Fomenko, Livanov and Masha. The difficult fate of Maria Golubkina

According to Maria's calculations, she and Boris were happy together for four months. Golubkina announced sensational news about her engagement to the son of the legendary actor, star of the Sherlock Holmes films Vasily Livanov on Lera Kudryavtseva’s show “Secret to a Million” in June.


However, the happiness of the bride and groom did not last long. On July 24, Boris left a very ambiguous entry on his official social media page. Facebook networks. “I solemnly swear that I’m only planning a prank and the prank was a success, stay happy dear Masha... hey, it was fun, to be honest! ;D,” Livanov was dumbfounded.

Journalists have flocked to find out from Boris the details of the breakup, but he is unapproachable. But Golubkina turned out to be surprisingly sociable. Maria explained to reporters why Livanov did not suit her.

According to the actress, they made the decision to break up yesterday. “That’s why he wrote... In our country, men... are not very mature. So Borya: he succumbed to the impulse, freaked out. Now it’s such a fashion: in the heat of the moment, immediately write on Facebook. And then you don’t know how to get out. Well, okay, the main thing is, that everyone is alive and well,” Golubkina noted with irony.

Maria has probably already forgotten how she herself appeared at the opening of the Moscow International Film Festival in 2013. wedding dress. Then the actress said that she did not have time to change clothes after registering the marriage. Then it appeared great interview Golubkina, where she talked about her marriage and said that her chosen one was a certain cosmonaut named Andrei.

Then, when numerous fans had already become accustomed to the artist’s new marital status, another interview with Maria appeared, in which she stated that she had invented the wedding for the sake of PR. She also spent a lot of effort trying to get out.

However, now Golubkina emphasized that her feelings for Livanov were genuine. “I fell in love. And like a normal Russian woman I ran to save, help, wash, cook, barbecue... Does this happen? I really fell in love, honestly,” Maria assured reporters.

Domestic difficulties put an end to their marriage with Boris. You won't get far on romance alone. “It’s one thing to fall in love, as happens only in youth. And another thing is to live as a family. We lived with Borya for four months, and that was enough for us. Thank you all, everyone is free. Romance is one thing, running a joint household is another thing. Daily life so ordinary, so simple - screw in a light bulb, apply for a loan or vacuum the apartment. And here the questions begin,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the runaway bride.

The actress does not hold a grudge against her now ex-fiancé. Moreover, Maria, according to her, is incredibly grateful to Boris for four happy months. “Then we will live according to circumstances. Maybe we will quarrel, then make up. Kolya Fomenko and I had a big fight at one time,” Golubkina recalled her ex-husband. “We divorced, quarreled, the relationship was hot as an iron. And now we are in a brilliant relationship "This is our merit in half. We are for each other - a mountain. And it is not necessary to live together to love each other."

Maria emphasized that she and Boris did not quarrel. There was and is no conflict, despite rumors about Livanov’s tough character, who served out his sentence. “We parted completely peacefully. And now we talk on the phone for hours. Actually, it was I who ran away, not him. I was tired. And he, by the way, was tired of me too,” the actress stated. “Borya is a very good, intelligent, wonderful man "We're just very mature."

Golubkina partly blames herself for the current situation. “I have a healthy character. Where can I put it?” the artist shrugs. “And with age it becomes even stronger. I know what I’m ready to put up with and what I’ll never give in. At the age of 21, I was already a “Bryansk goat,” when I married Kolya Fomenko. Psychologically, it’s quite difficult to be around me. “I don’t have a feminine character.”

Maria and Boris could not agree on who would be the boss in their house. "Just imagine: single people who have lived alone for many years have decided to live together. In order for adults to arrange family life, you need to jump over your head. They are so used to spinning in their orbit. But probably neither I nor Borya are capable of jumping that high,” Golubkina dropped her hands.

There weren't many hobbies in her life. Tomboy girl from acting family I always received enough attention from my parents’ friends, who came to visit Andrei Mironov and Larisa Golubkina every day. As a little girl, she confessed her love to Shirvindt: “I love Shura because he is the most beautiful!” Mashenka declared to all the guests.

