How long does a puma live? Where do cougars live in the wild? Attacks on people

In the cat family puma They are considered one of the most graceful, strong, beautiful animals, first described in the mid-16th century. Another name for this big cat is, or mountain.

Features and habitat

Large mammal, second in size in its habitat only to its rival, reaches a length of approximately 120-170 cm, and with a tail - up to 2.5 m. The body height of an adult puma cat is from 60 to 75 cm, weight is 75-100 kg. Males are larger than females by an average of 30%.

The reddish fur on the neck and chest is of a light shade, on the head it is grayish, and on the ears and tail brush it is of thick dark tones, almost black. In general, the lower part of the body is much lighter than the upper part.

Predators living in North America are distinguished by silvery tints, while representatives of the southern pampas and tropics are closer to red tones. These are the only American cats with a uniform coat color. The animal's fur is short, rough and dense.

U puma animal strong teeth, which are used to determine the age of a predator. The canines are used to capture prey, and the incisors easily tear tissue and break bones. A strong, muscular tail helps the American cat balance when moving and jumping while hunting.

The flexible, elongated body is distinguished by special grace. The head is small, the ears are small and round in shape. The paws are low and wide. The hind legs are stronger and more massive than the front legs. The number of toes on the paws is different: the hind ones have four, and the front ones have five.

Habitat Cougar Cougars are different landscapes: both flat places with tropical forests, pampas, swampy lowlands, and mountain coniferous massifs in the territory of the South and North America to mid-Canada. Northern latitudes silver lions avoid.

The animal's habitat is vast, but at the beginning of the last century, pumas were almost exterminated in the United States. Rare animal puma They even began to tame them. Years later, it was possible to restore a population comparable in size and distribution to,. It is noticed that puma lives mainly where the main objects of her hunt live - . Even their fur color is similar.

Types of puma

According to the old classification, up to 30 subspecies of puma were distinguished. Now, based on genetic data, 6 main varieties of cougars are calculated. A rare subspecies is the Florida cougar, named for its habitat in southern Florida.

During the crisis period there were only 20 individuals. The reasons for the extinction were the drainage of swamps, among which rare animals were found, and hunting for predators. Florida cougars are distinguished by their small size and higher paws than other relatives.

Pictured is a cougar

Interest in rare black cougars based primarily on unsubstantiated reports and speculation. In reality, instead of black cougars, individuals of a dark brown color were discovered, which only from a distance seemed charcoal. Therefore, there is no actual evidence of the existence of black American cats yet.

Character and lifestyle

Cougars are wild animals, leading a quiet lifestyle alone. Only mating time awakens in them the desire for each other, and loud cat cries indicate the formation married couples.

Cougars choose specific living areas, the boundaries of which are marked along the perimeter by scratches on trees and urine. Natural areas should be filled with hunting objects and places for shelter. Woodlands and grassy plains are favorite areas.

The population density of predators depends on the availability of food and can range from 1 to 12 individuals per 80 km². The areas of male hunting grounds cover vast territories from 100 to 750 km².

The home ranges of female cougars are significantly smaller, ranging from 30 to 300 km². The movements of animals in their territories are associated with seasonal characteristics. The puma spends winter and summer in different places.

During the day, animals bask somewhere in the sun or rest in a secluded den. At dusk and at night, activity increases. It's time to hunt for prey. The animals have adapted to moving along mountain slopes; they climb trees and swim beautifully.

Powerful jumps 5-6 m long, more than 2 m high and rapid running up to 50 km/h leave no chance for the victim. The strength and endurance of cougars allow them to cope with carrying carcasses that weigh 5-7 times their own weight.

In nature, pumas have virtually no enemies. Only the most skilled people can cope with a cougar. large predators provided that the puma is weakened due to illness or inexperience of the young. flocks, jaguars, large ones occasionally attack the puma and her kittens if they feel superior.

Cougars practically do not attack people, except in cases where a person is perceived as an aggressor: moves quickly, appears suddenly, especially during twilight or night hunting. In other cases, animals avoid meeting people.

The puma is a patient animal. Unlike the one going crazy in a trap, the cougar will calmly get rid of the shackles, even if it takes several days.

