Improved Hawk TTX. I-Hawk air defense system in Singapore

A factor, the change of which is a consequence of a change in an independent variable, is called a dependent variable (DP). A dependent variable is a component of the subject’s response that is directly of interest to the researcher. Physiological, emotional, behavioral reactions and other psychological characteristics that can be used can act as DPs. register the input of psychological experiments.

Depending on the method by which changes can be registered, POs are distinguished:

  • · directly observed;
  • · requiring physical equipment for measurement;
  • · requiring psychological measurement.

Directly observable PPs include verbal and nonverbal behavioral manifestations that can be clearly and unambiguously assessed by an external observer, for example, refusal to perform activities, crying, a certain statement made by the subject, etc. GPs that require physical equipment for recording include physiological (pulse, blood pressure, etc.) and psychophysiological reactions (reaction time, latent time, duration, speed of action, etc.). GPs that require a psychological dimension include such characteristics as the level of aspirations, the level of development or formation of certain qualities, forms of behavior, etc. For psychological measurement of indicators, standardized procedures can be used - tests, questionnaires, etc. Some behavioral parameters can be measured, e.g. uniquely recognized and interpreted only by trained observers or experts.

Depending on the number of parameters included in the dependent variable, one-dimensional, multidimensional and fundamental PPs are distinguished. One-dimensional ZP is represented by a single parameter, changes in which are studied in the experiment. An example of a one-dimensional PP is the speed of a sensorimotor reaction. Multidimensional PP is represented by a set of parameters. For example, attentiveness can be assessed by the amount of material viewed, the number of distractions, the number of correct and incorrect answers, etc. Each parameter can be fixed independently. Fundamental salary is a variable of a complex nature, the parameters of which have some famous relationships among themselves. In this case, some parameters act as arguments, and the dependent variable itself acts as a function. For example, the fundamental dimension of the level of aggression can be considered as a function of its individual manifestations (facial, verbal, physical, etc.).

The dependent variable must have such a basic characteristic as sensitivity. The sensitivity of a PP is its sensitivity to changes in the level of the independent variable. If, when the independent variable changes, the dependent variable does not change, then the latter is non-positive and it makes no sense to conduct an experiment in this case. There are two known variants of the manifestation of non-positivity of the PP: the “ceiling effect” and the “floor effect”. The “ceiling effect” is observed, for example, in the case when the presented task is so simple that all subjects, regardless of age, perform it. The “floor effect,” on the other hand, occurs when a task is so difficult that none of the subjects can cope with it.

There are two main ways to record changes in mental health in a psychological experiment: immediate and delayed. The direct method is used, for example, in short-term memory experiments.

Immediately after repeating a number of stimuli, the experimenter records their number reproduced by the subject. The delayed method is used when a certain period of time passes between exposure and effect (for example, when determining the influence of the number of memorized foreign words on the success of the text translation).

Explication (from Latin explicatio - clarification) - clarification of concepts and statements of natural and scientific language using symbolic logic. The content of concepts in natural and sometimes scientific language is usually not entirely clear and definite. As a rule, this does not prevent us from communicating and reasoning; the context shows what we mean when we say: “young man” or “ tall tree"However, in some complex and subtle cases, the ambiguity and imprecision of concepts can lead to erroneous or even paradoxical conclusions. Replacing unclear, imprecise concepts with precise ones not only protects us from errors in reasoning, but also serves as a means of deeper penetration into the content of explicated concepts, allows to separate the essential from the unimportant, to better understand our own statements. For example, in everyday speech and in science the concepts of “theory”, “axiom”, “proof”, “explanation”, etc. are often used. But only through the explication of these concepts do we realize. that the theory must include an obviously fixed logic, that facts or practice cannot “prove” anything, that the explanation is necessarily based on the law, etc. It should, however, be borne in mind that the concept introduced in the process of E. has a more precise concept. , as a rule, much poorer in content than the intuitive concept being specified, so the desire to completely replace intuitive concepts with their formal explicates can become an obstacle to the development of cognition. E. promotes deeper understanding and stimulates new research. But deeper understanding or changes in content as a result of research may require new E.

