Special Operations Forces Day. Special Operations Forces of the Russian Armed Forces - who are they? Special Operations Forces Command

On the night of February 27, 2014 and in the following days, a baptism of fire of the Special Forces took place in Crimea - today known and officially recognized. The first pancake didn't come out lumpy. Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in places of deployment in Crimea were blocked, and all strategic objects of the peninsula were occupied by people in camouflage uniforms without identification marks or insignia, who behaved “politely” towards the local population. They politely followed the disarmament of the garrisons of the Ukrainian army - almost without shots, except for a few fired into the air to alarm the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

That’s when this expression appeared - “polite people.” And a little later, when Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, speaking about the “involvement” of Russian military personnel in the events in Ukraine, said: “It is difficult to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there. This is even more stupid if this cat is smart, brave and polite” - this unique status has become almost official.

“The most important thing for us is not muscle strength, but still the head. The scout works with his head: he doesn’t hit bottles and bricks, but thinks with it. Any intelligence officer, technical intelligence or otherwise, is, first of all, smart. That is, human intelligence,” notes GRU Special Forces Colonel Alexander Musienko

Career officers and contract soldiers serve in the MTR. Everyone is a specialist not only in military affairs: an academic degree is not uncommon here, but knowledge foreign languages Necessarily. They call themselves scouts: this best explains both the nature of the unit’s tasks and the veil of secrecy that surrounds it. Active fighters are prohibited from communicating with the press.

It was precisely due to their intelligence and their unshakable reputation that they not only prevented in Crimea in 2014. bloodshed, but there were almost no shots fired (not counting those fired into the air as a warning). Although these people have no equal in the use of various weapons. But in this case, their reputation worked more effectively than a bullet.

“Special operations forces are, in banal terms, a kind of pilot project for the development of the army of the future. Two or three years will pass, and all the special forces brigades that exist will adopt these new tactics, new methods of training, new equipment, new weapons. This will already be a fairly large and formidable force,” said Oleg Martyanov, a member of the board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation (the first commander of the MTR).

Structure of the Special Operations Forces (SSO)

Izvestia found out back in 2013. structure of the Special Operations Forces (SSO).

As Izvestia’s source in military circles told, in addition to the special forces of the Ministry of Defense, the special forces will include special forces of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as units of the FSO, the FSIN and the FSKN.

We are talking about the creation of a headquarters command in the General Staff of the Armed Forces, to which, if necessary, special forces of all law enforcement services and troops will be transferred to the operational management,” explained Izvestia’s interlocutor.

Participation in the MTR will require adjusting the combat training program of special forces in order to unify their capabilities and increase interaction.

The special forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service, for example, need training not only in suppressing riots in colonies and prisons, but also in blocking sabotage groups, Izvestia’s interlocutor gave an example.

He explained that the MTR will be able to conduct operations both outside the country - for this they will use the special forces of the Ministry of Defense "Senezh", the Airborne Forces, special forces brigades (GRU special forces), as well as the special forces of the Federal Drug Control Service "Grom" - and inside - they will already use internal troops, units of the FSIN, FSB special forces and other services.

Options for such actions include protection from attacks on Russian citizens in other countries, evacuation of embassies, important officials, as well as “special assignments,” which mean targeted mini-operations to destroy militant leaders, infrastructure or weapons, and leaders of other countries.

Inside the country, the opposite is true - the SOF will have to counter saboteurs, block landings, protect strategic infrastructure facilities, such as power plants, command posts, government agencies, communication centers.

The Special Operations Forces Command is one of the structures of the General Staff with a permanent staff.

The military unit near Solnechnogorsk, conventionally called “Senezh” (after the name of the nearby lake), is a unit special purpose Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU). On its basis, the Special Operations Directorate was created, subordinate to the chief General Staff Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. “The Senezh detachment has always been the most closed unit of the army,” says reserve colonel V. “This is the elite military intelligence, whose fighters are capable of performing tasks of any degree of danger. Only officers and contract servicemen serve in the detachment. Each of them is trained to achieve specific goals, including uncharacteristic methods and methods of combat operations. This is a professional of the highest standard. It is no coincidence that the Special Operations Forces were formed on the basis of this unit.”

