A woman who behaves well. A woman's soul is wolfish What are wolves by nature?

Exploring female archetypes based on ancient myths, legends and fairy tales, Clarissa Estes argues that a healthy woman in a good psychophysical state is similar to a she-wolf.

The book "Who Runs with the Wolves" may have been received in different ways. If it were not for the serious name of its author, who earned himself a place in the sun not with this book, but scientific works Jung's school, it could probably be declared some kind of strange notes - Clarissa Estes's arguments are so unexpected and sharp.

Be that as it may, in Europe, fans of the theory of the she-wolf declared this book to be the women's Bible and under the cry “She-wolves of all countries, unite!” gather in the “Wolf Women” association or open “Wolf Women” websites.

Wild and pristine

"Runner with the Wolves" Female archetype in myths and tales"

Women Who Run With the Wolves. Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype.

Translated into more than twenty-five languages, Clarissa Estes's book has been one of the first places in the world book rankings for several years.

This book about the female archetype is truly universal. Replace the concept of “primordial woman” with “primordial man” - and you will see that the benefits this book will bring to your soul have no gender.

Inside every woman lives a pristine, natural being, full of good instincts, compassionate creativity and eternal wisdom.

But this creature - the Wild Woman - is on the verge of extinction. The “civilizing” influence of society, unfortunately, suppresses everything “wild”, that is, natural, in a child.

Clarissa Estes, who has been practicing and teaching Jungian psychoanalysis and researching myths for over twenty years different cultures, shows how the primordial spirit of a woman can be revived through “psychoarchaeological excavations” in the area of ​​the female unconscious.

The healthy, instinctive, clairvoyant, healing archetypal Wild Woman lives a full life in ancient myths and fairy tales. But it can reappear in the soul of every woman in the modern world.

Runner with the Wolves

Our correspondent in France met with the president of the popular European movement “Wolf Women”

My interlocutor Nicole de Troyat is a classically trained psychologist whose life acquired meaning after, as she says, she discovered the desire and strength to engage in psychoanalysis using the method of Clarissa Estes. Concurrently, Nicole is the president of the Wolf Women Association.

— Madame Troyat, do you think that today in civilized countries wolf women are not yet listed in the Red Book?

- I understand your question. Of course, at first glance it seems that domestic lapdogs have better living conditions than wild wolves. The dogs are served food in a bowl, they are taken out for walks in warm coats, and warm blankets are bought for them to sleep.

But this is the whole point: without a struggle for one’s own actualization, without conflicts, vital forces leave. And this can be seen in the example of two or three generations.

Today's dogs give birth to such weak offspring that you need to look in advance for a good veterinarian who will monitor your pet from childhood.

Returning from this comparison to women, I will quote Madame Estes, who in the book “Who Runs with the Wolves” writes that decrepit women are not the best achievement of our civilization.

- But there is a simpler solution - fitness centers, alpine skiing, pool...

It's about after all, it’s about a woman’s mental health first and foremost. Of course, sports activities are important, but if at the same time a woman constantly feels internal discomfort, which she gets used to and does not notice until the first crisis...

If your husband cheats

— Are wolf women insured against crises?

- Of course not. But they react differently. For example, an ordinary woman, having learned that her husband is cheating on her, will throw a tantrum, try to intimidate her husband with threats or begin to blackmail him with children, become depressed, and bore all her friends with her complaints and tears.

Marital infidelity is a very strong test, so any means are understandable from the point of view of the female victim.

And the she-wolf, who is focused on fidelity in a couple, will also naturally experience pain. But she will not be stuck in depression for a long time - her natural strengths, intuition, wisdom and healthy wolfish egoism will preserve her health, restore her faster and help her make an objective decision.

In this situation, such a woman can act in different ways - as many wolves as there are so many decisions. But this is what unites wolf women - she will first of all listen to herself.

If she wants to save the marriage, after a good beating, she will still keep the guilty wolf with her. If he already got it, no arguments will work here. The she-wolf has enough strength and love to raise her cubs alone. Although other young wolves will try to penetrate into her cozy lair - after all, it’s so cozy and safe with a she-wolf.

