Preparing for childbirth: breathing exercises for pregnant women. Breathing exercises during childbirth

Every woman expecting the birth of a baby must take a number of measures to prepare for this process. The article reveals basic tips and recommendations for caring for yourself and setting yourself up for a successful birth of a child.

Every pregnant woman wants to know how to more information about the state she will soon find herself in. It's about about the prenatal condition, harbingers of childbirth and the process of the baby's birth.

This is necessary in order to firmly withstand any test, give birth safely and experience as little pain as possible. Harbingers of labor are peculiar “signs” of the imminent birth of a child, which indicate to a woman that it is time to go to the maternity hospital.

One of the most striking signs of a “close” birth is drooping belly. This happens because the fetus (child) is already “preparing” for birth, occupying the most comfortable position for itself. This is why a woman's belly undergoes further transformations.

If previously the baby’s head in the womb occupied the abdominal region, then before birth the baby descends even lower, into the pelvis. This is the correct position of the fetus before birth.

Surprisingly, after the abdomen drops, a woman can feel minor changes in your feelings. In particular, it becomes easier for her to breathe, and heartburn may “go away.” The internal organs in the body become much “freer”; they take their natural position.

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Condition and behavior of a pregnant woman before childbirth

Speaking about the behavior and condition of a woman just before childbirth, it is worth noting that all this depends on the individual characteristics of the person and what kind of childbirth it is.

Woman before childbirth

Basic sensations:

  • Heaviness in the stomach. Some people call this condition "Stone belly" It is very simple to explain this condition - the walls (muscular) of the uterus become very tense and literally harden. That is why, when you feel your stomach, you can feel not its soft state, but its hard state.
  • Desire to defecate. Childbirth is a process designed by nature. She tried to make the birth of the child as comfortable and problem-free as possible. This is why a woman may feel a strong and frequent urge to go to the toilet. An empty bowel is a necessity during childbirth.
  • Nagging pain in the lower back. Such sensations appear much earlier than abdominal pain. This pain is very similar to what a woman felt when she started her period or when she might have a “cold” or strain her back. Such pains arise and, as a rule, do not disappear, but only change their intensity.
  • Excessive emotionality It is also typical for women in a prenatal state. The body undergoes changes at the physiological and hormonal level and therefore a woman is often unable to control her emotions.

Condition and sensations of a woman before childbirth

How does the plug come out and water leak in pregnant women before giving birth?

Cork- it's a slimy lump yellow with an admixture of blood, which closes the uterine space in the cervix, preventing bacteria and microbes that can harm the fetus from entering. The plug appears at the beginning of pregnancy and “goes away” on its own right before birth.

IMPORTANT: In some cases, the observing doctor himself “provokes” the plug to come out by catching it with his finger. This is necessary for labor to begin fully. This is done when the traffic jam for a long time She can’t leave on her own. It depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and the first birth.

How to spot a traffic jam? Just pay close attention to yourself while going to the toilet. Look into the toilet, inspect the crotch, panties and legs. The cork can be very small and can be similar in size to a button. In addition, the admixture of blood in it is not at all necessary. It can be completely transparent.

IMPORTANT: After the plug comes out, the body gives a signal to the body “it’s time to give birth.” That is why the next symptom may be broken water and abdominal pain.

How can you tell if a pregnant woman’s plug has come out?

How do contractions occur in pregnant women before childbirth?

After the traffic jams go away (or before) first contractions. As a rule, the first contractions are very tolerable. They look like a slight pain that pierces the stomach to the lower back and goes away as abruptly as it appears.

From the moment you notice the pain arising and “going away”. You should keep count of them. You need to have a watch with you. They will be useful to you in order to count the time interval between the last and the next pain.

Before childbirth, the interval becomes very small (2-3 minutes), but the pain itself becomes very intense and unbearable. It is almost impossible to alleviate the condition. All you can do is choose the most comfortable position for yourself and rub your lower back with massage movements (it’s best to ask a loved one about this).

How to recognize first and prenatal contractions?

How to remove fears of childbirth in pregnant women?

Women giving birth for the first time are often very afraid of the upcoming pain and the process itself. But the stronger the fear, the more difficult it is for a woman to relax and make childbirth faster, simpler, and easier. As practice shows, women who give birth repeatedly are more confident in themselves and easily endure the whole process.

What you can do to not be afraid of giving birth:

  • Preview documentary about how natural childbirth occurs.
  • Learn breathing exercises designed to relax the pelvic region.
  • Agree on a partner birth (with mother or husband). Native person will help you endure all the difficulties, give you a massage, bring you water, and support you.
  • Find and arrange childbirth with a doctor in advance. Communicate more with your doctor, do not hesitate to ask him questions and ask for help.

How should a woman behave and what should she do before giving birth?