The composition of the Special Operations Forces, as well as all its activities, are secret. Apparently, all highly professional combat special forces of various law enforcement agencies (Special Forces) and some units for combat support and transportation, depending on the specific military mission, are quickly subordinated to the MTR command.

If we talk about Special Forces, then lists of such units are available in open access, but, again, without confirmation from official bodies. For almost every special unit there are informal websites organized, apparently, by retirees of these units. Naturally, all this is without reference to official bodies.

Special forces units of the Russian Federation of various departments, as components of the special forces.

1st component of the MTR from the Moscow Region

Units and formations of the Special Forces of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (SpN GU GSh). Note Recently the GRU began to be called the GU.

Chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Valentinovich Korobov - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Russian Federation appointed to office on February 2, 2016. In intelligence since 1980. Awarded 5 orders and a medal “For Courage”.

Before him, the Directorate was headed by Colonel General Igor Dmitrievich Sergun in 2012-2015. By the nature of his activity, he is a co-author in planning, providing intelligence data and maintaining the secrecy regime for at least two of all known operations Russian Armed Forces in Crimea and Syria. Much to our chagrin, he died suddenly at the beginning of the year in the prime of his strength. The officially announced reason was a heart attack.

Information about the MTR command was not found. The first commander is Colonel Oleg Martyanov.

Brigades of the Special Forces of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces:

2nd separate special purpose brigade - Western Military District (Pskov). Formed on the basis of directives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the commander of the LVO troops in the period from September 17, 1962 to March 1963.

3rd separate guards special purpose brigade - Central Military District (Tolyatti). Formed in 1966 by directive of the Commander-in-Chief of the GSVG on the funds of the 26th separate battalion Special forces in the Werder garrison with the participation of personnel from the 27th separate special forces battalion of the Northern Group of Forces, the 48th and 166th separate reconnaissance battalions.

10th separate special purpose brigade - Southern Military District (Molkino village, Krasnodar region). It was again formed in the North Caucasian Military District (Southern Military District) in May 2003.

14th separate special forces brigade - Eastern Military District. (Ussuriysk). Formed on December 1, 1963 Over 200 officers, sergeants and soldiers took part in combat operations in Afghanistan as part of special forces. 12 officers, 36 sergeants and soldiers were killed. From January to April 1995, the combined Special Forces detachment took part in establishing constitutional order in Chechnya.

16th separate special purpose brigade - Western Military District (Tambov). The Moscow Military District was formed on January 1, 1963.

22nd Separate Guards Special Purpose Brigade - Southern Military District. Formed on July 21, 1976 by order of the commander of the Central Asian Military District in the city of Kapchagai, Kazakh SSR. In March 1985, the unit was redeployed to the city of Lashkargah of the Republic of Afghanistan and took part in Afghan war. It is the only military formation that received the guards name after the Great Patriotic War. In 1989-1992, the unit was stationed in Azerbaijan. In June 1992, the unit was redeployed to the territory of the Russian Federation and included in the troops of the North Caucasus Military District. From November 1992 to August 1994, the operational group of the formation was involved in maintaining the state of emergency and separating the parties in the Ossetian-Ingush interethnic conflict. From December 1, 1994 to the operational group of the formation participated in hostilities on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

24th separate special purpose brigade - Central Military District (Novosibirsk). Formed on November 1, 1977 on the basis of the 18th separate special forces company.

346th separate special forces brigade. Prokhladny. Kabardino Balkaria. Southern Military District.

25th separate regiment special purpose, Stavropol. Southern Military District Created in 2012 to ensure security of the 2014 Sochi Olympics. It is stationed in Stavropol on the territory of the headquarters of the 49th Army.

Special purpose center TsSN "Senezh" military unit 92154, Solnechnogorsk Moscow region Western Military District.

Marine reconnaissance points of the MRP Spetsnaz GRU- one in each fleet.

42nd MCI Special Forces (Russky Island, Novy Dzhigit Bay, near Vladivostok, Pacific Fleet) military unit 59190;

420th MCI Special Forces (Zverosovkhoz village, near Murmansk, Northern Fleet);

137th (formerly 431st) MCI Special Forces on Black Sea Fleet(Tuapse), military unit 51212;

561st MCI Special Forces (Parusnoye village, near Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region, Baltic Fleet).

