Hormonal injections for weight gain. Review of effective drugs for weight gain for men and women

Skinny people have a problem that is not understood by those who want to lose weight. extra pounds, this is the need to gain weight. Since this is quite difficult to do and takes a lot of time, many people are happy to resort to medications to gain weight. This is a quick and reliable way to achieve the desired goal, but it cannot be called completely safe, so before deciding which weight gain pills to take, you should definitely consult your doctor, especially since most drugs in pharmacies are sold exclusively by prescription, and you should under no circumstances purchase such medicines “from hand”.


One of the pretty popular drugs for weight gain - Nutrizon, which contains large number squirrel. It is sold in bags or bottles and is intended for people with anorexia, those who need extra nutrition due to illness or surgery, and those who want to gain weight. The drug promotes better tolerability and facilitates absorption nutrients for functional disorders and impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract. A contraindication for use may be individual intolerance to any component of the drug.


Another effective remedy for weight gain is peritol. It has an antiserotonin effect, which makes it possible to carry out treatment with it different states associated with exhaustion of the body and simply increase weight if necessary, during anorexia or metabolic disorders. Peritol is available in tablets and syrup, and it is best to take it for the first time in the evening, as the drug has a sedative effect and causes a feeling of drowsiness. However, after some time of use, it goes away. Other side effects are possible: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and others. Of course, in order to gain weight you need not only to take peritol, but also to eat high-calorie foods, because the effect of the medicine is to improve the absorption of nutrients, which means that the body needs to receive these substances in sufficient quantities so that there is something to absorb.

Medicines for women

There are some girls who would like to gain weight to round out their curves. But this should be done very carefully; simply eating sweets and flour products is not an option, as this will not only add weight, but also increase fat mass and make your figure unattractive. Very often, low weight is a consequence of lack of appetite, so in order not to harm themselves, girls need to take weight-stimulating pills and eat healthy, high-calorie foods to gain weight. note that hormonal pills also help in increasing body weight, but they can be very harmful to the body, in addition, weight gain when taking such drugs can be uncontrollable.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves what to take to gain weight, but it is worth remembering that young people, in early age You should not start taking pills to increase weight. At this age, the body's metabolism is very fast and this may be the cause of weight problems, but after a while everything can change and weight will begin to gain without the help of any drugs. At the same time, older people, although their metabolism is already slower, also have low body weight and they can also take pills to increase it. Only this should be done in small quantities and better after consultation with a doctor, who, after conducting all the necessary tests, will prescribe the required dose.

A beautiful, athletic physique is something that young people can dream of, but not everyone can achieve it, since it requires a lot of effort and time. Often perfect figure can be obtained during classes at gym, and you also need to know what exercises are suitable for this, mainly strength ones. Muscle mass from regular products cannot grow and therefore there are special drugs designed for this. There are also girls who are very thin and they also dream of gaining a few kilograms in order to have an appetizing figure that men like.

Very often, on the contrary, girls want to lose weight and take special medications for this, but there are also those who are just trying to gain weight; there are also special pills for weight gain.

Before you start taking pills, you also need to take care of a proper diet, and it does not necessarily have to include the consumption of flour products, sweets, and at the same time in unlimited quantities. Calorie content plays an important role in this case; the menu must be completely complete, it must contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, vitamins and microelements, amino acids and fatty acids should also be included. But the most important thing is that before taking any suitable drug, you need to study the instructions, eliminating the presence of contraindications. These drugs may contain female and male hormones, and it is better to have female hormones, since male hormones can negatively affect a woman’s health. But if you take everything in accordance with the dosage, it will be good not only for weight gain, but also for skin, hair, and nails. According to reviews from many women, below will be presented the most effective drugs that help you gain the desired weight and gain appetizing shape.


This is a special hormonal drug that is medicinal and contains the active component dydrogesterone, which helps in gaining weight. Of course, its use should not be spontaneous, but only after consulting the necessary specialists.


Very famous medicinal product, which is produced in the form of a solution and the main indications for its use are the following problems: anorexia, growth retardation, and it is also used in sports medicine, directly by those who exercise for a long period of time physical activity and intense training.


The main active component of this drug is oxymetholone, which is one of the powerful anabolic and androgenic steroids. Thanks to its effect, muscle mass increases, and quite quickly, and along with it, strength indicators increase. But despite the fact that its effectiveness is good, it still has a negative toxic effect on organs, in particular on the liver. You need to use Anadrol only in a course and the result will not take long to arrive, as confirmed by reviews about it.


This is a special balanced protein nutrition, which is available in powder form and is suitable not only for women, but also for men. As a result of its intake, energy, vitamins and minerals are supplied to the body. Can be used as food and replace one meal. Its advantage is the fact that this food has absolutely no contraindications, so it can be used without fear.

There are also drugs that have good effectiveness, according to women's reviews: Riboxin, Peritol, glutamic acid, brewer's yeast.

Are you happy with your weight?

Most likely not. There are very few people who are not concerned about this problem. But, if to be happy you need to gain weight, not lose it, this article is for you.

So, we will talk about what vitamins are needed for weight gain for adult men and women.

Anyone who suffers from a lack of muscle mass should wonder what the cause is. One of the main factors that has direct influence The formation of muscles is a metabolic process.

Metabolism is a complex process that involves various substances and enzymes. The latter accelerate the course of many biochemical reactions in the body, and the vitamins that are part of them play an important role in all this.

Vitamin A

In the process of gaining muscle mass, which is also known as, it occupies one of the most significant niches among other components. He acts as an opponent of hormones produced in the thyroid gland and affecting the rate of metabolic reactions in the body. Sometimes, an excess of these products causes the body to process calories at an increased rate, which does not allow you to gain additional weight.

In addition, retinol takes part in the process of cell development, and this is one of the main components in the process of weight gain. This vitamin is responsible for skin health, does not allow the mucous membranes to dry out, and its influence has a positive effect on the functions of the reproductive system.

