How much milk do cows give per day? How much milk does a cow give per day? Cow breeds

1. Arithmetic mean 1

2. Harmonic mean 7

3. Geometric mean 9

4. Mean square 12

5. Mode and median 19

1. Arithmetic mean 1

2. Harmonic mean 7

3. Geometric mean 9

4. Mean square 12

5. Mode and median 19

1. Arithmetic mean

The arithmetic mean is the most common among averages. It is used in cases where individual objects with individual characteristic values ​​expressed in absolute terms are given. The arithmetic mean is defined as the ratio of the sum of individual values ​​of characteristics to their number.

There are simple and weighted arithmetic averages. The simple arithmetic mean is used if the individual values ​​of the attribute occur once in the aggregate, and the weighted average is used if the individual values ​​of the attribute are represented by several objects.

The simple arithmetic mean is determined by the formula:

Where average;

X options;

n number option.

The formula for the weighted arithmetic mean is:


Where f frequency option.

Let's consider the method for calculating the arithmetic mean.

Example 1. There is data for 8 cows on their milk yield per year (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

Cow's milk yield

Cow no.

Cow milk yield per year, kg

It is required to determine the average milk yield per cow per year.

Since individual milk yield values ​​for each cow are given, the average milk yield is determined using the simple arithmetic average formula:


Thus, the average annual milk yield from a cow per year is 3883 kg.

Technology for solving the problem in table processor Microsoft Excel next.

1. Enter the initial data in accordance with Fig. 1.1.

2. Calculate the average milk yield per cow for the year as a simple arithmetic mean.

2.1. Select cell C11.

2.2. Left-click on the toolbar on the button<Вставка функции>or run the command Insert,f x Function

2.3. In the dialog box Function Wizard - Step 1 of 2<Статистические>, Select a function <СРЗНАЧ>(Fig. 1.2).

2.4. Left click on the button<ОК>.

2.5. On the tab AVERAGE set the parameters according to fig. 1.3.

2.6. Left click on the button<ОК>.

The solution results are displayed on the display screen in the following form(Fig. 1.4).

Example 2. There is data on the agricultural enterprise on the number of cows on farms and the average annual milk yield of a cow for each farm (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2

Number of cows and milk yield

Number of cows, heads.

Average annual milk yield of a cow, kg

Gross milk yield, kg

It is required to determine the average annual milk yield of a cow per year for the farm.

Since individual values ​​of a characteristic occur several times in the aggregate (for example, on a farm 1 − 230 times), the average is determined using the weighted arithmetic mean formula. To do this, the total gross milk yield for the agricultural enterprise must be divided by the entire number of cows:


The average annual milk yield of a cow for the entire agricultural enterprise is 4058 kg.

Technology for solving the problem in table processor Microsoft Excel next.

1. Enter the initial data in accordance with Fig. 1.5.

2. Calculate the total population.

2.1. Select cell D8.

2.2. Left-click on the toolbar on the letter  button<Автосумма > .

2.3. Select cells B2:B6.

2.4. Press the key .

3. Calculate the gross milk yield for the year.

3.1. Select cell D9.

3.2. Left-click on the toolbar on the button<Вставка функции>or run the command Insert,f x Function, clicking alternately with the left mouse button.

3.3. In the dialog box Function Wizard - Step 1 of 2 use the left mouse button to set: Category <Математические>, Select a function <СУММПРОИЗВ>(Fig. 1.6).

3.4. Left click on the button<ОК>.

3.5. On the tab SUMPRODUCT set the parameters according to fig. 1.7.

3.6. Left click on the button<ОК>.

4. Calculate the average annual milk yield from a cow for an agricultural enterprise as the arithmetic weighted average. To do this, enter the formula in cell D10 = D9/ D8 .

The solution results are displayed on the display screen in the following form (Fig. 1.8).

First you need to select cows. This is a difficult step and should be carefully considered. It is better to buy a purebred cow. It is necessary to check that the parents of a particular cow are of the same breed. Experts recommend paying attention to the shape of the udder; for dairy cows, the ideal shape is cup-shaped and bath-shaped.

