Personal relationships of a person. What are interpersonal relationships? Relationships between a man and a woman

Relationships represent an integral system of selective, individual and conscious relationships of the individual with objective reality, which includes three main components: attitude towards people, towards objects of the external world and towards oneself.

Interpersonal relationships

The term “interpersonal” carries the understanding that the relationship between a person and another individual has a mutual orientation. Interpersonal relationships are a system of expectations and orientations of members of a certain group relative to each other, determined by the organization joint activities and based on general ideas about values ​​and social norms.

The basis of interpersonal relationships is the efforts of partners aimed at making their behavior and their feelings more understandable and acceptable to each other. It is actions and feelings that create the matrix of relationships through which direct communication occurs.

Sometimes interpersonal relationships should be considered as a system of traditional generally accepted patterns of behavior that not only structure communication, but also ensure its mutual continuity between two partners.

In such relationships, each person has an inherent interpersonal role to play, which entails a clearly defined status - a number of stable rights and responsibilities. In most cases, the beginning of the implementation of this role occurs unconsciously: without preliminary analysis and clear decisions, partners begin to adapt to each other. Thus, the essence of the phenomenon of interpersonal relationships is the mutual orientations of individuals who are in long-term contact with each other.

Business and personal relationships

Business relationships are those relationships in which communication is determined strictly within the framework of the defined tasks of the common cause and the guidelines of management. Business relationships are strictly aimed at results; their main motivation is not the communication process itself, but the ultimate goal.

When entering into business relationships, a person is guided primarily by internal and external discipline, which can only be developed by a mature adult. Therefore, children do not enter into business relationships, even the relationship between a child and a teacher in primary and high school represent personal relationships. If partners have installed informal character business relationships, then over time they can transform into personal ones.

It should not be assumed that similar look relationships are inherent only in working with colleagues, superiors, etc. Business relationships can also be established with close people. However, this is preceded by a dialogue, you should discuss with your mother, husband, child why you think that establishing such a relationship with them is important and what mutual benefit will be from this for the two parties.

Personal relationships are relationships between close people; they are devoid of any shade of officialdom. Such relationships are not supported by documents, as is often the case in business relationships. Personal relationships are relationships between parents and children, friends, classmates outside of school, brothers and sisters.

Interpersonal relationships are relationships between individuals. They are often accompanied by emotional experiences that express inner world person.

Interpersonal relationships are divided into the following types:

1) official and unofficial;

2) business and personal;

3) rational and emotional;

4) subordination and parity.

Official (formal) refer to relationships that arise on an official basis and are regulated by statutes, regulations, orders, and laws. This is a relationship that has legal basis. People enter into such relationships because of their position, and not out of personal likes or dislikes for each other. Informal (informal) relationships develop on the basis of personal relationships between people and are not limited to any official framework.

Business relationships arise from working together people. They can be service relationships based on the distribution of responsibilities between members of the organization or production team.

Personal relationships are relationships between people that develop in addition to their joint activities. You can respect or disrespect your colleague, feel sympathy or antipathy for him, be friends with him or be at enmity. Therefore, personal relationships are based on the feelings that people have towards each other. Therefore, personal relationships are subjective. There are relationships of acquaintance, partnership, friendship and intimate relationships. Acquaintance- these are relationships when we know people by name, we can enter into superficial contact with them, talk to them. Partnership- these are closer positive and equal relationships that develop with many people on the basis of common interests and views for the sake of spending leisure time in companies. Friendship- these are even closer selective relationships with people, based on trust, affection, and common interests. Intimate relationships are a type of personal relationship. Intimate relationships are relationships in which another person is entrusted with the most intimate things. These relationships are characterized by closeness, frankness, and affection for each other.

Rational relationships are relationships based on reason and calculation; they are built based on the expected or real benefits from the established relationships. Emotional relationships, on the contrary, are based on emotional perceptions of each other, often without taking into account objective information about the person. Therefore, rational and emotional relationships most often do not coincide. So, you can feel hostility towards a person, but enter into rational relationships with him for the good common goal or personal gain.

Subordinate relationships are relationships of leadership and subordination, that is, unequal relationships in which some people have more high status(position) and more rights than others. This is the relationship between a leader and subordinates. In contrast to this parity relationships mean equality between people. Such people are not subordinate to each other and act as independent individuals.