Retinol is found in various animal products. These include meat and eggs.

Plant foods contain beta-carotene, a substance that is converted into retinol during digestion.

These products include: apricots, bell pepper, .

B vitamins

Metabolism can only occur in the human body when it has enough energy.

Provide cells with nutrition at the required level. These include:

  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • pyridoxine.


Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is involved in redox reactions that occur in the body. These processes are vital for him, since they directly contribute to his growth and development. The natural routes through which the vitamin enters the human body are not entirely reliable.

The problem is that one part of this important component is found in food, namely whole grain products, bran and yeast, and the second is a waste product of beneficial intestinal microorganisms.

Thiamine deficiency occurs when digestive disorders occur, which manifest themselves in incomplete absorption of consumed foods. For this reason, increased nutrition aimed at gaining muscle mass may not produce the desired effect.


Participates in the processes of fat absorption and regulates the proper functioning of the digestive process. Mainly found in milk, eggs and brewer's yeast.

Nicotinic acid - vitamin B3

An important component for weight gain. It regulates the process of creating proteins and fats in the body. Brewer's yeast is the main source of this component.


Plays an important role in the synthesis of amino acids - the building material of proteins. Foods containing pyridoxine include chicken, sunflower seeds and potatoes.

Vitamins E and C

These components belong to antioxidants - substances that reduce the number of free radicals in the body. The importance of their presence in the process of weight gain is that this procedure requires a special diet containing a large amount of calories. As a result, the intensity of redox reactions in the human body increases, which leads to the formation of a large number of free radicals.

Contained in all walnuts and sunflower seeds. Food products containing most of it are black currants and strawberries.

Do not forget that vitamins must be supplied to the body in a complex ratio - this will help to avoid hypovitaminosis.

Complexes designed for weight gain

Taking vitamin complexes that can be found in any store sports nutrition or pharmacy, must be carried out against the background proper diet. This is the only way they will have the desired effect.

Hi Tec Vitamin A-Z. This complex contains various vitamins and minerals in such a ratio as to help the body gain additional weight as quickly and effectively as possible. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the amount of vitamin C in the preparation is designed for intense strength training. The product is taken twice a day, one capsule per dose.

Allmax Zma. A complex of vitamins and minerals necessary to support human muscles. The product increases endurance, accelerates the growth of muscle mass and its recovery after exercise. The dosage depends on the intensity of training and varies from three to six capsules per day.

Mega Mass 4000. Vitamins and minerals are contained in the preparation in such a ratio as to provide the body with the necessary energy as much as possible. The complex has a beneficial effect on the growth of muscle mass and is taken during breakfast, as well as before and after training in the amount of one capsule per dose.

What you can't gain weight without

Vitamins undoubtedly play an important role in weight gain, but there are many other important aspects to the process.

It is necessary to monitor your diet, which should contain not only a sufficient amount of proteins and complex carbohydrates, but also various minerals.

Also, we must not forget about strength exercises, which promote the growth of muscle mass in the body.

Strength training is necessary for the reason that during weight gain, there is an increase in not only muscle tissue, but also fatty tissue in the body. It is strength exercises that contribute to the fact that most of the mass will begin to be gained from muscles. They will develop and grow, and excess fat- to be burned.

Weight gain is a complex, complex process that requires careful planning and a responsible approach to its execution.

Tips for gaining muscle mass and weight for different categories of people. Full video training, nutrition plan, detailed recommendations.

Being underweight can be as much an aesthetic problem as being overweight. An overly thin person, like an overweight person, can be classified as an unhealthy person. How do you know if you are painfully thin? Except external signs, there is an indicator of body mass index. When its mark drops below 19, this is a signal to work on your body.

How to eat to gain muscle mass and weight?

To gain weight, include the following foods in your diet:

  • Vegetable fats. Add healthy ingredients to porridges, soups and other dishes. vegetable oils. Diversify your menu with a fruit such as avocado. You can simply spread it like butter on bread, or prepare salads with it. Snack on nuts and seeds
  • Cereals. These should be varieties that are easily absorbed by the body. Rice will not help in this matter, as it worsens digestion. Opt for buckwheat, millet, sprouted grains, quinoa
  • Sweet fruits and dried fruits
  • Starchy vegetables - pumpkin, sweet potato, beets
  • Legumes
  • Fatty dairy products. Add rich sour cream to your salad, snack on high-fat milk

IMPORTANT: Avoid caffeine, which is found in coffee, black and green tea. It does not allow moisture to remain in the body, and also disrupts the functioning of the stomach and adrenal glands.

If your goal is to build muscle mass, but otherwise everything is in order with your build, then pay attention to the following products:

  • Buckwheat. It contains a large amount of complex carbohydrates, 12% protein, which is easily digestible, B vitamins and minerals. But there is very little fat in cereals, and even that is useful for building your muscles
  • Egg white. The yolk contains a lot of fat, remove it when cooking or eat only 1-2 pieces. per day. But high-grade egg white is an important building material for muscle tissue. Its norm per day is 3-5 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese
  • Lean chicken meat
  • Lean fish
  • Lean beef
  • Seafood
  • Dairy and fermented milk products.
  • Bananas, honey, pasta, bread, rice are foods that provide energy during strength training.

When building muscles, avoid processed foods, sausages, chips, canned food, food with chemical additives, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc. Also exclude pork, as it is too fatty meat, and fat, as you know, only weighs down the body and fills it with garbage .

How to gain, increase weight with vitamins?

IMPORTANT: Vitamins and minerals are needed for weight gain by both athletes and people who are not involved in sports.

Vitamin A accelerates metabolism, stimulates cell growth and development, which has a beneficial effect on rapid growth muscle tissue.