The theory of Helmut Plesner had a significant impact on the development of modern philosophical anthropology, including philosophical and religious anthropology.

His theory is designed to reveal the “basic structure” of human existence, capable of explaining all of it. specific properties and characteristics. Philosophical anthropology should be “a principled understanding of the human being.” The explication of the basic structure should answer the question, “what are the conditions of possibility of human existence,” and indicate the place of man in the whole of existence. “Since philosophy formulates the problem of anthropology,” notes Plesner, “it poses the problem of man’s mode of existence and his position in the whole of nature.”

The means of identifying the basic structure is the transcendental question about the conditions of possibility of phenomenologically described phenomena of human existence. It was in this regard that Plesner pointed to Kant as the most important predecessor of modern philosophical anthropology. In the methodological aspect, it can be argued that Plesner’s philosophical and anthropological thought moves from phenomena to the basic structure as a condition of their possibility, and then from the basic structure to phenomena in order to explain them. Accordingly, this structure should have not “final-theoretical”, but “opening-exhibiting” value. In psychological research, the identification of GP is associated with a description of the basic process on which NP acts and which manifests itself in the parameters of GP. Using the example of J. Gibson's discussion of Metzger's experiment, one can see another aspect of the problem - the reinterpretation of the characteristics of a controlled NP. In these and other experiments in the field of perceptual psychology, the subject is an “internal observer” (an observer of his own perceptual experience) who reports in one way or another on the phenomenally presented data. The experimenter is already dealing with descriptions of subjective experience, i.e. with recorded data, in relation to which he takes the position of an external observer.

When moving from the method " psychological observation“To the “psychological experiment” method, the position of an external observer becomes the position of an experimenter who manages the organization of experimental influences (and in this sense, an active researcher). The fact that he himself can be both a subject and an experimenter (for example, the experiments of Ebbinghaus, Sperling, etc.) does not change the principle of constructing experiments, where, as a subject-observer, the subject-experimenter reports to himself about the data of a phenomenal order . As a researcher, he takes the position of an external observer, for whom the data of subjective experience (even his own) is not direct psychological knowledge, but a subject of study and understanding.

In order to find out its influence on the dependent variable.

Dependent Variable- in a scientific experiment, a measured variable, changes in which are associated with changes in the independent variable.

The independent variable, for example, in a psychological experiment can be considered the intensity of a stimulus, and the dependent variable is the subject’s ability to perceive this stimulus.

Types of relationships between variables

  1. The dependent variable is not sensitive to changes in the independent variable.
  2. Monotonically increasing dependence: an increase in the values ​​of the independent variable corresponds to a change in the dependent variable.
  3. Monotonically decreasing dependence: an increase in the values ​​of the independent variable corresponds to a decrease in the level of the independent variable.
  4. Nonlinear dependence of the U-shaped type is found in most experiments in which the features of mental regulation of behavior are highlighted
  5. Inverted U-shaped dependence - obtained in numerous experiments and correlation studies.
  6. Complex quasiperiodic dependence of the level of the dependent variable on the level of the independent one.

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See what “Dependent Variable” is in other dictionaries:

    DEPENDENT VARIABLE- (English dependent variable) a variable that is influenced by another factor in an experiment (independent variable). See Lab Experiment... Great psychological encyclopedia

    See DEPENDENT VARIABLE. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    DEPENDENT VARIABLE, see VARIABLE... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    - (dependent variable) A variable on the left side of the regression equation, the change in which is correlated with changes in the causal variables, i.e., the variables on the right side of the equation. For example, in linear equation regression yi = α+βxi+γzi+εi where i =… … Economic dictionary

    Dependent Variable- - see Function... Economic and mathematical dictionary

    dependent variable- - [Ya.N.Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S.Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and power engineering, Moscow, 1999] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN dependent variable ... Technical Translator's Guide

    dependent variable- priklausomasis kintamasis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. dependent variable vok. abhängige Veränderliche, f rus. dependent variable, f pranc. variable dépendante, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