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In psychology, starting with V.N. Myasishchev, the founder of the Russian concept of personal relationships, “attitude” is defined as “ psychological connection a person with the world of things and people around him.” Personal relationships form a system that includes the attitude towards objects and phenomena of the external world (subject-object relations), the attitude towards other people (subject-subject, interpersonal relations) and the attitude towards oneself (self-attitude). Traditionally, the relationship of an individual to various social objects and situations is studied in psychology as social settings, or attitudes, of the individual. In Western psychology, the history of the study of attitudes began in 1918, when the definition of attitude was given as “an individual’s psychological experience of the value, significance, meaning of a social object.” Since then, foreign psychology has accumulated considerable experience in the study of attitudes, and their functions and structure have been determined. In Russian psychology, V. A. Yadov proposed a “hierarchical scheme of dispositional regulation social behavior personality”, which unites personality attitudes of various levels: 1) elementary fixed attitudes (formed in the simplest situations on the basis of vital needs); 2) social fixed attitudes (formed in a small group based on a person’s need for communication); 3) basic social attitudes (formed in broader social areas - in the labor sphere, in the leisure sphere - based on the fundamental human need for activity); 4) value orientations of the individual.

In addition to relationships in line with the social attitudes of an individual, psychology also studies relationships in the context of phenomena such as attraction and affiliation. Attraction is the appearance, when one person is perceived by another, of his attractiveness for the subject of perception. When studying attraction, the main attention is paid to identifying the factors influencing the formation of sympathy or antipathy for the object of perception; Thus, it has been established that one of the main factors in the emergence of attractive relationships is the external attractiveness and competence of people. Affiliation is a person’s desire to be in the company of other people, an individual’s orientation towards support from another person. As a result of numerous experiments, it has been revealed that people have different levels of expression of affiliative tendencies that determine their relationships with each other.

Thus, “attitude” is a broader concept than “social attitude,” “attraction,” or “affiliation.” Personal relationships as a psychological phenomenon are characterized by the following essential features:
1) a person’s relationships are related to his needs (physiological and primarily psychological). A relationship arises as a kind of connection between a subject (person) experiencing a need and an object (be it a person or an object in the surrounding world) capable of satisfying this need. This connection, or, in other words, the relationship of the subject to the object, manifests itself, according to V.N. Myasishchev, in “the experience of attraction to an object and in the active striving to master it.” For example, a child’s attitude towards his mother is determined by both his physiological needs and psychological needs for protection and safety. Psychology considers the following psychological needs that mediate a person’s relationship to himself and others: the need to establish close relationships; in control of oneself and others; the need for inclusion in various social groups; need for self-esteem;, for positive evaluation; the need for understanding, sympathy, care; the need to be needed, significant;
2) in communication, attitude is interconnected with reflection and interaction between person and person. The emergence of a relationship is preceded by the stage of perception (reflection) by the subject of the object and assessment (based on reflection) of its potential capabilities in terms of satisfying certain of its needs. Thus, as a result of a person’s reflection of the surrounding reality, an attitude is formed, which then manifests itself in the forms of interaction enshrined in the speech and expressive behavior of the person;
3) relationship is both a process and a result of communication and interaction; its structure consists of cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. Based on their combination, the type and type of relationship are determined. Attitude as a process goes through certain stages in its development: the formation of an attitude, the development of an attitude, the stabilization or disintegration of an attitude. The attitude as a result has certain parameters: sign, intensity, modality, awareness, etc.

Along with the concept of “attitude,” psychology uses the concepts of “interpersonal attitude,” “relationship,” and “intergroup relations.”