Nutrition for a pregnant woman before childbirth: dates

Eating dates during pregnancy is often a controversial issue depending on your tolerance to the food. female body. The uniqueness of dates is that their rich vitamin and mineral composition, capable of providing direct effect on the muscles of the body.

Simply put, the trace elements found in dates can stimulate and contract the muscles of the uterus itself. This feature will be very useful during labor activity. Often, women eat dates before giving birth so that they help them survive the first birth easily and quickly. In addition, a rich supply of carbohydrates will “give” strength for a difficult process.

Is it possible and necessary to eat dates to facilitate labor?

Gymnastics and exercises for pregnant women before childbirth with elements of breathing exercises

It's no secret that a number of specific physical exercises for pregnant women help them alleviate their condition, establish harmony with the body and experience the process of giving birth to a child more easily. Such gymnastics (both regular and breathing) helps relieve pain and prepare the body for an easy birth of a child.

IMPORTANT: Before choosing gymnastics and physical exercises for yourself, a pregnant woman should consult with her doctor about whether she can do them at all.

Yoga for pregnant women

Simple physical education Light exercises

Useful exercises

Prayer for a pregnant woman before childbirth

Every woman tries before giving birth activate maximum opportunities and strength for a successful and prosperous birth. IN progress is underway proper nutrition, physical exercise, massage, relaxation, breathing and even morale in a positive way.

Psychologists note that prayers help a woman calm down, accept any challenges and calmly go through the process of giving birth to a child. When choosing a prayer, you should definitely take into account your individual characteristics(your health, the baby’s health, the type of birth, and so on). You can pray out loud or silently. Feel every word spoken and believe in what is said.

Prayer for successful childbirth

Husband's prayer for his pregnant wife before childbirth

Ask your beloved man to participate in your process not only physically, but also spiritually. He, just like you, can pray for a successful birth, as well as the health of mother and child. To do this, choose a suitable prayer for him or ask him to pray in his own words.

IMPORTANT: Just like your husband, all your acquaintances and close people, relatives, and friends can pray for you.

Prayer for a woman in labor

How can a pregnant woman shave before giving birth?

Removing hair from the groin is a prerequisite before childbirth. This not only makes the birth process easier, but is also a hygienic obligation. The fact is that pubic hair may contain germs and bacteria that enter it through urine, feces, secretions, and so on.

IMPORTANT: The absence of hair helps the baby, as soon as he is born, not to “grab” some bacteria and not get sick.

Every woman can master a very complex technique of shaving the groin on her own or ask her beloved husband about it. Big belly It makes it very difficult to do it quickly and safely (without cuts). However, if you take a good position and “arm yourself” with a mirror, you will succeed.

Best Shave while lying in a warm bath. The mirror should be held with your left hand and the razor with your right. “Peeking” into the mirror from the side, you will be able to make movements with the razor. If you are uncomfortable looking in the mirror, with your left hand you feel the skin for the presence of hair and only then “walk” with the blade. A mirror will help you check the “final result” of the procedure.

IMPORTANT: Absolutely all hair should be removed, starting from the pubic area and ending with the hair growing towards the anus.

Hair removal before childbirth

Why do pregnant women inject papaverine or drotaverine before childbirth?

These drugs are analogues of each other. Only a competent attending physician can prescribe them to a pregnant woman. This is done carefully, because the products can cause unpleasant consequences and allergic reactions, not advisable before childbirth.

They inject medicine to give a woman slight analgesic and antispasmodic effect. Most often, this medicine is prescribed for primiparous women who find it difficult to tolerate the process. In addition, the medicine is necessary for women in labor who have problems with the thyroid gland, liver or kidneys.

Do pregnant women need spa before giving birth?

Very often, women are prescribed the well-known drug “No-shpa” before giving birth. This is done in tablets or using a dropper. Medicine is needed to relax the muscles in the woman’s uterine organ as much as possible. This will also contribute to the relaxation of the cervix itself, its easy and natural opening, and a safe and gentle birth as possible.

IMPORTANT: No-Shpa itself is an antispasmodic (that is, “eliminating spasms”). In addition, it has slight analgesic properties.

Simply put, No-Shpa helps:

  • The cervix opens faster and easier
  • Reduce the intensity, strength and frequency of contractions.
  • Reduces the possibility of tissue rupture in a woman’s vagina during childbirth.
  • Relaxed tissues in the cervix help the baby move easily and softly.

IMPORTANT: Medicine can only be prescribed by your doctor; you should not do it yourself, as you may get undesirable consequences.

Do pregnant women need phenazepam before giving birth?

Phenozepam– a dangerous medicine for pregnant women early stages pregnancy. It quickly becomes addictive and can have unpleasant consequences for the fetus. However, the doctor can prescribe both phenazepam itself and its analogues before childbirth if the patient has a number of neurological or physiological problems (for example, alcohol intoxication).

