Unusual melee weapon. Rare types of ancient edged weapons

Cold steel: definition, signs, classification

This term means a weapon that does not use the energy of compressed gas or flammable explosives, or electricity to cause damage. It is divided into several basic categories - manual, throwing. In general, simple or, when used in self-defense, can be regarded as chemical weapons, although according to the law it may not be one.

So, GOST R 51500-99 and GOST R51548-2000 clearly define knives with signs of edged weapons. Let's study them briefly.

1. The length of the blade, which is measured from the tip of the blade (edge) to the stop, should not be shorter than 90 (mm). For models, this distance is calculated from the stop to the tip.

2. The butt, in the thickest part, must be in the range: 2.4 (mm) - 6 (mm).

3. Hardness below 42 HRC (Rockwell scale) automatically excludes knives that are not edged weapons from this list This applies to all species without exception (, etc.).

4. Safety handle, which has a limiter or recess for the finger, protruding 5 mm or more. With several limiters, the indentation must be at least 5 mm. If only sub-finger grooves are present, then their depth must be at least 4 mm (each). In the absence of the above structures, the product is not classified as chemical equipment.

5. Important point- sharpening the blade, with which, according to GOST, the blade must cut a branch with a diameter of: 10mm - 12mm (at least 5-6 times). The edges of the cut should be smooth and neat.

In legislation Russian Federation Chemical weapons are classified into several types:

    combat, usually used in state and private paramilitary structures

    official, used in law enforcement agencies

    civilian, for hunting, sports, self-defense

What knife is not considered a bladed weapon?

Now let's consider reverse side- signs by which knives are not classified as “edged weapons”.

1. First of all, these are models without a point. On some () it is made in the form of a blunt, “screwdriver” head.

2. The tip is located 5mm above the butt, or the butt is bent by more than 5mm with a blade length of 180mm (>10mm at 180mm +)

3. Concave spine by 5 mm for blade lengths up to 180 mm, and by 10 mm for blade lengths of 180 mm or more.

4. There is a hook on the butt

5. Blade, less than 90mm in size.

6. Thickness from 6mm

7. Models with missing blade sharpening

8. Handle without stops (length shorter than 70mm), preventing injury from stabbing

9. The thickness of the handle stop is less than 2.5 mm, with a blade length of up to 150 mm

10. Material of manufacture that does not provide sufficient level strength, as in, made of plastic, soft aluminum.

Summarizing the above, I would like to note that the legislation on edged weapons is often adjusted and supplemented, and therefore some points may change. Having this information “in hand”, we can say with confidence whether the knife belongs to a bladed weapon or not..

In stores on at the moment huge selection of knives. Some of them are household items, others are bladed weapons. It is the latter that we would like to talk about. So, for example, if you want to buy a household knife for the kitchen, then this is not a problem, but if you intend to buy a knife related to edged weapons, then you should think several times before.

No permission (for smooth, rifled, traumatic weapon), does not allow you to walk down the street with bladed weapons. In other words, you won’t be able to carry it in the city like a keychain or a gas canister... You can transport it to a workshop to sharpen it, or to a hunt, where you can use it as an auxiliary tool.

Thus, carrying bladed weapons in the city is prohibited! You can purchase it, store it, transport it and use it for hunting. areas only when hunting is permitted.

Cold steel - a weapon intended to hit a target by applying human muscular force in direct contact with the target

Do you know? No? In this case, do not miss our article.

What kind of knife is considered a cold weapon in Russia?

Let's try to figure out which weapons are considered “cold” and which are “warm”, and which knife you can use in the city.

The Karambit knife is not a bladed weapon

According to GOST of the Russian Federation, the following knives are not considered edged weapons:

  • Folding knives, provided that the length of the blade is less than 15 cm. That is, if you purchased a folding knife, measure the length of the blade, and if the length is less than 15 cm, then this knife is classified as a household knife.
  • The blade length of a fixed knife is less than 9 cm.
  • If the handle of the knife does not provide safety for the hand during a stabbing blow. Regardless of whether it is a folding knife or a fixed knife.
  • Butt design. For example, if there is a hook on the butt.
  • If there is a deflection of the cutting edge, the knife also belongs to the household knife.
  • If the tip of the blade is located 5 mm above the butt line.
  • No point. Some manufacturers deliberately file off the tip and make it in the form of a “screwdriver head,” thereby depriving the knife of one of its characteristic features inherent in edged weapons.
  • A handle limiter (guard) with a thickness of less than 3.5 mm is considered traumatic and, therefore, the knife is not a chemical weapon.
  • Blade thickness less than 2.4 mm.