Vitamin A content in foods

You need everything to gain weight B vitamins. These compounds send energy directly into the cells. Flaw vitamin B1 affects work digestive system, which in turn impairs the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

Sources of vitamin B1

Vitamins C and E are classified as antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, formed as a result of redox processes. Ascorbic acid participates in burning fat, in its place muscle tissue will be built.

Vitamin E in foods

Phosphorus is involved in bone tissue, which will be put under pressure by increasing muscle mass, so its abundance is also important when gaining weight. For the same reason, the body needs and calcium.

Magnesium and sulfur participate in the synthesis of amino acids, from which muscles are formed.

Copper is responsible for the growth of all tissues in the body; it is also necessary for the growth of muscle tissue.

With the participation zinc muscle protein is created.

IMPORTANT: Whole complexes of vitamins and minerals for weight gain can be found in stores specializing in nutrition for athletes. These are drugs such as Hi Tec Vitamin A-Z, Mega Mass 4000, etc.

Is it possible to gain weight with proteins? How to drink protein to gain muscle mass?

Thin people can easily gain weight by eating erratically and eating high-calorie foods. But from fast carbohydrates And eating fatty foods, such a person will not only gain weight, but will acquire folds of fat. Therefore, experts advise “skinny” people to build muscle. And protein, or protein, is responsible for the growth of muscle tissue.

Today, protein can be obtained not only from food, but also from sports supplements. Supplements are created specifically for athletes whose protein needs increase due to strength training.

There are several types of synthetic protein:

  • whey, which is the most digestible, is taken after physical activity
  • casein - a slower protein, taken at night
  • egg
  • soy
  • meat

IMPORTANT: In order for proteins to act, strength loads are needed. Without exercise, consuming proteins will give minimal results.

Take protein shakes half an hour after training, and also before going to bed. If you are a busy person and cannot always find time for a full meal, protein shakes will also come to your aid. They are easy and quick to prepare, and you will always be sure of a sufficient daily amount of protein.

Experts remind us that most of the protein must be obtained from food.

How to quickly gain weight for a girl, a girl, a thin guy, a 15-year-old teenager at home?

Parents worry about their children, so it's not surprising that being underweight becomes a cause for concern. First, you need to find out the reason for the lack of kilograms in a teenager.

  • A sharp growth spurt. Teenagers aged 13-15 years can stretch 5-10 cm in just a couple of months. In this case, there is no need to worry about the child’s sudden weight loss
  • Decreased appetite. Find out why your child doesn't want to eat. These could be teenage experiences, illnesses, protests
  • Diseases and stress that affect metabolic rate and can cause weight loss. In this case, take your teenager to a qualified healthcare professional
  • Too much activity. You should not ask your child to move less. It is better to properly adjust his diet

Nutrition tips for weight gain as a teenager:

  • Add more protein, carbohydrates and fiber to your child's menu. These are foods such as bread, fish, nuts, legumes, pasta etc. Most of a teenager’s diet should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Feed your child more often, from 5 times a day, but in moderate portions
  • Fatty dishes and fast food are heavy foods for the body. It takes a long time to absorb it, during which the child may have no appetite. Therefore, keep fatty foods to a minimum.

IMPORTANT: Enroll your teenager in a fitness room to gain muscle mass. Otherwise, with an increase in calorie intake, the child will begin to gain weight due to fatty tissue rather than muscle tissue.

How much muscle mass can you gain in a month?

Gaining muscle mass is a fairly long process. It's about about lean muscle tissue excluding water and fat. Muscle growth is impossible without exercise, so we will talk about how much muscle mass you can gain in a month by working out in the gym.

The number of kilograms depends on the experience of the trainee. A newcomer has higher potential, so he the right program training, a healthy diet, and protein intake can build muscle by 5 or more kg per month. In the future, this figure will decrease.

How to gain 10 kg of muscle mass, how to gain 5 kg of weight? Such figures require several months. On average, an athlete gains from 0.5 to 1 kg of lean muscle per week, which is 2-4 kg per month.

How to gain weight with drugs or pills?

Weight gain drugs can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • drugs for men
  • drugs for women

The first group is called steroids. These are special substances that are supplied to male body extra testosterone.

From this, a man is able to quickly build muscle mass, his body will acquire more masculine outlines, and his hair will become thicker.

IMPORTANT: Steroids are illegal in many countries, on official sports competitions they act as doping.

Women care less about growing their muscles. If they resort to pharmacological means to increase weight, it is because of thinness, which they consider unattractive. Here are some of the drugs that can be found at the pharmacy:

  • Duphaston- a medicine that was initially prescribed to women planning to conceive. Its side effect is weight gain
  • Oxandrolone- a hormonal drug that is sold only with the permission of a doctor for weight loss due to injury, surgery
  • Nutrizon- protein tablets, which the doctor prescribes for both anorexia and BMI deficiency. The main job of the drug is to regulate the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Riboxin is a relatively safe medicine that has gained popularity among people involved in sports. It stimulates blood flow and regulates the energy balance in the human body. Highly effective only with physical activity and special nutrition

IMPORTANT: Medicines for weight gain are not harmless aids. All of them affect human health in one way or another, so they should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

How to gain weight in your legs? Exercises and workouts to increase muscle mass in the body and legs?

No amount of nutrition will help you build leg muscles, since muscle tissue will be formed evenly throughout the body. In order to get better in the legs, you need a special training program aimed specifically at this part of the body.

You can contact a competent fitness instructor who will tell you leg exercises or machines that will help you increase the mass of your thighs and thighs.

Certain sports will also be useful, but in addition they will also diversify your visits to the fitness club. Try ice skating, roller skating, dancing, and skiing.

The ideal exercises for beautiful and strong legs are jumping rope and running. Practice jogging and jumping every day for 20 minutes, and the first results will not keep you waiting.

A great way to “pump up” your legs is to do home workouts. Here are a few rules for self-study to make it effective:

  1. Exercise as often as possible. It is ideal to practice daily, but this applies to experienced athletes. It’s worth starting small (1-2 workouts per week), gradually increasing the number of sessions
  2. Don’t try to do several sets and many repetitions at once. Increase the load evenly
  3. Start your workout with a warm-up, during which all leg muscles will warm up. Finish your session with a muscle-restorative stretch - a cool-down.

