Games to develop communication skills. Communication games for preschoolers


games for learning

collaboration skills

younger children school age

methodological manual

Methodical manual

The collection contains many interesting and useful games, which will help children develop self-confidence and be considerate of others. With the help of these games, children will learn: to establish trusting contact with each other; feel the state and mood of others; use facial expressions and pantomime in communication; be observant; treat each other carefully; listen to your partner’s opinion; provide mutual assistance; understand the intonation of others.




"Who's talking?"


ABOUT writing game: children stand in a semicircle. One child is in the center, with his back to the others. Children ask him questions, which he must answer, addressing the person asking the question by name. He must find out who contacted him. The one whom the child recognizes takes his place.

"Guess who it is"

Target: develop attention and observation.
Game description: The exercise is performed in pairs. One child (by agreement) closes his eyes, the second one changes places with a child from another pair. The first one determines by touch who approached him and calls his name. The winner is the one who can eyes closed identify a new partner.

Target: cultivate interest in your communication partner.
Game description: children sit in a circle and, passing a ball (“magic wand” or others), express wishes to each other. For example: “I wish you good mood”, “Always be as brave (kind, beautiful) as you are now”, etc.


develop the ability to provide positive signs attention to peers.
Game description: children stand in a circle. The teacher, giving the ball to one of the children, gives him a compliment. The child should say “thank you” and pass the ball to the neighbor, while saying kind words to him. The one who accepted the ball says “thank you” and passes it to the next child. Children, saying compliments and words of gratitude, pass the ball first to one side, then to the other.

"Good word"

develop the ability to express your attitude and feelings towards peers.

Game description: Children sit in a circle. Everyone takes turns saying something nice about their neighbor.

Condition: the speaker looks into the eyes of the person he is talking about.

"Finish the sentence"

Target: teach children to be aware of their affections, likes, interests, hobbies and talk about them.
Game description: children stand in a circle. The teacher is the leader. He has a ball in his hands. He begins a sentence and throws the ball - the child finishes the sentence and returns the ball to the adult:

oh my favorite toy...

My best friend...
My favorite activity...
My favorite holiday….
My favorite cartoon...
My favorite fairy tale...
My favorite song...

Target: develop attention to the partner, auditory perception.

Game description: children sit in a semicircle, the leader is in front of everyone with his back to the players. One of the children calls the leader by name. The presenter, without turning around, must name the one whose voice he heard. You can enter any character and conditional words. As always, the teacher participates in the game along with the children. At first, the children call out to the leader in a normal voice; over time, when they get to know each other well, you can specifically change the intonation and pitch of the voice to make recognition more difficult.

"Tender name"

Target: develop the ability to make contact and pay attention to peers.
Game description: children stand in a circle, passing the baton to each other (flower, “magic wand”). At the same time, they call each other by an affectionate name (for example, Tanyusha, Alyonushka, Dimulya, etc.) The teacher draws the children’s attention to the affectionate intonation.

“And I’m like this today!”

Target games: teach how to use facial expressions and pantomimes in communication.

Game description: children stand in a circle. The presenter is the first to step into the circle and pronounce the phrase “And this is how I am today!”, accompanying it with some action and facial expressions that reflect his mood. (For example, the presenter smiled and spread her arms to the sides.) All children repeat this movement and facial expressions, saying:

“Maria Ivanovna is like THIS today!” Then he comes into the circle next child and shows what he is like today.

The game continues until each child has visited

"As Body Parts Speak"

Target: teach non-verbal methods of communication.

Game description: The teacher gives the child different tasks. Show:

· as the shoulders say “I don’t know”;

· as the finger says “Come here”;

· how the legs of a capricious child demand “I want!”, “Give it to me!”;

· as the head says “Yes” and “No”;

· as the hand says, “Sit down!”, “Turn around!”, “Goodbye.”

The rest of the children must guess what tasks the teacher gave.


Target: develop nonverbal methods of communication.

Game description: Each of the participants imagines that he is an animal, a bird, a fish. The teacher gives 2-3 minutes to get into character. Then by

In turn, each child portrays this animal through movement, habits, behavior, sounds, etc. The rest of the children guess this animal.

"Make a gift"

Target: introduce children to non-verbal methods of communication.

Game description: The teacher depicts various objects using gestures and expressive movements. The person who guesses the answer receives this item “as a gift.” Then the presenter invites the children to make a gift for each other.

"Question - answer"
Target: develop in children the ability to answer their partner’s questions.
Game description: children stand in a circle. One of them has a ball in his hands. After saying the question, the player throws the ball to his partner. The partner, having caught the ball, answers the question and throws it to the other player, while asking his own question, etc. (“What are you in a mood?” - “Joyful.” “Where were you on Sunday?” - “Went to visit dad.” “What game do you like?” - “Traps,” etc.).

teach children to get out of contact using friendly words and intonations.

Game description: children sit in a circle and, passing the baton to each other, name the words they say when saying goodbye (goodbye, see you, all the best, see you again, bon voyage, Good night, see you soon, happily, etc.). The teacher draws attention to the fact that when saying goodbye, you need to look your partner in the eyes.

