AMX CDC: the essence of French cardboard and firepower. AMX CDC: the quintessence of French cardboard and firepower What equipment to install on the AMX SDS

Among the characteristics of the gun, one should highlight its accuracy - 0.34 m/100 m, which is 0.02 m/100 m better than that of a regular gun, as well as its rate of fire - in the basic version, reloading lasts 7.3 seconds (damage per minute 1973 ), and in the version with a gun rammer, fan and perk " Combat brotherhood"Reload time is reduced to 6.03 seconds (damage per minute 2389). When using the Strong Coffee consumable, the reload time is reduced to 5.78 seconds, and the damage per minute reaches 2493. This is simply an excellent result.

The mixing time somewhat spoils the picture - as much as 2.2 seconds, but this is quite in the spirit French tanks, and this is far from the worst result. Of course, such time somewhat spoils the impression of the game, but when using a vertical stabilizer, this drawback becomes almost imperceptible.

The tank was very lucky with penetration - the basic AP shell has an average penetration of 212 mm, and the sub-caliber shell has a penetration of 259 mm, which is usually more than enough even if it falls to the bottom of the list. Such penetration in most cases allows you to penetrate enemy tanks simply by shooting at their silhouette. And in extreme cases, the gun has accuracy, which is enough to confidently target weak areas. So this tank cannot be called gold-dependent - it feels good on standard BBs, allowing you not only to enjoy the game, but also to farm well (more on the economy below).

As for one-time damage, everything here is standard for medium tanks VIII level– it is 240 points. So in this regard the tank does not stand out among its peers.

In addition to all this, the vertical aiming angles are also pleasantly pleasing - the gun goes down by 10 degrees and rises up by all 20. This gives the necessary comfort, which Soviet and Chinese vehicles lack so much.

By the way, there is interesting point, which is pleasantly pleasing: the basic projectile has high speed flight, which reaches 1000 m/s - this is at least 90 - 100 m/s higher than that of most “classmates”! So it’s quite easy to take a lead when playing on a tank.

Armor protection: briefly about what is not there

Yes, there’s nothing to say about the tank’s armor. More precisely, there is something to say - it simply does not exist. There are only two points worth noting:

  • Hull armor in the front projection and gun mantlet – 30 mm;
  • Armor on the sides and rear of the hull and turret is 20 mm.

This is the very moment when, speaking of “cardboard armor,” we are not exaggerating at all, but quite the contrary. A tank can penetrate anyone and any place, and ricochets and non-penetration are a rare event. So the line “Damage blocked by armor” in post-battle statistics will always be pristine.

Therefore, it is impossible to play with armor on the AMX CDC - you can only play with guns and speed. Well, the tank has speed.

Dynamics and agility

The second advantage of the tank after the gun is its dynamics and maneuverability. The lack of armor makes the tank very light (only 34 tons), which with an engine power of 1200 hp. provides a power supply of 35.29 hp/t! Simply a fantastic result, which, however, is overshadowed by the presence of hidden parameters - the AMX CDC has increased ground resistance, so it does not accelerate as quickly as we would like.

But even taking into account soil resistance, the tank can accelerate to a speed of 57 km/h and maneuver perfectly. This allows you to quickly occupy key positions on the map, change these positions even faster, and appear where the enemy does not expect it. Spinning a heavier and slower tank is not a problem. The main thing is not to start this on soft soils, otherwise the tank will get stuck and die.

However, there is one nuance here: the reverse speed is only 20 km/h, which is in the best traditions of slow tank destroyers. And anyone who plays such PTs knows that when you roll back after a shot or light, you can lose a lot of strength points. So it is not recommended to drive a tank in reverse - you just need to fly forward, causing damage.

Crew and upgrade capabilities

It was not for nothing that we raised the issue of the crew separately, since it is very relevant and difficult for them. One of the advantages of premium tanks is the ability to quickly upgrade the crew, but this is difficult to do on our patient. Although there is nothing surprising here, and the reason lies in the peculiarities of the French branch of ST. Yes, exactly, there is no branch here, but in fact there are only three medium tanks, the crews of which are not fully compatible with.

There are four crew members - the commander (who is also the radio operator), the gunner, the driver and the loader. From D2 (III level) only two crew members can transfer normally, from Lorraine 40 t and Bat.-Chatillon 25t - only three (because there are only three of them!). So in the current situation, the tank should have its own loader, because there is simply nowhere to get one.

