Use of meat industry waste in feed production. How to start the production of bone and meat and bone meal Mechanical bone deboning: production

Valentina Malofeeva answers: expert

Disposal of food waste in medical institutions, including bones, is carried out in accordance with the provisions that determine the requirements for catering, the operating hours of the institution, and epidemiological requirements.

Today it is mandatory for any institution availability current agreement for the export of solid household waste(MSW) . At the same time, sanitary legislation indicates the need separate collection Solid waste and food residues. To do this, special containers must be provided on the territory of the institution that will ensure safe storage of waste until it is removed from the territory. The contract for the removal of solid waste should provide for the drawing up of an act for the disposal of food waste; the act is drawn up in any form.

Disposal of food waste is always the subject of close attention of sanitary and epidemiological control, as it often causes violations of the hygienic regime. That is why timely removal of food scraps and spoiled products is especially important when concluding a contract for such services.



Sanitary rules for maintaining territories of populated areas SanPiN 42-128-4690-88

1. General provisions

1.1. The organization of a rational system for the collection, temporary storage, regular removal of solid and liquid household waste and cleaning of territories must meet the requirements of these " Sanitary rules maintenance of populated areas."

1.2. The system of sanitary cleaning and cleaning of territories of populated areas should provide for rational collection, rapid removal, reliable neutralization and economically feasible disposal of household waste (household waste, including food waste from residential and public buildings, trade, public catering and cultural purposes ; liquid from non-sewered buildings; street garbage and waste and other household waste accumulating on the territory. settlement) in accordance with the General Scheme for cleaning the settlement, approved by the decision of the Executive Committee of the local Council of People's Deputies.

2.4. Food waste collection

2.4.1. Collect and use food waste should be in accordance with the “Veterinary and Sanitary Rules on the procedure for collecting food waste and using it for livestock feed.”

2.4.2. The collection, storage and removal of food waste should be carried out in accordance with the guidelines for organizing the collection and removal of food waste, approved by the Ministry of Housing and Utilities and in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities.

2.4.4. Food waste may only be collected in specially designed containers (tanks, buckets, etc.), painted inside and out, and closed with lids (the use of unpainted galvanized containers is prohibited).

2.4.5. Collections intended for food waste are prohibited from being used for any other purposes. The collections should be thoroughly washed daily with water and detergents and periodically disinfected with a 2% solution of soda ash or caustic soda or a solution of bleach containing 2% active chlorine. After disinfection, the collectors must be rinsed with water. Responsibility for the use and proper maintenance of collections rests with the company collecting food waste.

2.4.7. It is prohibited to collect food waste in the canteens of skin and venereal disease, infectious diseases and tuberculosis hospitals, as well as in special sanatoriums for the recovery of those who have recovered from the disease. infectious diseases, in restaurants and cafes of airports, trains and ships serving intercity lines.

2.4.9. Food waste is collected using a separate system and only if there is a sustainable sale to specialized feedlots. Distribution of waste to private individuals is prohibited!

2.4.10. Temporary storage of food waste until it is removed should not exceed one day to prevent its decomposition and negative impact on living conditions.

2.4.11. Temporary storage of food waste in trade and public catering facilities, regardless of their subordination, should be carried out only in refrigerated premises.

In households, animal bones after slaughtering and cutting up carcasses are usually very rarely used for food purposes. And, I must say, in vain. Master cooks know that it is almost impossible to get a good broth or sauce without bones. We will try to show in an accessible form the rules for processing bones and give some recipes for preparing broths and sauces. We hope that housewives will take advantage of our advice and widely use bone waste to give dishes an exquisite aroma, taste and smell.

Processing bones involves cleaning them from meat residues and grinding them so that they are better digested during heat treatment. The bones are crushed by sawing or crushing with an ax on a wooden block. They are crushed into pieces measuring 5-7 cm.

More valuable are tubular bones containing up to 15-25% bone fat, while flat bones contain only 2-3%. Bone fat and other substances are the best ingredients for cooking broths.

To prepare white meat broth, finely chop beef, veal, and poultry bones, rinse, and place in a cauldron with cold water(1.5 liters of water per 1 kg of bones), cover the boiler with a lid and heat. When the broth boils, open the lid of the boiler, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook at low simmer in an open container.

During cooking, skim off any fat that floats to the surface so that the broth does not acquire a greasy aftertaste. The cooking time for the white broth depends on the type of animal the bones belong to. Beef bones boil for 6-8 hours, calves, rabbits, poultry - 2-3 hours. At the end of cooking, filter the broth.

Brown meat broth prepared from the bones of all types of animals and birds. The bones should be washed, finely chopped (5-7 cm), placed on a baking sheet and fried in a gas stove oven until brown. Turn them over while frying. Place the fried bones in a cauldron, pour in water (2.5-3 liters per 1 kg of bones) and cook at low boil in an open container for 10-12 hours. During cooking, remove fat and foam as they accumulate on the surface of the broth, and the first time, remove the fat and foam immediately after boiling. At the end of cooking, remove fat from the surface of the broth, then strain the broth. The cooked broth should have a dark brown color. Corresponding sauces are created on the basis of white and brown broths.

Broths are also used for making soups, because the taste of soups largely depends on the composition and quality of the broths. In culinary practice, bone broth is more often prepared. For it, they take bones obtained from cutting livestock carcasses and poultry food waste. The bones are washed in cold water, changing it 2-3 times. To better extract fat and other nutrients, the bones need to be crushed: the vertebral bones should be chopped crosswise; articular heads of tubular bones - into several parts; flat bones - into pieces measuring 5-6 cm. Veal and pork bones are lightly fried. Place the prepared bones in a cauldron, pour into it cold water(1.25 liters of water per 1 kg of bones), cover with a lid and, while heating, bring the contents to a boil as quickly as possible. As soon as the broth boils, open the lid, skim off the foam, then gradually reduce the heat, avoiding further boiling. Partially skim off any fat that floats to the surface of the broth; the presence of a small layer of fat helps preserve aromatic substances in the broth. Beef and lamb bones are boiled for 5 hours, and veal and pork bones - 3 hours. With longer cooking, the taste, smell and aroma of the broth deteriorate.

