small part of my life. I devote most of my time to those areas and those people that interest me. There are so many fascinating things in the world, you just need to see it and want to know a lot. I have a favorite job. I have a hobby. I have creative interests. I have many friends who also need attention from time to time. And finally, there is a little time left for my man. BUT, when we are together, it’s like fireworks, because we have accumulated so much news while we haven’t seen each other. I always appear before him rested, relaxed, positive, “alive” at last! With sparkling eyes and a charming smile. Therefore, the quality of meetings with a man is more important than their quantity.

6. Thoughtful positivity. Whatever happens in my life, I perceive it with dignity and with a certain degree of humor. Any change is my growth and movement forward, so it’s good for me. And accordingly, this must be perceived positively. But again, thoughtfully positive, meaningfully positive.

7. Inner strength. I have my own position and my own opinion, my own so-called “core” among the people. I do not allow others to try to “sculpt” me into some intricate figures and images. I do this myself with people. Internally strong woman always visible - by her gait, by her gaze, by the way she presents herself to the world. But this does not mean that I put myself above others. I am no better or worse than all people, I’m just different, unique, I recognize this in myself and enjoy my originality. I cannot be broken, especially by a man.

8. Freedom of choice. I remembered the phrase: “we choose, we are chosen.” So, I choose! And only me! I am a hunter who creates the illusion for the prey (i.e., the man) that he has chosen me. Let us remember once and for all – a woman ALWAYS chooses a man, and then competently and unobtrusively makes the situation appear as if the man took the initiative. This is the right position A man cannot be deprived of the illusion that HE is after a woman. An example from my life: I meet a man easily, I especially like online dating social networks– I go to his page, leave “my mark” there (i.e., give ratings, participate in some simple discussion of his status) and that’s it - after that, at least what will follow thank you letter. And then everything is in my hands. After all, the prey itself was already hooked.

I also live by the principle of freedom of choice in everything - no one can force me to do something if I don’t want to (I already wrote about this above).

9. Your own standards. In particular, your standards of behavior. I want to make a reservation right away - I am not an outcast from society and I do not oppose myself to society. I just encourage you to live by your own standards. Yes, for me there are social norms that are close to me, such as - don’t kill, don’t steal, etc. But the standards for men are almost all not for me! I want to put my legs on his lap - I do it, I want to kiss him - I will do that too! And I don’t care what the aunt at the next table says! Remember, yes, I live in real time. I may never have a chance to see this man again. Why complicate things, why pretend to be a “model girl”? and most importantly, for whom? If you want to seem extraordinary, do what you want on your own impulse. But! Attention, I do not encourage you to be promiscuous again!!! Each of us has our own boundaries and boundaries of behavior. That's it. I'm just saying that when communicating with a man, you do what you want., not society or the subconscious, speaking voice mommies.

10. Work. It won't be easy! I write about this in almost every topic. Here I mean that you need to work on yourself first. This is work, hellish daily work. A sometimes you have to “break” yourself, especially when you want to give up everything and live “like everyone else,” i.e. because it's easier. You will have to face misunderstanding, disapproval, and often aggression from others. Primarily from men. Correction - from strong men. And when this happens, it means you're going to in the right direction!!! Winners are not judged, but we are among the winners! I constantly improve myself and develop my personality. In our age of advanced technology, finding a direction for improvement is as easy as shelling pears. You need to use all your channels of perception and move forward. There is power in movement!

4. Wolf man, let’s look at the type

Hearing your bold gaze,

I'm trying to figure out the essence.

And you have a parade of masks!

Try to guess something.

And now, it seems to me, I’m touching

The essence that burns within you...

Then I repent on my pillow at night,

That your image does not hide secrets...

Either ice, then flame, then neutral...

Now evil, now a tornado, now downright ideal...

The gaze is cold, goosebumps down the spine.

Whose fault did you become like this?!

(own composition, 2011).

[I am beginning to write this section in the form of an appeal not to the whole mass of women, but to each of you individually. This will make it easier to understand the material].

So…. Does it make you shiver just by looking at it? Do you feel his inner strength with every cell of your body? Are you somehow uncomfortable with him? Are they constantly telling you that in order to be with him you need to meet some made-up standard? Are you madly drawn to him? Does he always slip away and disappear somewhere?

Congratulations, you have met wolf in sheep's clothing. Such a man is self-sufficient, self-confident, does not depend on anyone, but many depend on him. He is charismatic, smart, knows how to present himself in society, knows how to treat a woman. He doesn’t flaunt his qualities, just one look at him is enough to understand that this is a male. As a rule, this person has already achieved a certain position in society and has certain resources, in particular material ones.

Just his appearance in a public place makes the fairer sex rapid heartbeat and fainting (this occurs in especially impressionable people). Women feel its power simply at the level of the subconscious and instincts.

In appearance, he is a sweet, kind, decent person, ready to help and able to sympathize... well, well, the outer wrapper is sweet (yeah, remember the saying - it spreads softly...), but inside it is... beast, cruel and indomitable!

Scary? Then run away from him before you become an easy snack for him before a banquet party. And never look after him, otherwise your will may be enslaved, and you will be another victim in the long track record of this male.

But if you are not only not scared, but you healthy excitement kicks in and you get a thrill from communicating with such a specimen, then I will reveal to you several techniques on how to deal with life-scorched wolves.

I repeat once again - say NO to your illusions and dreams about a happy and serene future, about a love nest for the rest of your days!!! and say this every time you are overwhelmed by a wave of romantic delirium and all-consuming love. Let fools dream about it, but you are not like that, you are a she-wolf with the eyes of an angel! Remember and turn on your brain every time you are carried away into the sea of ​​love and romantic flair. Be realistic, a wolf will never be with a dog that is ready for anything, a wolf will be with a she-wolf just like himself!

So, let's go. For a wolf, all women are the same, because he knows his worth and believes that females should fight for him themselves. And he believes this, it must be admitted, not without reason. He was accustomed to female attention, puppy delight and females standing on their hind legs, helpfully wagging their tails. For him, this is the norm. How did you understand for him a woman is an obsequious little dog(for especially impressionable ladies, I want to note that this terminology is conditional and I introduced it only metaphorically so that the analogy is clear). The wolf is accustomed to whining, licking, helpful squealing, devoted glances, etc. Break his usual pattern, “howl” in a language he understands, stand out effectively from a pack of dogs!

