Wedding days of the year. Wedding calendar for this year - select the desired date

At all times, people treated family unions with full responsibility. Even today, some couples turn to numerology for help, others trust the teachings of Feng Shui or the predictions of the stars. But there are also people who want spiritual union in the face of God and turn to the Orthodox wedding calendar. 2018 is quite favorable for church ritual. It is not a leap year and there are 365 wonderful days that will promote unquenchable love and quiet family happiness.

A wedding is a beautiful and touching ceremony that transforms the destinies of a man and a woman into a single whole not only before the Almighty, but also before society. This meaningful event signifies the creation of a strong and lasting bond for life. This is why many couples who live together long time, quite consciously decide to perform the wedding ceremony.

According to tradition, the church ceremony, which lasts no more than an hour, is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Engagement. The action takes place on the threshold of the church. The priest gives the couple lighted candles, symbolizing their feelings, and rings. To the sound of prayer, the newlyweds exchange rings three times. Then the young man can be called the groom, and the girl - the bride. Next, the ceremony moves to the temple.
  2. Wedding. Holding hands, the couple walks into the center of the church. Young people stand on the towel. The priest inquires whether the decision of the spouses to tie their lives together is voluntary, and whether there are any grounds for preventing the marriage. Next, prayers are said, during which witnesses hold wedding crowns over the heads of the newlyweds. At the end of the ceremony, the couple receives a blessing for the union, walks around the altar three times, kisses the cross and icons. Then the newly-made couple can be congratulated by the visiting guests, and the young spouse is allowed to kiss his wife.

This spiritual ritual carries great power. Thanks to him, the union is preserved not only during minor everyday disputes, but even during difficult trials.

Orthodox wedding calendar for 2018

God's temple conducts wedding ceremonies 4 times a week:

  • Monday;
  • environment;
  • Friday;
  • Sunday.

The best day for the sacred Sacrament is the day of the Red Hill. It falls on the Sunday following Easter. IN Orthodox calendar For 2018, this day will be April 15th.

Other blessed days for weddings in 2018 fall in the following periods:

  • after Epiphany and until Maslenitsa itself: from January 20 to February 12;
  • during the period of Petrov and the Assumption Lent: from July 12 to August 13;
  • throughout autumn: 14 days in September, 17 days in October and 15 days in November.

In addition, a favorable date for church marriage includes the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which in 2018 falls on November 4.

Favorable days for weddings in 2018:

The 2018 wedding calendar makes it clear that the spring and autumn months are suitable for a spiritual marriage. This time has the fewest forbidden dates and the most favorable days.

The sacrament of marriage is not performed in the church:

  • on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays;
  • on the eve and on the days of great and permanent church holidays;
  • during fasts (Rozhdestvensky, Veliky, Uspensky, Petrov);
  • on the days of Continuous Weeks;
  • during the Holy Week (January 7–18);
  • on the days of patronal temple holidays, which each church has its own.

Wedding: prohibitions and permissions

Spiritual mentors inform that anyone who is legally married and baptized in the Orthodox Church can undergo the wedding ceremony. To do this, only the consent of the two parties is necessary, and the age of the spouses must be within the prescribed limits. It is forbidden to hold a church ceremony under the compulsion of the bride or groom.

To conduct a spiritual marriage, there is a restriction for the bride - the wedding day should not coincide with her natural cycle. This is due to the fact that the wedding process is a Sacrament, and for a woman critical days You cannot participate in church rituals.

The ban on weddings is determined not only by church principles, but also by moral considerations. It is not allowed to get married:

  • those who do not belong to the Orthodox Church: unbaptized people, atheists, representatives of other religions;
  • minors;
  • for older people: women over 60 and men over 70;
  • blood relatives;
  • people married to another person;
  • those who are about to enter into a legal relationship for the 4th time;
  • persons who have clergy and have taken a vow of celibacy.

