The largest breeds of ducks.

The bird was obtained by crossing with a turkey. In fact, the reason for this was external resemblance. The Muscovy duck became domesticated a long time ago, but it appeared in our country in the 80s of the 20th century. Since then, it has been widespread and loved by poultry farmers.

The musk bird has distinctive features:

  • wide, elongated body;
  • wide chest;
  • elongated head;
  • large, dark eyes;
  • growths on the face.

The main purpose of raising Muscovy duck is meat. The weight of an adult bird reaches 5-6 kg.


  • don't make noise;
  • healthy meat;
  • get along with other poultry;
  • eat greens;
  • rush a lot.


  • grow slowly;
  • They don't go in herds.
Muscovy (Indochka) is widespread and loved by poultry farmers.

Blue minion duck species

Appeared in the late 1990s. Place of origin: Bashkiria. It got its name from the color of its plumage. The breed is large. Some poultry farmers managed to grow it in six months to the size of a goose of the same age. Feedback from farmers about the poultry is positive. main reason popularity – good survival rate.

The Blue Favorite stands out:

  • neck of medium length;
  • short legs;
  • large wings that fit tightly to the body;
  • blue color with a smoky tint.

This bird has a lot of advantages:

  • unpretentiousness in food;
  • growth rate (even with poor food, the duck quickly gains weight);
  • survivability;
  • ability to be kept in different conditions.

One of the minuses that stands out is that the “Blue Favorite” does not hatch eggs well.

The Blue Favorite duck has good survival rate

Appeared recently. Refers to the type of meat broilers. Popular in meat exporting countries. Gains weight quickly in any conditions. Thanks to breeders, the bird adapts to climatic and weather conditions. The meat has a distinct taste. Ducks are not afraid of common diseases.

I got a wide, long body with an impressive mass. Plumage color is white. The beak is bright orange. By appearance is a meat duck. A two-month-old duckling weighs up to 3 kg.

The breed is highly productive. 250 eggs – egg production of a duck in one period.

  • disease resistance;
  • fast growth;
  • unpretentiousness in food;
  • high productivity.

Agidel received a wide, long body with an impressive mass

One of the best birds in terms of price-quality ratio. By breeding "Bashkirks", the owner gets beautiful, meaty ducks without spending a lot of money on maintenance. The breed received two color options: black and white and khaki.

Productive and immune to disease, which simplifies the breeding process. The average weight of an adult duck is 4 kg. With good food and care, this figure increases. Does not require special conditions of detention.

The advantages for breeders include:

  • maintenance cost;
  • attractive feather color;
  • possibility of breeding on farms (for business purposes);
  • tender meat.

When breeding at home, you should pay attention to temperature and lighting.

The Bashkir duck has attractive feather colors

Popular breed. Often found in households. Many call it the best meat duck. It was developed a long time ago, thanks to which it managed to spread throughout the world.

External features:

  • dense build;
  • wide back and chest;
  • prominent forehead;
  • massive, short legs;
  • powerful wings;
  • the plumage is white or cream.

An adult male weighs up to 4.2 kg, a female – 3.8. Except delicious meat, Peking ducks good layers– up to 130 eggs per year.

amazing breed. Thanks to them, subspecies of these waterfowl have been bred today.

She has many advantages. Here are the main ones:

  • good growth;
  • good layers and hens;
  • delicious meat.

The disadvantages are not the most heavy weight by today's standards.

Peking duck has delicious meat


They appeared thanks to the crossing of Indian ducks and other domestic breeds. This made it possible to obtain fast-growing and large individuals. Mulards are easy and cheap to breed. Ducks are easy to distinguish from other poultry. They have a large body and long neck. Plumage – black or White color.

You should not breed mulards to produce offspring. They exhibit sexual instinct, but fertilization of the eggs does not occur.

The advantages of the breed, in addition to weight, include:

  • dietary meat;
  • rapid growth (with good food, a duck weighs up to 3 kilograms in two months);
  • A spacious area is enough for maintenance.


