Rabbit weight at 1 month. Choosing a meat breed of rabbits

For large farms important indicator productivity is the growth and development of young animals that are contained in it. After all, the faster young animals grow and develop, the faster it will be possible to sell raw materials and make a profit. Today, using the example of giants, we will look at the influence of breed characteristics on the weight of rabbits different breeds by month.


In modern agricultural complexes, the most widespread is the breeding of giant or giant rabbits. Why is this beneficial? Firstly, giants have a high precocity, secondly, they grow quickly, thirdly, they acclimatize in unfavorable weather conditions, fourthly, they are less susceptible to various diseases, fifthly, they give a large offspring.

So, around the 17th century, the first Flanders came to Holland. Rumor has it that these animals, huge by rabbit standards, are direct descendants of those same Patagonian rabbits. In appearance, Flanders strongly resemble small puppies: they are clumsy, with thick paws, and big ears. A Flandre female can produce more than 16 cubs in one litter (on average 7-9). The cubs grow very quickly. So, a Flanders rabbit weighs about 3 kilograms at 3 months.

Weight table for Flanders rabbits by month

Age (days) Weight (g)
newborns 62
30 815
60 1635
90 2675
120 3595
150 4680
180 5535
210 6315
240 7050

White giant

White giant is a descendant of the Flanders. Distinctive feature This breed has snow-white, spotless fur and red (or pink) eyes. The White Giant breed was developed in Belgium at the beginning of the 20th century. However, when these animals first entered the territory of the former Soviet Union, breeding scientists tried to develop a new variation of the white giant breed, which will the best way adapted to our harsh weather conditions. This is how the white giant appeared, which perfectly tolerates cold and heat and is rightfully considered the most unpretentious breed meat rabbits. This breed is also distinguished by enviable fertility: females can produce up to 14 cubs in 1 litter.

Weight table for white giant rabbits by month

Age (days) Weight (g)
newborns 60
30 745
60 1325
90 2350
120 3255
150 4115
180 4785
210 5210
240 5725

French ram

Nowadays, these cute, fold-eared animals are often kept as pets, but initially this breed was bred for the purpose of obtaining meat and fur. Direct relatives of the French ram are the Flemish giant and the English fold. The average weight of a rabbit is 4.5 kilograms. These animals grow quickly and are characterized by a high number of offspring - a female can give birth to more than 12 rabbits in 1 litter.

Weight table for French ram rabbits by month

Age (days) Weight (g)
newborns 60
30 695
60 1425
90 2585
120 3510
150 4325
180 4385
210 5325
240 6290

California rabbit

It is not difficult to guess that the birthplace of this cute animal with an unusual color is the USA, California. The ancestors of the California rabbit are considered to be animals of several other breeds, namely the New Zealand, Himalayan (ermine), and chinchilla breeds. Initially, the “Californian” was considered a meat-hide animal, however, later these animals began to be kept as pets, since rabbits of this breed have unusual beauty and meek disposition.

The average weight of “Californians” is 4-4.7 kilograms. However, there are individuals with a body weight of more than 5 kilograms. Representatives of this breed grow quite quickly. We propose to consider the average weight of rabbits by month.

Age (months) Weight, kg)
newborns 0,05
2 1,8-2
3 2,6-2,8
4 3,0-3,2
5 3,5-3,7
6 3,7-4,2
7 4,5-5

The Soviet chinchilla breed was born as a result of crossing a white giant with a small chinchilla rabbit. These animals are characterized by their unusually soft fur. The Soviet chinchilla is a meat-and-skin animal. Young animals grow quickly, in addition, this breed is characterized by its precocity. So, at 4 months a rabbit should weigh about 3.7 kilograms. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and resistance to harsh weather conditions. For good weight gain, rabbits of this breed require significantly less feed than other meat animals. An adult animal weighs on average about 5 kilograms. In 1 litter, a female can give birth to up to 8 cubs.

Soviet chinchilla fur is used in production purposes to imitate real chinchilla fur. Fur coats, hats, and collars are usually made from it.

Age (months) Weight, kg)
newborns 0,75
2 1,7-1,8
3 2,6-2,8
4 3,5-3,7

Rabbit meat is a dietary product. It is very useful and easy to digest. Therefore, it can be consumed at any age.

Raising rabbits for meat is quite accessible both on a private farm and on a large farm.

How to raise a rabbit for meat and reduce the cost of breeding it?

First of all, you need to decide on the breed. Naturally, it is better to breed meat breeds of rabbits for meat.