An interpersonal relationship is a type of personal relationship that is revealed in relation to another; it is a subject-subject relationship. It is one of the components of the system of personal relationships, along with self-attitude and attitude towards objects of the surrounding world. To denote interpersonal relationships in psychology, the term “relationship” is used; in order to emphasize that interpersonal relationships, or relationships, are the result of mutual perception, cognition, influence, influence, evaluation, there is, according to K.A. Abulkhanova Slavskaya, “some ideal product of mutual efforts.” Sometimes the term "relationship" is reduced to the concept of "attitude"; so, V.I. Paniotto writes in the book “The Structure of Interpersonal Relations” (1975) that “the relationship between L and B is the totality of the relationship between L and B and the relationship between B and A (more precisely, the system of these relations, because they are, as a rule, closely interrelated and represent constitute a certain integrity, and not just a totality).” Finally, the terms "attitude" and "relationship" are used to refer to different stages relationship dynamics. For example, L.Ya. Gozman (1987) showed that at the inception stage, an attitude is an “individual phenomenon” characterized by a direction from the subject of the attitude to the object of the attitude; as it develops, the individual relationship turns into a mutual relationship, or “dyadic relationship.”

In contrast to interpersonal relations, intergroup relations are understood as “a subjective reflection (perception) of the diverse connections that arise between social groups, as well as the resulting way of interaction between groups.”

At the moment, psychology has identified two main directions in the study of personality relationships: structural and dynamic. Within the framework of the structural direction, work is underway to study the various components of attitudes, and a search for methodological tools is being carried out to measure them. It is generally accepted to distinguish emotional, cognitive and behavioral components in the structure of a relationship.

The dynamic direction of studying human relationships involves considering them as a process from the moment of emergence to collapse. The basis of this direction is the fundamental position about the dynamic nature of personal relationships, developed by V.N. Myasishchev, L.I. Antsiferova, K.A. AbulkhanovaSlavskaya, I.S. Konom et al. Within the framework of the dynamic direction, information was obtained about the forms of relationship dynamics. For example, two forms of relationship dynamics have been identified: development, which includes new formations in the sphere of relationships, irreversible changes in the system of relationships of the individual (progress and regression) and functioning, which includes reversible changes within the established organization of the individual. This type of dynamics is also called relationship rhythms, which is understood as a periodic change in relationship parameters (sign, intensity, modality, etc.) over time.

Thus, among the concepts of “attitude”, “interpersonal attitude”, “mutual relationship”, “intergroup relations”, the broadest is the concept of “attitude”, which is considered as a psychological connection between a subject and an object (which can be the subject himself, another person, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world or social group). The concept of “interpersonal relations” covers the area of ​​relationships between people, and “intergroup relations” - between social groups. The concept of “relationship” reflects the quality of the existing relationships, namely: their reciprocity, the degree of symmetry.

1.AbulkhanovaSlavskaya K.A. Personal aspect of the problem of communication in psychology. M., 1981. S. 218-241.
2. Andreeva I.M. Social psychology. M., 1996. pp. 288-303.
3. Antsyferova L.I. Personality from the perspective of a dynamic approach // Psychology of personality in a socialist society" personality and its life path. M., 1990. P. 7-17.
4. GozmanLYa. Psychology of emotional relationships. M., 1987. P. 75-101.
5. Myasishchev V.N. Psychology of relationships: Selected psychological works. M., 1995. P. 1527.
6. Smirnova E.O. Formation of interpersonal relationships in early ontogenesis // Questions of psychology. 1994. No. 6. P. 5-15.

It's hard to imagine modern society without interpersonal relationships. We spend our entire lives in communication: from waking up in the morning to going to bed. The Internet, telephone, letters - all these are means of communication that a person simply cannot do without. An individual is designed in such a way that if he does not communicate with someone, then after a short period of time he will simply go crazy. So, what is This is our air, this is something we simply cannot live without.

Definition of the concept

If you understand what the term itself means, psychologists define it as a certain set of interactions that arise between people and are accompanied in most cases by experiences of an emotional nature. In some way, a person conveys to another the state of his inner world.

Types and forms

When we're talking about about what interpersonal relationships are, we can distinguish the main types and This can be non-verbal communication, gestures and body movements, appearance person, oral speech and much more.


  • It includes such features of relationships between people as some forms of cognition - memory, perception, imagination, thinking. Every separate component allows you to reveal a person, recognize his individuality, psychological features. It will be possible to achieve mutual understanding only if you understand the person with whom you are going to come into contact.
  • Emotional component. It is nothing more than the experiences we experience while communicating with someone. Don't forget that they can be worn not only positive character, but also negative. An excellent example is the diagnosis of interpersonal relationships between a man and a woman who are a couple. They quarrel, make peace, sometimes feel sympathy for each other, and sometimes antipathy. Also, the emotional component implies empathy. This is the feeling of empathy for someone.
  • Behavioral component. This is speech, facial expressions. It is this component that is the main regulator in interpersonal relationships.

