Aviation missile system “Dagger. Nuclear "Dagger" and secret developments: what weapons did Putin talk about? Unique missile system

Anti-aircraft missile system"Dagger" is a multi-channel, all-pod, autonomous short-range anti-aircraft missile system capable of repelling a massive attack of low-flying anti-ship, anti-radar missiles, guided and unguided bombs, airplanes, helicopters, etc.

The lead developer of the complex is NPO Altair (chief designer is S. A. Fadeev), the anti-aircraft missile is the Fakel design bureau.

Ship tests of the complex began in 1982 on the Black Sea on a small anti-submarine ship, Project 1124. During demonstration firing in the spring of 1986, 4 P-35 cruise missiles were launched from coastal installations at the MPK. All P-35s were shot down by 4 Kinzhal air defense missiles. The tests were difficult and missed all deadlines. So, for example, it was supposed to equip the Novorossiysk aircraft carrier with the Kinzhal, but it was put into service with “holes” for the Kinzhal. On the first ships of Project 1155, one complex was installed instead of the required two.

Only in 1989, the Kinzhal air defense system was officially adopted by large anti-submarine ships of Project 1155, on which 8 modules of 8 missiles were installed.

Currently, the Kinzhal air defense system is in service with the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, the nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Velikiy (Project 1144.4), large anti-submarine ships Project 1155, 11551 and the newest patrol ships of the Neustrashimy type.

The Kinzhal air defense system is offered to foreign buyers under the name Blade.

In the west the complex received the designation SA-N-9 GAUNTLET.

The complex uses a remote-controlled anti-aircraft missile 9M330–2, unified with the Tor land missile system, or the 9M331 missile defense system of the Tor-M complex. The 9M330-2 is made according to the canard aerodynamic design and uses a freely rotating wing unit. Its wings are foldable, which made it possible to place the 9M330 in an extremely “compressed” TPK square section. The missile launch is vertical under the action of a catapult with further declination of the missile by a gas-dynamic system, with the help of which in less than one second, in the process of rising to the launch altitude of the main engine, the missile turns towards the target.

The detonation of a high-explosive fragmentation warhead is carried out at the command of a pulse radio fuse in close proximity to the target. The radio fuse is noise-resistant and adapts when approaching the water surface. The missiles are placed in transport and launch containers and do not need to be checked for 10 years.

The Kinzhal air defense system is equipped with its own radar detection equipment (module K-12–1), providing the complex complete independence and operational actions in the most difficult situations. The multichannel complex is based on phased array antennas with electronic beam control and a booster computing complex. The main operating mode of the complex is automatic (without the participation of personnel), based on the principles of “artificial intelligence”.

The television-optical target detection devices built into the antenna post not only increase its immunity to interference in conditions of intense radio countermeasures, but also allow personnel to visually assess the nature of tracking and hitting targets. The radar equipment of the complex was developed at the Kvant Research Institute under the leadership of V.I. Guz and provides a detection range of air targets of 45 km at an altitude of 3.5 km.

The Kinzhal can simultaneously fire at up to four targets in a spatial sector of 60° by 60°, while up to 8 missiles are aimed in parallel. The reaction time of the complex ranges from 8 to 24 seconds depending on the radar mode. In addition to the missile defense system, the fire control system of the Kinzhal complex can control the fire of 30-mm AK-360M assault rifles, completing the shooting of surviving targets at a distance of up to 200 meters.

The 4S95 launcher of the Kinzhal complex was developed by the Start design bureau under the leadership of chief designer A.I. Yaskin. The launcher is below deck and consists of 3–4 drum-type launch modules, each containing 8 TPKs with missiles. The weight of the module without missiles is 41.5 tons, the occupied area is 113 square meters. m.

History of creation

In the 80s, at NPO "Altair" under the leadership of S.A.

Fadeev created the Kinzhal short-range air defense system.

The complex is equipped with its own radar detection equipment (module K-12-1), providing the complex with complete independence and operational actions in the most difficult situations.

