No matching licenses or hardware keys were found. No license found to use the program! Possible solutions to this problem

When launching the 1C Accounting program, the operator may encounter the message “License not found. The program protection key or the obtained software license was not found." The occurrence of this problem may be associated with a change in the system configuration, as a result of which 1C recognized the system as qualitatively new, or with incorrect settings of 1C itself (in particular, the network settings of the nethasp.ini configuration file). In this material I will analyze in detail the reasons for this error, and also explain how to fix it.

Causes of dysfunction

The “License not found” error usually occurs in a situation where the 1C program did not detect a license file (usually with the .lic extension) on the local PC (or server), which makes it possible to fully launch the specified system.

This situation may arise due to the following factors:

How to fix “License not found” in 1C

Let's look at ways to get rid of the error “License not found. The program protection key or the received software license was not detected" on 1C user systems:

  1. Before starting the program, disable your firewall;
  2. Install “Alladin monitor” into the system. This product shows the use of licenses in the network version of the program. Use it to verify that your system has an installed license;
  3. When using a hardware license, in the infobase window, click on “Settings” and check the box next to the “Use hardware license” option if there is no such checkbox there;
  4. Edit the Nethasp.ini file, which is located at the following path:

Open this file and write down the IP addresses of client PCs and the names of license managers. To do this, in the specialized section, indicate:

Then in the section, specify the IP address of the license manager server (should look like NH_SERVER_ADDR = required IP), and the name of the license managers (NH_SERVER_NAME = manager name).

The name of the manager is preliminarily indicated in the section in the form NHS_SERVERNAMES = name 1, name 2, and so on.

  • Activate your existing license. If you receive a message about the absence of a detected license, click on “Yes” and indicate the path to install the license (local PC or server).
  • Then we select the option of obtaining a license initially, re-obtaining it, or updating it. We set the visibility of the license to “All computer users”, select the method of obtaining it - manual, automatic, on a digital medium. We fill out the registration form, after which we save the data in a file that we place in the directory:

After performing these operations, the error may disappear.


The “License not found” error in 1C usually occurs due to damage (deletion) of the license file with the .lic extension, incorrect system configuration, or reinstallation of the operating system. Follow the tips listed above, this will solve the “license not found” problem in your 1C system.

And today I will describe some errors associated with 1C protection and ways to solve them.

Message "No license was found to use the program" similar to what was issued before “Program protection key not found!”. Since 1C:Enterprise does not provide details about the error, one of the following problems may be hidden under this message.

If we have a software license, then we need to obtain a software license from the licensing center, I will describe step by step.

Activation of 1C software licenses

1. When starting, we get on the screen “No license was found to use the program!”, Click “YES”
2. Select on which computer the license should be installed: “On this computer” or “On the 1C:Enterprise server computer”
3. Select “Initial license acquisition” or “License renewal” or “Re-obtaining licenses”
4. Next, select who should have access to the license, probably better “All users of this computer”
5. Method of obtaining licenses: “Automatically”, “On electronic media” or “Manually”
6. Fill in the registration data and save it to a file
7. The resulting license file must be moved to C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\1C\1Cv82\conf\2*.lic or
C:\Users\All Users\1C\1Cv82\conf\2*.lic

It will also work if the license is placed in
C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\conf

If we have a hardware license, then there may be one of the following problems:

Key not found. One of the most common mistakes. This error occurs
if you don't have a key or try to use a key from another product. For network keys, the error occurs if the Hasp License Manager is not running on the machine or a non-network key is installed; there may also be no network.

The number of licenses has been exceeded. This error occurs if the number of active users (sessions) exceeds the specified number of licenses in the key. Also, when working on a network with 2 license managers (Hasp License Manager) with the same names and keys of the same series and 1C, the application finds first the key with which the maximum number of connections has already been established, which leads to an error.

The key does not contain a license. Occurs when two keys of the same series are installed on the computer, 1C will use one of them. When two 1C license managers work on a network, the application may be the first to find a key that does not contain the required license.

Terminal Service detected. The local security key is not visible in the terminal session. This can be avoided if you start a terminal session with the Admin key.

How to correctly install hardware security keys

When using more than one key, you must specify the name of the license manager for server in the nhsrv.ini file:

The server name must consist of Latin letters and numbers and be no more than 7 characters long.

File nhsrv.ini is located in the same directory as the license manager, and if the license manager is installed as a service, then in the Windows\System32 directory. In the nhsrv.ini file, you can also specify the IP addresses of individual users whom we want to prohibit from connecting to the license manager.

On client machines the file nethasp.ini must be edited by specifying the IP addresses and names of license managers:
NH_TCPIP = Enabled

NH_SERVER_NAME =server1, server2

Good luck to everyone!
Please leave your comments, your opinion is important to me.

P.S. Cool! Equalizer girl

The 1C program is used where accounting needs to be optimized. This software is licensed, therefore, to work in it, you must enter a special key. Without it, starting the program is not possible. If 1C does not see the key, then the program displays information about it. For example, " 1C 7.7 protection key not detected" Or so " 1C program protection key not found» – the second option is more common.

