What is a torpedo? About the appearance of modern submarine torpedoes

In the fall of 1984, events occurred in the Barents Sea that could lead to the outbreak of a world war.

In the combat training area of ​​the Soviet northern fleet, unexpectedly full speed ahead An American missile cruiser burst in. This happened during a torpedo attack by a flight of Mi-14 helicopters. The Americans launched a high-speed motor boat and sent a helicopter into the air for cover. The Severomorsk aviators realized that their goal was to capture the newest Soviet torpedoes.

The duel over the sea lasted almost 40 minutes. With maneuvers and air flows from the propellers, the Soviet pilots did not allow the annoying Yankees to get closer to the secret product until the Soviet pilots safely lifted it on board. The escort ships that arrived in time by this time pushed the American ships out of the training ground.

Torpedoes have always been considered the most effective weapon domestic fleet. It is no coincidence that NATO intelligence services regularly hunt for their secrets. Russia continues to be the world leader in the amount of know-how used in the creation of torpedoes.

Modern torpedo formidable weapon modern ships and submarines. It allows you to quickly and accurately strike the enemy at sea. By definition, a torpedo is an autonomous, self-propelled and guided underwater projectile, which contains about 500 kg of explosive or nuclear power. combat unit. The secrets of the development of torpedo weapons are the most protected, and the number of states that own these technologies is even less than the number of members of the “nuclear club”.

During Korean War in 1952 the Americans planned to drop two atomic bombs each weighing 40 tons. At this time, a Soviet fighter aviation regiment was operating on the side of the Korean troops. The Soviet Union also had nuclear weapon, And local conflict can turn into real at any moment nuclear disaster. Information about the Americans' intentions to use atomic bombs has become available Soviet intelligence. In response, Joseph Stalin ordered the creation of a more powerful thermonuclear weapons. Already in September of the same year, the Minister of Shipbuilding Industry Vyacheslav Malyshev presented a unique project to Stalin for approval.

Vyacheslav Malyshev proposed creating a huge nuclear torpedo T-15. This 24-meter 1550 millimeter caliber projectile was supposed to weigh 40 tons, of which only 4 tons were the warhead. Stalin approved the creation torpedoes, the energy for which was produced by electric batteries.

This weapon could destroy large US naval bases. Due to increased secrecy, builders and nuclear engineers did not consult with representatives of the fleet, so no one thought about how to maintain and shoot such a monster, in addition, the US Navy had only two bases available for Soviet torpedoes, so they abandoned the T-15 supergiant.

In replacement, the sailors proposed creating a conventional-caliber atomic torpedo that could be used on all. It is interesting that the caliber of 533 millimeters is generally accepted and scientifically proven, since the caliber and length are actually potential energy torpedoes. Hit covertly probable enemy it was possible only at long distances, so designers and sailors gave priority to thermal torpedoes.

On October 10, 1957, the first underwater surveys were carried out in the Novaya Zemlya area. nuclear tests torpedoes caliber 533 millimeters. The new torpedo was fired by the submarine S-144. From a distance of 10 kilometers, the submarine fired one torpedo salvo. Soon, at a depth of 35 meters, a powerful nuclear explosion, his damaging properties recorded hundreds of sensors placed on, located in the test area. It is interesting that the crews during this most dangerous element were replaced by animals.

As a result of these tests, the navy received the first nuclear torpedo 5358. They belonged to the thermal class, since their engines ran on vapors of a gas mixture.

The atomic epic is only one page from the history of Russian torpedo production. More than 150 years ago, the idea to create the first self-propelled sea mine or torpedo was put forward by our compatriot Ivan Aleksandrovsky. Soon under command, a torpedo was used for the first time in the world in a battle with the Turks in January 1878. And at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Soviet designers created the highest speed torpedo in the world, 5339, which means 53 centimeters and 1939. However, the true dawn domestic schools torpedo construction occurred in the 60s of the last century. Its center was TsNI 400, later renamed Gidropribor. Behind past period the institute handed over 35 different samples to the Soviet fleet torpedoes.

In addition to submarines, naval aviation and all classes of surface ships of the rapidly developing USSR fleet were armed with torpedoes: cruisers, destroyers and patrol ships. Unique torpedo boats carrying these weapons also continued to be built.

At the same time, the NATO bloc was constantly replenished with ships with more high performance. So in September 1960, the world's first nuclear-powered Enterprise was launched, with a displacement of 89,000 tons, with 104 nuclear weapons on board. To combat carrier strike groups with strong anti-submarine defenses, the range of existing weapons was no longer sufficient.