What are suppositories for pregnant women before childbirth?

Doctors prescribe a number of medications in the form of suppositories (candles) for women if they experience post-term pregnancy. Post-term is the term of pregnancy from 42 weeks. Postmaturity can harm both the mother and the baby, who may develop a number of diseases or hypoxia.

Suppositories are administered in order to “improve” the activity of the uterine muscular organ and help ensure that childbirth occurs on time, quickly, without problems and only naturally. Only the attending physician can prescribe the type of suppositories and only under his close supervision.

Video: “Harbingers of childbirth”

Proper breathing during childbirth is very important. It helps simplify the process of bringing a baby into the world and provides him with a sufficient amount of oxygen. The speed of birth of the baby and the strength of pushing depend on correct use existing techniques.

Contraction training Support
Expectant mother Symptoms of false
don't panic

Proper breathing during childbirth makes it possible to relax at the initial stage. At this time you need to take deep breaths. They can even replace an analgesic during intense, painful contractions.

Any breathing technique during childbirth should be rehearsed in advance. This will make such an important undertaking much easier. Learn all the different techniques and consult your doctor to make sure you're doing it right. Extra training will make you feel more confident and relaxed during childbirth.

Why breathe correctly

Even during pregnancy, you need to practice proper breathing, which will be useful during childbirth. If you train every day, then by the end of the 9th month a woman will be able to help her baby be born.

Practicing correct breathing

The ability to breathe correctly is necessary to calm down, relax during contractions, and also keep muscle contractions under control. Moreover, you need to breathe properly in order to...

  1. The muscles of the uterus received sufficient oxygen. In this case, contractions will not be as painful, since it is hypoxia (lack of oxygen) that causes pain.
  2. Make pushing more effective. The pressure of the diaphragm on the uterus helps the baby to be born. If a woman simply takes air into her cheeks, the baby will not progress.
  3. Protect the child from birth trauma, control pushing.
  4. The child did not suffer from hypoxia.
  5. The baby's head was born softly.

During labor and childbirth you should use different techniques breathing. Do not neglect them if you want the process to be as painless as possible. There are even special courses where expectant mothers are taught the correct behavior at the most crucial moment of their lives.

Among several techniques, there is the most popular one called “candle”. It is used during the entire birth process.

How to act when pushing

Proper breathing during childbirth is very important in the first period when contractions begin. Usually a woman goes to the maternity hospital when the contractions are not particularly strong and manifest themselves in abdominal stretching. After some time, they become permanent and begin to repeat regularly. During this period, you should not try to suppress pain in yourself. There is no need to strain or scream, because this will not bring relief. The pain will not get easier, and the body will become very tired and exhausted. Therefore, during labor and labor, focus on inhaling and exhaling.

Many girls who are experiencing their first pregnancy begin to become very tense during contractions, and this suppresses the birth process and interferes with the rapid and correct dilatation of the cervix. As a result, doctors have to use medications to induce labor. During childbirth, improper breathing will not lead to anything good. The fetus will not receive the required amount of oxygen, which can cause oxygen starvation. And this usually affects the well-being and development of the child. Moreover, improper behavior of the mother can cause a perineal rupture.

Doctors will help you in this matter

As soon as the cervix has dilated by about 4-5 cm, the active phase begins. Proper breathing during childbirth during this period is very important, because uterine contractions become very strong and can cause severe discomfort to the mother in labor. Contractions last about 20 seconds with a break of up to 5-6 minutes. At this time, the amniotic sac usually ruptures and amniotic fluid is released. Due to this, contractions intensify, and after the outpouring of water, they become longer and stronger. During this time, try the following types of techniques:

  • "candle";
  • "big candle"

During labor and childbirth, using the candle technique may cause slight dizziness. This happens because the respiratory center of the brain is oversaturated with oxygen and endorphins begin to be produced. Of course, if you control your breathing during regular contractions and childbirth.

Endorphins are “happy hormones” and therefore reduce the sensation of pain. “Candle” represents frequent shallow sighs. You need to inhale through your nose and exhale quickly through your mouth, as if you are blowing out a candle that is in front of your lips. You should breathe in this way constantly until the contraction ends. Due to the endorphins produced, this method acts as a natural anesthesia.

During childbirth, there is another technique - the “big candle”. This is a forced version of a regular “candle”. Also, during a contraction, you need to alternate inhalations and exhalations, but you need to breathe with effort. The exhalation should be through practically closed lips, and the inhalation should be as if you are trying to inhale, but your nose is stuffy. This method It is used during childbirth and frequent contractions, if proper breathing using the “candle” technique does not sufficiently relieve pain. If you breathe in this way, the pulse will level out, and the body will have time to rest before the onset of the next contractions.

