What to take for palpitations. What to take if you have heart palpitations? Why does rapid heartbeat occur?

A disease characterized by an increase in heart rate is called tachycardia. Under any stress or exciting moments, this is a normal state. But the manifestation of such a symptom for no apparent reason requires consultation with a cardiologist. This is a common ailment that can be provoked by the abuse of coffee and alcoholic beverages. Treatment of cardiac tachycardia with drugs is selected only by a doctor, taking into account many factors. We will find out now which drugs for the treatment of tachycardia are popular today.

Causes of tachycardia

Only a qualified doctor can determine the cause of a rapid heartbeat after a full examination and thorough examination.
Moreover, it is not an independent disease, but rather a symptom characteristic of many pathologies. She may be called large number mechanisms. But these same mechanisms provoke disease in the healthy half of the population. That is why tachycardia is divided into two groups.

Physiological group

It includes people for whom manifestations of increased heartbeat are not capable of causing harm to their health. Several cases have been recorded where it leads to complications due to the presence of chronic diseases in people. In a healthy person, the indicators quickly return to normal.

External influences that caused physiological tachycardia:

  • big physical activity;
  • emotional stress;
  • stressful situations;
  • sexual arousal;
  • pain;
  • increased air temperature, heat;
  • climbing stairs, hills - to heights;
  • consumption of alcohol, energy drinks and caffeine;
  • nicotine;
  • medicines.

Pathological group

The human body is unified system, if one of its units is damaged, the rest may be affected. Tachycardia is also a consequence of many diseases. Therefore, its characteristics, course and duration directly depend on the underlying disease.

Pathological tachycardia may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • different types shock (hypovolemic, cardiogenic, traumatic, toxic, septic, anaphylactic);
  • heavy bleeding;
  • intoxication (spread of toxic substances - nitrites, insulin);
  • infections (cholera, viruses, microbes in the blood, purulent accumulations);
  • heart diseases (endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis, coronary heart disease);
  • anemia (decreased hemoglobin levels, and consequently red blood cells);
  • hypertension, oxygen deficiency and others.

As for the signs of rapid heartbeat, they are the same for all forms. It is easy to determine the disease by measuring the pulsation. The cardiogram is practically no different from the graph of the heart activity of a healthy person. Tachycardia often manifests itself in conjunction with features of other diseases. In some cases, an attack manifests itself unnoticed over a short period of time, so it is necessary to take measures short terms. At chronic disease the patient is hospitalized.

There are several main symptoms:

  • rapid heartbeat;
  • shortness of breath, which manifests itself even in a calm state of a person;
  • inability to breathe properly, tightness in the chest;
  • weakness, which is expressed in dizziness, decreased performance, loss of consciousness;
  • tingling pain in the chest area;
  • feeling of irritability and nervousness;
  • skin moisture.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is determined after a thorough examination. Tachycardia is diagnosed in many ways. The initial examination can be carried out by a general practitioner, but the cardiologist must continue it. As we have already found out, if an increase in heart rate occurs after physical exertion, then the disease does not require treatment - this is the norm. But if the heart continues to beat rapidly at rest, then the cause of the pathological disease should be identified.
Throughout the day, Holter ECG readings are recorded, echocardiography is done, and a blood test for hormones is taken.

Types of tachycardia

To determine the type of disease, it is necessary to know exactly the area where the impulse is generated. It is generally accepted that if the source of impulses is in the sinus node, this is sinus tachycardia. When the source is located in the atrium, it is called the supraventricular type, and its other “names” include supraventricular and atrial. Ventricular tachycardia is considered to be the location of the source in the ventricles of the heart.

Important! In medicine there is no specific classification of tachycardia today.

According to regularity, two forms of the disease are distinguished: paroxysmal (attacks of rapid heartbeat) and chronic (permanent).

Treatment of tachycardia with drugs

Cardiologists may prescribe several categories to treat palpitations. medicines. Each drug is used according to the instructions. The patient is given assistance and the disease is eliminated surgically only in severe forms. Often, specialists limit themselves to a conservative method of treatment.


Sedative medications are divided into synthetic and natural. Natural ones include valerian extract, motherwort, hawthorn tincture, Persen, Novo-Passit. Artificial sedatives are Relanium, Diazepam, Phenobarbital. Sedatives can reduce the frequency of arrhythmia attacks and have a positive effect on the patient’s nervous state.

Thyrostatic drugs

Prescribed if the thyroid gland produces hormones in large quantities. The power of impact on the heart and blood vessels through this process contributes to the development of tachycardia. Thioreostatic agents include Microiod and Mercazolil.

Beta blockers, non-selective and cardioselective

Reduce heart rate and lower blood pressure. They control the effects of norepinephrine and epinephrine in the body. Duration of action depends on chemical structure. One of these drugs is called Nebilet.

