Secret weapon of GTA 5. Weapons

The game features a weapon system that allows players to carry all weapons instead of just one for each type. There are 8 slots on the wheel to choose from (clockwise from top): melee weapon slot, pistol slot, submachine gun slot, shotgun slot, assault rifle slot, machine gun slot, sniper rifle slot, for heavy weapons and a slot for throwing weapons.

Weapon parameters

Weapon stats are also displayed in the top right corner when selected. It will change depending on the selected weapon in the tab. But if you look into the game files (weapon*.meta), it turns out that these bars are responsible for individual parameters (HudDamage, HudSpeed, HudAccuracy and HudRange), which do not 100% reflect the values ​​of real parameters. Below is a table based on real parameters weapons:

  • Useful weapons are marked green.
  • Slightly less useful weapons are marked in yellow.
  • Green indicates the values ​​of the parameters that make the weapon useful.
  • Shop. Ammo capacity (improved value in parentheses).
  • Scatter. Basic bullet spread. The Handle upgrade divides this value by 1.1 (the value in parentheses).
  • Recoil spread. Increased recoil spread.
  • Recoil height. How high does the scope jump from recoil? Improvement " Muzzle brake» decreases this height (value in parentheses).
  • Recoil interval. Minimum time (in ms) between sends. Since recoil can only occur at the moment of firing, this value determines the probability of missing one. If this value is greater than the firing interval, then there will be recoil only for every second shot. If this value = 0, then there will be recoil from every shot.
  • Firing interval. Time in seconds between shots.
  • Damage. Base damage when shooting at the center without armor. For comparison, players with levels greater than 100 have health equal to 328.
  • Damage per second. Damage divided by the firing interval, not including reload time.
  • Range. The maximum distance from which the weapon can generally hit.
  • Effective range. The distance from which damage begins to decrease. For most weapons, damage is reduced by up to 30% at maximum range. The “Heavy Barrel” upgrade increases the effective distance (value in parentheses).
  • Aim. Obviously, it gives an approximation. It is also written in the files that it reduces the recoil height, but no difference was noticed in the game.
  • Muffler. Has no effect on damage, range or accuracy.
  • Auto, Motorcycle, Boat. Possibility of shooting from these types of vehicles.

Special cartridges

No useful information on special cartridges was found in the game files. Below are the results of practical testing of cartridges:

  • Tracer bullets. They just add lighting.
  • Incendiary bullets. Unknown chance set fire, -10% damage to enemies.
  • Expansive cartridges. +50% damage to enemies without armor, -10% damage to enemies with armor.
  • Armor-piercing cartridges. They pierce the armored vehicle (they hit health immediately), -90% damage to the armored vehicle itself.
  • TsMO cartridges. +100% damage to vehicles, ignore armored glass, -10% damage to enemies.

Firing range

For clarity, let’s see what the range values ​​from the table look like in the game.

30 . Maximum range for a double-barreled sawn-off shotgun and effective range for an armor-piercing pistol and POS.

40 . Maximum range for most shotguns.

50 . Maximum range for the Heavy Shotgun and slightly beyond the effective range of rifles.

120 . Maximum range for most weapons.

Best weapon

A list is formed based on the table best weapons for different situations in the game. This is what we recommend for purchase in ammunition and PKP; other weapons can be ignored so as not to clutter up your inventory.

  • On foot, close (30): RPG, Minigun, Assault Shotgun
  • Walking, moderate (50): RPG, Minigun, MkII assault rifle, MkII heavy machine gun
  • On foot, far (120): Precision Rifle, Heavy Sniper MkII
  • On foot, very far (>120): Heavy Sniper MkII
  • In transport, close (30): Armor-piercing pistol
  • In other situations: rocket launcher, Sticky Bombs, Proximity Mines, Grenades

In this article you can get acquainted with what weapons are available in GTA 5. We will not only list all kinds of weapons, but also provide detailed combat characteristics of each type of weapon in GTA 5 and GTA 5 Online.