    DEPENDENT VARIABLE- – a variable that changes under the influence of an independent variable and at the same time takes different meanings. For example, if the independent variable is the nature of formal relationships in a dyad of employees of an organization... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

    dependent variable- A variable whose variability we seek to explain by the influence of one or more independent variables. The distinction between dependent and independent variables usually rests on substantive considerations. Synonyms: criterion variable,... ... Dictionary of Sociological Statistics

    Dependent Variable- – a variable that changes under the influence of another (independent) variable... Dictionary-reference book for social work

In order to find out its influence on the dependent variable.

Dependent Variable- in a scientific experiment, a measured variable, changes in which are associated with changes in the independent variable.

The independent variable, for example, in a psychological experiment can be considered the intensity of a stimulus, and the dependent variable is the subject’s ability to perceive this stimulus.

Types of relationships between variables

  1. The dependent variable is not sensitive to changes in the independent variable.
  2. Monotonically increasing dependence: an increase in the values ​​of the independent variable corresponds to a change in the dependent variable.
  3. Monotonically decreasing dependence: an increase in the values ​​of the independent variable corresponds to a decrease in the level of the dependent variable.
  4. Nonlinear dependence of the U-shaped type is found in most experiments in which the features of mental regulation of behavior are highlighted
  5. Inverted U-shaped dependence - obtained in numerous experiments and correlation studies.
  6. Complex quasiperiodic dependence of the level of the dependent variable on the level of the independent one.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Independent and dependent variables” are in other dictionaries:

    Kerlinger defines P. as “a symbol to which numbers or numeric values" This is a generic definition that also applies to psychology. P. in research, indicates mat. basis. In other words, any P., x or y, implies... ... Psychological Encyclopedia

    Independent variable- (independent variabile) - a variable that is controlled experimentally or for the purpose of observing its effect on other dependent variables. For example, the speed limit on roads is an independent variable, and the number... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    A term used in mathematics to denote a relationship between two quantities such that if one quantity is given, the other can be found. Usually a function (since the 17th century) is given by a formula expressing the dependent variable through... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

    This page is proposed to be combined with Experiment (psychology). Explanation of reasons and discussion on the V page ... Wikipedia

    The term variable can mean: A variable (programming) is a named or otherwise addressable area of ​​memory whose address can be used to access data. A variable quantity in mathematics is a symbol, ... ... Wikipedia

    This page is proposed to be combined with Laboratory experiment (psychology) ... Wikipedia

    Experience carried out under special conditions to obtain new scientific knowledge through the purposeful intervention of the researcher in the life activity of the subject. The concept of “psychological experiment” is interpreted ambiguously by various authors... Wikipedia

    Sociolinguistic variable- The main operational unit of sociolinguistic analysis of language and speech variability. S.p. this is any linguistic or speech correlate of stratification and situational variability, for example, stress as a sociolinguistic variable in a pair... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    - (English, behaviour, behavior) one of the leading trends in psychology of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was also one of the foundations for the formation of the so-called “behavioral” paradigm in sociology (along with the works of Tarde, Le Bon and others on forms... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

    BEHAVIORISM- (English behavior behavior) one of the leading trends in psychology of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was also one of the foundations for the formation of the so-called behavioral paradigm in sociology, along with the works of Tarde, Le Bon and others on forms... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

"Hawk" - HAWK (Homming All the Killer - anti-aircraft missile system medium-range is designed to destroy air targets at low and medium altitudes.

Work on the creation of the complex began in 1952. The contract for the full-scale development of the complex between the US Army and Raytheon was concluded in July 1954. Northrop was to develop the launcher, loader, radar stations and control system.

The first experimental launches of anti-aircraft guided missiles were carried out from June 1956 to July 1957. In August 1960, the first Hawk anti-aircraft missile system with the MIM-23A missile entered service with the US Army. A year earlier, a memorandum was concluded within NATO between France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the United States on the joint production of the system in Europe. In addition, a special grant provided for the supply of systems manufactured in Europe to Spain, Greece and Denmark, as well as the sale of systems produced in the USA to Japan, Israel and Sweden. Later in 1968, Japan began joint production of the complex. In the same year, the United States supplied Hawk complexes to Taiwan and South Korea.