However, in WG, as history shows, they don’t do anything for nothing, and if they introduce a premium tank that is inconvenient for leveling up the crew, then that means something. And this is true - already in patch 9.7 (which is coming very soon) a whole branch (or rather, two half-branches) of French medium tanks is introduced, and their crews are better compatible with. So in the near future the tank will acquire a new practical meaning, which it now lacks.

Advantages of the tank

In principle, we have already outlined the advantages above, so here we will only briefly outline them:

  • Excellent dynamics and maneuverability, the tank perfectly climbs uphill, practically without losing speed, which is very helpful in a successful game;
  • Speed ​​is sometimes enough to spin clumsy medium tanks (Pershing, SuperPershing and the like);
  • It is convenient to perform “swings” on the tank;
  • Comfortable and accurate weapon;
  • Large ammunition capacity (90 shells);
  • Pleasant UVN;
  • It practically does not burn (so you can carry rations rather than a fire extinguisher);
  • Not a bad economy.

Overall, this is a complete advantage. Although it cannot be said that this makes the game much easier - no one canceled the brain, tactical thinking and accuracy.

Disadvantages of the tank

The disadvantages of the tank include:

  • Nominal armor;
  • Low reverse speed;
  • Strong dependence of maneuverability on the type of soil (on soft soils there is not enough maneuverability);
  • Quite frequent criticism of BC.

By the way, about the tank’s critability. There are practically no problems with this, and the removal of the BC here is not as annoying as, for example, on the IS-3. There was no increased likelihood of crits from other modules or crew members, which can be considered a clear advantage.

How's the economy doing?

In our game, among premium tanks there is a rule (unspoken, but it definitely exists): what worse tank in the game, the better his economy is, and vice versa. in general, it justifies this rule - with a comfortable game it has a good economy, which, however, is inferior to the economy of the same FCM 50t, T-34-3 and even the new STA-2. For example, in order to get the same amount of credits, you need to do at least 500 more damage than with the tanks listed above.

It also helps that the tank rarely has to use sub-caliber shells, and it also does well without gold consumables. So you can farm pleasantly and comfortably.

The tactics of the game are simple - you need to act with speed and weapons, forgetting about armor. It is best to act together with the support of one or two allies, although this can be very difficult - the speed of the tank simply forces you to move forward, rush in, cause damage and run away. But usually thoughtless bursts lead to sudden departure to the Hangar.

On many maps, especially in battles without artillery, it’s good to implement the tank’s air defense, play off the terrain and deal damage with impunity due to accuracy. However, due to the weak armor, it will not be possible to play from the tower in the usual sense of the word - you still have to hide behind the terrain and play “swing”.

As for module assemblies, there are several options. An assembly that is quite standard for most STs can be considered optimal:

  • Gun rammer;
  • Vertical stabilizer;
  • Fan.

This allows you to increase the rate of fire and DPM, which in most cases plays a decisive role. However, this option is not particularly suitable for playing on long distances, since this is prevented by the long convergence of the gun. Therefore, you can use not the rammer (especially if you have the “Combat Brotherhood” perk), but the aiming drives - this will have positive influence for accuracy.

Today patch 0.9.6 was released and with it several very interesting cars appeared in the game. We will consider one of them today. Meet the first French premium medium tank VIII AMX level Chasseur de chars.

Well, many owners of the top French ST will be happy if, of course, they want to buy this car. Myself AMX Chasseur de chars is standardly located at level 8 and gives owners the following benefits:

  • Coefficient of 1.5 on the experience gained by the crew.
  • Coefficient 1.1 on experience gained per battle.
  • Increased ratio of credits received per battle.
  • Possibility to board someone else's crew without penalty. (Only from French ST)
  • Elite status of the car from the very beginning.

You can purchase this car in the premium store, and later in the in-game store. I will not discuss the cost of the car itself at all. Let’s just skip this point, but let’s touch on the cost of the “gentleman’s set”. Initially, you will need to install additional equipment on the car. equipment. For this purpose we will need an average of 1,500,000 credits. Later I will help you decide what exactly to install, but for now just keep this amount in your head, unless, of course, you have the necessary equipment lying around in your warehouse.

The second point is the crew. Because the car is enough high level and is often in the top, then its influence on the outcome of the battle is great. The crew significantly influences the characteristics of the car, so you can’t expose yourself so much by not paying attention to the crew. Initially we have 50% crew and this is very sad. Personally, I recommend immediately using a crew with 100% proficiency in the main specialty. There are several ways to achieve this:

  • If you do not have a French crew, then the most the best solution will immediately train him for gold up to 100% and upgrade him for future pumpable STs in France. It will cost 200 * 4 = 800 gold, and the promotion is generally 400. Well, if it’s a pity/there’s no way, then suffer with 75% of the crew.
  • If you have a crew from French STs, then simply transfer because the fine does not apply to premium cars. But here we don’t have enough loader, so we’ll have to train/retrain a new one.