Signs classifying edged weapons are described in GOST R 51500-99.

Any household knife can be used as a bladed weapon (for example, in self-defense), but this does not mean that it is one. In order for a knife to be considered a weapon, it must simultaneously contain all design features XO.

Currently, in order to purchase edged weapons, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, you must have a license and registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, in September 2016, a decision was made to simplify the acquisition and sale of chemical weapons. Those. in order to buy a hunting knife or a replica antique weapons, you will no longer need to obtain a license. In our opinion, this is a reasonable action, because if you judge, a knife related to household use is no less dangerous than a knife related to a bladed weapon. And, manufacturers have long learned to circumvent the laws... (it is enough to make the dagger shorter by 1 cm or cut off the tip, and this knife is already “household.”). These amendments will make it possible to freely purchase, for example, high-quality Japanese kitchen knives, which have all the features of edged weapons.

Now you can determine which knife is considered a bladed weapon and which is considered a household weapon, and, if necessary, prove this for a number of reasons.

We present to your attention short guide according to knife GOST standards. It makes sense to make a reservation right away - everything that is written in GOSTs does not have much real force, almost everything depends on the expert, who may well resist and declare that a particular knife, although it complies with GOSTs for tourist knives, is still a terrible weapon.

Practice shows that the attitude towards foreign knives is harsher than towards Russian ones. Although the point here may be that our manufacturers initially focus on existing GOST standards, this does not even occur to foreigners. With the exception of the Spaniards - in lately Many Spanish knives have appeared with limiters reduced in accordance with GOST standards.

1.5.1. Self-made products are subject to design and technical requirements established by this standard, as well as types and methods of control, only in terms of establishing and assessing their compliance with cutting and skinning knives related to household knives, when conducting forensic research and examinations.
This point, common to all GOSTs, allows us to classify everything written below as homemade knives. Of course, if the expert sticks his horn, weapon and all, it will be difficult to butt heads, but a lot depends on the lawyer and on the personal interest of the expert.
The definitions are common to all guests.
3.1. Cold steel- a weapon designed to hit a living target using human muscle power;
3.2. Type of bladed weapon- a group of samples of edged weapons, characterized by the same set of design features;
3.3. Bladed bladed weapon- edged weapons with a warhead in the form of a blade, firmly and motionlessly connected to the handle;
3.4. Civilian edged weapons- bladed weapons permitted by law for use by citizens;
3.5. Hunting bladed weapon- civilian edged weapons designed to kill animals during hunting;
3.6. Military edged weapons- edged weapons that were or are in service with state paramilitary organizations, soldiers and military formations of the past;
3.7. Artistic edged weapon- edged weapons made using techniques, equipment and (or) materials that give the product artistic value;
Note. The artistic value of edged weapons is established on the basis of the official conclusion of state-authorized bodies.
3.8. Combat knife- contact blade piercing-cutting weapon with a short single-edged blade;
3.9. Dagger- contact, bladed, piercing and cutting weapons with a short or medium straight or curved double-edged blade;
3.10. Hunting knife(dagger)- a combat knife (dagger) designed to kill an animal while hunting;
3.11. Household knife- a knife intended for performing household or industrial work;
3.12. Warhead (melee weapon)- part of a bladed weapon that directly hits the target;
3.13. Blade- extended metal combat unit cold steel with a point and one or two blades, which is part of a strip;
3.14. Heel- the unsharpened part of the blade, located between the blade and the handle;
3.15. Blade spine- unsharpened edge of a single-edged blade;
3.16. Butt bevel- part of the butt, inclined towards the blade and forming the tip of the blade with it;
3.17. butt saw- a row of sharpened teeth on the butt of the blade;
3.18. Blade- sharpened edge of the warhead of a bladed weapon, which is an edge with acute angle mating surfaces;
3.19. tip- the end of the warhead of a bladed weapon, contracted into a point, a short blade or edge with a maximum size of up to 3 mm;
3.20. Stripe- the basis of a bladed weapon, consisting of a blade and a shank;
3.21. Shank- part of the strip used to attach the handle;
3.22. Handle- part of a bladed weapon with which it is held by hand and controlled when used;
3.23. Cheren- the main part of the handle is directly grasped by the hand;
3.24. Handle limiter- the front extended part of the handle adjacent to the handle;
3.25. pommel- the back part of the handle, adjacent to the handle and different from it in shape;
3.26. Handle dies- handle parts in the form of overlays;
3.27. Handle bushing- a metal part covering the core at one or both ends;
3.28. Handle cavity- a tightly closed internal space in the handle of the weapon, intended for placing accessories in it;
3.29. Lanyard- a durable loop made of leather or other material, attached to the handle and worn on the wrist of the hand holding the weapon;
3.30. Sheath- case for the blade.

