How to distinguish chinchilla fur from rex rabbit fur. What is the difference between a chinchilla and a gray giant?

The fur fair amazes with the abundance of fur coats. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is important to know the differences between one fur and another. After all careless sellers They can easily pass off a rabbit fur coat as a chinchilla.

So, rabbit fur is one of the most inexpensive, almost everyone can afford it. It is soft and airy. The product made from it is short-lived.

Chinchilla fur is light and weightless. The fur coat made from this animal is luxurious, but not very wearable. This product is clearly not for every day. Chinchilla fur is among the three most expensive.

The price of chinchilla fur is several times higher. A fur coat made from it cannot be cheap. Therefore, even if the seller wants to assure that “we now have holiday discounts, a special promotion,” you should not give in to persuasion and inadvertently buy a rabbit under the guise of a chinchilla.

Pay attention to the size of the skin. In a chinchilla it is two times shorter than in a rabbit, no longer than a palm.

You need to feel the fur. In a chinchilla it is very pleasant to the touch, gentle. This is achieved due to the fact that up to fifty thin hairs grow from one hair follicle of the animal. But the rabbit still has rough fur.

If the chinchilla skin is cut correctly, bellies remain on the sides, because in this place the animal’s fur is shorter. When sewing, the whole skin is used. Where the skins meet there is a gap in the hairline. Thanks to this, a fur coat or other chinchilla fur product takes on a wavy appearance. When using rabbit fur, this effect cannot be achieved. By the way, the iridescent effect is also achieved due to the heterogeneity of the color of the chinchilla hair.

Chinchilla fur keeps it cool, unlike rabbit fur, which immediately takes on the ambient temperature.

Read the label carefully. If it says “chinchilla-rex”, you can be sure that this is a rabbit. The coat can be given distinctive dark stripes using spray paint. Therefore, you definitely need to smell the product: you will immediately feel the chemical smell. Chinchilla fur does not have any other smell, because the animal does not have sweat and sebaceous glands.

Buying a chinchilla fur coat on the market is more expensive. Specialized stores can serve as a guarantee that the product is not made from rabbit fur. It is necessary to study all documentation for the product, including the quality certificate. The seller must issue a warranty card, which indicates the full coordinates of the responsible party, stamps and signatures.

Chinchilla fur coat
Rabbit fur jacket

Conclusions website

  1. Chinchilla fur is half the length of rabbit fur, the size of the palm of your hand;
  2. The chinchilla skin is cut along the animal's belly, where the fur is shorter and the ridge runs through, so the chinchilla fur product becomes wavy. It is not possible to achieve this effect when using rabbit fur;
  3. Pay attention to the accompanying documents for the product, ask the seller for a quality certificate. This is the only way to protect yourself from buying a product made from rabbit fur instead of chinchilla.

Fur coats from chinchillas at the height of fashion. Despite the fact that fur This small rodent is highly resistant to abrasion; its airiness, tenderness and elegance make the chinchilla extremely famous. However, buying such a fur coat can be an extremely dangerous undertaking. The market is flooded with fakes. Even in fashionable glossy magazines there are articles about products from chinchillas often accompanied by photographs of something completely different fur A.


1. 1st sign – price. Price fur A chinchillas very high, the price of a fur coat ranges from five to one hundred thousand bucks depending on the natural color fur and, the style and quality of the skin.

2. Pay attention to the structure fur A. U chinchillas from one hair follicle grows about fifty thin, gossamer-like hairs. This unique structure makes fur unusually thick, no other fur-bearing animal can compare with it in this indicator.

3. The color of the hair at each length is heterogeneous. Consequently fur chinchillas It seems to shimmer when worn and looks very luxurious. Natural color chinchillas dark gray with a white or bluish-white belly. Animals with other color types have been bred in captivity. Therefore, do not be embarrassed when you see a fur coat in chestnut and beige tones. Fur chinchillas They rarely paint it, it’s too expensive for that.

4. Don't forget, a chinchilla is a small rodent. Consequently, the size of the skin at its widest point cannot be larger than the width of a man’s palm. If this is not so, in front of you, most likely, is a rabbit.