So, food waste obtained from cutting up animal carcasses after slaughter should not be lost in the household. Among them, as we see, bones also have a certain nutritional value and advantages, which, unfortunately, some housewives simply throw away. Rational use bone tissue is also dictated by the fact that the share of bones in the carcass of cattle and sheep accounts for about 20%, horses - 14 and pigs - 12%. If we take the live weight of cattle as 400 kg, horses - 300, pigs - 100 and sheep - 50 kg, then their bone yield will be 80, 42, 12 and 10 kg, respectively, from each carcass.

Meat and bone meal is a valuable product that is used in livestock and poultry farming. It contains protein, which is simply necessary for balanced nutrition poultry and livestock. Not a single poultry farm or livestock farm can do without this product. That is why the production of high-quality meat and bone meal deserves the attention of investors and businessmen.

  • Meat and bone meal manufacturing technology
  • What equipment to choose for the production of meat and bone meal?
  • Sales channels and profitability

The meat and bone meal mixture is a homogeneous dark brown powder. The size of the granules should not exceed 12 mm. Bone mixture for dogs and animals has a specific smell, but it should not smell rotten or musty. One of important characteristics meat and bone meal is the fat content. According to its degree, the product is divided into classes.

The raw materials from which bone meal is made are residues after slaughter, veterinary confiscations, waste from meat processing plants and dead livestock. Raw materials may contain fatty and non-fatty components. Before processing, it undergoes veterinary and sanitary control.

Meat and bone meal manufacturing technology

Today there is a known method that involves grinding raw materials and heat treating them with heated steam. It always goes through the stages of degreasing and drying.

Bone mixture for dogs and animals is prepared as follows:

1 The raw material enters the grinder. All bones and cartilage are crushed there.
2 The material goes through the conveyor into the dryer. There it is cooked.
3 After this, the mixture of future meat and bone meal is transported via a screw conveyor to another grinder. The raw material after it becomes like minced meat.
4 In a centrifuge, the bone mixture for dogs and animals is dehydrated and defatted. The liquid that is formed after this operation enters special settling tanks. There the fat is separated from the water. Water is again involved in the technological process.
5 The substance again enters the drying area. There the moisture is completely released from it.
6 After secondary drying, the mixture for dogs and other animals is crushed again. After this, the stages of sterilization and packaging begin.

The first grinding of the bones is carried out using a roller with holes no larger than 60 mm. The secondary procedure takes place in the disintegrator. There, the bone mixture for dogs and animals is brought to a paste-like consistency. The diameter of the resulting particles does not exceed 1.5 mm. The secondary grinding operation involves heating. Steam is supplied to the installation. The temperature of the mixture is maintained at 60 degrees. Dairy waste is often added to the ground waste bones at this stage. They help dissolve particles and bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency. With the help of dairy production waste, the fat content of future meat and bone meal is also regulated. To remove solids, the mixture is placed in a centrifuge. There the solid component of the substance is released, which will be sent for drying.

The production of meat and bone meal has its own risk factors. The main ones:

  • bacterial effects on raw materials (rotting, exposure to pathogenic bacteria);
  • oxidation of raw materials (rancidity).

The fresher the raw materials, the better the final product. Bacteria, which are already abundant in meat production waste, multiply even faster in a warm room. After sterilization, the bacteria themselves die, but the exotoxins they produce remain. That is why you need to pay great attention to the cleanliness of equipment.

Blind spots always harbor a lot of bacteria. It is recommended to fill them with bran with antibacterial additives. It is almost impossible to maintain devices and installations in sterile cleanliness in such conditions. After the end of the shift, it is recommended to run a mixture of antibacterial additives and bran throughout the system. Once a week you need to carry out mechanical cleaning.

What equipment to choose for the production of meat and bone meal?

To implement this technological process, you will need the following equipment for flour production:

Usually it represents a single technological line. As an example, we can give two configurations:

Second line:

Sales channels and profitability

You cannot talk about the success of any enterprise if sales are not established finished products. The most important consumer of meat and bone meal will be farms. Moreover, the mixture of meat and bone meal is used as an additive to feed for birds, dogs, cats and livestock. Even larger quantities of this mixture are purchased by enterprises that produce food for dogs and cats. They add it to produce nutritious and healthy formulas for pets.

Agricultural enterprises and private gardeners also purchase a mixture of meat and bone meal. Fertilizers for indoor flowers and plants are made from it. open ground. It can be supplied to specialty stores and garden centers. All kinds of nurseries for dogs and other animals buy the product in large quantities. Interesting fact, in America bone meal is used as fuel for industrial needs. There is no such practice in our country yet.

How much money does it take to produce meat and bone meal?

To open a workshop where bone meal will be produced for livestock and dogs, you will need from 3.5 to 5 million rubles. Costs include the cost of purchasing equipment, installing it, renting premises and the initial purchase of raw materials. If we take into account that the enterprise will produce 45 tons of meat and bone meal per month for dogs and animals, then the revenue will be 960 thousand rubles.

Bone meal on the market costs about 18 thousand rubles per ton. These are wholesale prices. Production profitability is 25%. With stable operation and sale of all inventory, investments in the business will pay off in 2 years.

Bone processing line Y8-FLK.

The Ya8-FLK bone processing line is designed to produce edible fat and feed meal from all types of slaughter animal bones and bone residue. The line consists of two sections: a degreasing section and a section for drying and grinding defatted raw materials.

The degreasing section includes the following equipment: bone grinder, open elevator, fat separator, grinder, closed elevator (2 pcs.), storage hopper, FMD-802K-05 centrifuge, fat mass collector (2 pcs.), coolant fat settler 0.16 (2 pcs.), RTOM-4.6 separator with an inter-plate gap of 0.75 mm.

The section for drying and grinding skim raw materials includes a drying unit, a closed elevator, and a V6-FDA crushing plant.

Processing of bone and bone residue on the Ya8-FLK line is carried out as follows. The raw material is transported downhill or using a lifting device to the storage table, from where it is loaded into the bone grinder.