How to breathe during childbirth

When the baby's head begins to press hard on the cervix, one of the most difficult moments occurs. A woman wants to push, but it’s too early to do it. During childbirth at this moment, competent breathing technique will help to survive dangerous period, to prevent the development of various complications.

No matter how much you want to push, listen to the midwife, do only what she says. There are several correct techniques during childbirth:

  • "variable";
  • "train";
  • "candle";
  • "pushing."

“Alternating” breathing is carried out as follows: you need to take a deep breath, and then a series of short inhalations and exhalations for about 4-5 approaches. IN last time You should purse your lips into a tube and exhale deeply until the very end. During full dilatation of the cervix, when the baby's head passes through the opening, you need to breathe using the “train” technique. The uterus is very excited, so contractions last approximately 40-60 seconds. Moreover, the interval between them is very short – sometimes less than one minute. You need to “breathe” the fight; for this, a combination of “candle” and “big candle” is used.

If you depict the fight graphically, you get a wave. The contraction begins with weak sensations, which begin to grow, reach maximum power, and then fade away. The “locomotive” accelerates and intensifies simultaneously with the sensations that the woman in labor experiences during contractions. First you need to use the “candle” technique. When the contraction intensifies, like a steam locomotive picking up speed, you need to intensify your inhalations and exhalations, and then move on to the “big candle” technique. As soon as the contraction reaches its peak, it is necessary to speed up the inhalations and exhalations of the “big candle” as much as possible. As the contraction begins to subside, breathing also calms down. The "locomotive" approaches the station, where it stops to rest.

Support for a loved one

Do not confuse the techniques you need to breathe during childbirth. If you get confused and do not listen to the doctor, the process will become noticeably more complicated and will cause even more pain and inconvenience. At the very last stage (except for the stage of removing the placenta), when the cervix is ​​fully dilated and the baby is born, the woman should apply maximum quantity physical effort. That is why you need to try to maintain a relaxed and calm state, so as not to simply waste your strength.

If during labor and delivery you use correct technique breathing, this will allow you to spend your energy as efficiently as possible. In order not to delay the birth of the child, you need to use special breathing. As soon as the effort begins, you need to inhale as deeply as possible and then begin to exhale. In this case, the exhalation should be directed to the perineum. You cannot push on the head and eyes. Please note that such straining is unlikely to be without consequences, and the effectiveness will tend to zero. You will only suffer and spend a lot of energy, but this will not help the child at all. Exhale the air as if you were using it to move the child towards the exit.

This full, deep breath cannot be weakened or interrupted. Otherwise, all your efforts will go down the drain. If you are pushing and feel that there is not enough air, you need to carefully exhale until the remainder is left, then re-gain the maximum amount using a deep breath and exhale. If during childbirth the exhalation follows the proper breathing technique, it will begin to put pressure on the uterus and diaphragm.

The duration of one attempt is approximately a minute. During this time, you need to make three deep exhalations. At this moment, “candle” breathing is required. You take a deep breath and then slowly exhale the air. If during childbirth your behavior and breathing are correct, the pushing will be as effective as possible. As soon as the head appears, you need to breathe very slowly, like a dog, and in no case rush things.

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Breathing is a physiological process necessary for life. It occurs reflexively, and few people think that it can be used to control other body processes, even treat some diseases. There are situations when it is simply necessary to control your breathing, and childbirth is one of them. Proper breathing greatly facilitates the birth process, relieves severe pain, helps the woman regain strength, and helps the baby to be born sooner.


Why is it necessary to breathe properly during childbirth?

Voluntary breathing during childbirth aggravates the pain and prolongs the process. With proper breathing, a woman has the opportunity to relax and give her body a rest. By using proper breathing techniques during contractions, the main goal is achieved: the diaphragm does not interfere with labor, but, on the contrary, speeds it up, significantly alleviating pain. Proper breathing during childbirth helps to avoid fetal hypoxia and saturates the blood with oxygen.

It is necessary to start practicing correct breathing long before childbirth in order to bring it to automaticity. A woman must develop a model of behavior, which will greatly facilitate the birth of a child.

Breathing technique during different periods of labor

The birth process consists of three main periods:

  • dilation of the cervix, or period of contractions;
  • expulsion, or birth of a fetus;
  • birth of the placenta, or postpartum period.

The breathing technique used in each period is different and is aimed at alleviating the woman’s condition.

Breathing during contractions

Cervical dilatation is the longest and most painful period, accompanied by contractions. Contractions are involuntary contractions of the uterus. They are necessary to open the uterine os, through which the child will pass. Thanks to them, the fetus moves.