The multichannel complex is based on phased array antennas with electronic beam control and a booster computing complex. The main operating mode of the complex is automatic (without the participation of personnel), based on the principles of “artificial intelligence”. The television-optical target detection devices built into the antenna post not only increase its immunity to interference in conditions of intense radio countermeasures, but also allow personnel to visually assess the nature of tracking and hitting targets. The radar equipment of the complex was developed at the Kvant Research Institute under the leadership of V.I. Guz and provide a detection range of air targets of 45 km at an altitude of 3.5 km.

"Dagger" can simultaneously fire at up to four targets in a spatial sector of 60 degrees. at 60 degrees, while aiming up to 8 missiles in parallel.

The reaction time of the complex ranges from 8 to 24 seconds depending on the radar mode. Combat capabilities

"Daggers" compared to the Osa-M air defense system are increased by 5-6 times.

In addition to the missile defense system, the Kinzhal complex can control the fire of 30-mm AK-360M assault rifles, finishing off surviving targets at a distance of up to 200 meters.

The complex uses a remote-controlled anti-aircraft missile 9M330-2, unified with the missile of the Tor land complex. The missile launch is vertical under the action of a catapult with further deflection of the missile by the gas-dynamic system towards the target. The engine is started at a safe altitude for the ship after the rocket has descended.

The warhead is detonated directly at the command of a pulse radio fuse in close proximity to the target. The radio fuse is noise-resistant and adapts when approaching the water surface. Warhead - high-explosive fragmentation type. The missiles are placed in transport and launch containers (TPC). The missiles do not need to be tested for 10 years. The launchers of the Kinzhal complex were developed by the Start design bureau under the leadership of chief designer A.I. Yaskina.

Ship tests of the complex began in 1982 on the Black Sea on a small anti-submarine ship, Project 1124. During demonstration firing in the spring of 1986, 4 P-35 cruise missiles were launched from coastal installations at the MPK. All P-35s were shot down by 4 Kinzhal air defense missiles.

The tests were difficult and missed all deadlines. So, for example, it was supposed to equip the Novossiysk aircraft carrier with the Kinzhal, but it was put into service with “holes” for the Kinzhal.

On the first ships of Project 1155, one complex was installed instead of the required two.

And finally, in 1989, the Kinzhal air defense system was officially adopted by large anti-submarine ships of Project 1155, on which 8 modules of 8 missiles were installed.

Currently, the Kinzhal air defense system is in service with the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, the nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Velikiy (Project 1144.4), large anti-submarine ships Project 1155, 11551 and the newest patrol ships of the Neustrashimy type.

The Kinzhal air defense system is offered to foreign buyers under the name "Blade".


The complex as a whole - NPO "Altair"

SAM - MKB "Fakel"

Main characteristics of the complex

1,5 - 12

Target engagement range, km

when connecting a 30 mm caliber gun mount

from 200 m

10 - 6000

Target engagement height, m

Target speed, m/s

up to 700
Number of simultaneously fired targets
Number of simultaneously aimed missiles

SAM guidance method

telecontrol Target detection range at an altitude of 3.5 km from own funds
detection, km

Basic operating mode

Information sources

Military parade

A. Shirokorad "Rockets over the sea", magazine "Technology and Weapons" No. 5, 1996

Petrov A. M., Aseev D. A., Vasiliev E. M. et al. “Weapons of the Russian fleet 1696-1996.” SPb: Shipbuilding A.V. Karpenko "Russian rocket weapon

1943-1993". St. Petersburg, "PIKA", 1993

Unique research by Russian scientists and developments by engineers made it possible to create a unique hypersonic aviation missile system “Dagger”, which is, today, according to independent experts, one of the best and most powerful weapons in the world. In fact, Russia became the first country to successfully test and begin to use hypersonic weapons, which the United States is still only dreaming of, which in turn ensures the country’s high defense capability and high military potential. What is the Kinzhal hypersonic aircraft-missile system?