5. Podpoushek chinchillas has approximately identical length to the covering hairs. Severe guard hairs chinchillas are completely absent. The fluff looks a little wavy. It is very tender, almost airy. Compared to him fur rabbit is rude

6. Weigh the product in your hand. A real chinchilla is very light. A coat made from three hundred skins weighs no more than 2 kilograms. Fur coats made from even the most delicate rabbit are much heavier, because the rabbit's flesh is more dense.

7. Chinchillas do not have sweat and sebaceous glands, and therefore products from fur A chinchillas have no smell.

8. Rabbit fur quickly takes on the temperature of the room it is in, and fur chinchillas invariably feels slightly cool to the touch.

9. In China and France, special breeds of short-haired rabbits were bred: Rex and Orylag, fur which he imitates fur chinchillas. It is distinguished by its special lightness, softness and silkiness. At the same time, the price of a fur coat made from French orylage is comparable in price to a fur coat made from mink. Often, even rabbit skins are cut to size chinchillas in order to achieve maximum similarity. However, it is impossible to imitate the unique structure of the pile.

10. Fur chinchillas shorter on the stomach than on the back. Along the ridge there is also a strip with a slightly less high pile. When cutting the skins of small animals, they are zealous to use entirely, consequently sewn fur The new fabric appears wavy. The Rex rabbit's fur coat looks more flat, while the width of the dark part is much wider than that of chinchillas .

With the development of modern selection, it is not always clear which animal is in front of you. It's like a rabbit, but maybe not. Tea breed decorative rabbits today they are so diverse that an inexperienced amateur cannot always distinguish baby rabbits from rare animals of other species. How, for example, can you understand how a baby rabbit with small ears and gray fur differs from chinchillas ?


1. Pay attention to the animal's tail. Rabbits, even if they are not dwarf, usually have a short tail. If you see a cub’s long tail, which is more than 2/3 of the length of its body, then this is a chinchilla. In adult animals, the length of the tail ranges from 7 to 15 cm; rabbits cannot boast of such tails. Also characteristic of the genus is the shape of the auricle. Even in rabbits with short ears, you can notice that they have an elongated shape. And here is the shape of the auricle chinchillas round. There is no point in trying to distinguish rabbits from chinchillas based on the size of their ears, since chinchillas own huge ears(in adults they reach 8-10 cm), it’s true that rabbits can have the same ears.

2. Touch the animal and evaluate its fur. Rabbits and chinchillas differ in the structure and quality of the fur. The fact is that the chinchilla has truly unique fur - from one hair follicle it grows 60-80 very fine hairs at once. This is why this animal’s fur coat is soft and velvety to the touch. If you touch the fur rabbit, it will be more daring, velvety and airy, like chinchillas, you won't feel it here. And one more significant nuance - chinchillas They don’t shed, but this happens to rabbits. If you see that the animal is covered with uneven fur, from which shreds are knocked out, this is a rabbit.
3. Take a closer look at the animal's body shape and mannerisms. Chinchillas have a huge, round head and a slightly oval body shape, with an obvious roundness at the back. If you watch the movements chinchillas, the association with the squirrel inevitably appears. Rabbits can also have a large head, but their body is more elongated and their rear end is not as rounded. Look at the movements of a little rabbit and you will realize that he jumps more than he runs. His movements are less graceful than those of chinchillas. In addition, rabbits do not know how to climb vertical surfaces, but for chinchillas it's not a big deal.

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Pay attention!
Chinchillas' ears are equipped with a special membrane that prevents sand from getting into the ear canal during bathing. Rabbits do not have such a membrane. By the way, if you offer an animal a swim in the sand, only the chinchilla will be interested in this offer. Rabbits don't swim in sand.

Useful advice
Do not confuse a chinchilla and a chinchilla rabbit. Rabbits were named so because of the specific color of their fur, which is very reminiscent of the color of chinchillas. This is where their similarities end.

When planning to purchase a fur product, we risk being fooled and buying a fake. It happens that the least expensive fur is passed off as more precious; modern special technologies for dressing skins have made powerful strides forward. Mink is very often counterfeited.


1. In order to avoid fraud when purchasing a fur product, contact sellers who have been selling this product on the market for more than a year and have managed to establish themselves, be it a store or an entrepreneur. They will be able to give highly professional recommendations.