If you have already played GTA 5, then you most likely noticed that weapons in this game are the most valuable resource along with money. A cool gun and ammo for it are not easy to come by, and going on a mission without being armed to the teeth is almost always tantamount to suicide.

GTA 5 where to find weapons

Where can you get weapons in GTA 5? There are 3 options. First, you can buy weapons from the Ammu-Nation store. This is the simplest option. But keep in mind that weapons cost money, and at the beginning of the game the range of available guns is very limited. Secondly, you can pick up the weapons of opponents defeated by you (or other participants in the game). For example, killed cops always drop a gun. Finally, thirdly, you can find weapons and body armor, which the developers hid in special places on the map. To help you with this, we have prepared weapons and armor map .

And if you want to get everything at once, use it!

Each weapon in GTA 5 has a number of characteristics. These include:

1) Accuracy(bullet spread)

2) Range

3) Fire rate

4) Damage dealt

An additional characteristic of a firearm is the clip capacity.

The weapon selection interface was transferred to GTA 5 from another game from Rockstar – Max Payne 3. Now, when choosing what to kill the enemy with, a circle appears on your screen, divided into 8 sectors. Each sector is a slot for a specific type of weapon. Thus, there are 8 types of weapons in total:

1) Cold weapon

2) Pistols

3) Slot machines

4) Shotguns

5) Assault rifles

6) Sniper rifles

7) Heavy weapons (machine guns and RPGs)

8) Grenades and bombs

First time in the series Grand Theft Auto almost every weapon can be modified. The list of available improvements is as follows:

1) Enlarged clip

2) Additional handle

3) Underbarrel flashlight

4) Optical sight

5) Muffler

6) Color change

All upgrades made affect the characteristics and ease of use of a particular weapon. For example, additional handle will reduce the spread of bullets when shooting (increase accuracy), A muffler will help not to attract attention while shooting (at the same time Damage dealt will decrease). Carrying out all modifications of any game weapon is a necessary condition for getting achievements“Pump up the gun.”

The number of weapons available in the game is constantly increasing with the release of new patches and additions, so this article will be updated over time.

GTA 5 weapons

Let's look at the weapons currently available in GTA 5.

Steel arms

1. Arms and legs.

At the beginning of the game, you will practically not have any serious weapons, so the ability to swing your limbs will definitely come in handy.

2. Knife.

An excellent killing weapon in the early stages of the game. You can buy it in a store for $100 or pick it up from street gang members. The knife can be used underwater.

3. Broken bottle.

“Rose” made from a bottle will become available after installing the “Beach Lazy” add-on. Can be obtained for free at the weapon store.

4. Hammer.

The weapon of a real maniac. The hammer is not as effective as other melee weapons, but it is extremely effective. Great choice for Trevor.

5. Mount.

Enough rare weapon, comparable in characteristics to a hammer.

6. Rubber baton.

The classic police baton, which, however, the cops in GTA 5 for some reason do not use - they prefer to immediately fire from cannons. Less effective than a knife.

7. Baseball bat.

Probably the most popular weapon for street fights. The most effective weapon melee combat in GTA 5. Not sold in stores. But the bat can be found on the weapon and armor map.

8. Golf club.

A good choice for an intelligent bandit :) It is slightly inferior in efficiency to a bat, since you can wield the stick more slowly.


9. An ordinary pistol.

Classic police Beretta 92FS. Clip – 12 rounds (can be expanded to 16). An excellent weapon at the beginning of the game.

10. Pocket pistol.

This miniature gun will become available after installing the Beach Bum add-on. The main drawback: the magazine only holds 6 rounds (can be upgraded to 12).

11. Combat pistol.

An excellent pistol, actively used by special services. Compared to the classic Beretta, it shoots more accurately and further. The magazine holds 12 rounds (can be expanded to 16).

12. Heavy pistol.

The prototype of this gun is legendary Colt 1911. Weapons are only available after installing the Business add-on. Significantly more powerful than all other pistols.

13. Armor-piercing pistol.

A very fast pistol, the main advantage of which is the ability to penetrate armor. The magazine holds 12 rounds (can be expanded to 16).