In 1964, in order to increase the combat capabilities of the complex, especially to combat low-flying targets, a modernization program called HAWK/HIP (HAWK Improvement Program) or “Hawk-1” was adopted. It included the introduction of a digital processor automatic processing information about the target, increasing the power of the warhead (75 kg versus 54), improving the guidance system and propulsion system of the MIM-23 missile. The modernization of the system included the use of continuous radiation radar as a target illumination station, which made it possible to improve missile guidance against the background of signal reflections from the ground.

In 1971, the modernization of the US Army and Navy complexes began, and in 1974, the modernization of NATO complexes in Europe.

In 1973, the US Army began the second phase of modernization of the HAWK/PIP (Product Improvement Program) or Hawk-2, which took place in three stages. At the first, the transmitter of the continuous radiation detection radar was modernized in order to double the power and increase the detection range, supplement the pulse detection locator with an indicator of moving targets, and also connect the system to digital communication lines.

The second stage began in 1978 and lasted until 1983-86. At the second stage, the reliability of the target illumination radar was significantly improved by replacing electrovacuum devices with modern solid-state generators, as well as adding an optical tracking system, which made it possible to work in interference conditions.

The main firing unit of the complex after the second phase of modification is a two-platoon (standard) or three-platoon (reinforced) anti-aircraft battery. A standard battery consists of a main and a forward firing platoon, and a reinforced battery consists of a main and two forward platoons.

A standard battery consists of a TSW-12 battery command post, an MSQ-110 information and coordination center, an AN/MPQ-50 pulsed targeting radar, an AN/MPQ-55 continuous-wave acquisition radar, an AN/MPQ;51 radar rangefinder, and two fire platoons, each of which consists of an AN/MPQ-57 illumination radar and three Ml92 launchers.

The forward fire platoon consists of an MSW-18 platoon command post, an AN/MPQ-55 continuous wave detection radar, an AN/MPQ-57 illumination radar and three M192 launchers.

The US Army uses reinforced batteries, but many countries in Europe use a different configuration.

Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Greece, Holland and Germany have finalized their complexes in the first and second phases.

Germany and Holland have installed infrared detectors on their systems. A total of 93 complexes were modified: 83 in Germany and 10 in Holland. The sensor was installed on the backlight radar between two antennas and is a thermal camera operating in the infrared range of 8-12 microns. It can operate in day and night conditions and has two fields of view. It is assumed that the sensor is capable of detecting targets at ranges of up to 100 km. Similar sensors appeared on complexes being modernized for Norway. Thermal cameras can be installed on other systems.

The Hawk air defense systems used by the Danish air defense forces have been modified with television-optical target detection systems. The system uses two cameras: for long ranges - up to 40 km and for search at ranges up to 20 km. Depending on the situation, the illumination radar can be turned on only before launching missiles, i.e., target search can be carried out in a passive mode (without radiation), which increases survivability in conditions of the possibility of using fire and electronic suppression means.

The third phase of modernization began in 1981 and included the development of Hawk systems for the US Armed Forces. The radar rangefinder and battery command post were subjected to modifications. The TPQ-29 field simulator has been replaced by a joint operator simulator.

General view SAM MIM-23

During the modernization process, the software was significantly improved, and microprocessors began to be widely used as part of air defense systems. However, the main result of the modernization should be considered the emergence of the ability to detect low-altitude targets through the use of an antenna with a fan-type radiation pattern, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of target detection at low altitudes in conditions of massive raids. Simultaneously from 1982 to 1984. a modernization program was carried out anti-aircraft missiles. The result was the MIM-23C and MIM-23E missiles, which have increased efficiency in interference conditions. In 1990, the MIM-23G missile appeared, designed to hit targets at low altitudes. The next modification was the MIM-23K, designed to combat tactical ballistic missiles. It was distinguished by the use of a more powerful explosive in the warhead, as well as an increase in the number of fragments from 30 to 540. The missile was tested in May 1991.