But you need to do this very subtly, masterfully maneuvering, because you remember that the wolf is a freedom-loving animal and will not simply give up its freedom to anyone, even a high-class she-wolf! The she-wolf is dangerous for him, and as soon as the animal feels that some kind of attachment is twisting him inside, he will most likely run away. It's easier for him this way. And he will run in such a way as to tie as many dogs as possible to himself along the way. Thus, the male will suppress a previously unexperienced feeling.

And how can you attract a wolf to your person? Yes, as simple as shelling pears, - offer him something that no dog will offer, - exciting game! After all, our life is a GAME!!!

1. Arouse the hunter's instinct in him.

The wolf is in constant search of prey(at best), but usually in search of the next victim, who falls at his feet, and, as practice shows, absolutely voluntarily. He also gets a buzz from it. A the wolf condescends to the victim, takes advantage of it, and, well-fed, calmly goes on in search. This is his life. This needs to be understood. And in due time, play on this. Take advantage of any situation and turn it around the way you want.

Accordingly, the question of how to attract a wolf should not arise in your mind. He will find you himself. He just needs to present himself correctly. And I urge you not to rely on hypersexuality in the female sense: there is no need for primitiveness in the form of a short skirt, red lipstick and batting eyelashes. Focus on effectiveness, I emphasize – not on beauty, but on effectiveness. The wolf's eyes are full, and his beauty can no longer be penetrated. As a male lone wolf once said:

Whenever I come to a place, I always scan the women present there.

“Are you choosing the most beautiful one?” I ask.

No, what are you saying (laughs). Beauty can't take me anymore. This is primitive. I choose the most spectacular woman and take her to my home at the end of the evening.

And what do you mean by “spectacular woman”?

This is the victim who, firstly, stands out from the rest (not because of her beauty, she can also be ugly), and secondly, in order to “take” her, you need to use your brains. This is a challenge for me.

Have you drawn any conclusions? Smart girl.

In the dialogue with the male described above, the following simple truth can be traced with white threads - a wolf can be hooked at the initial stage ONLY by a certain degree of coldness and inaccessibility. Let him take the initiative and rack his brains.

By the way, I want to immediately protect you from the naive thought that once you feed an animal from your hands, it will lick them for you for the rest of its life. The wolf will need to be tamed constantly. I emphasize - to tame, and not to run and humiliate yourself!

2. Position yourself correctly.

Remember, you are not the dog he is used to dealing with. You are equal to the wolf. Act accordingly. Don’t allow yourself to be “wipe your feet”, used and manipulated.

Don't overestimate its importance for yourself. To do this, tell yourself: “he is my whim.” Remember that he came to you (early stage) or he is with you (later stage) only because YOU wanted it and allowed it to happen. He will be near you exactly as long as you want. And nothing else.

3. Be yourself.

I already wrote about this above. Here I will focus your attention on the following - you will have to constantly defend the right to be yourself. The wolf will try to instill in you thoughts about what is right and what is wrong, what a woman should be and what she should not be. Every time a man tries to do this, I advise you to use the following technique: “I am you, you are me.” Do you remember the cartoon about Mowgli: “You and I are of the same blood, you and I.” Fine. Then you understand the meaning of this phrase: you and I are equal, no one is superior to anyone in any way, no one is better or worse than the other, each of us is unique in our own way, I respect your right to be yourself and accept you for who you are there is, accordingly, and you accept me as I am. This idea must be gradually instilled in a man. With a wolf you will have to do this all the time, because he often tries to verbally humiliate a woman and “put her down.” But as they say, forewarned is forearmed.

5. How the “wolf man” manipulates a woman

[I structured this section as follows: I roughly divided it into two parts. The first is devoted to describing the general scheme used by the wolf to make a woman fall in love with him, the second is about giving specific manipulations used by a man and how to react and reflect them].

1. General scheme of a woman falling in love.

My multifaceted experience with strong men led me to the following understanding: the wolf thinks outside the box, accordingly, and uses sophisticated methods to conquer women. As a rule, it is not difficult for a wolf to “get into” a woman’s body, for him aerobatics- this is to “get into” the soul, settle there, and then “sculpt” a woman into whatever you want. I would also note here that the wolf gets girls hooked on him for a long time, i.e. even having received what he wanted, he continues to keep the woman in limbo, mentally torment and torment him, and undermines the woman’s self-perception. Here is the women's dog enclosure. This is the wolf man. He sincerely believes that a woman loves only when she experiences pain. And sometimes physical. Some representatives of the powers that be do not hesitate to raise their hands against a woman, as they themselves say: “solely for educational purposes.”

Did what I wrote make you feel uneasy or even creepy??? But this is the reality. Remember yourself how many of your friends and acquaintances selflessly “love” such types almost all their lives? Yes, all the time. And they sincerely believe that with their selfless love, patience and good behavior they will correct their consumerist and cynical attitude towards themselves. This is how a dog thinks and acts. This position is fundamentally wrong, because losing. The she-wolf acts differently.

And now I will describe the favorite scheme of wolf men to conquer naive and gullible dogs. I'll start with an excerpt from my dialogue with a representative of a pack of wolves:

I have always liked to conquer “difficult” women. And then such a chance presented itself. The boys and I celebrated some kind of holiday, at the end of which, according to custom, there was not enough drink. Here I am on my way to the store, standing in line, and my attention was caught by a pretty saleswoman in the next department. I can’t help but deign such a sweet person with my attention. I roll up and ask for a phone number, to which they rebuff me quite rudely. All my attempts to strike up a conversation with the shrew were unsuccessful. Well, no, no, I don’t think so. My goal is ultimately achieved, the booze has arrived. But the next morning the saleswoman’s face is still “standing” before my eyes. This means we need to act, fortunately, there are girls we know in that store. I roll up and find out from them not only their mobile phone number, but also a lot of useful information, namely that the girl turns out to be difficult, but accustomed to male attention and using men for her needs, and then with a calm heart throwing away the waste material as unnecessary. All in all, a decent haul.

So what did you do? – I ask, already quite carried away by the story.