IMPORTANT: Wear well-cushioned sneakers to avoid damaging your ankle.

Video: A set of exercises for the legs and gluteal muscles

How to gain weight with diseases: diabetes, gastritis, pancreatitis, anorexia?

Weight changes are a common problem diabetics. The fact is that food is in the body healthy person is converted into glucose, from which our body receives energy.

In a diabetic patient, the body cannot obtain energy from glucose, so it uses adipose tissue for this purpose. With a lack of daily calorie intake, a person begins to lose weight.

How to gain weight for a diabetic?

  • Contact a specialist who will calculate your daily calorie intake, or do it yourself using formulas on the Internet
  • Observe healthy diet with diabetes mellitus. This includes moderate consumption of carbohydrates, eating low glycemic index, small and frequent meals
  • Physical activity will be useful both for regulating blood glucose levels and for building muscle mass. Loads should be moderate, not intense. Spend at least half an hour a day doing cardio or moderate-intensity exercise

At pancreatitis Digestive function is impaired, as a result of which nutrients are not fully absorbed. This provokes weight loss, which can become pathological.

Here are some tricks on how not to lose muscle mass with pancreatic disease, as well as stomach disease gastritis.

  • Add some of the following to your diet baby food. Such products are specially designed for the growth and development of children. Baby cereals and purees contain a full range of nutrients that will help keep your weight at the same level.
  • Buy yourself a scale for your kitchen and use it to measure portions. Many patients with pancreatitis rely on their eyes and eat less than they can afford
  • Most best option- contact a qualified nutrition specialist who will prepare for you individual plan for getting nutrients and calories

But in the case of such an illness as anorexia, nutritional advice is unlikely to be appropriate. Those who believe that anorexia is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or simply poor appetite are mistaken.

Anorexia is primarily a mental illness associated with the fear of being fat. Therefore, treatment and weight restoration should begin with a visit to a psychiatrist. Next, a therapist and nutritionist are involved in complex treatment.

IMPORTANT: When treating anorexia, group psychotherapy is very important, since most patients are withdrawn and dominated by fears or real phobias.

When the issue with the psychiatrist is resolved, you can begin special diets for weight gain. Here it is important not only to eat more, but also to stabilize the appetite, which is usually absent in anorexics. The food may even make them feel nauseous and vomit.

It is necessary to create pleasant dining conditions for the patient: beautiful dishes, a calm, friendly atmosphere, artistic serving. Foods such as apples, lemon, herbs, and fermented milk products stimulate appetite.

There are also drugs specifically aimed at stimulating hunger. The diet prescribed by a doctor for anorexia is high in carbohydrates and protein and low in fat.

How to gain weight using folk remedies?

Infusion of pollen


  • flower pollen - 500 g
  • condensed milk - 2 cans

Flower pollen is sold in stores specializing in beekeeping. Combine the components in one container and send them to infuse in a cold place for 14 days. When the product is ready, take it on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals, 1 tsp. Every 5 days, increase the dose slightly, eventually bringing it to 2 tbsp. for women and 2.5 tbsp. for men.

Beer infusion


  • beer - 200 ml
  • walnut - 3 pcs.
  • natural honey - 1 tsp

Grind the nuts to crumbs, combine them with honey melted in a water bath, then pour the resulting mixture with beer. Drink this product in a volume of 200 ml every day at a time, regardless of the time of day or meal. The course of treatment is a month. During this time you can gain up to 3 kg.

Phytonas for weight gain


  • centaury – 20 g
  • calamus root - 20 g
  • dandelion root – 50 g
  • yarrow – 50 g
  • benedict root - 50 g
  • nettle leaves - 50 g
  • St. John's wort - 100 g
  • linden flowers - 100 g

Grind all the ingredients and pour boiling water at the rate of 200 ml per 1 tsp. dry matter. Leave the infusion covered for an hour, then pass through a sieve or cheesecloth. Drink 50 ml of warm solution 3 times a day before meals.

How can brewer's yeast help you gain weight?

Brewer's yeast contains B vitamins, vitamins PP, H, D, E, F, K, as well as the minerals iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc. The vitamin and mineral complex of yeast helps the absorption of amino acids, which are also included in their composition and serve to build tissues, including muscles.

Brewer's yeast has the following effects on the body:

  • improve digestive function
  • have a beneficial effect on liver function
  • speed up metabolism

IMPORTANT: Brewer's yeast causes appetite, so build your diet correctly so that you do not gain weight due to adipose tissue due to overeating.

Brewer's yeast by itself is not capable of affecting muscle growth. But coupled with intense strength training and proper nutrition with a high protein content, they will significantly speed up this process. Prepare a special yeast drink, which should be taken as a supplement to your regular diet during strength training.


  • yeast in a briquette - 50 g
  • black bread - 15 g
  • water - 300 ml

Cut the bread into long thin bars, dry it in the oven, place in boiling water and leave on the table for 3 hours. Pass the liquid through a sieve or cheesecloth, add 45 g of yeast to it and place the container on the stove.
Heat the infusion to 70 degrees and cool naturally. Add the remaining yeast, close the container, insulate it with a towel and leave to brew for another 8 hours. You can add a little honey to the finished drink for sweetness.

How to gain weight after illness, surgery, childbirth?

Weight loss after illness, surgery, or childbirth does not make a person beautiful. And no matter how much they tell you about the beauty of thin people, weight loss due to illness is a blow to health. Here are the basic rules for how to regain lost pounds after illness, childbirth and surgery.