14. Desert Eagle .50.

Probably the most famous pistol in the world. Unfortunately, it is only available to owners of the special and collector's edition of the game. The magazine contains 9 rounds (12 after modification).

15. Shocker.

The choice of a humanist:) Does not kill the enemy, but only immobilizes him for a while. Reloading takes 4 seconds. Effective only at close range.

Slot machines

16. Uzi (Micro SMG).

This submachine gun will be very useful to you, because... only it can be used to fire while driving a car (in addition to pistols). Clip holds 16 rounds (can be expanded to 30)

17. SMG.

A fairly effective automatic weapon. The characteristics are higher than that of the Uzi, but the SMG cannot be fired while in a car. Has 16 rounds per clip (30 after upgrade).

18. Assault SMG.

An impressive weapon with characteristics almost identical to the classic SMG. Available to registered Rockstar users only Social Club. It has a spacious 30-round clip that can be expanded to 60.

19. Thompson machine gun.

A very beautiful and impressive submachine gun from the middle of the last century. Significantly superior to other guns of this class in terms of target engagement range. Available only after installing the Valentine's Day Massacre add-on. The clip holds 30 rounds (50 after upgrade).

20. Sawed-off shotgun

The most powerful shotgun that leaves no chance for enemies to short distance. Unfortunately, if the target is relatively far away, it is almost impossible to hit it. The clip contains 8 rounds.

21. Pump-action shotgun.

Less powerful, but significantly more accurate shotgun. You can take it from dead cops. Eight rounds in a clip.

22. Assault shotgun.

The most advanced weapon of this class in the game. The standard 8-round clip can be upgraded to 32! Excellent rate of fire.

23. Bullpup shotgun.

Weapons are only available to owners of the special and collector's edition of the game. The magazine contains 14 rounds.

24. Saiga.

A weapon whose prototype is the legendary Saiga, and that says it all :)

Assault rifles

25. AK-47.

An analogue of the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle, probably the most common assault rifle in the world. The popularity of this weapon is not accidental: the combat characteristics are truly impressive. The standard clip holds 30 rounds, the extended clip holds 60.

26. Combat Carbine.

And this is an analogue of the famous American M4 rifle (shortened version). In all respects it is better than Kalashnikov (which is debatable in real life). In addition, this rifle is more compact. Magazine for 30 rounds (60 after upgrade).

27. Special rifle.

The characteristics are similar to the previous rifle. Available only after installing the Business add-on. The clip contains 30 rounds (60 after modification).

28. Bullpup rifle.

28. Bullpup rifle.

Excellent Chinese rifle. Available only in the add-on " Savor" 30-round clip (60 after upgrade).

29. Improved rifle.

An excellent assault rifle made in Israel. Combat characteristics- one of the best in this class.

Sniper rifles

30. Regular sniper rifle.

An excellent weapon for killing at long range. 10-round clip.

31. Large-caliber sniper rifle.

One of the most powerful weapons in the game. Unlike a regular rifle, it penetrates armor. At the same time, it has a smaller clip (6 rounds) and fire rate.

Heavy weapons

32. Kalashnikov machine gun.

A powerful, rapid-fire weapon, perfect for firing at areas of high enemy concentration. The standard clip holds 54 rounds, the extended clip holds 100.

33. Compact machine gun.

American competitor to the Kalashnikov machine gun. Naturally, it’s better in almost all respects (the game is American, after all!). The clip contains from 100 to 200 rounds.

34. Minigun.

The fastest firing weapon in the game. Fires up to 6000 bullets per minute! It has a big disadvantage: a player armed with such a heavy machine gun moves very slowly.

35. A regular grenade launcher.

A classic grenade launcher equipped with ten grenades.

36. RPG.

The legendary RPG, the main purpose of which is to destroy ground and air technology enemy. Comes with two missiles.

Grenades and bombs

37. An ordinary grenade.

Classical fragmentation grenade. Area of ​​application: high concentrations of enemy manpower. 38. Gas bomb.

A bomb that releases tear gas when triggered, temporarily neutralizing opponents. Prolonged inhalation may cause death.