GOST R No. 51644-2000

The most interesting GOST gives greater degree freedom than other GOSTs.
1.1. Cutting and skinning knives, intended for use both in commercial or sport hunting (including underwater) and fishing, and for household needs, are household and do not belong to bladed weapons. Thanks to this point, classifying a knife as a cutting knife automatically removes it from the category of weapon.
4.3. Cutting and skinning knives consist of a blade and a handle, and may also have a limiter or finger grooves on the handle, ensuring a strong hold of the knife and the safety of its use when removing skins and cutting carcasses of animals, fish and birds. From this point it follows that the presence of a limiter, in itself, is not a sign of a weapon.
4.10. The blades of folding cutting and skinning knives, as well as collapsible transforming knives and tools combined with them on the same strip (for example, saws) must be rigidly fixed in the working position, i.e. there must be special clamps. The presence of a lock is not a sign of a weapon, although its absence is a sufficient reason for the peaceful certification of a knife.
4.16. For cutting and skinning knives, additional sharpening is allowed on the bevel and part of the butt to a length of no more than 2/3 of the blade (from its tip). The degree of such sharpening has no restrictions.
4.17. The manufacture of cutting and skinning knives with dagger blades is not allowed. Everything is clear here - no to daggers, terrible weapons!
4.18. Cutting and skinning knives can have additional items and devices for both household purposes (awl, corkscrew, can opener, etc.) and special purpose: sharpening in the form of a special hook with a blade (hook) for cutting skins, a bone saw ( here is a very interesting point, a well-made small saw for bone is not inferior to a serrator, or “shock tooth”, the first is considered a blade, the second is generally prohibited, and so - please, at least make a dagger, but instead of a blade there is a saw), which can be made on the butt of the main blade, or in the form of a separate object, etc., which can be located in special grooves of the handle and directly on the blade, as well as the shank of the plate (for transforming knives), in the sheath (case) of the knife .
4.20. On the blades of cutting skinning knives, it is not allowed to make special protrusions and grooves, characteristic of military combat cold short-bladed weapons and intended for applying lacerations. Now, no shock teeth, just completely peaceful (albeit ineffective) saws for anything.
4.26.1. For the convenience of opening blades, objects and devices of cutting and skinning folding knives, their handles must have recesses or recesses to facilitate access to them; or directly on blades, objects and devices - special recesses or protrusions. Here, theoretically, you can also push, a deep recess for the liner, a hole or pin for opening and other tricks can be called necessary. But the downside is that if the blade is less than 90mm, the EKC doesn’t give a damn what’s wrong with the blade and handle, and if it’s larger, they can resist and still admit that even though this element is necessary, it still turns the knife into a weapon .

5.1. This GOST establishes the maximum largest dimensions for blades with hardness above 25 HRC (nail about 20HRC) cutting and skinning knives, which are household knives, structurally similar to cold short-bladed weapons:
5.1.1. The length of the blade is up to 90 mm, regardless of the thickness of its spine and the design of the knife; Here! An extremely interesting point! Daggers still cannot be sharpened (clause 4.17.), but push knives, with one and a half, 2/3 sharpening, must pass. But the ECC still doesn’t let through until it’s longer than 50mm. no one got through.