Yes, according to the usual scenario. Called, made an appointment, was nice and courteous. For three whole weeks I blew specks of dust off her, waiting for her to get used to me and my attention. Then there was some turning point when she did something that I didn't like. In general, that's not the point. Most importantly, she herself gave me a reason to disappear from her life for a while. For like two weeks I didn’t call her, didn’t write or let her know in any way. During this time, the girl managed to get bored, change her mind about everything possible, feel that she was wrong, that she could lose me, suffer. Throughout my absence, I received a number of messages from her, which I simply ignored. And then I showed up and made an appointment. And here she herself apologized, admitted her guilt and almost begged him to return to her and not leave her alone. Then everything was the way I wanted. I still “sculpt” from it what I want.

Brilliant, isn't it? And everything ingenious is simple!!! Well, what can I say, respect to the guy. If you read thoughtfully, then the algorithm for conquering and falling in love with a woman is already clear to you. But I will still briefly describe the stages of this process. So:

1. Attract attention.

This is clear, I think. Each man has his own arsenal of attraction and lure, and in each specific case it is individual.

2. Gain trust.

Courtship, restaurants, flowers, compliments. In general, the entire arsenal of standard manifestations of sympathy and falling in love on the part of a man. The only difference is that the wolf may not actually be as passionate about a woman as he pretends to be.

3. Find a jamb or a plausible excuse.

The wolf waits for the moment when, in his opinion, the woman is behaving incorrectly or doing the wrong thing, i.e. finds any clue so that the offender can be conditionally “punished”. In the worst case, when there is no such problem, the man can simply disappear under some pretext, which he will tell the woman ONLY after his return.

4. Disappear.

This is also clear. Moreover, I note that the period of disappearance in each specific case is individual. The wolf just knows in his gut when it’s time to disappear and when it’s time to return.

5. Bid your time.

The wolf waits in the wings calmly, sometimes not even thinking about his prey at all, because he knows that the victim is already tormenting himself with various thoughts, tears and hysterics. And this is good for a man. He feeds on women’s emotions from a distance and revels in them like an energy “vampire”.

6. Show up and skim off the cream.

There are two options here - either the woman returns her “knight” herself, having previously interrupted his phone number with SMS and calls, or the man announces himself, voicing a plausible reason for his absence. There is only one outcome - the woman melts and agrees to all or almost all the conditions that the man sets. Moreover, the conditions will be quite strict and will become more stringent over time.

Naturally, a man does not think about this scheme when he seduces another dog. For a wolf, everything happens at the level of intuition and conceptual apparatus. I even know cases when it was enough for a man to simply competently draw a woman’s attention to himself by doing some extraordinary act, and often just a boorish attack or an anti-compliment, in order to make her fall in love with him “forever and ever.”

2. Manipulations of the wolf man.

I did not pursue the goal of collecting here the entire range of manipulations on the part of male wolves, but only highlighted the most common and powerful ones. I presented my mini-collection of male manipulations in the form of a table consisting of three columns for clarity of perception.

I'll start with a definition.

"Manipulation is hidden psychological impact using the emotions (feelings) of the partner in order to obtain benefits from the author of the manipulation. There are two key words here. “Hidden”, that is, non-obvious, hidden by the manipulator, with a hidden meaning. If the secrecy disappears and the hidden meaning of the actions becomes clear, then the manipulation will have no power, and it will no longer be manipulation. And the second keyword is “emotions (feelings).” Feelings are a tool of manipulation!

The manipulator deliberately instills some feeling (emotion, state) in order to lead another person to an action or deed that is beneficial for himself. Any emotion (positive or negative) is the driver of actions. “Fish looks for where it’s deeper, and man looks for where it’s better.” A person strives to preserve and increase a pleasant emotion, to avoid, get away from unpleasant experiences, and restore psychological comfort. This is the principle used in manipulation. It is difficult to maintain an uncomfortable state for a long time; the human personality begins to look for a way out and, if the manipulation is successful, chooses an action or behavior that is beneficial to the manipulator. During manipulation, the feelings of another person are created and intentionally enhanced to achieve its result. If only the mind is affected, but there are no feelings, then this is no longer manipulation, but simply a belief - which is more honest in relation to the partner.”

It follows from this that all male manipulations have the sole purpose of programming a woman to behave “needed” by the manipulator, i.e. from his point of view, predictable and uncomplicated. “Adjust” a woman to your standards and “bend” her under you. Discourage, cause feelings of guilt, fear, inferiority, a feeling of inappropriate behavior, stupor - these are all the feelings that a wolf evokes in its victim.

Manipulation by a man Dog's reaction She-wolf reaction
He makes an appointment, then abruptly reschedules or cancels, and then unexpectedly calls and puts the question bluntly in order to get ready in 20 minutes and come to him. Moreover, he emphasizes that he either arrives in 20 minutes, or he will find himself a more accommodating company. She runs headlong, gets ready in a hurry, because she is so glad that they called her, condescended to her and invited her somewhere, and also such a man! Something like this: “Oh, dear, I have everything planned for three days in advance, I just can’t include you in my schedule. But in just 20 minutes I have a very interesting event somewhere. Try calling me tomorrow, I’ll think about how to include you in my busy schedule. Bye bye".
“And I thought you were a decent woman... and yet you’re behaving badly...” “Yes, you misunderstood, I’m good, I’m decent. It was the devil who confused me, I’m sorry.” In general, she is trying in every possible way to apologize and be absolutely perfect, to prove to him how wrong he is about her, because she is so GOOD!!! 1. “who is decent, am I decent? Yes, you were joking... I’m sooo bad, terrible)) 2. “What other decent women are left?…. Probably in a museum. Shall we go?
After sex he says: “You understand that this is just sex, without obligations...” "How?? And I thought we were in love...” tears, or at least a sorrowful expression on her face. Then attempts to tie her to yourself, countless calls and SMS. “ewww, a real stone off my shoulders. I’m so glad that you voiced this yourself, otherwise I didn’t know how to say that I only adhere to open relationship" And fly away with a satisfied expression on his face.
“We’ve been dating for two weeks, I’m a man, I have needs! When will you finally be mine? I can't wait any longer. You’re breaking down, but Verka is ready for anything, maybe you should go to her...” This phrase simply “breaks” immediately, and she very soon ends up in his bed. After all, the feeling of fear of losing a man is so great that the last resistance falls. “Darling, unlike you, I don’t live by instincts. I need time. You are such an understanding man! Be patient a little longer, because everything will happen faster than you think. I so appreciate the way you treat me!!!”
“You are such a good and understanding person, but I don’t see a woman in you...” “How can you not see a woman?”, and will go out of her way to prove that she is a Woman and that there is something to love her for. “superrr. So we'll be best friends! Well, girlfriend, let’s go shopping?”
“I will marry you if you are such and such a woman...” (everyone has their own list of qualities) “Oooh, they want to marry me, finally. Soooo, I have to be exemplary, meet all the requirements. Otherwise, I’ll miss the opportunity to get married successfully.” “oooooh, nooo, dear... why should I get married? I am not eager to say goodbye to my freedom for nothing. If you want me to be your wife, prove it to me in practice.”

