Is your belly big at 4 months pregnant? Feelings of a woman in the fourth month of pregnancy, abdominal size and fetal development, possible complications

Pregnancy at 4 months is an interesting and important period for both the expectant mother and the child. By this time, the formation of the baby’s important organs has been completed and their improvement continues: the development of the cerebral cortex, the kidneys and endocrine glands are included in the work.

At this stage, the baby is rapidly gaining weight. If by the end of the 13th week the child weighed 45-50 grams, then by the 16th week the weight increases to 200 grams. His first timid movements and major reflexes appear. How does a woman feel during this period?

In some cases, a pregnant woman should see a doctor immediately.

This should be done when:

  • there are cramping pains in the lower abdomen
  • bloody discharge appears from
  • a woman experiences increased thirst due to frequent urination
  • there is pain when urinating
  • the whole body swells: arms, legs and face
  • there are strong and prolonged
  • vision suddenly becomes impaired, a veil appears before the eyes
  • the woman stops feeling movement
  • the woman feels too active movement of the fetus
  • there is a color change when urinating
  • there is itching all over the body

During pregnancy, a woman should continue to lead a normal life without limiting her movements. After all, pregnancy is not a disease, but a completely normal and viable condition. A woman needs to move more, walk in the fresh air, and do feasible housework. In difficult situations where great physical effort is required, it is better to turn to family or friends for help.

If a woman has carefully prepared for her planned pregnancy and follows all the doctor’s recommendations, then no health problems should arise.

The difficulties and anxiety of the first trimester are behind you, early toxicosis of pregnancy has gone, you have visited many doctors and taken tests. Embryogenesis - the development of the embryo and the formation of the placenta - has almost ended. Harmful environmental factors are no longer so scary. It's time to breathe and enjoy, especially since you feel more energetic.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother during the 4th month of pregnancy?

From this month, the uterus extends beyond the pelvis and grows quite quickly in the abdominal cavity. At the beginning of the month, the fundus of the uterus is barely visible above the symphysis pubis, and by its end it is almost at the level of the navel. To help the placenta nourish the growing fetus, your body increases the volume of circulating blood. An increase in blood volume by 30-40% adds work to the heart. If your heart is healthy, then such a load will not be noticeable to you. During pregnancy, many specific skin and hair changes occur. Moles and freckles darken, hyper- and hypopigmented spots appear on the skin, as well as a dark line running from the navel to the pubic bone. All of these phenomena are associated with another “prank” of hormones - the deposition of a special pigment substance called melanin. After childbirth they go away on their own. To reduce the likelihood of such troubles, use sunscreen for your face (at any time of year) and body (when you plan to be in the sun). To slightly lighten existing stains, you can use whitening masks based on fermented milk products and lemon juice.

The mammary glands continue to enlarge, especially the areolas - the dark nipple circles.

Unborn child 4 months pregnant

By the end of the fourth month, the fetus is fully supplied with everything it needs thanks to the already formed placenta. A relatively calm period begins for you. The placenta not only transfers food and oxygen from the mother to the fetus - it also performs the function of removing harmful substances, waste products of the fetus with the flow of venous blood, protects the fetus from the penetration of viruses, bacteria, harmful chemical compounds, and is also a chemical laboratory that synthesizes necessary for the fetus proteins and hormones.

The child's first reflexes appear - sucking and swallowing. His arms bend at the elbows and wrists, he is able to clench his palms into fists and grab something. He becomes very flexible, can swim, and suck his thumb. The baby moves a lot, but the vast majority of expectant mothers will feel the first movements only in the next month of pregnancy.

This month, germinal fluff, lanugo, appears on the baby's skin. It performs a protective function - it retains a waxy substance secreted by the skin. Even during pregnancy, the lanugo will be replaced by thicker and longer vellus hair. Already this month, hair on the head begins to grow, eyebrows and eyelashes appear, and nails form.

The baby produces urine and releases it into the amniotic fluid every 40-45 minutes. However, the baby's urine is not the main component of amniotic fluid. The origin of the waters is still a mystery to scientists; it is assumed that their main producer is the cells of the fetal bladder. Amniotic fluid is completely renewed every 2-3 hours, which maintains its sterility and constant chemical composition. This is the child’s first “habitat”, and it performs many functions, including protecting against mechanical damage, providing freedom of movement, and participating in metabolism. In addition, by drawing amniotic fluid into the lungs and pushing it back, the baby practices breathing.

This month, boys-to-be develop a prostate, and girls' ovaries, containing millions of eggs, descend from the abdominal cavity into the hip area. It is already possible to recognize the gender by the external genitalia, although this is not always possible with ultrasound examination at this stage.

Your child's face continues to take shape. The ears from the side of the neck rise to their proper place. Although the ear is not yet fully formed, the child may respond to external noise with changes in motor activity.

By the end of the month, the baby's eyes open and the retina becomes sensitive. During this month, the baby grows from 12 to 20 cm, his weight reaches 200 g by the end of the month.