A real example of this attribute from a store has a blade length of 75mm.

Note. The length of the blade is determined by the size from the tip to the stop, and in case of its absence, to the front end of the sleeve or the handle. There is also an educational point here - if the blade has a protrusion that acts as a limiter, then if the handle ends before this protrusion, the handle is still dangerous for injury. In practice, it works for blades with a thickness of about 3-4 mm, then it all depends on the expert.

5.1.2. The thickness of the blade butt is less than 2.4 mm with a blade length of up to 150 mm if the knife design has a one-sided or two-sided limiter, or finger grooves on the handle; It’s easy here - a thin blade is one of the most compelling arguments for not being a weapon (it doesn’t work for daggers).

Real examples from the store

It has a blade length of 180 mm and a thickness of 5 mm. There is a pronounced guard.

This one has a blade length of 150 mm and a tip located above the butt line by more than 5 mm.


GOST is similar to GOST for cutting knives, therefore, basically GOST is given without comments.
1.1. Tourist and special sports knives are household and do not belong to bladed weapons. As in the case of cutting knives, they were recognized as tourist ones, which means they are not weapons.
4.3. Tourist and special sports knives consist of a blade and a handle, and may also have a limiter or finger grooves on the handle, ensuring a strong hold of the knife and the safety of its use when performing household and special work in camp conditions and when practicing certain sports (for example, for cooking, setting up a tent, quickly cutting ropes or slings, cleaning the surface of an object under water, etc.).
4.9. The blades of folding tourist and special sports knives, as well as collapsible transforming ones and tools combined with them on one strip (for example, a saw) can be rigidly fixed in the working position, i.e. The presence of special clamps is allowed.
4.10.1. It is allowed to manufacture special sports knives (for example, sling cutters) with a blade length of more than 90 mm with an automatic spring or other design that ensures quick removal of the blade with an accelerated movement with one hand and fixing it in the working position. These knives should have no blade tip. Remember this point, we will return to it later.
4.16. For tourist and special sports knives, additional sharpening is allowed on the bevel and part of the spine to a length of no more than 1/3 of the blade (from its tip). The degree of such sharpening has no restrictions. Attention! Only 1/3, if you need 2/3 - this is already in the cutting room.
4.17. The manufacture of tourist knives with dagger blades is not allowed.
4.19. Tourist and special sports knives can have additional items and devices for both household use (awl, corkscrew, can opener, axe, compass, first aid kit, matches, strong cord, etc.) and special purpose: sharpening in the form of a hook for cutting ropes and a sling, a wood saw, which can be made on the butt of the main blade, (here we go again - we take a dagger, instead of one blade we make a saw or a sling cutter, and everything is in order) or as a separate item; fishing tackle, a screwdriver, etc., which can be located on the handle and in its cavity or on the pommel, or directly on the blade, as well as on the shank of the plate (for transforming knives), in the sheath (case) of the knife.
4.20. For special sports knives intended for scuba diving (scuba diver's knives) and water tourism, the design of the tip of their blades is allowed, which does not provide for the possibility of delivering damaging piercing blows, characteristic of hunting knives intended for underwater hunting. In these cases, in place of the tip of the knife blade, the working parts of various additional tools or devices (for example, a screwdriver, chisel, spatula, wrench, etc.) can be made. Remember the point about the lack of an edge? It can be replaced with a screwdriver or a chisel (the latter can also be sharpened), with an edge length of more than 3 mm. which follows from the definitions available in any GOST.
4.22. On the blades of tourist and special sports knives, it is not allowed to make special protrusions and grooves, characteristic of military combat cold short-bladed weapons and intended for inflicting lacerations.
5.1. This GOST establishes the maximum maximum dimensions for blades with a hardness above 25 HRC for tourist and special sports knives, which are household knives that are structurally similar to cold short-bladed weapons:
- length up to 150 mm if the knife design has a one-sided or two-sided limiter, or finger grooves on the handle;
Note. The length of the blade is determined by the size from the tip to the stop, and in case of its absence, to the front end of the sleeve or the handle.
- length up to 220 mm in the absence of a one-sided or double-sided limiter in the knife design, or finger grooves on the handle;
Note. The design of a tourist and special sports knife is considered without a limiter and finger grooves on the handle if:
- the excess of the width of one-sided or two-sided (in total) limiter over the width of the handle handle - less than 5 mm;
- the depth of a single sub-finger notch on the front bushing or handle shaft in the absence of a limiter is less than 5 mm;
- the depth of the finger groove on the handle shaft, which has more than one finger groove, is less than 4 mm.
- butt thickness no more than 2.4 mm. Everything said in this paragraph applies to a butt thickness of 2.4 mm or less.
Note. The thickness of the butt is measured at the thickest point of the blade (for example, at the heel of the blade).
5.2. The thickness of the butt of blades with a hardness above 25 HRC of tourist and special sports knives can be more than 2.4 mm in cases where the length of their blades is less than 90 mm;
5.6. Tourist knives, regardless of the hardness of the blades, also include folding knives with a locking blade length (with the exception of dagger and stiletto types) of no more than 105 mm and a spine thickness of up to 3.5 mm, having handles whose design does not ensure the safety of using the knife in as a weapon due to:
- an arched side concave over the entire length of the handle, opposite the straight back (the so-called “pump” type handle);
- the width in the middle part of the “pump” type handle, which should be no more than 20 mm;
- absence of limiters and pronounced sub-finger grooves;
- application in the manufacture of materials and processing technologies that reduce the frictional properties of a “pump” type handle (metal, wood, plastic, etc., subjected to grinding, polishing, etc.).
5.8. The length and thickness of the butt of the blades of special sports knives intended for scuba diving (scuba diver knives) and water tourism, regardless of the hardness of the blade, may exceed the values ​​​​specified in paragraph 5.1, if the design of the tip of their blades does not provide for the possibility of delivering damaging piercing blows characteristic of hunting knives intended for underwater hunting. In these cases, in place of the tip of the knife blade, working parts of additional tools or devices (for example, a screwdriver, chisel, spatula, wrench, etc.) can be made.
In principle, everything is the same as in GOST for cutting knives, only there is less freedom.