Cardiac glycosides

Prescribed for sinus tachycardia. Thanks to them, they reduce the oxygen demand of the heart and slow down the stretching of the walls of the left ventricle. Cardiac glycosides restore the force of contraction of myocardial cells, thereby allowing the heart rate to slow down.

Antiarrhythmic drugs

Their goal is to normalize the rhythm of the heartbeat. They help reduce the impact of stress on the body and act as a barrier to adrenaline. Today, there are a large number of antiarrhythmic drugs for tachycardia: Egilok, Atenolol, Concor, Adenosine, Propranoprol, Fleainid, Ivabradine.

Important! Treatment of tachycardia with drugs depends on many factors: the causes of the disease, its type, the patient’s age, blood pressure, pregnancy and many others.

Rapid heartbeat is uncommon in hypertension. If it rises at the same time blood pressure and the heart rate increases, then other regulatory mechanisms by the body are also included. When a person receives stress, catecholamines are released, which leads to an increase in vascular and pulse parameters.
Drugs for tachycardia high blood pressure prescribed by the doctor.

  1. To improve heart function and correct blood pressure, Enap is prescribed for hypertensive patients.
  2. Diroton is used to dilate blood vessels, which helps reduce tonometer readings.
  3. Corinfar, Veropomil, Normodepin are also popular.

Important! Failure to use medications for high blood pressure during tachycardia leads to depression, benign neoplasms and loss of vitality.

Low blood pressure and tachycardia

The coincidence of a rapid heartbeat and low blood pressure is often observed in pregnant women. Also, the causes of such phenomena can be: bleeding, vegetative-vascular dystonia, dehydration, heart and thyroid diseases.
For low blood pressure from tachycardia, there are several remedies that can have a long-term effect.

  1. Valocordin will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and reduce muscle spasms.
  2. To relieve excitability and eliminate nervous excitement, Mezapam is recommended.
  3. Also known drugs for the treatment of tachycardia with low blood pressure are Phenazepam, Grandaxin and valerian tincture.

Normal blood pressure with rapid heartbeat

Such symptoms may indicate the presence of physiological or pathological tachycardia. If this is a disease of the second group, then you need to consult a doctor for advice.
Most often, drugs are prescribed for tachycardia when normal pressure: Finoptin, Raunatin, Amiodarone. They are the ones who are able to stabilize the functioning of the heart muscles and regulate the rate of contraction of the ventricles and atria. They have a cumulative antiarrhythmic effect.

Do regular exercise, create your own set of exercises with light loads, protect yourself from stress, monitor your sleep schedule - this will help reduce the risk of tachycardia.

In healthy people, the heart rate increases when physical activity, strong emotions, depending on the phases of breathing (on exhalation), being at altitude, increasing body temperature.

Various types of arrhythmia may also not require special treatment, but in some cases, pills for palpitations must be taken constantly. If left untreated, rapid heartbeat can become a risk factor for complications such as heart failure, stroke, sudden cardiac arrest. Treatment options depend on the type of rhythm disturbance and its cause.

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Causes of rapid heartbeat

With tachycardia, or rapid heartbeat, the heart rate (HR) is higher than normal at rest, or there is excess activity in the atria or ventricles. Heart rhythm is controlled by electrical signals traveling through the conduction system of the heart.

During pathological processes in the heart, the frequency of production of such signals increases. This causes the heart rate to increase to more than 100 beats per minute. A pulse of 60 - 100 per minute at rest is considered normal.

The causes of increased heart rate can be physiological reactions of the body, diseases of the endocrine, nervous system, lung and heart diseases.

Type of tachycardia Most common reasons
  • Physical stress
  • Fever
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Some medications
  • Anemia
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Coronary heart disease
, or supraventricular
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Excessive caffeine consumption
  • Coronary heart disease
, or
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Heart defect ()
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Long QT syndrome
  • Cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, acute period
  • Electrolyte disturbances

Is it always possible to “just take a pill”?

In some cases, drugs that slow the heartbeat and restore heart rhythm can be taken once, if an attack of arrhythmia develops. This applies, for example, to sedatives or medications to relieve paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (the “pill in your pocket” strategy). However, they must be prescribed by a cardiologist and explained when and in what dose to use the medicine.

Expert opinion

Vera Chubeiko


Before prescribing antiarrhythmic drugs, it is necessary to clarify the type of rhythm disturbance. One ECG is not enough for this. Patients with complaints of palpitations should undergo 24-hour monitoring. In some cases, a more in-depth diagnosis is indicated - transesophageal electrophysiological study ().

In case of severe rhythm disturbances, the drugs must be taken constantly, in combination with other medications. Otherwise, the risk of developing complications of tachycardia increases, such as:

  • arterial thrombosis leading to stroke or myocardial infarction;
  • heart failure (inability of the heart to pump the required volume of blood);
  • fainting;
  • sudden death (possible with ventricular tachycardia).