By 1991, Raytheon had completed the development of a simulator for training operators and technical personnel. The simulator simulates three-dimensional models of a platoon command post, illumination radar, and detection radar and is intended for training officers and technical personnel. To train technical personnel, simulated various situations for setting up, adjusting and replacing modules, and for training operators - real-life anti-aircraft combat scenarios.

US allies are ordering the modernization of their systems in the third phase. Saudi Arabia and Egypt have entered into contracts to modernize their Hawk air defense systems.

During Operation Desert Storm, US military forces deployed anti-aircraft missile systems"Hawk."

Norway used its own version of the Hawk, called the Norwegian Adapted Hawk (NOAH). Its difference from the main version is that the launchers, missiles and target illumination radar are used from the basic version, and the AN/MPQ-64A three-dimensional radar is used as a target detection station. Tracking systems also include infrared passive detectors. In total, by 1987, six NOAH batteries had been deployed to protect airfields.

Between the early 70s and early 80s, the Hawk was sold to many countries in the Middle and Far East. To maintain the combat readiness of the system, the Israelis upgraded the Hawk-2 by installing teleoptical target detection systems (the so-called super eye), capable of detecting targets at a range of up to 40 km and identifying them at ranges of up to 25 km. As a result of modernization, the upper limit of the affected area was also increased to 24,384 m. As a result, in August 1982, at an altitude of 21,336 m, a Syrian MiG-25R reconnaissance aircraft was shot down, making a reconnaissance flight north of Beirut.

Israel became the first country to use the Hawk in combat: in 1967, Israeli air defense forces shot down their fighter. By August 1970, 12 Egyptian aircraft were shot down with the help of the Hawk, of which 1 Il-28, 4 SU-7, 4 MiG-17 and 3 MiG-21.

During 1973, the Hawk was used against Syrian, Iraqi, Libyan and Egyptian aircraft and was shot down 4 MiG-17S, 1 MiG-21, 3 SU-7S, 1 Hunter, 1 Mirage 5" and 2 MI-8 helicopters.

The next combat use of the Hawk-1 (which had gone through the first phase of modernization) by the Israelis occurred in 1982, when a Syrian MiG-23 was shot down.

By March 1989, Israeli air defense forces had shot down 42 Arab aircraft using the Hawk, Advanced Hawk, and Chaparrel systems.

The Iranian military has used the Hawk against the Iraqi Air Force several times. In 1974, Iran supported the Kurds in their rebellion against Iraq, using Hawks to shoot down 18 targets, followed by the downing of two more Iraqi fighters on reconnaissance flights over Iran in December of that year. After the 1980 invasion and until the end of the war, Iran is believed to have shot down at least 40 armed aircraft.

France deployed one battery of Hawk-1s to Chad to protect the capital, and in September 1987 it shot down one Libyan Tu-22 attempting to bomb the airport.

Kuwait used Hawk-1s to fight Iraqi planes and helicopters during the invasion in August 1990. Fifteen Iraqi planes were shot down.

Until 1997, the Northrop company produced 750 transport-loading vehicles, 1,700 launchers, 3,800 missiles, and more than 500 tracking systems.

To improve efficiency air defense The Hawk air defense system can be used in conjunction with the Patriot air defense system to cover one area. To achieve this, the Patriot command post was upgraded to allow control of the Hawk. Software was changed so that when analyzing the air situation, the priority of targets is determined and the most appropriate missile is assigned. In May 1991, tests were carried out, during which the command post of the Patriot air defense system demonstrated the capabilities of detecting tactical ballistic missiles and issuing target designation to the Hawk air defense system for their destruction.