But, even despite strict church canons, there are cases in which prohibitions can be circumvented. To obtain permission for a wedding ceremony, you must consult with the ruling bishop. Only his decision will allow preparations for the church ceremony.

Prejudices regarding the wedding date

Unfortunately, various kinds of superstitions related to the spiritual wedding ceremony have come to us from the past. Whether to believe them or not, each couple makes their own decision.

There is an opinion that if the candles of the future spouses go out in the church or the ring falls, then divorce or the death of one of the spouses should soon be expected. Also bad omen It is believed that the ceremony will take place in May, supposedly the spouses “will suffer all their lives.”

During the ceremony, the newlyweds should not turn around, otherwise discord and divorce will be inevitable. No one should be allowed to pass between people getting married. This will lead to a short marriage. A handkerchief dropped in a church will lead to the imminent illness of one of the spouses.

But, besides these sad superstitions, there are also pleasant ones. So, if young people in church look at each other as often as possible, then in family life they will pay a lot of attention to each other. And whoever is the first of the future spouses to stand on the spread towel will be the head of the family.

Superstitions are superstitions, but for the ceremony in the church to be successful, and for the marriage to last long and be happy, it is necessary for both the girl and the guy to take communion before the ceremony and defend the service in the church. And after the ceremony is over, thank the church ministers with a fresh loaf of bread, wrapped in a white towel.

The year two thousand and seventeen (2017) will be a non-leap year, starting on Sunday. This year will pass under the sign of the Red Fire Rooster, which will impose its influence on all events taking place this year.

It is believed that the rooster symbolizes determination, assertiveness and control, which means that for success in any endeavor, a person will need the above qualities. In 2017, you need to put aside fear and boldly step towards everything new and unknown, this is the only way you can attract luck into your life and build your personal happiness.

Should you get married in 2017?

To the question – is it worth getting married in 2017, there are two diametrically opposed answers.

On the one hand, since 2017 follows the leap year 2016, then, according to many people prone to empty superstitions, it can be called a “widow’s” year. Previously, in such years it was not recommended to get married, as there was a risk of becoming widowed early. However, almost all astrologers and predictors of our time consider these fears empty.

If we consider 2017 together with its symbol - the Red Rooster, it should be noted that given year is very favorable time for concluding prenuptial agreements. The only condition for this should be awareness of the choice of partner.

The symbol of the year values ​​control and self-confidence, which means that before starting a family, you need to ask yourself again about the correctness of the decision. Mature and purposeful couples create very strong and friendly families, in which love and mutual respect will be maintained over time. And children will always respect their elders and listen to their opinions.

Particular attention should be paid to the ceremony itself. To gain the protection of the talisman of the year, you need to organize a holiday in a traditional style. The design and execution should be magnificent, but strict. The Rooster appreciates classics and traditions. Deep respect for parents should be an integral part of the wedding ceremony.

What beautiful dates can you choose in 2017?

The best day for a wedding will be Friday. And the most beautiful date will be February 17, which falls on Friday.

Other beautiful dates include the seventh of January, the seventh of October, the seventh of July and the seventh of April. However, it must be said that the first two dates are Saturdays.

When can you get married in 2017?

A wedding is a very serious step for two people who have decided to unite their destinies not only in a civil ceremony, but also before God. The ceremony itself is very beautiful and touching, and in the eyes of believers it is considered a more significant event than the official painting in the registry office.

Choosing the right date for your wedding is very important, as there are several rules regarding this moment. It is best to get married on Sunday, as Christians consider this day a holiday. In addition to Sunday, the church also allows weddings on Friday, Monday or Wednesday.

According to church traditions, the most favorable day of the year for a wedding is considered to be the first Sunday following the Great Easter holiday. This day is also called Krasnaya Gorka and falls on April 23rd. In addition to this day, weddings can also be held on holidays dedicated to the Virgin Mary, which in 2017 will take place on July 21, October 26 and November 4. On May 22, 2017, on the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Orthodox Church also recommends holding a wedding, especially for young, recently married couples.

