What is your style according to your zodiac sign? Star verdict: choosing clothes according to your zodiac sign

Usually the first thing your attention is drawn to is how your interlocutor is dressed. Each zodiac sign not only has a characteristic appearance, but also emphasizes it with a certain style of clothing. Aries will never dress like Cancer, and Libra and Leo will always stand out. It is these two signs that dictate fashion. Aquarians can either be recognized immediately or not noticed at all. Some people are indifferent to their wardrobe, while others elevate it to a cult.


Aries never sticks to fashion and wears what they consider comfortable. This sign does not carefully look after clothes, so they prefer those that do not need to be ironed. Aries is not afraid to get dirty, so his wardrobe changes quite often. Aries women don’t care about wearing something new every day or wearing their favorite styles all the time. More than other signs, trousers, trouser suits and men's clothing in general suit them. Aries men prefer workwear with great pleasure. Some, especially former military personnel, may wear a field uniform their entire life. Aries are indifferent to hats, although it would be good for them to wear something to protect them from heat or cold. When choosing colors, Aries prefer bright and catchy shades, avoiding gray and dark. Favorite color is red. For example, an Aries man, dressed in a formal three-piece suit, can wear a bright red tie, while an Aries woman looks best in a completely red dress. Fabric texture for this sign special significance does not have. It has also been noticed that Aries prefer leather items, but unlike the same leather lovers of Taurus and Leo, Aries choose simple styles, without decorations. In any clothing, the main thing for them is not beauty, but durability, reliability, and versatility. Women often have a deep neckline. Aries can wear something openly revealing, but the pleasure of being admired is not the main thing for Aries. It's just convenient for them, that's all.


They prefer beautiful, high-quality, wearable and comfortable clothes, although they do not chase fashion and are somewhat conservative. The clothes that Taurus wear never go out of fashion. This is largely due to good quality. Since Taurus have good taste, they always dress according to the time and place. Often sewn to order. Taurus' wardrobe is small, but there is nothing unnecessary in it. When buying clothes, they pay a lot of attention to where and by whom they were produced. They will most likely buy something from a company that has proven itself well. Both men and women love to wear leather items. Leather is preferred brown, choose it with taste so that the item decorates and does not look like a robe. Taurus also suits denim and classic suits. For outerwear, they can wear a winter fur coat made of natural fur and the same hat. They really don’t like synthetics; you won’t find such things in their wardrobe. The color scheme in Taurus clothes is the most diverse, but without flashy and poisonous shades. Often fawn, pastel colors. According to the degree of nudity last places Oh. Although women can open the most beautiful places their body, but they never cross the level of decency.


Geminis change their clothes often, sometimes without even having time to take them off properly. They are sensitive to fashion, instantly buy new items, but quickly lose interest in them. It is rare for Geminis to develop a special and consistent dressing style over time. In addition, they love to mix styles. For example, Geminis don’t see anything strange in combining worn jeans and a stylish jacket with an expensive tie. They also wear knitted items, often of their own making. They prefer lightness and airiness in clothing, so that nothing interferes with free movement. Fabrics for clothing are chosen to be thin and light, sometimes fluffy and fleecy. They do not like rough and leather clothes. They prefer to make do with a minimum of things, so in the summer they expose themselves as much as possible. Girls more often than other signs wear miniskirts or fishnet clothes, and guys sport shorts (typically Gemini clothing). But with nudity they do not seek to emphasize their sexuality or show the beauty of their body, as Leos, Libra and Scorpios do. For Gemini, it is rather a desire for freedom of movement. The color scheme is varied, but the general tendency is towards variegation. They are attracted to clothes with checkered or striped patterns. Although it also suits them gray, any combination of its various shades. Geminis don’t always have enough time to take care of their wardrobe, and they don’t have much interest in it. Knowing this disadvantage, they give preference to wrinkle-resistant fabrics.