— You told me that in your association there are women of different religions, nationalities and skin colors. It turns out that the theory of the wolf woman managed to overcome religious and national prejudices?

— Because by discovering new possibilities in herself, support for the very life force, a woman becomes more generous and tolerant. The she-wolf does not distinguish between skin color; she selects comrades by smell - that is, according to the principle of compatibility.

A prostitute will not become a wolf

— What about the professions of female wolves?

- Very different. Although it must be said that mostly, of course, women who become wolves are educated, capable of introspection and actively organizing their lives.

I once interviewed a woman who was the leader of the Paris prostitutes' union. She was a kind, generous, brave woman. In terms of her charisma, she fits the description of a female wolf...

Having taken on the role of protector of many women—in this case, prostitutes—this woman developed a caring, proactive, and kind personality. And these traits are exactly on the list of qualities that characterize a she-wolf.

- Can prostitutes become she-wolves?

- No. These women tend to be too cornered. Serving with your body different men who pay her for this, the prostitute violates the sacred principle of she-wolves - to be self-willed in choosing a partner.

It also violates the principle of fidelity and self-love, as well as taking care of one’s health, which is dictated by biological intuition, which sends signals in defense of future offspring.

So, although prostitutes are worthy of the compassion of she-wolves (in no case condemnation - nature knows no condemnation at all) - but they cannot become she-wolves.

- And the models?

- Why not? If in life they are as confident and self-sufficient as on the covers of magazines.

The path of a model for a wolf woman is acceptable, but dangerous. It's very easy to start thinking of yourself as a model.

There are now a lot of articles on the topic of the death of Anna Nicole Smith. Moving forward different versions about its reasons. As a psychoanalyst, I see this situation differently. She died because she saw no point in living anymore. She has run out of life reserves and the belief that something can be changed.

Of course, with all her wealth, she would like to change her life. This is a constant motive for all women - even those who say they are happy.

If a woman has a visible path for change, she is balanced and purposeful - be it in her professional or personal life. If she has complete confusion in her head and feelings, it means that she has lost her path and herself.

Of course, after working for so many children as a porn model, it is difficult to maintain self-love... Many women in this profession have such a tragic end, but we learn about the biggest names.

Sexy temptress or housewife?

— How does society treat she-wolves?

These are the requirements modern society to women. Become beautiful and sexy or practical - and you will earn a place in the sun. Men benefit from having both of these types of women on hand to ensure complete service.

A she-wolf can be sexier than beauties with gel lips and breasts, but only if she herself wants to seduce and enjoy.

She will not pretend to be in love in order to win a man who is not interesting to her - she has a sense of the value of her time and, of course, herself.

But I’ll tell you: a man with whom a she-wolf falls in love can be called lucky. He will come closer to understanding that heavenly state when the two halves were united together, and he will never have the feeling that he is living life in vain. The degree of actualization in such novels is incredibly high. People who have experienced an honest and strong feeling of love change internally so intensely that God probably has no other way.

We are not abandoned!

- But not all of them are the most strong feelings remain forever...

- Yes, such is life. But no man will ever abandon the she-wolf. This is a sign by which I determine for myself the degree of my inner wolf.

If some man leaves me, it means I turn into a lap dog.

The she-wolf leaves on her own or the partners separate by mutual consent, so that they can always call each other at Christmas time...

- How do she-wolves treat plastic surgery?

- If the she-wolf wants something, then it is impossible to resist it. She is allowed to be headstrong. Positively self-willed, I note.

If she wants to change her appearance, she will definitely change; no amount of persuasion will influence her. If she is afraid of pain, then no Pamela Anderson is an example for her.

Many legends are told about these predators. Sometimes extremely contradictory and controversial. Russian fairy tales depict the wolf as a narrow-minded, dull, not very smart animal. On the other hand, zoologists consider the wolf to be one of the most savvy and intelligent animals, capable of fast learning and adaptation. Many questions are raised and personal relationships between animals within the same flock.

The loyalty and devotion of wolves to their pack is surprising. And the wolf’s loyalty is worthy of a poem. Surprisingly, this is the true truth.