There are also days in 2017 when the church does not conduct a holy wedding ceremony. Such days fall on fasts, the eves of great holidays, as well as Easter and Forgiveness Sunday.

According to today's standards, before a wedding in a church, it is necessary to carry out the civil registration procedure at the registry office, and also talk with your priest.

Choosing the date of the ceremony according to astrological forecasts

Currently exists large number various forecasts, guided by which you can try to choose the ideal date for your wedding in 2017.

The most have a good month For weddings in 2017, September is considered. According to astrologers, people who get married this month will live in perfect harmony all their lives. The best dates for the ceremony will be: September 3, 4 and 22.

If you get married in November, then the stars promise family life in abundance, but with some intensity of passions. Good numbers serve: November 3, 20 and 24.

If you want the honeymoon to last throughout your life together, then you should get married in June 2017. Long-lasting love and a sea of ​​romance will be guaranteed to such couples. It is better to arrange a wedding on June 4.9 and 30.

In January 2017, those people who value peace and confidence above all else in marriage should get married. Better days January 1, 8 and 29 are considered.

A wedding in March will bring with it a family life in which no one will be bored. Periods of calm will be replaced by storms, but in the end everything will end well. In March, you should pay attention to the following days: March 3, 10, and March 31.

July wedding promises strong family, however, spouses will always rush between home and their own careers. Good dates for the wedding will be July 7, 28 and 30.

In the remaining months of 2017, according to the predictions of the stars, it is not recommended to organize a wedding in order to avoid problems and quarrels in future family life.

To sum it up, each couple should decide for themselves when to tie the knot. After all, the ideal date for a wedding, according to all astrological forecasts, is not yet a 100% guarantee that the family will become strong and friendly.

Much depends on the character, upbringing and behavior of these two people. And the stars can only help and push the two halves in the right direction.

The final word always remains only with people who decide whether to believe the predictions or rely on their own happy destiny.

From this article you will learn when it is possible and when it is not possible to hold a wedding in a church, what kind of fast you need to observe before the wedding.

Church wedding - ancient rite. Our grandparents stuck to it. Nowadays, few couples want to get married in a church. Let's learn more about this sacrament.

Is it possible to get married in a church during the Nativity, Assumption, and Petrov fasts?

The Orthodox Church makes many restrictions regarding weddings. The Russian Orthodox Church states that Newlyweds are not allowed to get married:

  • During Lent (Great Lent - 7 weeks before Easter, Petrovsky Lent - in 2017 from June 12 to July 11, Uspensky Lent - from August 14 to 27, Rozhdestvensky Lent - from November 28 to January 6)
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday
  • During the New Year's holiday (from January 7 to January 19)
  • During Easter and the rest of the week
  • 1 day before the celebration of the twelfth holidays and on holidays (wedding is not prohibited, but not recommended)
  • On the days of temple festivals (each church has its own temple festival) and 1 day before the holiday
  • On Maslenitsa week(the last week before Easter Lent, called Lent; during this week, weddings are not prohibited, but are not recommended)
  • 1 day before the feast day of the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 11) and on the day of the feast

An exception to the charter can be made by a bishop, church ruler where you are going to get married.

So, there are many days prohibited for weddings; in 2017, in Russia, newlyweds can get married on 116 days out of 365.

The Russian Orthodox Church adheres to the strictest rules. IN Western Europe orthodox churches They are not so strict about the days allowed for weddings; Saturday and Sunday are the main days when newlyweds get married. In Greece and Romania you can get married on Peter's fast, in Cyprus - on both summer fasts.

According to the church charter, if the local priest married you in church on an unauthorized day, the marriage is still valid.

