Bull net weight. Calculation of cattle weight indicators

Bulls have always been considered large animals. The largest of them now live in England. Everyone knows that bulls are much larger in size compared to the same cows. It is generally accepted that if an animal is so large, it means there is a large layer of fat under the skin, but in bulls everything is completely different. Under their skin is large number muscles, which is what makes them so large and strong. Thus, an aggressive breed can cause great injuries and wounds to a person, so you should behave more carefully with these animals.

The largest bull in the world is not officially registered due to the fact that it exists large number various breeds , which have large representatives. Many farmers want their bull to get into the book of records and make them famous, so they try as much as possible to feed the animal and make it even bigger. Such unusual and huge bulls evoke surprise and admiration among others, and also amaze with their calmness and good disposition.

Breeds of heavy bulls

Kazakh white-headed breed of cows - characteristics and features


The bison is the largest representative of its relatives. Bison are up to 2 meters tall and have a body length of about 3. Adults weigh 1.3 tons. IN North America bison live in both wild and agricultural environments.

Gallery: the largest bulls in the world (25 photos)


Gaur undoubtedly occupies the first place of honor among the largest bulls in the world. Males grow up to 2.3 meters tall and weigh 1.5 tons. The body length of the animal grows to 3 meters. The horns have a curved appearance, reminiscent of a crescent, and reach 90 centimeters. The gaur's habitat is the dense forests of countries such as India, Pakistan, Thailand. The main activity of the gaur's life occurs during the daytime, but when the animal settles next to a human dwelling, it prefers nightlife. This animal is listed in the Red Book as it is on the verge of extinction. There are only 20 thousand of these beautiful animals living in the world.


Buffaloes have a body length of about 3 meters, and a height of up to 2. The buffalo has the most large horns, which can reach a length of up to two meters, and the weight of adult individuals is up to 2 tons. Buffaloes inhabit countries with hot climates due to their sparse and short fur. They separate African and... African ones are most often distinguished by their large size, and Indian ones by their luxurious horns.

Cow rumen tympany: the cause of stomach bloating and what to do

Buffaloes are distinguished by their bad character and aggressive disposition, especially older individuals. Where these buffalos live, tigers and other predatory animals are common. But they do not attack the bull, as they greatly risk their lives. When a herd of buffalo finds the trail of a predator, it pursues it until it loses the trail, or finally catches up with the offender.

Yaks have long body and small limbs. The yak has a large hump on its back. The length of an adult individual reaches up to 4 meters, and the weight is more than 1 ton.

The difference between yaks and simple breeds is not only the presence of horns, but also long wool, similar to sheep. Yak breeding is more common in Mongolia, Tibet and Turkmenistan. These animals live mainly in mountainous areas, and even their large size does not prevent them from climbing them. In fact, yaks simply cannot stand low places, but at altitude they develop a feeling of comfort; in the mountains they easily find food among frozen earth and stones. The voice that the yak makes is similar to the grunting of a pig and is significantly different from the usual

It is very important for farmers to know the weight of a cow in at different ages. This indicator is of particular importance when fattening animals. The higher it is, the more meat will be sold. The body weight of cattle depends on various factors, including the breed; its change is also influenced by the living conditions and diet of the animals.

How much does a calf weigh at birth?

Farmers know that newborn calves weigh on average about 40 kg. This value is approximate, it depends on the sex of the animal, breed and health status of the cow mother. It is considered normal if the weight of the calf at birth is 8-10% of the weight of the cow that gave birth to it.

Attention! Bulls are born larger and weigh 38-42 kg, and females are smaller.

In the first month of life, the body weight of calves increases 1.5 times. At this time, it is very important to control how the young animals develop and grow. Significant downward deviations in indicators may indicate health pathologies.

Average weight of an adult cow

How much a cow weighs on average depends on the breed, housing conditions and feeding. The weight of representatives of the same breed line at the same age can vary greatly. For example, cows belonging to the selected weight category weigh 450-500 kg, and individuals of the first class weigh 400-450.

The average weight of a meat and dairy cow of productivity receiving adequate nutrition is 350-450 kg. Body weight indicator in meat cows of two summer age often reaches 600 kg. Adult bulls gain from 500 to 800 kg, and some individuals gain 1000 or more kilograms.

Dependence of weight on breed and direction of productivity

Belonging to a particular breed plays a decisive role in how much a cow will weigh as an adult. Information about the physique and dimensions of animals is inherited. Based on the type of productivity, cow breeds are divided into 3 groups:

  • dairy;
  • meat;
  • meat and dairy.