The she-wolf chooses her partner once and for life. It is clear that life in wildlife dictates quite unique rules. The chosen one must meet certain parameters. He must be brave, strong, a skilled hunter and breadwinner, caring and devoted, a recognized leader and leader of the future pack.

Wolf and she-wolf

As for the pack, this is probably not entirely true. Because a wolf pack is, first and foremost, a family. It consists of a leading couple, a wolf and a she-wolf, and their descendants of different generations: from wolf cubs less than a year old, to two- to three-year-old teenagers. Moreover, personal relationships in the family are supported not only by the authority of the leader, but also by the amazing relationships between all family members.

Of course, conflicts also arise, which are quickly settled with just one stern look from the leader or his girlfriend. The main goal The wolf family is taking care of the kids. Moreover, all members of the pack take care of the wolf cubs with all their might.

The leader wolf is usually responsible for order among males; young she-wolves obey the mother-wolf. Grown-up wolves either remain in the pack, if they are ready to obey the leader all their lives, or they leave in search of a free she-wolf in the hope of eventually creating their own pack.

Thus, a leader can become someone who not only passionately wants freedom and independence, but is also able to defend this right. Surprisingly, the same rule applies to the she-wolf. Only capable of renouncing a calm and unnoticed existence in her parents’ family, where her whole life will be devoted to raising younger brothers and sisters, the she-wolf will begin to look for her betrothed with the sole purpose of creating her own pack family.

It is in this way, once and for all, that the wolf and the she-wolf unite their destinies and lives, making their entire subsequent existence a continuous struggle. Unlike dogs, wolves remained monogamous.

A she-wolf is a woman who lives by her own rules, not paying attention to established social stereotypes and patterns of behavior, to norms, rules, and standards imposed from the outside. She is a creator: she wants, she creates, she wants, she creates. Humor, but reflects the essence of things. The she-wolf is self-sufficient, smart, independent, internally strong, free from prejudice, you can’t convince her, you can’t turn her off the intended path. In a relationship with a man, she always rules, although from the outside it may not always seem so. This is the kind of woman about whom men always say that she has the breed and stamina. The she-wolf is bright, spectacular, and it’s not about her appearance and clothes, it’s about the energy, self-confidence and thoughtful positivity transmitted from within. Such a woman’s eyes always “burn”, with little devils constantly “jumping” in them. Devil, witch, bitch – that’s what men like to call me, and believe me, this is not an insult. This is the kind of woman they talk about the mighty of the world this: “I love and hate her at the same time, but I can’t forget and get her out of my head.” The she-wolf lives on her own; a man does not occupy a central place in her life. Good decent girl?! Ha! This is not about her. The appearance of an angel, the soul of a devil - that’s who the she-wolf is! Fire and ice, love and hate, black and white, bad and good - everything is in her, she plays on contrasts, so she always remains elusive, unsaid, incomprehensible. The she-wolf is constantly true to herself and her life principles and values. How to become a wolf woman? It’s difficult, but it’s possible, you just have to really want it! It is necessary to change yourself, and first of all, change the settings in your head, “turn off” your goodness, obsequiousness to everyone indiscriminately, self-sacrifice. It is necessary to understand that the she-wolf lives by the principle: I live the way I want! And nothing else! The she-wolf can afford the most luxurious and cool thing in the world, which you cannot exchange for anything else - to be yourself, your real self. Not a clone, not a robot, living like everyone else. And yourself, living the way you want, no matter what. The she-wolf is not alone, the she-wolf is simply a loner in life (i.e., an integral personality), who has the right to choose: she herself chooses her path in life, she herself chooses the man she wants. Personally, it seems to me that this is worth the effort that a woman will spend on her “re-education”, transformation and personal growth. I give you a tremendous opportunity to adopt some life principles she-wolves, understanding the essence of which, you can go far. So, the main postulates of the female hunter: 1. “No one owes anyone anything.” And the main thing here is to understand that you also don’t owe anything to anyone, especially to manipulative men. 2. “If you want to do something well, do it yourself.” This postulate concerns vital things for a woman. Everything else can be delegated and asked for help. But only do the fundamental things yourself, don’t shift this function to others, especially men, don’t become dependent. 3. “I am who I am, I’m not perfect, so what!” Accept your own unique essence, love yourself sincerely. Why be someone you will never be. Enjoy yourself, and men will come into your life. And whoever doesn’t like it, let them nervously smoke on the sidelines. Never forget about the philosophy of the “real self”. 4. Self-sufficiency. 5. “I’m not good, I’m bad with good stripes.” The she-wolf herself knows how to behave, what to think and what to do. If it doesn’t fit with generally accepted norms, she doesn’t care much. It is impossible to label such a woman as good and decent, because she has her own set of rules and laws. 6. Constant self-development and personal growth. 7. “In a relationship with a man, everything will be the way I want, or I will not have any relationship with a specific man at all!”