Note. Twelfth holidays:

  • January 7 – Nativity of Christ
  • January 19 – Baptism of Christ
  • February 15— Presentation of the Lord
  • April 7— Annunciation
  • 1 week before Easter – Palm Sunday
  • Fortieth day of Easter - Ascension of the Lord
  • Fiftieth day after Easter - Trinity
  • August 19— Transfiguration
  • August 28— Dormition of the Virgin Mary
  • September 21— Nativity of the Virgin Mary
  • September 27— Exaltation
  • December 4— Introduction to the Temple of the Virgin Mary

How long before the wedding should you fast?

Fasting before communion, which precedes the wedding, must be kept for at least 3 days, but preferably 1 week

Before the wedding, the Orthodox Church advises fasting not only the body, but also the soul - to realize all sins and repent. A few days before the wedding, the bride and groom need to come to confession and receive communion.

How it goes confession and communion?

  • First of all, a few weeks before the wedding, find out the schedule of services at the church you are going to attend.
  • Confession and communion take place after the evening or morning service.
  • You need to prepare for confession for 1 week, and if there is no time, then 3 days, no less.
  • On the eve of visiting church, you need to remember what sins you have and write them down on a piece of paper, so that you don’t forget to tell the priest later, since a sin not mentioned during confession will remain unforgiven.
  • In the days preceding communion, you need to make peace with everyone with whom you quarreled and ask for their forgiveness.
  • Also, you can’t swear, have fun, or have sex at this time.
  • You need to fast all week - do not eat meat, dairy, or eggs.
  • Read prayers in the morning and evening. Except daily prayers need to read Penitential canons to the Most Holy Theotokos Mary, Christ and Guardian Angel.
  • For women. Calculate in advance when your monthly bleeding should occur, since you can enter the church only after the complete cessation of menstruation.
  • If you are going to confession in the morning, after midnight adults cannot eat, drink or drink; only children under seven years of age can eat and drink.
  • Come to church before the service begins, listen to the prayers heard in the temple and repeat them to yourself.
  • After the service, everyone who wishes to confess takes turns approaching the priest and repenting of their sins.
  • If the priest absolves you of your sins, you go to kiss the cross with the Gospel.
  • Then the priest brings out a cup containing the Holy Gifts for everyone who has confessed.
  • Parishioners must bow to the ground (while kneeling, you need to touch the floor with your forehead) weekdays, and waist (slight tilt of the head and body) - in holidays and Sunday. During bowing, the liturgy is read, the prayer must be repeated quietly by everyone.
  • After prayer, you need to fold your hands on your chest: bottom left, top right, and approach, one at a time, to the chalice with the Holy Gifts. Children line up first, followed by men, and then women. Before receiving Holy Communion, say your name, take the spoon with the communion, kiss the edge of the cup, and go to the table to drink water. This must be done so that nothing remains in the mouth.
  • For the rest of the day, you can’t swear, chat in vain, or have sex.

Fasting before the wedding: what are the restrictions, what can you eat?

For three days before the wedding, the bride and groom organize a fast of two types: for the body (you can eat only lean food) and for the soul. These days you cannot eat fast food (meat, dairy products and eggs). Some priests advise not to eat fish dishes. You can eat raw and boiled vegetables, porridge vegetable oil or with nuts, soups seasoned with vegetable oil, fruits.

Spiritual fasting consists of not gossiping, not swearing and quarreling, not watching obscene films, not having sex. Instead of films and secular literature, you need to read spiritual books and the Gospel.

If you adhere to such truths, then fasting will be correct.

But not all people can fast. For example, if a person is sick or does heavy physical labor, he is given relief - the priest may allow dairy or fish dishes.

So, now we know when we can get married in church and how to fast.

Video: What days of the year can you get married?

Studying the wedding calendar for 2017 helps couples choose the right days to perform this touching ceremony. You need to approach your wedding with complete confidence in own feelings, because it is impossible to cancel this procedure. A union once made before God remains valid for life.