Only submarines could approach aircraft carriers undetected, but targeted shooting It was extremely difficult to cover the guard ships. In addition, during the Second World War, the American fleet learned to counter the torpedo homing system. To solve this problem, Soviet scientists, for the first time in the world, created a new torpedo device that detected the wake of a ship and ensured its further destruction. However, thermal torpedoes had a significant drawback; their characteristics dropped sharply great depth, while their piston engines and turbines made loud noises, which unmasked the attacking ships.

In view of this, designers had to solve new problems. This is how the aircraft torpedo appeared, which was placed under the body of a cruise missile. As a result, the time it took to destroy submarines was reduced several times. The first such complex was called “Metel”. It was designed to fire against submarines from patrol ships. Later, the complex learned to hit surface targets. Submarines were also armed with missile torpedoes.

In the 70s, the US Navy reclassified its aircraft carriers from attack carriers to multi-purpose ones. To achieve this, the composition of the aircraft based on them was replaced in favor of anti-submarine ones. Now they could not only carry out air strikes on the territory of the USSR, but also actively counter the deployment of Soviet submarines in the ocean. To break through defenses and destroy multi-purpose carrier strike groups, Soviet submarines began to arm themselves with cruise missiles launched from torpedo tubes and flying hundreds of kilometers. But even this long-range weapon could not sink the floating airfield. More powerful charges were required, so the Gidropribor designers created a torpedo with an increased caliber of 650 millimeters, which carries more than 700 kilograms of explosives, especially for nuclear-powered ships of the “Gidropribor” type.

This sample is used in the so-called dead zone of its anti-ship missiles. It aims at the target either independently or receives information from external target designation sources. In this case, the torpedo can approach the enemy simultaneously with other weapons. It is almost impossible to defend against such a massive attack. This earned her the nickname “aircraft carrier killer.”

In everyday affairs and worries soviet people did not think about the dangers associated with the confrontation between the superpowers. But the equivalent of about 100 tons of US military equipment was aimed at each of them. The bulk of these weapons were carried into the world's oceans and placed on underwater carriers. The main weapon of the Soviet fleet against were anti-submarine torpedoes. Traditionally they were used electric motors, the power of which did not depend on the depth of travel. Not only submarines, but also surface ships were armed with such torpedoes. The most powerful of them were. For a long time The most common anti-submarine torpedoes for submarines were SET-65, but in 1971, designers first used telecontrol, which was carried out underwater by wire. This dramatically increased the submarine's shooting accuracy. And soon the universal electric torpedo USET-80 was created, which could effectively destroy not only surface ships, but also surface ships. She developed a high speed of more than 40 knots and had a long range. In addition, it struck at a depth inaccessible to any NATO anti-submarine forces - over 1000 meters.

In the early 90s after the breakup Soviet Union factories and testing grounds of the Gidropribor Institute ended up on the territory of seven new sovereign states. Most businesses were looted. But scientific works there was no interruption in the creation of a modern underwater gun in Russia.

ultra-small combat torpedo

Like drones aircraft torpedo weapons will be in increasing demand in the coming years. Today Russia is building warships fourth generation, and one of their features is an integrated weapon control system. Small-sized thermal and universal deep-sea torpedoes. Their engine runs on unitary fuel, which is essentially liquid gunpowder. When it burns, colossal energy is released. This torpedo universal. It can be used from surface ships, submarines, and also be part of the combat units of aviation anti-submarine systems.

Technical characteristics of a universal deep-sea homing torpedo with remote control (UGST):

Weight - 2200 kg;

Charge weight - 300 kg;

Speed ​​- 50 knots;

Travel depth - up to 500 m;

Range - 50 km;

Homing radius - 2500 m;

IN Lately The US fleet is being replenished with the latest Virginia-class nuclear submarines. Their ammunition includes 26 modernized Mk 48 torpedoes. When fired, they rush to a target located at a distance of 50 kilometers at a speed of 60 knots. The working depths of the torpedo for the purpose of invulnerability to the enemy are up to 1 kilometer. The Russian multi-purpose submarine of Project 885 “Yasen” is intended to become an opponent of these submarines under water. Its ammunition capacity is 30 torpedoes, and its currently secret characteristics are in no way inferior.

And in conclusion I would like to note that torpedo weapon contains a lot of secrets, for each of which a potential enemy in battle will have to pay a high price.

Power plants (EPS) of torpedoes are designed to give torpedoes movement at a certain speed over a set distance, as well as provide energy to the systems and assemblies of the torpedo.