“We say hello without words”
develop the ability to use gesture and posture in communication.
Game description: children are divided into pairs. Each couple comes up with their own way of greeting without words (shake hands, wave, hug, nod, etc.). Then everyone gathers in a circle, and the couples take turns demonstrating how to greet each other.

"On the Bridge"

Target: development of dexterity, the ability to predict a situation, correlate one’s actions with the actions of a partner in order to achieve common goal.

Game description: Before the game starts, an imaginary situation is created. An adult divides the children into two groups and separates them into different sides. He suggests imagining the following situation: children are on the sides of a mountain gorge and they need to get over to the other side, and for this there is only a narrow bridge. (a strip 30-40 cm wide is drawn on the floor). Only two people can cross the bridge at the same time towards each other. Participants break into pairs and move towards each other. The one who steps over the line is eliminated from the game (fell into the gorge). The game can only be considered successful when the child gives way to his partner and lets him go ahead.

Musical hugs (hugs)"

Target: children jump around the hall to the music.

Game description: when the music stops, each child hugs someone tightly. Then the music continues and the children jump around the hall again (with a partner if you want). At the next pause, 3 people unite until one big hug is formed.

"Let's join hands, friends"
Target: teach children to feel the touch of another person.

Game description: The teacher and children stand in a circle, at a short distance from each other, with their arms along their torso. You need to hold hands, but not immediately, but one by one. The teacher begins. He offers his hand to the child standing next to him. And only after the child feels the adult’s hand does he give his free hand to his neighbor. Gradually the circle closes.

"Color it right"

Target: development of attention and observation, negotiation skills.

Game description: children work in pairs. It is necessary to color the drawing according to the sample together (i.e., place a screen between the children). One child takes a sample and explains what and how to color, then they compare it against the sample. You can change places.

Target: team unity, nurturing the ability for coordinated interaction.

Game description: children are divided into pairs. One of the children plays the role of an inventor, the other - a robot. The robot, searching for a hidden object, moves straight, left, etc. according to the instructions of the inventor. Then the children change roles.

"Hold the item"
Target: develop the ability to coordinate actions with a partner.
Game description: children are divided into pairs. Couples compete with each other. The teacher suggests holding a piece of paper with their foreheads (an inflatable balloon with their stomachs) without using their hands, moving around the group room. The pair that has more wins long time holds the object.

develop group interaction skills.
Game description: Children stand one after another and firmly hold the person in front by the shoulders or waist. The first child is the “head of the snake”, the last is the “tail of the snake”. The “snake’s head” tries to catch the “tail”, and then shortens itself from it. During the game, the leaders change. Next time, the “head” becomes the child who pretended to be the “tail” and did not allow himself to be caught. If the “snake’s head” catches him, this player stands in the middle. When playing the game you can use musical accompaniment.

Outdoor game “The dragon bites its tail”

Target: group cohesion .

Game description: The players stand behind each other, holding the waist of the person in front. The first child is the head of the dragon, the last is the tip of the tail. To the music, the first player tries to grab the last one - the “dragon” catches its “tail”. The rest of the children cling tenaciously to each other. If the dragon does not catch its tail, then next time another child is assigned to the role of “dragon head”

Game "Locomotive"

Target: creation of a positive emotional background, group cohesion, development of voluntary control, the ability to obey the rules of others.

Game description: children line up one after another, holding their shoulders. The “locomotive” pulls the “trailer”, overcoming various obstacles.

« Enchanted path"

Target: teach how to work in a team and provide support to comrades.

Game description: one of the children is the leader. He shows the other participants how to follow the path through the enchanted forest. Children must repeat his route exactly.

One of the children who has gone astray turns into a Christmas tree. The team's task is to save him and break the spell. To do this, you need to say something nice to him, hug him, stroke him.

"I want to be friends with you"

Purpose of the game: unity, establishing trusting contact between children.

Game description: A driver is selected from the participants in the game, who says the words: “I want to make friends with...”, and then describes the appearance of one of the players. The person they are talking about needs to recognize himself, quickly run up to the driver and shake his hand. Then he becomes the driver.

"Stand up, all of you..."

Purpose of the game: unity, establishing trusting contact between children.

Game description: children sit in a circle. The presenter says that we are all very different and at the same time somewhat similar to each other. Offers to verify this. Saying: “Stand up, everyone who loves ice cream (swim in the river, put away toys, ride down the slide, etc.” Children at first just play, and then I conclude that they really have a lot in common.


Target: development of attention to peers.

ABOUT game description: children sit in a circle. The teacher sits with his back to the group and announces: “Attention, attention! The girl got lost (describes in detail someone from the group: hair color, eyes, height, earrings, some characteristic details of clothing). Let her approach the announcer." Children listen and look at each other. They must determine who we're talking about and say the name of this child. Anyone can play the role of a radio announcer.

"The lame leading the blind"

Target: establishing trusting contact between children.

Game description: A lame man's leg is tied with a rope. The blind man's eyes are covered with a bandage. On the floor are newspaper scraps (“quagmire”) and chairs (“obstacles”). The “lame” must guide the “blind” so that he does not fall into a quagmire or bump into obstacles. After the game, the feelings of the “blind” are discussed.

    Antonova O.V. Educational games

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    Terribly interesting... - St. Petersburg, 2000.

    Dovydov K.D. " Psychological characteristics team cohesion" No. 4.2005.