As you already understand, the she-wolf follows the principle of reflecting manipulation. If she feels that she is being programmed for some behavior that is not typical for her, or for actions that the she-wolf does not intend to perform, then the most competent thing is to repel the attack. Here I have presented all the reflection techniques in the form of banter, because... Humor is humor: when it’s funny, it’s no longer scary.

In some cases, you can simply pause to collect your thoughts. I remembered an anecdote on the topic: “The golden female rule: if you don’t know what to answer, smile and adjust your bra.” The rational grain in this anecdote is very significant. I have met quite strong and tough men (if not cruel), and to give a worthy rebuff to whom it was not always possible in the form of banter (I am also a person, I can get lost in some situations), so the most sober thing was to take a minute time-out.

6. Conclusion or my philosophy in action

The written material is full of all kinds of tools and tricks. And if used correctly, a complete transformation of a woman’s worldview is possible. Throughout the entire manual, the idea of ​​competently positioning yourself with a man is a common thread.

Having absorbed my worldview and become imbued with it, you can, at a minimum, always be yourself, and, at a maximum, everything depends only on your desire and your ambitions!

Don’t be lazy to re-read the material periodically; each time you will discover new facets in the perception of the text.

Be yourself, break “patterns” of behavior, make men fall in love with you! Go through life with your head held high! After all, you are a woman, and in this you are right!

..Don’t cry and don’t regret what has passed...
Breathe in the freedom and warmth of spring...
And get up from your knees, because you are the Queen!..

7. Acknowledgments

Although acknowledgments are usually written at the beginning of the story, I still placed them at the end of my manual for personal reasons.

So, I want to say a huge thank you to my family and my friends who supported my enthusiasm and inspired me to further achievements.

A special “thank you” to the wolf men who were and are in my life. Without you, I would not have had so much material and so much “ground” for research. All of you have made me stronger and wiser. It is only thanks to you that I became who I am. Thank you also for the emotions, drive and courage that I receive from you.

Also thanks to my critics and opponents, who keep me on my toes and once again instill faith in the success of all my endeavors.

Thanks everyone!

No need to argue. Trust this look too

on the origin of man on the Altai land

BELIEVE, legend, fairy tale, true story... And it was like this: For three days and three nights the body of the blue wolf twisted, flattened, circled and filled with the energy of life, intelligence and strength... this is how the first woman appeared filled with life, meaning and the mission of continuing the human race.. 6 years passed centuries, and 7 generations of people arose, scattered to all sides of the world. And there were children, there were men, there were old people. And forever and ever, wolf genes and wolf grips have remained, preserved in man.
If you look closely, we are all a little wolves, and not because we now have a wolf life, but because we are descendants of a proud wolf tribe. No matter how civilizations change, no matter how we adapt to modern society, I am sure that we have the instincts of wolves, and they save us in difficult times. The instinct of self-preservation (they are studied by ethology) gives us the opportunity to foresee, protect ourselves, reproduce, seek in every possible way the means of food, warmth, security, love and live, live, live!

I can safely say that we are all wild at heart, we just hid our roots deeply, and we all yearn for the primordial. Culture doesn't offer much large selection an antidote to this melancholy. We were taught to be ashamed of natural desires - to smell the earth, lick stones, hug trees, roll on the grass... But day and night the shadow of the primeval lurks behind us wild people.
The loss of the sense of one’s own primordial nature coincides with the disappearance of virgin nature on the planet. Pristine nature and pristine woman are two species that are threatened with complete extinction. Psychoarchaeological excavations in the ruins of the past and the hidden world will help us restore the habits of the natural instinctive soul of man and deep nature.

WOLVES AND WOLVES. Let our men not be offended, I want to talk about she-wolves, i.e. about women... modern women. I am sure that by remembering and restoring her natural strengths, the “wild” woman will remember her deepest nature. Women and she-wolves are related by nature: they are inquisitive, endowed with enormous endurance and physical strength. They are characterized by intuition, careful care for their offspring, their spouse and the community as a whole. They skillfully adapt to constantly changing circumstances, are fierce in their loyalty and are unusually courageous.

Modern woman in their delusions, anyone serves for anyone, the scope of its activities is huge and vague, and ancient knowledge remains unclaimed.
How do you want to restore the charming and natural mental appearance of a woman, a wolf woman, who will continue the race, raise offspring, dance in the forest, sing at dawn, return to her pristine state, the feeling of the innate instinctive “I”, where the beginnings of the female line of existence lie? . The “taste of wildness” that we get when we are pregnant, when we feed babies with our milk, in love relationships, which are similar to visiting our favorite gardens, and what we feel in visions, in dreams, and when we break all the rules, throw away painful relationships, sweep everything off the table... we force the world to stop, because without discovering primordiality in ourselves (this the first woman not crippled by civilization) - we cannot do as the soul asks.

By strengthening this state, we begin to see in ourselves a sage, a dreamer, a seer, a creator, a creator, an inventor, directing our life into an ebullient one, glowing from within and illuminating everything externally, like a primordial mother, possessing innate integrity, common sense and even without meaning in space feelings.

Let us remember the energy that lurks within us; we all have secret thoughts and secret feelings, wild and violent - i.e. natural, innate. And again, I am sure that our men will only be enchanted by our natural, unbridled love for everyone around us and will even be touched by our naturalness, cheerful creativity, which does not destroy the great meaning of the happiness of life. She's the one that men leave to find. home... She is where men find a new homeland; she is the one who pushes forward, being the source of their actions, often reckless and therefore natural.

Therefore, whoever you are: an introvert, an extrovert, a woman who loves or hates, who worships God or the spirits of nature, the owner of an artless soul or the ambitions of an Amazon; a woman who is trying to achieve heights or just live until tomorrow, a woman sparkling with fun, or gloomy; regal or downtrodden - remember the pristine woman within you, take a closer look at the habits of nature, dig out the She-Wolf in yourself and life will become simpler, and the power of love will increase. If we sing a song, we can take on a living form. Be natural in your urges, and you will find freedom, vitality and joy in life... So listen to the hearing of the soul, for this is what we are meant for!