Drugs for tachycardia

Antiarrhythmic drugs act on heart cells by changing the flow of ions across their membranes. Thus, they influence the speed of electrical excitation, its duration and the time of restoration of the original state. Depending on these properties, there are 4 classes of drugs that are prescribed for different types of heart palpitations.


Main action Representatives
I Stopping the entry of sodium into the cell, which slows down its excitation
  • IA: Quinidine,
  • IB: Lidocaine
  • IC: Ethacizin, Ethmosin, Propafenone, Flecainide, Allapinin
II Blockade of beta-adrenergic receptors, slowing the conduction of electrical signals through the heart and reducing myocardial excitability
  • Propranolol
  • Atenolol
  • Metoprolol
  • Bisoprolol
  • Nebivolol
III Blockade of potassium entry into the cell, slowing down the restoration of the original electrical state
  • Amiodarone
  • Sotalol
IV Blocking the entry of calcium into the cell, slowing down the restoration of its original state
  • Diltiazem

Medicines with other mechanisms of action are also used:

  • potassium and magnesium preparations;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • ivabradine.

To choose the right medicine, you need to know the mechanism of its action and its effect on different types of arrhythmia. All antiarrhythmic drugs have an arrhythmogenic effect, that is, if used incorrectly, they can cause a new rhythm disorder. Therefore, independent selection of therapy for rapid heartbeat is very dangerous.

What remedies to take for severe palpitations

Medicines for palpitations should be taken only after diagnosing the type of arrhythmia and the disease that caused it. If the rhythm disturbance is secondary, for example, caused by anemia or a malfunction of the thyroid gland, treatment of the underlying disease will eliminate the tachycardia.

Sinus tachycardia

With this arrhythmia, impulses are formed in their usual source - the sinus node; the heart rhythm is correct, exceeding 100 per minute, but rarely more than 130 - 140 per minute. What can you take for sinus tachycardia:

  • herbal sedatives (valerian), Corvalol, Valocordin;
  • : propranolol preparations (tablets) are more often used;
  • ivabradine (this drug will be discussed below).

Used to stop an attack intravenous administration such drugs:

  • Verapamil;
  • less commonly Novocainamide, Obzidan (Propranolol), cardiac glycosides, Amiodarone;
  • simultaneous administration of potassium supplements.

Cardiac glycosides to restore rhythm

The same medications, but in the form of tablets, are prescribed for continuous use for preventive purposes. frequent attacks supraventricular tachycardia.

Ventricular tachycardia

This is a life-threatening rhythm disorder, accompanied by rapid heartbeat, attacks of dizziness, and loss of consciousness. To relieve it, intravenous administration of Lidocaine, Novocainamide or Amiodarone is used.

To prevent frequent attacks, medications are prescribed in tablets: Novocainamide, Ritmilen, Quinidine, Aymalin, Ethmosin, Ethatsizin, Propaphenone, Allapinin, Amiodarone. The selection of therapy is carried out only by a cardiologist. Usually the “trial and error” method is used: a drug is prescribed, after a while it is administered and its effectiveness is assessed. If the arrhythmia persists, the medicine is replaced with another.

Tachysystolic form of atrial fibrillation

With the development of paroxysm atrial fibrillation you can take a tablet of Anaprilin or 2 - 3 tablets of Novocainamide (according to a regimen previously agreed upon with the cardiologist). To reduce heart rate, one of the following drugs is administered intravenously:

  • Verapamil;
  • Propranolol;
  • Cordaron.

Then, after the heart rate slows down, medications are administered if necessary to restore normal heart rhythm.

For persistent atrial fibrillation with a high heart rate, the same medications that slow down the rhythm are used for daily use, but in the form of tablets.

Drugs to reduce the number of strokes but not change blood pressure

Often, with a rapid heartbeat against the background of normal blood pressure, a problem arises: the most common drugs for slowing heart rate - beta blockers - reduce blood pressure. This is especially true for patients with sinus tachycardia, for whom these drugs were often the only choice.

Now a new drug has been developed and is being used that slows the heartbeat and does not change blood pressure - ivabradine (Bravadin, Vivaroxan, Raenom). It is used to treat coronary heart disease. By slowing the heart rate, the medicine prevents oxygen starvation of the heart muscle from developing during exercise.

Blood thinners

Antithrombotic drugs are used for various cardiac diseases to prevent blood clots, heart attack or stroke.

For palpitations, they are prescribed if atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation) is diagnosed. In this case, chaotic contractions of the atria create conditions for the “churning” of blood clots inside them, which can enter the arterial bed and clog a large vessel feeding an organ. Antithrombotic drugs do not have the property of slowing heart rate.

For atrial fibrillation, the following medications are prescribed to prevent severe complications:

  • a combination of acetylsalicylic acid and (in extremely rare cases, if it is impossible to use other means);
  • dabigatran etexilate ();
  • apixaban (Eliquis);
  • rivaroxaban ().