Breed affects milk yield per cow. It is necessary to remember that a cow, like all animals, needs a routine; it is better to immediately accustom her to the hours of feeding, milking, and so on. This will significantly increase milk yield per cow.

Caring for a cow, what is it? You need to look after a cow just like any other pet, you need to love her. Friendly attitude to all animals leads to their better development. The cow has a “sore” place in the udder. It should always be washed very carefully after each milking. In addition, you need to pay attention to the condition of the udder; there should be no scratches, bruises, swelling, or ulcers. Proper cow care will improve milk yield per cow.

Having bought a cow, you need to feed it something. Now there are a lot of baits. You should only choose High Quality, because the quality of milk and all products depends on this. It is advisable to make notes about the appetite of cows in order to increase milk yield per cow.

On how to calculate milk yield per 1 cow: formula - Y=Vn/Ps, where: Y - annual milk yield per cow; Vn – total milk yield; Ps is the average annual number of cows. That is, the amount of milk should be divided by the number of cows. That is why it is advisable to make records of milk yield for one cow and for all cows together daily, or at least once a week.

When calculating the formula, it is necessary to take into account the feed for the cow, the labor expended and the production itself. Average cow produces 4 thousand kilograms of milk per year. The costs of her care and food account for about 65% of the profit.

For beginning cattle breeders, this business may not become profitable right away, because first you need to purchase several heads of livestock, feed for them, care products and much more. Therefore, the most important thing for them is not profit, but the amount of milk yield per cow.

IN summer period need to think about pastures. They must be found in advance, and in such a way that there is enough for all the cows for the entire summer period. If you graze cows, the milk yield per cow will increase significantly. But this is what it is the main objective all cattle breeders, both beginners and professionals.

Starting cattle breeding is not at all as easy as it seems at first glance. You need to work a lot, have patience and love for this business. And also, you need to remember that in order to get something, earn something, you need to invest something, do something. The path from investment to receipt is difficult and long, but it is definitely worth it.

All cattle available in Russia today can be divided into two main groups. There are breeds of cows for both meat and dairy productivity. The latter variety of cattle is the most popular among farmers. Cows are kept, of course, most often to produce milk.

What does cattle productivity depend on?

First of all, farmers who decide to organize such a farm must, of course, have an idea ofvolume,Cattle productivity in this regarddetermined by many factors:


    his breed;

    individual characteristics;

    compliance with milking rules;

    time of year.

What else does a cow’s milk yield depend on? Of course, on animal productivity direct influence has also the extent to which proper care is carried out behind them. Of course, cattle should be kept in good conditions and feed properly.

The average milk yield of dairy cows on Russian farms is approximately 10-20 liters perday. According to statistics, in 2014, for example, on domestic farms this figure was 13.7 liters.On small peasant farmsteads, cattle are usually more productive. It is believed that after the fifth calving, a private cow should produce at least 17 liters of milk per day. Otherwise, it will simply be unprofitable to maintain it.

How much milk does a cow give per day depending on age?

The smallest milk yield on farms, of course, comes from first-calf heifers. Cows that have given birth 3-5 times can produce several times more milk. So, for example, milk yield fromHolstein firstborns reach only 1800 kg per year. Adult animals that have given birth several times can produce up to 6-9 thousand kg.

Frequency of breeding

As you know, milk from cowsyou can start receiving only after she haswill appearfirst calf. After some time, the baby is taken away from his mother. The cow itself continues to be milked. The animal’s body perceives such a procedure as natural feeding of the baby. Actually, that’s why the uterus continues to lactation. The answer to the question aboutdepends, of course, on how much time has passed since calving.

Farmers usually get the highest milk yieldsin 3-4 monthsafter childbirth(distribution). Next up is productivity.cowsbegins to gradually decrease. If the owners wantBurenkacontinued to give milk, they need to take care of it in timenewknitting In most cases, cattle can only be milked for one year after giving birth.Only some breeds of cowscapable of producing milk within two years after the calf appears.