  • cost of ducklings;
  • more difficult to raise than other breeds.

They are in demand among farmers in Russia and the CIS countries. Hardy and strong ducks. They gain weight quickly and are disease resistant. In 50 days, a duckling can gain up to 3 kg. It is distinguished by its egg production - up to 150 per year. The survival rate of ducklings is 95%.

For rapid growth, ducks need to be provided with a variety of food and water. It is better to feed at the same time. Food must contain vitamins.

The meat of an adult duck had an excellent taste, although a little tough. It contains many vitamins, especially if the individual is slaughtered at 7 weeks.

Cherry Valley meat is slightly tough

Lean meat, unpretentiousness in feed and care, slaughter at 50 days of life - this has made the French Star 53 breed very popular among farmers. Congenital characteristics and proper care will help raise a duck weighing up to 4.5 kg.

"Star 53" has quick exchange substances, due to which the absorption of vitamins occurs at lightning speed. Ducks do not accumulate fat, which makes the meat dietary.

The appearance of the breed is quite typical. Powerful breasts are the first thing that catches your eye. The plumage is white. The massive back stands out.

Main advantages:

  • unpretentiousness to food;
  • fast growth;
  • immunity to diseases.


  • do not like cramped spaces;
  • Adjustment of temperature and light conditions is required.

Ducks Star 53 do not like cramped spaces


The breed combines productivity and beauty. Farmers note the profitability of raising these ducks. The breed appeared recently and was bred in Russia. Have a pronounced meat type and wonderful taste. The young grow quickly and lose minimal weight during fledging.

Poultry farmers do not have to spend money on feed. The individual is unpretentious in food, productive - offspring emerge from 80% of the eggs.

With the correct combination of feed, the weight gain is 1 kg.


  • to maintain a sufficiently equipped barn;
  • ducks are calm and balanced;
  • active growth.

The breed is 2 thousand years old. Ducks run and swim quickly. The presence of a reservoir is not necessary. When running, they do not spread their wings, which surprises poultry farmers. The breed is calm and only becomes anxious when there is danger.

The weight of an adult is about 2 kg. Productivity – 280 eggs per year. There is little meat, but it is considered a delicacy. The breed is egg.

Pros of "Runners":

  • calm character;
  • productivity;
  • ease of care;
  • the ability to live with other birds;
  • attractive appearance.


  • Light weight.

The Indian runner has a rather interesting appearance

An artificially bred breed. He is distinguished by good health and a love of freedom. Has developed muscles. Spends a lot of time in the water. It stands out for its thick plumage and beautiful coloring. Size – medium. The legs are short but powerful.

The disadvantages include a love of water. Birds must be allowed to roam freely at all times.

Ukrainian gray can live in spartan conditions

The breed is of interest to many breeders and farmers. main feature- crest on the head. The duck has an interesting appearance and a calm character. The bird doesn't grow big - Weight Limit 2.5 kg. Very mobile, thanks to developed muscles.

Farmers have noticed that the larger the tuft, the less productivity.

Unpretentious in food. He treats bodies of water calmly. You shouldn’t feed them too much – you’ll end up with a carcass swollen with fat.


  • unpretentiousness in food and maintenance;
  • productivity;
  • fast growth.


  • little weight.

The Russian Crested is not fussy both in food and in maintenance.

A bright and very beautiful breed of ducks. Duck color - green color with a metallic tint. The breed belongs to the meat-egg species, but it is used more often for decorative purposes. The meat doesn't look very appetizing because of the black stumps.

Another one distinctive feature– Cayugas lay black eggs. About 150 pieces can be demolished in a year. Ducks willingly hatch them.

In general, ducks are not picky, which allows them to be kept in any conditions.

Advantages of the breed:

  • beauty;
  • high productivity;
  • beautiful hens;
  • unpretentiousness.


  • light weight;
  • susceptible to disease.