The crushed bone is transported by an open elevator to the receiving hopper of the fat separator.

The first stage of degreasing crushed raw materials by conductive heating with simultaneous partial dehydration in a continuous flow is carried out in a fat separator. The sectional bottom of the grease separator body is made in the form of a semicircle. Inside the grease separator, along its body, a hollow screw shaft is installed on bearings, under the influence of which the crushed raw materials move to the unloading pipe. The screw shaft rotates counterclockwise from the side of the loading hopper.

Steam at a pressure of 0.3-0.4 MPa is supplied from the main line to the jacket and the hollow screw shaft of the grease separator. The body of the grease separator is thermally insulated, so the temperature on its surface should not exceed 45 0 C.

As a result of conductive heating using a dry method, the fat is melted and flows into the lower part of the apparatus installed at an angle of 12 0 to the horizontal plane.

Heating of the raw materials in the fat separator occurs within 11-12 minutes to a temperature of 85-95 0 C. The released juice vapors are discharged through the pipe into the ventilation system. Fat mass is collected in a collector.

The heated fat mass is pumped using a pump into the fat sump OZh-0.16. Partially dehydrated and defatted raw materials from the fat separator flow by gravity into the loading hopper of the grinder for re-grinding. The bone, under the action of a pressing screw, is fed to a three-finned knife and, passing through a grate, is crushed to particles of no more than 30 mm. At the end of the work, unscrew the clamping nut and remove the cutting tool for disassembly and washing.

After grinding, the bone is fed into a storage hopper using a closed elevator.

From the storage hopper, the raw materials are loaded in portions into the FMD-802K-05 centrifuge to carry out the second stage of degreasing using the centrifugal pressing method.

The released centrate exits through the pipes in the frame and is conveyed through pipes attached to them on the flanges to the heat mass collection described above. From the latter, after heating, it is pumped into the second fat settling tank OZh-0.16.

In fat settling tanks, fat mass and centrate are heated before final cleaning to a temperature of 90-100 0 C and then sent by gravity to the RTOM-4.6 separator to separate moisture and small solid particles. The two-stage fat extraction method used allows us to limit ourselves to a single separation using a fine separator and obtain a product that meets the requirements of the current standard in terms of residual moisture content and transparency.

After cooling, purified fat is packaged in barrels and other containers or, without cooling, sent to a container for storage and subsequent transportation in bulk.

After stopping the centrifuge, the defatted bone is unloaded manually using a wooden oar through the windows in the drum hub, from where it is fed into the drying unit using a closed elevator.

During drying, the bone-free fat-free raw material, received from the centrifuge into the upper section with a humidity of up to 35%, is gradually dehydrated during transportation between the hot body and a heated screw for 11 minutes, the partially dehydrated raw material is poured into the loading hatch of the second section and is advanced by the screw in the opposite direction. the wrong side. In this case, further dehydration of the raw material occurs. Then it is also poured from the unloading hatch into the third, lower section, where during transportation it is finally dried to a residual moisture content of 8-10%.

The dried bone is sent to the V6-FDA crushing plant using a closed elevator for grinding.

The crushing process occurs as follows. The dried bone (bone residue) is fed into a receiving hopper located at the top of the jaw crusher, where it is captured by grinding discs and crushed to dimensions of 20 x 20 x 5 mm. The crushed mass is poured onto a magnetic separator, where metal impurities are selected and dumped into a separate chute. The cleaned product is poured through another chute into a hammer crusher, where it is finally crushed by repeated impacts on the working surface of the casing. The blades attached to the outer wheels create a directed flow, towards which a sieve is installed. After passing through the sieve, the product enters the blower area. Through the air duct, the flour enters the cyclone, where it is separated from the contained air.

Thus, using a bone processing line allows you to comprehensively process raw materials and obtain edible bone fat and feed meal in one cycle.

It should be emphasized that the technology of two-stage bone degreasing on the Ya8-FLK line and the Ya8-FUZh installation guarantees the production of high-quality edible fat from fresh raw materials. During processing, organoleptic and physical and chemical characteristics fat does not deteriorate. Therefore, when using this technology, meat processing plants actually obtain more than 95% of the highest grade bone edible fat from its total production. A decrease in quality indicators occurs when processing bones obtained from defrosted long-term storage meat.






1.2.1 Technological process of complex bone processing

domestic and foreign lines

Bone obtained from the processing of meat and offal (heads, legs) is a valuable type of raw material, since its high content of fat, protein and calcium phosphorus salts determines the production of a wide range of food, feed and technical products.

The technology of bone processing, regardless of the types of products produced and its purpose, provides at the first stage fat extraction. The peculiarity of this process is due to the fact that fat, on the one hand, is a valuable food and technical product, and on the other hand, it complicates subsequent technological operations and reduces the quality of the finished product: bone meal, glue and gelatin.

The bone is degreased using wet and dry methods.

With the wet method of bone processing, as a result of thermal denaturation of protein substances and hydrothermal disaggregation of collagen, changes in the aggregative state of fat and its removal from fat cells destroyed as a result of these changes, a three-phase system is formed: fat, broth and defatted bone. The degree of bone degreasing is determined by the technological mode and method of carrying out the fat extraction process.

With the dry method, as a result of heat treatment, the moisture present in the bone and bone residue (free and the main part adsorption bound) evaporates. The proteins of cells containing fat dehydrate, become brittle, and are destroyed, and at the same time the fat contained in them is partially released.

In this case, one part of the melted fat flows from the destroyed cells into the space in which the processed raw material is located, the other part is held quite firmly due to adsorption on the developed surface of bone particles. Moreover, the smaller the particle size of the processed raw material, the more fat is adsorbedly retained on their surface. This is a distinctive feature of the dry method of degreasing, in particular bone raw materials, since the absence of moisture, which usually forms a protective layer between bone particles and fat, creates the preconditions for the active manifestation of adsorption forces that retain the extracted fat. To increase the yield of the final product, additional operations are required to overcome the forces that hold the melted fat on the surface and in the capillaries of the bone. Therefore, when using the dry method of fat extraction, there is a need for two-stage processing.