2. Examine the product carefully. Uncaring sellers can successfully sell a marmot or a painted rabbit for a mink. You can distinguish mink fur by touch: it is relatively rough, elastic, and immediately difficult to accept. former form and cannot be prickly. He has a perfectly defined dense, even undercoat and above it a needle-like guard hair of equal length. The fur of the marmot and rabbit is too soft, and the guard hairs are of different sizes.

3. Remember that modern special technologies are capable of subjecting fur to “hairdressing procedures.” The durability of mink fur is determined by the fragility of the spine. She can be cut and plucked. The purpose of these procedures is to completely remove the guard hair, or to even out the guard hair with the underfur.

4. In this case, run your palm over the fur against the fur. You should feel a slight tingling sensation from the trimmed guard hairs.

5. In order to distinguish mink fur from a dyed fake, examine it from the inside out; the skin should remain white or cream, and not have any traces of dye.

6. Keep in mind that the skin of a real mink is invariably sparkling and if it has not been dyed, there are rare single white hairs on it that do not spoil its appearance.

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Useful advice
Remain careful when purchasing, and you will avoid disappointment, and the purchased item will delight you for a long time. The value of mink fur lies in its durability. It can be worn with furor for up to ten seasons. Furriers take otter fur as the standard for durability and equate it to 100%. Mink fur has a durability level of 70%, and products made from it are distinguished by their delightful elegance.

Currently, virtually all types of goods are counterfeited by scammers to gain their own benefit. Market fur products was no exception, and even succeeded in this. Repainting and other methods of treating fur can confuse even the most experienced expert. But there are several indicators by which it is possible to distinguish fur minks from a groundhog.


1. One of the main qualities of any fur is its wearability. Products from minks In addition to being worn for ten or more seasons, they also possess extraordinary grace. This is why the most capricious fashionistas choose mink. And of course, all of them at least once in their lives came across a fake of a famous fur. To begin with, in order to distinguish a craft from the original, you need to primitively touch it. You need to stroke the fur despite the hair growth and determine how soft it is. If it is tender, elastic, prickly and at the same time returns to its former location - this is fur minks .

2. The next important step is to inspect the fur and feel it. If the fur is elastic, but does not have plasticity, and when stroked it prickles and becomes shaggy, then most likely it is a marmot. As an option, you can observe the evenness of the hair. The marmot's fur hairs have noticeably different lengths. When fur minks definitely identical.

3. It turns out that the fur has passed all previous tests, and now you should pay attention to the color density of the product. A fake can be distinguished by a bluish or purple tint. Dying fur in decent colors is used to sell inexpensive varieties of fur at the price of expensive ones. U minks the color of the fur will be sparkling, clear and without bluish or purple tints. When the fur of a marmot may not sparkle, but give a bluish or other tint to the light, one that will reveal a fake to the naked eye.

4. Our check is coming to an end, and finally we need to check the label on the fur product. If the inscription is mink or vison, then it is fur minks. If it says weasel or kolynsky, it means marmot fur. You can also use the support of a sales consultant. He has extensive skill in identifying the type of fur, and can easily distinguish a mink from a marmot.

5. To reduce the likelihood of buying a fake, it is advisable to purchase fur products from reputable manufacturers. It is also possible to use reviews of those who have already purchased products from one or another company. Let's say by visiting their website.

If you are going to buy expensive fur product, some caution must be observed; on the contrary, the risk of becoming a victim of fraud is enormous. Very often, careless sellers try to pass it off as fur. minks fur of a dyed rabbit or marmot. How to distinguish fake fur?


1. In order not to purchase low-quality goods, go shopping only in huge shopping centers, diligently choosing fur products from especially well-known companies. A reputable fur salon values ​​its reputation and will not cooperate with a company that sells fake fur. The risk in this case is minimal.

2. Don't skimp on your purchase. Product made from natural fur minks can't be cheap, and it's doubtful low price should immediately alert you.

3. When choosing a product, look at it as carefully as possible. Fur minks It is enough to distinguish it from the fur of a rabbit or a marmot simply by touch. U minks the fur is quite coarse, dense and elastic, when squeezed it quickly returns to its former shape, and should not be prickly when touched.

4. Observe the design of the fur. U minks There should be an even, dense undercoat and guard hair of uniform length. Unlike minks, the rabbit's fur is very soft to the touch, and the hairs are of different lengths.