GOST R No. 51715-2001
1.1. Decorative and souvenir items similar in external structure with edged and throwing weapons, are a type of household products and do not belong to edged or throwing weapons.
1.5.1. Such products made in a home-made manner are subject to the design and technical requirements established by this standard, as well as types and methods of control, only in terms of establishing and assessing their compliance with decorative or souvenir products related to household products during forensic examinations and research.
4.1. Decorative and souvenir products made according to certain samples of cold or throwing weapons correspond in external structure to specific types of simulated samples of edged or throwing weapons, but should not have their combat properties, or their combat properties should be significantly reduced. This can be achieved by reducing the length of the blade without sharpening the knife, using unhardened steel.
4.2. Decorative or souvenir items similar in external structure to bladed or throwing weapons must either have a weakened design, or materials used for their manufacture preclude their use as a corresponding combat or civilian weapons, which is a prototype.
4.3. Decorative or souvenir items made according to samples of bladed or throwing weapons can be made:
- in the form of copies of a sample of edged or throwing weapons with an exact reproduction of its appearance and dimensional characteristics, but with a significantly weakened design (here are bayonet-knives with blades filed near the handle), practically depriving the product of its combat properties;
- in the form of a model on a reduced or significantly enlarged scale, which does not allow its use as a corresponding weapon; here you can limit yourself to shortening the blade.
- in the form of a dummy that reproduces only appearance cold or throwing weapons and completely devoid of combat properties. Here, apparently, you can simply not sharpen the blade (some souvenir checkers differ from combat ones only in the unsharpened blade), use unhardened steel, or fragile materials (such as silumin).
5.1. This GOST R for the manufacture of various samples of decorative and souvenir products similar in external structure to samples of bladed weapons establishes the following requirements to ensure the production of these products that do not have combat properties:
5.1.1. Use for the manufacture of materials (metals, plastics, etc.) that do not provide the combat properties of weapons;
5.1.2. The fastening of the blade shank to the handle for products imitating long-bladed weapons made from materials corresponding to combat blades must be significantly weakened: Artificial thinning of the shank section at the junction with the blade (in a dangerous section); This is again about sawn bayonet knives. Used for fastening with fragile filling materials (such as sealing wax, etc.) so that the product is destroyed when trying to use it as a weapon; Caucasian souvenir weapon, a hollow handle made of thin tin, filled with sealing wax, in which the blade is recessed. Decorative and souvenir items made according to the type of long-bladed edged weapons can be made by remaking combat long-bladed edged weapons, while the structure is weakened as a result of applying a significant depth of transverse cut on the shank at the point of its connection with the blade. The cut must necessarily intersect the axis of the shank and, with its depth, ensure the destruction of the product in this place when trying to use it as a weapon. For specific products, the size of the cut should be selected empirically; And again sawn-through bayonets.
5.1.3. Decorative or souvenir knives with a blade hardness of over 25 HRC, made like tanto knives, must have a special sharpening that reduces combat properties due to the shape of the blade tip. The side edges of the blade tip, when viewed from above the butt, should have dimensions of no more than 3 - 5 mm and a convergence angle of 75° - 90°, and the convergence angle of the butt and the blade of this knife should be at least 75°. The degree of sharpening of the main blade is not regulated.