Along with the described methods of heat treatment of bone raw materials, in order to degrease it, methods of so-called cold fat extraction are used. Their essence lies in the fact that the raw material is not heated, but is acted upon either by impulses or pressure. In this case, a two-stage treatment is also used, which involves the extraction of fat cells in the first stage, and then thermal treatment of the resulting mass in order to extract fat from it.

The degreasing method using pulse processing is carried out in an aqueous environment, so it has essentially the same disadvantages as the wet method. The second method is closer to the dry heat method.

In order to make the heat treatment of bone more effective, it is supplemented by the influence of physical factors on the raw material: electrical impulses, vibration, and ultrasonic vibrations.

fat using the wet method.Bone degreasing line Ya8-FOB.

The Ya8-FOB bone degreasing line, developed by VNIIMP, is designed to extract fat from bone and bone residue by contacting the raw material with water into which steam is bubbled, as well as exposure to vibration vibrations with simultaneous mixing. The use of vibration is aimed at intensifying the wet method of heat treatment of bone raw materials in order to extract fat. Under the influence of vibration, the braking effect of external diffusion micro- and macrofactors is reduced, which helps to increase heat and mass transfer coefficients.

The Ya8-FOB line consists of a bone grinder of the Zh9-FIS brand, a scraper-type elevator, a vibrating extractor, a centrifugal separator-washer, a settling screw centrifuge OGSh-321K-01, AVZh-130 pumps and an RTOM-4.6 separator. The line operation is controlled from the remote control.

Processing of bone raw materials on the Ya8-FOB line is carried out as follows. The raw materials are transported via a lift or downhill to a storage table or hopper, from where they are loaded into the grinder. In the body of the Zh9-FIS grinder, a grid with holes with a diameter of 30 mm is fixed on the shaft, which ensures the production of particles of crushed raw materials with a size of no more than 30 mm. The crushed raw materials are continuously loaded into the vibratory extractor using a scraper-type elevator.

The vibroextractor is filled with water at a temperature of 75-85 0 C in a ratio of 1: 1 to the mass of crushed bone. When the housing is filled with water to a predetermined level, steam is supplied to the extractor. After turning on the vibrating drive, crushed bone up to 30 mm in size is continuously fed through the loading pipe, which, falling on the lower turn of the gutter, begins to move in a uniform thin layer from bottom to top along with the flow of hot water. Moving upward, the bone particles move and enter the unloading pipe, where they are separated from the fat-water emulsion on a mesh with 1 mm cells and unloaded from the apparatus into a centrifugal washer-separator, which is a filter centrifuge with a screw unloading of bone. The centrifuge screw is located vertically. During bone processing, the washer-separator is fed hot water temperature 90-95 0 C.

The fat-water emulsion is drained by gravity from the vibroextractor, and after separation from solid particles it is sent for separation.

To delete fine particles bones, the liquid phase leaving the centrifugal washer-separator is sent by a pump to the OGSh-321K-01 screw settling centrifuge.

For better separation, the liquid phase is heated before entering the OGSh-321K-01 centrifuge by supplying live steam into the pipeline before it enters the centrifuge. The defatted bone separated in a centrifugal washer-separator is collected in carts and sent to the production of feed meal.

The fat-water emulsion from the OGSh-321-K-01 centrifuge is pumped into a separator for final purification of fat and separating it from water. Before feeding into the separator, the fat-water emulsion is heated.

The optimal parameters for the bone degreasing process are the water temperature in the vibrating extractor 90-95 0 C, heating steam pressure 0.1-0.3 MPa, oscillation frequency 25 Hz, duration 2 minutes, oscillation amplitude 3 mm. The total duration of bone degreasing on the Ya8-FOB line is 8 minutes.

Depending on the type of raw material used, the yield of fat during processing on the Ya8-FOB line ranges from 8.2-18% of bone mass.

The use of intensive processing in combination with moderate temperature conditions ensures the production of high-quality edible fat that meets the requirements of the standard for the highest and first grades. In this case, the quality of the extracted fat depends only on the freshness of the raw materials.

Line-defatted bone is characterized by a residual moisture content of 26.9-37.8% and fat content of 3.7-7.6%.

The practice of operating the Y8-F0B skimmed bone lines has revealed a discrepancy between its passport characteristics and actual performance indicators. Thus, a significant dependence of the throughput and reliability of the vibroextractor on the type of processed raw materials has been established. The actual productivity of the line on the tubular bone of cattle was 400-450 kg/h, lower productivity (218 kg/h) was noted when processing bone residue. In this case, the vibrating extractor often becomes clogged and stops. The effect of defatting is also largely determined by the anatomical features of the raw material. Thus, when processing bone, on which, due to the complexity of the structure, a significant amount of cut-outs of pulpy tissue (for example, vertebrae) remain, a lower fat extraction is observed. Apparently, the impulse caused by vibrational vibrations, as a carrier of energy, loses its impact force from contact with the pulpy tissues of the cuts located on the bone, which dampen them as shock absorbers. As a result, the spongy bone tissue containing fat cells is exposed to reduced energy impulses, which reduces the effect of fat extraction. The same reasons explain the low yield of fat when processing bone residue.

Line complex processing bones of the Spomash association(Poland) provides, along with the production of edible fat, the production of meat mass, edible concentrated broth and feed flour. The line is designed for processing all types of cattle and pig bones. The bone can be obtained from chilled, thawed meat or sent for processing frozen. The period of bone injury before use should not exceed 48 hours at a temperature not exceeding 6 0 C.

The process of processing bone on the line is carried out as follows. Bones over 50 cm are pre-cut in half on a circular saw before processing. Then, using a screw feeder, they are loaded into a drum for heat treatment, which consists of cooking in water with continuous transportation and mixing. The duration of treatment is 2 hours at a water temperature of 96-100 0 C.