Cancers usually have a large wardrobe, as they hate throwing away worn-out items. Maybe they’ll be good for something else, but it’s a pity, I’ve been wearing them for so many years: - Cancers think. They especially value the clothes they inherited from their ancestors. They may not wear it, but keep it solely for nostalgic or aesthetic reasons. If a Cancer woman has been married several times, then most likely she keeps clothes from each of her ex-husbands in her wardrobe. Often national motifs are present in the clothes of Cancers. Women prefer white or light blouses; many of their clothes have lace and embroidery. Cancers do not like overtly revealing clothing. They are also embarrassed by any sloppy detail, or rather by the reaction of others to it. Clothes are looked after very carefully, always washed, ironed and repaired on time. They replenish their wardrobe in a timely manner, but are not in a hurry to follow fashion, they just take what they have. at the moment in stores. But at the same time, they are quite conservative, do not like to stand out and wear the same thing as everyone else. Home clothes are a special passion of Cancers. For women it’s a traditional robe and soft slippers, for men it’s worn jeans and old sweaters. Cancers feel very comfortable when they put on clothes to work in the garden. Cancers prefer soft, plain or embroidered fabrics for clothing. The color scheme is discreet. Often clothes look a little baggy on Cancers.


True trendsetters. What Leo wears will soon attract everyone's attention, it will begin to be advertised and replicated. They choose stylish, sometimes unusual clothes; they never miss an opportunity to dress smartly. But even in an ordinary padded jacket, Leos look no worse than in a tailcoat. And all because of the ability to wear clothes and present oneself. They often wear custom-made clothes, or so-called exclusive models. Leos have a special passion for velvet fabrics and denim clothing. And in colors - to bright, not flashy and warm shades, although black, white and other colors look no worse on them. For Leo, material, color and style are important. Can wear sports-type clothing. They love leather things and choose them with taste. When it comes to outerwear, they prefer short jackets and sheepskin coats. Vests are another passion of Leo. For women, this can be a decorative vest made of leather, embroidered with beads, shells and various jewelry made from natural materials. Leos love such decoration as fringe. Leos also like to wear a hat. Men choose a headdress like that of an American cowboy. Boots or ankle boots suit Leos, which look like a necessary and integral part of the wardrobe. Men wear wide summer shirts, tropical type, bright and colorful. Women look great in trouser suits and simple jeans. At home, Leos also prefer luxury in clothing. For example, they can often be found wearing a terry or silk robe. In the summer, Lioness girls take first place in terms of nudity, showing off all their charms.


When choosing things, Virgo is practical and economical. Representatives of this sign usually have a large wardrobe. Most things are multifunctional and with a large number details. There is a certain conservatism in their taste. The material for Virgo's clothing can be very different. The same goes for color. But in most cases, they prefer soft “working” tones: green, blue, brown, gray. You don't often see leather items on Virgo. Keeps his wardrobe in perfect condition. Washing and ironing is considered one of the most important activities. Having put on a weekend suit, Virgo, at the first convenient opportunity, checks and corrects the damaged parts of clothing. You will never see a Virgo man at work with his tie askew. The creases on his trousers are perfectly ironed, his shirts are starched and there is not a speck or speck of dust on his suit. Virgo women choose dresses with taste, giving greater preference to skirts than to trousers. Their clothing style smacks of some modesty and chastity. They also like to wear knitted things. Look good in military or police uniform. When it comes to outerwear, Virgos prefer coats. One of the characteristics of Virgo is a passion for second-hand shopping (and this is where their eternal desire to save money comes into play), but without anyone knowing about it. In addition, they are partial to hoods and carry an umbrella with them more often than other signs. According to the degree of nudity during summer heat occupy one of the last places in the Zodiac.


They listen to fashion, but choose only what suits them or harmonizes with their existing wardrobe. When wearing clothes, they strive to achieve maximum elegance. The amount of clothes in a Libra's closet depends on their financial situation. Often sewn to order. There are a wide variety of clothing styles; the main criterion when choosing them is the desire to emphasize one’s own beauty. They use a lot of decorative jewelry, such as handkerchiefs and scarves. Libra prefers soft, pastel colors. Most often blue, pink, salad. There is no risk in wearing flashy and rich clothes. They choose fabrics for clothing that are just as soft and delicate: satin, silk. Although among clothes made of rough fabric or leather, Libra can also choose something for themselves. Libra men look elegant in classic suits; they rarely wear casual or outdoor clothes. Girls of this sign look good in jeans, trouser suits, tight dresses, fitted jackets and jackets suit them very well, and they also prefer to wear miniskirts more than others and are generally not shy about revealing their most interesting places of your body. A special feature of this sign is a passion for underwear. Girls often have a whole collection of panties and bras of various styles, and men love to contemplate all this on their partners.