The wedding calendar for 2017 provides couples with a variety of dates for their celebration. The ceremony itself lasts 45 minutes (sometimes an hour), and during this period the bride and groom pronounce their vows in front of divine images.

When is the best time to celebrate the sacrament in 2017?

  1. The Sunday after the main church celebration of Easter is definitely the best day for the celebration. Since the celebration always falls on different numbers, then the optimal time for a wedding also does not have a specific date, and in 2017 it falls on April 23.
  2. Favorable days will be 4.11. and 21.11., on which the Days of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God fall.
  3. Another important day for a believer is October 26, because during this period the day of the Iconic Icon of God is celebrated, when the wedding process can and should also be performed.
  4. The optimal time for the ceremony is considered to be May 22, 2017, on which St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is commemorated.

According to church tradition, the sacrament of wedding must be preceded by an official civil ceremony. With its help, the bride and groom confirm the seriousness of their intentions. To confirm a civil union, you must provide a marriage certificate. The couple will also have to confirm that both the bride and groom are parishioners of the Orthodox Church. If one of the spouses has not previously been baptized, he can do so before the wedding, and then the procedure will be considered legal.

The designated dates of the wedding calendar for 2017 do not mean at all that you should go to church only on these days. According to tradition, it is recommended to perform the sacrament on Sunday, but Mondays, Fridays and Wednesdays are also suitable for this. If the selected date falls on important holiday, the procedure will have to be postponed.

Periods in 2017 during which you cannot get married

The wedding ceremony does not have to calendar coincide with the date of the civil union. For today's couples, the gap between official and spiritual marriage is 2-3 months. The Church is strict about traditions and holidays, and that is why choose suitable date possible with reference to the Orthodox calendar. For example, it is prohibited to perform the sacrament on Easter, which this year will fall on April 16. 2017.

In the Orthodox wedding calendar for 2017, the following dates are considered prohibited:

  • 14.01.2017 - Circumcision of the Lord;
  • July 12, 2017 - the most important church event associated with the life of the apostles Paul and Peter;
  • 07/07/2017 - celebration dedicated to the Nativity of John the Baptist;
  • 14.10. 2017 - Day of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary;
  • September 11, 2017 is the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist.

These church dates Along with Easter, they are considered important in the Orthodox tradition, and during these periods one should attend church not for the sake of the sacrament, but for the sake of ceremonial service, without distracting with your personal concerns from divine celebrations.

Weddings do not take place during periods of non-one-day church fasts:

  • 28.11.2016 - 6.01.2017 - Advent Fast, as well as 28.11.2017 to 6.01.2018 during the next Advent Fast;
  • 27.02. - 15.04. 2017 during Lent, as well as in the seven-day period before Easter;
  • 12.06. - 11.07. 2017 during the Apostolic Lent;
  • 14-27. 08. 2017 during the period of Assumption abstinence from food.

Another prohibition in terms of weddings falls on the so-called weeks, that is, 7 days from Sunday to Saturday during the period Orthodox holidays. It is not recommended to get married on:

  • the week after Easter, that is, from 16 to 22 April 2017;
  • for Christmastide, which will fall on January 7-20. 2016;
  • Cheese week from 20 to 25.02.2017 - also not best time for wedding;
  • on Trinity Week, which falls on 5-10. 06. 2017 it is also impossible to perform the sacrament.

These are not all the restrictions that should be taken into account when planning such important date. What other prohibitions in the Orthodox wedding calendar of 2017 do happy couples often forget about?