Cougar food

The objects of hunting of cougars are mainly various types deer, as well as other ungulates: caribou, bighorn sheep. Puma feeding many small animals: lynxes.

Predators do not distinguish between livestock and wild animals, so victims can become,. Does not disdain insects.

A puma is able to catch up with an ostrich and catch a clever one in a tree. On large animal The puma attacks unexpectedly in a powerful jump, breaks the neck with its mass or gnaws the throat with its teeth.

In the photo there is a cougar with a cub

There are always significantly more killed animals than the puma's ability to eat this prey. The average meat consumption per year is up to 1300 kg, which is approximately 45-50 ungulates.

After the hunt, pumas hide the remaining carcasses under leaves, branches or cover them with snow. Later they return to the hiding places. The Indians, knowing this, took the remaining meat from the cougar as they moved on.

Reproduction and lifespan

The mating season of cougars does not last long. Pairs form for 2 weeks, then separate. Only predators that have their own areas can reproduce. Males mate with several females in nearby territories.

Pictured is a puma cub

Pregnancy lasts up to 95 days. From 2 to 6 blind kittens are born. After 10 days, eyes and ears open and teeth appear. The color of the babies is spotted, there are dark rings on the tail, which disappear as they grow.

Description of the puma as mothers based on observations in zoos. The female does not allow anyone near the newborn kittens and does not allow anyone to look. Only in a month will the puma take the babies for their first walk. Solid food is included in the diet of kittens from 1.5 months.

Mother's care for her offspring lasts until about 2 years of age. Then adult life begins with the search for its territory. The young individuals stay in a group for some time and then separate.

Puberty females age at 2.5 years, males at 3 years. Average duration cougar's life natural conditions is up to 15-18 years, and in captivity more than 20 years.

Cougar guard

Due to the cougar's ability to live in a variety of landscapes, populations persist in large distributions. Only Florida cougar included to Krasnaya with a mark of critical condition.

Hunting for cougars is partially limited or prohibited in most states, but the animals are exterminated due to the damage they cause to livestock or hunting farms.

There are currently attempts to contain puma as a pet. But there remain great safety risks, as this is a freedom-loving predator that does not tolerate subordination. The beautiful and strong mountain lion remains one of the most powerful and graceful animals on the planet.

Other names for pumas are cougar or mountain lion. This predator even got into the Guinness Book of Records as an animal with the largest number titles. Only in English there are more than forty of them.

The body of these wild cats can reach two meters in length, and the height at the withers is usually about a meter. The weight of an adult puma is 70-80 kg, and males are always heavier than females. The puma's head is small, round in shape, and its ears are erect.

The cougar's fur is short and thick, and the color is most often reddish, and upper part the body is darker than the underside. There are black markings on the face and ears.

The puma has a very strong jaw and teeth, which are usually used to determine the age of the animal. A cougar can make different sounds:

  • hisses;
  • growls;
  • purrs almost like a domestic cat.

Its massive hind legs allow it to run quickly and deftly climb trees, and its long and strong tail helps it maintain balance while jumping. Interesting fact: Cougars have four toes on their hind paws and five on their front paws.

It was previously believed that there were more than 25 species of these wild cats, but now, based on modern genetic research, six varieties of puma have been identified, tied to the corresponding phylogeographic groups.

The puma is a very patient animal. Once in a trap, she does not go crazy like other predators from the cat family, and after several unsuccessful attempts Once free, he falls into melancholy and can sit motionless for several days.

Puma is a dangerous hunter

The puma is a very dangerous and skillful hunter. This predator has excellent eyesight and can hunt even in the dark.

This wild cat is a real strategist. She usually attacks from an ambush: she quietly creeps up from the leeward side of her prey and with lightning speed jumps onto the victim’s back. After which the cougar breaks the neck of the prey or strangles it, grabbing the throat with strong teeth.

Mountain lions can make jumps up to 6 meters long and 3-4 meters high. In addition, the puma is capable of making flying jumps to the ground from a height of 18 meters.

They reach speeds of up to 70 km/h, but they do not have enough endurance to run long distances. In search of food, the cougar can travel quite long distances.