    Katkova Alexandra. Psychological games- Games and exercises for team building, 2010.

    Matveicheva L.A. Games, holidays, educational activities in kindergarten, 2010.

    Chesnokova E.N., Development of communication skills in older preschoolers, magazine "Educator" N9/2008.

    Shipitsyna L.M., Zashchirinskaya O.V., Voronova A.P., Nilova T.A. The ABCs of communication: development of a child’s personality, communication skills with adults and peers. – St. Petersburg, 2000.

Communication is the ability of a person to express his thoughts and feelings so that they are correctly understood by other people. A child, entering this world, from the very early age begins to communicate with adults and children, expressing himself in one way or another. And so that this communication takes place in the most favorable conditions, it is important to teach your child to communicate correctly. The easiest and most effective way to teach children is through play.

Communicative play for children involves joint activities, self-expression and mutual cooperation, development of communication skills and the formation of friendly relationships. During these games, the child experiences genuine joy together with other children, which later turns into cheerfulness, optimism, the ability to get along with other people, the ability to overcome life difficulties and achieve your goals.

Lack of communication skills leads to delays mental development child, and in the future – to the formation of a negative life position.

With these games, children:

  • Body clamps are removed;
  • There is an emotional release;
  • Imagination, facial expressions and gestures develop;
  • Attention is activated;
  • Skills of rules of conduct are demonstrated;
  • Self-esteem increases.

Communication games for young children

Communication with peers for children aged 2-3 years becomes a necessary need and acquires great importance in the formation of personality. It is from this age, when direct interest in another child begins to show, there is a desire to attract the attention of a peer, to interest him in himself, it is necessary to teach children to communicate with each other.

Communication games for young children will provide an invaluable service in this regard. These games teach to be kind to each other, to show love and respect for others, to express empathy, care and compassion.

Let's look at several games aimed at developing communication skills in children:

  • Game "Tender Name". Children stand in a circle, in the center of which each of them comes out in turn. The rest of the children, with the help of the teacher, name the options affectionate name the child in the center of the circle;
  • The game “Who came to visit us?” helps to build self-esteem in children and develop a friendly attitude towards other children. An adult agrees with two or three children about what animals they will portray, then they take turns entering the circle, the rest of the children must guess which animal has come to visit them;
  • “The Little Dragon Catches Its Tail” is an excellent communicative game for children. It promotes group cohesion. Children become a “train”, holding onto the belt of the person in front. To the sound of music, the first participant (the head of the dragon) tries to catch the last one (the tail of the dragon), the rest hold on tightly to each other;
  • The game “The Bird’s Wing Hurts” develops in children a love for others. One child pretends to be a sick bird, he is sad, lies down on the rug, the other children, following the example of the teacher, take turns trying to console her and support her with gentle words;
  • The game “Who Wake Up Better” promotes the expression of your feelings. One child portrays a sleeping cat, the rest of the children try to wake her up with various kind and gentle words and touches. At the end of the game, the children decide whose way to wake up the cat was the best;
  • The communicative game for children “Animal Piano” develops the ability to cooperate. Children squat down in a row, an adult hands out cards with images of various animals and, then touching each child’s head, pretends to play the piano. Children reproduce the voices of the animals depicted on the cards.

Communication games for preschool children

Preschool age is considered to be the age from 3 to 7 years. At this stage, the child develops a desire for independence, initiative, and self-esteem develops. Perception becomes focused, meaningful, and the information received is analyzed.

At this age, the child needs more and more interaction with his peers. Communication is an important condition for the mental development of a preschooler. It has a direct impact on all the most important activities in the future: study, work, social orientation, etc. And in order for the preschooler to be better adapted to life in the social sphere, to be able to realize himself, to always make friends and find common language with any person, it is necessary to develop his communication abilities through special training.

Development of constructive communication skills, the ability to clearly and correctly formulate one’s thoughts and feelings, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, the ability to resolve conflict situations– a child can get all this in the process of communicative games for children preschool age.

Below are some of the games that develop communication skills:

Thus, we can conclude that communicative games for children have a powerful educational and training effect. They allow children to get closer, teach them to show care, empathy and attention to their peers, and develop in children positive attitude towards themselves and other children, increase self-confidence.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Tatiana Bessarabova
"25 games for developing children's communication abilities"

Federal State Educational Standard preschool education provides first of all child's personality development;That's why educational field social communication development takes leading first place.

Social communication development, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, is aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions; development social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, developing respectful attitudes and a sense of belonging to one’s family and community children and adults in the Organization; formation of positive attitudes towards various types labor and creativity; laying the foundations safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

One condition for the social development of a child, the formation of his social competence, is play. I offer a set of games and exercises named by number educational games"25 games for development of children's communication abilities" The authors of the games and exercises are T. A. Danilina, L. V. Chernetskaya, Ya. L. Kolominsky, S. I. Semenaka, V. M. Minaeva, H. JI. Kryazheva, E. K. Lyutova, G. B. Monina, K. Fopel.