Feelings of the expectant mother at 4 months of pregnancy

Your belly gradually begins to slightly round and your waist becomes smoother. I feel better and my appetite has increased. It is better if the weight gain during 4 months of pregnancy is from 1 to 4 kg. Tight clothes can become a bit tight, but you can still get by with a regular “non-pregnancy” wardrobe.

The rapid enlargement of the uterus causes stretching of its ligaments, which many pregnant women perceive as sharp painful sensations in the lower abdomen and groin areas. Such pain appears suddenly and quickly passes.

More fluid in the body causes increased sweating and vaginal discharge. These phenomena are safe, although they require additional hygiene procedures. Sometimes small vessels cannot withstand the additional load, which is why pregnant women experience frequent nosebleeds and bruise easily. If you have recurring nosebleeds, make sure that the air in your apartment is humidified, and be sure to tell your doctor about the bleeding.

There is also an unpleasant surprise that a “quiet” month has in store for you. It is at this time that constipation may appear. Hormonal changes in the body and a growing uterus slow down intestinal motility, which causes retention and compaction of food masses in it. Constipation in itself is unpleasant, in addition, it can provoke the development of hemorrhoids - varicose veins of the rectum. Hemorrhoids appear in the form of vein nodules located in the anus or inside the rectum. With constant tension during constipation, such nodules often become inflamed, swell, and bleed. If you manage to cope with constipation, then such complications do not occur.

By the end of the fourth month, multiparous or thin women may experience fetal movement.

Psychology 4 months of pregnancy

Many women claim that they realized their impending motherhood just at the border of the third or fourth month of pregnancy, when the first difficulties of the “interesting situation” receded. This is not surprising: during this period you increasingly begin to experience joyful excitement, enjoy and take care of it. This amazing feeling will help you cope with any difficulties better than any medicine.

Possible deviations from the norm at 4 months of pregnancy

Now one of the main causes of miscarriage may be isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI). The bulk of the muscle bundles of the cervix are located around the internal opening (throat) of the cervical canal. These muscle fibers normally compress the internal os tightly, holding the fetus inside the uterus. In case of unsuccessful childbirth, miscarriages, abortions, hormonal disorders, muscle fibers are destroyed, and they are replaced by scar tissue, which cannot play the role of a “lock.” Then, as the pregnancy grows, the amniotic sac protrudes into the cervical canal, its membranes become infected, and a miscarriage occurs. The doctor can assume the presence of ICI through manual examination, but the final diagnosis is made by ultrasound. Treatment may include surgical suturing of the cervix or/and installation of a special plastic ring on the cervix. With this diagnosis, you should be very careful, lie down more and give up homework.

As mentioned above, at this time the placenta completes its formation, so it is now possible for the formation of primary placental insufficiency - a condition in which the placenta does not properly provide the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. Primary (early) failure occurs during the formation of the placenta during the period of implantation, early embryogenesis and the formation of the placenta under the influence of genetic, endocrine, infectious and other factors before 16 weeks of pregnancy. It manifests itself as a picture of threatening miscarriage (the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, bleeding from the genital tract), and the development of congenital malformations of the fetus. For early diagnosis, determination of the level of placental hormones in amniotic fluid, blood and urine of pregnant women is used. Changes in these levels occur long before the first symptoms, which allows for timely treatment. Such a course may include antispasmodics (NO-SPA, PAPAVERINE), vitamins, herbal sedatives, COCARBOXYLASE, TRENTAL, METHIONINE, ACTOVEGIN.

In addition to taking medications, a woman should eat well, sleep a lot and walk in the fresh air (3-4 hours a day).

Necessary medical measures during the 4th month of pregnancy

During this month of pregnancy, during its normal course, you will visit the doctor once. The doctor will tell you about the test results and explain the parameters of the ultrasound examination. He may order additional testing for infections.

If the initial examination reveals any sexually transmitted infections that negatively affect the development of the fetus, it is now advisable to carry out a full course of treatment, including antibacterial drugs. After treatment, be sure to undergo a follow-up examination.

Between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, a test is done for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and unconjugated estriol (NE). With some congenital anomalies (for example, Down syndrome, cranial hernia, fetal anterior abdominal wall cleft), the levels of these substances in the blood of pregnant women may deviate from the norm. If the risk of such anomalies is high, it is advisable to do the analysis at the 15-16th week of pregnancy, in order to have time to repeat it if necessary. Risk factors for congenital anomalies include: age over 35 years, the presence of children with developmental defects in the family, recurrent miscarriage, exposure to radiation, harmful occupational factors, and certain medications.

If, based on the results of the double test, which a pregnant woman takes at 10-12 weeks (we talked about it last month), and the triple test, there is reason to assume the presence of some kind of pathology, then the pregnant woman will be offered to undergo additional tests.