The period of contractions consists of three phases:

  1. Latent. The contractions are not painful, in most cases they are felt as a slight stretching in the lower abdomen and lower back. Many compare this condition to premenstrual syndrome. The latent phase lasts up to 6 hours.
  2. Active. It is characterized by rapid dilatation of the cervix, intensity of contractions, pain and a shorter interval between them. Lasts 3-4 hours.
  3. Deceleration phase. Often absent in multiparous women and some primiparous women. Lasts until the cervix is ​​completely dilated, on average from half an hour to 2 hours.

Contractions are characterized by regularity and occur at certain intervals. The greater the dilation of the cervix, the more intense and longer they become, and the gap between them decreases. Proper breathing helps to significantly reduce pain during labor during labor.

Latent phase of contractions

Gentle stretching of the lower abdomen during the latent phase causes more discomfort than pain. However, at this moment the woman begins to realize that the “X-hour” is approaching, and most of them are overcome by fear. The main task during this period is to calm down and start getting ready for the maternity hospital.

Relaxing Breathing

It will help you overcome your fears and get ready for the upcoming birth. Breathing should be slow and deep. You need to inhale quickly through your nose, counting to three, exhale slowly through your mouth, counting to five. At the same time, fold your lips into a tube. As you exhale, doctors advise “singing” vowels, for example, the sound “u”. When doing yoga, using this technique breathing, chant the mantra “om”.

At the initial stage of training, it is recommended to use a small mirror. It is placed to the mouth as you exhale at a distance of 15-20 cm. The mirror should not fog up immediately (this is too sharp an exhalation), but gradually, evenly. As soon as it becomes possible to exhale correctly, they do without paraphernalia.

Active phase of contractions

Characterized by constant, increasing contractions. The most important thing during this period is not to suppress pain, not to strain, not to squeeze your legs and stomach. Such actions can bring relief, but it will be temporary and unnecessary, and overexertion will only weaken the body ahead of time. In addition, strong tension prevents the proper dilation of the cervix. In such cases, doctors often anesthetize and induce labor, which is also extremely undesirable for mother and baby.

By focusing on breathing during childbirth, a woman is distracted from the pain. Oxygen is supplied to organs and tissues in the required volume. As a result, the muscles contract better, and the child does not experience hypoxia, which often occurs at the initial stage of labor.

At the beginning of an active contraction, relaxing breathing is used. We should not forget that the inhalation should be shorter than the exhalation. This technique makes it possible to relax the muscles, focus on breathing and not on pain, and calm down.

Important to remember: It is not advisable to scream during contractions. This way, breathing is held, and less oxygen reaches the fetus.

Breathing like a dog

When the contractions become longer, you need to breathe shallowly and frequently, without straining, inhaling and exhaling through your slightly open mouth. The strength of inhalation and exhalation should correspond to each other, as well as their duration. In this case, only the chest works, the stomach remains calm and relaxed.

This type of breathing during childbirth resembles that of a dog. hot weather. The technique dulls acute pain and helps you concentrate on breathing. In addition, this allows you to avoid pushing, which in the first stage of labor leads to rupture of the cervix and injury to the fetus.

Even breathing

When a contraction loses its intensity, that is, at the end of it, and until the beginning of the next one, the technique of uniform breathing is used. You need to breathe slowly and evenly, inhaling and exhaling through your nose or mouth. Each woman herself determines the duration of inhalation and exhalation; usually it is enough to count to 4. In this case, only the chest works, the stomach is not tense.

This technique allows you to calm down and relax. Some doctors, instead of uniform breathing, advise returning to relaxing breathing during this period.

Breathing while pushing

Pushing is the most important period of labor, during which muscle contraction occurs and the fetus moves directly through the birth canal. They occur when the head passes the bone ring of the pelvis and is already in the vagina.

At this moment, it is necessary to listen to the obstetrician in everything: he will give recommendations on how to behave so that the baby is born as quickly and painlessly as possible. Only he, based on the state of the woman in labor, will determine how to breathe, when to push, when it is necessary to rest.

"Breathing on a Candle"

The general principle of breathing during childbirth during pushing is to inhale as deeply as possible, but not quickly, but as calmly and slowly as possible. During prolonged exhalation, the pressure of the entire volume of air is exerted by the diaphragm on the uterus. At the same time, you must not allow the tension to go up to your head, otherwise the blood vessels on your face and in your eyes will burst. It is advisable to push three times during one contraction.

With proper breathing while pushing, the baby is born quickly. Sometimes 3-5 attempts are enough, each of which lasts no more than a minute. If the woman in labor does not have enough strength, the obstetrician allows her to take a short break between attempts to rest.

After the birth of the head, breathe freely, like a dog. This will prevent the baby's head, which has already appeared, from moving back.

Video: How to behave during pushing

Breathing during the postpartum period

Having separated from the walls of the uterus, after some time the placenta is born. This usually happens half an hour after the baby is born. The cramping pains resume, but during this period they are not intense, weak and short-lived. Here it is enough to push, using the “breathing on a candle” technique, and the so-called baby’s place will come out of the uterus. As a rule, the moment of pushing is determined by the doctor.