The puma most often hunts the following wild animals:

  • moose;
  • deer;
  • guanaco.

These predators do not disdain livestock either. Wyoming, Colorado and Utah are home to a species of cougar nicknamed Hippolestes, which means “horse killer.”

When urgently needed, they feed on lynxes, squirrels and raccoons. The puma also loves to feast on the armadillo, managing to break its thick shell.

During the year, one cougar eats about 800-1300 kg of meat.

Pumas are very cunning animals; they hide uneaten meat by covering it with snow or leaves. When hungry, they can return to previously hidden prey several times.

Mountain lions have virtually no enemies in wildlife. The exception is a serious illness of the animal. In this case, the puma may be threatened by jaguars, wolves or alligators.

As for people, cougars avoid meeting people and very rarely attack tourists or local residents.

Reproduction and care of offspring

Cougars are loners; they actively mark their territory, thereby making it clear to other brethren that this place is occupied. Depending on the population density, the size of a puma’s personal holdings can reach up to one thousand square kilometers.

Cougars communicate with each other only in mating season. Then they each go back to their own territory. During mating games, animals emit loud meowing cries that can be heard over a radius of more than 3 km.

Females reach reproductive age at around 2 years of age and produce an average of one litter every 2-3 years.

Pregnancy in pumas lasts three months. Typically, wild cats give birth to 2 to 5 cubs per litter, each kitten weighing about 300-400 g.

Cougar kittens have a special color. The fur of the cubs has a brownish-gray tint with bright black spots, which changes after a year.

Like a domestic cat, puma babies are born “blind”; after two weeks they open their eyes. At first, kittens' eyes are bright blue, then gradually change.

Puma cubs begin to hunt small prey and eat adult food at the age of 6 weeks, but mother's milk is still included in their daily diet.

Kittens stay with their mother until they are almost two years old. During this period, they manage to master all the necessary skills for survival and hunting.

The mountain lion cubs then go off in search of their own hunting grounds, although at first they may stay in groups with their brothers and sisters.

The lifespan of cougars is about twenty years.

Puma as a pet

IN lately It became fashionable to have wild animals as pets. This is not the right decision, which can turn into disaster, especially for people who are far from knowledge about the world of wildlife.

Before you get a cougar at home you need to know:

  • all the subtleties of the content wild beast in captivity;
  • be aware of your real financial and physical capabilities;
  • study information about the animal in advance;
  • obtain all permits;
  • consult with specialists (breeders).

In zoos, pumas live quite well, for a long time and even bear offspring. The main thing is to provide them necessary conditions and competent care.

Natural habitats of pumas

Before appearing on the American continent, pumas lived in all forest and mountainous areas New World - from northwest Canada to the Strait of Magellan and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.

Now the puma lives in South and North America and inhabits quite large area: from Canada to Patagonia. She lives mainly in mountainous areas and feels comfortable at altitude. The puma can also be found in coniferous and tropical forests. In the Chilean Cordillera, pumas can reach heights of up to 3,000 meters.
Wild cats easily move along rocks and mountain slopes, climb trees well and can swim. The mountain lion can adapt to life in almost any environment.

They choose places to live and hunt where deer live - their main prey.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the population of mountain lions sharply decreased, and a very substantial bonus was even awarded for a killed individual.

Officially, puma hunting is prohibited. This is a necessary measure to restore the number of animals. However, violations of the law often occur and pumas continue to be exterminated due to the damage they cause to farming and livestock. After a while, it was possible to return the number of pumas to almost the previous level.

What is noteworthy is that the destruction of these predatory animals turns against people. As a result of hunting for pumas, the natural balance is disrupted and the number of armadillos (the favorite food of pumas) sharply increases. Armadillos dig holes, cattle step into them and break their legs. As a result, pastoralists suffer huge losses.

The Florida subspecies of pumas, which are smaller and lighter in color, suffered the most. The Florida cougar originally ranged from Texas to the southeastern states. Its range is now limited to South Florida.

The total Florida cougar population was estimated at approximately 300 individuals by the early 1980s. In 2003 this type was listed in the Red Book.