  • A beautifully set table, bright dishes, and a pleasant dining atmosphere will help you regain your appetite after illness and surgery. Walking promotes a healthy feeling of hunger fresh air, sex, and permission to eat your favorite dish
  • Follow a daily routine, eat at the same time
  • To restore body weight, proper rest and sound, long sleep are important.
  • Engage in sports aimed at increasing muscle mass
  • Follow healthy eating rules. Proper nutrition helps not only to lose weight. It rather normalizes the weight, no matter in which direction it deviates. Therefore, even with a lack of body weight proper nutrition it will be useful

How to gain weight for a smoker?

When the question arises of how to increase weight for a smoker, many people advise him to quit smoking. Indeed, according to statistics, most people who quit a bad habit gain several kilograms.

But usually this is adipose tissue, and few people want to gain weight due to fat - the body looks unattractive, and health problems appear. Therefore, the question is how a smoker can gain muscle mass without stopping smoking.

Helpers on the path to beauty and healthy body proper nutrition, proper rest and sleep (at least 8 hours), as well as a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Since a smoker regularly poisons his body with toxic substances, experts recommend constantly resorting to pharmaceutical preparations, because smoking people, as a rule, do not have enough vitamins from food.

IMPORTANT: There are products that neutralize some of the harm from cigarettes. This is cabbage, fresh tomato and carrot juice, sprouted wheat grains.

  • The largest meal of the day is breakfast. Also, do not neglect the second, lighter breakfast. The first meal should not be immediately upon waking, eat within an hour after sleep
  • Don't use raw foods on an empty stomach. It is useful to eat both vegetables and fruits in the morning, but dishes should be subjected to heat treatment and be warm.
  • If you are a coffee lover, then do not drink it on an empty stomach, but only half an hour after a nutritious breakfast
  • In winter, eat vegetables, fruits, and berries that you have frozen yourself or buy mixtures in the store, but only those that have been safely quickly frozen
  • Citrus fruits are the healthiest fruits in winter.
  • The last meal should be a couple of hours before going to bed, but not later. It is strictly forbidden to overeat at night
  • Keep a food diary where you record all the meals you eat. This will help you control your caloric intake and avoid unhealthy foods.
  • Do not wash down your food with water or tea. After eating, if you are very thirsty, take a few slow sips of plain warm water.

IMPORTANT: Svetlana Fus advises eating right not only during the period of weight loss or gain, but also not for a month or even a year. The nutritionist claims that only by adhering to proper nutrition throughout your life can you have a healthy and beautiful body at any age.

How to gain weight and muscle mass: reviews

According to reviews, any short-term diets aimed at increasing body weight give short-term results. Pharmacological drugs work in a similar way. hormonal drugs, which, moreover, also have a detrimental effect on internal organs.

Only proper nutrition, healthy sleep, avoidance of stress, and sufficient physical activity can help to qualitatively build muscle mass. In combination with folk remedies and taking vitamins and minerals, these methods will help you achieve the figure of your dreams.

Video: Nutrition for weight gain

Video: Workouts to gain muscle mass. Which program to use

Pharmacy drugs for gaining muscle mass are used, paradoxically, quite often. Despite their low popularity in general in training practice, advanced athletes resort to using them almost everywhere. Even though pharmaceutical drugs act exclusively as aids in gaining weight, this in no way eliminates or reduces the effect of taking them, due to which their popularity in sports is only growing over time.

Most athletes prefer to train naturally, that is, without the use of anabolic steroids. To increase the effectiveness of training and speed up recovery processes, they often resort to the use of various sports supplements. For the same purpose, a number of medicines are widely used that can be purchased at a regular pharmacy and are sold mainly without a prescription. But again, despite the fact that pharmaceutical drugs are relatively harmless and very accessible, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for use. And before you start taking them, consult your doctor regarding their use.

ADVICE. You can get acquainted with the main sports supplements that are used in sports in our article “”. In it, for each supplement you will find a link to an extended article, and you will be able to familiarize yourself in more detail with what this or that sports supplement is. We also strongly recommend that you study the articles “” and “”. And we generally recommend that you start reading this article by first studying the material “”, since in this process nutrition plays a primary role, and sports supplements and pharmaceutical drugs fade into the background.

Since our task today is to consider pharmaceutical drugs through the prism of gaining muscle mass, this article will present only those that in one way or another affect its growth, regardless of the mechanism of action. The actual principle of action and the nature of the effect on the body will be given for each drug in the appropriate paragraph. Also, according to all the traditions of describing pharmaceuticals, we will provide contraindications, side effects, composition, release form and, of course, pay attention primarily to the benefits and harms of pharmaceutical drugs.

IMPORTANT. This article is based on materials from the book by the author Davidenko F. Yu. “ ANABOLISM PROFILES» .


Among the drugs available on the market, Diabeton has the strongest anabolic properties. In medicine, it is used to stimulate the pancreas in the treatment of diabetes. In sports, this pharmaceutical drug is used to maintain a high level of anabolism and gain muscle mass. This effect on the body is explained by the activation of the production of insulin, which is one of the main anabolic hormones. The power of its influence on the body is equal to the power of insulin injections. The overall effect is comparable to that of methandrostenolone (an anabolic steroid). The drug is well suited for those who want to gain weight in a short time. During the course of taking Diabeton, appetite increases significantly, for this reason, the consumption of fatty foods should be minimized. The diet during this period should include as many protein-containing foods as possible.

Pharmacological group: oral antidiabetic medicines.

Active ingredient: gliclazide (English: Gliclazide).

Pharmacological action: activates the production of insulin, increases the sensitivity to insulin of target cells (liver, adipose tissue and muscle).

Objectives in sports: drug for active weight gain.

Compound: Gliclazide – 30 mg or 60 mg. Additional components: maltodextrin, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, hypromellose, silicon dioxide.

Indications: Type II diabetes mellitus (insulin-independent).

Contraindications: Type I diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent), lactation, severe infections, renal and liver failure (severe).

Side effects: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, hypoglycemia, allergic reactions.