Dependence of milk yield on the season

Many beginning farmers would like to know, of course,in summer. The quality of feed actually has a huge impact on cattle productivity.Largest amount of vitamins and proteinscows getof course, in the warm season.If in summer one cow can produce 17-20 liters of milk per day, then in winter it is usually no more7-15 l.However, in this case, everything also largely depends on when exactly the animal gave birth.

If the calf appeared in the fall, then the cow will produce a lot of milk in winter. But, of course, only under the condition of proper feeding. In the cold season, in addition to hay and concentrates, cattle should also receive vitamin-rich succulent feed. This could be carrots, beets, silage, chopped potatoes, etc.

The best dairy cow breeds

Selection work with cattle in the world and in our country is carried out quite actively. Therefore, there are many good high-milk breeds of cows. In Russia, the most popular varieties include:




    red steppe;

    black and motley.


This breed of cattle was bred in North America. The ancestors of the Holstein were black-and-white European cows. Today, this cattle is considered the most productive in the world. One Holstein cow can produce about 20-40 liters of milk per day. With very good care after milking, this figure is often 60-65 liters. Per year from such a cow, depending on the conditions of detention and individual characteristics, as already mentioned, usually 7-9 thousand kg of product are obtained.

How many liters of milk a cow gives per day depends, among other things, on its genetics. Therefore, Holstein bulls are often used to improve other breeds of cattle.

Yaroslavl cow

This breed is also a high-milk breed. Its productivity is almost the same as that of the Holstein. Milk yield from Yaroslavl cows is 20-40 liters per day. The advantages of this domestic breed, in addition to high milk productivity, include unpretentiousness to living conditions and adaptability to the climatic conditions of our country.

Jersey cow

Cattle of this breed are capable of producing 20-30 liters of milk per day and up to 7 thousand kg per year. This variety was bred on the island of Jersey, located between England and France. Hence its name. Distinctive feature Cows of this breed are small in stature. The height at the withers of an adult Jersey cow does not exceed 1.2 meters.

Red steppe

Some breeds of cows were bred by domestic breeders taking into account the characteristics climatic conditions Ukraine and Russia. Like the Yaroslavl, the red steppe cattle belongs to just such varieties. In Russia, these cows are widespread mainly in Krasnodar region and on Southern Urals. The cows of this breed produce slightly less milk than the Holstein and Jersey cows. However, they are much better adapted to the hot climate of the steppes. The red steppe cow is characterized by good health and is easy to care for. You can get 15-25 liters of milk per day from one such cow. But with good care, these cows, like Holstein or Yaroslavl cows, can produce up to 40 liters.

Black and white

This breed is distributed mainly in the European part of Russia. Like the red steppe, the black-and-white cow can produce up to 25 liters of milk per day (sometimes more). In terms of living conditions, black-and-white cattle are less demanding than, for example, Holstein cattle. But in this regard it is somewhat inferior to the red steppe.

How to choose the right one

How much milk a cow produces per day, of course, has the most direct impact on the profitability of the farm. Actually, the productivity of cattle itself, as already mentioned, depends, among other things, on the individual characteristics of a particular animal. Therefore, you should choose a dairy cow for your mini-farm correctly, taking into account some recommendations.

When buying an animal, it is worth considering that good milk cows are different:

    thin bones and not very well developed muscles;

    voluminous belly;

    large udder;

    ribs set obliquely in relation to the spine;

    broad chest.

The distance between the ribs in a high-milk cow is usually very large. The withers of such animals are never too sharp.

Knowing how many liters of milk a cow produces per day is especially useful for beginning farmers who are just about to purchase an animal. This will allow you to determine whether the purchase will be profitable and will help you rationally plan the consumption of dairy products. In addition, using such indicators will allow you to correctly assess the productivity of cows that are already on the farm and take timely measures to increase milk production.