The operating principle of any type of ECS is to convert one or another type of energy into mechanical work.

Based on the type of energy used, ESUs are divided into:

For steam-gas (thermal);



Each ESU includes:

Energy source;



Auxiliary equipment.

2.1.1. Steam-gas torpedo systems

PGESU torpedoes are a type of heat engine (Fig. 2.1). The source of energy in thermal ECS is fuel, which is a combination of fuel and oxidizer.

The types of fuel used in modern torpedoes can be:

Multicomponent (fuel – oxidizer – water) (Fig. 2.2);

Unitary (fuel mixed with oxidizer - water);

Solid powder;

solid hydro-reacting.

The thermal energy of the fuel is generated as a result chemical reaction oxidation or decomposition of substances included in its composition.

The fuel combustion temperature is 3000…4000°C. In this case, there is a possibility of softening of the materials from which individual components of the ESU are made. Therefore, water is supplied into the combustion chamber along with fuel, which reduces the temperature of combustion products to 600...800°C. In addition, injection

fresh water Component air - nitrogen, insoluble in water, was thrown overboard and caused a trail that unmasked the torpedo.

Currently, pure compressed oxygen or low-water hydrogen peroxide are used as oxidizing agents. In this case, combustion products that are insoluble in water are almost not formed and the trace is practically invisible.

The use of liquid unitary fuels made it possible to simplify the fuel system of the ESU and improve the operating conditions of torpedoes.

Solid fuels, which are unitary, can be monomolecular or mixed.

The latter are more often used. They consist of organic fuel, solid oxidizer and various additives.

The amount of heat generated can be controlled by the amount of water supplied. The use of such types of fuel eliminates the need to carry a supply of oxidizer on board the torpedo. This reduces the mass of the torpedo, which significantly increases its speed and range.

The engine of a steam-gas torpedo, in which thermal energy is converted into mechanical work of rotation of the propellers, is one of its main units. It determines the basic tactical and technical data of a torpedo - speed, range, tracking, noise.

Torpedo engines have a number of features that are reflected in their design: Short duration of work; Minimum time to enter the regime and its strict consistency;

Work in

aquatic environment

with high exhaust back pressure;

Minimum weight and dimensions with high power;
Minimum fuel consumption.

Torpedo engines are divided into piston and turbine engines. Currently, the latter are most widespread (Fig. 2.3).

The energy components are fed into a steam and gas generator, where they are ignited with an incendiary cartridge. The resulting vapor-gas mixture under pressure taking into account the influence of the hydrodynamic properties of the torpedo body. The coefficient decreases when the propellers reach the rotation speed at which the blades begin to

cavitation I 1 . One of the ways to combat this harmful phenomenon was to
the use of attachments for screws, which makes it possible to obtain a water-jet propulsion device (Fig. 2.4).

The main disadvantages of the ECS of the type considered include:

High noise associated with a large number rapidly rotating massive mechanisms and the presence of an exhaust;

A decrease in engine power and, as a consequence, a decrease in torpedo speed with increasing depth, due to an increase in back pressure to the exhaust gases;

A gradual decrease in the mass of the torpedo during its movement due to the consumption of energy components;

Aggressiveness of fuel energy components.

The search for ways to eliminate the listed disadvantages led to the creation of electric ECS.

Currently, there is a serious increase in Russia's lag in the design and development of torpedo weapons. For a long time, the situation was somehow smoothed out by the presence in Russia of the Shkval missile-torpedoes adopted in 1977; since 2005, similar weapons have appeared in Germany. There is information that the German Barracuda missile-torpedoes are capable of developing a higher speed than the Shkval, but for now Russian torpedoes of this type are more widespread. In general, the gap between conventional Russian torpedoes and foreign analogues reaches 20-30 years.

The main manufacturer of torpedoes in Russia is JSC Concern Morskoe Subdovanoye – Gidropribor. This enterprise, during the International Naval Show in 2009 (“IMMS-2009”), presented its developments to the public, in particular 533 mm. universal remote-controlled electric torpedo TE-2. This torpedo is designed to destroy modern enemy submarines in any area of ​​the World Ocean.

The torpedo has the following characteristics: length with telecontrol coil (without coil) – 8300 (7900) mm, total weight– 2450 kg, warhead mass – 250 kg. The torpedo is capable of speeds from 32 to 45 knots at a range of 15 and 25 km, respectively, and has a service life of 10 years.

The torpedo is equipped sound system homing (active for surface targets and active-passive for underwater targets) and non-contact electromagnetic fuses, as well as a fairly powerful electric motor with a noise reduction device.