Women who are at risk of having a child with developmental defects are offered to undergo amniocentesis at this time - in this case, a needle is passed through the wall of the uterus under ultrasound control and the required amount of amniotic fluid is taken for examination. They are used to determine the genotype, including sex, of the fetus, the level of AFP (an indicator that suggests the presence of malformations of the central nervous system), bilirubin (a marker of hemolytic disease), hormones, and proteins. This study allows you to exclude many diseases, make an accurate diagnosis, and is safest in the fourth month.

From about 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, if the fetus is in a position convenient for examination, an ultrasound scan can determine its gender. However, it is not worth doing an ultrasound for this reason alone, especially since at this time the results may be erroneous. It is better to hold your curiosity until next month, when the second scheduled ultrasound will be performed.

In the fourth month, visit your dentist. Tell him about your pregnancy. The fourth to fifth month is the optimal time for dental treatment, if necessary. At this stage, you can already use some anesthetics - the doctor will select the safest ones for you and the baby. If necessary, an x-ray is also acceptable.

Under the influence of hormones, your gums become sensitive and may bleed. Brush your teeth regularly and rinse your mouth with chamomile decoction. An infection in the oral cavity is just as dangerous for the unborn baby as any other.

Rules of conduct

It's time to reconsider your vitamin preparations. If until the fourth month the main ones were folic acid, vitamin E and iodine, now it is necessary to take B vitamins, macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) and microelements (iron, zinc). At this time, it is best to take special “prenatal” vitamin complexes. Prenatal vitamins differ in composition from regular multivitamins due to their increased content of iron, zinc and folic acid. Their composition is optimal for a pregnant woman.

Vitamins are usually well absorbed if taken with food or before bed. Multivitamins, like other drugs and foods, can cause an allergic reaction, in which case you can try replacing the drug with another one. If for some reason you cannot take a multivitamin complex, then iron supplements should be added to the list of single-dose medications at this time to prevent anemia in pregnant women. Anemia is a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin (a substance that carries oxygen) in the blood below 110 g/l. Iron is one of the components of the hemoglobin molecule. The daily requirement for iron at this time is 2-4 mg per day. However, iron is very poorly absorbed from both food and medications. If iron is taken in tablet form, the recommended preventive dose is 60 mg per day. The same amount of iron is found in prenatal vitamins. A lot of natural iron is found in buckwheat, beef, liver, green sour apples, dried apricots, cherries, and pomegranates.

During this period, it is permissible to increase the amount of calories consumed from food by about 300 per day. These “extra” calories will be spent on tissue growth for mother and baby. If there are not enough calories, the necessary proteins will be processed in the metabolic process as a source of energy, instead of being spent on growth and development. Expand your diet with protein products (meat, cottage cheese, fish, poultry, cereals). In addition, the diet of the fourth month must necessarily include fresh vegetables, herbs, vegetable oil, porridge (all cereals are healthy, except semolina - it contains a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates and few useful substances), dried fruits, and fermented milk products.

If 10 years ago pregnant women were advised to move less and rest more, now sports are considered very useful for both the mother and the unborn baby. Before heading to the gym, talk to your doctor, especially if you are at risk or have had a miscarriage. You shouldn’t practice on equal terms with your non-pregnant friends. Even if you have an ideal pregnancy, you have become much heavier, you get tired faster, and you also have to “breathe for two”, supplying oxygen to yourself and the baby. The best sports for pregnant women are walking and swimming. “Forbidden” include extreme and game sports, skiing, and cycling.

Household chores at 4 months pregnant

Use the temporary lull of the fourth month to resolve accumulated household issues. And if you have a personal car, then it greatly helps to do everything quickly. However, decide whether it is really necessary to drive on your own now. Remember that pregnancy affects concentration, you get tired faster, and most often the cause of an unpleasant accident on the road is fatigue. If you continue to use the car, it is important to fasten yourself correctly: to do this, place the lower part of the belt under your stomach across your hips, and the upper part above your stomach; you can also purchase a special seat belt designed for pregnant women.

Many women worry whether they can dye their hair and nails. Of course, paint and solvents are not very healthy to inhale. However, if refusing cosmetic procedures makes you afraid to look in the mirror, then it is better not to refuse them. After all, the harm from constant dissatisfaction with oneself can be equated to chronic stress. Alternatively, you can dye your hair once in your natural tone - and solve the problem until the birth. You can use tinted shampoos or coloring balms: they are safe.

You may already feel tight in your trousers and skirt, so it's time to think about special clothing. Comfortable, comfortable maternity clothes are what you need now. This is also the time to buy a couple of pillows. From the fourth month, the most comfortable and safe sleeping position is on the left side with one leg bent and a thin pillow between the legs. Recommendations to sleep on the left side are due to the fact that in this position the pregnant uterus does not put pressure on large vessels and does not interfere with blood circulation in the placenta. You can attach another pillow to your lower back to prevent you from “rolling” onto your back. This position helps blood flow to the placenta and improves kidney function.

How to cope with constipation during pregnancy?

  • Drink more pure still water, at least 1-1.5 liters per day. Drink a glass of water in the morning before breakfast. You can replace your morning water with a glass of kefir.