Proper breathing is not as simple as it may seem. It is not enough to read the theory the day before giving birth; it is important to study all the nuances, ask the gynecologist leading the pregnancy in detail, and even better, go to courses where, under the guidance of a specialist, the woman in labor will be taught all the intricacies of breathing during childbirth. He will also give recommendations on how to perform the exercises and indicate the permissible load.

You need to train every day, starting from approximately the 12th week of pregnancy, then during the birth process all periods will be distinguished by the woman in labor herself, and each technique will be applied in a timely manner. When performing exercises, the room should be well ventilated to ensure sufficient oxygen supply.

  1. You can perform the exercises several times a day, monitoring your well-being. If a woman feels unwell during training, then she should postpone classes and rest. However, this does not mean at all that you need to stop training; it is enough to reduce its daily duration.
  2. If dryness occurs when breathing with your mouth open, you need to touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. If necessary, moisten your lips with water and rinse your mouth.
  3. When training breathing while pushing, you should not push: this can provoke uterine tone, which leads to premature birth. It is enough to simply hold your breath, counting to 10. Later, the duration of holding your breath can be increased to 20-25.
  4. After classes, restore your breathing by breathing calmly, in the usual way.

There is a concept of hyperventilation, the symptoms of which include darkening of the eyes, dizziness, and the woman in labor may feel like she is about to lose consciousness. In this case, you need to take a shallow breath and hold your breath, or, putting your palms together, bring it to your face and breathe slowly into them.

Video: Yoga trainer on proper breathing techniques during childbirth. Exercises for pregnant women

Giving birth to a baby is not an easy test for a woman’s body. But preparation for childbirth, including exercises and the right attitude, can greatly facilitate this process. In addition, moderate physical activity during pregnancy helps to quickly return to its previous shape after the birth of the child.

Exercises for expectant mothers speed up tissue metabolism and increase blood circulation, strengthening exactly those muscles that will be used during childbirth. It is recommended that pregnant women perform gymnastics with.

Exercises to prepare for childbirth are useful for almost all expectant mothers. Physical activity is contraindicated only for those women who have changes in blood pressure in their position or are at risk of onset.

Gymnastics for pregnant women is primarily aimed at general strengthening of the muscle corset. Also, exercises recommended for expectant mothers help keep the body in good shape, improve metabolism and oxygen saturation of tissues, which is necessary for the growing fetus.

Breathing exercises help you learn proper breathing techniques during childbirth. Its main purpose is to reduce the level of pain in the first stage of labor and ease the pushing period.

The doggy breathing technique is practiced during painful contractions, and deep breaths with deliberate breath holding help increase the force of pushing.

The popular Kegel exercises are also important. They strengthen the pelvic floor and make the perineal muscles more elastic. This serves as a preventive measure and allows the female reproductive system to quickly recover after the birth of a child.

You need to prepare for childbirth comprehensively. Gymnastics can be performed both in special courses for expectant mothers and at home. The main thing is to approach this issue responsibly and in a timely manner.

Exercises for an easy birth

There are many exercises for pregnant women to prepare for childbirth. It is important to realize the role they play for mother and child, because for both, the birth process is a serious test. Many women take prenatal preparation lightly, considering it a waste of time and placing all their hopes on nature and medical personnel.

Lack of physical readiness for childbirth often results in uterine bleeding, difficulty in pushing, and other complications in the delivery room.

Even if the expectant mother has never been physically active or done gymnastics before, she can use any exercises for pregnant women that will prepare the body for the upcoming physical activity and significantly facilitate the birth itself.

But before you choose any exercises to prepare for childbirth, you need to consult your doctor. Especially if the expectant mother has not previously been involved in physical education.

We list the classic exercises for easy, and therefore quick and painless childbirth:

  1. Having risen to a standing position, slowly squat down, trying to hold the bent position of your legs for 20 seconds. Gradually increase your stay in a semi-sitting position to a minute. This exercise strengthens the abdominal wall, abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.
  2. Sit on the floor, stretch one leg forward and bend the other at the knee. Take a large towel and, bending it in half, fix the fold on the heel of the outstretched leg. Bend your body forward, holding the towel, remaining in this position for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  3. Lie on your back near the wall so that your buttocks are pressed against it. With raised legs, step up imaginary steps, touching the wall. After slight fatigue appears, spread your legs as wide as possible and hold this position for 30 seconds, without lifting your buttocks from the vertical surface.
  4. Lie on your back, try to relax the following muscle groups one by one in the recommended order: hips, legs, buttocks and abdomen. Breathing should be calm.