This set of games and exercises to form social competencies tested for preschoolers in preschool educational institutions kindergarten №5 "Spikelet". Games were held in the morning, used as physical education for minutes during classes, on walks, in the afternoon, on holidays and entertainment. The value of this complex is that most of the offered developing games are short in time, easy to remember, accessible and interesting to children. Complex of games "25 games" multifunctional, it not only develops children's communication abilities, but also serves as excellent material for the formation of voluntary behavior, attention development, imagination, speech and emotional sphere children.



Target: development of attention, group cohesion.

Progress of the game:

Teacher. When will I speak "Earth", you should sit down, "Moon"- stand up, hands up; "air"- stand up, arms to the sides


Target: development of attention, group cohesion.

Progress of the game:

A.Adult (or child) shows various movements, children repeat.

B. The teacher shows the children cards with the image (real or schematic) various movements, children repeat.


Target: developing group cohesion.

Progress of the game:

One child is blindfolded, the rest sit on the carpet with their eyes closed. The presenter brings the driver to the participants, he must guess by touch who is in front of him.

4. "RAIN"

Target: group cohesion.

Progress of the game:

The children, together with the leader, clap their hands at an ever-increasing pace. The tempo changes several times.


Target: developing group cohesion, observation.

Progress of the game:

A. The presenter walks around the room and does different movements, unexpected turns, squats, bends to the sides, nods his head, waves his arms, etc. Everyone else stands in a line behind him at a short distance. They are his shadow and must quickly and clearly repeat his movements. Then the leader changes.


Target: development of attention, group cohesion.

Progress of the game:

Children walk in a circle, the teacher says "Fast"(you have to go slowly, "High"! (you have to go crouching, "Hard!" you have to go easy "Hands forward"(hands back, "Hands up"(hands down) etc.

7. "ROAD"

Target: creation and maintenance performance, group cohesion.

Progress of the game:

Teacher. We took the wheel and started motors: "p-r-r." Our car is driving on a smooth road, but now sand begins to appear (rubs palm against palm). There were pebbles on the road (claps on knees). Now the car began to shake violently (stomping feet). The road went smooth again, etc. several times.


Target: Help children with communication difficulties gain confidence and feel part of a team.

Progress of the game:

One child - "head"(puts on a cap, another "tail". The players stand in a line, holding each other's shoulders. First participant - "head", last - "tail". "Head" must reach out and touch the tail. "Body" dragon inextricably! As soon as "head" grabbed "tail", she becomes "tail". The game continues until each participant plays two roles.


Target: development of attention, group cohesion.

Progress of the game:

Teacher. Imagine that there once was a little Shumok in the world. He talked So: "Shhh". But Shumok gradually grew, matured and spoke in to another: “W-w-w-w!”, and finally Shumok turned into a real one Noise: “J-zzzzh! Let's all show together how Shumok grew up!


Target: creation and maintenance performance. (It is advisable to distribute roles, then switch roles)

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are in a sunlit clearing. Forest inhabitants came running and flocked to her from all sides - all kinds of insects and cockroaches. Rhythmic, playful music sounds. The grasshoppers jump high, bend their legs, kick, and happily jump around the clearing. Butterflies flutter from flower to flower. The bugs buzz and fly from blade to blade of grass. Caterpillars crawl between the stems. Perky little ants - fidgety ones - scurry back and forth.


Target: developing trust in each other.

Progress of the game

The children get into pairs. One - "blind", the other is his "guide", which must carry out "blind" through various obstacles. The obstacles are created in advance. U "blind" blindfolded. Target "guide"- carry out "blind" so that he does not trip, fall, or hurt himself. After completing the route, participants change roles. To increase interest, you can change the route.

12 "Beep"

Target: development of auditory attention, group cohesion.

Progress of the game

Children stand in a circle and choose a driver. He stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. One child says "Beep", the driver tries to recognize him by his voice


Target: creation and maintenance performance

Progress of the game

To cheerful music, the teacher plays the role of a needle, the rest of the children play the role of thread. "Needle" runs around the room "loops", A "thread" (group children, lined up one after another)- behind her.


Target: development of attention, group cohesion. Progress of the game

The children follow each other. On signal "Stop" everyone stops at the signal "Clap"- they jump up, and at the signal "Once"- turn around and go in the opposite direction. The game is repeated three times,


Target: development of interaction between children in a group.

Progress of the game

Players playing in a limited space move chaotically. At the signal, they must split into groups as quickly as possible with the number specified by the leader. Then the children uncouple again and continue to walk chaotically until the next signal.

16. "TOUCH IT."

Target: developing group cohesion.

Progress of the game

The teacher says: “Touch it. blue! Everyone must instantly orient themselves, find something blue in the participants’ clothes and touch this color.

Comment: the teacher makes sure that each participant is touched. You can complicate the task by setting the condition that you cannot touch the one who touched you.

17. "STORM"

Target: development of attention, group cohesion.

Progress of the game

When the teacher speaks "Sunny, clear weather", - all the children move to the music. When he speaks "Storm", - children should stand in a tight circle.


Target: development of attention, group cohesion

-Progress of the game:

Teacher. Now everyone must repeat exactly what I will do. First I will rub my palms together - this is the wind. Now I will softly slap my knees - this is rain. Then I will alternately knock my feet on the floor - it’s thunder.

Then the teacher says several times in different sequences "wind", "rain", "thunder", and the children perform the corresponding movement.

Then the children change roles.

19. "WHO AM I?"

