Musical sound of a certain pitch 3 letters. Sound of a certain pitch

\ For a physics teacher

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Information conference on the topic: “Living in the world of sounds is happiness.”

Lesson development sent by: Artyukhova Lyudmila Ivanovna, physics teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 56, Petrov Val, Kamyshinsky Municipal District, Volgograd region [email protected]

Goals: consolidation of students’ knowledge on the topic “Sound phenomena”; instill self-education skills, develop the ability to speak publicly; develop creative technical abilities.

Equipment: oscilloscope, microphone, tuning forks, bead threads, musical instruments, metal ruler, beaker, tables, wall newspapers, homemade devices(flute, St.

pen, bottle phone), air balloons, sand, bell, student presentations, computer, multimedia projector.

Students are divided into groups: biologists, historians and writers, music lovers, architects, ecologists and doctors.

Organizing time

Performing a short piece of music on the violin, recording the trill of a bird, the noise of a running engine.


What did we hear? That's right, sounds made by bodies.

By chance I came across a card. It has these lines:

I am turning to you for help.

I am a deaf person.

Living in the world of sounds is happiness.

I don't have that kind of happiness.

I don’t know natural sounds.

There is no way to talk...

You and I have the opportunity to hear and speak.

People have long guessed that sounds can be born, move or die. Without much knowledge, they made wonderful instruments and built beautiful theaters and cathedrals. But to

When the task arose of building a supersonic plane or creating a high-quality recording, you can’t go anywhere without science.

What is the name of the science of the nature of sound? That's right, acoustics. But there are physiological, architectural, and technical acoustics. How are they different? What do they have in common?

Today you are not just students, you are specialists studying sound in integration with other academic subjects.

The signs on your tables indicate that you were seriously preparing for the information conference. What is the purpose of the lesson?

(Write the topic and purpose of the lesson on the board).

Updating knowledge

You need to open the conference using the key:

1. Vibrations of an elastic medium perceived by the human ear ( 1 letter).

2. Sound of one specific frequency ( 3 letter).

3. Branch of physics that studies sound waves ( 1 letter).

4. Low frequency vibrations that are not perceived by the human ear ( 1 letter).

5. Changes occurring in nature ( 1 letter).

I. The floor is given to a group of biologists.

Messages (presentation):

1. Sources of sound in humans.

2. The structure of the human hearing aid.

4. Bioacoustics of fish.


II. Historians and writers report on the completion of the task.


1. Talking statues.

2. Bluebells in the desert.

3. What is an echo?

4. Why does the wind howl?


An excerpt of a piece of music is played.

III. Performance by the music lovers section.

1 student: Dear friends! Who among us doesn't love music? Opera, symphonic, pop - music is an integral part of the spiritual culture of mankind. Music can express feelings

and the thoughts of people of different nationalities, its language is understandable to everyone.

2nd student: Music is wonderful! But what does physics have to do with it?

1 student: Music is sounds. The sound produced by a tuning fork is a sound of one frequency. It's called musical tone. In the auditory sense, sounds vary in pitch, volume, timbre

These physiological characteristics depend on the frequency, amplitude and shape of the vibrations. Look, here is an oscilloscope and a microphone. We excite the tuning fork. We see that the oscillations are sinusoidal

long-distance, of the same frequency and amplitude. Let's hit harder. What was the amplitude of the oscillations? What is the sound volume? Let's try to pronounce the same word. Is the vibration shape the same?


1 student: We hear sounds from 16 to 20000Hz. A sound with a frequency of 16 Hz is the lowest that a person can hear. The organ makes such sounds. Using a grand piano you can get sounds from 27 to 4096 Hz, violo

bass from 65 to 1500 Hz, drum from 50 to 5000 Hz. Human voices divided by frequency range as follows:

male - bass, baritone, tenor; female - contralto, mezzo-soprano, coloratura soprano. The sounds of the lowest bass have a frequency of 60-350 Hz. Singer Kasper Fesper made sounds in frequency

2nd student: Listen to the sound of a sea shell. Why? How to eavesdrop on what they are saying in the next room? Why does a phonendoscope have a box? Why do we involuntarily open our mouths when

and listening to distant noise? What do all these tasks have in common? We are observing the phenomenon of acoustic resonance. What it is?

Here are 2 tuning forks of the same frequency. Let's excite one of them, and then touch it with our hand. He fell silent. Let's repeat the experiment. Why do we hear the sound of another tuning fork? Vibrations of the first tuning fork

caused a difference in air pressure, which led to oscillatory motion branches of the second tuning fork. Having understood what resonance is, we can explain why a Cameron, a guitar, a balalaika, a violin, etc.

resonator boxes are needed. They contain air, which is an oscillatory system. The dimensions of the boxes are selected in such a way that the air column resonates with the vibrations of the branches

her tuning fork, strings. At the same time, the sounds will be amplified. The phenomenon of resonance is used in all musical instruments. Organ pipes, wind pipes, violin bodies, g

Itar, having a whole set of natural frequencies, resonates with the tones and overtones of primary sound sources, enhances their radiation, giving the sounds strength and timbre.

