The most powerful weapons in the world: firearms, nuclear weapons, small arms. The most powerful small arms in the world The most powerful main weapons in the world

The concept of “humane weapons” in itself seems absurd. However, it is almost impossible to imagine the fact that an army could behave too cruelly during hostilities. However, history has many examples when certain weapons were subject to a partial, or even a complete ban on use. Or it was completely discontinued and forgotten. Introducing the most dangerous weapon in the world. It is also considered the most deadly.

The most dangerous weapon in the world

The most brutal weapon in the world is not the only one. There is a list of at least five weapons in the world that cause death and destruction. So here it is:

Expansive bullets. Almost all bullets that were actively used by troops at the end of the nineteenth century had weak stopping effects. As a result of this, the wounds were mostly through and did not cause serious damage to the enemy. In 1890, a British officer named Neville Bertie-Clay corrected this problem. He simply sawed off the tip of the bullet. Thanks to this, the projectile began to return to the body more kinetic energy.

The effect was shocking. During the hit, the wound affected the bones so badly that it led to at least disability, and at most to death in agony. This invention is now banned. However, the ban applies only to military structures. But this does not at all prevent the free sale of this very dangerous weapons in the world in different countries and its widespread use during police operations.

Powerful striking weapon

Vacuum bomb. Officially, this weapon is called "Volume Explosion Ammunition". Therefore, the shells also have the status of the most powerful weapon in the world, although not nuclear. These powerful and dangerous weapons usually contain propylene or ethylene oxide with a fairly low boiling point. It is only 11 degrees Celsius. When the ammunition detonates, an aerosol cloud is formed, it reacts with oxygen, and this causes an explosion.

Vacuum bomb from Russia

And, despite criticism of any use of such “vacuum bombs,” weapons are still not completely prohibited. There are rumors that volumetric explosion ammunition has been used more than once Russian troops during the second Chechen campaign.

The most dangerous and simple weapon in the world

Phosphorus bomb. This weapon was first used by the Vietnamese during their attack on the Khmer Rouge. And the principle of operation of a phosphorus bomb is quite simple. When reacting with oxygen, phosphorus begins to ignite; during combustion, its temperature reaches 800 degrees Celsius and higher. By the way, these shells have been used more than once by the United States and Israel, and now the use of these dangerous weapons is limited.

Napalm was used during vietnam war. The known weapon is a thick gasoline with various impurities. And the whole horror of napalm is that it burns slowly, and its effect is difficult to control. If you add more alkaline materials to a weapon, it will be completely impossible to extinguish it with water. There is one of the most lethal modifications of this most terrible weapon in the world - these are pyrogens. When burning, their temperature reaches as much as 1600 degrees Celsius. This allows you to burn through metal structures. Officially, pirogels were banned in 1980, although in a number of countries, for example, the USA and Israel, the convention has not yet been signed.

Cluster bomb. This ammunition is similar in appearance to conventional air bomb, but inside the bliss there are at least ten, or even more, small bombs. If cluster bomb reset, the explosive charge is triggered, which begins to scatter bombs throughout the surrounding area. On August 1, 2010, a convention banning these weapons came into force around the world, however, the document was never signed by the United States, China and Russia.

M-38 DavyCrocett grenade launcher. This killer gun was equipped with a nuclear weapon weighing approximately 35 kilograms and a yield of 20 kilotons. The combat range of dangerous weapons is about 4 kilometers. In 1971, Davy Crockett was hastily removed from service because its shells emitted powerful radiation of 600 roentgens from 300 meters away. This value exceeds lethal dose for a person.

The most powerful weapon in the world

On October 30, 1961, the most powerful bomb in the world exploded. Its name is Tsar Bomba. The Soviet Union detonated a 58-megaton hydrogen bomb at a test site on Novaya Zemlya. And it became the most powerful explosive device in the entire history of mankind.