39. Sticky bomb.

A remote controlled bomb that attaches to a hard surface.

40. Molotov cocktail.

Classic. The incendiary mixture can be found on the sandy shores of the island. Effective for creating panic in the enemy ranks.

41. Canister of gasoline.

Classic. The incendiary mixture can be found on the sandy shores of the island. Effective for creating panic in the enemy ranks. The characteristics are identical to the Molotov cocktail, the difference is that the canister is “activated” when you shoot at it.

42. Parachute.

There are 5 types of armor in the game, from ultra-light to extra-heavy.
1) Ultralight armor. Provides an additional 15% protection. Cost – $500.
2) Light armor. Provides an additional 40% protection. Cost – $1000.
3) Regular armor. Provides an additional 60% protection. Cost – $1500.
4) Heavy armor. Provides an additional 80% protection. Cost – $2000.
5) Super heavy armor. Provides additional 100% protection. Cost – $2500.
We hope our information about weapons in GTA 5 helped you. Good game!

In the GTA series games, weapons have always played a very important role, because you constantly need to defend yourself or attack those people who need to be eliminated on assignment. So you definitely need to have a fast car with you and powerful weapon. With each new release in the series, both the number of cars and the variety of different guns that you can use grows. And in the fifth part there are already more than fifty of them - each of them has its own parameters, its own cost, as well as certain possibilities for improvement. You can easily exchange one gun for another, since in this game there is no specific limit on the number of guns you can carry with you. But the question of where to get a weapon is more complicated, since you can either purchase it, find it, or take it from someone who has it, if possible. There are also rare ones in the game that you will have to look for much longer, but it's really worth it. In GTA 5, weapons are a real joy for an amateur because they are extremely varied, and most importantly, you can use all types with equal effectiveness.

Melee Weapons

You start the game, naturally, without any special weapons. In GTA 5, weapons will appear to you as you progress, unless, of course, you want to enter codes. But this will ruin both your statistics and your entire interest in the game, so it’s better to achieve everything yourself. So, with your hands you can apply quite fast strikes, but at the same time they will take away very little health from opponents. Of course, this method is suitable for acquiring initial capital and purchasing at least the simplest gun. But fists are far from the only way to conduct close combat. You can also arm yourself with a knife, police baton, a hammer, a baseball bat or even a crowbar - in the tradition Each weapon has its own unique characteristics, such as damage, impact speed and range. Naturally, the last indicator is valid only for long-range weapons. In general, as you can see, weapons in GTA 5 are very diverse, so you will find something to attack the enemy with.


The easiest firearms in this game these are pistols. There are several of them different types, so you can choose something to your liking. However, in GTA 5, weapons have their own characteristics - this has already been said earlier. Therefore, you need to focus not only on but also on how this or that gun can benefit you. For example, an armor-piercing pistol has a huge rate of fire, but does not deal the highest damage. But a fifty-caliber pistol does quite a lot of damage, has high accuracy, but is also extremely slow. In general, you will be able to get your bearings on the spot which weapon you would like to use in a particular case. But you must understand that pistols are only basic weapons, they are unbalanced and do not have high accuracy, so you better move on to more advanced ones as soon as possible powerful species guns in GTA 5. How to throw away a weapon to replace it with another? Unfortunately, this cannot be done, but this does not apply to different classes. More precisely, you can have one gun of each class, but you will not be able to exchange one gun of one class for another of the same class. It’s not very convenient, but the developers decided to do just that.

Submachine guns

Are you tired of pistols and have you decided to switch to submachine guns in GTA 5? Where can I find weapons of this type? In fact, you won't have to search long because there are only three models in total, and they are constantly available in stores. But you should think twice before buying such a weapon. If you find it on the street or pick it up from a defeated enemy, you can use it, but you shouldn't buy it. The fact is that submachine guns do not have the highest damage, low accuracy and only stand out high speed shooting. So it cannot be said that this weapon will be very effective. Actually, their firing range is also poor, so you’d better think about another weapon class. Of course, there are improvements for submachine guns, as well as for other types of weapons, but it is unlikely that you will be able to create something incredible from such guns in GTA 5. “Getting a better weapon - is it possible?” - this is the question that should concern you.