“Meat” breeds

The most common meat breeds include:

  • New Zealand white;
  • New Zealand red;
  • Californian;
  • Risen, or the German giant;
  • French ram;
  • Soviet chinchilla;
  • gray giant;
  • white giant;
  • silver;
  • Flanders;
  • European silver;
  • Poltava silver.
New Zealand white

The weight of the animals reaches 4-6 kilograms. A female rabbit gives birth to 7-12 babies. Rabbits are characterized by rapid growth: at 3 months their weight reaches 3 kilograms. The animals are well adapted for being kept on mesh floors: their soles are hairy.

New Zealand red

Weight is 4-6 kilograms, while females are larger than males. On average, there are 8-9 rabbits in a litter. Babies are characterized by rapid weight gain.


Rabbits of this breed reach 7 kilograms in weight, and some individuals reach 12-14 kilograms.

Gray giant

This breed was developed quite a long time ago, but is still widespread. The weight of rabbits is 5.3-6.8 kilograms. The female rabbit brings 7-8 young rabbits, which are distinguished by early maturity, grow very quickly and gain weight. At 3 months, rabbits reach two kilograms in weight. The meat is of average quality. Together with the meat, you can get large and especially large skins.

White giant

Representatives of this breed weigh 5.5-8 kilograms. There are 7-8 rabbits in a litter.


Average weight – 4-5 kilograms. At the age of 3-4 months they are distinguished by high growth energy: per day the weight increases by 30-40 grams. At 3 months, rabbits weigh 2.7-3.4 kilograms, and at 5-4.2 kilograms. There are 8-10 babies in a litter. In a year, one female can produce 30-35 young individuals. Good qualities They also have a skin: their fur is thick and dense.

European silver

Representatives of the breed are becoming increasingly famous every year. The average weight of rabbits is 4.5 kilograms. Often there are specimens reaching 5.8-6.6 kilograms. On average, a female rabbit produces 8 young rabbits, which are highly precocious. At two months of age they weigh 2 kilograms, and at three months - 3. Rabbits of the European silver breed are unpretentious, require a minimum of feed, and easily survive severe frosts. They have a calm character. The skin is characterized by thickness and softness.

Poltava silver

Rabbits weigh on average 4.5 kilograms, often reaching 5.8-6.6 kilograms. There are about 8 rabbits in the litter. Rabbit meat is very juicy and tasty. The fur is fluffy and valued for its original coloring. They are resistant to frost.

French ram

They weigh on average 5-5.5 kilograms, in some cases 7-8 kilograms, and sometimes even 12 kilograms.

Meat breeds of rabbits differ:

  • early maturity - rabbits are slaughtered at 3.5-4 months;
  • efficiency - for 1 kilogram of weight gain you need 3.5 kilograms of feed;
  • fertility - a female rabbit gives birth to 7-9 young rabbits
  • unpretentiousness;
  • early puberty – they become sexually mature at the age of 4 months;
  • genetic adaptation to mesh floors - the soles are pubescent.

Keeping and breeding at home

Although rabbits are herbivores, it is not possible to obtain high-quality meat on grass alone. Therefore, feed and grain are needed to feed them. Beetroot, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage will help diversify the diet and supply animals with vitamins. To meet the calcium needs of rabbits, chalk and meat should be added to the feed. bone meal. To ensure that rabbits' teeth can be ground down, branches and tree bark should be placed in the cages. Necessary condition breeding rabbits - constant availability of clean water.

Rabbits are allowed to mate at the age of 4-6 months with normal fatness: the weight of females must be more than 2.5 kilograms. The female's estrus lasts 3-5 days every 8-9 days. The resumption of estrus after birth occurs on the 1st-2nd day: the female rabbit can be covered immediately. In a year, you can get 4-5 litters from adult females, and 1-2 from young females. The rabbit should not be too thin, but she should not be allowed to become obese. For 8 females they usually leave one male. To increase the growth rate, females are crossed with males of other breeds. Gestation lasts about a month. In one litter, the female brings from 6 to 18 rabbits.

Rabbits are slaughtered for meat if they reach a weight of 2.8-3 kilograms at the age of 3-4 months. Further feeding of animals is unprofitable: they eat more feed and grow more slowly. In addition, the meat of young animals has a more delicate taste compared to the meat of adult animals.

Feeding, breeding and caring for rabbits

Pregnant and lactating rabbits should receive an enhanced diet: it should be 10-15% higher than the usual diet.

There are 2 known methods of raising rabbits for meat:

  1. ordinary;
  2. raising broilers.

With normal breeding Rabbits are separated from their mother at the age of 40-45 days. They are fed with cereals and legumes, mixed feed and grain. In winter, it is recommended to add cake or meal, boiled potatoes, and bone meal to the diet. In the diet of rabbits raised for meat, concentrated feed should make up 50-60% of total number stern.