Cayuga is a bright and beautiful breed of ducks

A popular breed that does not require serious care. Even a novice farmer can cope with ducklings. They do not need a pond or special food. The chicks grow quickly, are immune to diseases, and are mobile. Ducks tolerate low temperatures very well.

Individuals quickly gain weight - up to 3.5 kg in 7 weeks. The meat is dietary and odorless. A duck can lay up to one hundred eggs in a year.

The Temp duck can lay 100 eggs in a year.

A meat-oriented breed. Very prolific ducks with high quality meat. They have an attractive appearance. Capable of gaining weight up to 4.5 kg. Excellent egg production - up to 150 eggs per year.

The breed is unpretentious in food and can do without a pond. Resistant to diseases. His character is calm. You can buy ducks for low price. With the right food, Moscow Whites grow up to 2 kg. in 2 months.


  • price;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • egg production.


  • Weight Limit.

Moscow white ducks can do without a pond

Black white breasted

It appeared in the middle of the last century, but could not gain popularity among farmers, although it has good characteristics. "Black White-breasted" grows very quickly and does not require special feed. The weight of an adult can reach 4 kg. The meat is tender and pleasant to the taste.

The egg production of poultry is 130 eggs per cycle, but this applies to broilers. Very high survival rate of offspring. They can easily withstand the cold. The main thing for them is dry bedding.

You can feed almost everything. It is necessary to calculate the amount of food in order to get a large, healthy individual.

The black white-breasted duck is especially good at surviving offspring

An egg-meat breed. Very common in Russia. They are grown both on farms and in private farmsteads. Ducks are very active and mobile. They are small in size. The color of the plumage is “sand”.


  • weight up to 3.5 kilograms;
  • egg production up to 200 eggs per year;
  • delicious meat.


  • do not hatch eggs;
  • requires a lot of space and pond.

Khaki Campbell ducks do not hatch eggs

When choosing a duck breed, the main thing is to know what you want to get from it in the end - meat or eggs. Many waterfowl are similar to each other, and only an experienced farmer will notice the differences. The productivity of any ducks depends only on the efforts of the owner.

When raising ducks, many farmers first decide what they want to get from their birds - eggs or meat. And the choice is made depending on further needs. Which ducks are best to breed if you want meat? The most common meat duck breeds will be discussed in this article. Also here you will find relevant photos and videos.

One of the best meat breeds is the Peking variety. As the name suggests, these birds were first bred by Chinese poultry farmers in the Beijing area and this happened more than three centuries ago. The popularity of such ducks was enormous and over time they began to be bred throughout China, and about 150 years ago these birds were first brought into the territory European countries and in the USA. Today, the Peking meat breed of ducks is one of the largest breeds in our country, you can see this by looking at the photo.

It should be noted that such ducks are among the fastest to ripen and can be fattened quickly. An important advantage in breeding them is that they tolerate frost well and even in winter you can get high-quality meat from them. This meat breed is characterized by a large and wide head, a small orange beak and small but rather thick legs. It should also be added that the neck of the birds is quite massive, and the eyes are large and shiny.

Gray Ukrainian

There is no need to talk about the place of origin; everything is clear here. As for appearance, gray Ukrainian ducks are characterized by a rather strong and massive body and good muscles. In addition, representatives of gray Ukrainian meat breeds have abundant plumage on the body, while their head is small, but the beak is quite powerful. The same applies to the rest of the body - both the paws and the body as a whole.

Males are characterized by a dark gray head with a green tint and a dark beak. In general, the appearance of ducks is quite interesting and original, as can be seen from the photo, but if you are going to breed them, you are unlikely to do this just because of their appearance. If you don’t know which ducks are best to buy for breeding, then Ukrainian grays will be one of the best options. Their cost is not particularly high, but they provide a lot of meat. In general, the live weight of ducks is up to 3 kg, and drakes - about 3.5 kg. As for egg production, on average such ducks can produce about 120 eggs per year, but this figure can reach a maximum of 250 eggs.