At the same time, tests were carried out on the possibility of using the AN/TPS-59 three-dimensional radar, specially upgraded for these purposes, to detect tactical ballistic missiles of the SS-21 and Scud types. To achieve this, the viewing sector along the angular coordinate was significantly expanded from 19° to 65°, the detection range for ballistic missiles was increased to 742 km, and maximum height increased to 240 km. To destroy tactical ballistic missiles, it was proposed to use the MIM-23K missile, which has a more powerful combat unit and a modernized fuse.

The HMSE (HAWK Mobility, Survivability and Enhancement) modernization program, designed to increase the mobility of the complex, was implemented in the interests of the naval forces from 1989 to 1992 and had four main features. Firstly, the launcher was modernized. All electric vacuum devices were replaced with integrated circuits, and microprocessors were widely used. This made it possible to improve combat characteristics and provide a digital communication link between the launcher and command post platoon The improvement made it possible to abandon heavy multi-core control cables and replace them with a regular telephone pair.

Secondly, the launcher was modernized in such a way as to ensure the possibility of redeployment (transportation) without removing missiles from it. This significantly reduced the time it took to bring the launcher from the combat position to the stowed position and from the stowed to the combat position by eliminating the time for reloading the missiles.

Thirdly, the launcher's hydraulics were modernized, which increased its reliability and reduced energy consumption.

Fourthly, a system of automatic orientation on gyroscopes using a computer was introduced, which made it possible to eliminate the operation of orienting the complex, thereby reducing the time it takes to bring it into combat position. The modernization made it possible to halve the number of transport units when changing position, reduce the time of transfer from traveling to combat position by more than 2 times, and increase the reliability of the launcher electronics by 2 times. In addition, the modernized launchers are prepared for possible use Sparrow or AMRAAM missiles. The presence of a digital computer as part of the launcher made it possible to increase the possible distance of the launcher from the platoon command post from 110 m to 2000 m, which increased the survivability of the complex.

Launcher with MIM-23 missiles

PU with AMRAAM missiles

The MIM-23 Hawk air defense missile does not require testing or maintenance in the field. To check the combat readiness of missiles, random checks are periodically carried out using special equipment.

The rocket is single-stage, solid propellant, designed according to the “tailless” design with a cross-shaped wing arrangement. The engine has two levels of thrust: during the acceleration phase - with maximum thrust and subsequently - with reduced thrust.

The AN/MPQ-50 pulse radar is used to detect targets at medium and high altitudes. The station is equipped with noise protection devices. Analysis of the interference situation before emitting a pulse allows you to select a frequency that is free from enemy suppression. To detect targets at low altitudes, use the AN/MPQ-55 or AN/MPQ-62 continuous-wave radar (for air defense systems after the second phase of modernization).

AN/MPQ-50 target reconnaissance station

Radars use a continuous linear frequency modulated signal and measure the azimuth, range and speed of the target. The radars rotate at 20 rpm and are synchronized to eliminate blind spots. The radar for detecting targets at low altitudes, after modification in the third phase, is capable of determining the range and speed of a target in one viewing. This was achieved by changing the shape of the emitted signal and using a digital signal processor using fast Fourier transform. The signal processor is implemented on a microprocessor and is located directly in the low-altitude detector. The digital processor performs many of the signal processing functions previously performed in the battery signal processing station and transmits the processed data to the battery command center over a standard two-wire telephone line. The use of a digital processor made it possible to avoid the use of bulky and heavy cables between the low-altitude detector and the battery command post.

The digital processor correlates with the interrogator’s “friend or foe” signal and identifies the detected target as an enemy or as its own. If the target is the enemy, the processor issues target designation to one of the fire platoons to fire at the target. In accordance with the received target designation, the target illumination radar rotates in the direction of the target, searches for and captures the target for tracking. The illumination radar - a continuous radiation station - is capable of detecting targets at speeds of 45-1125 m/s. If the target illumination radar is not able to determine the range to the target due to interference, then it is determined using AN/MPQ-51 operating in the range of 17.5-25 GHz. The AN/MPQ-51 is used only to determine the missile launch range, especially when suppressing the AN/MPQ-46 (or AN/MPQ-57B depending on the stage of modernization) range-measuring channel and pointing the missile defense system at the source of interference. Information about the coordinates of the target is transmitted to the launcher selected for firing at the target. The launcher turns towards the target, and pre-launch preparation of the rocket occurs. After the rocket is ready for launch, the control processor provides lead angles through the illumination radar, and the rocket is launched. Capture of the signal reflected from the target by the homing head usually occurs before the missile is launched. The missile is aimed at the target using the proportional approach method; guidance commands are generated by a semi-active homing head using the principle of monopulse location.