Test of the Tsar Bomba (official chronicle)

Structurally, the Tsar Bomba was designed for 100 megatons. But it was decided to reduce energy release for safety reasons. Because the landfill would have suffered serious damage. The weapon was so massive that it did not even fit into the bomb bay of the carrier aircraft and partially stuck out from the Tu-95.

Weapons development began in the middle of the century. In 1955, the weight and dimensional drawing of “Ivan” was agreed upon, as the common people dubbed the most powerful bomb. We also agreed on a layout drawing for the placement of weapons. The mass of the bomb was 15 percent of the carrier's take-off weight, but its dimensions required the removal of fuel tanks from the fuselage.

After the superbomb was created, the actual tests had to be postponed, since there was a pause in the Cold War and Nikita Khrushchev was going to the United States. Then the Tu-95, without weapons, was transported to the Uzin airfield and began to be used as a training aircraft. But in 1961, the tests became relevant again with a new round of “ cold war" The prepared Tu-95 with a real bomb on board was sent to Novaya Zemlya.

A bomb exploded in 1961 at an altitude of 4.5 thousand meters. The plane shook and the crew received a significant dose of radiation. The power of the explosion was estimated from 79.4 to 120 Mgt. The result of the explosion was amazing: the nuclear “mushroom” grew to 64 kilometers in height, and the shock wave circled the entire globe. Moreover, interference in radio communications was observed for one hour. The result was stunning even for the development scientists.

By the way, the Tsar Bomba has another name - “Kuzka’s Mother”. It so happened that Nikita Khrushchev promised to show it to the Americans even before the tests began.
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Large-caliber weapons from different countries, from which not every body armor can withstand a hit.

Deasert Eagle.50 (Israel)

This pistol has a reputation in amateur circles as a super weapon. The powerful .50 Action Express cartridge (12.7x32.6 millimeters) is one of the most lethal pistol ammunition. Its bullet is blunt-pointed, 20-gram, with a huge stopping effect. A shot from such a pistol will easily kill a bear. And even a heavy body armor cannot completely protect a person: if the bullet does not penetrate the steel plate, a rib fracture is guaranteed.

Desert Eagle .50 pistol

Desert Eagle was never able to become widespread among law enforcement agencies. It's too heavy - even uncharged it weighs about 2 kilograms, making it difficult to hold. The recoil when fired is incredible; if the grip is not strong enough, you can get serious blow in the face. And the dimensions of the pistol are too large, the barrel length is more than 25 centimeters. But, despite the above disadvantages, a number of countries still use Desert Eagle - the Polish GROM and the Portuguese Grupo de Operações Especiais.

H&K UMP .45 submachine gun (Germany)

This mini-machine gun is available in three versions: UMP 45 - the most powerful of them, ammunition - .45 ACP (11.43x23 millimeters). It is characterized by a high stopping effect of the bullet, high accuracy of fire and moderate recoil. Rate of fire - 600 rounds per minute, fully loaded - 2.5 kg, which is relatively little. The firing range is 100-150 meters, the standard distance for this type of weapon.

H&K UMP .45 submachine gun

The UMP 45 is mainly used by police units in different countries. The downside of the cartridge is its weak penetration effect, so this submachine gun is ineffective when firing at well-protected targets. However, it is ideal for combat in urban environments or in tight quarters.

Assault rifle ASH-12 (Russia)

The large-caliber assault rifle ASh-12 was developed at the Tula TsKIB SOO and adopted by the FSB special forces in 2011. Most of the information about it is classified, but even what is known about it is enough to understand that it is a machine for “cleaning up” premises. The STs-130 rifle cartridge (12.7x55 millimeters) was developed specifically for it; it weighs about 50 grams; there are several types of bullets: armor-piercing with a protruding core, jacketed, two-bullet with tandem placement of bullets and others. The ASh-12 is a highly effective melee weapon due to the high stopping power of its ammunition.