Interaction: enhance the effect of gliclazide: clofibrate, salicylates, phenylbutazone. Reduce the hypoglycemic effect of Diabeton: diuretics, progestogens, diphenin.

Directions for use: orally.

Overdose: clinical manifestation is hypoglycemic coma.

Release form: tablets 30 mg and 60 mg, 15 pieces in a blister, 2 blisters in a pack.

Analogues: Glidab MR, Gliclazide MR.

Manufacturers: Les Laboratoires Servier (France), Serdix LLC (Russia).

Shelf life: 3 years.

Storage conditions: store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees Celsius.

Resume. Whatever one may say, for all its positive qualities, the drug has one rather significant drawback. This is a risk of falling into a hypoglycemic coma, which, by the way, occurs only in the case of thoughtless use of the drug. On the one hand, if you follow all the prescribed recommendations, eat often and observe the duration of the course, there will be no side effects does not arise. On the other hand, poor nutrition, excess dosage or course duration increase the likelihood of their occurrence. As a rule, you can often find recommendations that during treatment courses you need to eat sweets at night so that hypoglycemia does not overtake you in your sleep. But do not be alarmed, a critical condition occurs only when the dosage is significantly exceeded, which an experienced athlete, or at least a sane person, of course, will not allow. In addition, six meals a day and a uniform supply of carbohydrates create the most favorable conditions for the body during courses of taking the drug, and due to its anabolic properties, it is the best pharmaceutical drug in bodybuilding for building mass.

Calcium glycerophosphate

In medicine, this drug is used in the treatment of dystrophy and excessive fatigue. It increases protein absorption and speeds up metabolism. During the period of taking this drug, appetite increases significantly, which means that the consumption of fatty, fried and floury foods should be reduced. As many protein sources as possible should be added to the diet. As you already understand, in relation to sports, this pharmaceutical drug helps to gain muscle mass, which is why it has earned popularity, including among bodybuilders.

Pharmacological group: macro- and microelements.

Active ingredient: calcium glycerophosphate (English: Calcium glycerophosphate).

Pharmacological action: the drug enhances anabolic processes (protein synthesis), has a general strengthening effect, and replenishes calcium deficiency.

Objectives in sports: the drug is used to gain muscle mass.

Compound: 1 tablet contains 0.2 or 0.5 g of substance.

Indications: as a general strengthening and tonic (increasing the body’s activity) remedy for poor nutrition, overwork, and exhaustion.

Contraindications: not identified.

Side effects: not identified.

Interaction: often prescribed with drugs that are sources of iron.

Directions for use: orally.

Overdose: no cases were observed.

Release form: tablets of 0.5 g, 10 pieces in a blister, 2 blisters in a pack.

Analogues: not identified.

Manufacturers: OJSC "Lugansk Chemical Plant" (Ukraine).

Shelf life: 5 years.

Storage conditions: in a dry place, out of reach of children, at room temperature.

Resume. A unique drug of its kind. Having the anabolic ability to enhance protein synthesis, firstly, it has no contraindications or side effects, and secondly, it has no analogues. And since calcium is almost of paramount importance in bodybuilding among other minerals, since it is the main mineral that carries out muscle contraction, it is apparently for this reason that calcium glycerophosphate has gained high popularity and is one of the best pharmaceutical drugs for muscle growth in bodybuilding.

Potassium orotate

A metabolic agent that regulates and stimulates the course of biochemical processes. It is used as a drug that has an anabolic effect in cases of protein metabolism disorders. Increases appetite (which helps when working on weight), increases urination (which helps get rid of excess fluid in the body), activates tissue regeneration processes (which speeds up recovery processes). Potassium orotate is a mineral salt that is found in all living organisms. Each molecule of the substance consists of molecules of orotic acid and potassium. Orotic acid is a biochemical substance necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA. This pharmaceutical drug is widely used in sports to gain weight and increase strength, even though its effectiveness is relatively low.

Pharmacological group: drugs that stimulate metabolic processes.

Active ingredient: orotic acid.

Pharmacological action: has an anabolic effect in cases of protein metabolism disorders. It also has a diuretic and regeneration-activating effect.

Objectives in sports: general anabolic (increasing protein synthesis) effect. The drug helps to grow muscles and recover faster after training.

Compound: 1 tablet contains 0.5 g of substance.

Indications: diseases of the liver and biliary tract caused by intoxications other than cirrhosis with ascites. Myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure, heart rhythm disturbances, etc.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects: allergic dermatoses.

Directions for use: orally.

Overdose: Inflammation of the renal tubules and their death occur extremely rarely. Hormonal changes are possible. Long-term use causes weakening of the heart muscle.

Release form: tablets of 0.5 g in a pack of 30 pieces.

Analogues: Dioron, Potassium orotovy, Orotsid, Oro-pur.

Manufacturers: OJSC "Aveksima" (Russia), OJSC "Pharmstandard" (Russia), "Dalkhimfarm" (Russia), "Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant" (Russia), "Akrikhin" (Russia), PFC "Obnovlenie" (Russia), etc.

Shelf life: 4 years.

Storage conditions: store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

Resume. Numerous experiments (on rats) have shown that in combination with other drugs, potassium orotate does reduce recovery time, however, no anabolic effects were identified. In this regard, there is an opinion that its use in sports is ineffective, and in bodybuilding it is practically pointless. However, the facts speak for themselves. The drug has been extremely popular in sports for decades, especially among bodybuilders. Can experiments on rats be considered comparable to an athlete’s reaction to a drug? Hardly. Would it be so popular if it weren't effective? I'm sure not. The facts speak for themselves. Among pharmaceutical preparations for weight gain, Potassium orotate has secured an honorable reputation.