Niramin - Nov 12th, 2015

The puma or mountain lion lives in the Northern and South America, preferring to settle in mountainous areas. However, the animal can be found in forests on the plain and even in swampy areas.

Long time The puma was classified as a member of the cat family, but the animal is the only one of its kind. At first glance, the puma looks a lot like a cat, but many features distinguish it from representatives of this large family. This statement applies more long body and tail, reaching a total of 1.5 to 2.8 meters, strong powerful paws, a relatively small head and the absence of a pronounced pattern on the coat. The puma's fur is very thick and short, colored in sandy shades. Only on the belly the fur is lighter in color, and the ears are black. This predator weighs from 50 to 100 kg. It is worth noting that females are one third smaller than males, and pumas living in the north are much larger than individuals living in the southern regions.

These inhabitants of the New World feed mainly on deer and mountain sheep, but peccaries do not refuse wild pigs, as well as squirrels and rabbits. Cougars hunt anything that moves and willingly eat everything. The exception is foul-smelling skunks, which these predators do not eat precisely because of their unattractive odor. Cougars hide food in reserve if they cannot consume it all at once.

Like all cats, silent cougars emit heartbreaking screams during the mating period. The female gives birth to 2 or 4 spotted cubs, the color of which changes as the year progresses. Babies stay with their mother until they are 2 years old, after which they set off to conquer their own space. These American cats live up to 20 years.

Because cougars are solitary, they avoid people. However, if a person behaves carelessly and encroaches on the territory of an animal, an attack by this predator with all the ensuing consequences is possible.

Due to the invasion of puma habitats, certain species of these animals are on the verge of extinction. An example is the Florida cougar population, which has reached a critical level at which natural recovery has become impossible.

We invite you to look at a gallery of photos of the American predator - the puma:

Puma thought about it.

A puma carries its baby in its teeth.

Photo: Puma on a tree.

Video: Puma. Documentary National Geographic

Video: Puma vs bear

Video: Puma – Lions of the Americas – Natural Killers

Video: Cougar Man: Living With A Mountain Lion

Video: Dogs attack puma

Many people are familiar with this graceful, majestic and strikingly beautiful animal. His incredibly beautiful coat, alluring gaze and habits literally attract attention.

This animal has a huge number of names - cougar, panther, mountain lion, red tiger. However, it is best known by the name puma. He received this name from the inhabitants of one of the tribes in whose territory he lived. Translated from the native language, this word means “powerful.”

Previously, pumas were widespread in almost all territories of South and North America, however open hunt for the sake of fur and claws, natural disasters and other misfortunes practically destroyed their population.

In this regard, in almost all American states They banned the hunting of these wonderful animals in order to help them preserve and increase the number of individuals. The only exception is the state of Texas. This ban worked - in a relatively short period of time, the number of pumas inhabiting the planet increased from several thousand to several tens of thousands.

Among the American representatives of the cat family, the puma is the largest predator. The puma's body is elongated. Perhaps these animals are very similar to cheetahs and leopards. They have long and powerful legs, a small head and a massive tail that plays a balancing role when jumping.

Cougars also have a specific coloring, which makes them even more different from their feline relatives. The fur of this animal is quite short, but very thick, which allows pumas to withstand very low temperatures. The main color of puma fur is sand, but there are species with brownish, bright red or brown shades. The color depends on the habitat: northern pumas are usually gray or light yellow, while southern ones are reddish.

Cougars are excellent hunters. They have the masterful ability to sneak up on their prey completely unnoticed, without giving themselves away either by voice or by the creaking of branches. Absolutely nothing. The puma's jaws are powerful enough to easily kill a goat or ram. However, during a hunt, the cougar first breaks the cervical vertebrae of the victim by attacking from behind.

The prey of these animals are both small animals (squirrels) and large ones (elk and deer). There are even known cases of pumas killing alligators.

It is interesting that the puma is a very thrifty animal. Not a single individual throws away a half-eaten piece of meat. Most often, they camouflage killed game, hiding it by burying it or covering it with branches, leaves or snow.

During the mating season, pumas, usually silent animals, announce the surrounding area with inviting roars, as if inviting individuals of the opposite sex to mate. Pregnancy lasts about three months, after which 2-3 blind cubs are born. Despite their apparent helplessness, puma kittens are already strong enough by the end of the first month to crawl out of the den and play with each other.