In broiler rearing The young animals are kept together with the female until slaughter at the age of 70-75 days. Sometimes broiler rabbits reach a weight of 1.8-2 kilograms already at the age of 60 days. But this is possible if the females have high milk production, the breed of animals is early maturing and the young animals receive high-quality feeding, including granulated feed containing proteins. With such breeding, the female must be fed generously with expensive concentrated feed to prevent her from “wearing out”. But it should be taken into account that broiler breeding deteriorates the quality of animal skins.

Raising rabbits for meat does not relieve the owner of the need to humanely care for the rabbit. In addition, if an animal develops in comfortable conditions, then its meat will be tastier and more tender.


For a farmer, the weight of rabbits is the main indicator of production productivity. Among other domestic animals, they are the fastest growing. On average, by 4-5 months, pets grow by 65%, and after about 8-10 months, long-eared animals gain the maximum weight characteristic of a particular species. What are the rates of development in different breeds, how much should rabbits weigh at certain periods of life, and what weight is considered normal for adults - you will learn from this article.

Livestock growth dynamics

Newborn eared rabbits of different breeds can weigh a rabbit depending on their age. Born blind and hairless, thanks to mother's milk, in the first 25-28 days of life (about 4 weeks), the rabbit's weight increases approximately 10 times. Then the growth rate decreases slightly. But for the next three to four months, intense weight gain is still observed.

By 4-5 months, animals reach sexual maturity, gaining approximately 65-70% of the average adult rabbit weight. At this age, individuals weigh about 3.5 kg.

Long-eared animals produce the maximum number of kilograms by 9-10 months of life. There are minor differences depending on the breed. They must be studied in order to achieve the goal for which the farmer organizes a rabbit farm.

What determines quality weight gain?

Farm productivity is directly related to the rate at which animals gain weight. This component of success can be influenced by taking into account the following parameters:

  • natural characteristics of the breed;
  • hereditary qualities of the livestock;
  • maternal qualities of the female;
  • living conditions created for animals;
  • quality and diet;
  • properly conducted perinatal and infant periods.

When planning farming activities, the owner needs to decide for what purpose the rabbits will be raised. If the direction of the farm is only meat, you need meat types animals.

If a farmer plans to produce meat and skins, then the livestock for breeding must be selected accordingly. Giant breed rabbits show the best weight gain results at minimal cost.

What are the largest rabbits?

Giant rabbits grow faster than others: Flanders, white giant, French ram, Californian and New Zealand white. Breeding these species is profitable for several reasons. The first is the precocity of these breeds and rapid growth rates in comparison with others.

In addition, giants easily adapt to any conditions of detention and tolerate even unfavorable conditions. cold weather. Having strong immunity to a wide range of diseases, these rabbits can reproduce well. In one litter, a giant female usually has 10 babies.

By the 3rd month of life, giant rabbits weigh more than 2.5 kg. An adult giant breed rabbit weighs 5-7 kg.

Of course, each variety of eared animals has its own developmental characteristics over the months. Below is a table with detailed information on how much a rabbit weighs depending on age:

Characteristics of different breeds

Certain types of eared animals can be used for different results in production. There are only meat ones - they weigh a lot, they gain it quickly and easily. If rabbits are downy, then weight gain is not so important. But there are also combined breeds. They perform well in meat production and successfully produce fluff or good skin.

The minimum weight of adult animals for meat production is 4.5-5 kg. The maximum weight of representatives of this species is 10-12 kg. On average, adult animals raised for meat grow to 6-7 kg. At the same time, at three months of age, the live weight of baby rabbits is approximately 40-45% of the weight of an adult, which is equal to 2.5-2.7 kg.

Adult representatives of meat-and-down breeds weigh on average 5 kg, reaching approximately the same figures as meat breeds by three months - 2.5-2.7 kg.

Downy breeds are the lightest. Adults barely reach 3.5-4 kg; at 3-4 months they barely reach 2 kg.

What can influence the rate of weight growth

There is a relationship between the time of year and the mass of animals. Rabbit breeders have come to a consensus that the time of birth affects the growth rate of the baby rabbit. It was noticed that born in winter or at the beginning of spring, individuals develop much faster than those born in the summer-autumn period.

Different types of rabbits develop differently. But on average, from about 80 days of life, feed costs begin to increase significantly.

Representatives of absolutely all varieties of the hare family stop growing after gaining Weight Limit after 10 months. As a rule, only fertile females and breeding males are kept until this age. The remaining individuals end their existence by 4 months.

How does milk production affect a rabbit's growth?

The growth rate of baby rabbits is affected by the milk supply of the female. If a female rabbit has high-quality milk in sufficient quantities, if she responsibly approaches the process of feeding her offspring, then the rate of weight gain of the rabbits will be very high. And not only during the suckling period, but also after separation from the mother.