Due to the fact that the development of domestic scientists and engineers is unique and secret, genuine information the purpose and capabilities of the Kinzhal hypersonic aviation missile system are not disclosed, however, it is known that it includes a carrier aircraft and hypersonic missile. The warhead of the Kinzhal complex missile can be equipped with both a conventional warhead and a nuclear one, which makes it possible to inflict colossal damage on the enemy. The maximum flight speed of the Kinzhal aircraft missile complex is about 12,250 km/h, which means that the missile can cover a distance of 2,000 kilometers in less than 10 minutes.

Considering the hypersonic flight speed of the missile, the Kinzhal aviation missile system makes the operation of air defense and missile defense systems useless, which is already causing concern to the US Department of Defense, since this means that against modern Russian weapons there is simply no protection.

An equally important key feature of the Kinzhal hypersonic aircraft-missile system is that the missile with its warhead can maneuver on any terrain, which makes its flight undetectable.

Carrier aircraft for "Dagger"

Considering the fact that the Kinzhal aircraft-missile system is a modern development, the Russian Su-57 fighter-bomber will most likely be used as a carrier aircraft. There is no official confirmation of this yet, however, given the fact that the aircraft has not yet begun to enter service Russian army, it is likely that this model is perfectly suited for the goals set.

Skepticism and facts

Despite the fact that Vladimir Putin himself announced the completion of testing and development of the Kinzhal hypersonic aircraft missile system, noting that the complex itself is already on experimental combat duty at the airfields of the Southern Military District, this statement has a lot of skeptics. The skepticism is primarily explained by the fact that on the presented video materials, traces of editing were noticed, in which, a few moments before the rocket explosion, a substitution of the object that was struck was visible.

Of course, this can be explained by the fact that the developers, due to the secrecy of the aircraft-missile complex, decided not to disclose its real capabilities, however, this is unlikely.

No less skepticism is caused by the fact that Russian scientists had not previously announced the development hypersonic weapons, and the implementation of the project itself would most likely take at least 5-6 years, not to mention the allocation of colossal financial resources.

Be that as it may, taking into account the officially presented data, today the hypersonic aviation missile system “Dagger” is an absolute weapon, and at the same time, with a high degree of confidence, we can say that scientists will certainly continue to improve it.

"Russia remains the largest nuclear power. Nobody listened to us, listen now,” with these words Vladimir Putin announced the creation of new types of superweapons during his address to the Federal Assembly. the site has collected the most important examples that the Russian president spoke about.


Capable of deep maneuvering, both lateral and vertical, absolutely invulnerable to any anti-aircraft and missile defense the Avangard complex is not science fiction, but a real-life weapon that has entered mass production.

The image is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: army-news.ru

Vladimir Putin said that this is another type of Russian strategic weapon: “The use of new composite materials made it possible to solve the problem of long-term controlled flight of a gliding winged unit practically under conditions of plasma formation. It reaches its target almost like a meteorite. Like a burning ball, like fire ball. The temperature on the surface of the product reaches 1600−2000 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the winged unit is reliably controlled.”

The Russian President also noted that due to great secrecy, it is not possible to show the image of Avangard.

Maybe, we're talking about about a hypersonic combat vehicle (object 4202, product 15Yu71), information about which was previously leaked to the media. The maximum speed of the warhead is Mach 15, and most of its flight takes place at an altitude of about 100 km.

Jane's analysts believe that hypersonic vehicle Yu-71, developed as part of secret program“Object 4202” has already been tested more than once - launches were carried out in December 2011, September 2013, 2014 and February 2015.


Nuclear missiles still remain the main ace in the sleeves of the generals of the world's leading armies.

Once such a trump card for the Soviet military was the Voevoda missile system, which in the West was firepower nicknamed "Satan". IN modern Russia even more were created powerful weapon, which, unlike the Voevoda (flight range 11 thousand km), has no range restrictions.