These medications are not prescribed to all patients. There are strict conditions for their use, so independent use Such drugs are unacceptable.

Anti-palpitation pills are selected by a cardiologist individually for each patient. Despite the variety of relevant medications, a limited number of medications are used to treat each type of arrhythmia. Treatment for palpitations should be carried out under the control of daily ECG monitoring, and self-administration of such drugs is unacceptable.

Useful video

Watch the video about heart palpitations:

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  • Sometimes treatment folk remedies very effective. Herbs for tachycardia, blood pressure and arrhythmia will help improve the condition, but provided that it is not complicated and does not become chronic.
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  • A process such as the treatment of tachycardia is determined by a number of influencing factors. Before prescribing certain tablets for tachycardia or prescribing another type of treatment, the doctor must determine the causes of the pathology, the nature of its manifestations and the severity of the disease.

    There are many remedies that can help cope with the disease, but they can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

    Tachycardia is an abnormal heart rhythm in which the number of myocardial contractions becomes more than 90 per minute. Based on the motivating reasons, this arrhythmia can be:

    • physiological;
    • pathological.

    In the first case, heart rhythm disturbances are periodic, associated with external influences on the body: physical or emotional stress, stress, sexual arousal, consumption of alcohol, coffee, medications. Distinctive feature is the restoration of normal heart function when physiological effects are eliminated.

    The pathological nature of the disease is characterized by a long-term or permanent impairment, independent of any external factors. As a rule, we're talking about not about a specific disease, but about the consequences of other cardiac pathologies (pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis, etc.). Such arrhythmia may occur due to severe shock (anaphylactic, traumatic, cardiogenic and others), intoxication or infection.

    Treatment of tachycardia caused by pathological factors is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

    Depending on the source of the irregular rhythm, arrhythmia occurs:

    • sinus (the center of excitation is located in the sinus node);
    • (increased contractions of the atria and ventricles, formed from ectopic centers).

    Their symptoms in both cases are largely similar:

    • increased heart rate;
    • attacks of shortness of breath even in a calm state;
    • feeling of lack of air, pressure in the heart area;
    • dizziness, fainting;
    • increased nervous excitability;
    • profuse sweating.

    If the occurrence and frequency of such symptoms interfere with a person’s performance and well-being, you should consult a cardiologist. You should not self-medicate; only a doctor knows how to treat tachycardia.

    Cardiac tachycardia

    Basic principles of treatment

    If diagnosed, what to do? There is a lot of information on how to treat cardiac tachycardia. The basic principles that make up the treatment of tachycardia can be summarized as follows:

    1. Elimination external influences setting the wrong rhythm.
    2. Drug treatment.
    3. Surgical intervention.

    Elimination of external influences that set the wrong rhythm

    In the case of physiological arrhythmia, this completely normalizes the functioning of the heart without any other treatment. The consumption of alcoholic and caffeine-containing drinks, fatty, spicy, smoked foods is excluded. Physical activity is minimized and a favorable emotional background is created.

    Drug treatment

    In this case, the attending physician prescribes drugs for tachycardia, taking into account the characteristics of the pathology identified during the diagnostic process. So, if the arrhythmia is a consequence of neurogenic causes, sedatives for tachycardia and tranquilizers are indicated.

    In many cases, a medicine for tachycardia such as Lidocaine is used to normalize the heart rhythm. The medication is effective for the treatment of pathological (ventricular) arrhythmia, is characterized by rapid action and low toxicity. It is administered intravenously and used both as a stand-alone remedy and in combination with other drugs.

    The sinus type of arrhythmia caused by thyrotoxicosis requires treatment with thyreostatic medications, as well. If the latter are contraindicated, nonhydropyridine calcium antagonists are prescribed.

    If it is caused by heart failure, then along with beta blockers, treatment involves the use of cardiac glycosides - tablets for tachycardia and palpitations.

    For paroxysmal arrhythmia, special tests that reflexively reduce the heart rate (Danini-Aschner test, respiratory reflex, and others) help.

    The ventricular system requires intensive arrhythmic treatment in a hospital.

    Drug treatment of tachycardia is in most cases very effective, however, in case of serious disorders that threaten a person’s life, it is not enough.

    Surgical intervention

    This treatment is used when the patient's condition worsens and it is impossible to help him in other ways.

    Radiofrequency ablation is the operation of introducing an endovascular catheter that conducts high-frequency currents. Electrical impulses set the correct heart rhythm. The method is used to treat supraventricular arrhythmia and atrial flutter.

    Pacemaker – special apparatus, maintaining the normal frequency of myocardial contractions. It is fixed subcutaneously and affects the heart using electrodes.

    What to take?

    Heart surgery is a last resort, but is it still possible to cure tachycardia without it? Is tachycardia treatable? effective drugs and which ones exactly?