In peacetime, the MCI includes 124 people. Of these, 56 are fighters, the rest are technical personnel. Share of technical personnel in departments naval special forces significantly higher than in the GRU special forces. The fighters are divided into groups of 14 people, which are autonomous combat units. Those, in turn, include smaller groups of 6 people: 1 officer, 1 midshipman and 4 sailors. A separate article will be published in more detail.

Number of units and formations of the GRU Special Forces

Currently, the GRU special forces consists of eight separate brigades special purpose, one regiment and four GRU naval reconnaissance posts. According to various sources, the number of units and formations of the Special Forces of the Main Directorate of the General Staff currently ranges from 6 to 15 thousand people. In addition to units and formations of the Special Forces, the GRU subordinates general-purpose troops numbering about 25 thousand people. But as you understand, all this data is unofficial and it is not a fact that it is correct. Please consider these to be for some guidance.

It should be noted that comparing soldiers and officers of the Special Forces with the military Ground Forces impossible. Just as they don’t compare, for example, a stiletto with a sword. These are tools for completely different tasks. Each special forces soldier, having undergone many years of training using unique methods, is many times superior to an ordinary soldier: in the fortitude of the military spirit, in physical training- master the techniques perfectly hand-to-hand combat, by having the skills to use most types of weapons on the battlefield. In addition, these people have the highest tactical training and are aimed at completing assigned tasks in any case, finding individual and optimal solutions. They are trained to act both in a group and alone. It follows that, despite a certain small number, special forces, when used correctly, are a super-effective military tool.

Airborne Special Forces, as an integral part of the MTR, and the Airborne Forces, as a possible reserve for the MTR and a base for the creation of Rapid Reaction Troops.

45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Brigade. Formed by 2015 on the basis of the 45th regiment of Special Forces Airborne Forces 2 (military unit 28337) Kubinka, Moscow region, Western Military District.

I admit that, if necessary, if the special operation is large-scale, the KSSO may be subordinated to additional units of the Airborne Forces. This is indirectly indicated by plans to increase the number of airborne forces.

A special forces brigade and three separate reconnaissance battalions joined the Airborne Forces in 2014, he told reporters official representative Airborne Forces Lieutenant Colonel Evgeny Meshkov.

“As part of the Airborne Forces, a special-purpose brigade was created (Moscow region) and three separate reconnaissance battalions were formed in two air assault divisions (76th Pskov and 7th Novorossiysk) and one airborne division (106th Tula).”

2014 it was reported that in Airborne troops formation completed peacekeeping forces, whose number exceeded 5 thousand people.

In addition, a source in the General Staff in the summer of 2014. told TASS about plans to approximately double the number of airborne forces - to 72 thousand people. It is expected that these plans will be fully implemented in 2019.

Shamanov added that the rapid reaction forces being created in Russia, the basis of which will be the Airborne Forces, may include army aviation. He explained that the attack drones with which it is planned to equip the Airborne Forces will allow reconnaissance units to operate deep behind enemy lines...

It should be noted that the Airborne Forces are essentially rapid reaction troops. It is possible that for them to finally receive such status, in addition to increasing staff, it is necessary to update the fleet of military equipment and increase the number transport aviation, with the addition of units of the Ground Forces with heavy equipment. All these steps are planned in the coming years, up to the creation of new heavy transport aircraft by 2025 in quantities sufficient for the simultaneous transfer of several hundred tanks, several tanks in each. And here it is possible and necessary for the MTR command to coordinate various genera troops.

Text at the beginning of the post from the articles:

Army of the Future: How Special Operations Forces Soldiers Perform Difficult Tasks

Structure of the Special Operations Forces (SSO)

Special Operations Forces (SSO) are a relatively new formation in the structure of the Russian Armed Forces. Its formation began in 2009, during the army reform, and was completed in 2013. Over the past five years, the Special Forces took part in the Crimean operation and combat operations in Syria.

Experts and journalists call this date “the day of polite people” - it was on the night of February 27, 2014 that the transfer of Russian units to Crimea began.

The military blocked Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities on the peninsula and occupied administrative buildings.

In addition to MTR units, the operation included marines, paratroopers and motorized riflemen. The professional work of “polite people” made it possible to disarm a 30,000-strong group of Ukrainian troops practically without firing a single shot.