The torpedo can be installed on submarines and ships various types and at the request of the customer is made in three various options. The first TE-2-01 assumes mechanical, and the second TE-2-02 electrical input of data on a detected target. The third version of the TE-2 torpedo has smaller weight and dimensions with a length of 6.5 meters and is intended for use on NATO-type submarines, for example, on German Project 209 submarines.

The TE-2-02 torpedo was specially developed to arm Project 971 Bars class nuclear attack submarines, which carry missile and torpedo weapons. There is information that a similar nuclear submarine was purchased under contract navy India.

The saddest thing is that such a torpedo already does not meet a number of requirements for such weapons, and is also inferior in its technical specifications foreign analogues. All modern Western-made torpedoes and even new Chinese-made torpedo weapons have hose remote control. On domestic torpedoes, a towed reel is used - a rudiment of almost 50 years ago. Which actually puts our submarines under enemy fire with much greater effective firing distances. Not one of the domestic torpedoes presented at the IMDS-2009 exhibition did not have a remote control hose reel; all of them were towed. In turn, all modern torpedoes are equipped with a fiber-optic guidance system, which is located on board the submarine, and not on the torpedo, which minimizes interference from false targets.

For example, a modern American remote-controlled torpedo long range The Mk-48, designed to engage high-speed underwater and surface targets, is capable of speeds of up to 55 and 40 knots at distances of 38 and 50 kilometers, respectively ( evaluate the capabilities of the domestic torpedo TE-2 45 and 32 knots at ranges of 15 and 25 km). The American torpedo is equipped with a multiple attack system, which is triggered when the torpedo loses its target. The torpedo is capable of independently detecting, capturing and attacking a target. The electronic content of the torpedo is configured in such a way that it allows it to hit enemy submarines in the area of ​​the command post located behind the torpedo compartment.

Rocket torpedo "Shkval"

The only positive thing about this moment can be considered a transition in the Russian fleet from thermal to electric torpedoes and weapons on rocket fuel, which are an order of magnitude more resistant to all kinds of disasters. Let us recall that the nuclear submarine "Kursk" with 118 crew members on board, which died in the waters Barents Sea in August 2000, sank as a result of a thermal torpedo explosion. Now torpedoes of the class with which the Kursk submarine missile carrier was armed have already been discontinued and are not in use.

The most likely development of torpedo weapons in the coming years will be the improvement of so-called cavitating torpedoes (aka rocket torpedoes). Their distinctive feature is the nasal disk with a diameter of about 10 cm, which creates an air bubble in front of the torpedo, which helps reduce water resistance and allows you to achieve acceptable accuracy at high speeds. An example of such torpedoes is the domestic missile-torpedo “Shkval” with a diameter of 533 mm, which is capable of reaching speeds of up to 360 km/h, the mass of the warhead is 210 kg, the torpedo does not have a homing system.

The spread of this type of torpedoes is prevented, not least by the fact that high speeds their movements are difficult to decipher sonar signals for controlling a missile torpedo. Such torpedoes are used as propulsion instead of a propeller jet engine, which in turn makes them difficult to control; some types of such torpedoes can only move in a straight line. There is information that work is currently underway to create a new Shkval model, which will receive a homing system and increased weight of the warhead.

Performance characteristics

Type 53-56
Type: homing or remote-controlled ship/boat torpedo.
Dimensions: diameter 533 mm (21 inches); length 7.7 m (25 ft 1/4 in).
Total weight: 2,000 kg (4,409 lb); warhead weight 400 kg (882 lb).
Additional data: range/speed 8000 m (8750 yd) at 50 kts. and 13,000 m (14,215) at 40 knots.

Type 65-73
Type: homing boat anti-ship torpedo
Dimensions: diameter 650 mm (26.6 in); length 11 m (36 ft 1 in).
Total weight: over 4,000 kg (8,818 lb); warhead with a nuclear charge.
Additional data: range/speed 50 km (31 miles) at 50 knots.

Soviet torpedoes, like Western ones, can be divided into two categories - heavy and light, depending on their purpose. Firstly, two calibers are known - the standard 533 mm (21 inches) and the later 650 mm (25.6 inches). It is believed that the 533 mm torpedo weapon developed on the basis of German design solutions during the Second World War and included straight-running and maneuvering torpedoes with a steam-gas or electric power plant, designed to destroy surface targets, as well as torpedoes with acoustic passive homing in anti-submarine and anti-ship versions. Surprisingly, most modern large surface combatants were equipped with multi-tube torpedo tubes for acoustic-guided anti-submarine torpedoes.