    Treatment of tachycardia often involves taking sedatives such as Diazepam, Phenobarbital, Relanium. From medicines plant origin You can name Persen, Novo-Passit, hawthorn tincture, motherwort extract, valerian.

    It occurs due to improper stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. Treatment with sedatives consists of a sedative, relaxing effect on the neurosystem, reducing the number of arrhythmic contractions.

    List of effective beta blockers

    Beta blockers include a whole list of drugs prescribed for tachycardia.

    These medications regulate the effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine. They can be selective (cardioselective) or non-selective. In the first case, the effect of the drug is directed directly to the heart muscle, where the highest concentration of beta-1 receptors is concentrated. Such means include:

    • bisoprolol (Bisomor);
    • metoprolol (Betaloc, Vasocardin);
    • atenolol (Prinorm, Tenolol);
    • nebivolol (Nebilet, Binelol).

    Non-selective beta blockers are equally active against beta 1 and beta 2 receptors. This subgroup includes:

    • propranolol (Noloten, Propamin, );
    • timolol (Arutimol, Okumed);
    • oxprenolol (Koretal, Trazikor);
    • nadolol (Korgard).

    Preparations based on propranol and bisoprolol are among those that can most effectively relieve tachycardia.

    Calcium antagonists

    An abnormal heart rhythm is often associated with an excess of calcium ions in the myocardial cells, causing an increase in internal pressure and overload of the heart muscle. To maintain a normal amount of calcium and block its excess outside the cell, calcium antagonist drugs are used. The most prescribed drugs for tachycardia based on verapamil are: Isoptin, Isoptin SR 240, Finoptin, Lekoptin, Verapamil itself.

    Sodium channel blockers

    These medications slow down the metabolism of sodium channels in the heart muscle, stabilizing the frequency of myocardial contractions. To treat cardiac tachycardia, drugs such as Quinidine and Novocainamide are used.

    Thyrostatic drugs

    For tachycardia, what should you take if you are also diagnosed with increased production of thyroid hormones, which puts additional stress on the myocardium?

    Treatment of tachycardia, in this case, includes taking thyreostatics - drugs that help normalize the amount of hormones produced, reduce tension and reduce the number of heart contractions. Examples are Tyrosol, Propicil, Mercazolil.

    Features of therapy for different blood pressures

    With unstable blood pressure, the question of how to treat cardiac tachycardia is of fundamental importance.

    With normal blood pressure

    Treatment of cardiac tachycardia at normal pressure is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the attack itself and taking measures to eliminate the cause of the pathology identified during diagnosis. First of all, all possible external factors that have a pathological effect are excluded:

    • food intake and quality are normalized;
    • physical activity and stressful conditions are excluded;
    • Increased irritability and nervous excitability are eliminated.

    Among the things you can drink for tachycardia and normal blood pressure, we should name sedative medications that calm nervous system. If symptoms persist, the cardiologist will prescribe another medicine for tachycardia at normal pressure from the line of calcium channel blockers or beta blockers. It should be taken only in the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

    For hypotension

    If signs of tachycardia suddenly appear with existing low pressure, then it is necessary to urgently take measures to prevent more serious pathologies. Treatment of tachycardia is carried out in combination with equalization of normal blood pressure levels.

    1. A person needs to be ensured complete rest in a lying position, with his legs raised with a bolster, or in a sitting position, with his head bowed low.
    2. Give a sedative: motherwort tincture, Novo-passit, etc.
    3. After a complete diagnosis, the cardiologist prescribes additional drug treatment: beta blockers (suppresses the production of stress hormones), glycosides (for heart failure ).

    When prohibited, because along with a decrease in the number of myocardial contractions, blood pressure decreases. Medicine for cardiac tachycardia is prescribed taking into account the presence or absence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    For hypertension

    Constriction of blood vessels, due to any disease or physiological reasons, leads to increased blood pressure. This pathology can also be provoked by increased or increased cardiac output.

    If arrhythmia is observed against the background of an existing deviation from the norm in blood pressure, then only an accurate diagnosis will help establish the causes of such a violation.

    How to cure tachycardia with an accompanying disorder? This requires comprehensive treatment of tachycardia. It includes general recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle, use folk ways fighting the disease, taking pills for tachycardia and palpitations, the list of which is very impressive. The latter is represented by sedatives (Persen, Relanium), antiarrhythmic (Egilok, ) medications, as well as selective and non-selective beta blockers (Nebilet). Also, according to indications, thyreostatics and cardiac glycosides can be prescribed.

    With high blood pressure, tachycardia is treated using folk remedies that have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. These are tinctures based on hawthorn, rose hips, and chokeberry.

    In severe cases (coronary disease, congenital heart disease), treatment of tachycardia comes down to restoring the correct heart rate through surgery.

    What products are the most effective and safe?