A summer birth gives the rabbit more complete milk than a spring birth. During the first birth, the female’s milk production will be lower than in subsequent ones. The highest indicators can be manifested only in the third lactation.

The best milk production indicators are found in the Californian breed and the Soviet chinchilla. The worst are New Zealand Whites.

The milk production of rabbits can be determined in comparison with other individuals of the species. Visually, females with the best indicators have a larger chest circumference by approximately 7%. And the body is 2% longer with a body weight reduced by 700-800 g.

The relationship between health and weight gain

An important factor for rapid weight gain is the health of the rabbits. The physical characteristics of eared animals differ from other types of farm animals. Normal temperature the bodies of lagomorphs can vary from 37 to 41 degrees, falling in winter and rising in the summer heat.

Pets on rabbit farms feel comfortable at temperatures environment from 15 to 22 degrees. But they can withstand frosts down to -30 and heat of +30 degrees.

Dampness and drafts can provoke diseases, which will have a detrimental effect on the growth of livestock. Therefore, provide your pets with acceptable living conditions, a balanced, nutritious diet, cleanliness in their cages and a calm psychological environment.

If all these conditions are met, the health of the eared animals will be fine. They will quickly gain weight, and the cost of care and quality nutrition will quickly meet your expectations. In the article “How long do rabbits live” you will learn all the details about the life expectancy of long-eared rabbits.

Please write in the comments which breeds you prefer to breed on your farm. How quickly do they grow?

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Kira Stoletova

Rabbit meat is tasty and useful product, which will appeal to many gourmets. And if we consider it from the point of view of a farmer, this is also a very convenient product for sale, which sells out quickly and for good price. Therefore, meat rabbits have become very popular among breeders, as it is convenient and profitable to breed them. But for beginners who are just starting to think about this business, it is difficult to choose the right breed. Therefore, they should first look at the list of varieties of these animals.

Choosing a meat breed of rabbits

Rabbits of any breed can be used as a source of tasty and dietary meat. The only exceptions are decorative varieties. But in order to get maximum profit, you should breed animals bred specifically for meat, and not for skin breeding. There are also meat-skin animals, and even skin-producing animals. And you won’t be able to get much meat from them. There are several factors that you should pay attention to when choosing a breed of meat rabbit:

  1. The quality of the meat obtained. Almost every rabbit's meat has a pleasant taste and is healthy. But there are breeds that produce a more tasty and tender product. And their carcasses can be sold for a high price.
  2. Speed ​​of weight gain. Depending on how quickly animals gain slaughter weight, the cost of caring for them to achieve productivity also depends. The speed of product sales is also directly related to this parameter. Those animals that gain weight more slowly are not as profitable to keep.
  3. Rabbit sizes. There are several breeds that really differ large sizes. These giants reach a mass of 6-7 kg, and they have an excellent slaughter yield. Sometimes these animals are not meat, but meat-skin varieties.
  4. Precocity. The faster these animals reproduce, the larger the offspring, and the higher the profit received. For meat rabbits, this parameter is very important. Although these animals reproduce quickly, some breed faster than others.
  5. Resistance to infectious and fungal diseases. There are many unpleasant diseases that can destroy up to 80-90% of the entire rabbit population. And it is better for a beginner to give preference to those varieties that better resist these ailments. Such resistance simplifies the breeding of animals.

In addition to all these factors, you should also pay attention to which animals are better adapted to a given area. You should also look at what breeds of rabbits you can buy for breeding for meat. Some varieties are unavailable or rare in some regions, and you have to buy those animals that are available. In any case, before purchasing, you should look at the description of the breed and consult with experienced breeders. Perhaps they can recommend a worthwhile variety.

Description of individual breeds of meat rabbits

It is difficult to select the best meat rabbit breeds. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages, so you should choose based on your own preferences. For one farmer, small but early maturing animals are suitable, capable of high speed gain killer weight. And another breeder will choose meat-skin animals, which are large in size, but at the same time have average speed weight gain. Here is a comparison table that describes some varieties of rabbits:

Breed name Rabbit live weight Killer exit Number of rabbits in the litter Skin color
Gray Giant From 4 to 7 kilograms 55-57% From 7 to 11 pieces Dark gray color
Soviet Chinchilla From 4 to 8 kilograms 55-58% From 6 to 8 pieces Silver grey, various shades possible
New Zealand white rabbits From 4 to 6 kilograms 53-59% From 8 to 11 pieces Pure white coat color
California breed From 4 to 6 kilograms 56-60% From 8 to 12 pieces White fur with black muzzle, ears and paws
Flanders or Belgian giant From 5 to 12 kilograms 53-55% From 5 to 8 pieces Black, white, shades of gray, red and beige
White giant From 4 to 8 kilograms 54-57% From 6 to 9 pieces Only pure snow-white color is allowed

These are not all breeds that can be bred at home. In principle, the farmer should remember that meat-skin and meat breeds of rabbits are the best for breeding, at least for novice breeders. Special attention should be paid to those varieties that were bred in Russia and Ukraine. They are best adapted to local conditions. And among them there are many of the largest specimens, which really produce a lot of tasty and healthy product.