The cubs leave their mother at the age of two and go off to find their own territory. Cougars are solitary animals and come together only for the mating period, so young animals have to wage a fierce struggle for survival with older individuals.

It is likely that the puma population would be even larger if other large predators and humans did not interfere. IN natural environment pumas fight with bears and wolves, and some even die, entering into an unequal battle. Regarding human activity, then it cannot be said that people kill pumas directly. This is partly due to settlement natural environment habitat of these beautiful animals.

The puma (cougar, mountain lion) is a prominent representative of the fauna of North and South America. The living space of the animal is large, covering from west to east the space between the coasts of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, from north to south stretches from Canada to Chile and Argentina.


Habitat: pampas, shrub savannas, lowland tropical and mountain coniferous forests, found at altitudes up to 4.5 thousand meters. The Latin name of the species is Puma concolor. The animal was first described by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1771.

The population numbers more than thirty thousand individuals. The main danger to the species comes from humans - poaching, destruction and pollution environment, extermination of the main prey.


Thanks to its uniform reddish color in life and in the photo, the puma animal looks like a lioness. Her resemblance to a representative of panthers and her love of walking along mountain trails explains the name “mountain lion.” » , which was given to the predator by the indigenous people of America.

  • The beast has a large and elongated body.
  • The length of females is about two meters, males - 2.1 - 2.3 meters. The sizes of different subspecies may vary. The largest individuals were seen in the southern and northern regions habitat.
  • The weight of females ranges from 35 to 45 kg, the weight of males does not exceed 65 kg.
  • The head is round in shape, small in size, and looks like the head of an ordinary domestic cat.
  • Eyes golden or yellow, pupils are round.
  • Ears average size, triangular in shape.
  • The paws are not very long, powerful, with retractable claws. The hind limbs of the puma are longer than the front ones.
  • The tail is long and cylindrical.
  • The coat is relatively short, maximum length fur in winter time 39 mm.
  • The color is monochromatic, the main palette is dominated by dark reddish-brown and grayish-brown shades. The chin, chest and belly are cream colored. Most of the muzzle is dark, almost black, with white markings around the eyes and under the tip of the nose.

A completely black puma cat is also very rare in nature.


According to the old classification, the species includes 29–32 subspecies. It is based on behavioral, morphological and ecological aspects. Due to the fact that individual subspecies were described from only two to three individuals, some zoologists questioned its reliability.

They resorted to more modern genetic research and reduced all known subspecies into six new subspecies in a broad sense (SENSU LATO) or groups living on certain territory. The new taxonomy has been welcomed by many scientists studying pumas, but full agreement on this issue has not yet been achieved.

Subspecies SENSU LATO

  • Puma concolor puma belongs to the southernmost American group and includes 4 old subspecies. The distribution area covers the southern and western part Argentina, Chile.
  • Puma concolor couguar represents the North American group, includes 15 old subspecies, distributed in southern Canada, Belize, and Guatemala.

This group includes one of the rarest subspecies of pumas - the Florida cougar (Puma concolor coryi). Locals also call the animal the Florida panther. This is a large long-tailed cat with a black muzzle, dark yellowish-brown fur color, weighing from 30 to 70 kg. The population size, according to scientists, does not exceed 100 – 160 adult individuals. The predator is listed in the International Red Book as an endangered species.

  • Puma concolor costaricensis includes only one old subspecies - the Costa Rican puma, which belongs to the Central American group. The animal lives in Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and is listed in the first CITES appendix.
  • Puma concolor concolor unites the northern South American group and includes 5 old subspecies. The predator is found in Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, and Guyana.
  • The subspecies Puma concolor capricornensis belongs to the eastern South American group; it includes 5 old subspecies. The habitat covers the southern coast of the Amazon in Brazil and stretches all the way to Paraguay.
  • Puma concolor cabrerae combines two older subspecies to form the central South American group. The subspecies is common in Uruguay, northern and eastern Argentina.