Assault machine gun ASH-12

The trigger and pistol grip of the machine gun are located in front of the magazine and firing mechanism, moved forward. Thanks to this layout, the weapon is quite compact and burst fire is more accurate. Rate of fire - up to 650 rounds per minute. The machine gun is equipped with box magazines for 10 and 20 rounds - this is enough for close combat. Among the disadvantages of the ASh-12 are: heavy weight(6 kilograms) and impressive dimensions - more than a meter in length.

Sniper rifle Truevelo SR 20x110mm (South Africa)

Not every one of the many large-caliber sniper rifles boasts the same cartridge as the Truvelo SR (20x110 mm). This ammunition was created in the 1930s in Spain, it was used as a projectile for firing from anti-aircraft artillery installations. However, in South Africa they “tailored” the sniper guilt to him.

Sniper rifle Truevelo SR 20x110mm

Firing range - 2 kilometers (of course, subject to high shooter skills). Not a single bulletproof vest can protect against a shot from a Truvelo SR; it can even disable an armored personnel carrier.

The rifle still has some disadvantages: it is single-shot, has impressive dimensions (about 2 meters in length) and weighs 25 kilograms, and the tripod on which the Truvelo SR is attached weighs another 10 kilograms. And if a rifle performs excellently in defense, then you won’t take it into a raid.

Large-caliber machine gun "Kord" (Russia)

This machine gun is the main thing today Russian weapons against soldiers and lightly armored vehicles of any enemy. It was created in the 90s as a replacement for the Utes NSV, which had proven itself well in Afghanistan. However, unlike its predecessor, Kord is lighter, more accurate and more compact. The body of the machine gun weighs 25 kilograms, the belt for 50 rounds (12.7x108 millimeters) weighs 7.7 kilograms. It can be used both from a bipod (7 kilograms) and from a tripod (16 kilograms). For example, the American Browning M2 (12.7x99 millimeters), which the US Army has used since 1933, weighs approximately 60 kilograms with its frame. So our “Kord” is just fluff.

Large-caliber machine gun "Kord"

The firing range is up to 1500-2000 meters, hitting air targets at inclined ranges is up to one and a half kilometers. The weapon can be equipped with optical or night sights. There is also a tank version of the machine gun: it is installed in an anti-aircraft turret on the T-90 turret.

TOP 10 in the world. It is these ten legendary positions that have gone down in history and will remain in it forever.


(RPK) opens TOP 10 best weapons in the world. It is a universal design: it can be used as a manual, easel, or tank machine gun. This was the first unified domestic model. The RPK was adopted by the Soviet Union and is still used by many countries today. It was used in various military conflicts of the 20th and early 21st centuries. In total, more than 1 million were produced legendary weapons. The machine gun has 8 official varieties. The rate of fire of the RPK is about 750 rounds per minute. The cost of the model on the Russian market ranges from 1000-1500 US dollars.


M-1911- one of the best American self-loading pistols, Adopted into service in the United States in 1911, it served faithfully with the American Armed Forces until 1985. Its use is still permitted today. The firearms record holder outperforms other models in terms of longevity, reliability, accuracy and versatility in use. Since its production, the M-1911 has produced approximately 3 million firearms. The cost of the original copy is estimated at 928-1095 US dollars. In the 20-21st centuries. - This is the most frequently copied weapon in the world by the best gunsmiths. Now weapons on the 1911 platform are produced with the highest quality by Springfield.


HK MP-5- a family of German submachine guns that were developed by the famous company Heckler & Koch GmbH. It was adopted by the German Armed Forces in the 60s and is still in use today. The HK MP -5 is a simplified design of the HK G 3. It is one of the most reliable and easy-to-use submachine guns, characterized by high accuracy and speed of fire. This model is in service with the army and police in more than forty countries around the world. Currently there are 17 official modifications of this weapon, of which over 10 million copies were produced. The legendary submachine gun has gained a reputation in the world of being a "ruthless counter-terrorism weapon" due to its involvement in many hostage rescue operations. The HK MP-5 is capable of firing up to 800 rounds per minute.