The largest varieties of rabbits

The most large rabbits usually found not among meat, but among meat-skin varieties. The names of these breeds are well known to professional livestock breeders. It is worth comparing them with classic representatives of the meat production line. Firstly, they do not grow and gain weight as quickly, which is why it takes a little more feed to breed them. On the other hand, monthly growth retardation is compensated by obtaining not only a carcass, but also skins of medium or high quality.

Unfortunately, the carcass of meat-skinned rabbits is not very meaty, and in terms of slaughter yield they are inferior to representatives of meat varieties. But the quality of fur and skin cannot compete with the product obtained from breeds of the skin industry. But, despite the monthly lag in growth and the average quality of the product, it is more convenient for a beginner to work with these animals. They are quite unpretentious and easy to maintain, which is why they are sometimes ahead of fast-growing but high-maintenance breeds in terms of benefits.

What breed of rabbits should I choose? (Tips for beginners.)

Rabbit breeding: the most best breeds rabbits and giant rabbits.

Meat breeds of rabbits - Burgundy rabbits aviary keeping

Meat breed of rabbits California rabbit

The best bunnies

Flanders rabbit breed

The Flandre is also called the Belgian Giant, and it has been used in the development of a number of other meat and meat-skin breeds. It is usually classified as a meat-skin variety, therefore, both in terms of skin quality and slaughter yield, it is not a record holder among representatives of its production line. But Flandre sets records for weight and overall body dimensions. Some representatives are capable of reaching a mass of 12 kilograms. On average, these animals weigh 7-8 kilograms as adults.

The characteristic differences of this variety are a massive and powerful body and a large head in relation to the body. At general sizes animal, these differences stand out a lot against the general background. Belgians have a uniform color, white, black, various shades of gray, red or beige. Different animals from the same litter may have different shades of fur. But no matter how large this breed is, it has a number of its own serious disadvantages, which should also be paid attention to.

Firstly, Belgian giants take a long time to mature, and, if you look at the months, the weight of a mature animal is reached only at the age of 8-9 months. And early slaughter does not bring benefits, since the slaughter yield is at a young age less than that of an adult rabbit. The second problem that breeders of these animals face is their demanding living conditions. They need clean, spacious and comfortable rabbitries, otherwise the livestock will begin to die. Finally, these animals are very demanding regarding the quality and quantity of food they receive.

Rabbit breed Gray Giant

Among the large breeds of meat and skin production, it is also worth noting gray giants. They were bred on the territory of Ukraine back in the 50s of the twentieth century. Representatives of this variety are suitable for beginning rabbit breeders, as they do not require special care and easily adapt to local conditions. Females of this breed weigh, on average, 4.5-5 kilograms, and males - 6 kilograms. At the same time, individual representatives can grow up to 7 kilograms of live weight.

Although gray giants belong to meat-skin breeds, the quality of their skin is at an average level. In this parameter they are inferior to rabbits of any skin variety. On the other hand, from one animal you can get the skin large area, which is why they are valued by many farmers. In terms of meat quality and slaughter yield, they are somewhat inferior to most meat breeds. These animals are characterized by average early maturity, but they reproduce quickly and take excellent care of their own offspring.

A beginner is able to confuse the Soviet Chinchilla and the Gray Giant. These two breeds have similar appearance, weight and color of the skin. But at the same time, the chinchilla is capable of achieving greater weight, and it has a slightly better slaughter yield. In fact, this variety is perhaps the most convenient for breeding by novice rabbit breeders. Although you can find different opinions on this matter on different forums. Already by the age of 120 days average weight young animals weigh 3.5 kilograms and are ready for slaughter.

The Soviet chinchilla has a decent slaughter yield, and very tasty and tender meat that can be sold without any problems. And purebred representatives can boast of high quality fur and skins. Moreover, the longer these animals grow, the more meat and skin they provide. Therefore, not only the expense increases month by month, but also the potential profit. The weak point of breeding these large animals is nutrition. They only need fresh and high-quality food, otherwise they will begin to get sick and die.

Rabbit breed White giant

When breeding these animals, representatives of the Flanders breed, which has already been described, were used. In addition to them, representatives of various other breeds were used, which were united by one important circumstance. All rabbits used in breeding were albinos, which affected the color of this variety. All animals have pure white fur, and any deviations are considered a serious defect. Only animals with snow-white hair are allowed for breeding.