Meanwhile, the activities of the MTR are secret. The state has the right not to disclose information about the size and armament of the Special Operations Forces, and is also not obliged to report on the results of operations and losses incurred.

"Asymmetrical Actions"

Special operations forces are a single structure that includes army special forces units different types and childbirth of the sun. The tasks of the MTR include conducting operations both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

The main governing body of the Special Operations Forces - the Command - is directly subordinate to the Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces (since November 9, 2012 - Valery Gerasimov).

  • Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov
  • RIA Novosti

Western countries are showing enormous interest in the activities of the MTR. think tanks. Foreign experts believe that Russia has created Special Operations Forces for more effective implementation foreign expeditionary missions.

According to the West, the greatest contribution to the development of the MTR was made by Valery Gerasimov, who gained the image of a “hybrid war” strategist.

Foreign experts base similar conclusions on the article by the Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, “The Value of Science in Foresight,” which was published in the Military-Industrial Courier magazine at the end of February 2013.

In his material, Gerasimov said that the Russian General Staff studied the organization of military operations American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US experience, Gerasimov believes, has demonstrated the need to change “the existing models of operations and combat operations.”

“Asymmetric actions have become widespread, making it possible to neutralize the enemy’s superiority in armed struggle. These include the use of special operations forces and internal opposition to create a permanent front... The changes taking place are reflected in the doctrinal views of the leading countries of the world and are tested in military conflicts,” Gerasimov wrote.

A look from the outside

Institute Teacher national security in Tel Aviv, Sarah Feinberg, in the article “Russian Expeditionary Forces in the Syrian Operation,” argues that the idea of ​​uniting “mobile intervention forces” arose during the war in Afghanistan (1979-1989). Then the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the USSR Ministry of Defense opposed the creation of the MTR. However, this idea reappeared on the agenda after two Chechen campaigns.

According to Fainberg, the use of GRU special forces and other elite units in the North Caucasus was successful and made it possible to offset the shortcomings in the combat training of combined arms units.

At the same time, Russian special forces experienced problems in planning and conducting operations due to insufficient coordination between the security agencies to which they were subordinate. In this regard, the need was realized to unite army special forces units into a single command structure under the control of the Chief of the General Staff.

  • Russian special forces during tactical exercises
  • Press service of the Ministry of Defense

The consulting unit of the US Army Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) in the report “Manual on the Next Generation Russian Army” reports that the SOF appeared as a result of optimizing the size and structure of the Russian Armed Forces during the period when the Ministry of Defense was headed by Anatoly Serdyukov (2007-2012).

The army reform was aimed at disaggregating formations (transition to a brigade system) and creating so-called battalion tactical groups.

As AWG specialists clarify, “battalion tactical groups” are mobile, well-trained units that can be in short terms transferred hundreds of kilometers from the state border.

From the AWG report it follows that “battalion tactical groups” form the backbone of the MTR. According to analysts, these units were first used for the “annexation” of Crimea, then they were allegedly transferred to Donbass, and since 2015 they have been operating in Syria.

Asymmetric Warfare Group believes that when forming the MTR, Russia relied on the experience of foreign countries. However, the decision to create Special Operations Forces was made after the South Ossetian conflict (August 2008).

In 2009, the Special Operations Forces Directorate was formed on the basis of the Senezh Special Forces Center (Moscow Region, military unit No. 92154). The formation of the MTR as a single, clearly functioning organism was completed in March 2013.

Coherence and professionalism

Senior researcher at the Institute of the Norwegian Ministry of Defense, Thor Bookvoll, in materials devoted to the elite units of the Russian Armed Forces, notes that the basis of the MTR are GRU officers. Of the 14 thousand Special Operations Forces soldiers, 12 thousand are military intelligence officers.

Foreign analysts agree that the MTR arsenal includes the most modern weapons, uniforms and the latest military equipment, including communications systems and drones. Russian special forces can carry out tasks at any time of the day and in any climatic conditions.

  • Soldier of the diving unit of the Special Operations Forces
  • Press service of the Ministry of Defense

Sarah Feinberg believes that Syria has become the main “military training camp” for Russian special forces. The tasks of special forces in the SAR include collecting intelligence, directing artillery and airborne forces fire, eliminating the leaders of gangs, conducting assault operations and sabotage activities.