Prohibitions during weddings

  1. It is not customary to hold ceremonies on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as these days precede the eve Lenten Friday and environment.
  2. Each church has its own patronal feast days, and it is not recommended to hold a wedding during this period.
  3. Before the twelve holidays (Christmas, Candlemas, Epiphany), it is not recommended to hold the ceremony, but it is not prohibited. To perform the ceremony on this day, you must first agree with the priest.
  4. On Sunday about Prodigal Son and it is also not worth performing the sacrament.
  5. The ceremony is not held on the eve and on the days of strict fasting. For example, on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 27. 2017.
  • Christmas - 01/07/2017;
  • Epiphany - January 19, 2017;
  • Nativity of the Virgin Mary - 21.09.;
  • Meeting - February 15;
  • Introduction to the Temple Holy Mother of God - 4. 12.;
  • Annunciation - 7.04.;
  • Transfiguration of the Lord - 19.08.;
  • Dormition of the Virgin Mary - 28.08.;
  • Exaltation of the Holy Cross - 27.09.;
  • Holy Trinity Day - 4.07. 2017;
  • Palm Sunday - 04/09/2017;
  • Ascension - 25.05. 2017.

By attending church regularly, people remember fasts and holidays, so it is easier for them to navigate the wedding calendar. Despite all these restrictions, ceremonies are sometimes held on inappropriate dates. In this case, the wedding is still considered valid. In order not to get confused in all the existing Orthodox prohibitions, you need to talk with the priest and choose the most suitable and favorable date for the couple.

Christian prohibitions for weddings

It is important to remember that not all couples can get married. What restrictions exist here?

  1. Atheists and unbaptized people cannot perform the wedding procedure.
  2. The ban applies to relatives, both blood and spiritual (a godson cannot marry his own goddaughter).
  3. Those who profess a non-Christian religion cannot participate in the sacrament (even if one person from the couple is Orthodox).
  4. If a person has taken a monastic vow, holding a ceremony is also impossible.
  5. If lovers enter into marriage for the fourth time or if one of them is already bound by similar bonds.
  6. There are also age restrictions. The lower threshold is 18 years, the upper threshold is 60 years for the fairer sex and 70 years for their companions.

The current stereotype that a pregnant bride cannot get married is not relevant; in fact, the church does not impose such restrictions. But if the spouses have another marriage or are connected by blood ties, they will have to forget about the Orthodox ceremony. These restrictions, despite their variety, rarely interfere with lovers, because for ordinary Orthodox couples there are no obstacles to getting married. Quite the contrary, the church is happy to hold another ceremony of uniting two hearts. The ceremony itself is touching, and even now, when the majority of the country's inhabitants are not distinguished by increased fear of God, it continues to make an indelible impression on everyone present in the church. The wedding ceremony can be held in any Orthodox church of your choice, but usually spouses prefer to stay at those churches that are considered large in their city. It is also a common practice to choose the church in which the bride or groom was baptized for a wedding.

For a wedding ceremony, a girl should choose a closed one white dress and a veil, it is best for a man to opt for a suit. Clothes should be closed and at the same time comfortable. To carry out the sacrament, you will need witnesses who will hold special crowns. The bride, groom and witnesses must have crosses on their bodies, confirming their belonging to the Orthodox faith.

Many modern couples they prefer to limit themselves to concluding a civil union, ignoring the wedding. However, those newlyweds who managed to go through this procedure claim that their relationship is reaching a completely new spiritual level. Only after the church sacrament is the union sealed in heaven.

For Orthodox people in love, a wedding is considered that integral part of married life, thanks to which the union itself is blessed in heaven. True, before holding such a joyful and reverent ceremony, you will have to take into account all the conventions regarding holidays and important church dates.

Wedding rules

The very process of the church blessing the union between a man and a woman is rooted in antiquity. This is the sacrament through which an ordinary marriage grows into a spiritual existence. Very often, modern couples include a marked church ceremony in the wedding itself for fun, which is fundamentally wrong. Wedding should be a voluntary step of loving hearts who believe in their feelings both on earth and in heaven.

Some Orthodox churches believe that a wedding should be held only once in a person’s life, while according to others, not more than three once. However, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to find a priest who agrees to perform this sacrament again, but with the participation of another partner.