Probably most people still don’t know that 15 years ago they canceled criminal punishment for carrying bladed weapons. Currently, if police officers discover a knife during an inspection, the owner faces administrative liability in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine, and then if, after an examination, it falls under the category of edged weapons.

In general, when identifying the fact of carrying knives, representatives law enforcement agencies they can simply confiscate it and release the person without any proceedings.

There are a huge number of criteria for determining whether a knife belongs to a bladed weapon or not. Let's look at four main criteria that you need to follow when purchasing a knife to carry with you in order to avoid unnecessary proceedings with the police.

The main signs of edged weapons

  1. Knives whose blade thickness is not within 2.4-6 mm are not considered edged weapons.
  2. If a folding knife has a blade length no more than the length of the handle, and even less than 15 cm, then it is not a bladed weapon.
  3. Knives with a fixed blade do not belong to edged weapons, even with an obvious limiter, if the blade length is no more than 90 mm. This criterion is known to many.
  4. Knives with a fixed blade of more than 90 mm and a developed limiter do not belong to edged weapons if the tip is above the spine line more than 5 mm, or the deflection of the blade is more than 15 mm.

Visual characteristics of bladed weapons

The above basic criteria will be useful to those who want to purchase a knife and do not want to go into details about legal norms and GOSTs. Following them, you will choose a knife that will not be classified as a bladed weapon and will not create problems when checked by police officers.

Is it possible to carry a knife in a car and what will happen to it?

Most people have a knife collection different sizes, which are used for different purposes. One can be used to cut fruits and vegetables, others are used when cutting meat, and others can be used on a camping trip, for example, to make tent pegs.

The larger the knife, the more carefully we hide it and fear that it will come into view of the police. Therefore, before a trip to the countryside, we put all the large knives in the car so that during the inspection the traffic police inspector will not find them.

What threatens the driver if a police officer finds a knife?

To get rid of the constant fear of your knife being discovered, you need to decide whether your knife belongs to a bladed weapon. If it does not fall under the category of edged weapons, then you are in no danger and it does not matter what it looks like.

If a knife is found in the car and it is recognized as a bladed weapon, then the driver is subject to administrative liability in accordance with Art. 2. 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine in the amount of 500 - 2000 rubles.

Besides administrative punishment Your bladed weapons will be confiscated. But the owner does not face criminal liability, unless, of course, the police find out that you made this knife yourself or want to sell it.

The owner of the knife will definitely face criminal liability under Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation if it turns out that he made it himself. Or Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the illegal sale of bladed weapons.

That is, when discovering a knife, you should not say that you made the discovered knife yourself or that you want to sell it. If it is noticeable that the knife is not factory-made, then to avoid criminal liability we can say that it was given to you, or you purchased it, or you found it. It is very difficult to prove the fact that the knife was made by you. It is worth remembering that there is no penalty for storing bladed weapons within the walls of your home.