5. Run your palm over the fur, contrary to the fur. You should feel a slight tingling sensation from the hard guard hairs.

6. Fur minks You can distinguish it from any other fake by carefully examining it from the reverse side. The real one minks the skin must remain white or cream, without any trace of any paint.

7. The real one minks In any case, the skin remains sparkling. Also, if it has not been painted with anything, white hairs remain on it, which ideally do not harm its appearance.

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Useful advice
You need to observe fur carefully, since its quality determines how long this fur product will serve you, how warm and wear-resistant it will be. A fur coat made from mink fur can last you up to 10 years, while any dyed fakes have a much shorter service life. In addition, a mink fur coat is very beautiful and elegant.

Dilapidated fur clothes may lose their former beauty: turn yellow, become very greasy, lose their shine and silkiness. You can renew the fur independently at home using simple means.

You will need

  • – gasoline or technical alcohol;
  • – honeysuckle;
  • walnut;
  • – talc;
  • – hydrogen peroxide.


1. If the clog is severe, wipe the wool with gasoline or industrial alcohol using a cotton swab or disk. Do this until the dirt is completely removed. Leave the fur to dry. Gently beat the dry item with honeysuckle and comb it with a brush.

2. Please note that the cleaning liquid should not come into contact with the skin; wipe only the wool. This method cleaning will not only remove dirt, but also make the fur silky and sparkling.

3. Over time, clothes can take on an unpleasant, oily, greasy sheen. In this case, mix three eggs together with the yolks and whites, rub them into the fur with your fingers. Try to apply eggs to the entire surface of the product. Roll the clothing with the fur inward and leave for about an hour. Boil the water and let it cool to 40 degrees. Rinse the fur with this water with your fingers for 30-40 minutes.

4. Without twisting, gently squeeze the product with your hands. Rinse the fur with warm boiled water and wipe the wool. Rinse the clothes until the wool begins to squeak under your fingers. Hang the clean fur to dry naturally.

5. To add shine to the wool, stroke it with a hot iron through the paper. Move the iron in the direction of hair growth. You can make the fur silkier with the help of the following method. Peel the walnut and wrap it in gauze. Push him down hard object. Wipe the fur with this package of crushed nuts..

6. Over time, the wool will inevitably turn yellow, but this yellowness can be removed. Clean your clothes from every dust and dirt. Mix talc and hydrogen peroxide until a paste forms. Apply this mixture in a thin layer to the fur. Leave the clothes to dry.

7. Rinse off this paste and shake the fur. Smooth the fur with a brush. The mixture should not come into contact with the skin. Repeat these steps until the yellowness completely disappears. Thus, it is possible to update a thing from minks without spending money on expensive cleaning.

Despite all the efforts of environmentalists, fur products are still in high demand. Prices for fur coats depend on a number of reasons - cut and design, prestige of the brand and, absolutely, the quality and type of fur itself. The prestige of various furs changes over time, but there are pelts that have been fur “gold” for decades.

Russian sable

For centuries, Russian sables have occupied the top spot in the ranking of the most expensive furs in the world. Sable coats are light, warm and silky. A short coat made from the most inexpensive skins will cost you no less than half a million rubles, and prices for long coats start at six million rubles, and then only if it is not the most expensive and rare sable - Barguzin sable. Barguzin sable is grown only in the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve. Due to unique natural conditions Animal fur has a unique quality - it is thick and “shining”, in delightful shades.


Chinchilla fur is also very precious. Fur coats made from the small skins of this cute furry animal, unfortunately for all lovers of these beautiful animals, are again at the peak of fashion. Even the fact that their fur is not at all wearable does not stop fashionistas, not to mention the prices, which are only slightly inferior to practical sable fur coats. A long chinchilla fur coat costs about 4 million rubles. Fraudsters often use external resemblance deliberately processed rabbit fur with chinchilla skin. It is worth remembering that small animals have the softest, velvet-like fur.


“Royal” ermine is still in price. Both summer - golden, and winter - snow-white skins with black tails are used for exquisite fur coats costing from one and a half million and more.