According to the church charter, weddings can only be performed on baptized people who have with them pectoral cross. It is important to take into account the age of the young people: the guy should not be less than 18, while the girl should not be 16 years old. At the celebration itself, people professing another religion are strictly prohibited from attending. A wedding cannot be held if there is a relationship between the couple in love. family ties. For example, marriage between godchildren and their own is unacceptable. godparents. You should never enter into a church marriage if one of the newlyweds has secret connection on the side. But the bride’s pregnancy is not a reason to refuse a church union, nor is the lack of blessing from the parents of the young couple.

The process itself can take place on any day, regardless of the time of year, although we should not forget about some “acute” dates, more precisely, Lenten periods. According to Orthodox belief, it is best to get married on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Sunday. No priest will perform the sacrament on the 13th of any month, as this is a symbol of the devil.

There are special days, when church marriages are welcomed.

1. Time after the Intercession.

2. It’s time between Petrov and the Assumption fasts.

3. Winter period from Epiphany to Maslenitsa.

4. The spring period, which coincides with the celebration of Krasnaya Gorka.

Most couples want to get married on the day of the planned wedding, but the priests categorically disagree with this decision. According to the clergy, it is better to schedule the sacrament after a year of marriage in order to be more confident in your partner. Otherwise, you can wait even longer and schedule a wedding for 10, 15 or 25 years of married life.

Wedding calendar for 2017

Most the hard part the declared event is considered right choice the day of its holding. It is important to remember that weddings may not always take place. For example, Thursday and Tuesday are considered unfavorable days in the week, as they precede the fasting time. Also, a wedding cannot be held on the days of great Orthodox holidays, since a true believer must devote himself to God during this period, and not to personal needs.

It turns out that it is not so easy to choose a convenient time for the church blessing of a marriage. Some couples prefer to plan this event on a weekend, although in fact Monday, Wednesday or Friday are better suited.

Signs regarding the wedding

Even such a great and bright sacrament has its own omens associated with it, favorable to the conclusion of a church marriage.

1. Couple married in the last summer month, will acquire consent, understanding and great love. All this promises the spouses a long and happy union.

2. Wedding on the day of Nikola Veshny (May 22, 2017), contributes to a strong and long family life, full of love and harmony.

3. A church blessing of a marriage in the first or last month of autumn guarantees an understanding union of loving people.

5. The day of the Iveron Icon is considered convenient for such an event. Mother of God, celebrated on October 26.

Favorable dates for a wedding in 2017


1. January: 20–31.

2. February: 1–5.
3. December is the time of the Nativity Fast.


1. March – Lent(forbidden).
2. April: 23–30.
3. May - any day other than the 25th.



1. September: all days except the 11th, 13th, 21st, 27th.
2. October: any day except the 13th.
3. November: 1–12, 14–27.

Tagged lucky days Weddings will become the key to prosperity in future family life, both on earth and in heaven.

Is it possible to have a wedding on the wedding day?

In fact, it all depends only on how devoted young people are considered to be to God. The problem is that the majority of future cells of society perceive this sacrament as some kind of cool continuation of the registry office. In addition, it is easier to carry out all these needs at once, so that later you do not have to plan a holiday with a luxurious table, a photographer and guests.

In fact, the marked event has such makes a lot of sense that it should not be confused with ordinary painting. According to the Bible, a wedding should be held only once in a lifetime and unite forever with the chosen person. That is why most priests suggest not to rush into the church ceremony and conduct it only after the couple has been married for several years. After all, if in fact the divorce is finalized in just 30 days, then how can you break the promises made to God?

Some couples have quite logical questions. For example, the first 10 years there was love and understanding, but now there are only difficult moments. Why can't we break up? Perhaps it is in this way that the Lord sends a person certain tests that he should endure regardless of the resulting events.

Much depends on the people themselves, or more precisely on how they perceive God: whether there is faith and love in the Almighty. At the same time, it is important not only to choose the most suitable wedding date, but to decide to connect your life with a person in all possible ways.