Gymnastics for breech presentation

This set of exercises has a specific character. It is necessary only for those expectant mothers whose baby has not turned over into a physiological cephalic presentation in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Exercises to prepare for childbirth begin to be performed from the 32nd week:

  1. Lying on your side, preferably on the side where the unborn baby's head is located, remain in a motionless position for 10 minutes. Then lie on the other side. Perform exercises up to 3 times a day.
  2. Also, to help the fetus roll over, lie on your back with a small pillow under your lumbar region. In this case, you need to ensure that the pelvis is at least 20 cm above the level of the head. You should remain in this position for 15 minutes. Perform it 2 times a day.
  3. When the fetus is breech, it is useful to visit the pool, including exercise.

Exercises to induce labor

Gymnastics aimed at stimulating labor are popular. With its help, the child will descend into the pelvis faster, and his progress will be easier.

These types of physical activity will help bring the onset of contractions closer:

  1. Walking. A natural tactic to induce labor by causing the baby to descend and begin to put pressure on the cervix. In turn, this stimulates greater oxytocin synthesis and speeds up the onset of labor.
  2. Climbing and descending stairs. Such exercises to prepare for childbirth act similarly to walking, the main requirement is to never overexert yourself during the process.
  3. Swimming.
  4. Squatting position.
  5. Tilt the body forward. Collecting scattered matches and washing floors by hand are excellent time-tested labor stimulants.
  6. Sex. Perhaps the most pleasant option for stimulating labor.

Fitball exercises

Exercises to prepare for childbirth will help strengthen the muscles of the back, pelvic floor and abdomen without risk to health and unnecessary effort if you use a fitball in the process. The expectant mother can perform them starting from the third trimester.

Set of exercises:

  1. Sit on the ball, tighten your buttocks, carefully lift one leg (as far as possible) and try to keep it in the air for 3 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  2. Press the ball with your back against the wall, place your legs in front of your body. Without losing contact with the fitball, slowly descend (squat) together with the ball until your thighs are parallel to the floor. If possible, the exercise should be performed next to a loved one so that he can protect you in case you lose your balance.
  3. Stand facing the wall, holding the fitball with outstretched arms and pressing it against a vertical surface. The body is straight, feet shoulder-width apart, slowly squeeze the ball, bending your elbows. Thus, the pectoral muscles are trained.

Kegel exercises

The name of Arnold Kegel is known to many women, thanks to the set of exercises he developed to strengthen the muscles of the perineum. It is not difficult to feel these muscles - just stop urinating to determine where they are located.

Kegel exercises are suitable for preparing for childbirth, helping to make the muscles in this area stronger and more elastic, making childbirth easier and without tearing.

It is recommended to practice the Kegel technique from the 16th week of pregnancy. Exercises can be done in any starting position - sitting, lying or standing. They are performed until the muscles in the perineum feel slightly tired. Gradually the load can be increased to 3 sets of 20 times.

The basic complex consists of the following exercises:

  1. Slow squeeze. The muscles of the perineum slowly contract and also relax, while it is important to ensure that the muscles around the anus remain calm.
  2. Floors. Imagine that the muscles of the perineum are divided according to height into separate floors. Start slowly “raising” them, staying for a couple of seconds at the “new height”, then also smoothly lower them.
  3. Flashing. Muscles tense and relax at a rapid pace.

Breathing exercises

Exercises for respiratory system also have great value at the stage of preparation for childbirth.

  1. Lie on the floor with pillows under your head and knees. After taking a deep breath, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then begin to slowly release the air through your mouth, while relaxing all your muscles. Exercise helps fill tissues with oxygen, relax muscles as much as possible, reducing pain and fatigue.
  2. Breathing “like a dog” will help you survive painful contractions. This technique is not difficult to learn: while sitting, try to breathe frequently and shallowly for as long as you can (of course, you should not overdo it).

For the exercises to be effective, you need to do them regularly. It is advisable to perform them in motion, for example, while walking.

Expectant mothers need to remember that exercises to prepare for childbirth are a great way to improve their physical fitness, cheer up, strengthen the health of the unborn child. You should not exercise for a long time until exhaustion - a pregnant woman does not need this. Enthusiasm physical activity may do more harm than good.

But you shouldn’t avoid gymnastics, spending whole days waiting for the birth on the couch. Regular moderate physical activity balanced diet and stay on fresh air will be the best preparation expectant mother for an upcoming event.

Useful video: yoga for pregnant women

Experts advise getting an idea in advance about how to breathe during childbirth so as not to get confused at a crucial moment.

It will take you more than one week to work it out perfectly. breathing exercises. Therefore, the sooner you start training, the better.