In terms of the quality of their skin and fur, rabbits of the White Giant breed resemble the Soviet chinchilla, and are just as capable of competing with the skin varieties. They also have excellent meat quality, so their breeders have excellent sales of both carcasses and skins. You can see what these animals look like in photos and videos. The classic white coat and red eyes of an albino dog will be easily recognized even by a beginner. But, no matter how good this breed is, it has its drawbacks that make it not the most convenient for beginners.

Firstly, the White Giant is not distinguished by high fertility and early maturity. High quality meat comes at the price of low growth rates. Slaughter usually occurs no earlier than 7-8 months of life, so that the animal has time to gain weight. Secondly, there are rarely a large number of rabbits in one litter. And therefore, the health of the young animals must be closely monitored. Finally, representatives of this breed have a congenital predisposition to a number of diseases. And therefore, caring for them sometimes causes certain difficulties.

Classic meat rabbit breeds

Classic meat rabbit breeds, contrary to popular belief, are often not large in size. The question here is not how much they weigh, but how quickly they gain lethal mass. And these animals usually don’t live long for farmers. Breeding individuals are kept for up to 3-3.5 years, and those that are slaughtered for meat - from 2 to 8 months. The main advantage of varieties of this direction is their early ripening and lethal yield. Here are examples of classic meat rabbits:

  • New Zealand white breed
  • New Zealand Red breed
  • California rabbits
  • European silver
  • Poltava silver

These animals have a smaller body mass than those giants that have already been described. But they are able to gain slaughter weight by 3-5 months of life, which is why it is very profitable to breed them for meat. They are also valued for the quality of the carcass, which is always easy to sell. The skins of these animals can also be used for sale, but they are usually less valuable than the skins of other varieties. Even with high quality fur, the skin area of ​​a meat rabbit is relatively small.

California rabbit breed

These animals have a long list of advantages, thanks to which they are highly valued by professional farmers in the USA and Europe. Californians, despite their relatively low body weight (4.5-5 kilograms on average), are able to quickly gain weight. Young animals are often sent for slaughter at the age of 3-4 months. And they reach puberty only 1-2 months later. Moreover, there are at least 8 rabbits in one litter. Their small size makes it possible to keep these pets in small rabbitries.

The growth rate of California rabbits amazes those accustomed to large, but late-ripening varieties. By the end of the second month of life, the young weigh, on average, 2 kilograms. And thanks to the light bones and excellent carcass qualities, already in the 3rd month of life they have a slaughter yield at the level of adult representatives. Californians are also very undemanding in their maintenance and resistant to disease. And these qualities were noticed and appreciated by professionals. Here's what they write about this on the forums:

"IN Lately Often you come across advertisements - “California rabbits for sale.” And the demand for rabbits of this breed is very high. The thing is that both amateurs and specialists have realized all the benefits of breeding these meat animals. They have everything a rabbit breeder needs. Californians are precocious, prolific, distinguished by high slaughter yield, unpretentiousness and good health. This is why in the USA this breed, along with New Zealand white animals, is the basis of meat rabbit breeding.”

New Zealand white rabbit breed

It’s worth mentioning right away that there is also a New Zealand red breed, from which white New Zealanders were bred about a century ago. They have a similar constitution, body weight, early maturity and fertility. Only red animals have a bright red coat color and are less unpretentious. White New Zealanders weigh on average 4-5 kilograms and are not large animals. But they quickly gain weight and are distinguished by tasty and dietary meat. They also have high quality white skin.

It was these animals that were taken as the basis for the development of the Californian breed. For this reason, they are similar in size, weight and a number of other parameters. New Zealanders also have a very good slaughter yield and decent meat quality. By the third month of life they reach a weight of 2.4-3 kilograms. And at this age they are often sent to slaughter. Breeding New Zealanders is also profitable because they have good fertility. Female rabbits rarely give birth to less than 8 young rabbits in one litter.

Another advantage of the breed is their ability to adapt to different conditions content. After they were brought to Russia, they easily adapted to local conditions. Even in cold regions they can be kept in cages with slatted or mesh floors. This makes cleaning and maintaining livestock easier. These animals are also distinguished by good health and are little susceptible to disease. With timely vaccination, the rabbit breeder will not have problems in this matter.


All meat breeds of rabbits can be divided, essentially, into two large categories. One category is meat-skinned animals, characterized by their large size and weight. And the second is relatively small rabbits, whose main characteristics are early maturity and fertility. And you can choose any type of breed for breeding. It is only important that it be adapted to local conditions and moderately unpretentious. Then breeding rabbits will definitely become profitable, with the right approach.