Astrologers have a unanimous opinion regarding Scorpios: whatever Scorpio wears definitely suits him. How this can be explained, no one knows. Scorpios look equally good both in super-fashionable exclusive models and in ordinary cast-offs. Uniforms suit them especially well. They prefer to dress expensively. They only buy things of excellent quality, but they don’t neglect second-hand ones. They keep their own things for a long time, and know how to alter or renew them if necessary. They periodically review the contents of their wardrobe and, without regret, throw away what they will never wear again. Leather items are held in special esteem by Scorpios. The color scheme is always chosen with taste. All colors are bright, rich, but not flashy or toxic. More than others, Scorpios prefer black and red, and their various combinations. Soft pastel colors suit this sign much less. Scorpios look faded in them. Women often wear seductive clothes with slits and cleavage. No matter how Scorpios dress, they always emphasize their sexuality and seductiveness, therefore, in terms of the degree of nudity, this sign occupies one of the first places along with Leo, Libra and Gemini.


In an effort to emphasize their dignity, Sagittarius prefer to buy expensive and prestigious things. Particular preference is given to everything imported. In pursuit of prestige, they sometimes, as they say, go too far and choose clothes that are so pompous that they are completely unbecoming. For men, these are incredibly expensive suits. The new Russians in red jackets are most likely Sagittarius. Women of this sign sometimes blindly follow fashion, so they have a large wardrobe and change it quite often. Traveler's clothing suits Sagittarius much better. This is safari style, field military uniform, simple denim suit. Also, vests suit them more than others. Striped and checkered things generally look good on them. IN color scheme This sign sticks to warm and soft shades, often wearing lilac. He prefers natural fabrics, without synthetics. For outerwear, Sagittarius may wear a fur coat made of natural fur. They are not particularly partial to leather; they rarely wear a leather coat or jacket. Leather products are preferred in brown. The degree of nudity also depends on fashion trends. Sagittarius women themselves do not feel such a desire, but they can show off their bare belly, according to the fashion of the current season, even if it does not suit them.


When it comes to clothing, Capricorns do not like to stand out too much. They are quite ascetic, have strict taste, avoid pomp and prefer practical clothes. Their wardrobe is quite small, but perfectly selected, there are clothes for all occasions. Sometimes they wear black leather, but without jewelry. In the fall you will most often see them in a raincoat, in the winter in a coat; jackets are rare among Capricorns, unless it is a high-quality leather jacket of a strict cut. The uniform suits Capricorns very well: military, police or any other. Both men and women look perfect in it. The color scheme of Capricorn clothes is almost always dark. Men wear classic black or dark gray suits, women wear the same dresses. They often wear combinations of black and white flowers. At home, Capricorns most often wear an old tracksuit. But this approach to choosing clothes does not mean that Capricorns lack taste. Sometimes they amaze you with their ability to choose something that is inexpensive, but certainly suits them. stylish thing. Frills, frills and lace are not for them. Strict lines prevail in clothing, especially in women's dresses. Capricorns rarely expose themselves, except on the beach. But the swimsuit of Capricorn women, although it can be quite open, nevertheless, it is designed in the style of strict lines, there is no soft eroticism or passionate seductiveness.


Adherents of the most original style. It seems that they either clearly contradict fashion or pick it up and take it to the extreme degree of absurdity. Aquarians are often ahead of fashion, but they are not trendsetters (only Leo is capable of this). Their other style is hippie. They shock others with frayed jeans, holes in their clothes, obvious discrepancies in clothing sizes, etc. quirks. In an effort to stand out, their main attire is sometimes only a tattoo. Aquarians willingly expose themselves and wear erotic clothes, but they do this not at all in order to show the beauty of their body, and not for the sake of a feeling of space and freedom. They just think it's original. They prefer bright, shiny colors that do not exist in nature. Aquarius is sympathetic to synthetic fabrics, loves Lurex, any glitter and metal parts. Paco Rabanne's fantastic compositions reflect the style of this sign well. Aquarians are like this when they are specifically interested in the world of fashion and their own wardrobe. An ordinary representative of this sign is for the most part indifferent to his attire. They can wear the same clothes for a long time, stick to the same style, or wear details that do not match each other. They pay little attention to their appearance and the appearance of other people, since there are many much more interesting things in the world.