How to breathe during childbirth: a step-by-step guide

Correct breathing during childbirth significantly relieves pain. But during contractions and pushing, it’s not easy to remember which inhalations and exhalations should be taken now. Therefore, in 9 months, bring breathing technique to automaticity. To do this, rehearse breathing during contractions every day. It’s good if your husband also knows how to breathe during childbirth and trains with you. This way you will quickly remember the sequence of long and short inhalations and exhalations. The future dad, by timing, will not allow you to do the exercises longer than necessary. Are you planning a birth with your husband? This means that in the prenatal ward, your husband will also take on the role of a prompter and will definitely tell you what to do.

  1. Breathing during contractions. Start. As soon as you feel the muscles begin to contract, take a calm, deep breath and exhale the same way. The main thing is to take your time. Close your eyes and count to yourself to 5. You will be distracted, and your breathing will be rhythmic, and therefore correct. Continue breathing like this until the contraction ends, do not switch to another type of breathing even during breaks.
  2. Breathing during intense contractions. Practice puffing like a hedgehog. Shallow, frequent inhalations and exhalations will come in handy when contractions become more noticeable and the pauses between them become short. So, at first, breathe just as evenly and deeply, and a little later switch to puffing. At the end of the contraction, breathing will be calm again. Spend no more than 20-30 seconds on such a combined exercise.
  3. Breathing before pushing. This period is considered the most difficult, but very short (10-15 minutes). Concentrate on your breathing - and everything will go easily! At the beginning of the contraction, breathe deeply: take a deep breath and exhale the same way. Then your breathing quickens a little. It will be easier for you to control the situation if you start counting short inhalations and exhalations: one, two, three. And - long exhale. Make sure your lower jaw is relaxed. If it is tense, then the muscles of the uterus are clamped.
  4. Breathing while pushing. A special set of inhalations and exhalations will help the baby to be born faster. So, you take a deep breath and hold your breath as long as possible (at this time you are pushing). After this - a short sharp exhalation and again a long, deep breath. With good training, you can do 3-4 such breathing cycles in one push. Don't forget that when training, you shouldn't go all out. Now you just need to remember all the stages of breathing while pushing.

During the birth of a child, spent breathing technique acts as a pain reliever! When you concentrate on the rhythm of your inhalations and exhalations, there will be no time to panic. You will also be sure that the child receives enough oxygen.

The skills you learn will help your body adapt more quickly to the changes that occur during pregnancy. After all, now the growing uterus raises the diaphragm and internal organs, so lung capacity decreases. Inhaling and exhaling is sometimes difficult. But the child needs more and more oxygen every month! Therefore, be sure to include in your childbirth preparation program breathing exercises. They are not complicated at all! You will triple the benefits if you perform them in the fresh air, relaxing in the park or on the seashore. The result will please you!

Breathing exercises during pregnancy: lesson plan

To learn how to breathing properly during childbirth, you need to train for 10-15 minutes every day for 1 month. This is quite enough. Do oxygen gymnastics separately or alternate it with exercise. Do not forget that breathing too intensely can cause slight dizziness (the concentration of oxygen in the blood increases). In this case, it is important not to panic. Cover your mouth and nose with your palms so that they form a mask. Inhale and exhale into it several times and everything will pass. At first, it will be easier for you to work on breathing while sitting, calmly sitting on the mat. Pleasant music is the best assistant in this matter. A little later, you will be able to perform the exercises on the go, doing your usual activities.

Quicken your pace a little and you can no longer catch your breath? This is unusual for you, because before, fast walking was never accompanied by shortness of breath. This problem usually appears in the third trimester. The body works under pressure, so its reactions are completely different. The main thing is not to be nervous, because nothing threatens you or your baby. Try to keep your back straight and not slouch, sleep in a half-sitting position. Shortness of breath will subside 3 weeks before birth. The belly will drop - the baby will begin to prepare for childbirth.

Our advice: Take time to visit the pool. First, by swimming and diving, you control your breathing. And secondly, in a state of water “weightlessness” it is the diaphragm that works. Despite the significant load, shortness of breath does not occur!

  • With the help of deep breathing, you can massage your internal organs and even protect yourself from varicose veins veins (after all, the outflow of blood will be more intense). To do this, you need to learn to breathe with your stomach, and not just with your chest. Before performing the exercises, sit comfortably and relax. Then exhale completely, so that the air comes out of the lowest parts of the lungs.
  • Close your eyes and get started. Inhale deeply and at the same time draw in Kegel muscles, count to 6, and then exhale, relaxing the perineum. Each time you hold your breath, increase the count by 2. With this exercise, you prepare both your body and the child for childbirth. You will learn to act correctly when pushing, and the baby will experience less stress when born. So try for two!
  • Sit down and lean your back against the wall. Place your hand on your chest and take a few deep breaths. After this, place your hands on your stomach, breathe with your diaphragm. This way you will practice thoracic and diaphragmatic breathing. Then try a mixed one: breathe through your chest and stomach at the same time. Take your time. Perhaps everything will not work out the first time. But after just a week of regular training, it will be easy for you to breathe using this system.