This love, by the standards of a child, was very long-term: Masha loved Shura for at least three years. The hobby was funny and childish. But the time came, and Masha fell in love for the first time.

“What kind of family is this?”

The first lover was the charming Nikolai Fomenko, an actor and TV presenter, famous throughout the country for his amazing sense of humor. Maria could not resist either. She first saw Nikolai as a 17-year-old girl. He was 28, married, and radiated optimism and happiness. However, Fomenko was too old. It took her a couple of years to realize that there was a spark between them.

She first saw Nikolai as a 17-year-old girl. He was 28, married, and radiated optimism and happiness.

After them, already a student and future artist Masha Golubkina again met the radiant Kolya. He was again “the guy” for everyone, joked sparklingly and... was married! Now - for the second time. It was during this fateful meeting that Fomenko dragged Masha to him and never let go. And she commented later: he is in Moscow, his wife is in St. Petersburg, there are no children - what kind of family is this? And she didn’t refuse the role of a homewrecker at all.

Not jealousy, but envy

Two children and 13 years of idyll, the lovers ended in divorce. They talked about the breakup throughout the country during joint interview on the radio. For an hour and a half of broadcast, the couple teased each other: either Masha or Nikolai were constantly sarcastic and witty in relation to the other half, and by the end they admitted that they had not lived together for several months.

In several interviews, Maria took the blame for the divorce on herself. Despite persistent rumors about Nikolai's betrayal, she admitted that his frequent trips to the left never bothered her. They say there is no jealousy - there is envy. While you are changing diapers and cooking borscht, someone is drinking cold champagne on the beach. “Why not me?” - Masha always thought.

Children choose for themselves

Golubkina said that she was a real vixen, she got angry, made scandals, and once completely threw her out wedding ring and drove off to Crimea with the first available transport.

The divorce was not noisy. Former spouses They didn’t divide the property and were able to explain to the children what was happening. The latter now themselves chose which of their parents they would spend the night with, who at the moment they need life more. And a little later, Fomenko and Golubkina decided to educate their children abroad. As a result, they received their education in London.

When the children left, Maria said in her interviews that the feat of motherhood does not lie in childbirth, feeding and washing, but precisely in the ability to let the child go in time to where it will be better for him, to where he is now drawn.

She was not at all afraid of being alone in a Moscow mansion of 400 square meters; on the contrary, now the actress began to devote more time to herself and her personal life.

It never happened and here it is again

After the divorce and the children moved, Maria said that she no longer needed a relationship and would never get married. And a year ago, on one of television programs suddenly admitted that a beloved man had appeared in her life.

The actress had known Boris Livanov, the son of the legendary Sherlock Holmes, since childhood: her uncle (Andrei Mironov’s brother Kirill Lascari) was friends with the Livanovs, and after Mironov’s death he practically replaced Masha’s father. Of course, she simply could not help but be familiar with Borya. Moreover: having met him in the corridors of “Pike”, she warmly supported him. I knew how demanding admissions committee refers to the children of celebrities. However, the couple did not communicate until recently, and now...

And then one day Boris himself found Masha on social networks and asked to be his friend. The woman was delighted and they exchanged phone numbers. First, a strong friendship between two adults, each of whom has love, marriage, children and breakups behind them. Then there were persistent rumors that Masha had moved from the mansion to Boris. And now - their confession to the whole country that soon Golubkina and Livanov will marry and even get married.

Isn't it over yet?

Most fans simply did not believe in the likelihood of such a marriage. Others wished the lovers happiness. Livanov once publicly announced on his social network that everything was a joke and nothing happened between them. And he said goodbye to Golubkina.

She responded by telling the media that they were “simply too old” for a new relationship. At the end of the whole story, Boris posted long story relationship, in which he nevertheless admitted that his and Masha’s things were still lying in his apartment and waiting for them to appear there again. However, he did not deny that the marriage announcement was a PR stunt.