Average milk yield of a cow

The milk productivity of cattle is a fairly variable value. First of all, it depends on the age of the animal. As a rule, starting from the first lactation period, milk yield constantly increases with each subsequent period, reaching a peak at 4-7 (depending on a number of individual characteristics) lactation. From this time on, the body no longer copes so well with replenishing reserves nutrients and the productivity of cows gradually begins to decline.

Also great importance the animal's breed plays. Some of them were purposefully bred by breeders by crossing the most productive existing species. As a result, such cows are able to produce record amounts of milk. But if we take it as a whole, the average is about 5 thousand liters. Wherein general idea information about cow productivity is compiled on the basis of daily and annual milk standards.

Per day

How much milk a cow gives in one day is largely influenced by the housing conditions that were provided to her, the time of year, diet, and lactation period. As a result of some scientific research We managed to find out that even the way the owner communicates with the cow affects the daily milk yield. Moreover, it is far from last place The breed also plays. Special dairy breeds, such as the Dutch, are capable of producing about 20 liters of milk per day. At the same time, the productivity of meat and dairy cows can vary from 12 to 17 liters per day.

Reference. The average milk yield for cattle in Russia is 17 liters of milk per day.

In year

Annual milk yields make it possible to record the overall productivity of livestock and, on its basis, adjust the housing conditions and diet of cows for the next year. In domestic spaces average for non-dairy breeds it is about 4000-5000 thousand liters. The annual productivity of dairy breeds is approximately 6000-8000 thousand liters. At the same time, the Holstein variety, under proper conditions, easily overcomes the bar of 10 thousand, and in some farms milk yields reaching up to 12 thousand are recorded.

How to choose a cash cow?

When choosing a cow that will produce decent milk yield in the future, first of all, you need to pay attention to the breed. In Russia today, highly productive dairy cows are represented by 10 main breeds. Of these, the most common are:

  1. Holstein. Under proper housing conditions, the average daily volume of milk per individual is 23 liters. The breed is rightfully one of the top three in terms of productivity.
  2. Dutch. Animals of this species are valued for high productivity for several centuries now. Moreover, it is this breed that is most often taken as the basis for breeding work. The daily milk yield of Dutch cows averages 20 liters.
  3. Red steppe. Representatives of this breed can hardly be classified as highly productive, since they produce no more than 15-17 liters of milk per day. But its advantage is that the animal is extremely unpretentious to nutrition, and even on underdeveloped vegetation it is able to reach the specified standards.
  4. Black and white. Daily norm milk yield is 17 liters. However, the cow is different high level adaptation to different conditions accommodation. Shows high productivity in both cold and warm climates.

Also quite popular are the Yaroslavl, Ayrshire, and Tagil varieties.

But, in addition to the correctly selected breed, it is necessary to pay attention to the parameters of a particular animal. First of all, the appearance of the animal is taken into account. A dairy cow has the following nuances in its constitution:

  • the head should be small in comparison with the body;
  • neck is mottled big amount folds;
  • The belly is distinguished by a barrel-shaped convex shape. In this case, you should carefully watch so that it does not sag;
  • the chest is wide, with large distances between the ribs;
  • the back should not be arched, while the sacrum is distinguished by its width and strong structure;
  • the legs should not be very muscular, but strong, otherwise the animal will be inactive, which means it will be much more difficult to reach maximum milk yield;
  • The udder is large with protruding nipples and pronounced blood vessels; during milking, it significantly decreases in size and folds in the back.

An animal's appearance and behavior can also be used to judge its health. You should not buy coughing animals, cows that have skin or the udder shows cracks, ulcers or wounds of unknown nature. Areas of sore skin or hardened areas on the udder are also warning signs. The coat should be shiny and soft to the touch. Activity and a calm disposition should prevail in the animal's behavior.

It should be noted that in addition to the general appearance The age of the animal must also be taken into account. If the seller of livestock is trusted by the breeder, you can be guided by his words when purchasing. If a cow is purchased from strangers, you can calculate your age yourself. To do this, just look at the horns. It is best to take into account the number of rings on the horns. Each such ring appears during pregnancy.