If Pisces choose their own wardrobe and take care of it themselves, then they can be easily recognized by their wrinkled clothes. Pisces do not like to wash and especially iron. If Pisces’ wardrobe is managed by an experienced person (parents, marriage partner, boyfriend or girlfriend), then they can dress very stylishly and keep up with fashion. They usually have a small wardrobe, although they cannot be called indifferent to fashion. They keep things for a long time, but Pisces don’t wear cast-offs. They prefer fabrics that are soft, fluffy, light, and transparent. You will hardly see Pisces in leather, but many of them wear knitted clothes. Since Pisces are prone to being overweight, they are not recommended to buy tight clothes. It is better to choose wide, loose and spacious clothes, those with many folds, and loose-fitting clothes. The color scheme tends to be light, not bright and not warm shades. Their favorite colors are turquoise, aquamarine, green and blue. This sign is less suited to formal suits than others; on Pisces they somehow sag. Women in trousers also do not feel very comfortable, with the only exception being jeans. Outerwear is a coat made of soft fabric and almost always a scarf. A hat with a brim suits men. Frankly, Pisces do not like to be naked, but they prefer transparent fabrics over a naked body. Like Libra, they have an increased interest in underwear. But besides bras and panties, nightgowns are considered a cult.

Down with modesty and false conservatism! No pastel colors, elegant slim silhouettes - your energy requires bright colors and clothes that do not restrict movement. Active red may look vulgar on others, but not on you. Sportswear, informal style - jeans, sweaters, jackets emphasize the figure and independence. In business clothes best choice- clear cut lines and definition in the fabric pattern. The emphasis should be on bright colors and large accessories.


It is important for you that your clothes feel good to the touch. You, like no one else, feel it with your entire skin. Soft fabrics, cashmere and silk will give you confidence and a feeling of comfort. One-day items are not for you, but expensive, high-quality suits with a classic cut look simply luxurious. Don't chase fashion, especially if it dictates something tight. Soft cut lines, for example, raglan sleeves, will help hide figure imperfections and highlight advantages. Your colors: brown, olive, sand yellow, terracotta.


Strict classics make you sad. Even an ordinary office suit needs to add a playful touch: some kind of hooligan brooch or a bold neckline. Natural flair helps to harmoniously combine a variety of styles, so a wide romantic skirt and rough boots will not look tasteless, but bold and avant-garde. Don't be afraid of shades of gray - when paired with bright accessories like flowy scarves, the color will help you stand out. You love to gesticulate, so feel free to choose jackets with wide armholes that do not restrict movement. Choose fabrics with thin stripes and checkered patterns. Best color in order to feel confident - yellow.


Listen to your heart! And it probably yearns for the old days and loves old things that keep sweet memories. Don't chase changes, let each new thing at least somewhat reminiscent of the one that, for various reasons, had to be hidden in the closet. You shouldn't experiment if you don't want to look funny. Your motto is elegance and convenience. Flowing dresses made of muslin and chiffon, jewelry made of platinum and silver in your wardrobe coexist perfectly with expensive branded sneakers and high-quality jeans from famous brands.


You always need the best: natural furs, leather, velvet. Aristocratism is in your blood. New collections from the catwalks high fashion arouse keen interest, but everyday life you prefer expensive classics - suits with widened and sometimes embroidered shoulders of jackets and blouses, dresses made of heavy, high-quality fabrics. An indispensable element of the image is gold jewelry, preferably original. Your main principle is to look expensive, even if in fact you dress on sale. Clothes should emphasize your status and attract admiring attention. This is important for your inner sense of self, so you have to spend money.


Strict muted classics combined with modest elegance - this is only at first glance simple. Only Virgos know how to look luxurious! It is no coincidence that many famous fashion designers were born under this sign (Tom Ford, Stella McCartney). Accuracy is your strong point. You know how to seem like a real lady, especially if you choose fabrics with small patterns (stripes, checks, polka dots, discreet prints). Bold cutouts, bright colors are not your choice. You will look much more attractive in a business pantsuit.


Your wardrobe is a field for creativity. You can afford super-fashionable outfits of the most bizarre shapes and colors, combined with large designer jewelry. Floating clothes that do not restrict movement, folds, tails, wide sleeves, long necklaces in several rows, multi-layered bracelets - if such a clutter looks strange on others, you in this outfit will cause admiration and delight. Heavy fabrics - velvet, brocade - can also be used, but they must be embroidered with exotic patterns. Your color scheme is peach, pink, pastel colors.