A special 533-mm torpedo with a 15-kiloton nuclear charge was also developed, which did not have a terminal guidance system, was in service with many submarines and was designed to hit important surface targets such as aircraft carriers and supertankers. Later generation submarines also carried huge 9.14-meter (30-foot) Type 65 650mm anti-ship torpedoes. It is believed that their guidance was carried out along the wake of the target, it was possible to choose a speed of 50 or 30 knots, and the range was 50 and 100 km (31 or 62 miles), respectively. With such a range, the Type 65 torpedoes complemented the surprise use of anti-ship weapons. cruise missiles, which were in service with Charlie-class missile submarines and for the first time allowed Soviet nuclear submarines to fire torpedoes from areas outside the anti-submarine protection zone of the convoy.

Anti-submarine forces, including aircraft, surface ships and submarines, long years used a lightweight 400 mm (15.75 in) electric torpedo with a shorter range. It was later supplemented and then supplanted by the torpedo used by anti-submarine aircraft and helicopters larger caliber 450 mm (17.7 in), which was believed to have a larger charge, increased range and an improved guidance unit, which together made it a more lethal weapon.
Both types of torpedoes used from air carriers were equipped with parachutes to reduce the speed of entry into the water. According to a number of reports, a short 400-mm torpedo was also developed for the stern torpedo tubes of the first generation of nuclear submarines of the Want, Echo and November types. On subsequent generations of nuclear submarines, apparently a number of standard 533 mm torpedo tubes were equipped with internal bushings for their use.

The typical detonation mechanism used on Soviet torpedoes was a magnetic remote fuze, which detonated a charge under the target's hull to destroy the keel, supplemented by a second contact fuze that was activated on a direct hit.

Modern torpedo- a formidable weapon for surface ships, naval aviation and submarines. It allows you to quickly and accurately deliver a powerful blow to the enemy at sea. This is an autonomous, self-propelled and controlled underwater projectile containing 0.5 tons of explosive or nuclear warhead.
The secrets of developing torpedo weapons are the most guarded, because the number of states that own these technologies is even smaller than the members of the nuclear missile club.

Currently, there is a serious increase in Russia's lag in the design and development of torpedo weapons. For a long time, the situation was somehow smoothed out by the presence in Russia of the Shvkal missile-torpedoes, adopted in 1977, but since 2005, similar torpedo weapons have appeared in Germany.

There is information that the German Barracuda missile-torpedoes are capable of developing a higher speed than the Shkval, but for now Russian torpedoes of this type are more widespread. In general, the lag of conventional Russian torpedoes from foreign analogues reaches 20-30 years .

The main manufacturer of torpedoes in Russia is JSC Concern Marine Underwater Weapons - Gidropribor. During the International Naval Show in 2009 (“IMMS-2009”), this enterprise presented its developments to the public, in particular 533-mm universal remote-controlled electric torpedo TE-2. This torpedo is designed to destroy modern enemy submarines in any area of ​​the World Ocean.

The TE-2 torpedo has the following characteristics:
— length with telecontrol coil (without coil) – 8300 (7900) mm;
- total weight - 2450 kg;
- mass of combat charge - 250 kg;
— the torpedo is capable of speeds from 32 to 45 knots at a range of 15 and 25 km, respectively;
- has a service life of 10 years.

The TE-2 torpedo is equipped with an acoustic homing system(active against surface targets and active-passive against underwater targets) and non-contact electromagnetic fuses, as well as a fairly powerful electric motor with a noise reduction device.

The TE-2 torpedo can be installed on submarines and ships of various types and at the request of the customer made in three different versions:
— the first TE-2-01 involves mechanical input of data on a detected target;
- second TE-2-02 electrical data input for a detected target;
— the third version of the TE-2 torpedo has smaller weight and dimensions with a length of 6.5 meters and is intended for use on NATO-style submarines, for example, on German Project 209 submarines.

Torpedo TE-2-02 was specially developed for arming Project 971 Bars class nuclear attack submarines, which carry missile and torpedo weapons. There is information that a similar nuclear submarine was purchased under a contract by the Indian Navy.

The saddest thing is that a similar TE-2 torpedo does not already meet a number of requirements for such weapons, and is also inferior in its technical characteristics to foreign analogues. All modern Western-made torpedoes and even new Chinese-made torpedo weapons have hose remote control.

On domestic torpedoes, a towed reel is used - a rudiment of almost 50 years ago. Which actually puts our submarines under enemy fire with much greater effective firing distances.