By counting the rings and adding two years to the resulting number, you can find out the approximate age of the animal. Buying a cow after 5-6 calvings simply does not make sense, since its productivity is already declining. In addition to the quantity, also pay attention to the location of the rings. This will help determine the regularity of pregnancy in livestock. If there is too much distance between some rings, the cow was barren in some periods.

And finally, it is necessary to take into account how you plan to milk the acquired animals. If milking is done manually, you should definitely try to milk the animal before purchasing. This is a completely rational selection criterion. If milk has to be squeezed out of the udder, it is better not to buy such an individual. Even with all its productivity, the milking process will be extremely difficult and will take a lot of effort.

How to increase milk production from a cow?

Quite a lot influences how much milk a cow gives various factors. But, first of all, in order to ensure large milk yields, it is necessary to take care of the correct and balanced diet animal.

Milk in the mammary gland is produced on the basis of nutrients that enter it from digested food. And if there are not enough easily digestible carbohydrates, fats and vitamins in it, the body will begin to borrow all the necessary components for the production of milk mass from reserve reserves. As a result, in addition to a sharp decrease in productivity, the weight of the cow itself will begin to fall. This phenomenon is especially intense three months before calving and the next three after the appearance of the offspring.

Decide this problem V summer time possible due to pasture maintenance. In the grass, the animal will find the protein and other components necessary for development and milk production. IN winter time It is necessary to provide the animal with a sufficient amount of concentrated and succulent food. In addition, we must also not forget about various mineral and vitamin supplements.

Attention! Necessarily proper feeding must be supplemented by free access to water. A cow should drink when she needs it and in the right quantities.

Also, to a certain extent, a gradual increase in duration can contribute to higher milk production. daylight hours due to lighting fixtures. By increasing it to 16 hours, the cow's productivity can increase by 1/10.

In addition, regular long walks must be included in the animal’s daily schedule, even when kept in a stall. They will promote faster absorption of nutrients and increase appetite.

Another important point affecting milk yield is regular and timely milking. It must be carried out at the same time. In addition, such a process requires compliance with a number of important points, which just contribute to better milk release. These points include:

  1. Preliminary massage. Before each milking, the cow's udder must be thoroughly massaged for at least a minute. This will contribute to the general relaxation of the animal, as well as the release of oxytocin into the body, which drives all the produced milk to the lower part of the udder.
  2. Quick transition to milking. The cow should be milked immediately after the massage. This is important because oxytocin ceases its effect after 5-6 minutes, and the secretion of milk mass becomes less intense.
  3. Elimination of any discomfort. No matter how it sounds, nothing should distract or frighten the animal during milking. A sharp noise, shouting, or careless movement that causes pain in the cow can lead to a sharp decrease in milk production. As a result, daily milk yield may fall.

A prerequisite for good milk yield in winter period appears optimal temperature regime in the barn. In the absence of high-quality insulation and heating, more than 20% of the energy obtained from food is spent on heating the cow’s body. Accordingly, energy costs for milk production are reduced, so providing warmth in the stalls during the cold season is extremely important.

Factors influencing milk productivity of cows

As already noted, the productivity of a cow is influenced by quite diverse factors. Among them the main ones can be considered:

  1. Breed and genetic predisposition to high milk yield. Even in dairy breeds, low-producing animals are sometimes found and it is likely that their offspring will also fall into this category.
  2. Live weight of the animal. The more a cow weighs, the more milk she is able to produce. The reason for this is higher nutrient intake.
  3. Age. The increase in milk productivity in cattle can be traced, in extreme cases, up to the 7th lactation. Then inevitably comes a decline. Therefore, milk yield in young individuals is much higher.
  4. Balanced diet. The correct proportions of concentrated and succulent feed, compound feed, grass, hay, vitamin complexes and premixes will provide significantly higher milk yields than when feeding than necessary.
  5. Conditions of detention. A warm, clean, ventilated and sufficiently bright barn can also have a significant impact on the productivity of the cow.
  6. Proper milking. A cow must be milked at least 3 times a day. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the milking technique. Milk production stops shortly before calving, when the cow produces no more than 0.5 liters of milk per day.
  7. Good health. The process of milk formation can be affected by many disorders in the health of the animal. Therefore, the cow must be periodically examined by a veterinarian in order to prevent the development of diseases in time.