You love the smell of genuine leather - it's so sensual! So don’t deny yourself the pleasure: wear leather things. So are high heels, boots and tall boots. It’s better to forget about sports style, no matter how comfortable it is. Strict lines business clothes especially highlight your attractiveness. Don't get carried away with light colors, because they will forgive. But the red and black color scheme will make it spectacular. You are a provocateur by nature - don’t be afraid to experiment! You will never look ridiculous. More likely, your unexpected ideas will become fashionable.


It's like you were made for glamor. The most incompatible options: silk with velor, brocade made of gold and silver - they look on you as if you had just stepped off the catwalk. Ethnic motifs, African or Indian, as well as unusual decorations that emphasize individuality suit you. But this only applies to “going out” clothes. In everyday life, your friendly demeanor is ideally matched by a sporty style: comfortable jeans, loose jumpers. Any soft, voluminous and comfortable clothing. Your colors are blue, blue, violet. They create a feeling of calm and harmony.


Simplicity and high quality- these are the main criteria that your everyday clothes must meet. Neat cut lines dark colors- your wardrobe does not amaze with variety. But each item was carefully chosen and ended up in your closet for a reason. You just need large number accessories - scarves, gloves - since you try to cover your body as much as possible. But not at all out of modesty. Your innate sense of harmony helps to achieve a sexy effect and highlight your assets. Original accessories and designer jewelry serve this purpose perfectly.


You are your own fashion designer. Your refined artistic nature cannot live without creativity. And creation own image- one of the directions of unbridled creativity. You love to go shopping, looking for something unusual, non-trivial. You can spend several weeks searching for some detail of the image. In everyday life, do you prefer ordinary business style, you meet with friends wearing the same jeans, but at a party you can’t help but be noticed. A flowing dress in futuristic colors made from original synthetic fabric - only a true Aquarius would dare to wear this!


Seeing you, your grandmother would say near the entrance: “Friday is Saturday.” This is what they used to call a multi-layered clothing style in which you feel especially comfortable. You often get cold, that’s why you love bulky sweaters, shawls, everything that you can wrap yourself up in. This does not prevent you from being known among your friends as an inveterate fashionista. Since under a wide shawl there is always a new thing hidden famous brand. Clothes that follow the contours of your body suit you - tight skirts, blouses, dresses. You look natural and graceful in this. Your metal is silver. It can be present both in jewelry and in the decor of clothing.

This fall is rich in experiments. Like never before! In addition to the traditional autumn range of warm shades like red and brown, designers offer us 5 ultra-rich shades to choose from. Meet Tiger Orange, Shades of Lilac, Fruity Dove, Edible Green and Iris. No halftones or compromises - only pure and bright colors. Didn't expect it? But in fact, they were chosen at the beginning of the year by the Pantone Color Institute.

Tiger orange

This color is almost as energetic as red - just what you need for autumn. cloudy days when it makes you feel sleepy. And in order not to get bored, dilute with black and shades of brown.

What to buy: Not just a sweater or top (although those too). Pay attention to pleated midi and maxi skirts, as well as romantic dresses with a loose silhouette - like in the Carolina Herrera collection. In addition, Salvatore Ferragamo offers military-style jumpsuits in tiger orange. And Versace is experimenting with feminine skirts and golf sweaters - a bold way to introduce a little variety into your office style.

Lilac shades

An unexpected autumn guest, but no less welcome for that. Lilac shades were so loved in recent seasons that designers took them with them into the new ones. Finally, a worthy replacement for the color Marsala (a deep shade of wine red) has been proposed - and it is quite wearable, unlike the same neon.

What to buy: of course, total onions in rich lilac. It is better to make accents in the same color, but darker - lilac and violet. Another good option- silk blouse or jumper in soft lavender. And for real cold weather - down voluminous coats and bombers, like Dries van Noten and Vivetta.

What to Pair With: Try pairing purple with traditional fall shades like gray and brown. Or choose muted Grapeade - a sophisticated lilac.

fruit pigeon

Don't be afraid to look childish. Pink is incredibly popular today and it’s no longer shameful to add it to your wardrobe, even for ladies 40+.

What to buy: pink always means romance, flirtation and love. Therefore, while the weather still permits, wear boldly airy dresses and blouses with flounces and ruffles in rich pink. For the office - a trouser suit with a fitted jacket and wide trousers, following the example of Boss and Brandon Maxwell.