Lifestyle and behavior

The adult puma inhabits a wide variety of biotopes and landscapes, has its own territory and leads a predominantly solitary existence. The exception is females, most of whose lives are spent caring for their offspring.

For some time after gaining independence, young males from the same litter may remain together. Males join females only during mating season.

The size of hunting areas varies depending on the period of the year or the density of prey. In spring and winter, the area of ​​the male's possessions occupies about 100 - 150 km 2, in autumn and summer it increases to 300 - 400 km 2. Females inhabit more modest territories; the area of ​​their territories rarely exceeds 30–50 km2, but in the case of low prey density it can increase to 300 km2.

The females' areas are located on the periphery of the male's domain and can intersect with them; the domains of the males are isolated from each other. Personal space is marked with urine, barbs on tree trunks, and solid excrement.

The puma is very mobile, can reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour, swims well, although it does not really like water, jumps 2.5 - 3 meters in height, and up to 6 meters in length. The predator makes shelters in rock crevices, dense thickets, small caves, and in recesses under tree roots. The animal is an excellent tree climber, has good hearing and vision, and prefers to hunt alone and at night.

The victim is pursued only by short distance, ambushes her and suddenly pounces from cover. The cougar jumps from the back at large prey, breaks its neck or sinks its fangs into the throat. The obtained trophy is dragged to a secluded place, where it begins to eat.

The puma carefully hides the remains of food under leaves and dry branches, then visits them repeatedly over the course of several days. A female with cubs has to kill one deer every three days, the male is content with large prey once every 10–14 days.

During the year the animal eats from 800 to 1300 kg of meat, daily norm food - 8 - 10 kg. The diet is based on large ungulates (elk, deer); in addition to them, the predator preys on sloths, monkeys, small rodents, armadillos, skunks, and beavers. Does not refuse fish, agouti, insects, snails, alligators, rabbits, birds. The puma often visits the farms of local residents and attacks livestock, cats and dogs.

The cougar is a very successful hunter; in 80% of cases it manages to catch its intended prey. Interesting facts they say that the predator does not always pursue the prey to satisfy hunger, but often kills it due to sporting interest or improving hunting skills. This feature of the animal was actively used by the California Indians - they followed its trail and picked up the abandoned carcasses of killed animals.

Natural enemies of pumas are large alligators, jaguars, bears, and wolves. In most cases, competitors attack young or sick individuals, while healthy predators are quite capable of standing up for themselves and giving a worthy rebuff.

Reproduction and care of offspring

The breeding season for pumas occurs at any time of the year and depends on specific circumstances. The composition of the couples has not changed for several years. A wild puma cat, ready to mate, calls the male with loud sounds, additionally leaves urine marks and rubs its back against the ground and stones. Mating games last 7–8 days, after which the couple breaks up.

The puma cat makes a den in suitable crevices between stones or in the depths of dense thickets, lining it with leaves and grass. Pregnancy lasts 2.5 – 3 months. Most often, a cougar litter consists of three to four kittens. At birth, babies weigh about 400 grams, and until 9–14 days they do not see or hear anything. They quickly gain weight and by the month they already weigh one kilogram. Average weight the body weight of a two-month puma cub is 3 kg.

The main food for kittens in the first two months is mother's milk, then there is a gradual transition to solid food. The cubs remain near their mother until they are two years old and never leave the shelter without her permission. The female communicates with them using characteristic sounds similar to the chirping of birds. Sexual maturity in young individuals occurs at three years of age.

Cubs, unlike adult animals, are covered with black spots on the back and transverse lines on the sides and front surface of the paws. Bright spotting disappears by 14 weeks, barely noticeable spots persist up to one year.

Newborn puma babies have a blue iris, and by four months it acquires brown, by the year it becomes golden.

Life expectancy is 18 – 20 years.

The animal is difficult to tame and requires special conditions of detention. The animal is not accustomed to being close to humans. Only a few cases have been recorded when the animal behaves like an ordinary cat - caresses, purrs, and participates in joint games.

For a comfortable existence, the predator requires a large space, the presence of trees, bushes, stone deposits, and a reservoir. The diet must include live food.

You can legally buy a cougar only in a specialized nursery. The price of a puma animal is very high, starting at several tens of thousands of dollars.