A healthy she-wolf is strong, alert, full of life and energy, she knows her territory, she is resourceful, loyal, agile, with great intuition and sensitivity, in harmony with her cycles, she lives life with dignity and awareness. It takes place in the heart, not in the head. She knows how to track, pursue, call to repel, feel, camouflage and... love deeply! And this is SHE - the primordial woman. For she-wolves, constancy in behavior is an unbearable sentence, because their strength is in the ability to adapt to change, in ingenuity, in roaring, in furious howling, in deep instinctive life, in movement. Consistency does not manifest itself in monotony, but in constant sensitivity, vigilance, flexibility and dexterity.

- It's important to sniff out. To stalk means to walk lightly, thanks to this, to move freely through life, noticing everything, but remaining unnoticed. The she-wolf hunts down anyone and anything that invades her territory. This is her way of collecting information. You must be able to appear, then dissipate like smoke, and appear again. Wolves can move very quietly, like meek angels. At first they stalk furtively, then they suddenly appear, aiming from behind a tree with a golden eye, suddenly turn sharply and disappear, but only to make a circle and appear again, but this time from the back of a stranger. This is stalking. The wild woman stalks for years. She comes to men in dreams. They only need to glance at their shadow to see the charming image of a wild and free creature.

- To meander, to confuse the tracks, knowing when not to be a “smart girl” in the interests of protecting your own soul. The she-wolf knows when to act like a good girl and when to show her true Roar.

- Mobilize or call upon your aggressive nature - become a whirlwind - driving force, and if it is concentrated and not dispersed, it will give a woman colossal energy.

Intuition is a treasure female soul. She is akin to a wise old woman who is always with you, who will tell you exactly what is going on and where to go; this is a wise being who walks everywhere with us, looks at everything that is seen in life, and determines the truth. Women's main approach is changing "Come what may" on attitude “Let me see what this all means.”. Listen to your inner voice.
Like the wolf, intuition has claws that can tear; There are eyes that can see through veils, and there are ears that can hear the inaccessible. All this sharpens the ability to confidently go out into the outside world. Women's intuition is passed on from mother to daughter and consists of inner vision, hearing, instinct and knowledge.

Wolves are capable of lasting relationships, and the ties that bind them are deep. Their marriages last a lifetime. Despite fights (sometimes enmity), these bonds are unbreakable in harsh winters and abundant summers, during long journeys in search of food and the birth of new offspring, when meeting with old enemies and during common dances and songs under the moon. And a person needs the same relationships.
Wolves do not perceive the ups and downs of life, energy, strength, nutrition and emergency events. For them, ascents and descents are simply a given, and the wolves pass as smoothly and painlessly as possible. Instinctive nature has the magical ability to survive all the gifts of fate and all the unpleasant consequences, maintaining a connection with itself and with others.

If a woman is in a sound instinctive mind, her thoughts are calm, she understands the nature of everything that happens - to love, create, believe, desire - they are born, live out their time, wither, die and are born again. Women consciously or unconsciously practice this knowledge every lunar cycle of her life, and the wild woman understands that physically, emotionally and spiritually, the zeniths always fade and fade, are reborn, sink into oblivion and these are the bearers of fate. It cannot be otherwise, and there is nothing to grieve about. Energy, feeling, intimacy, loneliness, desire, boredom - all these increase or decrease in cycles. Crying, grieving is the way of simpletons, but the truly “wild” know this world and all the cycles of change in nature - you just need to “give your whole heart to this process” and calmly treat everything and the “aging process” of feelings, body, and only the mind turns into reason, which calls for calm contemplation of the cycles of life in nature. It is better to approach everything that people artificially complicate in their lives with ease, because with ease pain and suffering are forced out of a woman. Benevolently and wisely.

EVERYONE you must have your own home (den) - this is a chair in the garden, a corner, a place under a tree, a porch where the soul meets the body and the world, you need an hour or a day when you need to be “at home”, where you feel comfortable and where you can be yourself alone with yourself - re-read the poem, spend at least a few minutes by the river, a spring, lie on the ground in the sun's spots, be with your loved one when there are no children, to go through something, change the old, return to yourself. Or go wherever your eyes look, get on the bus and go where the lights are, sit by the window, surrounded by trees, plant flowers and get your hands thoroughly dirty in the ground, put your hands in a barrel of water and freeze...

The path home is difficult, but you always need to be able to leave. When you hesitate to return “home,” your eyes stop sparkling, and you can simply lose yourself. If a woman has gone too far from “home,” she begins to dry out. Such a woman becomes unyielding, absent-minded, twitchy and quarrelsome. Mental hunger sets in. There is no need to be overly kind, we need to make a choice: to provide support and help only to those who allow us to return home, otherwise the light of the heart will fade and the supply of the soul will dry up.

A woman’s desire to “heal everything, arrange everything” is one of the main reasons for the inability to be herself and be happy in reserve. To give, you need to replenish yourself. The wild wolf understands that she must return (not “yes, perhaps” and “it would be good”, namely should return home in due time, and this is especially important when you are bogged down in worldly affairs). Every woman’s body lives here and now, but her mind is far, far away. Fiddle with the hem of your skirt, sadly look out the window: “yes, yes... that’s just it - and...” There are reasons for the delay - children, business, the reluctance of others to take the oars, something is sacrificed for the sake of others, for the sake of the environment, to show: “ Oh, how good I am!” - but you need to force yourself to leave (“Alas, but now I’m gone!”) and give others the opportunity to grow and develop.

Wolves form a group that is united by common affairs and concerns. And everyone can go into their own hole... Life is so good! A woman must be careful and not allow a heightened “sense of responsibility” to rob her of creative pauses, rhythms, and insights. Contrary to all logic, they are not at all necessary. Work for someone, work to clean your home, work to buy things for your husband, children... It’s strange, all these worries never end. You just have to stomp your foot and say “No!” half of those cases that are considered mandatory.

But being alone in your “home” for too long is also unacceptable - the connection with the soul weakens, the blood becomes thin and flows more slowly. And being away from “home” for too long, a woman is less and less able to move forward. Such is nature that loss of energy is common. You just need to find a “den” - a place that will hide your pleasure, your joy; a place that gives us the time and freedom to be, to wander, to wonder, to write, to sing, to create and not to be afraid.