You are now in your fourth obstetric month - one of the most comfortable periods of bearing a baby. You are no longer tormented by toxicosis, your appetite appears, and you feel a surge of strength. You need to know what is happening to your body and your baby at 4 months of pregnancy. And we will try to help you understand this issue.

The 4th obstetric month of your pregnancy has begun. The due date of your upcoming birth is calculated in obstetric months, which consist of exactly four weeks (28 days). Are you wondering: “4th month of pregnancy: how many weeks is it?”? From a medical point of view, this is the period from the 13th to the 16th obstetric week.

4 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to the fetus?

Undoubtedly, you are wondering what your baby looks like at 4 months of pregnancy and how long it will take for him to start moving. The baby’s body is not yet proportional: the arms are already proportionate to the body, but the legs are still short. Fetal size at 4 months of pregnancy: height - 13 cm, weight - about 60-70 grams.

Your baby is already beginning to form the external genitalia. But it is not yet clear whether it is a girl or a boy.

Now the baby’s nervous system is actively developing, his skin is becoming sensitive. The child's facial features become noticeable. And even in such a short time, he is already smiling, frowning and wincing. Your baby is already quite developed - he sucks his thumb, turns his head, stretches, yawns, clenches his fingers into a fist and plays with his legs and arms. At the end of the fourth obstetric month, many expectant mothers already notice the movements of their baby. They may still be very weak, but in the future they will become more and more intensified.

During this period of intrauterine development, your child is already beginning to synthesize his own hemoglobin, the pituitary gland and adrenal cortex are functioning more actively. The baby's body is becoming more and more independent.

What does the belly look like at 4 months pregnant?

Does the belly grow and how visible is it at 4 months of pregnancy? During this period, as a rule, external changes are not particularly noticeable. What your belly looks like at 4 months pregnant depends largely on your constitution. If this is your first pregnancy, then your stomach does not protrude particularly (the uterus has just begun to extend beyond the pelvis). With repeated pregnancies during this period, the belly is already quite noticeable, since the ligaments holding the uterus are already stretched. At this stage, the stomach does not yet restrict movement, and you feel quite comfortable.
The uterus begins to grow rapidly, the volume of amniotic fluid is about 300 ml. By this time, you could have already gained 5-7 kg (and this is normal). The uterus is now located in the area between the navel and the pubic bone.

4th month of pregnancy sensations

By the 4th month of pregnancy, the symptoms and sensations of the first trimester practically disappear or occur only occasionally. Your appetite and well-being have already noticeably improved due to the absence of nausea. But symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • slight pain in the lower abdomen due to stretching and thickening of the uterine ligaments;
  • headaches;
  • nosebleeds;
  • copious white vaginal discharge;
  • feeling of slight suffocation;
  • involuntary discharge of urine, etc.

All these symptoms are caused by hormonal changes in your body and are acceptable and normal.

If you begin to notice swelling in your arms and legs, increased blood pressure and deterioration in your health, you should consult a doctor.

A sharp weight gain combined with severe swelling may indicate kidney problems. Therefore, during this period it is very important to promptly diagnose existing pathologies and treat them. During this period, pyelonephritis may occur, which is caused by the influence of the hormone progesterone.

It is also important to monitor changes in the color of urine and discharge. If your urine is often pink or cloudy, you should tell your doctor. You should immediately contact a gynecologist if you notice brown or bloody discharge from the vagina.

The 4th month of pregnancy is the period when the baby’s organs have finished forming. Now the rest of the time will continue to improve them, which has already begun. The baby's weight is increasing all the time, now he weighs about 200 grams.

This month can be characterized by two points:

  • weakness;
  • not very frequent urination.

It is in this month that the child’s cerebral cortex is formed, which is a great achievement. It is undoubtedly the most complex and important human organ. The baby’s kidneys begin to work and the adrenal glands improve. The first fluff appears on the head, and the nails begin to form.

Significant changes are also happening in your body. The uterus extends beyond the pelvis and enlarges in the abdominal cavity. Breasts also continue to grow in the 4th month of pregnancy. To help the placenta nourish the baby, the body increases the amount of blood that circulates in the body. If your heart is normal, then you will not even notice this load.

The fourth month of pregnancy is the period when changes occur in the skin and hair of the expectant mother. Hair and freckles darken, a dark line appears running across the entire stomach. To reduce these changes, use sunscreen and make whitening face masks.

At the 4th month, the tummy continues to round, and the waist “disappears”. By this period, toxicosis has most likely passed, and your health has improved and your appetite has increased. Some clothes may already be too tight for you, but for now you can get by with your old wardrobe.

Many girls think that if their stomach is tight, then there is cause for concern. Actually this is not true. Due to the fact that the uterus is rapidly enlarging, the ligamentous apparatus is stretched. These sensations may be slightly painful, but pass quickly.