Dairy cow

Brown cows of dairy breeds are characterized by a developed udder. They provide farmers with high milk yields throughout the entire lactation period. Their diet contains more green food and hay.

Potatoes, which promote the growth of muscle and fat mass, are excluded from the cows’ menu, since starchy substances cause blockage of the milk ducts. Dairy cows are not prone to rapid weight gain, since most nutrients spent on lactation. The average weight of a milk cow is 360-500 kg.

Attention! The Holstein breed is considered the largest of the dairy breeds. Average The body weight of an adult female is 650 kg, and that of a bull is 900-1000 kg.

Beef cows

Animals classified in this group are distinguished by their ability to grow quickly and increase body weight. Meat beef has a pleasant taste and delicate structure. For high-quality fattening, farmers prepare a specific diet for cattle, which includes:

  • grain crops;
  • beans;
  • vegetables and root vegetables;
  • hay and fresh greens.

Attention! Walking outside plays an important role for proper metabolism. fresh air. Burenki meat direction spend 10-12 hours daily on pasture.

The weight of cattle reaches its maximum at the age of two. There is no point in fattening the animals any longer; they are sent to slaughter. The weight of a beef cow is 650-800 kg. There are also record holders in this category of cattle, for example the Hereford breed, which is distinguished by a longer body. At the age of 1.5-2 years, the body weight of a female individual reaches 900 kg, and that of a bull – 1200-1400 kg.

Meat and dairy cow

Rural residents and owners of small farms prefer to breed universal breeds of cattle for meat and dairy production. The average weight of such animals varies between 450-700 kg. They depend on the quality of feeding, living conditions and other factors.

Influence of other factors on body weight gain

In addition to belonging to a certain direction of productivity and breed, the weight of a cow depends on other factors:

  • health conditions;
  • living and feeding conditions;
  • age and gender.

Young animals grow quickly and develop properly when kept in comfortable conditions. In winter, the barn should be warm and dry, then the animals will not waste energy heating their bodies. The accumulation of musty air in the room, oversaturated with hydrogen sulfide and ammonia vapors, should not be allowed. In such conditions, cows get sick more often, which means their average daily weight gain will be minimal.

Proper preparation of cattle diet is the farmer’s primary task. Young animals should receive not only hay, but also the norm of succulent feed and concentrates. Vitamin and mineral supplements are also included in the daily diet of calves.

Stressful situations

Cattle do not tolerate it well stressful situations, for example long-term transportation. Farmers are advised to avoid transporting cows long distances shortly before slaughter as they quickly lose weight.

Attention! While for a long time under stress, an animal can lose up to 20% of its weight.

Long term exposure negative factors causes deterioration general condition animal, leads to fluid loss. As a result, not only the slaughter yield decreases, but also the quality of the meat - it becomes tough.


From birth to 6 months, calves grow very quickly. At one year of age, the heifer’s weight is 85-90% of the weight of an adult. Only by 2 years does this figure reach its maximum, provided proper feeding animals. It also matters how strong the individual’s immunity is. If a bull or heifer transfers infectious disease, this factor will certainly lead to a slowdown in muscle growth.

The heaviest bulls in history

The undefeated record holder in weight was a bull who lived in the last century named Good Man Donetto. He was born in Switzerland and weighed 1 ton 740 kg. It was truly a huge representative of the porcelain breed. So far no one has been able to break his record.

Later, a bull named Chili of the Fresian breed from England also became famous. Every year his body weight increased by an average of 100 kg. When he was 10 years old, Chili weighed 1 ton 300 kg. Another contender for the title of record holder belongs to the same breed as Chili, his name is Trigger. He is simply huge - the height at the withers is 1.96 m, and the length of the body has reached 4.3 m. The bull weighs 1 ton 200 kg.

The heaviest bull today is considered to be Field Marshal, he belongs to the Charolais breed. He comes from the English province. The bull's height reached 1.9 m, and its weight is 1 ton 700 kg. Despite its size, it seems cute, and its owner assures that the animal has a good disposition.

The weight of a cow is an indicator of key importance for the farmer. Based on it, you can find out whether the animal is healthy, whether it is developing correctly, and whether its diet needs correction. It is important to know the average weight standards of cattle for different breeds and age categories and use them to monitor the condition of your livestock.