“Syria truly represents the first territory in which Russia has coordinated and large-scale deployed and organized control over a contingent of expeditionary forces, including Special Operations Forces (SSO) and various categories special forces,” notes Fainberg in the article “Russian Expeditionary Forces in the Syrian Operation.”

As the expert explained, the Syrian operation allows the Russian Special Forces to hone their skills “without additional burden on the military budget.” Group size Russian special forces in the SAR, Feinberg estimates 230-250 people. According to her, the successful work of the MTR in Syria testifies to the “revival of Russian military art.”

The presence of Russian special forces in Syria was first announced by Deputy Chief of Staff of the Central Military District Alexander Dvornikov on March 23, 2016. Nevertheless, Russian and foreign experts are confident that the SOF have been operating in Syria from the very beginning of the operation (September 30, 2015) or since the summer of 2015.

“I will not hide the fact that units of our Special Operations Forces are also operating in Syria. They carry out additional reconnaissance of targets for Russian aviation strikes, guide aircraft to targets in remote areas, and solve other special tasks,” Dvornikov said in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

On December 11, 2016, the Rossiya 24 TV channel showed footage of the participation of Special Forces soldiers in battles in Aleppo, Syria. It is also known from the media that MTR soldiers participated in the liberation of Palmyra.

According to official data, during the entire period of the operation in the SAR, two special forces gunners were killed - captain Fyodor Zhuravlev (November 9, 2015) and senior lieutenant Alexander Prokhorenko (March 17, 2016). By order of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Zhuravlev was awarded the Order of Kutuzov posthumously, Prokhorenko was awarded the title of Hero of Russia, also posthumously.

In May 2017, information about the feat of the MTR group in the province of Aleppo was partially declassified.

16 Russian special forces, engaged in directing aircraft fire, entered the battle against 300 Jabhat al-Nusra militants*.

The special forces acted in coordination with government forces. However, the Syrians retreated in confusion and left the detachment without cover. Russian troops repelled several attacks and, when darkness fell, mined the approaches to their positions.

“The fire density was high. But it was scary only in the first minutes, and then a banal routine begins,” said one of the officers.

  • A MTR mortar crew fires at terrorists
  • Frame: video RUPTLY

The fighters held their positions for two days and were able to leave without losses. During the battle, the special forces destroyed several armored vehicles and a tank. Group commander Danila (last name not given), who received the title of Hero of Russia, noted that the key to success was the coordinated professional actions of his subordinates.

A participant in counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus, Alexey Golubev, in a conversation with RT, said that the Russian Special Forces are rightfully called the most trained elite formation in Armed Forces RF. In his opinion, the success of the operation in Syria would have been impossible without the Special Operations Forces.

“The classified nature of the MTR’s activities is due to the fact that the fighters work outside of Russia. In Syria, special forces are deployed behind enemy lines to target the air forces. In my opinion, this is the most difficult and dangerous work. And, as far as I can judge, our guys are coping with it,” Golubev emphasized.

*“Jabhat Fatah al-Sham” (“Al-Nusra Front”, “Jabhat al-Nusra”) - the organization is recognized as terrorist by decision Supreme Court RF dated December 29, 2014.

MTR of the Russian Armed Forces


Special Operations Forces Command (SOF)

Directorate (Special Operations)

Directorate (Naval Special Operations)

Directorate (Counter-Terrorism)

Special Purpose Center of the Russian Defense Ministry "Senezh".

Directions department.

“Training center for military personnel of military unit 01355, Moscow region, Kubinka-2”
Special operations direction (airborne) - the main emphasis is on airborne training and other methods of penetrating behind enemy lines by air. Parachute jumps are practiced, both long jumps with oxygen masks, and with the parachute opening immediately after separation from the board. Jumps are carried out both day and night using night vision devices, in bad weather, in strong winds and fog. In addition to parachutes, fighters are also trained in the use of motorized hang gliders and paragliders. Mastery of such methods allows special forces to fly tens of kilometers unnoticed by the enemy.

Special operations direction (mountain) - specializes in conducting reconnaissance and combat operations in mountainous areas, training is carried out on the basis of the 54th reconnaissance unit training center, military unit 90091 (Republic North Ossetia- Alania, Vladikavkaz) and in the mountain training and survival center “Terskol” of the Federal Institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “CSKA” (Terskol village, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria).