Fur coats made from lynx skins are an example of how changeable fashion is. At the peak of its popularity, in the eighties of the last century, such a fur coat could cost more than sable fur, but now, when the excitement has subsided, lynx fur has become much cheaper. However, a fur coat made from the “tummies” of Russian lynx is still in the ranking of the most expensive - about 2 million will have to be paid for such luxury. A fur coat made from “every” lynx is cheaper for a widow, and the fur of an overseas lynx is actually quite cheap – about five hundred thousand for a “coat.” medium length.


One of the most famous furs that never goes out of fashion, mink, closes the list of the most expensive. At the same time, fur coats made from this animal are sold in a wide variety of price ranges, and you need to be a connoisseur in order to distinguish fur clothing that costs one hundred and twenty thousand from a fur coat of the same length and cut, but that costs one million two hundred thousand. The cost of a mink depends on dozens of different variables and, like cars, is huge. mink coats, of course, is produced in the so-called trade and mid-price segments. However, a medium-length fur coat high quality There's no way it could cost less than a million.

A fur coat made of natural fur can give its owner elegance and charm. In addition, it serves as an indicator of a woman’s rank, because not all representatives of the fair sex can afford such an expensive thing.

The benefits of fur coats made from natural fur

Fur coats made from natural fur have been extremely popular among representatives of the charming sex since ancient times. Currently, there are many unnatural fur fabrics, as well as synthetic insulation, which can replace natural fur when sewing winter clothes. However, real fur coats have a number of undeniable superiorities, which forces modern women give preference to them. The most important advantage of natural fur coats is their attractive appearance. Modern fashion designers offer customers a wide variety of models that can highlight the genre and individuality of every representative of the fair sex. Natural fur coats are unusually warm. They can be worn even in severe frosts. Fur has excellent thermal insulation abilities. With fur coats made from beaver fur, nutria are not afraid of even snowy weather. If moisture gets on the pile, these models retain their attractive appearance. Buying an expensive and high-quality fur coat is, so to speak, a long-term investment. Such a thing, subject to positive care, can last about 10-15 years. At the same time, if the model has a typical style, it will not lose its relevance. Real fur does not interfere with the breathing of the skin. Fur coats made from sable, for example, are very light, breathable, but at the same time unusually warm. Outerwear made from expensive types of fur serves as an indicator of a certain rank of its owner. Not everyone can afford to purchase such models.

Disadvantages of fur coats made from natural fur

Despite huge number Despite its advantages, natural fur also has its disadvantages. Its main drawback is the price. Natural fur coats are very expensive. Some women have to collect money for such a purchase for a long time. The production of fur coats from natural fur is inhumane to animals. This is what stops some representatives of the charming sex from purchasing similar prophetic ones. The keeping of animals on fur farms is associated with serious environmental harm. That number of ammonia and carbon dioxide, which is emitted by fur-bearing animals, is several times greater than the emissions from the production of synthetic textiles. This is exactly the data that was obtained by Dutch prospectors. Unfortunately, fur coats made from some types of fur can only be worn in dry weather. When wet, fur with a long and thin pile does not look very aesthetically pleasing. In addition, such fur coats require very scrupulous care.

Orylag is a fur unnaturally bred by breeders, the one that today conquers every major celebrity among fanciers. fur products due to its unique properties.

Origin of Orylag

Orylag is a type of fur that appeared as a result of the dedicated work of French experts in the field of animal breeding, who in the 1980s carried out extensive work on breeding an animal whose fur would be beautiful and wear-resistant, but at the same time its use would not cause protests from the outside. ecologists and animal defenders, because this task became very popular at that time. The French government allocated a special cost item in its budget for this work, which lasted more than 10 years. During the research, breeders came to the conclusion that the best option to acquire such fur is a Rex rabbit, one that multiplies rapidly and has good initial characteristics in terms of fur, which can be improved as a result of selection. In 1992, the breeders considered their work completed and presented the resulting fur to the court of the world community of correspondents, couturier and connoisseurs high fashion. At the same time, they were provided with a relatively loyal attitude from animal defenders, due to the fact that in order to acquire this fur there was no need to kill wild animals, and the rabbits used for these purposes were bred unnaturally. Since then, such a rabbit, like its fur, has received the name orylag, and the fur itself is made only in France, which is considered the owner of all rights to it.