A drug that regulates metabolism. Capable of as soon as possible replenish the deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the body, as well as stabilize the electrolyte balance. The drug facilitates the transfer of potassium and magnesium into cells, which improves performance, and as a result, helps to build muscle mass faster. Magnesium, which takes part in protein metabolism and supplies energy in this process, gives the athlete the opportunity to effectively build muscles during training. The versatility of this pharmaceutical drug lies in the fact that it can be used not only for weight gain, but also for weight loss with a properly adjusted training and nutrition regimen. In addition, Asparkam prevents the occurrence of cramps and significantly increases the athlete's endurance.

Pharmacological group: antiarrhythmic drugs in combinations.

Active ingredient: potassium and magnesium aspartate (English: Potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate).

Pharmacological action: the drug eliminates electrolyte imbalance, magnesium and potassium deficiency, improves myocardial metabolism and coronary blood supply.

Objectives in sports: increases performance and endurance, helps fight cramps. The drug is used both for gaining muscle mass and for losing weight.

Compound: 1 tablet contains 175 mg of potassium aspartate and 175 mg of magnesium aspartate. 1 ampoule of asparkam 10 ml contains 0.45 g of potassium aspartate and 0.4 g of magnesium aspartate.

Indications: prescribed as an adjuvant for chronic circulatory failure, as well as for heart rhythm disturbances caused by potassium and magnesium deficiency.

Contraindications: acute and chronic renal failure, hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, myocardial dysfunction, severe forms of myasthenia.

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, dry mouth, decreased blood pressure.

Interaction: When using asparkam simultaneously with potassium-sparing diuretics or ACE inhibitors, the risk of developing hyperkalemia increases.

Directions for use: orally, intravenously by drip, intravenously by stream, or using an “Infuzomat”-type dosing device.

Overdose: hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia, which is manifested by facial redness, thirst, disorders of the neuromuscular connection, arrhythmias, and convulsions.

Release form: tablets - 10 and 50 pieces per package. Ampoules - 5 or 10 pieces (5, 10 or 20 ml each) in a cardboard box. Glass bottles of 400 ml with solution for infusion.

Analogues: Panangin, Asparkam-L, Potassium and magnesium aspartate.

Manufacturers: OJSC "Aveksima" (Russia), PFC "Obnovlenie" (Russia), "Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant" (Russia), "Pharmapol - Volga" (Russia), FC "Zdorovye" (Ukraine), etc.

Shelf life: depending on the form of release, about 2 years.

Storage conditions: store in a place protected from light and out of reach of children at room temperature.

Resume. Asparkam also contains aspartate (aspartic acid) - a carrier of potassium and magnesium ions through cell membranes. Often, athletes increase daily dosage above 6 tablets, however this does not lead to any significant increase in results. Excess potassium ions are excreted by the kidneys in the urine. Despite its versatility, the drug does not have an anabolic effect. However, this pharmaceutical drug is quite suitable for gaining muscle mass, but only as part of a course, in conjunction with other drugs. However, even in itself it is quite popular both among bodybuilders and among representatives of many other sports.


The drug activates biochemical processes, which, among other things, have a positive effect on the athlete’s heart. It has antiarrhythmic, anabolic and other beneficial effects. By increasing the strength of heart contractions, it helps increase stroke volume. Riboxin inherently improves both blood supply to the tissues of the whole body and the heart in particular. While taking the drug, there is often an improvement in energy metabolism, the activity of many enzymes and metabolic processes in the myocardium. Another positive effect of taking it is improved muscle tissue regeneration. But, despite all my positive qualities, Riboxin as a reducing agent is not the most best choice, for this reason, for the purpose of building muscle mass, this pharmaceutical drug is recommended to be taken in combination with potassium orotate, which acts as a kind of amplifier.

Pharmacological group: drugs that primarily affect tissue metabolic processes.

Active ingredient: inosine (English: Inosine).

Pharmacological action: the drug has an anabolic effect, participates in glucose metabolism and activates metabolic processes in the myocardium.

Objectives in sports: inosine – ATP precursor – most important source energy in bodybuilding. Improves blood circulation, energy metabolism, and regeneration of muscle tissue.

Compound: 1 tablet of the drug contains 200 mg of inosine. The ampoules contain 20 mg/ml of the active substance - inosine.

Indications: coronary insufficiency, myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disturbances, heart defects, coronary atherosclerosis, heart pathologies, liver cirrhosis.

Contraindications: gout, hypersensitivity to the drug, increased uric acid in the blood.

Side effects: in some cases, allergic reactions may occur: itching, urticaria, skin hyperemia. Rarely, an increase in uric acid levels in the blood occurs.

Interaction: when used as part of complex therapy, it enhances the effect of antianginal, antiarrhythmic and inotropic drugs.

Directions for use: orally, injections, intravenously (drip or stream).

Overdose: There have been no cases of drug overdose during clinical use.

Release form: 20 mg tablets, 10 pieces in a blister, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 blisters in a pack. Injection solution 2%: 10 ml of solution contains 200 mg of inosine, in a package of 10 ampoules of 5 or 10 ml.

Analogues: Inosine, Inosine-F, Riboxin-Vero, Riboxin-Darnitsa, Riboxin-LekT, Riboxin-PNITIA, Riboxin-UVI, Ribonosine.

Manufacturers: ZAO Binnopharm (Russia), Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant (Russia), Dalkhimpharm (Russia), Borisov Plant medical supplies" (Republic of Belarus).

Shelf life: depending on the form of release, about 3 years.

Storage conditions: store in a dry place, out of reach of children, hidden from direct sun rays, at a temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius.

Resume. Riboxin, due to its anabolic properties, is widely used in sports. Many sports supplements are also produced with it. However, some clinical trials have shown that the use of Riboxin in sports does not lead to improved performance and increased muscle mass. But again, the tests carried out do not call into question pharmacological action the drug, which means that if it has all the declared properties, then why should it be considered ineffective in sports? Tests are always carried out under strictly defined laboratory conditions, but in reality, the training conditions and the factors influencing it are different for each person, and therefore the effectiveness of the technique will be different. But I think it’s not entirely correct to say that the drug is useless in sports. Of course, we will not question the results of clinical trials, just as they do not question the pharmacological effect of the drug, but I think you get the point. All you need to know is that Riboxin is widely popular among bodybuilders who use this drug to gain mass. This would hardly be possible if the drug were a dummy. Draw conclusions.