Forming connections between people

The development of interpersonal relationships can only occur if a certain individual can establish contact with another person. In other words, to find For this there should be no selfish intentions, communication should be light and understanding, emotional attraction.

Interpersonal relationships of people always strive to achieve trust. After this, the connection deepens, and over time the psychological barrier disappears. However, there is a difference between trust and gullibility. Trust is earned over a long period of time, but a trusting person takes another’s word for it, despite possible pitfalls and disappointments.

Methods of interpersonal relations

  • Target. Relationships of this type are formed when people are united by a certain goal. For example, the primary type is when a connection is formed on its own, and the secondary type is when one person communicates with another because he has to (boss - subordinate).
  • Character. By nature, relationships can be divided into formal and informal. Formal ones are those that are based on prescribed rules and laws. Informal ones are not limited by any official framework.
  • business relationships that are formed at work. In the foreground comes joint activity, and only then comes personal sympathy and trust.

Rational and emotional relationships

What are rational interpersonal relationships and how do they differ from emotional ones? It's actually very simple.

In the first case, a person is guided by calculation, reason and logic. Tries to act correctly and not spoil contact with another individual. An example in such a situation would be the relationship between a boss and a subordinate. The effectiveness of joint activities will depend on how well they work together and how correctly they build relationships with each other.

As for emotional relationships, here a person is guided by his feelings, forgetting that there is an objective opinion. This form can bring both joy and positive emotions, as well as depression and disappointment. Couples in love fit this category perfectly. Sometimes we do rash actions, guided by our emotions and completely forget about the consequences.

Relationship diagnostics

Diagnostics of interpersonal relationships is a whole science, which is aimed at studying a person, revealing him, based on basic psychological knowledge. Moreover, using this technique you can establish contact with yourself. After all, there is an ideal “me” and a “me” that doesn’t like something about itself. By compiling such a table for yourself, you can understand how well you get along with yourself. After all, if you cannot achieve mutual understanding with your personality, then it will be simply impossible to do this with the people around you.

As you already understand, relationships between people are built on trust, which is not so easy to achieve. Below are a few useful tips, which will help you open up a little, and this will speed up the process of establishing contact with others.

  • If you are unable to strike up a conversation with someone, never look for the problem in another person, find it in yourself first. Are you sure you know your personality well? Reach inner harmony with yourself.
  • Compose psychological portrait the person you want to do business with. You must know its features in order to understand what to pay special attention to.
  • Show your interest in the other person. You may have several points of contact. A common interests always make communication easier.
  • Pay attention to children's interpersonal relationships: there is definitely something to learn from them. Simple, without unnecessary worries, honest.
  • Remember the main rule: you will never be able to gain a person’s trust if you have selfish goals. Even if this person does not know about your intentions, you will give yourself away on a subconscious level. The individual will feel that you are not interested in him and will never trust you.

Love and friendship

Sometimes interpersonal relationships arise naturally, and sometimes you need to spend a lot of time building them. Let's take love and friendship as an example. How does love arise? You see a person and begin to feel sympathy for him, if the sympathy is mutual, you begin a relationship. Maybe you don’t completely trust each other, but you still share your emotional experiences.

Relationships between a man and a woman can give insane happiness or, conversely, make partners unhappy. The main reason This is the idealization of each other. When reality turns out to be different from our expectations, we experience bitter disappointment.

Another common cause of problems in love relationships: Women are usually very emotional, while men, on the contrary, try to distance themselves. They do not like to show their feelings and prefer to keep a safe distance as they try to avoid addiction.

In any case, any relationship is a huge job. When partners make an effort, it is possible to overcome any differences. Relationships with the opposite sex are the best soil for personal development. They allow you to reveal the most strengths personality.

Now a little about friendship. Relationships between comrades arise gradually. You meet a person and begin to communicate with him. Trust here does not arise immediately. It is for this reason that true friendship is of great value. A person who knows and understands you will not need explanations; he can read in your eyes about your inner state.

Now you know what interpersonal relationships are and what they are based on. Establish contact with your own self, then understanding the people around you will become much easier.