The volume of fluid in the body increases. Because of this, sweating and vaginal discharge increase during the 4th month of pregnancy. There is nothing dangerous about this, but it does require additional measures to take care of personal hygiene. If you suddenly begin to worry about nosebleeds, then you need to take care of humidified air in your apartment. And of course, you need to tell your doctor about this. During this period, you may begin to suffer from constipation. In this case, you need to try to deal with them with the help of a doctor to avoid the appearance of hemorrhoids.

If you are thin or are carrying a second child, then by the end of 4 months you may feel your baby moving.

If your pregnancy is progressing normally, you will only have one visit to the doctor this month. He will tell you what the results of your tests showed and explain the ultrasound parameters at 4 months of pregnancy.

This month you need to think about the following household matters:

  • if you drive a car, then perhaps it’s time to give it up;
  • Girls who paint their hair and nails should avoid excessive inhalation of chemicals. But you shouldn’t let yourself go either. Let everything be in moderation.

There is a reason to think about a new wardrobe. Next month you may already need it.

How the belly grows during pregnancy

Here you will find photographs of four women with different body types. From the photographs you will be able to track how their belly changes and grows throughout the nine months of waiting. In addition, you will learn what factors and conditions influence the parameters of your abdomen.

When does the belly start to grow during pregnancy? What will it look like? What determines the size and shape of the abdomen? And is it possible to predict what a pregnant woman's belly will be like? Expectant mothers ask all these questions. And, obviously, their curiosity has many explanations. A pregnant woman wants to know when her position will become noticeable to others. After all, if good news has already been announced to relatives and friends, then, for example, colleagues would not want to tell about the changed plans right away. In addition, by trying to figure out “normal” parameters, a woman strives to keep the situation under control. After all, if the tummy corresponds to the average data, then the baby is fine. Is this really true? Should women compare their bellies with photos on the Internet or simply “measure” their bellies with their friends based on their position?

When does the belly start to grow? At what age is the belly visible?

Let's jump straight to the photos of the four pregnant women. The photos were taken at the same time frame, but the difference in the way their bellies look is obvious. The belly changes its shape already from the second month of pregnancy, but the difference compared to the previous month is small, isn’t it? Moreover, in the third month of pregnancy, changes are also not yet obvious. But in the fourth month those around you will most likely notice that the girls have changed.

From the photographs it is also clear that the growth of the abdomen begins at individual times. As obstetricians note, the belly becomes noticeable from the sixteenth obstetric week of pregnancy. However, it is quite possible that pregnancy will make itself known a little earlier or even noticeably later. There are cases when already in the first month of pregnancy (if the correct menu was not followed), women experienced a noticeable increase in the abdomen due to gas formation. Pregnancy hormones affect intestinal function, slowing down digestion. And if a woman continues to eat sweets and starchy foods, eats in large portions and rarely, then her belly becomes noticeably larger. In addition, in practice there are (albeit extremely rare) cases of “hidden gestation”, when the stomach does not change shape and size until the very late stages of pregnancy.

What determines the size and shape of the abdomen?

1. The belly is more noticeable in women who are repeatedly pregnant. This is due to the fact that during the first pregnancy the abdominal muscles were not yet stretched.

2. The size and shape of the abdomen depend on the woman’s build, build, height and weight. It is believed that petite women notice a rounded belly much earlier than tall women with a curvaceous build. However, this does not mean that there may be exceptions.

3. The size and shape of the abdomen may depend on heredity. Therefore, you can more likely predict your abdominal parameters by looking at photographs of your mother in position (or your father’s mother, if you inherited his build).

4. Weight gain during pregnancy will also affect the size of your belly.

5. Estimated size of the baby, as well as the rate of growth of the fetus. The larger the fruit, the sooner everyone will notice your belly! There is average information about what size the fetus reaches at certain stages of pregnancy. Knowing them, it is easier to understand where the baby is “hiding” in the stomach until the fourth month.

As can be seen from the table, a significant increase in the fetus occurs precisely at the 16th week of gestation.

6. Affects the size of the abdomen and the growth of the uterus. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is pear-shaped, and by the end of the second month it becomes round and triples in size. In a non-pregnant woman, the uterus weighs only fifty to one hundred grams, and by the end of pregnancy its weight reaches one kilogram! You will be informed about the size of your uterus at each of your scheduled examinations. But you can find out how the belly changes in each week of pregnancy (and also see what the uterus looks like) here: Pregnancy in pictures by week. In addition, if the location of the fetus in the uterus is closer to its anterior wall (with anterior recumbency), then the abdomen will appear larger. Amniotic fluid also plays an important role. Here's how amniotic fluid increases:

Why does the belly not grow during pregnancy?

So, we previously found out that until the fourth month of pregnancy, the belly may not be noticeable at all. But what does slowing uterine growth mean? Lagging rates of uterine enlargement may indicate fetal malnutrition (this is what doctors call growth retardation). There is a high risk of having a low birth weight baby. The uterus may be smaller than its normal size even if there is molohydramnios, which can develop as a result of maternal hypertension, infectious and inflammatory diseases, damage to the fetal excretory system, placental insufficiency, and gestosis.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again that a pregnant woman’s belly can look different depending on the six factors that we have listed. Still, you should not neglect medical supervision over the course of pregnancy. Only a doctor can reliably measure the size of the uterus, fetus (using ultrasound) and the volume of amniotic fluid.