Intact development of ability understand and express emotions.

Progress of the game:

The teacher calls one child at a time and tells him quietly which animal he should draw. (or the child comes up with it himself): bear, fox, wolf, hare. The rest of the children guess what animal it is. Condition - the animal has a certain mood: happy, sad, etc.


Target; development of ability understand and express emotions.

Progress of the game:

Teacher. And bunnies live here! One of them all, afraid. Show him shaking with fear. The other is a brave hare. Stand up and be brave Tell: "I'm not afraid of anyone!"

Each child stands on a chair and says these words.


Target: development of ability understand and express emotions.

Progress of the game:

On a colorful forest lawn

Our bunnies met.

The first bunny was cheerful -

He will go to school today (children show

And the second one was sad:

Dad didn't let me into school (children show). .

The third bunny was surprised

And he grabbed his head (children show).

And the fourth one was scared:

He’s also getting ready for class (the kids show!

Well, the fifth one was calm (the children show

Calmed me down, as always:

"You'll grow up a little,

Back to school then will you go

The bunnies were all happy

They jump and dance on the lawn,

They want to grow up quickly

To go to school quickly! (They jump, clap, rejoice.)


Target: development of ability understand and express emotions.

Progress of the game

Children stand in a circle, pass the ball, which the leader calls differently: "hot potato", "ice", "butterfly", "flower", "fluff" etc. Children must express different emotions.


Target: withdrawal emotional stress, fears.

Progress of the game

Children choose a driver - he is a terrible dragon. The child stands on a chair and speaks menacingly voice: “Fear me, be afraid!” Children answer: “We are not afraid of you!” This is repeated 2-3 times. From words children the dragon gradually decreases (the child jumps from the chair, turns into a small sparrow, begins to chirp, "fly" around the room


Target: development of communication skills.

Progress of the game

Everyone closes their eyes, the teacher takes one child out of the room.

Children must guess who came out, describe him, call him by an affectionate name.

25. "ECHO"

Target: relieving emotional stress, development of communication skills.

Progress of the game:

Teacher. I call your names, and you, like an echo, repeat them.

I wish you success!

Card index

“Games and exercises to develop communication skills of junior schoolchildren”


student of Sh-31 group

Wise Daria

Yeisk, 2017

Exercise " Snow Queen»

Target: Teach children to express their thoughts accurately, concisely, without distorting the meaning.


Participants sit on chairs, forming a circle.

The teacher asks the children to remember the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”.

Children remember that in this fairy tale there was a mirror, reflected in which everything good and beautiful turned into bad and ugly. How much trouble the fragments of this mirror caused when they got into people’s eyes!

The teacher says:

- This tale has a continuation: when Kai and Gerda grew up, they

made magic glasses through which, unlike a mirror,

one could see the good that is in every person.

Children are invited to imagine that they are wearing magic glasses, see more good things, and then talk about it.

The teacher is the first to “put on glasses” and give a sample description of the children.

At the end of the game, the children try to tell what difficulties they experienced, what they felt while being in the role of observers.

Exercise “Through Glass”

Target: develop the ability to understand each other, to delve into the essence of the information received.


Participants are divided into pairs.

The teacher says:

- Imagine that one of you is on the train, and the other is standing on the platform, that is, you are separated from each other by glass through which sounds do not penetrate. But you can see each other.

Participants are invited to convey to each other the content of a message using gestures.

Example messages:

- I'll call you when I arrive;

- Write me a letter. Etc.

Then everyone discusses how accurately the participants were able to convey the content of the messages and whether it was easy for them to understand each other.

Exercise “What’s in the chest?”

Target: promote the development of tactile sensations and the formation of coherent speech skills.

Equipment: chest, various items.


The teacher places a chest on the table, inside of which there is an object.

Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. He looks into the chest. The remaining participants ask questions to the driver about the color, shape, and purpose of the item lying in the chest. The driver needs to answer all questions with “yes” or “no”.

The child who is the first to name what is in the chest becomes the driver. The teacher puts another object in the chest, the game resumes.

Game "Interview"

Target: development of speech activity and speed of thinking, intelligence and resourcefulness.

Equipment: microphones (according to the number of pairs of participants)


The teacher divides the children into two teams. One team is “experts”, the other is “journalists”.

The teacher says:

-Each “journalist” needs to choose an “expert” and interview him on a familiar topic, for example: “The city where I live.” Please play your roles so that your behavior and speech are like those of real journalists and experts. Who will start first?

The teacher acts as an observer.

The pair that, in the opinion of most children, played their roles most successfully wins.

Games - situations

Target: develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express your thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.

Description: Children are asked to role-play a number of situations:

1. Two girls quarreled - make up between them.

2. If you really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your group, ask him.

3. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.

4. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share with him.

5. The child is crying - calm him down.

6. If you can’t tie your shoelace, ask a friend to help you.

7. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share with him.

8. The child is crying - calm him down.

9. If you can’t tie your shoelace, ask a friend to help you.

10. Guests have come to you - introduce them to your parents, show them your room and your toys.

11. You came from a walk hungry - what will you tell your mother or grandmother.

12. The children are having breakfast. Vitya took a piece of bread and rolled it into a ball. Looking around so that no one would notice, he threw it and hit Fedya in the eye. Fedya grabbed his eye and screamed. – What can you say about Vitya’s behavior? How should you handle bread? Can we say that Vitya was joking?