What to wear with: Try contrasting shoes. Black shoes or low shoes look especially good and accentuated with pink.

Edible shades of green

To look fashionable and not like everyone else, this fall you need to wear “edible” shades of green. Those that seem to stimulate appetite and lift your spirits. For example, avocado, pistachios, cucumber, mint and green apple.

What to buy: green cardigans, mackintoshes and leather jackets are trending - you can see examples for inspiration at Gucci and Dior. Lanvin and Versace recommend complementing the pistachio shade with gray and brown accessories. If frosty mint tones are more your style, look for pantsuits and slip dresses in this sophisticated color.

What to combine with: white, grey, beige and black - you will get a universal everyday outfit. Choose accessories for the dress in the same shade.


Any thing yellow- a sure way to attract attention and stand out in any company. But for some reason we wear this positive color in spring and summer. And only... Now everything is the other way around! Dresses, turtlenecks, sweaters, trousers and jackets - any element from the autumn capsule wardrobe can be selected in one of the shades of yellow and get a completely new style and image.

What to buy: a universal option is a yellow jumper. If you are not afraid to attract attention, look for dresses and cardigans in yellow. When it gets really cold, change into yellow windbreakers and coats. Thus, Roksanda combines voluminous jackets and vests in different shades of yellow.

What to wear: For the office, pair yellow pieces with white trousers or a skirt. Mulberry, Emilia Wickstead and Hermes show fitted midi dresses with flared skirts and sleeves in sunny yellow in their autumn-winter 2019-2020 collections. Models wear them with white ankle boots and boots - perhaps this is the most suitable way to add color to dull autumn everyday life.

Beauty secrets of Her Highness: how Princess Diana took care of herself

Hairstyle, makeup, basic daily care - thousands of women at one time were ready to give a lot to learn the beauty secrets of Princess Diana. And today modern duchesses and blue-blooded people imitate her. To be honest, many of us would like to look like a real princess. And it's possible! We remembered the main secrets of Lady Di's fresh, blemish-free skin, radiant look and charming smile. The British publication Stylist helps us with this.


In the early 90s, the style of the Princess of Wales was followed by makeup artist Mary Greenwell. She claimed that Diana had flawless skin, and attributed this to good genetics. But, in fact, the princess spent a lot of money and time on daily multi-stage care - both for the face and for the décolleté area.

What it consisted of: cleansing, moisturizing, toning, using serums with antioxidants and always lotions and creams with a high level of SPF. Diana's favorite product, without which she did not consider the daily ritual complete, is Super Aqua-Creme from Guerlain. She applied it twice a day - morning and evening.


After Diana's death, her personal makeup artist said that the princess suffered from an unpleasant skin disease - rosacea. She had thin skin with closely spaced blood vessels, and because of this, red spots often appeared on her face.

WITH unpleasant symptom Diana fought with masks with Aerin Beauty rose oil and avocado with whipped egg white. And in order not to provoke exacerbations, I tried not to drink alcohol at all. Not a bit! In addition, the wife of the Prince of Wales did not smoke and trained herself to sleep at least 8 hours a day - at night, which is especially important for the complete renewal of skin cells.

Face again

Mary Greenwell said that for the perfect complexion Diana used only 3 products: concealer to disguise problem areas, Max Factor or Guerlain satin liquid foundation, Elizabeth Arden translucent powder and bronzer.

Please note - no contouring, without which many girls today cannot imagine full-fledged makeup!


According to Mary, Diana began any makeup by applying a nourishing and softening balm to her lips. Her favorite product in the 90s was Max Factor lipstick in Tint of Pink - a completely budget product accessible to everyone.

“In fact, lipstick actually goes on smoother and lips look more juicy and appetizing if you moisten your lips with a balm 10-15 minutes before using a product with pigment,” confirms Mary Greenwell.


It was Mary who taught Diana not to use blue eyeliner.

"I believe that Blue eyes you shouldn’t highlight them with the same color,” the expert shares. - They fade with such makeup. Diana looked much more attractive and brighter with a brown pencil shaded with beige shadows. And for evening makeup we used black kajal.”


Diana was dissatisfied with her body and constantly tried to improve it.

“I have broad shoulders, like a swimmer,” she complained to her fitness trainer Caroline Brown. “I don’t like them.”