The broth formed during cooking of the bone is constantly recirculated, with part of it sent for separation, and water is added to the remaining broth. The boiled bone, containing 30-42% moisture, 10-20% fat, 20-28% protein and 18-22% ash, is sent for grinding to particles of 15 mm in size, and then into a screw press to separate the cuts of pulpy tissue. The yield of meat mass is 210 kg/h, bone residue - 390 kg/h. The meat mass is used in the production of boiled and liver sausages, pates and canned food.

The bone residue, containing 30-40% moisture, 2-5% fat and 28-32% protein, is dried in a drum dryer at an air temperature of 380 0 C at the inlet and 100 0 C at the outlet for 30 minutes. The dried bone residue, containing 10% moisture and 10% fat, is used to produce bone meal.

After drying, the bone residue is transported to a cyclone, from where it flows by gravity into a hammer crusher for grinding into flour. Flour is fed via a bucket to a horizontal auger, cooled by cold water, due to which its temperature is reduced to 25 0 C, which prevents it from caking in the bunker. From the bunker, the flour goes to the bagging system.

The broth is separated to separate the fat and then collected in a storage container. The residual fat content in the broth is 0.1-0.3%. The solid particles (fuel) separated at the separator in an amount of 0.5-0.8% are sent for the production of feed flour.

The separated broth is further concentrated by evaporation on a double-effect vacuum evaporator at a temperature of 70 0 C and a vacuum of 65 kPa for 15 minutes, to a residual dry matter content of 18-20%. The concentrated broth is then used to produce finished product in two forms: for industrial processing and sale.

Despite small quantity fat obtained on this line, it is necessary to point out its main advantage: waste-free processing of bone and maximum production of food products.

Lildal line for complexprocessing of bone residue. The Lildal company (Denmark) has developed a line for complex processing of bone residue using the method of Lensfield Products Limited (Great Britain). The processing process produces three types of finished products: edible fat, mineral edible bone phosphate and soluble protein product. This product is obtained by using the thermal method of processing the bone residue using the wet method.

For processing, bone residue obtained from the bones of cattle and pigs is used. Mixing bones various types meat is not allowed.

The technological process for processing bone residue is as follows. The bone residue, chilled or frozen in containers, is weighed on platform scales and, using a lift-tilter, is loaded into the hopper of a screw conveyor, which feeds it into a grinder with a capacity of 25 t/h. The bone residue is crushed to particles of 7-10 mm in size. Then the crushed mass enters the hopper of a double screw conveyor, which is fed into a thermal auger for degreasing hot water. Further processing is carried out by two threads on the same type of equipment.

The resulting emulsion of fat in water is removed from the thermoscrews and sent to a rotating strainer, where the pulp tissues are separated. The defatted bone from the thermal auger enters an inclined auger, which is transported to a dosing hopper, where it is mixed with water before it enters the screw pump. The mixture is fed by a pump into a screw-type centrifuge with a capacity of 18 m 3 /h, where additional degreasing of the bone residue occurs to a residual fat content of 2% (in terms of dry matter).

The fat-water emulsion from the centrifuge is pumped into the separator, and the defatted bone residue is unloaded onto a double screw conveyor, which is loaded into the perforated basket of an extraction centrifuge operating under a pressure of 0.4 MPa.

The separation of fat from a preheated emulsion is carried out sequentially using two separators. The resulting fat is collected in an intermediate tank, from where it is pumped into a collection tank. The latter has a steam jacket and a coil for heating fat and is equipped with a meter for accounting for incoming fat. Water from the separator is pumped into a heat exchanger, from which it is recirculated to a thermal auger to degrease the next batch of bone residue.

Baskets with defatted bone residue are loaded into extraction centrifuges using an electrofelter.

The basket is lowered into the centrifuge along a shaft with two guides, the lid is closed and 400 kg of water at a temperature of 140 0 C (pressure 0.26 MPa) is fed into the centrifuge. The protein extraction process is carried out within 3-4.5 hours. Six fractions of the broth are selected with concentrations of 15, 10, 5, 2, 1 and 0.5%, respectively, in terms of dry matter content. The broths are collected separately in storage containers.

The last three, least concentrated fractions of the broth are used after heating to process a fresh batch of bone residue. The first three fractions are combined, poured into a receiving tank and pumped into a vacuum evaporation unit, in which it is concentrated to a mass fraction of dry substances of 30-40%, after which it is preserved and transferred for drying.

The concentrated broth is dried on a spray dryer from Anhydro (Denmark) at a temperature of 200 0 C, the dryer capacity for evaporated moisture is 500 kg/h . The dried broth, called lensol, contains up to 5% moisture. The duration of its production is 8 hours. At the end of the extraction, the bone residue is sent to a belt dryer, where it is dried from an initial humidity of 15% to a final humidity of 2% at an air temperature at the inlet to the dryer of 140 0 C and at the outlet 100 0 C.

The dried product is crushed in a hammer mill, sieved and packaged. The resulting powdered product is a food-grade calcium phosphate called lenfos. The total duration of the process for obtaining the Lenfos product is 12 hours.

Company line "BerlinConsult» for degreasing bones. The company "Berlin Consalt" (Germany) has developed a technology for complex processing of bone in a continuous flow to produce edible fat, feed flour and meal. The technological process on the line is carried out as follows. Bone from the slaughter and carcass cutting shop is supplied to the processing area in containers that are installed on a lift. With its help, the bone is unloaded into a crusher for coarse grinding. The crushed raw materials are sent by a screw conveyor to a degreasing unit, into which water is supplied from the circulating system and heated with stirring to a temperature of 85-90 0 C for about 15 minutes. From this installation, the processed bone is loaded by a screw conveyor into a crusher for fine grinding, and then sent to a filter-type centrifuge for additional degreasing. During the processing process, hot water is fed into the centrifuge to obtain defatted bone and a fat-water suspension.

Next, the bone is loaded into a dryer using a screw conveyor, where it is dehydrated by treatment with air heated by gas combustion. The fat-water suspension coming out of the centrifuge is pumped into a collection tank. From it, through an overflow, fat, water and separated particles of pulpy tissues are drained, which from the bone degreasing installation enter a container, where it is heated to a temperature of 95 0 C and then pumped into a horizontal settling centrifuge. Here the solids are separated and conveyed by a screw conveyor to the dryer. The fat-water suspension formed in this centrifuge is additionally heated in a container, pumped into a separator and separated into fat, water and solid sediment, which is fed into the same dryer.