Pregnancy week after week - how the fetus develops, what happens to the woman.

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Fourth month of pregnancy

The fourth month of pregnancy “opens” the most pleasant and safest trimester in general - the second. By the fourth month, all the unpleasant phenomena associated with toxicosis should have subsided, in any case, their intensity has noticeably decreased. Nausea and vomiting are often replaced by increased appetite - the baby continues to actively grow and develop, requiring nutrients and beneficial substances in the required quantities. The fetus is now growing, as if in a fairy tale - by leaps and bounds, and by the end of the fourth month, a woman for the first time, with a sinking heart, can feel its first tremors and movements. However, it should be taken into account that the issue of feeling the first tremors is very individual: many mothers can feel the first movements of the baby only next month. It all depends on the woman’s physique, anatomical features, and whether the woman is “expecting” for the first time or again.

Despite the fact that the second trimester of pregnancy, which begins with the fourth month, is considered the calmest and safest, the expectant mother, as before, needs to be careful. Among other things, eat well, walk in the fresh air, rest and get enough sleep, monitor your weight and blood pressure.

Baby four months pregnant

This month, the formation of the child’s internal organs is almost completed: the kidneys independently excrete urine into the amniotic fluid, the adrenal glands produce hormones, all functions of the small body are controlled by the nervous and endocrine systems, and the immune system is actively developing. The development and growth of the baby's brain continues: the fourth month is marked by the formation of the cerebral cortex.

Now the function of transporting all nutrients and useful substances to the child is performed by the placenta, which is also responsible for the removal of harmful substances and waste products, and for protecting the baby from harmful viruses and bacteria.

In the fourth month of pregnancy, the baby already bends his legs and arms, clenches his palms into fists, and develops grasping and sucking reflexes. In the same month, hair on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes will begin to grow, and nails will begin to form. At the same time, an embryonic fluff appears on the baby’s body - lanugo, which will retain a special protective lubricant secreted by the skin.

The child already knows how to squint his eyes, and by the end of the month he will open his eyes completely. At the end of the fourth month, the baby will grow to 16-20 cm, its weight reaches 200 g.

Feelings and possible problems in the fourth month of pregnancy

This month there is a gradual improvement in general well-being: toxicosis goes away, increased appetite appears, and activity increases. The figure changes more noticeably: the uterus grows quickly, accordingly, the tummy is rounded and the waist is smoothed, the mammary glands enlarge even more, but, fortunately, their soreness and swelling gradually disappears.

In the fourth month, age spots may appear on the skin, and existing freckles may appear or darken. In addition, the stripe on the abdomen becomes more pronounced, and the nipples and areolas also darken.

Due to the large amount of fluid in the body, increased sweating and a slight increase in whitish vaginal discharge are possible. If there are any changes in the nature of the discharge - if its color, consistency changes, the discharge is accompanied by itching and/or burning - you should consult a doctor, because with such symptoms, treatment of the associated infection is most likely necessary.

At 4 months of pregnancy, periodic headaches and dizziness are still possible, and slight bleeding of the gums may occur when brushing your teeth. There may be some nasal congestion, and if small vessels cannot stand it, nosebleeds.

Constipation can become an extremely unpleasant problem, as a consequence of hormonal changes in the body and the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestines. It is better to avoid constipation by carefully monitoring your diet, and if constipation does occur, try to quickly improve the functioning of the digestive system and intestines in particular. After all, constipation is often the cause of a painful and delicate disease - hemorrhoids.

In the fourth month, the uterus already extends beyond the pelvis, and its growth continues in the abdominal cavity. A significant enlargement of the uterus is accompanied by sprained ligaments, which many expectant mothers feel in the form of nagging pain in the lower abdomen. But in order to establish the nature of the pain and eliminate the possible risk of losing the child, you should definitely consult a doctor about the pain.

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4 months pregnant

The fourth month of pregnancy is the beginning of the most pleasant and safe second trimester. The best time of pregnancy begins for a woman. The intensity of all symptoms associated with toxicosis, nausea and vomiting decreases. These processes are replaced by increased appetite.

Belly at 4 months pregnant

At the beginning or end of the fourth month, depending on the anatomical characteristics of the mother and child, abdominal tremors may already be noticeable. The belly becomes more noticeable, the child continues to grow, and the formation of internal organs and systems occurs. Despite the fact that the expectant mother feels excellent in the second trimester of pregnancy, starting from the fourth month, she still needs to take care, carefully monitor her health, constantly visit the doctor, eat well, and take walks in the fresh air, regardless of the time of year.

Rest, restful sleep, moderate weight gain and blood pressure control are the main criteria for a successful pregnancy.