Properties of Orylag

Work on developing the Orylag breed was initially carried out in order to ensure maximum similarity of its fur with the expensive and modern chinchilla fur. As a result, impressive triumphs were achieved in this regard: at a much lower cost, this fur, like chinchilla fur, is very warm and shaggy, because it consists of fibers of the same type. In this way, it is noticeably different from, say, mink fur, which has a pronounced distribution of pile into awn and fluff. At the same time, orylag even has some advantages compared to chinchilla: for example, its skin is larger, which makes it possible to create larger products from it with fewer seams . In addition, this fur is more wear-resistant. Part of the reason for this is the enormous thickness of the fur and the orylag hair itself: its thickness is traditionally about 15 microns, while in a chinchilla it is in the range of 12-14 microns. However, breeders have not been able to achieve the same fur density as that of a chinchilla : on one square centimeter of orylag skin there are about 8-10 thousand hairs, while in a chinchilla their number reaches 25 thousand.

Useful advice
A chinchilla fur coat is not a thing for every day; it is not intended for daily wear. If the main reason for your dream of having such a fur coat is a strange, fashionable color, choose a product made from a rex rabbit or an orylag rabbit. They are much more wearable and cost much less, but they are very similar to chinchilla fur.

/ Choosing a chinchilla: boy or girl, adult or baby, a ready-made pair or a selection?

Choosing a chinchilla: boy or girl, adult or baby, a ready-made pair or a selection?

Who to take into the house, who is better for keeping

When you want to buy a chinchilla, this question arises. We will describe the main features of this or that solution.

You may already have some preferences based on previous experience, for example, with cats or other animals. Let us note right away that chinchillas have their own characteristics that are different from all other domestic animals. These features arose in wildlife. Behavioral and sexual mechanisms operate in the environment of domestic chinchillas, since less than a hundred years have passed since the beginning of domestication and genetics have changed to a very small extent.

In the photo: A week old chinchilla

Chinchillas in natural environment habitats, in the mountain Andes, they live in groups of several dozen individuals. In the community of wild chinchillas, the primacy of the female reigns, i.e. matriarchy. It is the female who independently decides which male she will take as a mate. The pairs formed are usually long-lasting. There is no competition between males for females, as in many other animals, such as cats, deer or peacocks. Male chinchillas do not need to fight each other, do not need to fluff their tails or sing serenades. Male chinchillas just have to wait for a female to choose them. It is not known for certain what criteria the female is guided by when choosing a male. However, it has been noticed that the first thing the female does is sniff the male and it is by smell that she makes her first impression. A further reaction can be friendly, and in case of disgust, the female can give the applicant a beating up to strong bites. Therefore, you should never mount chinchillas right away like this. The process of breeding chinchillas has its own subtleties, which you can consult with the breeder about.

In the photo: Angora chinchilla at one month of age

One chinchilla - female or male

You have decided that you only want one chinchilla as a pet.

You can choose either a female or a male. In both cases, chinchillas will be able to live quietly alone. You, as the owner, pay attention to your pet, play with your chinchilla regularly and the animal will not feel lonely.

From the experience of our nursery, it was noticed that males and females are equally good at taming. The peculiarity of males is that they are more playful compared to females. Male chinchillas are more active, playful, and love activity and games with humans. Unlike males, female chinchillas are more affectionate, more willing to be held and allow themselves to be caressed without breaking away from their hands. Of course, a chinchilla is not a cat that can stay next to its owner for a long time; the more valuable are those moments when you can fully experience the unsurpassed tenderness and warmth of your chinchilla.

Kid or adult

Baby chinchillas become independent at the age of 2 months, and from that moment on they can find new owners. At the age of 7 - 12 months, chinchillas are fully formed as adults. Watching a baby chinchilla and playing with him is very interesting and exciting. A baby chinchilla needs attentive care, affection and care, because early age there is a risk of hereditary or generic diseases.

In the photo: a 2-month old chinchilla is ready to go to a new family

An adult chinchilla has the advantage that it is already physically strong, has life experience, its character has developed, and the future owner has a good idea of ​​what quality of pet he is buying. In our nursery we prefer to purchase already grown chinchillas aged 10 months and older. It is at this time that it becomes clear how healthy the chinchilla is and what its potential is in terms of weight, exterior and fur quality.