The price of bulls is measured by live weight. If a farmer decides to start raising livestock, he will need to know how much an average bull, cow or calf weighs. This is necessary, for example, so as not to purchase a sick animal. Knowing the weight that a bull weighs, you can immediately decide on the future diet for him.

Each breed of cattle has its own weight. The Kholmogory species, for example, is significantly different from others in its mass. A bull of this breed is larger than a cow, its average weight reaches 500 or 700 kilograms, and an adult seasoned bull can have a live weight equal to a ton.

Weight is directly dependent on the age of the animal and its state of health; sick individuals have lower live weight. Livestock can be divided into weight categories:

  1. The selected category of cows corresponds to a weight of 500 kilograms. A breeding porcelain white cow can reach a weight of up to a ton.
  2. The first category of cattle is slightly smaller than selective cattle. The volume of the animal can be 400 or 450 kilos, this is the approximate weight of a medium-sized horse.
  3. Animals of the second category will be no larger than 400 kilograms.
  4. The third category is the smallest. The average weight of a cow varies between 300 and 380 kilos.

Advice: Deviations from the weight norm indicate an animal illness. Perhaps the cattle were not fattened as they should be. The average optimal weight is considered to be between 350 kilograms and 450 kilograms; small breeds should have a body weight close to 300 kilograms.

Measuring calves

A calf is usually born forty kilograms, but grows at a fast pace. During the first two months of his life, several measurements are required, once every 14 days is enough. Month-old animals are 10 or 30 kilos larger than newborns, this depends on the specific breed they belong to.

With regular measurements, changes in the young bull's growth are monitored, and the calf's diet is changed if necessary. To measure body weight, it is not necessary to use scales; you can take a measuring tape, and the obtained parameters are compared with special tabular data. The table contains characteristics of the animal’s body length and chest girth. The graph where these data intersect corresponds to the desired weight value. It cannot be said that using this method the weight is determined one hundred percent. To measure without errors, it is still better to use scales.

How are adult animals measured?

Not all beginning farmers know how to find out the weight of bulls purchased or raised on their farm. The weight of adult bulls is often determined using a measurement table; its formula cannot be called complicated. A grown bull at the age of one year is measured using the Trukhanovsky method, this is the easiest method.

A yearling bull can be measured with a tape measure or tape. It is important what length the body is and the girth of the sternum.

Advice: To obtain an accurate result, you need to take into account the fatness of the cattle as a percentage, which will need to be added or subtracted.

The percentage depends on the breed of cows and bulls, whether it is a meat animal or a dairy animal. With high fatness, 5 to 10 percent must be added to the total value obtained by the formula. If the animal is distinguished by its thinness, 5 or 10 percent are taken away.

In order to find out the weight of adult cattle, there is the Kuver Strauch method. The first to measure is the girth of the sternum, then the body oblique. A table is used to compare the results.

There is a method that applies exclusively to certain breeds, when the largest parts of the bull’s body are subject to measurement. Only chest girth and abdominal girth are calculated.

In order to measure large animals, a regression level is sometimes used. The measuring tape should be wrapped around the bull or cow so that it passes under the chest.

How to find out the meat yield?

When they talk about animal meat, they mean muscles, cartilage, and other tissues. Dairy breeds in their own way muscle mass smaller compared to males.

The amount of beef produced from a carcass is influenced by the breed, age of the animal, living conditions and diet. An impressive bull does not necessarily produce tasty beef.

IN agriculture there is very important indicator, which all breeders take into account − we're talking about about live weight. Thanks to it, you can determine meat and dairy indicators. To better use biological stocks growth, you need to understand how the animal changes from one age group in another, its weight, and what is the normal reaction of an individual to planned changes in the life of livestock.

When selling cows, the price is determined based on the live weight and condition of the livestock. The last factor is determined by feeling muscle tissue and the fat layer, which is mainly located on the back. This is the area near the tail, the ischial tuberosities, the sacral region, the lumbar region, the maklaki and the costal part. Fat deposits are practically absent on the cervical spine and shoulder blades. How to determine the weight of a bull without scales? The table will help you determine an important indicator.

Cattle categories

All cattle can be divided into several age categories:

  • the adult group, represented by animals of different sexes, more than three years old, cows that have calved for the first time, and whose weight at intake is less than 350 kg;
  • females that calved for the first time, whose life expectancy did not reach three years, but a pair of permanent incisors appeared. Here the receiving mass is more than 350 kg;
  • young animals from 90 days to 3 years of age are represented by individuals of different sexes;
  • young animals from 2 weeks to 90 days.