Women write about psychology and biology in glamorous magazines, but you can read about zoology of the fairer sex in men's publications and on thematic forums. The portal offers its own interpretation of animal types, based on read fairy tales and encyclopedias, associations, external resemblance and the coincidence of characters. In order to avoid accusations of male chauvinism, the classification process was entrusted to a woman.

From ciliates to jellyfish

Extraordinary personalities are rare in the crowd. Increasingly, we find ourselves surrounded by plankton: we drift freely through life, hang out in the depths of the Internet and are one of the components of the food chain. And yet plankton is a collection of heterogeneous organisms. In this environment you can find ciliate woman, whose thoughts are occupied exclusively by shoes. Simple as five kopecks, she practically wants and doesn’t expect anything from life. Well, unless you meet the same one-celled one, so that you can turn into a slipper ciliate.

Amoebas that have lost their slenderness and liveliness should also be classified as protozoa. , disappearing in an eternal queue, either at the supermarket for food, or at the executive committee for improved living conditions. Amoeba woman calmly floats with the flow, easily adapts to the surrounding reality and actively reproduces.

If a representative of plankton in the ocean of life fails to meet her soul mate, she can easily turn into a jellyfish . It only seems that female jellyfish weak-willed and spineless. In fact, they have not only character, but also a life credo: “Don’t touch me!” However, even touchy-feely people get married. In addition, not a single man in the world is immune from the fact that, lying down in the evening with a charming beauty, he may find a real gorgon in his bed in the morning. An irritated jellyfish stings without missing a beat, can turn you to stone with one look or cause paralysis with one word.

From mouse to bunny

Mouse Woman you can meet on the street, at work and even in the museum in the Greek hall. And pass without noticing. She is sweet, friendly and modest. Therefore, it is easy to fall into mousetraps with free cheese.

The mouse is not untalented. Some women in this category have imagination and can fly. Which often scares men. It is therefore not surprising that some bats husbands are called vampires and reproached for sucking their life juices. Although in fact, the strong half of humanity needs to be afraid of completely different women.

From a psychological point of view, any mouse can easily turn into rat. Fortunately, there are enough courses and textbooks on stervology today. Unlike a gray mouse driven into a corner, a rat can not only rush at the offender, but even deliver a preemptive strike.

On to the squirrel woman the whole office is holding on. She spins the impeller all day, then runs home to feed her family and create a supply for the winter.

Bunny woman Serves as office decoration. She does not forget to change her fur coat in time for the season. He is often a coward, but always shows ingenuity to achieve the desired result. Willingly fulfills the petty whims of her husband or boss. After all, this is exactly what it was created for - white and fluffy. Men often live with bunnies, but dream of completely different women.

From cat to lioness

This female type Hollywood screenwriters love to exploit it. Catwoman walks on her own, purrs when in the mood, and scratches for no reason. In fact, cats are also different. The kitties are not far from the bunnies. Such people easily become mistresses and even more readily the fifth wives of aging oligarchs. The main thing in the content is not to forget to buy fashionable gadgets and other things on time. The pussy takes revenge on forgetful owners - usually it shits in the shoes.

Advanced kitties become secular lionesses. Some are born with them, but still remain the property of the one who feeds them, provides shelter and protection.