Also, don’t forget about camouflage, it will give a small advantage to stealth, which means spending 3 * 80,000 = 240,000 per month makes sense. If the toad is still choking you, then at least apply the summer one.


Initially, the car is elite, so its characteristics cannot be radically changed. Let's look at each module separately

The gun itself is an analogue of the FCM 50t, but with improved characteristics. In essence, it can be described as fairly accurate, very fast-firing, with fairly fast aiming, but with average penetration and damage - a typical weapon for an ST. Playing with such a weapon is more than comfortable, but in battles at level 10, and even level 9, there is a lack of armor penetration.

What can I say about the tower? Perhaps I will list dry and obvious things: Large dimensions and a view of 390 meters, sufficient for comfortable game. I’m not even talking about reservations, because there are none, none at all. Consequently, you won’t be able to play from the tower as brazenly as the American STs, even though we have a good declination angle. You can play swing from the tower, but it is quite risky and will require a good skill.

“Ahhhhh! I'm flying!" This is how I would characterize the engine of the car. At one time, we all dreamed of stuffing an engine from an IS-7 (1200 hp) into an A-20, but dreams are material - exactly the same engine with a power of 1200 was stuffed into a car weighing about 35 tons. I would also note the extremely low percentage of engine fires caused by a hit.

Perhaps, here I will similarly list dry and obvious things: 40 degrees/sec of rotation is more than enough. The chassis supports absolutely any set of extras. equipment and has fairly good soil resistance parameters.

The radio station has a communication range of 750 m, which is quite enough on standard maps. There is nothing more to say here.

Advantages and disadvantages of the machine


  • Incredible speed and dynamics for CT level 8
  • Great weapon
  • Fast recharge
  • High damage per minute
  • Good vertical aiming angles
  • Increased coefficients for experience, crew experience and credits


Balance weight

The car gets into battles of levels 8 - 10. In battles of levels 8 - 9 we feel completely comfortable, but with 10 it’s already quite difficult. But you shouldn’t forget that we are ST, sometimes load a sub-caliber and, thanks to the dynamics, run away... behind enemy lines =)


One of the main, if not the most basic, task of the machine is to earn credits. The car copes with this just fine. Even if you shoot gold, the car will still be in the black on loans. Of course, each shot needs to be placed in an apple, and not change the landscape on the map...


Well, we are ST with crazy dynamics. It is the ST and our task is to ride with other STs along their trails. It’s more accurate to occupy key places and hold them until your STs approach. However, this is as you understand at this 8th - 9th level. In level 10 battles, we simply turn into support CTs with the potential to slip away to the right place due to the situation high speed. That's pretty much the core concept of playing on this machine. Yes, you can twist and get used to TTs, especially single-level ones because on CD you will shoot them, but here you need skill. The car is very interesting, creative I would say, but it requires hands and mind. I wouldn’t say it’s very difficult to play on it, but it’s not easy either. If you want to easily farm credits without special and cunning schemes on the map, then take the T34 better, and this machine, for the most part, farms credits in an interesting way. It's really interesting to play - it's not the dull gameplay of TT or PT... But, again, you need to understand and think. All this (understanding and skill) comes with time if you set a goal and analyze the result, and not go into battle for 30 thousand credits...

Additional equipment

It is important to improve strengths cars, so I personally recommend this set:

  • Rammer
  • Stabilizer
  • Fan


Since the car has a 15% chance of fire, it makes sense to install something more valuable instead of a fire extinguisher. Personally, I don’t see the point in using gasoline since the car already has more than enough dynamics, but strong coffee will give an increase in performance. The rest is standard:

  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit

Crew Perks

Here I decided not to describe perks for each member of the crew, since in most cases the crew will either initially be from the batchat, or will migrate to Lorraine/batchat later. Therefore, I will highlight only the 2 most important skills that will be most relevant to the theme on this machine (and the baht too), and you can choose the rest according to your taste and color according to your capabilities/style of play:

  • Combat brotherhood
  • Repair



  • Gun - 90 mm AC DCA 45
  • Tower – AMX Chasseur de chars
  • Walkie Talkie – SCR 528F
  • Engine - Maybach HL 295 F
  • Chassis - AMX Chasseur de chars


Level 8
Balance weight 48
Strength 1 400
Hull armor 30/20/20
Tower armor 30/20/20
Maximum speed 57 / 20
Armor penetration 212/259/45
Damage 240/240/320
Rate of fire 8.22
Accuracy 0.34
Aim time 2.2
View radius 390
Communication range 750
Weight 33,725
Specific power 35.6
Price 7 450



According to the data that is already available, we can say that this will be a fairly mobile and maneuverable tank. Maximum speed is 57 km/h.