Assault rifles

Assault rifles are practically the most better weapons in Game. Of course, many would like to immediately jump to such guns in the PC game for weapons that could help you with this if they existed. Unfortunately, you need to download all the codes, but among them there will still not be one that would give you access to any weapon, as was the case in previous episodes series. So you'll have to get yours assault rifles on one's own. They are really worth it because compared to submachine guns they deal more damage with greater range and accuracy, and also have a faster rate of fire in most models. Believe me, you won't need cheat codes - in GTA 5 it is very easy to find weapons that are not rare, and it won't take you much time to cope with this task.

Light machine guns

Time to move on to more powerful guns, which will require large financial expenses from you if you decide to purchase them legally, but at the same time you can become a real threat to Liberty City. If on the Internet they write about weapons from GTA 5 for GTA: San Andreas, then these guns are the first to be mentioned because they are truly impressive and give you incredible firepower. They are good at everything - damage, rate of fire, firing range, and even accuracy. And if you add certain upgrades to them, you will get a real one. Of course, weapons are very desirable, largely due to the fact that they can be purchased light machine gun It won’t be long before you succeed, but you want to use it from the very first minutes.


Another type of weapon, which is one of the most popular not only in this game, but also in many others. In GTA 5 PC, weapons are valued for different characteristics, and if we talk about shotguns, then, of course, the guns are inferior in absolutely all respects - their firing range is minimal, the accuracy is very low, they shoot extremely slowly. But at the same time, they have one advantage that you can use wisely - at short distances, shotguns cause incredible damage. So a properly used shotgun compensates for absolutely all its shortcomings. And this is where one of the most pressing questions of GTA 5 arises - how to change weapons? After all, among shotguns there is an assault model, which still has the same high damage, but automatic reloading, which provides it with a very high increase in rate of fire. And the only way you can exchange a regular shotgun for an assault one is to get caught by the police. Then your weapon will be confiscated, and you will be able to take the one that interests you. It's sad that this is the only option, but nothing can be done about it.

Sniper rifles

All the types of weapons described above are suitable for open firefights, that is, in battles on equal terms. But at the same time you can attack enemies without being seen - for this there are sniper rifles. They have maximum damage, maximum firing range and maximum accuracy, but also fire extremely slowly. So this is a shotgun long distances. Both of these types of weapons cannot be used except in those cases for which they are intended: a shotgun at close ranges, and a sniper at long ranges.

Heavy weapons and explosives

Well, that's practically all the weapons that are present in the game. All you have to do is learn about the most powerful and most expensive weapons that you will encounter, and at the same time about the largest. TO last class These include guns such as a grenade launcher, rocket launcher or minigun. Also pay attention to a variety of explosives - grenades, Molotov cocktails and bombs will help you in certain situations.

Specifications, prices, availability and more

As of August 15, 2018, there are a total of 92 weapons in GTA 5 and Online. They are divided into classes and, unlike previous games in the series, protagonists can carry all weapons at once, and not just one unit of each class. In addition, death or arrest does not lead to the loss of weapons.

Weapon modifications appeared for the first time in GTA 5, which are also available in GTA Online. They can be purchased at Ammu-Nation stores.

Please note: in GTA Online weapons remains with the protagonist forever only when you buy it. Captured weapons are retained only until the end of the session.


Up-n-Atom-izer is secret weapon in GTA Online, added to the game as part of the 2018 Holiday Surprise. It became available to all players who logged into GTA Online on December 25, 2018.

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Stone ax

The Stone Ax is a secret weapon in GTA Online that is unlocked after completing a special quest. Was added to the game as part of an update " Night life", became available on August 3, 2018.

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Self-cocking revolver

The Self-cocking Revolver is a secret weapon in GTA Online that is unlocked after completing a special quest. It was added to the game as part of the Doomsday Heist and became available on December 15, 2017.