Thus, compliance optimal conditions keeping a cow and proper nutrition can significantly increase the milk productivity of an animal. At the same time, the points listed above will help to sensibly assess the current level of milk yield in livestock and increase it if necessary.

Average annual milk yield per 1 cow (kg) is the ratio of the total milk yield to the number of cows in the farm or region.

The amount of milk (kg) or meat (t) obtained from 1 hectare of agricultural land is the ratio of the total milk yield or live weight gain of livestock to the area (ha) of agricultural land in a farm or region.

The amount of milk (kg) or meat (kg) obtained from 1 ton of feed is the ratio of the total milk yield or live weight gain of livestock to the amount of feed consumed in the farm or region.

Average daily live weight gain (g) is the ratio of the live weight of an animal or poultry to the fattening period (days).

The most significant indicators of average daily increase in live weight are in pig and poultry farming, which is due not only biological features pigs and poultry, but also the development of the production of complete feed, significant investments in fattening farms and purchases of early maturing breeds of pigs and poultry.

In beef farming, private production efficiency indicators are also used.

Average live weight 1 head. (kg) - average weight of 1 head for a farm or region. large or small cattle, pigs.

Slaughter weight (kg) - the weight of a fresh carcass after its complete processing, including offal and raw fat.

Slaughter yield is the ratio of the slaughter weight of the carcass to the receiving live weight, expressed as a percentage.

Since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, a decrease in the average live weight of 1 head has been observed in livestock farming. livestock Thus, in 1990, this figure was 387 kg for cattle, 119 kg for pigs, and 38 kg for small livestock. By 2000, these figures had decreased and amounted to 277, 76 and 31 kg, respectively. By 2005, the average live weight was 1 head. by type of livestock was 308, 92 and 32 kg, which is higher than the figures for 2000, but significantly less than the figures for 1990.

The slaughter yield for cattle, pigs and small cattle was 58.9 in 1990; 74.5; 43.3%. By 2000, the slaughter yield for cattle and pigs also decreased and averaged 56.3 and 70.2%, respectively. By 2005, this figure increased to 58.1% for cattle and 75.9% for pigs.

To increase the average live weight 1 head. livestock and slaughter yield in 2005 compared to 2000 were influenced by improved technologies for feeding and keeping animals, as well as improved quality of livestock processing. At the same time, the average values ​​of these indicators for the country remain low compared to developed foreign countries.

The efficiency of using raw materials received for processing at meat and dairy industry enterprises is assessed using a system of indicators.

Exit finished products per unit of raw materials shows the output of a unit of raw materials or how much in monetary terms the marketable product falls on 1 ton of raw materials used.

Output of finished products per unit of raw materials (rub./t)

where TP is the output of commercial products, rub.; K is the volume of raw materials used, i.e.

For individual meat or dairy products, natural indicators can be used instead of commercial products. Product yield in physical terms is associated with the technological features of the production process and the quality of the raw materials. The lower the technological losses during processing, the higher the quality of the raw materials and the less waste, the greater the output per unit of raw materials used.

Product material intensity characterizes the consumption of raw materials and basic materials per unit of production. The indicator is calculated either in monetary terms for the entire amount of raw materials and basic materials consumed, or in physical terms for each individual type:

where M is the material intensity of products, calculated in monetary terms for different types of raw materials and basic materials, in physical terms for certain types of raw materials and basic materials; K - the volume of consumed raw materials and basic materials in kind or in monetary terms; P - production output in kind or in monetary terms.

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