Catwoman is brave and determined. But she is a terrible lazy person. Having agreed to live in your house, she becomes a full-fledged mistress of it. Now she decides which curtain should hang on the window and which whiskey you will have for dinner. But you will have to nail the cornice and serve it on the table. Remember to regularly scratch your cat behind the ears and never stroke against the grain.

Unsatisfied family life cats often go crazy. She goes on a spree, and instead of warmth and comfort, kittens appear in the house, suspiciously similar to the neighbors' cats.

From dog to wolf

Men have their own ideal women dogs. They are loyal, look devotedly into the eyes, follow all commands, bring beer along with slippers, lick mental wounds and guard the owner’s sacred dinnertime dream. Only in the wild are such women rare.

A woman dog can be a friend, or she can put her husband on a short leash. The guard Cerberus forbids his man to drink beer, watch football, meet with friends and generally stray far from the kennel. She can bark for any trifle.

Fox Woman - main initiator office intrigue. Her cunning will more than once help you get out of any crisis situation. Beautiful, smart and self-sufficient, she can invite the man she likes to dinner, pay the bill and use it for its intended purpose.

Wolf Woman- loner. But if she finds her mate, she is ready to gnaw the throat of anyone who looks in the direction of the male. Capable of controlling a flock.

From sheep to cow

Representatives of the superorder of ungulates should also be divided into species: they are paired and unpaired, domestic and wild. Among them are calloused and ruminants.

The most harmless female type from this series is sheep. Light curls, the presence of golden fleece and almost complete absence intelligence provides them with constant success in male company.

Nobody wants to live with an old nag, but rarely does anyone get upset when a worker appears in the team horse. You can put not only all the problems on her, but also the burden of responsibility. And such a woman plows without raising her head, even sleeping while walking.

The horse woman is no less willing to harness herself to the family cart and pull this burden up the mountain without unnecessary bucking. She is pushed around by all and sundry, periodically tightening the bit. And yet there are pacers in this class. Mustang women are making good progress career ladder, because, in addition to the ability to work hard, they also have presentation and strong character. They can kick the offender and easily gallop away from problems.

Another female type - cash cow This is the one they prefer to marry mama's boys to roll around like cheese in butter. Women of this type rarely become high-ranking bosses, since they prefer chewing gum for everyone and are ready to live in a barn and work in an open field. They love TV series.

From canary to magpie

Women and birds have a lot in common. For example, the constant need to preen feathers and chirp incessantly.

Canary women They willingly live in a cage and please their owner with sweet trills. These are preferred by men who are insecure and need a constant portion of praise.

mother hen keeps under her wing until retirement not only her numerous offspring, but also her own husband.

Hummingbird Woman bright and exotic, but not found in our forests. He flies in on the way from the south to visit his parents and buys a plane ticket again.

Magpie Woman can’t live without bright trinkets and will die of envy if a colleague is wearing a larger brooch.

Cuckoo Woman counts the years he has lived alone and is angry at the children who have grown up and for some reason do not come to visit their mother, preferring to spend weekends with their grandmother in the country.

Woodpecker Woman capable of driving even a tax inspector crazy.

From butterfly to ladybug

From a pupa they turn into butterfly Lightweight, fluttering through life, such women are pleasing to the eye, but do not bring any benefit.

Unlike bees These workaholic women are equally irreplaceable in the office and at home. They are forced to look after their drones and take care of the queen, following established rules day after day.

There are women who are as annoying as flies. They willingly take jobs as sales representatives and can sit for hours in a client's office, distracting everyone from their work until someone rolls up a newspaper and kicks them out.

Distinguish ladybug from others it is not difficult: every marriage leaves a mark on her soul and on her wings. Before the next trip to the altar, she drops off her children with their parents on the palate, and she periodically has to be reminded of her maternal responsibilities.

From tick to spider

The most terrible types. This is who men really need to be afraid of. Mite Woman falls on your head, gets sucked in and gets under your skin so that it has to be removed surgically. Although you can wait until she drinks blood and goes in search of the next victim.

U spider women other habits. She waits in ambush for a long time and weaves her web. If you can still get rid of a female tick, then with a spider everything is much more complicated: those caught in the web have no chance of escaping. Especially if the man has social status and property that can be passed on by inheritance.