However, already in the winter of 2018, new information appeared about the Golubkina-Livanov couple: they reconciled again. In the spring, they separated again. And in the summer, literally a month ago, Maria publicly admitted that she was very much in love with Borya and considered him “handsome as greek god”, but dotted all the i’s: since they didn’t agree, she considers herself free, does not remain faithful to Livanov, although she misses him wildly.

The celebrity romance is developing so rapidly that news about their love and breakups is likely to appear.

The 44-year-old lover of actress Maria Golubkina, actor Boris Livanov, shared with Boris Korchevnikov for the first time how he ended up behind bars, and how difficult his relationship with Golubkina is.

Middle son people's artist RSFSR Vasily Livanov Boris became a guest of the program “The Fate of a Man”, in which for the first time he openly spoke about the circumstances of what happened, because of which he ended up in prison. In 2009, Boris Livanov was convicted of murder, from which he was released on parole in 2014.

Boris Livanov was married only once. His chosen one, Ekaterina, did not like the artist’s parents because she abused alcohol with her husband.
« Katya has always been very positive, but some things brought her down. Of course, she and I drank, I drank all my life along with everyone else, but for some reason they always noticed me, even if compared to the others I was almost not drunk. Some time after the birth of our daughter, we had to separate"- said Boris. According to him, the fatal blow for Catherine was that their daughter Eva was born deaf - this is what provoked her addiction to alcohol.

In 2005, Boris and Ekaterina divorced. Daughter Eva more often lived with Vasily Livanov and his wife, since her mother was being treated for alcoholism. Boris had already met with another woman, but in a fateful New Year's Eve In 2009, he again found himself in the company of Ekaterina. The artist celebrated the holiday in Khimki. At the height of the celebration, Boris and his friends left the apartment to buy more alcohol, and the owner jumped out behind them with a knife. According to witnesses, Livanov stabbed Khromov several times.

Maria Golubkina and Boris Livanov with their daughter Eva

« I woke up in the police station with no idea how I got here. At first, this did not cause me any concerns: at that time I had visited almost all police departments in Moscow. And then someone says to me: “Why did you kill a man?”
At first I thought it was a joke, but I didn’t remember anything. There are a lot of questions in this case. Witnesses said that I was holding the knife in my left hand, although I am right-handed. Someone claimed that I was defending myself. The man I killed was drunk, his blood did not clot from large quantity ppm If he had been sober, he would have been slightly injured... The situation is very murky, I don’t know what happened. Until the end I didn’t admit my guilt"- recalls Livanov.

As a result, Boris was sentenced to eight years in prison. His daughter, by court decision, lived with Vasily Livanov and his wife Elena. In February 2016, after a family conflict, 13-year-old Eva ran away to her mother. Subsequently, the girl returned several times and went back to Catherine. Two years later, Eva was completely reconciled with her father and grandparents.

Last summer, Boris Livanov and Maria Golubkina announced their engagement. The couple then announced their breakup, but New Year spent together again. Maria admitted that she loves Boris, but it is very difficult for them to be near each other for a long time. Livanov admits that he cannot imagine a future without Golubkina. " We have a wonderful relationship, incredibly complex. I'm now a victim domestic violence on her part. It took all my experience to attract her and keep her for at least some time. She has an excellent relationship with my parents. This is love“, - Boris said frankly.

« And to the question: “So what’s going on between you?” I’ll answer - we have a Battle! The battle of Patriarchy and Matriarchy, Yin and Yang, male chauvinism and female feminism, Christianity and paganism, classics and fantasy, Day and Night, in short and in general - everything with everything. A truce is periodically declared so that the orderlies of consciousness will remove wounded arguments from the field, and we can take a break from each other. But, and this is important - no one loses or wins, so far, a damn year and a half already, treating each other with love and tenderness", Boris admits.

« It’s funny that the station is very symbolic in our relationship with Masha - we either meet each other for life, then we see each other off forever, so that, with even greater passion, we meet again", noted Livanov.