Black white breasted

From the name you can understand that black white-breasted birds have the main part of the body covered with black feathers. The feathers on the lower part of the chest are white, and the legs are also black. If we talk about males, their upper neck may have a bluish or purple tint.

The legs of such ducks are not particularly high, but moderately strong. They are located closer to the rear. As for the beak, it is slightly concave, has a short length, and is always dark in color. The eyes of representatives of this meat breed are black, constantly shining, and in size they are rather large than average. The wings of this variety are strong and powerful, fitting tightly to the sides.

Now let's talk about the weight of meat that can be obtained from poultry. The weight of a duck is about 3.5 kg, a male is about 4 kilograms. As for egg production, it can reach 140 eggs per year. It should be noted that the meat of such ducks is very tasty, this is confirmed by reviews from poultry farmers, and the carcasses themselves are white. It is noteworthy that this species of birds can lay eggs for a very long time.

Moscow Whites

If you don’t know which ducks are best to get, then pay attention to this breed. The Moscow White variety was obtained by selectively crossing the Peking breed with the Khakicampbel birds, which can be seen in the photo.

This variety is characterized by an oblong and fairly large sizes head. At the same time, the birds have a wide white and pink beak, which can be called their feature. The chest is wide and massive, protruding forward. The back is no less wide, and the body as a whole is placed horizontally. Purebred Moscow white ducks have exclusively white feathers; if there is yellowness on them, this indicates that the breed is not purebred.

Geese weigh on average about 4 kilograms, ducks weigh around 3-35 kg. If you decide that it is better to get eggs from a duck and then meat, then keep in mind that at most such a duck can lay up to 150 eggs per year. On average, the weight of one testicle is about 90 g, and egg production in birds can persist for many years. Farmers note that this variety produces very tasty and soft meat.

Swedish blues

Birds of the Swedish breed have very good productivity indicators; this variety is most popular among German poultry farmers. Swedish ducks are characterized by trusting people and are quickly tamed. They can be bred in northern regions and in cold conditions. Moreover, they are not particularly demanding in feeding and can be fattened quickly. Best of breed You won't find it in this regard.

Birds of this species are characterized by a silver-gray color. They have a small, oblong head, while the beaks of such ducks are flat and yellow-colored. green tint. Like other breeds intended for meat production, the back of Swedish birds is quite wide and elongated. The legs are orange and the wings are quite long. On average, the weight of such birds is about 3.5 kg.

Bashkir colored

Bashkir colored birds were obtained as a result of selective crosses at one of the domestic breeding farms. This meat breed can have several plumage colors - it can be dark green or white-breasted. The body as a whole, like that of other meat breeds, is quite strong and massive.

The Bashkir Colored breed was originally obtained from the Peking variety.

The key differences between these birds are:

  • fairly high egg production;
  • the ability to adapt to almost any living conditions (of course, you can’t feed them just anything, it’s better to use good food);
  • good indicators of direct meat characteristics;
  • low percentage of fat content in meat.


Another meat breed of duck is the musk duck. This variety got its name because it has a musky scent of feathers and leather. Initially, the variety was bred by South American poultry farmers, but later very quickly came to the USA and Europe, from where it spread to Asian countries.

This breed is still considered wild, despite its domestication. Muscovy ducks do not like water and hate being in it; they prefer to fly higher and spend time in the trees. Farmers who breed these birds note the excellent taste of the meat.


Today, the Mulard duck variety is increasingly being used in industrial scale. Industrial fattening brings a lot of profit, but small farms use Mulards no less.

Mulard is an interbreed hydride, which was obtained as a result of breeding work by crossing the musk variety with Peking, Orpington and Rouen. Mulards are not found in wildlife, in practice they simply cannot survive without humans. But these birds produce a sufficient number of eggs and a lot of fresh meat.


The Rouen variety of domestic ducks was bred in France, in the Normandy region. In the city of Rouen, peasants tamed wild ducks, and as a result of long selection and selection, Rouen birds were obtained. The bird's body is massive, horizontal and quite strong. The same applies to the chest - it is no less strong and massive. Almost nothing has changed in color - the Rouen birds took the color of the plumage from their wild ancestors.