Let’s make a reservation right away: in nature there is rarely a woman who can be 100% classified as one type or another. Any horse can buck, and an ugly duckling can turn into a beautiful swan. The most important thing, despite all animal instincts, is to always remain human.

What do people know about wolves? What qualities of a wolf first come to mind when talking about these animals? Surely you think that they are dangerous and cruel, insidious and treacherous. However, those who know almost nothing about the life of these animals think this way. In this article we will try to talk a little more about them. Perhaps some interesting fact about wolves will make you change your attitude towards them.

Genus Lupus (wolves)

This genus includes wolves, jackals, coyotes, and dogs. These are the largest representatives of wolves. It also includes all arctic foxes, foxes, maned wolves and

Each wolf is endowed with its own character - there are individuals who are cautious, self-confident and daring, some of them behave naturally and freely in the company of their fellow tribesmen, while others prefer to stay in the shadow of their more active relatives.

Wolves live on the plains northern hemisphere, as well as in mountains and forests. Unfortunately, in some countries they are completely exterminated. And in Antarctica, white wolves are on the verge of extinction. They are listed in the International Red Book. Hunting these animals is prohibited.

These predators live in various landscapes - forests, tundra, mountains and steppes. They are predominantly sedentary animals, but at the same time they roam very long distances in search of food. As biologists say, in the wild they occupy their niche. In their habitats, wolves are typically the largest group of predators that prey on large mammals.

External characteristics

A male wolf usually weighs about fifty kilograms, a female wolf is five kilograms lighter. The height at the withers of an adult is 75 cm, and the body length can be up to two meters. This is, of course, average data.

Wolves have thick, coarse fur with undercoat. The color may vary. There are gray, black, red, red, and white wolves.


Wolves are animals that prefer to live in families. Any pack of wolves has its own “charter”, in which everyone has their own role. Aggressive and strong young people rule, and those who need a firm hand obey them.

A wolf pack, in which the animals are related, is led by a wolf and a she-wolf. The rest of its members, mainly their offspring (from very stupid puppies to 3-year-old teenagers), obey them. Sometimes strangers join the flock, having left their flock for some reason. Typically, up to 15 animals live in such a family.

Endurance and vitality of wolves

These qualities of a wolf deserve special attention. A hungry predator without food can remain active for up to ten days. The wounded animal moves several kilometers away from the hunters. Surrounded hunting dogs, it fiercely defends itself until its last breath. And a wolf, caught in a trap, bites off its paw to escape from its pursuers.

There is a known case when a wolf, which broke its paw during a hunt, lay motionless on the ground for 17 days, after which it stood up and continued searching for prey. The will to live of wolves is amazing.

But they have small weaknesses, which experienced hunters know about. Surprisingly, these brave predators are lost at the sight of a rag that flutters in front of their muzzle. This feature led to the appearance of flags. Hunters, having discovered a wolf pack, surround it around the perimeter with a rope with scraps of any fabric hung on it. The wolves, seeing the waving flags, do not dare to jump for them, and the hunters shoot at the animals at point-blank range.

And one more fact. A wolf in the forest never attacks people first. He avoids people, prefers to stay away from them.

Wolf's Lair

The wolf's hole is quite simple. As a rule, it has one entrance. In the forest-steppe regions of Siberia, they have a depth of about four meters, the diameter of the entrance is about 50 cm.

In Transbaikalia, researchers observed how wolves dig tarbagan holes in the fall, and in the spring they discovered wolf litters in them. One of these holes was more than five meters long, forty centimeters wide and twenty-five centimeters high. The nest inside the hole was half filled with dry grass bedding. It contained tarbagan skins.

In the Far North, these predators build burrows along the banks of streams and rivers. In these areas, the soil is well drained and there is no permafrost, so digging a hole is easy.

Many holes can be found near the summer pastures of deer. As a rule, wolves wander behind herds of these animals. Before the puppies appear, they move forward, closer to their burrows, where the deer also come, but a little later.