43-year-old Maria Golubkina went through a difficult divorce 9 years ago. Her husband Nikolai Fomenko fell in love with another woman and decided to leave Golubkina, with whom he lived for 12 years. But all this time, Fomenko supported and communicated with his son and daughter from his marriage to Golubkina. The couple’s children study abroad, and Golubkina herself lives in the mansion that Fomenko left to her and the children after the divorce. Lately her lover began to visit her. Finally, the actress has arranged her personal life - Golubkina is preparing for her wedding with 43-year-old Boris Livanov, the son of People's Artist Vasily Livanov.

Masha assured in the “Secret to a Million” program that she is not afraid of her chosen one’s past. Let us recall that Boris Livanov was convicted of murder for 8 years, served his sentence in a maximum security colony in the Voronezh region, and was released after 5 years, thanks to his exemplary behavior in the colony. According to the official version, Boris Livanov, in a drunken brawl, killed a man with whom he drank alcohol in the same company. Livanov was released in 2014, settled at his parents’ dacha, began writing a book, family archive. He and his wife are divorced, and their common daughter Eva lives with him and the elder Livanovs.

Maria Golubkina and Boris Livanov are familiar with student years- studied together at the Shchukin School. The couple has been dating for almost a year.

“Masha was charming and unattainable, because she had friends older and smarter than us,” Boris Livanov said in the studio of the program. “I always liked her: with this pure, unclouded feeling, I came to visit her to voice the idea of ​​​​a project. But literally fifteen minutes later I forgot about the purpose of the visit. I understood why Masha couldn’t get out of my head for twenty-five years - it turned out that I was in love

Golubkina admitted that at first she doubted the sincerity of Boris’s feelings:

- Wants something from me? For me to look after him? Does he want to sit on my neck? That's what I thought, but then I appreciated that he was smart, handsome, talented, his parents would be better than mine. He can snap his finger and girls will appear, but he chose me. And then I decided that this was my last time.

We have collected 10 facts about Boris Livanov that are known only to his relatives.

1. On that fateful New Year's Eve when the murder occurred, Livanov found himself visiting his ex-wife, although he lived with another woman. In an interview, Boris Livanov admitted that at that time he had a creative crisis, and the relationship with his beloved, whom he had been pursuing for a long time, was overshadowed by everyday troubles. He hasn't worked or written for 2 years. But there was a smart and intelligent woman nearby, this calmed and pleased the parents, but not Boris. Therefore, he visited his ex, and there a drunken fight and tragedy happened.

2. During visits in prison, Livanov’s parents told their son that the same woman Natasha had forgiven everything, loved him and was waiting for his return from prison. But when Boris was freed, it turned out that no one was waiting for him. He registered on social networks, found his beloved, but it turned out that she was no longer available.

3. But soon after being released on parole, Boris Livanov himself changed his status marital status V social networks to "meets". Having mastered social networks with the help of his daughter, Boris began communicating with Angelina Frolova. They studied together at GITIS, in addition, the couple even had a relationship in their youth. “Spring began in autumn for the first time twenty years ago. And then there was long winter and again it’s spring here,” Livanov beautifully and skillfully wrote about his feelings.

Angelina has two sons, they managed to make friends with Boris and his daughter. But the couple broke up. After which Boris met for a short time with another former classmate.

4. During the trial of Boris Livanov, a friend of his ex-wife Ekaterina confirmed that during meetings with Boris, Katya mixed psychotropic drugs into alcohol. And she did this to get her husband back.

In an interview after his release, Boris and his family said that he did not remember the events of January 1st. Allegedly, he was not drunk, but was in a lethargic, not entirely adequate state; the policemen who arrested him also spoke about this.

Vasily Livanov and his ex-daughter-in-law Catherine.

5. Boris Livanov claimed in an interview that he remembered and would have felt that he had killed a person even in an unconscious state: “Not for a minute did I have the feeling that I was guilty of the death of a person... I consider what happened a monstrous tragedy that not only took life person, but also forced two families to go through hell—the deceased’s and mine.”

Boris Livanov in the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program.