Pain at 4 months of pregnancy

Pain at 4 months may be mild and is associated with the growth of the uterus. If the pain in the lower abdomen is cramping, you need to undergo a medical examination. Pain in the epigastric area, any bloody or watery discharge, extreme thirst, frequent urination, swelling and other discomfort should cause concern. In the second trimester, the uterus extends beyond the pelvis and continues to grow in the abdominal region.

In the period of 20 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is located at the level of the navel. The growth and enlargement of the uterus contributes to the stretching of its ligamentous apparatus, and therefore pregnant women feel a pulling and sometimes painful sensation in the lower abdomen. At 4 months, periodic headaches and dizziness, and slight bleeding of the gums while brushing your teeth are still possible. Nasal congestion and blowing your nose, as a rule, can cause rupture of small vessels in the nasal cavity, which provokes nosebleeds.

Almost every woman experiences pain from cramps due to a lack of calcium and an excess of phosphorus. Enlarged veins in the legs and swelling cause discomfort, fatigue and pain in the legs.

Signs and symptoms of 4 months pregnant

The period is characterized by a decrease or complete elimination of irritable reactions to food or smells. Emotional changes continue, although there is more joy from realizing the reality of the event, but some pregnant women by the end of the second trimester are worried and anxious about the upcoming birth.

Various psychological problems may arise, and only clear and frequent monitoring by a doctor over the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus, and the love of loved ones, will help to cope with overcoming all obstacles. On the skin of the expectant mother, moles and freckles darken, age spots appear, and a dark line is noticeable from the navel to the pubic bone. This is due to the deposition of a special pigment substance – melanin.

There are times when slight suffocation occurs. A condition that is complicated by spasms of the walls of the blood vessels of the respiratory system. Deep breathing becomes difficult due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the diaphragm. This circumstance should not cause concern.

Nausea and vomiting at 4 months of pregnancy

During this period, nausea may continue, but less often the woman feels the need to empty her stomach. Minor bloating and belching are extremely unpleasant, but you need to be patient, because at this time these phenomena will soon pass. The problem can be called constipation - a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, usually it causes the formation of hemorrhoids.

The pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines also leads to constipation. Stool problems can be avoided by carefully choosing food products. Fermented milk drinks, dried apricots, prunes, raw vegetables, wheat bran, cereal porridges should always be in the diet.

Discharge at 4 months of pregnancy

Discharge is an indicator of normal or pathological changes in a woman’s body. White-yellow discharge is considered normal. The yellowness of the discharge is evidence that a natural viscous secretion is being formed, produced under the influence of progesterone to create a plug in the cervix - a barrier between the child and infections.

The discharge in the first trimester is thick, starting from the 4th month, it becomes liquid. During pregnancy, heavy discharge is not always provoked by hormones; it can be caused by allergic reactions to pads and intimate hygiene products. If an infection occurs, the color changes and an unpleasant odor appears. Dark yellow discharge is considered abnormal; this is a signal that an infectious disease is developing.

This may also be a consequence of an acute inflammatory process. A bright yellow color indicates inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Today, at any stage of pregnancy, inflammation and infectious diseases are successfully treated with the help of special drugs that do not cause pathologies in the fetus. At this stage, the formation of the placenta ends, and primary placental insufficiency may occur, i.e., poor provision of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. A sign of such a process is pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and bleeding. A course of treatment, including the use of antispasmodics, vitamins, and herbal sedatives, eliminates the threat of miscarriage.

Ultrasound at 4 months of pregnancy

An ultrasound machine records the child’s movement, bending of legs and arms, clenching of palms into fists, manifestations of grasping and sucking reflexes. Hair on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes begin to grow, and nails form. The body is covered with germinal fluff (lanugo), which retains a special lubricant secreted by the skin to protect it.

This month, the baby’s kidneys independently excrete urine into the amniotic fluid, the adrenal glands produce hormones, and the endocrine and nervous systems control all functions of the developing body.

There is active development of the immune system, the brain grows and the cerebral cortex is formed. The placenta supplies the baby with nutrients and oxygen. This most important and absolutely unique organ is responsible for the removal of harmful waste products. It protects the fetus from exposure to dangerous viruses and microbes. This month, future boys already have a prostate, and girls have ovaries.

The sex can already be distinguished by the external genitalia. The face becomes expressive, the ears from the side of the neck rise to the main location. In the fourth month of development, the baby can squint his eyes, and by the end of the month his eyes come off. His height is 16-20 cm, and his weight is 200 g. In addition to ultrasound, at 16-18 weeks a so-called “triple test” is prescribed to determine the genetics of the unborn child - indicators of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and unconjugated estriol.

Deviation from the norm means chromosomal abnormalities, and the fetus may develop Down syndrome. Such tests, at the request of future parents, are carried out twice between 15 and 20 weeks with an interval of 1-2 weeks. Deviations from the norm in 9.3% are erroneous; if necessary, it is recommended to undergo an additional study of amniotic fluid (amniocentesis), performed under the control of an ultrasound machine, which will accurately determine the development of pathology.