The gun has good penetration of 212 mm and accuracy. There is no point in talking about armor, since 30 mm in the frontal projection will only save you from machine gunners.


  • High mobility. The AMX CDC has amazing dynamics for a medium tank, more typical for the light tank class. Top speed of 57 km/h and incredible power-to-weight ratio of 34.8 hp. s./t, provide an advantage when occupying strategically important positions at the beginning of the battle. Engine 1200 hp. With. allows you to literally fly around the map and react in time to the changing picture of the battle.
  • An effective 90mm gun. A fast-firing and accurate gun with a comfortable aiming time and a good average damage per minute. It is noteworthy that previously in World of Tanks this weapon was only available for French heavy tanks. The mobility of the LT plus the firepower of the TT are serious arguments in favor of the AMX CDC.
  • High armor penetration. 212 mm for the basic ammunition is one of the best indicators for a Tier VIII medium tank. The AMX CDC is capable of hitting both single-tier machines and higher-tier opponents.
  • Large ammunition capacity. Ammunition for 90 rounds allows continuous fire for almost 13 minutes of combat. Feel free to shoot through positions where the enemy may be: shells are cheap and there are many of them.
  • Comfortable vertical aiming angles. The gun declination angle of 10 degrees is one of the main distinctive features cars. This seemingly minor indicator significantly increases survivability, partly compensating for weak armor. Using folds in the terrain as cover, you can effectively evade enemy fire while preserving the durability points of your own vehicle.
  • Low security. The tank, one might say, has no armor. 30 mm in the forehead provides absolutely no protection. The tank is extremely vulnerable to land mines and quickly dies under focused fire. Caution in battle is the key to victory on this machine;
  • Large dimensions for a medium tank.

Crew skills and abilities

In general, the choice of skills and abilities of the crew is aimed at maximizing the advantages of the vehicle.

Equipment equipment

Coated optics or Improved ventilation can be installed based on your own vision of the gameplay of the machine.


Sniper. Dynamics and excellent vertical aiming angles allow you to use the most unexpected places as shelter. Choose positions with a wide field of fire: this is how you can realize the strengths of your weapon. Attention is contraindicated for a tank large calibers, especially artillery land mines - so carefully monitor the likelihood of falling into the enemy's field of view.

Support. One of the most effective uses of the AMX CDC is supporting allied groups, whether they are slowly pushing a direction heavy tanks or an ST assault group aimed at capturing a key position. Try to stay behind your allies, firing under the protection of their armor. If you see that the attack has stalled or entered the positional phase, do not try to butt heads with the enemy - retreat and try to be useful in a different direction.

Intelligence. If the team does not have light tanks or they are all destroyed, then the AMX CDC may well take on the role of a scout. Good camouflage and visibility indicators allow you to use “passive light” from the bushes, and high mobility will help you evade enemy fire. It is quite difficult to catch such a raider at the end of the battle, and AMX CDC has all the prerequisites to “drag” battles in the endgame.

Bottom line

AMX Chasseur de chars is a nimble musketeer-badass. He doesn't need heavy armor that only hinders his movements. In battle, he relies on his agility and sharp “sword,” the precise thrusts of which wound the enemy and drive him crazy. And when the enemy is already filled with the desire to get even with the offender, our hero gives up in order to return at the most inconvenient moment for the enemy.

Historical background

This machine is nothing more than the answer French school tank building for all foreign tank destroyers. An attempt to create my own car was unsuccessful.

So in 1946, it was supposed to install a 90-mm gun on it; it was believed that this would be quite enough to fight tanks. The absolute advantage of this car was supposed to be speed, so the 12-cylinder Maybach HL 295 with a power of 1.2 thousand hp was considered as the power unit.

Weighing 34 tons, the specific power was 35 hp/t. It was the speed that was supposed to save this tank from enemy fire, because the 30-mm armor in the forehead was unlikely to protect even from the fire of anti-tank rifles, let alone the tanks of that time.