How to solve the problem of an undetected program protection key?

Try setting the checkbox to " Use hardware license" To do this, click on “ Settings».

If that doesn't work, proceed as follows:

  • Find Nethasp.ini – the key protection configuration file.
  • Do not turn off the computer into which the key is inserted. When 1C starts and it works, an automatic check for the presence of a key occurs. Do not turn off the PC; it must be connected to the power supply at this time.
  • Checking in Nethasp.ini is done via "broadcast".
  • Specify in the settings a specific path to the PC where the key is located and reject “wideform. newsletter."
  • Open the file. You can select the editing application of your choice (in “C:\Program files\1Cv81\bin\conf” (for 8.1) or “C:\Program files\1cv82\conf”). We recommend selecting “Notepad” and looking for the line “”.
  • Specify the IP address of the PC containing the 1C security key.
  • Use the line “NH_USE_BROADCAST = Disabled” to disable wide-format network distribution.

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1C:Enterprise 8.2: No license was found to use the program. Infinite activation

Our client encountered a completely standard situation: Windows 10 received a large update package and after restarting the PC when starting 1C:Enterprise, the user saw a window with the text “A license to use the program was not detected.” Nothing out of the ordinary yet. But after entering a new 1C:Enterprise pin code and a message about successful activation, the next time you enter the program, the message that the license was not found pops up again. Let's figure out what's the matter.

So, software license. License not found. What are we doing?

  1. Click “Yes” in this window, answering the question “Obtain a license from the licensing center?”
  2. Select “Restore license”.
  3. Enter the current PIN code.
  4. Enter the 1C:Enterprise delivery number (from the yellow sheet from the envelope), if it is not entered, enter a new PIN code from the same sheet, or request a new PIN code from the licensing center, check the registration data.
  5. We go through the wizard to the end and see the message “License successfully obtained.”

But after starting 1C, the absence message appears again. The reason lies in the “remnants” of the old license, which is still present on your PC, but is no longer valid. You need to clear 2 folders of files:

  1. Folder in Application Data: C:/Users/%Username%/AppData/Local/1C/1Cv82/*.lic

    Instead of %Username% Your account name must be indicated. This folder must contain a file with the extension *.lic, For example, 20160530140954.lic, which means that the last time the license was obtained was in 2016 on the 05th month of the 30th at 14 hours 09 minutes 54 seconds - this is a simple timestamp. Cleared. But activation most likely will not succeed and at the end of the activation wizard you will see a message "File sharing error" indicating the path to another activation file.

  2. Let's delete the second file too. It is located in another folder: C:\ProgramData\1C\1Cv82\conf\*.lic

    We repeat the procedure from point 1: delete files with the extension *.lic.

  3. Let's go through the license activation wizard again - everything should work!

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Question: Can’t see the hardware key (thick client)


This is the problem:

The old PC had 1C 8.2 (single-user thick client - database and client on one PC).
Hardware key (purple H4 M1 ORGL8)
Windows 7, 32bit

We decided to transfer 1C to new hardware (Windows Server 2008, 64bit).
We installed 1C 8.3 (also a single-user thick client) and the security key driver, and transferred our database there.

When starting, 1C does not find the protection key (License not found. Program protection key or received software license not found!).

The key is inserted into the USB and lights up.
The key was changed in different USB ports.
Reinstalled the key drivers.
Installed HASP Lisence Manager (although this is unlikely to be necessary, since there is no network distribution of keys)
We also installed the old 8.2 platform.

Nothing helped.
Are there any ideas on what to do so that 1C sees the key?

Thank you!


just in there a flag in the launch window - is the "Use hardware license" setting worth it?

Question: 1s 8.3 does not see the 8.2 hardware key

We worked on platform I had to switch to platform The enterprise server was 64-bit (8.2). After installing 8.3 enterprise server (64 bit), when starting 1C, I cursed that the license was not found. I start 8.2 (I stop the 8.3 service and start the 1C 8.2 service), I see everything. I install the 32-bit version of 1C 8.3, the key is visible. I checked the server key, it is green MAX EN8SA (i.e. 1C enterprise 64 bit should see it). I uninstalled the old Hasp driver and installed a new one along with the platform. The server was overloaded. But 1c does not see the key at point-blank range when a 64-bit enterprise server is installed! Any ideas on how to solve this issue?

Answer: I took the platform down again and reinstalled it and it started. Some kind of bullshit.

Question: One client hardware key for distributing licenses to two 1C servers

There is a USB hardware key for 100 users and 2 physical 1C servers not in a cluster. One of the servers is terminal; a hardware key is installed on it. Is it possible to configure the HASP License Manager in such a way that licenses are issued only to 1C servers, and client applications on the terminal server can receive licenses only from servers?

Answer:() Thank you! I'll try

Question: Local databases and hardware key.