Fish oil

The drug is a source of Omega-3 fatty acids. The main beneficial components of fish oil are Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins A and D. Fish oil is of key importance in bodybuilding. Without sufficient Omega-3 intake into the body, it is quite difficult to achieve the desired results in gaining muscle mass and increasing strength. With a lack of essential fatty acids, the athlete's results and achievements will always be lower than they could be with fish oil consumption. Accordingly, a course of pharmaceutical drugs for weight gain must necessarily be supplemented with sources of fish oil in any form of release.

Pharmacological group: vitamins, vitamin-like substances and drugs that primarily affect tissue metabolic processes.

Active ingredient: fish oil (English: Fish oil).

Pharmacological action: hypolipidemic, antiplatelet, see summary below.

Objectives in sports: accelerating the growth of lean muscle mass and reducing body fat, increasing overall tone and endurance, increasing the production of hormones, including testosterone.

Compound: depending on the manufacturer, 1 capsule contains 100/250/500/790 or 850 mg of active substance. Capsule shell: gelatin, glycerol, sorbitol, water.

Indications: for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and vitamin deficiency. As a general strengthening agent, to accelerate the healing of bone fractures.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.

Side effects: Gastrointestinal disorders - nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea.

Interaction: without features.

Directions for use: orally.

Overdose: stomach upsets.

Release form: transparent gelatin capsules, 10 pieces per blister, 5, 7 or 10 blisters per pack.

Analogues: fish oil from cod, pike, crucian carp, perch, catfish, haddock, whiting, grenadier.

Manufacturers: Teva (Israel), Teva Private Co. LTD" (Hungary), "Del Rios" (Russia).

Shelf life: 2 years.

Storage conditions: store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius.

Resume. As we have already said, Omega-3 fatty acids have wide range positive effects that are fundamental to bodybuilding. Here are some of them: increasing metabolic rate, accelerating muscle growth and reducing fat tissue. Increased sensitivity to insulin, improved blood circulation. The drug improves overall tone and increases endurance, reduces catabolism and accelerates recovery. Improves brain function and improves mood. The brain matter consists of 60% fat, and especially needs Omega-3 fatty acids. It is an excellent source of energy that does not pose the risk of increasing fat tissue. Enhances the body's production of hormones, including the most important testosterone in bodybuilding, and at the same time, prevents the secretion of harmful cortisol. Fish oil is of exceptional importance as a drug for muscle growth. It can rightfully be called magical, and if you like, a miraculous substance that provides great assistance in the process of building muscles.


A product known to us since childhood, which many took for an ordinary delicacy. It is made from dried cattle blood, and is successfully used to prevent iron deficiency, restore metabolic processes, stimulate the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the body, and, among other things, is a source of essential amino acids, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to such a rich composition, this pharmaceutical drug, if I may say so, is excellent for gaining weight, especially taking into account the fact that all these components are in the hematogen in a state close to the composition of our blood.

The blood that is used to prepare hematogen is processed to exclude infections and subjected to defibration: the fibrin protein falls out in the form of fibers from the blood when it is shaken. Defibrated blood does not clot, and red blood cells remain suspended in the serum. To give taste qualities Condensed milk, molasses, sucrose and vanillin are added to the product.

Pharmacological group: Dietary supplements are products of plant, animal or mineral origin.

Active ingredient: hematogen (English: Haematogenum).

Pharmacological action: the drug increases the hemoglobin content in the blood and improves the morphological characteristics of red blood cells.

Objectives in sports: used for weight gain, as a source of fast carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and amino acids in an optimal ratio for the body.

Compound: active substance – ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate hepathydrate). Also black food albumin, condensed milk, molasses, sucrose, vanillin.

Indications: used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for malnutrition, low blood hemoglobin, and after severe infectious diseases.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, diabetes mellitus, obesity, anemia.

Side effects: nausea, diarrhea.

Directions for use: orally.

Overdose: see side effects.

Release form: bars, chewing lozenge, 50 or 30 g, divided into 10 or 6 plates.

Analogues: Hematogen C (contains vitamin C), Hematogen L (contains lysine).

Manufacturers:"Pharm-Pro" (Russia), PKP "Fakel-Design" (Russia), "Siberian Health 2000" (Russia), "Gemakon" (Russia), LLC "Geness" (Russia), "Revival and Development" (Russia ).

Shelf life: 6 months

Storage conditions: store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15 to 21 degrees Celsius.

Resume. This product (or pharmaceutical drug) is very popular in sports in general. As for its use in bodybuilding, the fact that hematogen is a source of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and including vitamins, of course, suggests that in this sport, from the point of view of gaining muscle mass, it is especially relevant. Everyone will draw their own conclusions about the advisability of its use, but taking into account the fact that even children's forms of hematogen are produced, it is not only safe for use, but rather, on the contrary, it is strongly recommended, again, subject to all the conditions for its use.


In sports practice, the use of pharmaceutical drugs to improve performance is common practice. In bodybuilding, the use of pharmaceutical drugs to gain muscle mass is the prerogative of mainly advanced athletes. Beginners in this sport, as a rule, limit themselves to taking sports supplements; advanced athletes supplement their intake of sports supplements with the use of pharmaceutical “accelerators”. Professionals and competitive athletes often use more potent substances, which we will talk about in a separate series of articles. Now, to summarize, it is necessary to focus on the fact that pharmaceutical drugs are nothing more than “small helpers” that work exclusively in conjunction with a well-designed diet and the same well-structured training process. Under these conditions they work for you; in any other case, they can harm you. It is for this reason that their use should be taken seriously and, above all, consult a doctor.