To achieve a high degree of fat separation, the pH of the fat-water suspension supplied to the separator is adjusted to 6.6. The separated water is returned to the degreasing plant. The purified fat enters the receiver, it is cooled and packaged in cardboard boxes.

In the dryer, bone meal, solids from the settling centrifuge and sludge from the separator are processed at temperatures below 90 0 C until a residual moisture content of 6-8% is achieved. Next, in a rotating screen, the dried product is calibrated into fractions with particle sizes from 10 to 20 mm and below 10 mm. Average data about chemical composition dry bones before calibration are characterized by the following indicators: moisture 7%, fat 2.8-3.0%, mineral salts 55%, protein 32%. The first fraction is fed into a sorting machine, where particles of pulpy tissue are separated, after which the bone meal is sent to bunkers and then for packaging in bags. The bone fraction with a particle size of up to 10 mm and pieces of pulpy tissue are crushed in a hammer crusher into flour, which is also fed into bins for packaging in bags.

The use of this line allows for complex bone processing to produce three types of products: food (fat), feed (flour) and technical (meal).

Despite the fact that the water separated from the fat-water emulsion is returned after heating to the degreasing installation, the problem of its disposal remains quite significant, since, in the end, it has to be discharged into the sewer system, given the lack of methods and devices to prevent discharge .

Bone processing line using the "Wartex». In Belgium, the De Smet company has developed technology using the Wartex method for processing bone to produce edible fat, meal and feed flour. The raw material used is cattle and pig bone with a shelf life of no more than 48 hours.

The process is carried out as follows. After separating metal impurities, the raw materials are crushed twice and separated according to the size of the resulting particles for subsequent degreasing. The crushed raw materials are loaded into a reactor, in which most of the fat is extracted by mixing with hot water coming from a second reactor. Degreasing takes place at a temperature of 70 0 C for 10 minutes, while a special device regulates the flow of raw materials and the yield of bone, water and fat, which are sent to a vibrating sieve to separate solid and liquid fractions. Next, the bone enters the second reactor, where it is treated with fresh hot water, and then goes to the squeezing press. Here the moisture content in the bone is increased to 45%.

The liquid fraction after the vibrating sieve is heated to 85 0 C and then sent to centrifuges to separate solid particles. The strained liquid is heated and pumped into a separator to separate and purify the fat. The resulting water fraction partially enters the circulating water system, and partially into the dehydrator. Juice vapors from reactors, vibrating screens, and centrifuges are released into the atmosphere through a barometric condenser and a cooling tower.

The defatted bone from the press is sent to a disk-type dryer, where the residual moisture content in the bone is brought to 10%. The dried bone is collected in bins and sent for sorting: fractions with a size of less than 5 mm are separated on the first sieve, the remaining fractions go to a polishing machine, and then to the second sieve, where they are sorted into two fractions with particle sizes of 5-12 and 12-20 . mm. After this, bone particles and pulp tissues are separated by density on densimeter tables in an air flow. Bone particles less than 5 mm obtained during processing in a polishing machine are removed by a screw conveyor, and dust-like particles formed at each stage of processing are carried away by an air stream into a cyclone.

Using a screw conveyor and a lifting device, the separated particles of bone and pulpy tissue are accumulated in a buffer tank before being fed into the sterilizer. Processing in it guarantees the production of feed flour that is safe in veterinary and sanitary terms.

Use moderate temperature regime and a sufficient speed of processing guarantees the production of meal from the defatted bone, suitable for the production of gelatin.

Sterilization of separated pulpy tissues and small bone particles sent for the production of feed flour makes it possible to process raw materials on this line after long-term storage, however, the resulting fat can be either technical or feed.

Installation for processing bone according to the methodJohnson-Fowdler. This installation is designed to produce three types of bone products: edible fat, feed flour and meal. The bone is fed by conveyor into a magnetic separator to remove metal impurities, and then into a grinder for preliminary crushing to particles of 35 mm in size. The crushed bone enters the hopper of a screw conveyor, which is fed into the crusher to re-grind the particles to a size of 20 mm. The crushed bone is loaded into a conditioning tank, where it is heated to a temperature above 100 0 C for 20 minutes. After heat treatment in a filter-type mesh centrifuge, the liquid phase - fat and water - is separated from the bone. In a screen centrifuge the process is carried out continuously.

After centrifugation, the bone is dried to a residual moisture content of 10% in a low-temperature rotary dryer with direct heating. Due to the short duration of the process and the low drying temperature, the air leaving the dryer contains fewer air pollutants than air from other types of dryers. The dried bone is sifted to separate large particles (meal).

Thanks to short-term heat treatment, even when high temperatures are used, the resulting meal is suitable for the production of photographic gelatin.

The liquid phase formed in the centrifuge is filtered through a sieve, and then, after heating in a conditioning tank, it is separated in a separator: the fat is sent for storage, and the liquid is collected in containers for degreasing a fresh batch of bone.

The peculiarity of this process also lies in the two-stage degreasing - in the first stage by the method of short-term heating at high temperature in aquatic environment, and at the second stage - in a filter-type centrifuge. The use of processing in a centrifugal field allows not only to remove fat quite completely, but also to reduce the residual moisture content in the bone, which reduces energy consumption in the drying area.

The company's equipment complexFMC. The FMC company (USA) has developed a method for complex bone processing, which provides for the production of bark fat, a dry protein component and bone meal. The bone and bone residue, delivered in containers, after being weighed using a tipping device, are fed into the crusher for preliminary crushing. The raw material then enters a receiving hopper equipped with a screw for loading into a continuous cooker, which operates under pressure thanks to the presence of rotary valves at the inlet and outlet. All parts of the device in contact with raw materials are made of stainless steel. The cooker is equipped with an automatic condensate discharge device and a control system. The raw material, crushed to a particle size of 12.7-25.4 mm, is continuously fed through a rotary feed valve into the apparatus and enters an aqueous medium at a temperature of 149-160 0 C. The apparatus is located obliquely, so that the aqueous medium in it is located up to the middle part, and the upper its half, free from water, is intended to free the raw material from excess moisture. In the process of moving along the apparatus using a screw, fat and protein breakdown products are extracted from the raw material.