How should police officers seize a knife found in a car?

So, let's describe the standard procedure for removing a knife. Law enforcement officials noticed a knife, for example, near the handbrake handle or on the passenger seat.

As a rule, after the discovery, the police officer declares that the knife is a bladed weapon and is prohibited from being used.

It is important to remember that only a special examination can recognize your knife as a bladed weapon. The government representative must invite witnesses and draw up a protocol of seizure.

In fact, the situation can develop completely differently. It is best not to leave the knife in a visible place and under no circumstances carry it so that it catches the eye of others. For the driver, it is best to carry it in the inside pocket of your jacket. As a rule, traffic police officers inspect vehicle, not the driver.

If, nevertheless, police officers saw a knife and draw up a seizure report, then make sure that it contains all the information about the knife. So that after all the checks you receive exactly your knife, and not any semblance of it.

What are the differences between household knives and edged weapons?

The main signs by which house knife will not be recognized as a bladed weapon:

  1. The most important thing is that the blade must be shorter than 90 mm, and it doesn’t matter what kind of knife you have, if it’s short, it’s not a bladed weapon;
  2. the handle should not exceed a length of 70 mm;
  3. blade thickness less than 2.4 mm;
  4. blade hardness is less than 25 HRC (determined only by examination).

Is it possible to carry a knife in the city?

Usually in rural areas Carrying a knife is not prohibited, but in the city limits things are completely different. The law does not prohibit carrying several types of knives, from pocket knives to kukris.

But law enforcement officials have a negative attitude towards carrying knives. At the mere sight of a knife, police officers will have a lot of questions. It is better for the owner of the knife to confidently answer that this is not a bladed weapon, since the blade is too short and there is no limiter on it. Often, law enforcement officers do not simply pester respectable and adequate citizens with demands to show them a passport, much less with a search.

If, nevertheless, you are stopped and asked a typical question: “Do you have a weapon with you?” You should answer that there are no weapons, but there are piercing and cutting objects and present a knife. The employee may also ask why you are carrying a knife with you.

In what cases can a knife be useful on the city streets?

It is clear that a law enforcement representative can be told many ways in which a knife can be used on city streets. Let's consider the real purpose of the knife:

  • if you get into an accident, a knife will help get rid of jammed seat belts; you need to cut them with a knife;
  • if the door handle breaks, you can pry the tongue with a knife and squeeze it out;
  • you can pry up the window bead and go into the room if the door in your house is jammed;
  • the knife can be used for shaving, for example, if you go on vacation with tents;
  • using a knife you can sharpen pencils or make a baton from a tree branch;
  • You can use a knife to tighten a screw that has come out, for example, on sunglasses;
  • a knife can cut a rope or thread;
  • using a knife you can open the cap of a bottle of lemonade or a tin can;
  • You can also cut food if you want to eat right on the street.

After all, a knife can be used for self-defense. This does not mean that it should be used against a person. Just the sight of a knife can scare away a bully. It is also possible that dogs will attack, in which a knife will again help defend.

How should you carry a knife on the city streets?

Of all types of knives, folding knives are the most convenient to carry. It is better not to carry knives that have an impressive weight in your pocket, there is a risk of losing them. For those who prefer fixed blade knives, it is better to use various systems concealed carrying. The knife can be attached to the forearm, put in a deep inner pocket, or purchase a body bag and carry the knife in it.

Remember, any knife, even if it is not a bladed weapon, can easily turn into a crime weapon, and this means time and prison.

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Parameters and characteristics of knives that are not edged weapons (in accordance with GOSTs).

The idea has long been ripening to write a note about the parameters and characteristics of knives that are not chemical weapons. It was supposed to provide the text with corresponding photos for greater clarity. However, either it took me a long time to plan, or I’m not the only one so smart :)), but such a note turned out to be already written (without me). And it is posted on the online store website Klyk.ru . True, hands were itching to supplement the material with the missing photographs and thus make a feasible contribution to the general good of educating the masses regarding the signs of chemical weapons. This is what came out of it.