Putin said that Sarmat is capable of attacking targets both through the Northern and South Pole: “Weighing over 200 tons, it has a short active flight phase, which makes it difficult to intercept by missile defense systems; the range of the new heavy missile, the number and power of warheads is greater than that of the Voevoda. The warhead is equipped with a wide range of high-power nuclear weapons, including hypersonic ones, and the most modern systems overcoming missile defense."

Hypersonic weapons

Putin confirmed the presence of hypersonic weapons. “Russia has such weapons. Already there,” the president said. One of these developments is already known for certain - this is the Zircon rocket, the speed of which during the march reaches Mach 8 (approximately 9792 km/h).

Zircon missiles can be launched from universal launchers 3S14, which are also used for Kalibr and Oniks missiles.

The Russian nuclear-powered supercruisers Pyotr Velikiy and Admiral Nakhimov will be armed with Zircons. The firing range of the Zircon, according to open sources, is about 400 kilometers.

Nuclear "Dagger"

According to Putin, from December 1, 2017, the unique hypersonic aircraft-missile system “Dagger” went on duty in the Southern Military District.

“The unique flight characteristics of the high-speed carrier aircraft make it possible to deliver the missile to the release point in a matter of minutes, while the missile, flying at hypersonic speeds 10 times the speed of sound, also maneuvers in all parts of the flight path. This also allows it to reliably overcome all existing and, I think, promising air and missile defense systems, delivering nuclear and conventional warheads to a target at a distance of up to two thousand kilometers,” the Russian president said.

Underwater drone with nuclear weapons

Putin called this development “simply fantastic.” According to him, Russia has created a unique underwater vehicle capable of moving at great depth.

“I would say at very great depths and at intercontinental ranges at speeds that are multiples of the speed submarines, the most modern torpedoes and all types of even the fastest surface ships,” he emphasized.

Such a device can be equipped with both conventional and nuclear ammunition, and therefore is capable of destroying wide range targets: from infrastructure to aircraft carrier groups. Russian President said that a multi-year test cycle of an innovative nuclear power plant to equip this autonomous uninhabited vehicle was completed in December 2017.

Putin emphasized that nuclear installation It is distinguished by its small dimensions: with a volume one hundred times less than that of modern nuclear submarines, it has greater power and two hundred times less time to enter combat mode.

At the end, the politician summarized that based on the test results, it became possible to begin creating a fundamentally new type of strategic weapon equipped with high-power nuclear weapons.

A report from the US military, which includes the Status-6 underwater intercontinental drone. Photo: vk.com/bolshayaigra

Most likely, Putin was talking about underwater nuclear weapons called "Ocean multi-purpose system"Status-6". Part of the Status-6 system is an unmanned underwater robot, which is a giant deep-sea high-speed torpedo with nuclear warhead. Its range is 9977 km, maximum speed 56 knots. Not long ago its existence was the Pentagon.

Weapons about which nothing is known

In his speech, Vladimir Putin also spoke about the development of new types of strategic weapons that do not use ballistic trajectories flight when moving towards a target, which means that missile defense systems are useless and simply meaningless in the fight against them.

What it looks like and what kind of weapon it is is unknown, one can only guess, given highest level secrecy.

Another super-secret new product was a small-sized, super-powerful nuclear installation that can be placed in a cruise missile, which will provide the latter with an almost unlimited flight range and invulnerability from air defense and missile defense systems.

"Low-flying, stealthy cruise missile, carrying a nuclear combat unit, with a virtually unlimited range, unpredictable flight path and the ability to bypass interception lines, is invulnerable to all existing and future systems of both missile defense and air defense,” Putin said.

Weapons based on new physical principles

Vladimir Putin also touched upon the topic of weapons created using new physical principles. According to him, significant results have been achieved in creating laser weapons, and this is no longer just theory or projects, and not even just the start of production.

Laser machine. Photo: vk.com/bolshayaigra_war

“Since last year, the troops have already received combat laser systems. I don’t want to go into details in this part, it’s just not the time yet. But experts will understand that the presence of such combat systems greatly expands Russia’s capabilities in the sphere of its security,” the Russian president noted.

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