Determination of livestock weight without scales

To find out the average mass at , there are several ways. Cattle is measured taking into account the following features:

  • along the girth of the sternum - behind the shoulder blade joints, around the sternum, taking as a guide the strip that runs in the vertical plane to the end of the shoulder blade;
  • along the oblique length of the body - the measurement is carried out, focusing on the beginning of the glenohumeral joint to the ischial tuberosities (their posterior protrusion).

The data obtained is correlated with a table, from which the mass of livestock without the use of weight is determined.

Indicators of approximate live weight for animals of different sexes in kilograms

Circumference of the sternum behind the shoulder blades Indicators of oblique length of the body
122 126 130 134 138 142 146 150 154 158 162 166 170 174 178 182 190
136 194 202 206 213 220
140 210 218 223 231 236 244
144 222 230 236 243 250 258 266
148 235 244 250 259 265 274 282 289
152 247 255 262 270 278 287 296 303 311
156 260 270 277 287 295 304 313 320 329 337
160 286 292 300 307 317 327 334 345 352 362
164 306 317 325 334 345 354 364 372 382 391
168 333 341 351 364 373 383 391 404 413 422
172 356 368 379 388 399 409 419 429 440 450
176 386 399 408 420 429 441 452 463 474 484
180 418 428 443 450 464 475 486 497 508 520
184 445 458 468 481 493 503 516 528 540 551
188 480 490 504 516 529 541 553 567 576
192 509 523 536 549 563 574 589 599
196 547 561 574 587 600 612 627
200 583 597 610 624 640 652
204 620 634 649 660 678
208 -659 674 691 704
212 700 717 731
216 747 767
220 786

Values ​​for young animals

sternum circumference behind the shoulder blades Parameters of the oblique length of the body
90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126
84 54
86 57 58
88 59 60 61
90 63 64 65 67
92 67 68 69 70 72
94 70 71 73 74 75 76
96 73 75 76 77 78 79 81
98 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 86
100 80 82 84 85 86 87 88 90 91
102 84 85 86 88 89 91 92 93 95 96
104 88 90 91 92 94 95 97 98 99 101 102
106 93 95 96 98 99 100 102 103 104 106 107 109
108 99 100 102 103 105 106 107 109 110 112 113 114 116
110 105 106 107 108 110 112 114 116 117 119 120 121 123
112 110 11 112 114 115 117 118 119 121 122 124 126 128 130
114 115 117 118 119 121 122 124 125 126 128 129 131 132 133 135 136
116 121 122 124 125 126 128 129 131 132 133 135 136 138 139 140 142 143
118 123 124 126 127 129 131 132 134 135 137 139 140 142 143 145 147 148 150
120 129 130 132 133 135 137 138 140 141 143 145 146 148 149 151 153 154 156 157
122 135 136 138 139 141 142 143 145 146 148 150 151 153 155 157 159 160 162
124 142 144 145 147 148 150 152 153 155 156 158 160 161 163 164 166 168
126 150 152 153 155 156 158 161 163 164 166 168 169 171 172 173 174
128 158 160 161 163 164 166 168 169 171 172 174 176 177 179 180
130 166 168 169 170 172 174 176 177 179 180 182 184 185 187

When using tabular data, it is necessary to take into account that there is an error of 20 to 30 kg. These indicators will diverge from the result obtained using scales to determine the mass. You also need to remember that the weight of livestock varies depending on the age group, and in most cases this happens intermittently. A lot depends on your diet, climate zone, ailments and a number of other indicators.

Due to the indicators already described, weight fluctuations can be observed on average per day, even if normal maintenance is used. They range from 30 to 40 kg, or 5-7 percent. To determine a more accurate average live weight, all parameters must be taken correctly.

Turkhanovsky method

A special formula is used here that can be used to identify weight in adult bulls. The following indicators are used for calculations:

  • sternum circumference. The measurement is made in the immediate vicinity of the animal's forelimbs. For this, a special tape measure or centimeter is used;
  • straight body length. Measure the distance from the beginning of the cervical region to the tail. You can measure with a wooden stick with marked marks.

The mass is calculated using the formula below:

M=(A*B)/100*K, where

  • M – weight in kilograms;
  • K – correction factor. The value is determined by the breed of the animal being measured;
  • A – sternum circumference (in cm);
  • B – straight length of the body (in cm);

The coefficient for the meat direction is 2.5;

For the dairy direction – 2.