6. Vasily Livanov emphasized that Boris’s life went downhill, he started drinking when he fell in love with Katya: “All his girls were from good families, beauties. And here is a strange character, free to the point of indecency, drinking.” The father explained his son’s choice by the fact that Borya wanted to know his friend’s side of life. In addition, next to her there was no need to live up to a famous surname and achieve something.

The famous actor Vasily Livanov said that his life rests on 3 pillars: family, faith and work. “I’m generally happy with life. The Lord does not test whomever he does not love. The test was given to my family so as not to rest on our laurels. After all, everything was very good.”

7. But Katya talks about ex-husband amazing things: “I broke my nose, my ribs. But I loved him. And she always forgave.” And the woman’s mother told in an interview how she, too, was beaten by her daughter’s husband—after the beating, she even ended up in the hospital. Ekaterina constantly emphasizes in her communications with journalists that when she met Boris Livanov, he was drinking. But the man always wanted a child, and when Ekaterina couldn’t get pregnant for a long time, he went to Juna to find out the reasons. She recommended that Boris not drink; he abstained from alcohol for six months and soon learned that he would become a father.

8. Before his divorce from his wife, Boris asked his parents to exchange their large apartment in the center of Moscow in order to get his share. In response, they bought their son a separate two-room apartment, where they registered Eva.

9. Boris still sometimes meets with ex-wife– their daughter is being raised in the Livanov family, so it happens that mom, dad and Eva go to a cafe and go for a walk. Eva also knows her future stepmother.

10. So far, Boris does not have a stable, decent source of income. Writing big money doesn't bring. Therefore, Livanov’s parents provide for his daughter. He dreamed of being an actor, but he only likes his start in Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Orne played a street boy who, when asked by the detective, “Anything else, gentlemen?” - says: “One cigar for everyone, sir!” Three other films in which he starred in the 90s were never released. Then the man hosted the program “Endless Journey with Boris Livanov” on the RTR channel, but left due to a conflict with the management. Boris has his own apartment in Moscow, in addition, he often visits country house parents on Nikolina Gora.

Livanov father and son. Maria Golubkina in the studio “Secret for a Million”.
Young Golubkina and Livanov - this is how they looked when they met. Photo: social networks. Bride and groom: Golubkina and Livanov. Photo: Facebook

Boris Livanov and Maria Golubkina again became the most talked about people in the country. The celebrities decided to break off their engagement and break up. Boris announced the end of the novel.

Maria Golubkina and Boris Livanov // Photo: Social networks

“I solemnly swear that I was only planning a prank, and the prank was a success. Stay happy, dear Masha! Hey, that was fun" - Boris Livanov wrote on his Facebook page.

After reading this post, journalists simply cut off Boris’s phone number, but he did not want to comment on his failed wedding. Fortunately, Maria Golubkina turned out to be more talkative.

According to Maria, in their separation from Boris everything was as prosaic as possible - the relationship was destroyed by everyday life. But at the same time, the actress insists that all the feelings were real, and high-profile romance was not originally conceived for the sake of PR.

Maria Golubkina // Photo: Instagram

“I really fell in love. And like any Russian woman she ran to help, wash, save. The love was real, everything was fair" - Maria emphasizes.

However, as you know, romance and feelings alone will not get you far. To build a harmonious family, a man and a woman must be ready for this. Ready to live under one roof, coordinate important decisions with each other and so on. As experience has shown, Maria and Boris were unable to cope with this challenge.

Maria Golubkina and Boris Livanov // Photo: Instagram

“Imagine, two adults. They lived alone for a long time. And then they suddenly decided to live together. In order for the two of them to arrange their happiness, they need to jump over their heads, but we couldn’t. They could not agree who was boss in the house. After, real life– this is not romance. This means vacuuming, taking out a loan, going shopping. It was I who ran away from him. I’m tired, and he’s tired of me” - Maria opens up.

Maria believes that the broken romance is largely her fault. The actress admits that she is the owner of quite complex nature. Now the former bride and groom are trying to maintain friendly relations.