In particular, the head of Rouen ducks is dark brown, and from the beak to the neck there are narrow stripes on both sides. The upper part of the body is light brown in color, the paws are predominantly orange, and may have a darkish tint. The beak has a green tint; at the very tip it will be black. The meat of these ducks is very tasty and soft.

Favorite blue

The favorite breed was also obtained as a result of selection. The difference is that these selection works were carried out at the state level, in particular, at the well-known Blagovarsky enterprise. This variety is characterized by a gray-blue color. It should also be noted that ducks of the Favorite breed are practically unpretentious in keeping, they have excellent egg production, and the meat is very tasty and, most importantly, low-fat.

There is an opinion among poultry farmers that ducks are very voracious, but thanks to this quality they grow faster. So let's figure out how long a duck grows. As experts say, the growth rate of the bird in question will depend on the breed and diet. So, if ducks are fed with factory-made compound feed, which includes nutrients necessary for development and growth, then the duck can grow in two months.

At home, few farmers feed their poultry with compound feed, so the period of its development increases slightly. In the first days of life, ducklings are given boiled eggs, cottage cheese and ground grain, these ingredients are then mixed with finely chopped grass. Two or three weeks after birth, the ducklings are released to pasture, and after a month they can be allowed to swim in the nearest body of water. In the latter case, the birds will get half of their food from the water, and the other half (from different types grains) are installed on a pasture or near a pond. When fattening at home, the duck will grow for three, maximum four months, after which it will reach the required slaughter weight.

According to some farmers, waterfowl reach a weight of two kilograms at 65-70 days of age, but if you ignore the weight of feathers and offal, then you are unlikely to get enough of such a bird. It should be noted that the growth rate of ducks is much higher than that of other types of poultry.

How long to keep ducks

The answer to the question of how long to keep ducks will depend on the purpose of keeping this bird. If ducks are kept for meat, then they can begin to be slaughtered after reaching a live weight of 2-2.5 kilograms. As we said, such a gain can be achieved at two or three months of age, but slaughtering pets at this time is unprofitable from an economic point of view, because they have not yet acquired meat. According to experts, it is better to slaughter some breeds of ducks at 6 months of age, when their weight reaches 5-6 kilograms. In such birds, the weight of the useful part, meaning meat, reaches 70%, and the amount of fat is 8% of the indicated weight.

If ducks are kept to produce offspring, they can live for more than one year since the first egg in birds usually appears 5-6 months after birth. Farmers note that the Peking breed (180-200 eggs per year) and musky ducks or mute ducks have good egg production. The latter species of ducks can lay eggs twice during the warm period of the year.

Duck eggs rarely appear on the table of a city dweller. And this is in vain, these eggs are healthier than chicken eggs. Duck eggs are not perfect in composition, but they have more benefits. And they fill you up faster, primarily because of their weight.

Weight of an average duck egg

Average weight duck eggs - about 80 g. This is one and a half to two times more than chicken. This mass is due not only to the size of the bird, but also to other features. So, a duck egg has a denser and thicker shell. Secondly, their structure is slightly denser and thicker than that of chicken.

Duck eggs. What is their mass?

The weight of a duck egg depends on external factors. Young birds have slightly less weight. The weight of the egg will be greater if the ducks are fed abundantly. And finally, a lot depends on the breed. Like chicken breeds, duck breeds are divided into meat, meat-egg and egg-laying. The latter are not very popular and are rarely bred.

As for the numbers, we present the average weight duck eggs by duck breed:

  • Beijing - average weight eggs 85 g;
  • Bashkir color. The average egg weight is up to 80 to 90 g;
  • Black white-breasted – 80-90 g;
  • Moscow white – 85-90 g;
  • Swedish blue - 80-85 g;
  • Gray Ukrainian – 70-85 g;
  • Musk (Indo) - 75 g;
  • Mulard - 75-80 g;
  • Rouen - 70-80 g;
  • Aylesbury - 70-80 g;
  • Favorite blue - 75 g;
  • Crested - 60-80 g.