In the immediate vicinity of the target, a radio fuse is triggered and the target is covered with fragments of a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. The presence of fragments leads to an increase in the probability of hitting a target, especially when shooting at group targets. After the warhead is detonated, the battery combat control officer evaluates the firing results using a Doppler target illumination radar in order to make a decision to fire at the target again if it is not hit by the first missile.

Radar rangefinder AN/MPQ-51

The battery command post is designed to control the combat operations of all components of the battery. General control of combat work is carried out by a combat control officer. He manages all battery command post operators. The assistant combat control officer assesses the air situation and coordinates the actions of the battery with a higher command post. The combat control panel provides these two operators with information about the state of the battery and the presence of air targets, as well as data for firing targets. To detect low-altitude targets, there is a special “azimuth-velocity” indicator, which only receives information from the continuous radiation detection radar. Manually selected targets are assigned to one of two fire control operators. Each operator uses the fire control display to quickly acquire radar target illumination and control the launchers.

The information processing point is designed to automatically process data and ensure communication of the complex battery. The equipment is placed inside a cabin mounted on a single-axle trailer. It includes a digital device for processing data received from target designation radars of both types, “friend or foe” identification equipment (the antenna is mounted on the roof), interface devices and communications equipment.

If the complex is modified in accordance with the third phase, then there is no information processing point in the battery and its functions are performed by modernized battery and platoon command posts.

The platoon command post is used to control the firing of the fire platoon. It is also capable of solving the tasks of an information processing point, which is similar in equipment composition, but is additionally equipped with a control panel with an all-round visibility indicator and other display means and controls. The combat crew of the command post includes the commander (fire control officer), radar and communications operators. Based on target information received from the target designation radar and displayed on the all-round display, the air situation is assessed and the target to be fired is assigned. Target designation data on it and the necessary commands are transmitted to the illumination radar of the forward fire platoon.

The platoon command post, after the third phase of modification, performs the same functions as the command post of the forward fire platoon. The modernized command post has a crew consisting of a radar operator control officer and a communications operator. Some of the electronic equipment of the point has been replaced with new ones. The air conditioning system in the cabin has been changed; the use of a new type of filter and ventilation unit makes it possible to prevent the penetration of radioactive, chemically or bacteriologically contaminated air into the cabin. Replacing electronic equipment involves using high-speed digital processors instead of outdated components. Due to the use of microcircuits, the size of memory modules has been significantly reduced. The indicators have been replaced with two computer displays. Bidirectional digital communication lines are used to communicate with detection radars. The platoon command post includes a simulator that allows you to simulate 25 different raid scenarios for crew training. The simulator is capable of reproducing and various types interference

The battery command post, after the third phase of modification, also serves as an information and coordination center, so the latter is excluded from the complex. This made it possible to reduce the combat crew from six people to four. The command post includes an additional computer placed in a digital computer rack.

The target illumination radar is used to capture and track the target designated for firing in range, angle and azimuth. Using a digital processor for the tracked target, angle and azimuth data are generated to turn the three launchers in the direction of the target. To guide the missile to the target, the energy of the illumination radar reflected from the target is used. The target is illuminated by the radar throughout the entire missile guidance phase until the firing results are assessed. To search and capture a target, the illumination radar receives target designation from the battery command post.

AN/MPQ-46 circuit illumination radar

After the second phase of refinement, the following changes were made to the illumination radar: an antenna with a wider radiation pattern allows illuminating a larger area of ​​space and firing at low-altitude group targets; an additional computer allows the exchange of information between the radar and the platoon command post via two-wire digital communication lines.