    It happens that during a sudden attack of tachycardia, a person does not know how to properly help himself and, most importantly, not aggravate the situation. What are the safest pills for tachycardia and palpitations? Almost all sedatives of natural composition can be called such. Treatment with them has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves stress and restores heart rate. naturally. These are medicines based on motherwort, valerian or Novo-passit.

    It should be taken into account that some drugs can increase or decrease blood pressure, which is not always safe for those who already have problems with it. Treatment of tachycardia more strong impact is prescribed only as directed by a doctor.

    How to treat at home?

    The question of how to treat cardiac tachycardia at home must be agreed upon with the attending physician.


    You should take only those medications that are included in the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, in the dosage and frequency specified by him. You cannot change the medications yourself, change the order of administration or dose, since in this case a sharp deterioration in the general condition is possible.

    Vitamins for the heart

    Special vitamin and mineral complexes for improving the cardiovascular system have good therapeutic and preventive effects.

    Vitamins for the heart for tachycardia should include units of group B, as well as C, A, E.

    Folk remedies, herbs

    Taking medicinal tinctures according to folk recipes can both relieve tachycardia and normalize blood pressure with regular and long-term use. Herbs for tachycardia that really help are peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm, raspberry leaves, motherwort, nettle (dried) and others. Treatment of tachycardia with folk remedies at home is most effective when combined with other methods of therapy.

    First aid

    It is very important to be able to block a sudden attack during tachycardia by quickly providing first aid to the person, since under certain circumstances this can save his life.

    How to quickly relieve an attack?

    Since the attack appears suddenly, measures to stop it should be taken as soon as possible so that vulnerable areas of the heart do not suffer from overload due to frequent contractions of the myocardium.

    1. The patient takes a deep breath, holds his breath for a few seconds and exhales slowly. Repeat actions for 5 minutes.
    2. A massage is performed with finger pressure on the eyeballs for 10 seconds. Repeat for 2-3 minutes.
    3. Wet your face or entire head with cold water.
    4. From what you can drink for tachycardia, tincture of valerian or Valocordin is suitable.

    The first three points of treatment are answers to the question of how to relieve tachycardia without medications.

    If the treatment of tachycardia does not show positive dynamics, call ambulance.

    Such first aid for tachycardia at home or at work can restore a normal pulse and calm the nerves.

    What else to do?

    Carotid sinus stimulation (upper neck area) leading edge sternocleidomastoid muscle) also helps reduce the number of myocardial emissions.

    All of the above first aid actions can help in how to cure tachycardia at home if this is a primary disorder due to physiological reasons.

    How to calm your heartbeat without drugs?

    Vagal tests, that is, certain physical techniques, affecting the vagus nerve due to the reflex of other organs. Examples are:

    • Aschner's test (pressure on the eyeballs);
    • reflex of a “diving” dog (lowering the face into ice water);
    • Valsalva maneuver (forced exhalation during closed mouth and nose);

    Carrying out such treatment reduces the frequency of myocardial contractions. Among the things that can be taken for tachycardia as non-drug first aid, herbal teas that soothe and normalize the heart rate are suitable.

    Can it be cured forever and how?

    Many of those who have encountered unpleasant symptoms given arrhythmia, we wondered how to cure tachycardia forever. If the pathology is caused external reasons, then it’s enough to simply eliminate them and you don’t have to remember about the rapid heartbeat. Naturally, this works if a person leads an active lifestyle, eats right and watches his weight. In cases where arrhythmia is a manifestation of a more serious disease, the causes of it should be eliminated (medical or surgical treatment). Then the pathology will disappear too.

    Useful video

    Find out how to help a person during an attack of tachycardia from the following video:


    1. Treatment of tachycardia is a complex method, including both actions prescribed by a cardiologist and measures that a person can use to help himself.
    2. If arrhythmia appears periodically due to physiological reasons, then its treatment is limited to vagal tests and taking sedatives.
    3. In case of persistent disturbances in heart rate, tachycardia is treated with drug therapy and, in extreme cases, surgery.
    4. Treatment of tachycardia should not be delayed if the disease progresses and disrupts normal lifestyle.

    There is no cause for concern if palpitations were caused by physical activity. An alarming signal is a rapid heartbeat during a period of relative rest. It indicates the occurrence of serious diseases of the heart, thyroid gland, and problems with the autonomic system. To get rid of this problem, after consultation with relevant specialists, both medications for rapid heartbeat and methods traditional medicine.