Meat breeds are described above. For meat-egg and egg-laying animals the data is as follows:

  • Mirror - 85-90 g;
  • Cayuga – 75-85 g;
  • Orpington - 80-85 g;
  • Saxony – 80 g;
  • Khaki campbell – 70-85 g;
  • Beijing runners (purely egg) – 75-85 g.

What is included in this mass?

What is included in this figure - 80 grams?

100 grams of duck eggs contain 185 kcal. 100 grams contain about 70 g of water, 12.8 g of protein, one and a half grams of carbohydrates, and 13.8 g of fat. Among fats, Omega-3 fats are the most valuable.

It also contains a lot of fat-soluble vitamins (the inseparable couple A and E, plus D), vitamins from group B (12, 6 and folic acid), rare vitamin K. Among the minerals there is especially a lot of phosphorus, calcium, sodium and zinc, phosphorus, selenium, gland.

Duck eggs are heavier than chicken eggs, but also useful substances there's a lot in them. This product Not recommended for preschoolers and those wishing to lose weight.

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Ducks occupy a leading position in growing in households. This is not at all surprising; these birds are very hardy, adapt well to any weather and conditions, and also show high results in the production of meat and eggs. According to their productive qualities, there are meat, egg and egg-meat duck breeds.

The most common meat breeds of duck in households are broilers. This can be explained by the fact that they reach maturity faster than others, are distinguished by good vitality, good egg production and, most importantly, meat of the highest quality. Raising meat ducks is not only easy, but also very profitable. The most popular breeds of meat ducks are: Peking, White Moscow, Black White-breasted, Ukrainian Gray, and Muscovy. Let's look at the pros and cons of each of them in more detail.


Meat ducks of the Peking breed are the most popular. They were bred in Beijing more than 300 years ago. In the 19th century, these ducks were introduced to South America and Europe, where they quickly became popular.

These ducks are distinguished by good health, quickly reach the required level of maturity and rapidly gain body weight. They look very massive, have a large head, the frontal part is very convex; the beak is orange-yellow in color and slightly concave in shape. The legs are short, massive, located closer to the tail. The eyes are dark blue, deep-set. The feathers are white, sometimes with a yellow tint. The wings are very strong and fit closely to the body; The body itself is long and slightly raised. The back of the birds is wide, long, with a slight slope towards the tail. The tail sticks up.

Peking ducklings gain 2-2.5 kg by the age of 50-55 days. The weight of an adult female duck is 3-3.5 kg, the weight of a drake is even greater - 3.5-4 kg. Egg production is not bad, about 80-120 eggs in one year. The eggs are very large - 85-90 grams. The highest level of egg production in this meat duck occurs in the first 3 years of life.

Peking ducks are distinguished by their omnivorous nature; they happily eat both plant and animal food. The main thing is to formulate the diet correctly, as this is very important and greatly affects egg production. But in general, they are not at all capricious and are as easy as possible to care for.

White Moscow

The White Moscow meat duck was bred by crossing the Peking breed and the Khaki Campbell. These ducks can be found in almost every rural yard in Russia.

The external characteristics of the Moscow White are in many ways similar to the Beijing White. The color is white with a slightly pink tint, the body is wide and raised upward, the chest is round in shape. The small head is placed on a very fragile neck. The paws are pale pink, short and widely spaced. The beak is pink.

White Muscovy duck drakes reach very large sizes as adults - up to 4.5 kg. Females weigh about one kilogram less than males. But this mark is not the limit; sometimes it happens that they grow further. Egg production at high level, about 125 eggs in one season. The eggs are also very large, weighing about 100 grams.

The advantage of breeding this breed is the low purchase price. This is explained by this breed very common. She is also valued because she worries easily harsh winters and has excellent immunity. She is completely unpretentious when it comes to food.