To get more exact values, it is recommended to take into account the fat content of the bull.

If it is high, then you need to add from 5 to 10% to the resulting value, and if it is low, then subtract the same percentages.

Video. How to determine the weight of a bull without scales

I was born and raised in the village. But as many people know, work in the village is very difficult. Since I no longer wanted to work for my uncle, I began to think about what I could do in the village? There weren’t many options for starting a business here; I had a question about what to do with beekeeping, fishing or livestock farming.

My choice fell on the third option, I decided to raise bulls for meat, but to open my own livestock complex you need a lot of money. The question arose of how to earn initial capital.

After about a week of thinking, I found a solution. I came up with the idea of ​​opening a metal collection point. I found a company not far from the village that bought metal for 9 rubles per kilogram. I wrote a sign and soon I had my first metal product.

People were dragging scrap metal from the entire village, and since I set the price per kg at 5 rubles, most likely my entire yard was littered with metal, so in a week I earned about 15 thousand rubles from the metal. This initial business took off well, because there was no work in the village and everyone was trying to make money by selling me metal.

In half a year of work, I managed to earn about 250 thousand rubles. And if I had been weak-minded, I would have ended there, but I still had another goal, the goal of opening my own livestock company.

When a small initial capital was collected, I went to the head of our village to agree on an old building, which was once a farm in the USSR, but after the devastation they simply forgot about it. I managed to rent this building for 50 thousand for a year, it was not bad for such a building. But now there was another question: who should I raise on this farm?

I traveled to neighboring villages and found an excellent offer: some farmer was selling young bulls for 9 thousand apiece. Without thinking twice, I bought 11 bulls from him for 100 thousand rubles. And again the question arose: I didn’t want to work myself, since I couldn’t handle 11 bulls alone, so I had to find at least two workers for my farm.

But where else can you find two people to work with cattle, if not in the village. I agreed with 2 adult men who had experience working with livestock; finding such people in the village is not difficult, because I repeat, there is no work there. I offered them a salary of 9 thousand rubles a month, so much time has passed, and I pay them the same amount, the main thing is that everyone is happy.

Anyone involved in livestock farming knows that one bull on average costs 10-12 thousand rubles per year to maintain. Thank God, my scrap metal collection point helped to find capital for their maintenance.

On average, a bull gains its mass by the age of one year. Therefore, at the 10th month of my farm, I began to wonder where I should put my future meat. After wandering around the city, I agreed with some caterers and coffee to supply meat. But this was still not enough, after all, there was a lot of meat and it immediately needed to be sold somewhere. If the meat was stored for a long time, it would simply disappear and all one’s investments would sink into oblivion. Therefore, I agreed with a dozen stores to supply meat and posted an ad on the Internet.

After the slaughter of the cattle, it was necessary to somehow organize the delivery of meat to buyers, and the next day after we slaughtered the cattle, people came to buy meat, people came from neighboring villages and even from the city. I agreed with one of the private owners who had a special. equipment (machine with freezer) loaded him with meat and took everything to the buyers.

Now let’s do the calculations and display the costs and earnings for one year of my farm:
My initial capital was 250 thousand rubles
The building was allocated for rent: 50 thousand rubles
100 thousand rubles were allocated for the purchase of initial livestock
The staff of my farm was allocated: 18 thousand per month, which amounted to 216 thousand rubles (You will think how, if the capital was only 250 thousand rubles, but if you carefully read my text it said that the metal collection point brought me good income all this year, which helped me maintain my farm.)

On average, with good handling, a one-year-old bull will weigh from 250 to 320 kg (imagine how much live meat this is).
For one kg of meat I asked for 250-260 rubles, slightly below the average store price.
As a result, from 11 bulls I got 2750 kg of meat (the weight is taken for 250 kg of one bull)
It turned out to be a very profitable year. The next year I did not retreat, since my farm could accommodate much more than 11 heads of cattle, I already bought 25 young bulls and hired 2 more people to help. This is how I got my own personal farm with a small team.

I never closed the metal collection point; it still brings me a small but useful income.

Of course, in every region different prices, so if you decide to start this business, take the trouble to first find out: how much a young bull costs, how much food costs for it, and where you should raise this cattle. After all, if you treat an animal poorly, it will not bring profit, but only losses. Think several times whether you need this, because it’s hard to quit something like this.