FN FAL- a classic automatic rifle made in Belgium. This is one of the most popular and widespread light automatic rifles in the world. The weapon was used in many military conflicts (Vietnam War, Gulf War, etc.). Production began in the 50s and continues today. FAL gained its fame due to its ease of use, maintenance, reliability and efficiency. The rifle fires up to 700 rounds per minute. Since its production, a huge number of modifications of this model have been produced, which were in service in more than 90 countries. FN FAL is currently being released in 13 countries around the world. In total, more than 20 million copies were produced.

6. HK G3

HK G 3 is a popular German automatic rifle, in service with the German army from 1959 to the present. In addition to its high combat performance, the HK G 3 is distinguished from similar, popular models (FN FAL, M-14) by its low cost of production and maintenance. This was achieved by simplifying the design. The rifle is capable of firing up to 600 rounds per minute. It can fire both cartridges and rifle grenades. Many modifications were developed based on the HK G 3. IN at the moment The German automatic rifle is in service in 80 countries around the world.

5. M-16

M-16– the best assault rifle in the world from American manufacturers. The model and its modifications remain in service with the US Armed Forces to this day, as well as in many other countries. The main advantages of the rifle include its low weight, which makes it more convenient to use, as well as its high rate of fire, which reaches 950 rounds per minute. In total, there are more than 8 million M-16 units produced, and production continues to this day. The cost of the model is about 1200 US dollars.


– the best hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher of Soviet/Russian production. The main purpose of the weapon is to destroy tanks and other enemy armored vehicles. The RPT-7 is also capable of hitting air targets and destroying shelters. The grenade launcher has been actively used from 1968 to the present in all military conflicts. The demand for the RPG-7 is explained by its powerful efficiency. The main advantages of the design are simplicity and ease of use, reliability and lack of recoil. Over the entire period, more than 9 million copies of this weapon were produced. It was in service in more than 40 countries around the world and is used in many countries to this day.

3. Uzi

Uzi– Israeli submachine gun tops the top three best weapons in the world. The model has gained worldwide fame thanks to its excellent balancing, which allows you to shoot a submachine gun even while holding it with one hand. The design is also particularly durable and highly reliable. Compact and easy to use, the Uzi is capable of firing up to 600 rounds per minute. The submachine gun was in service in more than 90 countries around the world and participated in many wars of the 20-21st centuries. Its production has been going on since the 50s and continues to this day. At the moment there are more than 5 modifications of Uzi. More than 10 million copies have been released worldwide.


Remington-870- the most popular pump-action shotgun produced in the 50s by the American company Remington Arms. The weapon was adopted by the US Army and Police in 1951. Over the entire period of production, which continues to this day, more than 10 million copies have been produced. The Remington -870 is in service in many countries. The main advantages of the gun include the low cost of production, as well as the ability to shoot both buckshot and bullets. The gun has a huge number of modifications and can be used by the military, hunters, athletes and citizens for self-defense.


Remains the most popular and recognizable model firearms all over the world. The history of the assault rifle begins in 1949, when the AK-47 was adopted by the army. Soviet Union. was used in all military conflicts of the second half of the 20th century. The main advantages of the design are simplicity and ease of use. In addition, this is one of the most reliable and durable models, the rate of fire of which can reach 600 rounds per minute. Over the entire period, more than 100 million Kalash units have been produced. The cost of one such copy is about 800-1100 US dollars.

On January 16, 1963, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev informed the world community that a new terrible weapon had appeared in the USSR destructive force- hydrogen bomb. Today is a review of the most destructive weapons.
Hydrogen "Tsar Bomb"

The most powerful hydrogen bomb in human history was exploded at the test site New Earth approximately 1.5 years before Khrushchev’s official statement about the USSR having a 100-megaton hydrogen bomb. The main purpose of the tests is demonstration military power USSR. At that time thermonuclear bomb, created in the USA, was almost 4 times weaker.