Good afternoon Please tell me, the enterprise has a hardware key for 100 licenses. 1C client-server databases work without problems. There was a need to create local databases.
Is it possible to run local databases with a hardware key? If yes, please tell me how. Because now this option does not work, and when starting the local database it says: License not found. The program protection key was not found or the software license was obtained...etc.


They shouldn't. The server and service operate independently of each other.

Question: 1C 8.2 Baovaya does not see the license. Doesn't ask.

Hello! I apologize in advance if I created a duplicate topic. Please help!

The situation is as follows:
Technology platform: 8.2
Configuration basic version 2_0_14_5

When I start it for the first time, I uncheck the box in the settings so that it does not look for the hardware key, I add the database from the template, when it starts, it does not see the license, but directs it to the licensing center where it asks to enter a 16-digit pin. I don’t enter the PIN - the very fact that it asks is important.

I installed it in the office and at home - it works.

I do the same for the client, right up to uninstalling 1C and reinstalling it from the same distributions. But he doesn’t send it to the licensing center, he simply writes that he doesn’t see the license.

This is the picture it paints for me...

What to do? The client claims that this started after a virus cleanup. + The interesting thing is that if you simply create a database without using a template, it will also ask you to enter a PIN code. 15 characters per professional configuration. But the basics are important.

The client's OS is licensed Vista, antivirus Nod32 v5(I turned it off completely). Demolishing the system is not an option because there is a lot of paid software there.
PS I've already broken my head on this problem.


Good afternoon

In the absence of hardware protection, software protection takes effect. Only 3 codes. You can install the program only 3 times. If you had to reinstall due to force majeure (virus, fire, new computer), write to 1C, they will give you a new key. It looks like you have already used your 3 keys. Write to 1C.

Question: 8.3 does not see the software key

All the best. Windows 10, BP 3.0. On 8.3.5 everything is ok. I'm trying to update, I need platform 8.3.6. I installed both it and 8.3.7 - both do not see the activation, a yellow window for obtaining a license appears (when launched through 8.3.5 everything is still ok)


I’ve already given away the laptop, but thanks anyway, I’ll remember it for the future

Question: Licensing 2 keys of the same nethasp.ini type

There are a lot of topics on this issue, but apparently I'm doing something wrong.
2 servers:
A USB key for 100 licenses is inserted into the first one

a key for 5 licenses is inserted into the second one and a license manager is installed on it, which sees both keys.

but each server only uses local keys. on the second, 5 have run out and he does not take the licenses of the first, where there are 100 of them available. On the second server, I open the file C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\conf\nethasp.ini and write 2 addresses in the line:

NH_SERVER_ADDR =,; first ip 5, second ip 100 licenses

Doesn't work

Answer:() users open several databases and there are file

Question: v7: 1C Public catering 6.0 does not see the network address of the security key.

Good afternoon Here is a PC on Win 7 64. It has 1 C accounting 4.5 (network version) 7.70.505 When starting the program it gives an error:
The program protection key was not found The network address does not exist “PC user” First, I want to ask how can I specify a new key location address? Namely, the local one, the protection keys, are plugged locally directly into the PC where I run 7 .7 Keys 2 HASP and a regular USB protection key.
The USB key is detected by the SLK server, although SLK does not see licenses on this key.

It is not clear what to do with the HASP key; there is a HASP LM and a HASP HL ​​driver.
But if you run NHSRVW32 from the Bin folder, it writes that “the key driver is not installed”

Answer: Got it.
In my case, in the folder with the 1C database there was server.ini, where you need to manually enter the name of the server where the key is inserted. And everything worked.

Question: Analytics keys

UPP RAUZ In 2016, on December 29, HMS was moved from one warehouse 1 of organization A to another warehouse 2 of another organization B, and the inventory keys were generated; Oak JSC; KI 10.03; 10.03. Since 2017, goods have been received at warehouse 2 of organization B, but the analytics keys were generated by KI 10.03. And it turns out that there are now liters of gasoline hanging around with analytics KI 10.03; 10.03. Tell me what to do? How to write off? When I just try to move again, the move goes with analytics KI 10.03. I’ve been working for the organization for a couple of weeks, but I didn’t see that they were cheating

Answer: In any case, start all this by creating a copy of the base and do everything on it, then repeat what needs to be done in combat. Well, start with Testing keys with built-in standard processing. Maybe this alone will be enough to restore order

Question: v7: 1C 7.7 does not see HASP on Windows 10 x86

There is 1C 7.7, USB HASP local, Windows 10 x86.
I tried different versions of drivers - the old ones are no longer installed, but with the new ones the key is visible in the device manager, but 1C 7.7 displays “Protection key not detected” when started.
I found a thread, but it’s still not clear how the problem was solved.
Please help.

Answer:() Can you write what version and build of Windows, what version of the hasp driver and release of the 1C platform? Whether HASP LM is used or not (although the key is local, but for reference). I'll try to install the same versions myself.