Special operations direction (assault) - specializes in penetration/capture/destruction of enemy objects (headquarters, buildings, structures, bunkers, etc.).

The direction of special operations (protection of high-ranking leaders) - the tasks are clear.

Special Operations Department (marine) on the territory of the 561st Navy Rescue Center, military unit 00317 (Russia, Crimea, Sevastopol, Cossack Bay). The Naval Department of Special Operations is a multi-purpose naval formation trained and equipped to perform combat missions in the waters of the seas, oceans, rivers, and lakes. Basically, personnel operate from various watercraft (boats, jet skis) or operate underwater in diving equipment using special towing vehicles, conducting reconnaissance and performing other combat missions at sea, on the shore or in river waters.

Exit means direction - specializes in the delivery of special forces to the operation area by land, air and water, and their subsequent withdrawal/evacuation. It is armed with Mi-8AMTSh and Mi-35M helicopters, boats, ATVs, all-terrain vehicles and a variety of vehicles.

Several support units (communications, radio intelligence, electronic warfare, IT, special equipment).

Several support and security units that are staffed by conscripted military personnel - a company of reinforcement equipment, commandant company(security), material support company, technical platoon, communications company, young recruits company.

On the territory of the Senezh military camp there is a training, airborne and fire training complex, a dog training complex, an indoor swimming pool, sports town, a tactical town for practicing actions in populated areas, a helipad, as well as a platform for driving special equipment, medical and office premises.

Specialist Training Center (formerly the 322nd training center), military unit 43292 (Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk district, urban settlement "Senezh").

The main task is the training of special forces specialists, as well as the training of military personnel of other special forces of the Russian Defense Ministry.

Department of modernization, maintenance and storage of weapons, military and special equipment and military-technical equipment (Department of modernization, maintenance and storage of military equipment and technical equipment) - the tasks of this department are clear from its name.

Special Purpose Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (“Kubinka-2” or “Cuba”), military unit 01355 (Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Kubinka-2). Solve the same problems as TsSN "Senezh".

Selection, combat training and frames:

Selection for the MTR is carried out in different ways; representatives of the MTR can select themselves, study candidates who have the necessary knowledge and skills, and then make an offer to them. In addition, every month on the 15th at 9:00 a.m. is candidate day, when volunteer candidates can try to pass the entrance tests which are taken in part: physical fitness (3km-12.00-12.30, 100m-13.0-14.0, pull-ups at least 18 times), professional selection, medical examination.
Also, military units included in the MTR periodically place advertisements in military registration and enlistment offices and selection points for contract service a list of military specialties they need.

Training is carried out at the specialist training center and directly at permanent deployment points, where the necessary infrastructure has been created and is being created.

Officer training is carried out at the Ryazan Higher Airborne command school- RVVDKU (faculty of special and military reconnaissance and department of the use of special forces units) and Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School - NVVKU (faculty of special reconnaissance and department of special reconnaissance and airborne training).

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Special Operations Forces (SSO)

Specially created, trained and equipped formations, units and units in the armed forces of a number of states, designed to conduct sabotage and reconnaissance operations, organize insurgent activities and armed attacks, including providing assistance to foreign states in ensuring their internal security.

The MTR primarily includes “special forces” formations, which in most states are called “commandos” or “rangers”; As part of military fleets, similar tasks are performed by units of combat swimmers. MTR are contained in constant readiness for immediate use and can solve problems in peacetime, in conflict situations and during the war, acting both as part of heterogeneous forces in the theater of operations and independently. The operations they carry out, as a rule, are secret in nature and are under the direct control of senior military leadership or commanders-in-chief of the armed forces in theaters of war. The SOF are equipped with a variety of small arms and bladed weapons (both those in service with the Armed Forces and specially developed models), light artillery pieces, grenade launchers, MANPADS, sets of explosive devices, optical-electronic equipment, small-sized radio and satellite communications equipment, light vehicles, parachute -landing and light diving equipment, technical means of propaganda, etc. Personnel training is carried out in special training centers and schools. The program includes parachute training, training in the use of all types of weapons, including weapons of foreign armies, control vehicles, sabotage methods of combat, mine-explosive, light diving and radio engineering, studying methods of collecting intelligence information, conducting intelligence work, knowledge of foreign languages, customs of countries of operational destination, methods of penetration behind enemy lines, survival in extreme conditions etc.

The fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them in the positional areas of the missile divisions will be carried out in the form of a special operation, during which intelligence information about the most important military installations will be obtained, the destruction or disabling of these objects, as well as the organization of sabotage and sabotage and terrorist acts.

The most numerous SOF were created in the USA (over 45 thousand people). Organizationally, they are consolidated into a joint special operations command, to which the joint special operations command and the special operations command of the armed forces (ground forces, air force, navy) are subordinate. The Joint Special Operations Command does not have a permanent MTR staff. In fact, it is represented by a headquarters engaged in developing optimal options integrated use MTR of aircraft types. SOF NE include formations of regular troops, army reserve and national guard. Regular formations include 5 Special Forces Groups, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta, 75th infantry regiment Rangers Regiment army aviation, a psychological operations group, a communications battalion with the civil administration, communications battalions, logistics support and 5 commands for supporting special operations in theaters. The Army Reserve includes 2 special forces groups, 3 group headquarters, 9 battalion headquarters and 27 psychological operations companies. The National Guard has 2 special forces groups and an army aviation battalion.

For the first time, Special Operations Forces (SOF) appeared in Syria, according to unofficial data, in October 2015. The military department announced the detachment's first task - protecting the perimeter of Russian military installations.

The MTR was created in 2009. Their tasks include mainly sabotage and reconnaissance operations and guiding aircraft to targets in remote areas. The MTR special forces groups are armed with wide range weapons from small arms to the latest armored vehicles, high-precision sniper systems and anti-tank missile systems.

MTR structure

The detachment is capable of conducting operations both outside the country - for this they will use the special forces of the Ministry of Defense "Senezh", the Airborne Forces, special forces brigades (GRU special forces), as well as the special forces of the Federal Drug Control Service "Grom" - and inside - internal troops, units of the FSIN, special forces of the FSB and other services.


From the weapons and uniforms I was able to see:

A modern modification of the Kalashnikov assault rifle - AK.
A Bushnell TRS-25 type collimator sight and optics are installed on the Picatinny rail on the receiver cover.

Ballistic helmet "Spartan" and helmet type 6B7-1M.

A lightweight anti-fragmentation raid suit, created on the basis of the FORT "Raid-L" protective kit and designed to protect special forces officers from primary and secondary fragments. The suit provides protection against fragments of 270 m/s.

Body armor "Redut-M", unique ASP-M1 steel armor panels provide chest and back protection from bullets with a heat-strengthened core (TUS) from AKM, AK-74 assault rifles, and LPS bullets SVD rifles, but also from bullets with a high-hard tungsten carbide core.

Active headphones Peltor Com Tac XP

Machine gun Utes and Pecheneg

Where were the Russian Special Operations Forces deployed?


In just two days, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) radically changed the course of the operation in Aleppo. For short time the allies liberated the neighborhoods: Sheikh Fares, Sheikh Kheder, Haydaria, al-Sakur, Hilak, Baedin, Ard al-Hamra, Jabal Badro, Bustan Basha, Inzarat.

The Syrian army owes much of its success in Aleppo to its allies. Russian special forces and special forces units were involved in the operation to liberate the city. Russian aviation, including naval ones, worked along supply routes for militants, thereby minimizing terrorist reserves.


Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported to President Vladimir Putin that the Syrian Armed Forces, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, completed the operation to capture Palmyra.
The city was liberated with the participation of MTR soldiers.

"The operation was planned and carried out under the leadership of Russian military advisers"

Successful interactions between the Syrian army and the Russian side have proven their effectiveness. Battle tactics underwent dramatic changes after the Russian military intervened in the matter. Each operation takes place under the strict guidance of commanders; the coordinated actions of the units allowed the army to attack the enemy on a wide front, which does not give the terrorists a chance to retreat or regroup.

The fact that Russia has deployed its own weapons in Syria secret weapon, officially became known only at the end of 2016, but rumors about elite MTR fighters appeared even earlier. Elite fighters were identified by their solution to combat missions. The competent and successful outcome of the operation was business card elite unit.