Sensing pleasure, the wolves at first freeze in their tracks. They stand with full concentration to see, hear, feel, What right in front of them, What they are so by their very nature. This is what is offered to the wild woman in nature - the ability to see, to stop, to affirm her voice, her values, her imagination, her clairvoyance, her vigilance, her fairy tales and ancient women's legends. And there is no need to try to “control yourself”, trying to suppress the sudden rage, risking burning down all living things. You need to use anger as a creative force, but you definitely need to later " wolf howl» find a place where there will be peace.

The howl is the rebirth of a wild woman. Saying goodbye to loved ones, she howls. To move to blessed peace, you need to give vent to rage. It would be nice to go to real mountains from time to time. In myths, the mountain is understood as a symbol reflecting the level of awareness that needs to be achieved. The lower part of the mountain represents the desire for consciousness, the middle - as a test of knowledge, sensations, upper part- like intensive training and the peak - like a meeting with wisdom. Therefore, if we do not know what can be done, how to cope with the complexities of civilization, with the flow of information, then it is best to go to the mountains, where we can allow ourselves “wolf howls”, and “wolf tears”, and a battle in the soul, and peace, pleasure, acceptance of a difficult situation, the search for wisdom, and at the top - complete contemplation of wild nature from above and the path to solving earthly issues.

Such is the nature of wild wolves and wild women! There is a saying that comes down from the Middle Ages: “If you are making a descent and are being pursued by some great force that you have found above, and if this great force manages to catch your shadow, you too will become great power».

HOW DO WOLVES PLAY? They push each other - old in their own way, young in their own way, as well as skinny, fat, long-legged, short-tailed, lop-eared, lame. Everyone has their own body, their own strength, their own beauty. They live and play according to who they are and how they feel. They don't try to be something they're not. The playing wolves constantly push and touch each other, as if they are performing a casual dance. This contact of bodies is a “peculiar message”: “You are with us, we are together” - and this is constant support for the soul.

We must be permanent inhabitants of our territory, and not just tourists, because we come from this country - this is our homeland and our heritage. How do wolves manage to live in harmony in wildlife? With Clarice Estes as she explores myths different cultures, we understand how you can revive the primordial Spirit of a woman in conditions modern world and I pass it on for you general wolf rules for our lives, although not quite “wolfish”.
1. Look for food
2. Rest
3. In between, just wander around
4. Be faithful
5. Love children
6. Play in the moonlight
7. Keep your ears on top of your head
8. Take care of your bones
9. Love... more and more often.
“Don’t go into the forest, don’t leave the house,” they said.
“This is my life, you stupid people,” she said. - I have to go to the forest, I have to meet the wolf, otherwise my life will never begin...(from the fairy tale "Wolf's Eyelash" by Clarice Estes).

Wolves are animals that are known to everyone predators. About wolves There are many fairy tales and sayings that describe him either as a ferocious beast or as a domesticated animal. In fact, the wolf cannot be classified as either one or the other.

Wolf is an animal, which is a mammal from the order Canidae. According to research, it is he who is the ancestor of the domestic one. They grow about 160 centimeters in length and weigh 60 kilograms.

Today this animal has more than 35 subspecies of its genus. “Relatives” live in different parts of the world. All of them different sizes and color, but they have one thing in common - they are predators!

In appearance, the wolf resembles a large, pointy-eared dog. The paws are tall and thin, they can hardly be called massive. The withers are set high, the muzzle is large, which distinguishes this genus from dogs.

Wolves have a good ability to adapt. They can travel long distances and still feel at home. These predators have an excellent sense of smell and acute hearing. They can smell their prey 2-3 kilometers away.

Below in the photo there is a wolf, has thick and beautiful fur. It consists of two layers: the inner down and outer long hairs. They are tough and repel water well. This representative of the animal world has a large and thick tail, which is always lowered down.

A wolf's teeth are sharp as a blade; it is with them that he tears apart his prey. Plus, teeth are a wolf’s defense against other predators. Speaking about wolves, we need to mention their special voice. Unlike all animals, they can emit various sounds:

  • Grunt;
  • Whistling;
  • Squeal;
  • Whining.

Listen to the wolf growl

Habitat and lifestyle of the wolf

Wild wolvesformidable predators, whose habitat extends to almost all Northern Hemisphere. Representatives of this species could be found in Belarus, Alaska, and so on.

Wolves can live in completely different areas, but they prefer forest-steppes, tundra, steppes, and semi-deserts. They love and forest areas. The wolf will not like high humidity. They can calmly settle close to people and approach them at close distances.

Wolves live in packs, which always have a leader. He chooses the best female for himself. In summer and spring, the flock breaks up, but all animals remain in their territory. Best place goes to the leader and his companion. The remaining members of the pack either pair up or begin to lead a wandering lifestyle. Wolves mark territory like dogs.

Typically, one flock occupies an average of 50 kilometers. At night, but not every day, wolves start choral singing. The leader begins to howl, then the others join him. Thus, wolves show cohesion and belonging to the pack.

The life of wolves, as animals, can be classified as nocturnal. Very often these predators make themselves known by starting to howl loudly. When hunting, a wolf can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h and run about 70 kilometers.

Before they start hunting, wolves often begin to howl. Sometimes they thus warn their fellows about the upcoming hunt. The leader of the pack gives a battle cry - this is the beginning of their action.

Wolf character

Wolves, as a rule, do not have a hot temper. Of course, it’s hard to call them friendly. A wolf pack always defends together, just as it hunts.

Males always protect females and young animals. If a female or a wolf cub is attacked by a predator many times larger, not a single wolf will stand aside. He will rush to protect them, no matter the cost. This is life of an animal - a wolf.

Wolves are indifferent towards other predators. Of course, they don't like animals that try to hunt in their territory. But they don’t just get into a fight.

There are legends about wolves as bloodthirsty animals, but in reality everything is completely different! Animal world wolves designed so that they are diligent family men who hunt to feed themselves.

Nutrition and reproduction

What kind of animal is a wolf?? The wolf is a clear representative of carnivores. He resorts to plant foods in extreme cases, when there is no food at all. An adult consumes from 2 to 6 kilograms of meat at a time. These predators have a habit of hoarding food for later.

Even though the wolf is very voracious, it is capable for a long time starve. The main diet of wolves includes sheep, ,.