Exercise “Call a friend”

Target: Develop the ability to engage in the communication process and navigate partners and communication situations.

Game rule: the message must be good, the caller must follow all the rules of “telephone conversation”.

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver. The driver stands with his eyes closed and his arm outstretched. Children move in a circle saying:

Call me call

And tell me what you want.

Maybe a true story, or maybe a fairy tale

You can have a word, you can have two -

Just without a hint

I understood all your words.

To whomever the driver's hand points, he must “call” him and convey the message. The driver can ask clarifying questions.

Exercise “Understand Me”

Target: develop the ability to navigate people’s role positions and communication situations.


The child comes forward and comes up with a speech of 4-5 sentences. Children must guess who is speaking (tour guide, journalist, teacher, literary hero) and in what situation such words are possible. For example:“And then everyone went to the start. 5,4,3,2,! – start! (The situation is a competition between athletes, says sports commentator).

Exercise “Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make peace”

Target: develop the ability to express your feelings and understand the feelings of another person.


The game is played in pairs with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length.

The teacher gives tasks:

- Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, introduce your hands, try to get to know your neighbor better, lower your hands;

- stretch your arms forward again, find your neighbor’s hands, your hands are quarreling, lower your hands;

- your hands are looking for each other again, they want to make peace, your hands are making peace, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends.

Game "Glue Stream"

Target: develop the ability to act together and exercise self- and mutual control over activities; learn to trust and help those with whom you communicate.


Before the game, the teacher talks with the children about friendship and mutual assistance, that together they can overcome any obstacles.

Children stand one after another and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front. In this position they overcome various obstacles.

1. Get up and get off the chair.

2. Crawl under the table.

3. Go around the “wide lake”.

4. Make your way through the “dense forest”.

5. Hide from wild animals.

An indispensable condition for the guys: throughout the game they should not become detached from each other.

Exercise “Guess who I am?”


Children get something unusual homework: imagine yourself in the role of some fairy-tale hero, writer, artist, animal and, coming to class for a lesson, move and express yourself on his behalf. You can use group roles (for example, Little Red Riding Hood and gray wolf). The rest of the students must guess who their classmate has turned into. It is necessary to agree in advance whether it is possible to use elements of the costume and scenery. After finishing the exercise, analyzing the results of its implementation, it is necessary to note the successful performance of one or another role, but in no case should you make direct evaluative comments, otherwise next time the child simply will not want to play and will refuse to participate.

Prepared by the teacher

Abdrakhmanova Guzel Yusupovna

Branch MBDOU No. 1 village. Neverkino in the village. Aleevo

The formation of communication skills is an important condition for the normal psychological development of a child. And also one of the main tasks of preparing him for later life. Preschool children need to understand what to say and in what form to express their thoughts, be aware of how others will perceive what is said, and the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

Communication skills are developed in everyday activities, didactic, active, role-playing games.

We offer you games to develop communication skills. These games are aimed at developing constructive communication skills, the ability to derive joy from communication, the ability to listen and hear another person, and the emotional sphere.

Goals and objectives:

A sense of unity, cohesion, the ability to act in a team, the removal of bodily barriers;

Ability to establish positive relationships and notice positive qualities others and express it in words, give compliments;

Ability to resolve conflict situations and overcome conflicts in communication with each other;

Development of non-verbal and substantive methods of interaction;

Creating a favorable atmosphere of direct, free communication and emotional intimacy.

glue stick

Target: develop the ability to act together and exercise self- and mutual control over activities; learn to trust and help those with whom you communicate.

Before the game, the teacher talks with the children about friendship and mutual assistance, that together they can overcome any obstacles.

Children stand one after another and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front. In this position they overcome various obstacles.

1. Get up and get off the chair.

2. Crawl under the table.

3. Go around the “wide lake”.

4. Make your way through the “dense forest”.

5. Hide from wild animals.

An indispensable condition for the guys: throughout the entire game they should not become detached from each other.

Magic algae

Target: removing bodily barriers, developing the ability to achieve goals using acceptable methods of communication.

Each participant (in turn) tries to penetrate the circle formed by the children. Algae understand human speech and feel touch and can relax and let them into the circle, or they may not let them in if they are asked poorly.

Polite words

Target: development of respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

The game is played with a ball in a circle. Children throw a ball to each other, saying polite words. Say only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, we are glad to meet you); gratitude (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apology (sorry, pardon, sorry, sorry); farewells (goodbye, see you later, good night).

A gift for everyone

Target: develop the ability to make friends, make right choice, cooperate with peers, sense of team.

The children are given the task: “If you were a wizard and could work miracles, what would you give to all of us now?” or “If you had Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, what wish would you make?” Each child makes one wish by tearing one petal from a common flower.

Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east,

Through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, you will.

Order to...

At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish for everyone.

Magic bouquet of flowers

Target: Learn to show attention to others, establish friendly relationships, notice the positive qualities of others and express this in words, give compliments.

Equipment: Green fabric or cardboard, cut out petals for each child.

Educator (points to a piece of fabric lying on the floor). This is a green meadow. What is your mood when you look at this clearing?