Any beginning farmer planning to work with these animals should know how much a rabbit weighs. The demand for meat will be guaranteed, because the benefits of rabbit meat are literally legendary, but it is important to be able to calculate what income to count on and what breed to start in order to ensure a profitable business.

Meat: general information

Rabbit meat is a dietary product that is beneficial for human health. It is easily digestible digestive system, has high nutritional qualities. As early as six months of age, it is recommended to start feeding babies complementary foods using rabbit meat. rich in protein, mineral, vitamin complexes.

In terms of the concentration of nitrogenous substances, only turkey and hare are better than rabbit; in terms of fatty substances, duck and pork dominate. The dietary parameters of meat from a rabbit carcass will be close to chicken, but the quality will be better. Up to 20% of the total mass is protein structures, fat - no more than 18%. In terms of concentration and set of vitamins and minerals, there is practically nothing better than rabbit meat, as experts say.

Where to get it?

Indeed, having found out all the benefits of rabbit meat, everyone will want to know where to get such a unique product for their table. Owners of rabbit farms are sure: you need to buy from them. In total, about two hundred species of animals are known, but not all are meat. Most of the known rabbits - source delicious meat and beautiful skins, but some are too small to be used for food.

The most delicious and healthy meat can be obtained from a meat breed. There are several of the most popular rabbits currently being bred on farms. They are the ones on sale.


Many farmers know how much a Californian breed rabbit weighs - this variety is currently one of the most popular. On average, a carcass weighs more than 5.5 kg, sometimes reaching six. The breed is suitable for our climate, is well cultivated in industrial conditions, has relatively small dimensions, and the quality of the meat is excellent. One of the main advantages of Californians is early ripening. By the age of five months, females mature, bringing ten rabbits each time.

California rabbits are a source of tender and tasty meat, which became the basis for classifying the breed as broilers. Compared to other varieties, the rabbit carcass here gives the greatest beneficial yield. Animals are distinguished by well-developed muscles and short bones.

New Zealanders

Many farmers also know how much a rabbit of this breed weighs - along with the Californian, the New Zealand rabbit is the most actively bred in our area. On average, live weight is up to 5 kg, the body length reaches half a meter. Distinctive features of the structure are a cylindrical compact body, a wide back, rich in meat. Particularly vigorous growth is observed in early age. The females of this breed are very fertile and milk-producing; one litter gives the farmer up to 8 young rabbits.

Industrial breeding of the breed allows us to obtain meat of impeccable quality. The muscles are predominantly located near the spine, the ribs are rounded, and the shoulder blades are quite large. The muscle fibers on the lower back and sides are the most dense, although throughout the body the density is sufficient to talk about high quality. The yield per rabbit is up to 60%.

White and German giants

Both of these breeds are considered to be of high quality, and their meat is tasty. Whites are good for their performance. They belong to the meat-skinned breeds of meat rabbits. A female gives birth to up to 15 cubs in one litter. A distinctive feature of the breed is its unpretentiousness and undemanding conditions. The white giant takes root perfectly in the climate of our country.

The German giant is known among specialists under the name “Riesen”. This is a large animal. The answer to the question of how much a rabbit of this breed weighs may surprise you - sometimes the weight reaches 12 kg! The body is massive, quite wide, and up to 70 cm in length. A distinctive feature is its powerful skeleton. Like whites, German giants give a rich litter - up to 12 rabbits at a time.

Gray giants

This breed of rabbits for breeding for meat belongs to the meat-skin breed. The animals are quite large, and their meat is rated as nutritious, tasty, and of high quality. The fertility of females is one of the reasons to choose this type of rabbit for your farm. On average, one litter produces 12 cubs. A distinctive feature is the high-quality feeding of the cubs by the female.

At a young age, gray giants grow quickly, fatten efficiently and short term. On average, the weight reaches 7 kg, and the animal reaches full maturity by the seventh month of life. The weight of a rabbit is about 3.5 kg; for well-fed individuals, the slaughter yield is up to 61%.

This breed of rabbits for breeding for meat enjoys well-deserved respect: it is characterized by both a strong skeleton and an impeccable constitution. Animals are distinguished by a rounded croup, a wide, flat back and a developed chest. The rabbit's head has average value and a somewhat non-standard, elongated shape. The ears are small and stand straight, and the paws are low and powerful.

The average weight of a rabbit of this breed is 6 kg. Dimensions of the carcass: chest girth 37 cm, length slightly exceeds 60 cm. At a young age, Soviet chinchillas grow very quickly and actively, they are energetic, different good health. Celebrate positive traits meat of this breed: high yield, good fertility and decent slaughter yield. At proper cultivation the Soviet chinchilla can give even better results than the Californians and New Zealanders.