    Causes of rapid heartbeat

    An extra cup of coffee, a quarrel with a loved one are on the list of reasons that cause increased heart rate. But this condition is not dangerous if it quickly normalizes. Much more dangerous is a sudden increase in heart rate. In this case, tachycardia or rapid heartbeat indicates a serious illness. The heart beats faster than normal (for an adult non-athlete 60-90 beats/min) in diseases of the endocrine and autonomic systems. Increased heartbeat is a concomitant symptom of the following diseases:

    Enter your pressure

    Move the sliders

    • Hypotension - with low blood pressure, when the tonometer reading is less than 100/70 mm Hg. Art, the blood vessels are dilated, the heart is forced to beat faster to provide all organs with oxygen.
    • Hyperthyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland against the background of a high content of thyroid-stimulating hormones in the blood, which are responsible for the beating of the heart.
    • Pheochromocytoma - a tumor of the adrenal medulla provokes the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which leads to a hypertensive crisis and causes an increase in heart rate.
    • Myocarditis or ischemic heart disease - damage to the heart muscle is a provocateur of ventricular tachycardia in 90% of cases.

    Symptoms of increased heart rate

    In addition to rapid heartbeat, a person experiences dizziness and weakness, a wave of nausea rolls in, he becomes covered in sticky sweat, the skin becomes very pale, the eyes darken, sounds become muffled, and blood pressure is reduced. Heart rate can reach 180-240 pulses per minute. The attack itself lasts from a few seconds to a day. If a person suffers from coronary heart disease and fails to take the medicine on time, such an attack can provoke acute coronary insufficiency. But even absolutely healthy person It is dangerous to ignore palpitations and other pathological symptoms. It is necessary to call an ambulance and see a doctor.

    First aid

    While the ambulance is traveling or if an attack of tachycardia occurs for the first time, it is necessary to normalize the disturbed heart rhythm. First aid at home consists of the following actions:

    1. You need to ensure access to oxygen - open the window, get rid of unnecessary things, loosen the collar of your shirt.
    2. If possible, take a horizontal position or at least sit down.
    3. Pay attention to your breathing - take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
    4. Wash your face cool water, drink a little cold water.
    5. If possible, take Validol, Valocordin or (dilute 10-40 drops in 30 ml of water).

    When should you not do anything about your heartbeat?

    It is not always indicated to treat and kill with all methods. Frequent heartbeat in a child under 2 years of age is within normal limits, even with figures of 120 beats per minute. There should be no reason for panic if the heart rate of an adult increases due to physical activity. Sudden changes in body position can cause dizziness and increase your heart rate. Negative emotions, nervous tension due to stress, and just bad news, can often cause tachycardia. In such a situation, it is recommended to calm down, do breathing exercise, relax, rest. If your heart rate increases, remove nervous tension Meditation and relaxation helps.

    Treatment of tachycardia

    If attacks are repeated and bother you at night, a consultation with a cardiologist is required.

    Diagnosis and treatment are prescribed by a doctor.

    Modern methods diagnostics allow you to quickly and painlessly find out the cause. The doctor recommends undergoing an ECG, echocardiography, ultrasound, CT, and Holter examination. Do a blood chemistry test. The above will reveal the condition and health of the heart muscle, its ability to pump blood. Consultations with an endocrinologist, neurologist, or psychotherapist are possible. Determining the cause of frequent heart palpitations will allow you to draw up a treatment plan using medications and traditional medicine recipes.


    Drugs from the pharmaceutical industry intended for the treatment of tachycardia can be classified according to the method of influencing the heart rhythm. The data is shown in the table:

    A rapid heartbeat is considered to be a pulse greater than 90 beats per minute. This figure can reach 200. In medical terminology, this is called tachycardia. To determine what to take for palpitations, the cause of the arrhythmia should be determined. Most often, this problem occurs in older people.

    There can be many factors causing pathology. It is divided into two types. Tachycardia is a sign of certain diseases, and physiological tachycardia appears for natural reasons - due to excessive loads or strong emotions. If the heartbeat is irregular, this is a manifestation of atrial fibrillation, which is very dangerous to health and can lead to cardiac arrest.

    Types of tachycardiaPeculiarities
    SinusOccurs due to a heavy load on the heart or against the background of its diseases. Usually the disease goes away on its own, and the symptoms are mild. There is no need to treat temporary tachycardia.
    ParoxysmalIt appears suddenly and stops unexpectedly. These attacks occur due to damage to the heart or when it develops abnormally. During therapy, medications are prescribed - beta blockers, glycosides and maintenance drugs.
    ChronicWhy does such a rapid heartbeat occur? It appears in the background congenital anomalies and diseases. Here, in addition to treatment, the patient must strictly adhere to the daily routine, proper nutrition, get enough sleep. He needs to do gymnastics every day, but only moderately, without much physical activity.

    What should you take?

    If such a problem occurs, the person often does not have enough air. A pounding heart causes panic and fear.

    Important! Tachycardia can occur due to excessive physical exertion, consumption of drinks containing caffeine, excess weight, and other factors.

    When tachycardia appears, a person should loosen constricting clothing, open air access to the room, put validol under the tongue and call a doctor. You can give the patient 40 drops of motherwort or valerian for a calming effect. Their price is low, they are in every home medicine cabinet.