Children. Sad, sad, boring.

Educator . What do you think is missing from it?

Children. Flowers.

Educator. Not fun life in such a clearing. This is how it is between people: life without respect and attention turns out gloomy, gray and sad. Would you like to please each other now? Let's play "Compliments".

Children take turns taking one petal at a time, complimenting anyone their age and laying it out in the clearing. Kind words should be told to every child.

Educator. Look guys, what beautiful flowers have grown from your words in this clearing. What's your mood now?

Children . Cheerful, happy.

The teacher thus leads to the idea that we need to be more attentive to each other and say good words.

Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make peace

Target: develop the ability to express your feelings and understand the feelings of another person.

The game is played in pairs with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length.

The teacher gives tasks:

Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, introduce your hands, try to get to know your neighbor better, lower your hands;

Stretch your hands forward again, find your neighbor's hands, your hands are quarreling, lower your hands;

Your hands are looking for each other again, they want to make peace, your hands are making peace, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends.

Situation games

Target: develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express your thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are asked to role-play a number of situations:

1. Two boys quarreled - reconcile them.

2. If you really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your group, ask him.

3. You found a weak, tortured kitten on the street - take pity on it.

4. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.

5. You came to new group– Meet the children and tell us about yourself.

6. You have lost your car - go up to the children and ask if they have seen it.

7. You come to the library - ask the librarian for a book you are interested in.

8. The guys are playing interesting game- ask the guys to accept you. What will you do if they don't want to accept you?

9. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share with him.

10. The child is crying - calm him down.

11. If you can’t tie your shoelace, ask a friend to help you.

12. Guests have come to you - introduce them to your parents, show them your room and your toys.

13. You came from a walk hungry - what will you tell your mother or grandmother.

14. The children are having breakfast. Vitya took a piece of bread and rolled it into a ball. Looking around so that no one would notice, he threw it and hit Fedya in the eye. Fedya grabbed his eye and screamed. – What can you say about Vitya’s behavior? How should you handle bread? Can we say that Vitya was joking?

Rug of reconciliation

Target: Develop communication skills and conflict resolution skills.

Coming from a walk, the teacher tells the children that two boys had a fight on the street today. Invites opponents to sit opposite each other on the “Rug of Reconciliation” in order to find out the cause of the discord and find a way to peacefully resolve the problem. This game is also used when discussing “How to share a toy.”

Draw a proverb

Target: develop the ability to use nonverbal means of communication.

Children are invited to depict a proverb using gestures and facial expressions:

“The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out and you won’t catch it”

“Tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are.”

“If you don’t have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care.”

“As it comes around, so it will respond”

Conversation through glass

Target: develop the skill of facial expressions and gestures.

Children stand opposite each other and perform the game exercise “Through the Glass”. They need to imagine that there is thick glass between them, it does not allow sound to pass through. One group of children will need to be shown (for example, “You forgot to put on your hat,” “I’m cold,” “I’m thirsty...”) and the other group will have to guess what they saw.


Target: Develop respect in communication. Consider the interests of other children.

The teacher offers the children a magic felt-tip pen that turns simple squiggles into different objects, animals, plants. The first player takes a felt-tip pen and draws a small squiggle on the sheet. Then he offers this sheet to the next player, who will complete the squiggle so that it turns out to be some object, or animal, or plant. Then the second player draws a new squiggle for the next player, and so on. At the end, the winner of the game is determined.

Press conference

Target: develop the ability to politely answer questions from interlocutors, formulate answers briefly and correctly; develop speech skills.

All children in the group participate in a press conference on any topic (for example: “Your day off”, “Excursion to the zoo”, “Friend’s birthday”, “At the circus”, etc.). One of the participants in the press conference, the “guest” (the one who will be asked all the questions), sits in the center and answers any questions from the children.

Understand me

Target: develop the ability to navigate people’s role positions and communication situations.

The child comes forward and comes up with a speech of 4-5 sentences. Children must guess who is speaking (tour guide, journalist, teacher, literary character) and in what situation such words are possible. For example, “And then everyone went to the starting line. 5,4,3,2,! – start! (The situation is a competition between athletes, says the sports commentator).

Without a mask

Target: develop the ability to share your feelings, experiences, and moods with friends.

Before the game starts, the teacher tells the children how important it is to be honest, open and frank towards their loved ones and comrades.

All participants sit in a circle. Children, without preparation, continue the statement started by the teacher. Here is the approximate content of unfinished sentences:

“What I really want is...”;

“I especially don’t like it when...”;

“Once I was very frightened by the fact that...”;

“I remember an incident when I felt unbearably ashamed. I…".


This game can be played alone with a child or with several children. The child looks in the “mirror”, which repeats all his movements, gestures, and facial expressions. The “mirror” can be a parent or another child. You can portray not yourself, but someone else, “Mirror” must guess, then switch roles. Play helps the child open up, feel more free and relaxed.

"Swan, crayfish and pike."

Target develop the child’s attention, improve the coordination of his movements, improve communication skills in pairs, and instill a “feeling of a partner.”

Two people can take part in the game. Children, positioned back to back, with their hands joined at the elbow joints, must reach at the leader’s signal, with each person standing in front of them. additional task- Drag your opponent to your side. The teacher makes sure that the children do not injure themselves.