Belgian Flanders

This is a breed of giant rabbits, the distinctive features of which are an insatiable appetite and rich fluffy fur. However, despite their love for food, rabbits are extremely picky in their choice. On average, the weight of an individual reaches 12 kg, the body grows up to a meter in length, and the length of the ears is almost 20 cm.

Due to their impressive size, rabbits are considered profitable for farm breeding, as they produce a lot of meat. However, there is also weak sides. For example, female rabbits produce offspring, although numerous, much later than many other varieties. The Belgian Flanders' coat comes in a variety of shades of gray. It is often used to imitate expensive fur.

Giant Rabbits: Butterflies and Rams

The butterfly is a subspecies that appeared approximately in the eighties of the last century. Nowadays it is rare, has a beautiful spotted color, thick white fur, valuable and soft. The spots are scattered randomly across the pole. Despite belonging to the giants, the butterflies are quite small: up to 60 cm in length, up to 4 kg in weight. Important Feature- the ability to reproduce quickly and productively. Animals also grow very quickly.

But the ram is not only beautiful, but also very unusual look, especially in comparison with the rabbits we are used to. His nose is decorated with a peculiar hump, and his ears and skull have a non-standard shape. Around the end of the first half of life, the ears gradually begin to droop. Rabbits of this breed have poor hearing and are not afraid of external sounds. Good-natured, calm individuals are undemanding to living conditions and easily adapt to the climate and other features of the area. Soft and thick, their fur is highly valued. The coloring of rams is varied. On average, the weight of one individual is up to 8 kg.

Blue Royal Giant

This is a rabbit with dense fur of a unique blue color. Beautiful individuals are valued not only for their fur, but also for their meat. On average, the weight reaches 5 kg, and the animal grows up to half a meter in length. They say that it is the blue royal giant that has the most delicious meat. The advantages of the breed include rapid growth and the ability to bear rich offspring.

Meat quality: important factors

The breed is not the only one important factor, which determines how high the quality of rabbit meat will be. Much depends on the food and the conditions in which the animal lived. Currently, China provides the largest volumes of rabbit meat. As experts note, despite the numerous kilograms, raising rabbits for meat in this country leaves much to be desired: finished product not too good.

Hungarian manufacturers have a good reputation, supplying environmentally friendly products to the markets of other countries. There is also quite active demand for domestic goods. In our country there are several large and small farms, the owners of which know from their own experience how much an ordinary rabbit weighs and how to fatten it so that the meat is of high quality. Products can be purchased either in specialized brand stores or in large supermarkets. Rabbit meat is available to everyone, so it is worth serving it regularly - it is a healthy product, excellent even for those who are forced to adhere to a diet.

Giant rabbits: interesting features

This category includes representatives of several breeds, united by one feature - large size. But their color can be very different. As a rule, giants reproduce excellently, grow quickly, have good productivity, and high-quality meat. Giants in the former Soviet Union are believed to have first appeared in the Poltava lands as a response to the crisis and food shortages in the post-war period. At that time, breeders set themselves the task of creating healthy, large breed. It was decided to cross especially large individuals brought from other countries with local rabbits, which were perfectly accustomed to the climate and living conditions. Success led to a solution to the problem of a shortage of meat, first among the local population, and gradually supplies were established in other regions.

Currently, giants are one of the most popular breeds in our country. However, they are also in demand in other countries. The spread has led to the development of several productive subspecies. For example, there are now giants - these are rodents whose size is even larger than standard giants, that is, the yield of meat from each individual is more significant.

Is it worth starting a business?

Breeding giants is considered a promising area for business, but novice farmers admit that the task is not an easy one. Rabbits live in cages, so it is necessary to choose a spacious structure inside which the individual can rise on its hind legs. Having free space is one of the most important conditions for the quality growth of any breed.

To make the rabbit comfortable, the floor of the cage is covered with sawdust, straw, and hay. From time to time you need to put fruit branches so that the rabbit can gnaw solid object. To regularly feed the animal, it is necessary to provide a feeder and a large drinking bowl. The fluid is changed daily - this is the key to the health of the individuals. Bowls for rabbits are more suitable for heavy ones, as the animals can turn them with their nose.

In order for the female to give a normal birth, one of the corners must be equipped with a heating system - this is what she will choose for giving birth. Fertility modern breeds quite high, birth control is not required, and small cubs at birth weigh no more than one hundred grams, but their number often reaches 7, and sometimes more. In just a month and a half, the weight of the young animals will increase to one and a half kilograms. To avoid diseases, it is necessary to keep the cage clean - bacteria are dangerous not only for people, but also for rabbits.