In fact, these predators eat all the animals they can get. The difference in feeding of wolves directly depends on their habitat. Wolves are monogamous creatures, so their marriages usually last for many years. From two to three years the animal is ready to reproduce.

The mating season occurs from January to April, depending on the habitat. At this time, the situation in the pack is heating up. The dominant male and female protect each other from other members.

The remaining males begin to actively court the she-wolves and fight for them. Typically, a female produces only one offspring per year. Pregnancy lasts about 65 days. There are from 3 to 13 puppies in a litter. During the feeding period, the female does not move far from her burrow and protects it in every possible way. The father wolf does not participate in the life of the cubs during this period.

After milk feeding, the whole pack makes sure that the wolf cubs are well-fed. Any wolf shares his piece with the kids. Depending on their habitat, puppies may remain in the pack or leave to look for new territory.

Species of wolves

There are more than 35 subspecies, but only a few of them are worth noting; they are interesting for their lifestyle and behavior. These include:

  • White wolf - animal famous, which differs from its fellows in beauty. Usually hides from enemies. He has an easy-going and peaceful character. He does not like to meet people and often sits in his hole. Being a hermit, he prefers to live in the tundra and the Arctic.
  • Black wolf - animal, which looks like a pointy-eared dog. Because of its appearance, people often confuse it with pets. This subspecies lives in Alaska and North America.
  • Red wolf - animal, which may outwardly resemble a kutsuyu. Compared to its brothers, it is small in size. His weight is only about 21 kilograms. The peculiarity of these predators is their habitat – mountains.
  • Steppenwolf - animal small in size, which, judging by the name of the species, lives in the steppes. Favorite places to live are cliff lines along river banks. They feed on hares and partridges. They most often live in fox holes.

In the photo there is a white wolf

Keeping a wolf at home

It is almost impossible to make a pet out of a wolf. You need to realize that the wolf is a predator that can consider human flesh as food. Taming may take a long time, but if it succeeds, the wolf will become best friend and protector. He will always be a danger to you, your family, and your guests.

If you decide to get a wolf, then the first thing you need to do is surround the wolf cub with love and care. You can’t shout at him and, of course, hit him. Wolf is an animal of the forest, so it is necessary to provide him with personal space. In general, of course, it’s difficult to imagine wolf as a pet.

It is recommended to feed the wolf with fresh meat and fish. Give the animal a lot of time and attention; the animal should feel your love. You need to play with a wolf like a dog and train it.

In the photo there is a red wolf

We must not forget that this is a predator and it is dangerous to humans. In the wild, people often hunt these animals for their skins, although wolf hunt banned in many countries. Although most of these predators pose absolutely no danger to humans.

Greetings, friends!

In this post I decided to talk about the wolf totem. Working with totem animals is one of the effective methods self-development. It makes it possible to realize your strengths and weaknesses, your characteristics. By activating the energy of the totem in ourselves, we receive additional strength and protection.

In this and next posts I plan to talk about totems and animals of power that I myself have worked with. I will provide information about the rest for informational purposes only. However, many groups of totems have similar characteristics and, let’s say, functionality.

For example, representatives separate family(felines, canines, mustelids) have a lot in common, although, of course, there are also features inherent in this particular representative. Therefore, it will be possible to draw some analogies, taking information about one of them as a basis.

How many animal powers can one person have?

Regarding the question about the number of totems and power animals, I believe that a person still has one totem animal. The one that most reflects his character, and the one that leads him along the path of development.

However, our unconscious is connected to the energies of all animals, to one degree or another. Therefore, it is very natural that we can connect to other totems. This is especially useful for mastering patterns of behavior that were not typical for us before, expanding the range of actions.

For example, I have one personal totem, and I interact with the others as power animals. However, the names are not so important; they are rather symbols for convenience. The principle of interaction in both cases is practically the same.

Wolf totem

The wolf is perhaps one of the most common totems, which is why I decided to start with it. It is considered masculine, but working with its energy is also available to women. It is very multifaceted, very difficult.

It takes time to tune into his energy. Although it is among the “wolf people” that more often than among all other groups there are those who, from childhood, are aware of their connection with the wolf.

Spiritual paths, the search for purpose, self-knowledge - these are his themes. It so happened that the totem animal wolf appeared in my life when I was at a crossroads. It was unclear to me which way to go next, and the wolf led me very confidently.

Intuition became sharper, contact with oneself became more dense, and then, later, it seemed strange that earlier there were doubts, and the path was not obvious.

At the same time, I was actively involved in creativity and vocals, and this is also not an accident. In general, the wolf patronizes vocalists.

It is known that wolf howls are tonal. It distinguishes a huge number of different tones and timbres, which are signals.

Along with the energy of the wolf comes also some introversion, self-absorption, and thoughtfulness. This totem also gives strength and physical endurance. With him, I learned to spend my energy more wisely, to distance myself from everything that could deprive me of my strength, and it was a very useful lesson.

In addition, the wolf works great with fears. If you called him and he came to you, you will almost immediately feel that you are under powerful protection. There comes a feeling of balance, calmness and even some slowdown. There is a feeling of distance and at the same time a feeling of shoulder, as with a faithful friend.

In general, when working with the energy of the wolf, I felt not so much patronage as cooperation, that is, interaction on equal terms. This energy is not somewhere separate. It is inside you, and manifests itself directly through you. And at the same time, this energy is isolated.

Which, however, fully reflects the behavior of a wolf in nature: on the one hand, he can live in a pack and tenderly care for the members of the pack, and on the other, be a loner and not depend on anyone. Dissolving and not losing yourself is another lesson of this totem.

By the way, a wolf and a dog are still two different totems. They have different tasks, although they undoubtedly have similarities.

To work with the energy of a wolf, a talisman is suitable, for example, in the form of a pendant like this, depicting this animal. For men who have a wolf totem, we can recommend this solid mug with the image of the beast. However, if you wish, you can make a pocket wooden amulet or make an image on a piece of paper - choose what suits you best and trust your intuition.

Archetype of the wolf among the ancient Slavs and other peoples

Wolf image among the Slavs was associated with the god of fertility - Veles, and also, possibly, with Dazhdbog, who turned into a lame wolf, and some other Slavic deities.

This archetype had a dual meaning. On the one hand, it symbolized endurance, determination and intelligence, and on the other, evil spirits, lower instincts and was closely associated with werewolfism, when a person who failed to curb his animal instincts turned into a wolf.