    If tachycardia appears due to physical factors, then medications for palpitations will not be required. The pulsation will return to normal on its own in a few minutes.

    You should not take any medications without consulting a doctor. All medications have their contraindications. For example, calcium and potassium channel blockers are not prescribed in the presence of arterial hypotension, bradycardia and a number of other diseases. Not all drugs are indicated during pregnancy and lactation.

    Tachycardia during pregnancy: features

    Rapid heartbeat during pregnancy occurs due to the heavy load that occurs as a result of the appearance of additional blood circulation and the increased need for increased amounts of oxygen. Tachycardia does not affect a woman’s health, but can have a negative impact on the fetus.

    If a rapid heartbeat suddenly occurs, you need to calm down and temporarily avoid any, even minor, physical activity. If tachycardia is accompanied by additional negative symptoms such as dizziness, difficulty breathing, and others, you need to allow air into the room, lie down, and take a sedative. If the conditions are met, but the condition does not improve, you must call an ambulance.

    In the absence of heart disease, sedative herbal medicines are prescribed. At the same time, products containing vitamin-mineral complexes, magnesium, and potassium can be prescribed. You should not take any medications during pregnancy without a doctor's prescription.

    What should pregnant women drink if they have heart palpitations? Preference is given to plant-based medicines in the form of valerian, motherwort. You can add them to the mixture with yarrow and anise fruits. Tincture with lemon balm also helps. Take 100 g of chopped grass and pour in 250 ml of boiling water.

    You need to take the drink 4 times a day, 1 tsp diluted with 100 ml. water. An infusion with coriander or calendula with valerian helps well with tachycardia. Can be brewed herbal tea from oregano, rose hips, lemon balm. It is best to add additional motherwort to the herbs.

    Rapid heartbeat in children

    In children under one year of age, blood pressure is slightly elevated and normal indicator– 130-160 beats per minute. Up to 2 years of age, a rapid pulse is considered normal at values ​​from 120 to 150 beats/min. At the age of 15, the child’s pulse should be between 70 and 80 beats/min. A rapid heartbeat in children is a normal reaction of a rapidly growing body. The vessels are still small, but the need for blood supply is high, so the heart rate increases. However, it may have other reasons:

    • stress;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
    • improper development of the cardiovascular system;
    • excessive exercise at home;
    • side effects of medications;
    • complications after illness.

    What methods can you use to reduce heart palpitations?

    Tachycardia does not always require treatment. If the pathology is caused by physiological reasons or nervous disorders, just try to calm down, take pills for rapid heartbeat (for example, Bisoprolol, Verapamil).

    The list of medications is not limited to these drugs. In emergency cases, you need to drink a glass of water, motherwort or valerian. People suffering from attacks of tachycardia need to give up strong tea and coffee, bad habits(alcohol and smoking). You need to reduce mental and physical stress and take a walk in the fresh air every day.

    It is important to monitor your own weight, prevent obesity and get enough sleep. Food should be prepared with reduced salt content. The diet should be rich in minerals and vitamins. Herbal teas made from lemon balm, calendula and rose hips help reduce heart palpitations. They need to additionally add a few drops of valerian or motherwort (at one time).

    What to do in case of a sudden attack? The most popular medications for high heart rate are valocordin or corvalol. In case of emergency:

    1. In the room you need to open the vents or windows to provide access to fresh air.
    2. Free the patient from the suffocating attributes of clothing (tight tie or shirt collar).
    3. The person must be placed or placed on a low couch.
    4. Place a towel soaked in cold water on your face.
    5. Place an Anapril tablet under the patient’s tongue or give one Egilok, Coronal or Concor to drink. However, they can only be given if the patient has previously successfully taken these medications. They are contraindicated in case of low blood pressure. The names of the drugs may be different.

    Treatment of tachycardia

    All medications for palpitations should be prescribed only by a cardiologist, after conducting an ECG and establishing the causes of tachycardia. When prescribing treatment, age, concomitant diseases and other factors are taken into account. With rapid heartbeat
    medications are prescribed that are divided into two groups:

    1. Sedatives are needed to reduce the increased heart rate. The drugs can be taken without a doctor's prescription. Usually prescribed tablets and tinctures for palpitations are Diazepam, Novo-Passit and valerian.
    2. Antiarrhythmic drugs normalize cardiac activity and also help reduce heart rate. Such drugs can only be taken with a doctor's prescription. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Verapamil, Flecainide, and Adenosine.

    Other medications for heart palpitations:

    • cardiac glycosides;
    • antioxidants form the basis of treatment;
    • sedatives are classified as sedatives and consist mainly of medicinal plants;
    • beta blockers reduce increased level hormones that contribute to stress.

    However, you cannot take any medications for palpitations (including traditional prescriptions) on your own, without a doctor’s prescription, since they all have their own side effects and contraindications. It would even seem healing herbs may cause individual intolerance to the body.