Ready-made pair or to choose from

In the wild, chinchillas live in herds of 10 to 100 individuals. The chinchilla is a collective animal, so keeping a pair of chinchillas in to a greater extent corresponds to the nature of animals than keeping them alone.

Ready-made pairs of chinchillas are rarely offered for sale. Previous owners sell them because the animals are old or if the couple is childless. And if you do not plan to engage in breeding, then this option is acceptable. Sometimes couples who have previously had children and chinchillas are of childbearing age go on sale. Such a couple can still bring you offspring. Find out from the seller how many litters the couple had previously and what quality the chinchillas turned out to be.

The most interesting thing, from a breeding point of view, is to select pairs of chinchillas. The selection process is the main thing in the work of a breeder. The purpose of selection is to obtain offspring with new variations in color and fur quality. To succeed, you need to know the pedigree of chinchillas and the laws of genetics. Do not attempt to breed chinchillas unless you have the necessary knowledge; some gene combinations can be lethal. If you buy chinchillas from a breeder, you will receive advice about the likely quality of the offspring.

If you have one chinchilla and you decide to buy a second one, know that you cannot immediately put two chinchillas in one cage. Whether they are same-sex or opposite-sex animals, their reaction to each other can be sharply aggressive. Planting chinchillas is a separate and large topic, which is described in the section.

In the photo: A pair of chinchillas for keeping as pets

Same-sex couples are better pets than singles

If you do not want to have offspring from chinchillas, care for a pregnant female and newborn chinchillas, you can consider the option of creating a same-sex pair. Female sisters or male brothers are ideal for this. They, being relatives, have been together since childhood. A pair can be formed from unrelated females or males if they are placed in childhood. Kids quickly get used to each other and will not conflict when they grow up. In our nursery, chinchillas that have reached the age of 2 months are separated from their mothers into common same-sex groups.

In the photo: A young male Frakas eats a tasty treat. Nursery Happy Chinchilla Ekaterinburg.

Watch the video. Funny and cute chinchilla animals.

In the 21st century, world designers delight the fair sex with a huge selection of fur products. Fashionable fur boutiques, salons and shops amaze with the abundance of products, various styles, models, sizes and colors. Every fashionista can easily choose and buy a fur product to her liking. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is necessary to distinguish between furs and know the differences between one fur and another.

A fur coat or vest made of chinchilla fur is the cherished dream of all fashionistas. Each of us would not refuse to buy a chinchilla fur coat. Now the chinchilla fur coat is at the peak of popularity. But still, not all ladies decide to buy of this product. First of all, because of the high price, because this fur is one of the top three most expensive furs. So if you want to buy a chinchilla fur coat, then treat your purchase with extreme caution. After all, very often you can be deceived and buy a fake. There is a specially bred breed of short-haired rabbits, whose fur is quite close in its characteristics and properties to chinchilla fur. We're talking about the Rex rabbit.

Rex rabbit fur is soft and dense, retains heat perfectly. This breed appeared in France in 1919. Rex fur is very pleasant to the touch, thick, due to the lack of tiers, it looks perfectly smooth and trimmed, the height of the fur is approximately 2 cm. The dense pile grows vertically and thanks to this the fur does not wrinkle. A Rex fur coat looks like velvet, it retains heat perfectly and has good properties wear resistance. In appearance, the fur is very similar to chinchilla fur and is visually practically indistinguishable.

With development modern technologies and selection, sometimes it is not clear which animal’s fur is in front of you. Some tips on how to distinguish chinchilla fur from rex rabbit fur:

  1. First of all, this is the cost of the product. The price of chinchilla fur is very high, and is one of the three most expensive furs in the world. Prices for chinchilla fur products do not go down even during the biggest sales. Therefore, if you are offered a chinchilla with a 70% discount, rest assured that this is a Rex rabbit.
  2. Pay your attention to the structure of the fur. In a chinchilla, an average of 50 fine hairs grow from one hair follicle. This unique structure of the fur makes it very thick and no other fur can compare with it in this property. Chinchilla fur is softer, airier and thicker, while Rex fur is rougher to the touch.
  3. A chinchilla is a small animal. Therefore, the length of its skin reaches a maximum of 30-35 cm, and its width is no more than the width of the palm. The rabbit is larger, so the edges of the skins will be slightly different. The length of the pile on a chinchilla's back and stomach is different. The light areas of the fur will be shorter than the dark ones, because of this the product will acquire a certain waviness.
  4. The natural color of the chinchilla is dark gray with a white or white-bluish belly. Along the entire length, the color is heterogeneous. Animals with a different color have also been bred, so do not be surprised by a fur coat in brown and beige tones. Chinchilla fur is very rarely dyed, as it is too expensive for this procedure.
  5. The chinchilla's undercoat is the same length as the covering hairs. Hard guard hairs are completely absent. Because of this, the fur is very delicate.
  6. The flesh of a rabbit is heavier and denser than that of a chinchilla. The weight of the products will vary accordingly. Try weighing the product in your hands. The chinchilla fur product is very light.
  7. While chinchilla fur usually feels slightly cool to the touch, rex rabbit fur quickly adjusts to body or room temperature.
  8. Chinchilla fur has absolutely no foreign odor, since the animal does not have sweat and sebaceous glands.

These basic differences are enough to easily distinguish these two types of fur. If you still do not have the opportunity to buy a chinchilla fur coat, do not rush to give up buying a rex fur coat. This is a quite decent type of fur, wearable and also looks very good, so it’s worth paying your attention to. But buying it at the cost of a chinchilla is still a big mistake. So beware of fakes and we wish you happy shopping!

Currently, fur products made from chinchilla and rabbit skins are the most in demand and popular among buyers. This is explained by the fact that the fur-bearing animals mentioned above have high-quality and warm fur, from which a variety of fur products, including outerwear, are actually made.

I would like to note that chinchilla products receive special attention among connoisseurs of quality furs due to the fact that this fur has an attractive appearance, elasticity, due to which the products for a long time keep their shape.

Products made from rabbit are much less valuable, however, they are more often found on sale. In addition, the fur of this animal is also quite beautiful, soft and similar in appearance to a chinchilla. It is not uncommon for not-so-honest sellers, when selling fur products made from rabbit skins, to pass them off as chinchillas. IN this material we will try to figure out how to distinguish chinchilla fur from its analogues and not make a purchase of high-quality, but, unfortunately, fake.

How to distinguish rabbit fur from chinchilla fur: main characteristic differences

Note that there are several significant differences between chinchilla and rabbit fur, which we will consider.

First of all, we draw the attention of those people who are interested in the question of how to distinguish rabbit fur from chinchilla fur to the fact that the skins of the latter are incredibly light. In addition, fur products look very expensive and luxurious due to the excellent softness of its pile (one hair follicle of an animal produces up to fifty fine hairs). Rabbit fur is coarser.

Chinchilla and rabbit skins also differ in size. A chinchilla skin is almost half the size of a rabbit skin; in addition, most manufacturers leave so-called “tummies” at the junctions of the skins, which gives the product a spectacular wavy appearance that attracts so much attention. Rabbit skins have a slightly different structure, so a rabbit fur coat simply won’t have this effect.

Also, I would like to draw attention to such a feature of chinchilla fur as its temperature; as a rule, regardless of the location of the product, the fur always remains cool, which cannot be said about a rabbit fur product, which quickly adapts to temperature conditions and after some time it itself has the same temperature.

If you have in front of you an undyed fur product made from chinchilla skins, its color should be appropriate - black on the back of the animal and lighter on the sides. If the fur has been subjected to processing such as bleaching, the black color will have a softer, chocolate shade. Of course, there is chinchilla fur in other shades, for example, a gray back and darker sides, however, such skins are considered less valuable. The color of rabbit skins is completely different and can be of any shades and colors.

The main features of chinchilla fur, which distinguish them from other fur

    Chinchilla fur products occupy one of the leading positions among the most valuable and expensive types of fur in the world.

    Chinchilla fur is highly valued by lovers of quality fur products due to its visual appeal, elasticity and the fact that it does not lose its shape for a long time.

    Thanks to the peculiarities of the skin - the presence of so-called “tummies” and a dark back - chinchilla products turn out incredibly elegant

    Due to the fact that the chinchilla does not have sebaceous glands, its fur has absolutely no odor.