Nutrition at 4 months of pregnancy

Olive or sunflower oil is needed for the liver; at this “age” of the fetus, bile is already produced. The thyroid gland requires microelements; iodine enters the mother’s body from persimmon, kiwi, and seaweed. When organizing a diet, it is recommended to choose products that satisfy the needs of the woman’s body and the boy or girl growing in her.

It should be borne in mind that on average a woman can gain weight within a month in the range of 2-2.5 kg. You should not feel hungry, you should eat often, in small portions. If there is no swelling, then it is useful to drink still water at least 1-1.5 liters per day. A glass of water in the morning before breakfast, plant fiber and foods that have a laxative effect will help the digestive tract function normally. It is undesirable to eat beans, pears, and sandwiches.

At this stage, mother and child need calcium iron, phosphorus and magnesium, B vitamins, etc. Therefore, especially in winter, it is good to take a vitamin-mineral complex.

Bleeding at 4 months of pregnancy

Bleeding can be caused by a fall, a car accident, or violent intrusion. Hydatidiform mole also causes bleeding. This disease of the ovum complicates pregnancy. It manifests itself in changes in the villous membrane, sudden swelling of the villi, their growth and transformation into vesicles containing light liquid.

As a result of partial detachment of the vesicles from the walls of the uterus, spotting and bleeding from the genital tract appear. This occurs in the 3-4th month of pregnancy. Bleeding leads to anemia, intensifying, and can become life-threatening for the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Sex at 4 months pregnant

If the woman and her unborn baby feel well, you can already relax and enjoy every moment of this period, because the most difficult pregnancy cycles are over.

A surge of new strength and energy has a positive effect on a woman’s mood and therefore, at 4 months of pregnancy, a return to sexual life is possible. During orgasm, endorphins and enkyphalins are released and have a positive effect on the child. With contraindications determined by the doctor, sex is undesirable, namely in case of bleeding, increased risk of miscarriage, damage to the membranes, low placenta and infections.

Since during sexual arousal, oxytocin is present in a woman’s blood, and prostaglandin is present in a man’s seminal fluid, this can cause uterine contractions. In addition, excessive mechanical impact on the cervix also leads to adverse consequences.

Cold in 4 months of pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is not easy to protect yourself from colds, ARVI or flu. Much depends on the mother's immunity. Infections are always difficult to tolerate and often lead to complications. To avoid negative consequences, you need to seek help from a doctor. It is recommended that the expectant mother try to visit crowded places as little as possible and not travel on public transport.

A woman planning a pregnancy needs to ensure her safety in advance and take into account all situations. Eating vitamins and minerals will protect you from colds and flu. Colds in the second trimester (12-24 weeks) are less risky and dangerous because the placenta is already formed to protect the fetus.

If you still cannot avoid the disease, then treatment should be taken very seriously. Ignorant use of medication will lead to the development of various pathologies in the child. At the first even slight signs of malaise, it is necessary to adhere to bed rest and reduce the use of medications to a minimum. It is necessary to lower body temperature only if it reaches 38 degrees with the help of tea with lemon, honey and raspberries.

If these measures are not enough, the doctor will prescribe less harmful drugs, reducing the standard dosage. Sore throat, cough or runny nose can be treated with various folk remedies, if these are herbs, you need to know how they act on the uterus so as not to cause its contraction. It is useful to gargle with herbal decoctions, use inhalation procedures, rinse your nose with saline solutions, or be treated with the safe remedy Pinosol.

Flying while 4 months pregnant

If a woman is pregnant, this does not mean that she cannot continue an active lifestyle. Pregnancy is not a disease, and although it is more difficult to do what you could do before pregnancy, in the absence of contraindications you can go about your normal routine. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to fly in such an interesting situation.

The course of pregnancy is different for everyone, so you need to maintain common sense and discuss your upcoming trip with your doctor. It must be remembered that pregnancy implies the production of hemoglobin “for two” and the lungs breathe twice as intensely. Therefore, any flight is an additional heavy load on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Of course, many people use airline services during pregnancy; it is recommended to be especially vigilant when the plane is ascending and descending. During the flight, passengers are forced to sit, the length of stay in the aircraft cabin affects the swelling of the legs, bladder problems may arise, and indigestion often appears due to stress.

Abortion at 4 months of pregnancy

Abortion at 4 months of pregnancy can only be done for medical reasons. Such termination of pregnancy is similar in nature to artificial childbirth and is performed on the basis of the application of the pregnant woman and the permission of a specially appointed commission, which determines the need for this operation. The reasons for artificial termination in the 4th month of pregnancy can be: a threat to the health or life of the woman, severe malformations of the fetus, its non-viability and various social issues.

Miscarriage at 4 months of pregnancy

A miscarriage in the second trimester is a spontaneous birth and can be caused by serious pathological processes. These include genetic disorders, infectious and inflammatory diseases. Rejection occurs when the blood of mother and fetus is incompatible (Rh conflict). A serious hormonal imbalance also poses a risk to the continued development of pregnancy.