The wolf was also a guide to another world, and existed, as it were, on different layers of reality - between This and That world. He was feared, but also revered, and his fangs were worn as amulets, which protected against evil spirits and gave courage and perseverance.

In addition, the wolf was associated with the image of a warrior - brave, selfless, fighting to the end.

U ancient Scandinavians two wolves are assistants to the god Odin, his accompaniments and guides. By the way, the image of a wolf is often associated with the image of a raven. The god Odin also had two raven assistants.

In addition, in Norse mythology there is also the wolf Fenrir (child of the fire god Loki), who, according to predictions, will devour the god Odin at the very end. He represents chaos and destructive force, temporarily chained. The god of war, Tyr, sacrificed his hand to pacify Fenrir.

U Indians North America The wolf was revered as a protector and wise guide. Indian shamans often adopted wolves as power animals. They also had a widespread cult of the coyote as a totem animal.

The character and appearance of people with a wolf totem

Such people are usually athletic. Average build, often with a tendency towards thinness. They have a good appetite and prefer mostly meat foods. The look is penetrating, and somehow it makes you feel a little uneasy.

They are usually somewhat introverted, but not so self-absorbed that they do not monitor what is happening in the outside world. On the contrary, they are very observant and nothing escapes their gaze.

They are faithful, devoted, value friendship, and are ready to help at any time. Often good family men. However, they need their own space.

Oddly enough, wolves sometimes allow themselves to be abused by people close to them, but, having escaped the captivity of such relationships, they can then cruelly take revenge on the offender.

A wolf, like a dog, can endure for a very long time. However, his patience always has a clear limit. If he has been allowing him to cross for a long time, then it is most likely not a wolf, but a dog.

Such people feel quite comfortable both alone and in company. Although they tend to be somewhat introverted, they are good communicators and pleasant to deal with. Intelligence, competent speech, and the ability to listen to the interlocutor attracts people to them.

Also, as I said above, the wolf totem often patronizes musical people. In general, people with this totem can be found in any profession, but instinctively they are drawn to areas where hierarchy is expressed. Therefore, among them there are many employees of law enforcement agencies and the military.

Despite the fact that the wolf has good defense, he would rather prevent a conflict, and certainly not provoke it, unless, of course, he is pursuing some special goal.

Such a person will not get involved in fights just to wave his fists or prove something. It is almost impossible to take it weakly. However, he will fight to the last if someone close to him is under threat.

The main conflict that the wolf resolves is, of course, the balance between freedom and belonging. Such a person has a very developed sense of duty. And at the same time, he needs to feel independent. If he can maintain this balance, he will be happy.

We can talk about the wolf forever. However, it should be understood that even within the same species, wolves can vary greatly. Individualism is very wolf-like. In nature, in wolf packs, each wolf is an individual, and his place is clearly assigned to him.

Therefore, people with this totem can be quite different from each other. In this article I described the typical features that they have. In order to understand such a person, you need to understand general concept wolf, feel it from the inside.

In addition, the animal of power still gives each person something of its own. The wolf rewards someone to a greater extent insight, some - speed, some - intelligence, and some communication skills. We can also observe these accents.


I guess I'll stop here today. I hope the article was interesting and useful for you, write comments and ask questions.

And I’m not saying goodbye to you - see you in the next post.

About a year ago this already happened, but without photographs. Now also supplemented by a couple of groups.
Let me clarify right away: this is only my vision! And any of these groups can include girls who are absolutely beautiful in appearance.

Bird women

(Helena Bonham Carter, Helen Hunt)
Women become birds only because of their beaked nose, chiseled, thin, with a hump or straight, but with the tip going down. The bird woman's lips are thin, small, often with a very noticeable outline, upper lip may lean forward a little. And sometimes the lips are stretched, but also thin. Eyes can be absolutely anything: big, small, green, black...
Among the Birds there are many predatory beauties, real vamp women.

Pisces women

(Julianne Moore, Isabelle Huppert, Renée Zellweger)
Also a very common type of woman, but usually the direct opposite of Birds. The main thing in Pisces is the eyes and skin. The skin is transparent, pale, through which soft lilac veins sometimes appear. On the outside, she is often covered with red freckles. The Pisces Woman's eyes are most often large and always light, slightly watery. Eyebrows and eyelashes for light eyes, as expected, are equally light. The nose is often blurry, but it is not the main thing. Most often, Pisces Women are not very beautiful if they are not wearing makeup; they are rather pale and inconspicuous, but when they apply makeup, they are transformed. In addition, there are simply amazing beauties.

Frog women

(Cameron Diaz)
They look like Pisces women, you don’t even have to separate them into a group, but sometimes you really want to. Their eyes are large and bright, bulging. And definitely big mouth. Ideally, he smiles often.

Female fawns

(Jane Birkin, Natalie Portman, Audrey Tautou)
Female fawns are not really women, they have more of a childish quality to them. Their eyes are expressive and often frightened. The neck, arms and legs are thin, and the gestures are on the verge of plasticity and angularity.

Women are wolves

(Eva Green)
Wolf women - still b O bigger vamps than birds. Their hair is usually dark, and their eyes are always beautiful and light. The look is heavy with pronounced sexuality.

Women are foxes

(Juliette Binoche, Penelope Cruz, Emmanuelle Beart)
Very large group. It includes, for example, those who did not reach the level of she-wolves, who have the same external data, but at the same time their gaze is not strong enough. Almost always beautiful or at least pretty. The Fox Woman's nose is slightly upturned, maybe a little long, a real fox nose. If the set comes with big eyes with a veil, Chanterelle is simply a beauty! Chanterelle's mouth can be anything, but it almost always smiles slyly.
More chanterelles: Julia Roberts, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Ingeborga Dapkunaite.


(Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Scarlett Johansson)
Cat Women are, rather, not about their appearance, but about their sense of self. But often they have a small nose or plump lips. They themselves also seem soft and plastic, lazy and on their own.

Women are horses

(Alanis Morissette, Sarah Jessica Parker)
Their face is long, oval, with a pronounced lower part. And everything else (eyes, nose) - whatever you want.

Dog women

(Kirsten Dunst, Paz Vega)
To recognize a Dog Woman, you need to look into her eyes and pay attention to her nose. Her eyes usually have drooping outer corners and are most often brown, kind and understanding. The nose is either small or slightly wide. Dog women are more often just cute than beautiful.