The meat of the birds is very tender and has excellent taste.

White Moscow ducklings have a high survival rate and rapid growth. After two months of life, they gain weight of 2-2.5 kg.

Black white breasted

The Black White-breasted meat breed was developed by crossing the Ukrainian White-breasted duck with the Peking and Khaki Campbell ducks. Ducks of this breed have a deep chest and raised body. The back is quite wide, long, sloping towards the tail. The color of this meat bird is black, but the chest and part of the neck are white. The legs are low, widely spaced, located towards the end of the body, and black in color. The beak is dark, almost black. The eyes are large and black. The wings are very strong and fit tightly to the body. By the 6th month of its life, this meat breed duck reaches its maturity. The weight of the duck is average, approximately 3-3.5 kg. In one year it is capable of laying about 120-130 eggs weighing 80-90 grams.

The ducklings of this meat duck fatten very quickly and by 2 months already weigh 1.5-1.6 kg. Their meat is fatty, but taste qualities significantly superior to meat from other breeds.

Ukrainian gray

Gray Ukrainian meat ducks were bred by crossing wild ducks with domestic Ukrainian ones. Ducks of this breed are large and massive. The weight of a drake can reach 4 kg, and a duck – 3 kg. Birds easily gain this weight by 4 months. No special feed or additives are required. At 2 months they are ready for slaughter, since their body weight is 2 kg. Their egg production is high - 120 eggs in one year. They begin to lay eggs from the end of February until the fall. If suitable conditions are created, temperature and light conditions are observed, then these meat ducks can lay a record number of eggs - up to 260 per year. The egg is large – 70-80 grams.

Raising this bird is very simple. It is not capricious when it comes to food; it eats grass, kitchen waste, algae and other aquatic vegetation with great pleasure. IN summer time Very little grain is required, approximately 25% of the total diet. With the onset of cold weather, the diet of meat poultry needs to be slightly changed: grain food should make up 50% of the total diet. The remaining 50% is pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage and apples.

This meat breed duck can easily withstand the winter and can be kept in an unheated coop, as long as it has thick bedding and well-insulated walls. Avoid drafts, as this is very dangerous for the health of the bird. Even on frosty days, ducks should be allowed out for a walk; they take snow baths with great pleasure.

The Ukrainian gray duck has a strong build, short and widely spaced legs. The body is long and wide. The color is gray, with a white stripe on the neck. The beak is curved, dark in color. Gray Ukrainian ducks closely resemble wild ducks.


The Muscovy duck, a meat breed, is an independent, long-standing known species. Widespread in Mexico and South America. The Muscovy duck is also often called the Indo duck because of its similar appearance. But don't think that they are somehow connected.

Indian ducks gained great popularity in Russia after 1980.

Indian ducks are wood ducks. In appearance, they are more reminiscent of spur geese than ducks. The character is very calm, not capricious; they have good immunity. Its main advantage is that it can easily do without a pond. Males of this breed are very large, their body weight is approximately 6 kg. Females are slightly smaller - 3.5-4 kg. Egg production is average - 100-120 eggs per season. The eggs are large – 75-80 grams. In terms of egg production, they are slightly inferior to Peking ducks. But pay attention - eggs of this breed can be stored longer, which is a big plus.

Indian ducks are very silent, which also distinguishes them from others. They don't like company and don't get into fights.

The Muscovy duck has a well-developed maternal instinct and is an excellent hen.

The meat of this meat duck is very tender, and, which is very important, completely lean. It tastes good.

As you can see, raising meat breed broiler ducks is a very simple task that will bring you not only pleasure, but also excellent meat and, as a bonus, eggs. It is difficult to highlight specific pros and cons of each breed, because it all depends on your growing goals, living conditions and feeding. None of the breeds have any obvious disadvantages.

Video “Complex for raising ducks for meat”

The video shows modern complex on growing meat breeds of ducks and producing duck meat.