The Tsar Bomba exploded at an altitude of 4,200 m above sea level 188 seconds after being dropped from a bomber. The nuclear mushroom of the explosion rose to a height of 67 km, and the radius fireball the gap was 4.6 km. Shock wave from the explosion, it circled the globe 3 times, and the ionization of the atmosphere created radio interference within a radius of hundreds of kilometers for 40 minutes. The temperature on the surface of the earth below the epicenter of the explosion was so high that the stones turned to ash. It is worth noting that the “Tsar Bomba”, or as it was also called, “Kuzka’s Mother”, was quite clean - 97% of the power came from the thermonuclear fusion reaction, which practically does not create radioactive contamination.

Atomic bomb

On July 16, 1945, the first explosive was tested in the desert near Alamogordo in the United States of America. nuclear device– a single-stage “Gadget” bomb based on plutonium.

In August 1945, the Americans demonstrated the power of their new weapons to the whole world: American bombers dropped atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The USSR officially announced the presence atomic bomb March 8, 1950, thereby ending the US monopoly on the world's most destructive weapons.

Chemical weapons

The first ever application chemical weapons in the war can be considered April 22, 1915, when Germany used chlorine against Russian soldiers near the Belgian city of Ypres. From a huge cloud of chlorine released from cylinders installed on the front flank of German positions, 15 thousand people were severely poisoned, of which 5 thousand died.

In World War II, Japan used chemical weapons many times during its conflict with China. During the bombing of the Chinese city of Woqu, the Japanese dropped 1,000 chemical shells, and later another 2,500 aerial bombs near Dingxiang. Chemical weapons were used by the Japanese until the end of the war. Total from poisonous chemicals 50 thousand people died, both among the military and among the civilian population.

The Americans took the next step in the use of chemical weapons. During the Vietnam War, they very actively used toxic substances, leaving the civilian population no chance of salvation. Since 1963, 72 million liters of defoliants have been sprayed over Vietnam. They were used to destroy forests in which Vietnamese partisans were hiding, and during bombing settlements. Dioxin, which was present in all mixtures, settled in the body and caused liver and blood diseases, and deformities in newborns. According to statistics, from chemical attacks About 4.8 million people were affected, some of them after the end of the war.

Laser weapons

Laser gun

In 2010, the Americans announced that they had carried out successful tests laser weapons. According to media reports, four unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by a 32-megawatt laser cannon off the coast of California. aircraft. The planes were shot down from a distance of more than three kilometers. Previously, the Americans reported that they had successfully tested an air-launched laser, destroying ballistic missile.

Agency for missile defense The US notes that laser weapon will be in great demand, since it can be used to strike several targets at once at the speed of light at a distance of several hundred kilometers.

Biological weapons

Letter with white anthrax powder

The beginning of the use of biological weapons is attributed to ancient world, when in 1500 BC. The Hittites sent a plague to enemy lands. Many armies understood the power of biological weapons and left infected corpses in enemy fortresses. It is believed that the 10 plagues of the Bible are not vengeful acts of God, but biological warfare campaigns. One of the most dangerous viruses in the world is anthrax. In 2001, letters containing white powder began arriving at US Senate offices. There was a rumor that these were spores of the deadly bacterium Bacillus anthracis, which causes anthrax. 22 people were infected and 5 were killed. The deadly bacterium lives in the soil. A person can become infected anthrax, if he touches the spore, inhales or swallows it.

MLRS "Smerch"

Jet system volley fire"Tornado"

Experts call the Smerch multiple launch rocket system the most terrible weapon after nuclear bomb. It takes only 3 minutes to prepare a 12-barreled Smerch for battle, and 38 seconds for a full salvo. "Smerch" allows you to conduct effective fight With modern tanks and other armored vehicles. Missile shells can be launched from the cockpit of a combat vehicle or using a remote control. Their combat characteristics“Smerch” stores in a wide temperature range – from +50 C to -50 C and at any time of the day.