Game "Investigation"

Target: development of processes of attention, memory, observation. It also develops the child’s analytical abilities, and, of course, communication skills.

To play, all participants close their eyes, the leader selects one of the children and places him behind a slightly transparent curtain. Then all the children open their eyes on command, and the leader announces that they must understand who is behind the curtain (in fact, who is missing among them). Having remembered this child, children must remember as many details associated with him as possible - eye color, clothing, and give as accurate a portrait of the missing person as possible. When the guessing ends, the child comes out from behind the curtain, everyone can see and compare how accurate their description was.

Game "Cheerful Centipede"

Goal: to develop both communication skills and processes of observation and attention.

Don't forget to play some fun music for the kids!

At least six children participate in the game - the more, the better. Participants should stand behind each other with their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. The first player, accordingly, turns out to be the leader; he directs the movement of the centipede. An adult regulates the movement of the centipede using the rhythm and tempo of the music. If the children have successfully completed this stage of the task, it can be made more difficult by asking the children to complicate their movement with various intricate movements.

Game "Loaf".

Children stand in a circle. One (the bravest) child stands in the center of the circle. The children begin to move to the right in a circle with the words: “On Nastya’s name day we baked a loaf, this wide (stretch the circle wide), this high (raise their hands up), this is the dinner (approach the center). Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you want!” Nastya says: “I love everyone, of course, but Alina more than anyone.” Alina stands in the center of the circle, and the children dance in pairs. Children in a circle also perform dance movements. The game repeats itself.

"Broken Phone"

Children in a chain pass a word into each other's ears. The latter must say this word out loud. Then the guys figure out what word they were supposed to convey, where the “phone” went bad.

"I know five names"

According to the rules of the game, participants throw the ball up or hit it on the ground with the words: “I know five names of boys (girls, names of cities, animals, flowers, etc.) while counting: Dima-one, Vasya-two, Lesha- three, etc.

When the ball is thrown, only one name is pronounced.

If a player makes a mistake or thinks for a long time, the ball is passed to another participant. The winner is the player who played with the ball the longest and never made a mistake.

Right and left

Rhythmic game for imitation and mastering the body diagram.

The right and left drive the trains.

The right and the left build cities.

The right and left can sew and darn.

The right and left can clap loudly.

The night is over the city,

My hands are so tired

The right and left sleep on a blanket.

While reciting the poem, the participants accompany it with appropriate movements: they alternately show the right and left hand and imitate the actions that are spoken of.

It's Raining - Rhythmic imitation game.

It's raining, and we're running -

We hurry to hide in the house.

The rain will knock on the window -

We won't let you in anyway.

Participants recite a poem and perform the appropriate movements: clap their hands, stomp their feet, make a “roof” by joining their hands above their heads, knock index finger on the knee, shaking their head.

The deer has a big house

Rhythmic imitation game. Allows you to work on your tempo.

The deer has a big house,

He looks out his window.

A hare runs through the forest,

There's a knock on his door:

“Knock, knock, open the door!

There’s an evil hunter in the forest!”

“Bunny, bunny, run in,

Give me your paw!”

While reciting the poem, the participants accompany it with appropriate movements.

Option: you can tell and show the poem several times in a row, gradually increasing the tempo from time to time.

Game "Velcro"

All children move around the room. Two children, holding hands, try to catch their peers. At the same time they chorus (sentence): “I am a sticky stick, I want to catch you - we’ll stick together!” The “Velcro” take each caught child by the hand, joining him to their “Velcro” company. They then catch the other children together.

Game "Snake"

Children stand in different places in the room. The presenter begins to walk and say: “I am a snake, a snake, a snake, I crawl, crawl, crawl. Do you want to be my tail?" If the child agrees, he must crawl between the leader’s legs and stand behind him. The game continues until everyone has gathered into the “snake”.

Game "Cooks"

Everyone stands in a circle - this is a saucepan. Now we will prepare compote. Each participant comes up with what kind of fruit he will have (apple, cherry, pear). The presenter shouts out in turn what he wants to put in the pan. The one who recognizes himself stands in a circle, the next participant who stands up takes the hands of the previous one. Until all the components are in the circle, the game continues. The result is a tasty and beautiful compote. You can also cook soup or make a vinaigrette this way.

Game "The Wind Blows on..."

The presenter begins the game with the words “The wind blows on...”. In order for the participants in the game to learn more about each other, questions could be as follows: “The wind blows on the one who has blonde hair“- after these words, all the fair-haired people gather nearby in one place. “The wind blows on the one who has... a sister”, “who loves sweets” and so on...

"Nose to nose"

Children are free to move around the room and move in any direction. At an adult’s command, for example, “Nose to nose,” they stand in pairs and touch each other’s noses. The commands can be varied: “Palm to palm”, “Knee to knee”, “Ear to ear”, etc.

Film reel

Target: development of non-verbal means of communication, memory development.

Number of players: group (6-7 people).

Game description: children sit in a circle and create a movie “from the first word.” The first child comes up with a word, the second must repeat it and add one of his own words, the third must repeat the first two words and say his own, the fourth must repeat the first three words and say the fourth, etc. When all the children have said what they want, they must show the film with with the help of plasticity and facial expressions.