To be slimmer, Diana worked in 2 areas: diet and active sports. She ran in the mornings, danced, and loved skiing. In addition, she regularly visited the Chelsea Harbor fitness center for the elite in London.


The finishing touch to every look and appearance of Diana was perfume. You can often hear that her favorite perfume was Quelques Fleurs from Houbigant. However, she only used this scent once, at her wedding to Prince Charles. And in the 90s, Lady Di perfumed Hermes 24 Faubourg or Diorissimo from Christian Dior.

In addition, on her table there was Mitsouko for Women from Guerlain - the legendary perfume that was first released in 1919. The composition is based on oriental spices (vetiver, amber, cinnamon), top notes are citruses and bergamot. The perfume opens with floral and delicate notes of jasmine, rose, lilac and ylang-ylang.

Astrologers told us what fashion style is ideal for representatives of each zodiac sign. Do you have such things in your wardrobe?

Aries: Sporty chic

The ideal style for Aries women is sporty chic. In such clothes they feel comfortable and cozy, since nothing will hamper their movements and will not prevent them from achieving their goals.

Favorite colors: denim, white and red.

Taurus: ethno style

Taurus women give preference above all to quality when choosing clothes. It should be expensive, but not flashy. The best way to meet such requirements in modern realities is ethno-style, as a reasonable combination folk wisdom and modern fashion.

Favorite colors: natural, including blue, green, pink and all shades of pastel.

Gemini: casual style

Gemini women prefer casual clothing. They like things made from natural materials and always bright colors. Gemini girls will not refuse very short skirts.

Favorite colors: all bright combinations.

Cancer: Romantic style

Cancer women are great lovers of romance and enjoy emphasizing their femininity. For them, clothing is a kind of shell that protects them from the outside world and provides comfort.

Favorite colors: lilac, light green and blue.

Leo: Dramatic style

Leo women simply adore expensive, high-quality and fashionable items from the world's most famous brands. For Lionesses, the whole world is like a stage on which they are the main actresses. Therefore, the appearance must match!

Favorite colors: gold, scarlet, purple.

Virgo: Classic style

Virgo women love classic style. Everything should be neat and tidy. The main condition in choosing clothes is cleanliness of lines, which representatives of this zodiac sign are simply obsessed with.

Favorite colors: beige, gray, white.

Libra: Glamorous style

Libra women love glamor. Chic, brilliance and beauty are the main priorities in appearance representatives of this zodiac sign. But at the same time they never look vulgar and unkempt.

Favorite colors: turquoise, silver, pink

Scorpio: Unique style

Scorpio women prefer individuality in their clothing style. They always find their own unique style in which they feel comfortable and comfortable. Even in gray, they will definitely stand out from the gray mass, although they usually prefer to dress in black.

Favorite colors: black, burgundy

Sagittarius: Eclectic Style

Sagittarius women prefer an eclectic style. They amazingly manage to combine, at first glance, completely incompatible things of completely different styles. Sagittarians choose only the best in clothes!

Favorite colors: blue, yellow, orange

Capricorn: Elegant style

Capricorn women prefer an elegant style. It is important for them that the clothes are of high quality, expensive and neat, but not too bright and catchy.

Favorite colors: black, gray, turquoise, purple

Aquarius: Bohemian style

Aquarius women prefer a bohemian style of clothing that combines practicality with originality. They love a quirky mix of hippie, casual, vintage and boho styles. The main thing is not like everyone else!

Favorite colors: blue, purple, emerald

Pisces: Vintage style

Pisces women are big fans of neo-vintage style, which copies popular models of past decades. Such clothes allow these individualists to always look romantic and unusual.

What do you think about your style? Do you agree with astrologers or are you completely against it?

Find out your Clothing Style according to your Zodiac sign! Virgos are elegance itself, and Leos do not miss the opportunity to look sexy even at work. Astrologers believe that our zodiac sign affects not only our character, but also our clothing style. How much money we spend on our own clothes and shoes is determined at our birth. So it turns out that the stars are to blame for everything!

Aries (03/21-04/20)

Aries are real avant-garde artists and fashion leaders. Their motto is best reflected in the words of Coco Chanel: “Fashion is something that never goes out of style.” As a rule, Aries are fans of shopping, which gives them great pleasure. They choose exclusive and easily combined items. Aries women love shapes that emphasize their figure: tight-fitting knitwear, leggings, belts. Men love simple, high-quality and relevant things.