The requirements below should apply to knives manufactured both industrially and homemade, both Russian and foreign. However, a lot depends on the expert conducting the examination; as you know, the law can be interpreted very differently, and the expert is also a person, he has superiors to whom he must obey, a wife who must be fed, and personal hostility (or vice versa, affection ) cannot be excluded.

In accordance with GOSTs, knives that meet the following requirements (at least one) are not considered weapons:

Knives whose blades are not adapted for stabbing are not weapons:

1. Knives without a tip. The tip can be replaced with any tool (screwdriver, chisel more than 3 mm wide), or rounded.
Real examples of feature No. 1 from the Klyk.ru store!

The blade tip of the Pirat HK5696 survival knife is deliberately made in the form of a screwdriver and has a flat surface more than 3 mm wide. This the only sign classifying this product as a household item.

This is the only sign that classifies these products into the household household category. (you must remember that when sharpening the edge of the blade, the parameters of the product change and these knives can easily turn into edged weapons with all the ensuing consequences).

2. Knives with an edge located above the spine line by more than 5 mm.

Approximate diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 2. It should be noted that knives that meet this characteristic have no restrictions on the length of the blade and the presence of finger stops.

This Tanto style knife has a blade length of 188 mm and a tip located above the butt line by more than 5 mm.

The Knight Cayman knife has a blade length of 210 mm and a tip located above the spine line by more than 5 mm.

3. Knives with a maximum deflection of the blade spine of more than 5 mm for a blade length of up to 180 mm and more than 10 mm for a blade length of more than 180 mm.

4. Knives with a spine concave by more than 5 mm, with a blade length of up to 180 mm.

7. Knives in which the amount of deflection of the butt and the upper part of the handle of the knife, which has the shape of an arc in the form of a “rocker”, upward from the conventional straight line connecting the tip of the blade and the upper end of the handle, exceeds 15 mm.

8. Knives with a blade shorter than 90mm.

9. Knives in which the blade and spine, or the main one and the one made on the spine, converge at an angle of more than 70 degrees.

10. Knives are thicker than 5-6mm.

11. Knives without a sharpened blade (the triggers are removed, but the RK is missing).

Knives with a handle that does not provide a reliable hold when pricking:

The absence of stops (limiters for fingers) on this dagger makes its handle dangerous in the event of a stabbing blow; this is the only sign classifying this product as a household item, etc. If you add stops to its design, the dagger becomes a 100% melee weapon, you can even “don’t go to a fortune teller..” (fans of improvements need to remember this point).

12. Knives with handles shorter than 70mm.

This Harpy butcher knife from NOX has a handle length of 40 mm. It also corresponds to feature No. 8 since it has a blade 70 mm long.

13. Knives with a barrel-shaped handle, in which the difference between the maximum diameter in the middle part of the barrel-shaped handle and the minimum diameter in the pommel area does not exceed 8 mm.

The Vityaz dagger B110-33 has a boundary between the maximum diameter in the middle part of the barrel-shaped handle and the minimum diameter in the pommel area of ​​no more than 8 mm.

14. Knives with a single (one-sided, or two-sided in total) limiter or a single finger groove less than 5 mm.

15. Knives that have more than one notch or limiter, their size should be less than 4 mm.

In the diving and extreme tourism knife "Storm" from SARO, the heel of the blade, which acts as a limiter, is deliberately narrowed and has a thickness of 3.5 mm, while thickening of the blade towards the tip is allowed (the thickness of the butt of the "Storm" knife is 4.0+ mm).

16. Knives with blades whose hardness is less than 25HRC.

17. Knives with a developed stop or finger groove, with a blade length of up to 150 mm and a thickness of less than 2.5 mm.

This feature includes a huge number of knives, including those of excellent quality. All knives with a straight blade (up to 150 mm), a pronounced edge (the angle of convergence of the blade and spine is less than 70 degrees), developed finger stops or finger grooves and are freely sold in the Russian Federation, have a spine thickness of less than 2.5 mm (usually 2.2 -2.4), otherwise it is no longer possible to sell freely, while the hardness of the blade has no restrictions. Such knives are considered as supposedly “not providing the necessary strength of the blade or the entire structure,” all this is very relative; a knife with a spine thickness of 2.2 mm is able to help out its owner in almost any situation.