Missile system "Topol-M"

The modernized Topol-M missile system forms the core of the entire group missile forces strategic purpose. The Topol-M intercontinental strategic complex is a 3-stage monoblock solid-fuel missile, “packed” in a transport and launch container. It can be stored in this packaging for 15 years. Service life missile complex, which is produced in both mine and ground versions - for more than 20 years. The one-piece Topol-M warhead can be replaced with a multiple warhead, carrying three independent warheads at once. This makes the missile invulnerable to air defense systems. The current agreements do not allow Russia to do this, but it is possible that the situation may change.


hull length with head part – 22.7 m,
diameter – 1.86 m,
starting weight – 47.2 tons,
throwable combat load weight 1200 kg,
flight range – 11 thousand km.

Neutron bomb

Neutron bomb by Samuel Cohen

The neutron bomb, created by the American scientist Samuel Cohen, destroys only living organisms and causes minimal destruction. The shock wave from a neutron bomb accounts for only 10-20% of the released energy, whereas with a conventional atomic explosion it accounts for about 50% of the energy.

Cohen himself said that his brainchild is “the most moral weapon that has ever been created.” In 1978, the USSR came up with a proposal to ban the production of neutron weapons, but this project did not find support in the West. In 1981, the United States began producing neutron charges, but today they are not in service.

Intercontinental ballistic missile RS-20 "Voevoda" (Satana)

Voevoda intercontinental ballistic missiles, created in the 1970s, terrify probable enemy only by the fact of its existence. SS-18 (model 5), as the Voevoda is classified, was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile. It carries a 10,750 kiloton charge of independent homing warheads. Foreign analogues“Satan” has not yet been created.

hull length with head part – 34.3 m,
diameter – 3 m,
throwable combat load weight 8800 kg,
flight range – more than 11 thousand km.

Rocket "Sarmat"

In 2018 – 2020 Russian army will receive the latest heavy ballistic missile "Sarmat". Technical data of the missile have not yet been disclosed, but, according to military experts, new rocket surpasses in its characteristics the complex with the Voevoda heavy missile.

MOSCOW, December 30 - RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. Large-caliber small arms is rightfully considered one of the most solid “arguments” of the warring parties on the battlefield. Heavy weight, strong recoil, powerful cartridge and impressive dimensions - not every body armor can withstand a direct hit from the “pocket artillery” of a modern infantryman. Only a skilled fighter can master these super-barrels. RIA Novosti publishes a selection of the most lethal large-caliber small arms from countries in the world.

Gun on a bear

The Israeli Desert Eagle pistol of .50 caliber is well known to all those who are passionate about Western action films and computer games. This huge, angular, intimidating-looking gun has a reputation in amateur circles as a superweapon. Mainly due to the powerful .50 Action Express cartridge (12.7x32.6 millimeters), which is considered one of the most lethal pistol ammunition in the world. It has a heavy 20 gram blunt bullet with tremendous stopping power. With the Desert Eagle you can, roughly speaking, go out on a bear alone. Yes, and against a person protected by heavy body armor, it can be useful - even if the bullet does not pierce the steel plate, it will definitely break the ribs.

However, Desert Eagle was unable to achieve truly wide distribution among law enforcement agencies. First of all, this gun is too heavy. Even “empty” it weighs about two kilograms, which makes it difficult to hold it correctly. Secondly, each shot is accompanied by a monstrous recoil - if the grip is not strong enough, the pistol can easily hit the unlucky shooter in the face. Thirdly, the fiftieth "Eagle" is too bulky - its barrel length exceeds 25 centimeters. These and a number of other shortcomings became the reason that a beautiful and powerful pistol was never adopted as an army weapon. Nevertheless, Desert Eagle is used by special forces of a number of countries, such as the Polish GROM and the Portuguese Grupo de Operações Especiais.

Killer mini-machine gun

The compact UMP submachine gun from the German concern Heckler & Koch is available in three versions: different cartridges. The most powerful - UMP 45 - is equipped with .45 ACP ammunition (11.43x23 millimeters). It combines high stopping power of a bullet, moderate recoil and high accuracy of fire. The UMP 45 has an impressive rate of fire - about 600 rounds per minute, and when loaded it weighs relatively little - 2.5 kilograms. Firing range is a standard distance for submachine guns of 100-150 meters.