3rd student: Here's the guitar. It only has 6 strings. But how many sounds can you get? Why?

(Demonstration of homemade musical instruments and explanation of the principles of their operation.)

IV. The floor is given to representatives of architecture:

Our group needs to find out what properties of sound waves are used and taken into account in the construction of churches, concert halls and residential premises.

1 student: The responsibilities of an architect include not only creating appearance buildings, but also thinking through the internal layout. Architects of past centuries planned halls for dining

meetings through trial and error. The ancient Greeks and Romans invented the amphitheater. Already in those days they knew acoustic secrets that amaze us even now: on stage you can go broke

roll a piece of paper and this faint sound will be clearly audible at the very top of the amphitheater, tens of meters from the stage. In ancient temples they created wonderful acoustic effects: you can

then speak in one corner of the temple, and in the opposite corner the whisper is clearly distinguishable. During the construction of open amphitheaters and closed temple buildings, reflection was used, etc.

breaking and focusing of sound waves. There have been failures. It was worth at least slightly changing the dimensions of a well-planned building, and new hall chalked up poor acoustics. Theo became necessary

retic studies. Architectural acoustics emerges. Its founder was the American physicist Valek Sabin.

In a closed room, sound may be reflected. This leads to reverberation - an increase in the duration of sounds. In this case, speech will be unintelligible. Reverberation time depends on the material

for covering the ceiling, walls, chairs, depending on the shape and size of the hall. The absorption coefficient of all materials depends on the frequency of sound. Wood, plaster absorb 3% of the incident energy

wuka. Fabrics absorb sound more strongly. One person's clothing absorbs as much sound energy as 20 square meters plaster. Velvet-lined boxes are a thing of the past. Xie

Light, fire-resistant, porous materials are now used.

Experience: speak words into the microphone. Place cotton wool on the way. It can be seen that the amplitude of the oscillations has become smaller. We also use sound absorption by porous bodies at home. To make it quieter, they put

upholstered furniture, carpets, upholstery made of soundproof material.

The messages are accompanied by a presentation.

V. Report of the work of a group of ecologists and doctors.

We needed to find out how noise affects the physiological and psychological condition person.

What is noise? What effect does it have on the human body?

Research work was carried out in the following directions.

1 student: What are the characteristics of sound: intensity and volume, hearing threshold, pain threshold, noise characteristics of buildings, roads, a number of enterprises, sanitary standards;

2nd student: Conversation with a locomotive depot safety engineer on the following questions: what is the noise level in the workshops, in an electric locomotive, in a diesel locomotive? How do infrasonic vibrations affect the locomotive crew? Are there antisleep installations?

3rd student: Conversation with the shop doctor: How often for medical care do drivers and assistants address? What is their age? How does noise affect nervous system and hearing loss of teams?

4 student: Using a noise meter, we measured the noise level during recess at school, on the street, near schools and kindergartens.

5th student: A message about the dangers of misusing portable players.

Lesson summary.

Teacher: What new did we learn in class today? Which performances did you like best? What comments can be made about the work of the conference?


Homework assignment to choose from: make a simple one musical instrument, prepare reports on infrasounds and ultrasounds, make a presentation, publish a wall newspaper.

Sound of a certain pitch

First letter "t"

Second letter "o"

Third letter "n"

The last letter of the letter is "n"

Answer for the clue "Sound of a certain pitch", 3 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word tone

Confidential... conversation

In addition to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, it operates all 34 stations on the St. Petersburg-Moscow line

Physical characteristics pitch

The hue and sound of speech and the colors of an artistic canvas

Definition of the word tone in dictionaries

Dictionary Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. D.N. Ushakov
tones, plural tones-tones, tones, m. (Greek tonos). sound generated by periodic vibrations of air, musical sound, in contrast to noise (physical, musical). A chord is a simultaneous combination of three, four or five different tones arranged in a certain...

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
"Tone" is a polysemantic term.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal
m. French music every sound, ringing, hum, voice; and every change in sound is an increase or decrease in tone. Hit the tone, hit the given note. music sound quality or language. Good and bad violin tone. This piano has a full, thick and soft tone. String tone...

Examples of the use of the word tone in literature.

Replacing the wartime distinctions of red garus with gold braid and adopting the arrogant attitude of the Germans tone winners, the former modest lieutenants and captains looked like colonels, the colonels looked like generals, and the latter seemed like unapproachable marshals.

Or rather, Abdallah Hasan switched to a shrill tone, but Seryoga was quiet, but spoke all sorts of nonsense.

Last paragraph So, having a theme and concept, collecting and processing the material, drawing up a plan and thinking about the plot, protecting yourself from cliches, overcoming the resistance of the first paragraph and thus finding the right one tone stories, etc.

Four of my guys died during the boarding attack,” he noted in an insinuatingly quiet tone.

But, having finished the etiquette part, with a sharp tone said: “You handed Abe over to me, but you constantly call him and give him different instructions.”