The extract is discharged from the upper part of the lower end of the apparatus and is piped into a settling-type decanter to separate the fat. A decanter is a vertical vessel that operates under the same pressure as the cooking apparatus, thanks to an equalizing pipeline connecting them to each other. The outlet fitting of the pipeline is located close to the inlet pipe for supplying raw materials to the apparatus. The decanter is equipped with an automatic level indicator. From the decanter, the extract can be recycled to the top of the digester and sent for evaporation.

As you move through the apparatus, the bone is degreased and the bulk of the protein is extracted from it. The processed raw materials are discharged from the apparatus using a rotary valve. Thus, it combines two processes - degreasing of raw materials and extraction of the resulting protein fraction destructants.

From the digester (extractor), the processed bone is fed to a vibrating sieve to separate the liquid, which is collected in a tray and returned to the cycle. All sieve parts in contact with raw materials are made of stainless steel.

Then the cooked raw material is sent by a screw conveyor to a dryer, which is a horizontal drum with a stirrer and a steam air heating system. The dried product is crushed in a crusher and sifted on a vibrating screen. The separated large particles are returned by conveyor to the crusher for re-grinding. Using a screw conveyor, flour is loaded into a storage bin, and from there it is transferred to a dosing and bagging unit.

The extract from the decanter is pumped into a vacuum evaporation unit, where it is concentrated to a dry matter content of 20%, accumulated in a cylindrical container, and then pumped into a horizontal type drying unit equipped with sprayers and a pump. high pressure, air processing and steam heating systems. The resulting powdered protein component, after sifting, enters a cylindrical hopper for storage, and from it to the area for preparing bouillon cubes or other products.

Fat from the decanter, after final cleaning, passes through a plate cooler and enters a receiving container, and then is pumped into a filling machine or can be transported to the area for preparing products with a protein component.

Thus, this installation is designed for complex processing of bone and thereby allows the extraction of fat in conditions of waste-free use of raw materials.

Installation "Centribon" company"Alfa-L aval". Alfa Laval (Sweden) has developed a method and installation for extracting fat from bone, as well as raw fat and their mixture, called Centribon.

Depending on the installation conditions, the raw material enters the grinder directly or using a screw conveyor, where it is crushed into particles up to 25 mm in size. The grinder is driven by a 45 kW electric motor. The crushed raw materials are loaded by a screw conveyor into a melter (cooker) with a capacity of 0.5 m 3, where it is mixed with water at a temperature of 70-80 0 C. The melter is equipped with an automatic level control device and a sight glass. During the treatment process, the bone (bone residue) circulates in this apparatus using a pump. In this case, live steam is supplied to the system.

The defatted bone with a moisture content of 25-40% is sent for drying. The fat-water phase is collected in an intermediate container, where it is heated. After passing through a self-cleaning filter, it is fed to a separator type PX 407. The purified fat enters a collection tank, from where it is pumped for storage.

The glue water from the separator and the fuses are collected in a container equipped with an overflow pipe, from where they are returned by a pump to the screw, with the help of which they are loaded into the melter with a fresh portion of raw materials.

The installation includes a device for adjusting the pH before cleaning the fat in the separator. It also includes a membrane pump to supply acid to the container in front of the separator. The installation can be equipped with a dryer for drying defatted bones.

As a result of processing, edible fat containing less than 0.2% moisture, meal with mass fraction fat 2%, as well as bone meal with a mass fraction of fat 6%. During operation of the installation, for each ton of processed raw materials, 400-600 dm3 of glue water with a mass fraction of dry substances of 3-4% is released from the separator.

In order to eliminate losses, the glue water is sent to a vacuum evaporation unit. The concentrate is sent for drying. Waste-free processing and production of three types of finished products can be carried out if the Centribon installation is equipped with additional equipment (dryer for skim raw materials, vacuum evaporation unit for glue water).

In the absence of the specified equipment, the operation of this installation leads to significant losses of dry substances. Practice has shown that this installation turned out to be sensitive to the types of bone being processed and gives a relatively low yield of marketable fat.

Continuous extraction units dry fat. Bone processing line Y8-FLK. The Ya8-FLK bone processing line is designed to produce edible fat and feed meal from all types of slaughter animal bones and bone residue. The line consists of two sections: a degreasing section and a section for drying and grinding defatted raw materials.

The degreasing section includes the following equipment: bone grinder, open elevator, fat separator, grinder, closed elevator (2 pcs.), storage hopper, FMD-802K-05 centrifuge, fat mass collector (2 pcs.), fat settler OZh-0.16 (2 pcs.), RTOM-4.6 separator with an inter-plate gap of 0.75 mm.

The section for drying and grinding skim raw materials includes a drying unit, a closed elevator, and a V6-FDA crushing plant.

Processing of bone and bone residue on the Ya8-FLK line is carried out as follows. The raw material is transported downhill or using a lifting device to the storage table, from where it is loaded into a bone grinder.

The crushed bone is transported by an open elevator to the receiving hopper of the fat separator.

The first stage of degreasing crushed raw materials by conductive heating with simultaneous partial dehydration in a continuous flow is carried out in a fat separator. The sectional bottom of the grease separator body is made in the form of a semicircle. Inside the grease separator, along its body, a hollow screw shaft is installed on bearings, under the action of which the crushed raw materials move to the discharge pipe. The screw shaft rotates counterclockwise from the feed hopper side.

Steam at a pressure of 0.3-0.4 MPa is supplied from the main line to the jacket and the hollow screw shaft of the grease separator. The body of the grease separator is thermally insulated, so the temperature on its surface should not exceed 45 0 C.

As a result of conductive heating using a dry method, the fat is melted and flows into the lower part of the apparatus installed at an angle of 12 0 to the horizontal plane.