For the needs of the US Air Force, Northrop installed a television optical system on the target illumination radar, which allows it to detect, track and recognize air targets without emitting electromagnetic energy. The system operates only during the day, both with and without a locator. The teleoptical channel can be used to evaluate firing results and to track a target in interference conditions. The teleoptical camera is mounted on a gyro-stabilized platform and has a 10x magnification. Later, the teleoptical system was modified to increase the range and improve the ability to track a target in fog. Possibility introduced automatic search. The teleoptical system has been modified with an infrared channel. This made it possible to use it day and night. The teleoptical channel was completed in 1991, and field tests were carried out in 1992.

For Navy complexes, the installation of a teleoptical channel began in 1980. In the same year, the delivery of systems for export began. Until 1997, about 500 kits for installing teleoptical systems were produced.

The AN/MPQ-51 pulse radar operates in the range of 17.5-25 GHz and is designed to provide target illumination with the radar range when the latter is suppressed by interference. If the complex is modified in the third phase, the rangefinder is excluded.

On launcher M-192 stores three missiles ready for launch. Missiles are launched from it at a set rate of fire. Before launching a rocket, the launcher is deployed in the direction of the target, voltage is applied to the rocket to spin up the gyroscopes, the electronic and hydraulic systems of the launcher are activated, after which the rocket engine is started.

In order to increase the mobility of the complex for ground forces The US Army developed a version of the mobile complex. Several platoons of the complex were modernized. The launcher is located on the M727 self-propelled tracked chassis (developed on the basis of the M548 chassis), and it also houses three missiles ready for launch. At the same time, the number of transport units decreased from 14 to 7 due to the possibility of transporting missiles on the launcher and replacing the M-501 transport-loading vehicle with a machine equipped with a hydraulically driven lift based on a truck. The new TZM and its trailer could transport one rack with three missiles on each. At the same time, the deployment and collapse time was significantly reduced. Currently, they remain in service only with the Israeli army.

The Hawk-Sparrow demonstration project is a combination of elements produced by Raytheon. The launcher has been modified so that instead of 3 MIM-23 missiles, it can accommodate 8 Sparrow missiles.

In January 1985, field testing of the modified system was conducted at the California Naval Test Center. Sparrow missiles hit two remotely piloted aircraft.

Launcher on the M727 self-propelled tracked chassis

A typical composition of a Hawk-Sparrow fire platoon includes a pulse detection locator, a continuous radiation detection radar, a target illumination radar, 2 launchers with MIM-23 missiles and 1 launcher with 8 Sparrow missiles. In a combat situation, launchers can be converted to either Hawk or Sparrow missiles by replacing ready-made digital blocks on the launcher. One platoon can contain two types of missiles, and the choice of missile type is determined by the specific parameters of the target being fired. Hawk missile loader and missile pallets eliminated and replaced transport truck with a crane. On the truck drum there are 3 Hawk missiles or 8 Sparrow missiles placed on 2 drums, which reduces loading time. If the complex is transported by a C-130 aircraft, then it can carry launchers with 2 Hawk or 8 Sparrow missiles, fully ready for combat use. This significantly reduces the conversion time combat readiness.

The complex was supplied and is in service in the following countries: Belgium, Bahrain (1 battery), Germany (36), Greece (2), the Netherlands, Denmark (8), Egypt (13), Israel (17), Iran (37), Italy (2), Jordan (14), Kuwait (4), South Korea (28), Norway (6), UAE (5), Saudi Arabia(16), Singapore (1), USA (6), Portugal (1), Taiwan (13), Sweden (1), Japan (32).

Loading PU

Demonstration project "Hawk-AMRAAM"

In 1995, demonstration firing of AMRAAM missiles was carried out from modified M-192 launchers using the standard battery radar composition. Externally, the PU has 2 drums, similar to the Hawk-Sparrow.

DETECTION RANGE OF THE COMPLEX RADAR (after the first phase of modification), km