Wolf howl

Each hole is inhabited by one pair of wolves, and they gather into a pack using the means of communication available to them - howl. This is not just the voice of a predator, it is an encrypted message with certain signals. The howl can be attractive (especially in mating season), calling. It can be heard when the leader calls the pack to hunt. The howl can be a response when members of the pack respond to the call of the leader. It can be dying and, finally, entertainment. Oddly enough, wolves often howl for no apparent reason, probably what their wolf soul asks for.

Social order of the pack

The strongest wolf becomes the leader of the pack. His faithful friend, the she-wolf, helps him manage. In order for pack members to obey them, leaders must have strong character. All decisions that concern the life of the family are made by the wolf and the she-wolf together. In a pack where the leader keeps order, males never fight among themselves. But strangers who violate the boundaries of property are usually severely punished. Wolf pack goes out to hunt only in its own limited territory. The owners guard and mark her very jealously. This is a warning to neighbors that they should stay away from this land.

Sometimes in large packs one wolf is poisoned by all his brothers for unknown reasons. Sometimes it becomes difficult for a rejected animal to live in a family, and he leaves it. He becomes a wandering loner. True, he has a chance to create his own pack if he meets the same lone wolf. If these animals want to rule the pack, they must completely subjugate all its members to their will and force them to obey the laws of the family.

How does a leader rule?

A pack of wolves unconditionally accepts the leadership of the leader. He dominates the males, and his girlfriend keeps order among the she-wolves. The leader never tires of reminding his subordinates who is the master in the pack - he growls at them, bites them, even knocks them down, doing this in front of the whole family.

As a rule, one close and stern look from the leader or his wolf is enough for those he targets to submit. Grinning, and rather ingratiatingly, the wolves fall to the ground, and then, if they succeed, stealthily leave the place of punishment. Sometimes they lie on their backs, as if to say: “We agree that you are the most important.”

An interesting fact about wolves - the position of a predator in a pack can be judged by the way it holds its tail. The leader always has it raised high. For ordinary “subjects” it is omitted. And those individuals who are at the lowest level in the pack tuck their tails between their legs.

Family members show their love and respect for the leader and his mate in a welcoming ceremony. With ears flattened, crawling and fur smoothed, they crawl up to them, lick and gently nibble their faces.

Wild wolves are loyal animals

Probably not everyone knows that wolves are one of the most loyal animals. These strong predators They become very attached to their pack mates. They express their emotions and feelings through body movements and facial expressions. Thanks to the “wolf tongue,” the pack unites and acts as one. They express their tenderness and sympathy by licking each other, while rubbing their muzzles.

Why does a wolf need a tail?

Not everyone knows that a wolf's tail is a kind of indicator that expresses its feelings. If it is raised high and the tip is slightly curved, then this means that the wolf is quite confident in its abilities. A friendly animal lowers its tail, but its very tip is raised up. A wolf with its tail between its legs is either afraid of something or communicating its submission.

Wolf the family man

Only specialists know this interesting fact about wolves. These dangerous predators experience strong emotional attachment. They are monogamous - they choose their mate once and for life.

It must be said that a wolf is an ideal family man. He doesn’t create scandals, doesn’t cheat on his she-wolf, doesn’t break up with her, doesn’t have a young “mistress” on the side, and brings all the spoils to the family.

Wild wolves love their cubs very much. The wolf cubs are cared for not only by their parents, but by the entire pack.

The attitude of the ancients towards the wolf

This beast is sometimes called mythical. In ancient times, he was revered and respected for his courage, endurance, and ingenuity. Many warlike tribes perceived him as their ancestor. During the heyday of patriarchy, he was compared to a groom, a bride kidnapper.

For our ancestors, the wolf was like a mediator between gods and people. It was considered a talisman against evil. When the wolf became the faithful companion of St. George the Victorious, he began to be perceived as a solar deity.

Apollo, the ancient Greek god of light, was sometimes called Apollo the Wolf. The ferocious predator was the sacred animal of the god Upuaut in Ancient Egypt.

In the myths of the Scandinavian peoples, wolves are called “the dogs of Odin.” Romulus and Remus, who founded Great Rome, were suckled by a she-wolf sent by Mars.