Heating of raw materials in the fat separator occurs within 11-12 minutes to a temperature of 85-95 0 C. The released juice vapors are discharged through the pipe into the ventilation system. Fat mass is collected in a collector.

The heated fat mass is pumped using a pump into the fat sump OZh-0.16. Partially dehydrated and defatted raw materials from the grease separator flow by gravity into the loading hopper of the grinder for re-grinding. The bone, under the action of a pressing screw, is fed to a three-finned knife and, passing through a grate, is crushed to particles no larger than 30 mm. At the end of the work, unscrew the clamping nut and remove the cutting tool for disassembly and washing.

After grinding, the bone is fed into a storage hopper using a closed elevator.

From the storage hopper, the raw materials are loaded in portions into the FMD-802K-05 centrifuge to carry out the second stage of degreasing using the centrifugal pressing method.

The released centrate exits through the nozzles in the frame and is discharged through pipes attached to them on the flanges into the heat mass collection described above. From the latter, after heating, it is pumped into the second fat settling tank OZh-0.16.

In fat settling tanks, fat mass and centrate are heated before final cleaning to a temperature of 90-100 0 C and then sent by gravity to the RTOM-4.6 separator to separate moisture and small solid particles. The two-stage fat extraction method used allows us to limit ourselves to a single separation using a fine separator and obtain a product that meets the requirements of the current standard in terms of residual moisture content and transparency.

After cooling, purified fat is packaged in barrels and other containers or, without cooling, sent to a container for storage and subsequent transportation in bulk.

After stopping the centrifuge, the defatted bone is unloaded manually using a wooden oar through the windows in the drum hub, from where it is fed into the drying unit using a closed elevator.

During drying, the bone-free fat-free raw material, received from the centrifuge into the upper section with a humidity of up to 35%, is gradually dehydrated during transportation between the hot body and a heated screw for 11 minutes, the partially dehydrated raw material is poured into the loading hatch of the second section and advanced by the screw in the opposite direction . In this case, further dehydration of the raw material occurs. Then it is also poured from the unloading hatch into the third, lower section, where during transportation it is finally dried to a residual moisture content of 8-10%.

The dried bone is sent to the V6-FDA crushing plant using a closed elevator for grinding.

The crushing process occurs as follows. The dried bone (bone residue) is fed into a receiving hopper located at the top of the jaw crusher, where it is captured by grinding discs and crushed to a size of 20 x 20 x 5 mm. The crushed mass is poured onto a magnetic separator, where metal impurities are selected and dumped into a separate chute. The cleaned product is poured through another chute into a hammer crusher, where it is finally crushed by repeated impacts on the working surface of the casing. The blades attached to the outer wheels create a directed flow, towards which the sieve is installed. After passing through the sieve, the product enters the blower area. Through the air duct, the flour enters the cyclone, where it is separated from the contained air.

Thus, using a bone processing line allows you to comprehensively process raw materials and obtain edible bone fat and feed meal in one cycle.

It should be emphasized that the technology of two-stage bone degreasing on the Ya8-FLK line and the Ya8-FUZh installation guarantees the production of high-quality edible fat from fresh raw materials. During processing, the organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of the fat do not deteriorate. Therefore, when using this technology, meat processing plants actually obtain more than 95% of the highest grade bone edible fat from its total production. A decrease in quality indicators occurs when processing bones obtained from defrosted long-term storage meat.

Bone processing line Ya8-FL2-K. The Ya8-FL2-K bone processing line is designed for waste-free bone processing to produce edible fat and feed meal from all types of bone obtained from deboning fresh, cooled, chilled and defrosted meat, as well as bone residue; this line also uses a two-stage degreasing method bones. It is a modification of the Ya8-FLK bone processing line.

The installation works as follows. The bone from the drying unit is loaded by a screw lift through a magnetic catcher into the bunker of the Ya8-FDB installation, and from it into the hammer crusher. From it, the crushed bone through the grate flows by gravity onto a sieve with 3.0 mm cells, which performs a reciprocating motion and is driven through a belt drive from the same electric motor as the hammer crusher. The sifted flour is collected in containers or sent to an elevator, which is transported to a bunker for bulk storage. The screenings are collected and sent for re-crushing.

Installation by Atlas. The Atlas company (Denmark) has developed a two-stage continuous process for bone degreasing using a dry method and created an installation for its implementation.

The first stage of bone degreasing occurs due to conductive heating in a continuous flow, and the second, which involves the separation of a heterogeneous two-component system, which is a heated bone particle, is carried out by pressing.

The technological process at the Atlas installation is carried out as follows. Bone obtained from healthy animals is first crushed in a grinder, and then sent through a magnetic catcher for re-grinding into a crusher. From it, the crushed raw materials are fed into the coagulator for heat treatment in a continuous flow. The coagulator is equipped with a hollow screw, heated by juice vapors coming from the dryer. In the coagulator, the raw material is thoroughly mixed, the bone particles are evenly heated to 50-60 0 C. Relatively low temperature and short-term processing make it possible to obtain fat with high organoleptic characteristics, as well as to minimize changes in protein substances and, above all, collagen.

The mixture of coagulated raw materials and broth with fat enters a filter screw, which has holes in the body through which the broth and fat are removed. Additional degreasing of coagulated raw materials is carried out in a twin-screw press. The residual fat content in the pressed raw materials is 5-8%. The pressed mass is fed into a dryer for drying. The liquid phase from the press and the broth with fat from the filter auger are sent to a centrifuge, which allows them to be separated into three phases: fat, broth and solids. The latter return to the coagulator. The fat leaving the centrifuge has a moisture content of 0.20-0.35%. To better separate the mixture, live steam is injected into a three-phase centrifuge before feeding it. Thanks to good cleaning in the centrifuge, the fat is not further separated.

The separated broth is fed into an evaporation unit, which is heated by juice vapors coming out of the dryer. The concentrated broth from the evaporation unit goes to the contact dryer. It provides a temperature regime sufficient to dehydrate raw materials to a residual moisture content of 2-10%. The dried material is transported to a crusher to be ground into flour.