The UMP 45 is used primarily by special police forces in a number of countries. Cartridge 45. ACP has a good stopping effect, but rather weak penetration. Therefore, shooting at well-protected targets from this submachine gun is ineffective. At the same time, the UMP is ideal for combat in urban environments or on buildings - its light weight, modest dimensions and ample opportunities for tuning make it indispensable when working in tight spaces.

Automatic stripping machine

The Russian large-caliber assault rifle ASh-12, developed at the Tula TsKIB SOO, was adopted by the FSB special forces in 2011. Much of the design and experience information combat use this weapon is kept secret (as, indeed, is information about many other exclusive Alpha and Vympel barrels). But even what is known is enough to say: ASh-12 is a real “cleaner” of premises. A rifle cartridge STs-130 (12.7x55 millimeters) weighing about 50 grams with several types of bullets was developed specifically for this weapon: armor-piercing with a protruding core, shell, double-bullet with tandem placement of bullets, etc. It is due to the high stopping power of the ammunition that the ASh assault rifle -12 is a highly effective melee weapon.

The machine itself is built according to the “bullpup” design, in which the trigger and pistol grip are moved forward and located in front of the magazine and firing mechanism. This design made it possible to make the weapon more compact and more accurate when firing in bursts. And the ASh-12 fires quickly - up to 650 rounds per minute. The machine gun is equipped with box magazines for 10 and 20 rounds - not much, but enough for close combat. The disadvantages of the weapon include its heavy weight - six kilograms, as well as its impressive dimensions - more than a meter in length.

Gun with optical sight

The global market for large-caliber sniper rifles is quite extensive and has dozens of worthy representatives. However, not every one of them can boast of a cartridge as serious as the South African Truvelo SR (20x110 millimeters). Initially, this ammunition, created in Spain in the 30s of the last century, was used for firing from anti-aircraft artillery installations - that is, in fact, it was not a cartridge, but a projectile. Gunsmiths from South Africa were able to “tailor” a sniper’s individual weapon to it.

A skilled shooter with Truvelo SR 20x110 mm can hit a target at a distance of two kilometers. A powerful cartridge-projectile penetrates any existing body armor and is capable of disabling even an armored personnel carrier. However, the sniper will have to put up with the shortcomings of this mini-gun. First of all, the SR is a single shot rifle. It will not be possible to quickly hit a target with several shots from it. Secondly, this weapon weighs as much as 25 kilograms, while the shooter (or his partner) needs to carry not only the “barrel”, but also a 10-kilogram tripod on which the rifle itself is attached. Thirdly, the SR is too bulky - almost two meters in length. You can’t take such a “stupid” on a raid in the rear. However, in defense such a rifle can seriously weaken the morale of the attacking enemy.

A machine gunner's dream

The Kord heavy machine gun is today one of the most powerful “arguments” of the Russian infantry against lightly armored vehicles and soldiers of any potential enemy. This weapon was created in the 90s as a replacement for the Utes NSV, which had proven itself in Afghanistan. "Kord" is much lighter, more accurate and more compact. For its “weight category” it’s a piece of fluff. The body of the machine gun weighs 25 kilograms, the belt for 50 rounds (12.7x108 millimeters) weighs 7.7 kilograms. In addition, the weapon can be used from a bipod (seven kilograms) or from a tripod machine (16 kilograms). For comparison, the famous American Browning M2 (12.7x99 millimeters), which has been in service with the US Army since 1933, weighs about 60 kilograms together with the frame.

"Kord" is designed to combat lightly armored targets and fire weapons, destroy enemy personnel at ranges of up to 1,500-2,000 meters and destroy air targets at inclined ranges of up to one and a half kilometers. For the convenience of the machine gunner and to increase shooting accuracy, the weapon can be equipped with optical or night sights. In addition to the infantry version, there is also a tank version. It is installed in an anti-aircraft turret on the T-90 turret.