Taurus (04/21-05/20)

Taurus are endowed with the talent of attracting attention with their outfits. They know their figure well and know how to hide flaws. Choosing comfort and luxury, they are able to dress very boldly, attracting the gaze of others. Sometimes they blindly follow fashion trends, but at the same time they know how to stop in time. Their life credo: harmonious beauty without ostentation.

Gemini (21.05-21.06)

Geminis always look young and fresh, preferring a youthful style, which is usually always admired by everyone. They easily follow fashion and do not get lost in new trends. Representatives of this sign have the largest wardrobe, because the ability to constantly change outfits is important to them. Women of this sign give their preference to modern dresses, and men manage to dress both fashionably and practically.

Cancer (22.06-22.07)

Cancers are often afraid to look frivolous. Their motto is: elegance and convenience. They like different styles: from sportswear - jeans + sneakers (but nice sneakers and trendy jeans), to chic clothes made of cashmere and silk. Cancer women have a weakness for flowing dresses made of chiffon or muslin and jewelry made of platinum, silver and gold. Men of this sign love formal suits and, even wearing jeans, skillfully combine them with a jacket or shirt.

Leo (23.07-23.08)

Leo loves luxurious clothes, furs and leather: he always wants the best! Aristocratism is in their blood! Leos often cannot stop buying new things and never spare money on quality. Classic is the best direction for Leo. Lionesses are often fans of high fashion, impeccable shapes and women's suits, but they also do not say “no” to airy dresses. Leo men often prefer a business style.

Virgo (24.08-23.09)

Virgo prefers to combine beauty and functionality. Virgos are never keen on flaunting labels or boasting about the prestige of a brand. When choosing quality items, they prefer simple but perfectly thought-out forms, paying special attention to detail. Representatives of the fairer sex try to look feminine and avoid complex combinations. Well, Virgo men prefer the classics.

Libra (24.09-23.10)

Libras are very harmonious in their clothes. They always skillfully find a balance between shapes and colors. Libras, both women and men, love to dress up, but at the same time, they do not become slaves to fashion and prefer to create their own trends. In their style, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Libras like clothes that follow the curves of their body. They have a unique flair for choosing colors, styles and cuts that ultimately suit them perfectly.

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

Scorpios never look vulgar or tacky, despite the fact that they are the most avid fashionistas and provocateurs. Courage is their main trump card, and, of course, a natural flair for fashion trends. Scorpio women will not wait until the dress is made of fashion magazine will appear in the store - having raised a dozen seamstresses, they will achieve their goal and will be the first to demonstrate the new items of the season.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

Sagittarius, your middle name is Glamor! Sagittarians subconsciously create their image in such a way that they inevitably attract the attention of others. They love to combine incongruous things: silk with velor, gold brocade with silver. Perhaps someone else would look ridiculous having resorted to such an experiment, but not Sagittarius. Ethnic motifs, African or Indian outfits, as well as unusual jewelry that carries a spiritual meaning and emphasizes individuality are suitable for them.

Capricorn (12/22-01/20)

Capricorn loves luxurious clothes, he has an innate sense of harmony and the ability to emphasize his advantages. Most Capricorns can be considered fans of a classic and, at the same time, sexy style. The basis of their wardrobe is always fashionable classics, and for the rest they rely on intuition. When choosing jewelry, Capricorns are guided not so much by the price as by the originality of a particular item.

Aquarius (01/21-02/19)

Aquarius is a sophisticated, artistic person who has a natural flair for fashion. Aquarians create their own directions, thanks to good taste and instinct. They adore everything that is not trivial and can endlessly wander through stores in search of a piece that complements their image. Basically, Aquarius prefers the Casual style. But rest assured, you will notice the Aquarius lady right away at the party! A flowing dress, dull but expressive makeup, not a woman - a dream!

Pisces (20.02-20.03)

Pisces are dreamy and bright. Pisces women are nimble and flexible, so they prefer clothes that follow the contours of their body. Incredible fashionistas, they love everyone's admiration. This feature is also characteristic of men of this sign - they attract the gaze of others without making any effort.

Pisces are so natural that they are never vulgar. They love trusted brands and quality materials, believing that the thing they will wear must, first of all, be worthy of them.