How to obtain a license for a traumatic weapon. We obtain licenses for traumatic and smooth-bore weapons

License (permit) for weapons

traumatic, gas, smoothbore, pneumatic, rifled

We provide consulting services for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region for Official and Fast obtaining a permit (license) for self-defense weapons (traumatic or gas), as well as smooth-bore, pneumatic and rifled weapons.


  • Permits and licenses can be obtained ONLY at the place of registration (not issued with temporary registration!);
  • A license for any type of weapon is NOT issued if there is an outstanding criminal record and with a “rubber” registration (practised in the Moscow region). In case of an expunged criminal record, it is MANDATORY to provide a copy of the verdict and a certificate of expungement of the criminal record;
  • Obtaining permission to rifle possible only after 5 years of owning a smooth-bore hunting weapon;
  • When applying for a permit, installing a gun safe at home is MANDATORY;
  • When changing your registration, it is MANDATORY to re-issue weapons licenses within 2 weeks, regardless of their expiration date;
  • If the license for a rifle is expired, renewal is possible only after 1 year;
  • If the smoothbore is overdue - obtaining a rifled license 1 year after the renewal of the smoothbore;
  • Registration of purchased weapons - no later than 2 weeks from the date of purchase.

When submitting documents for SELF-DEFENSE WEAPONS (GAS) or TRAUMATIC WEAPONS (OOOP), just in case, check with the store under what specific license the weapon you plan to purchase is sold. These are two DIFFERENT licenses. We will give you advice on paperwork and, if possible, help you choose the weapon itself and tell you where it is best to buy it.

In 2012, amendments to the Weapons Law (Article 13) came into force, according to which persons first-time applicants for civilian firearms, must undergo TRAINING!!! Also, when renewing this type of weapon, it is necessary to provide documents on passing an exam on knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons.

Before submitting documents, you must complete training in the “Safe Handling of Weapons” program and provide a copy of the Diploma. Training is carried out in specialized educational institutions.


to obtain licenses (permissions) for weapons (gas, traumatic, pneumatic, smoothbore and rifled):

Name of service

Cost, rub.)

according to M o s k v e

Cost, rub.)

in the Moscow region

Initial license acquisition (or permit extension) for weapons

Traumaticweapons (OOOP) or self-defense weapons (gas)

from 9 000

from 12 000

Smoothbore hunting weapon

from 11 000

from 14 000

Smoothbore hunting weapon + traumatic weapon (OOOP)

from 14 000

from 17 000

Pneumatichunting weapon

from 11 000

from 14 000

Rifledhunting weapon

from 17 000

from 20 000

Additional license

Additional license for purchase 1 unit smooth-bore, traumatic or rifled weapons (when submitting documents for several units at once!!!)

from 2 500

from 2 500

Registration (registration) purchased weapons

Registration (registration) of purchased weapons

from 5 000

from 6 500

Collector's license

Collector's license for weapons


Hunting ticket

Hunting ticketnew unified state model

from 3 000

from 3 000

SH T R A F for an administrative violation

Upon renewalexpired gun permits

from 2500 (depending on the period and number of permits)

Diploma + certificate 9,000 rub.

Act (for extension of LLC)7,500 rub.

Diploma + certificate + medical certificate + hunting license (for initial submission to OOOP and Smoothbore hunting weapons)14,000 rub.

Certificate + medical certificate + hunting license 12,500 rub.

Diploma + certificate + medical certificate (for initial submission to LLCOP)11,000 rub.

Act + medical certificate (for renewal of OOOP and Smoothbore hunting weapons)9,500 rub.


for getting Licenses(Permissions) for weapons:

  • photocopy of passport (first page and registration);
  • photo 3x4 (black and white or color matte) :
  1. on traumatic weapon(OOOP) – 3 pcs. for each unit;
  2. for gas, smooth-bore, pneumatic and rifled weapons - 2 pcs. for each unit;
  3. for a hunting ticket – 2 pcs. (if not and need to do);
  4. for medical certificate 046-1 – 2 pcs. (if not and needs to be done);
  5. for Diploma and Certificate – 2 pcs. (if not and need to do).
  • medical reference f046-1 (or +2,000 rub..) ;
  • copy hunting ticket (in case of initial receipt or renewal of a Permit for smooth-bore hunting weapons or +3,500 rub..) ;
  • copies of all valid weapons permits (if there is);
  • for those registered in the Higher Administrative Okrug, it is necessary to provide a certificate from the PND and ND from the place of residence;
  • job information (name of organization, position, address and telephone number - you can write it by hand!);
  • original valid permits (if they are extended!!!);
  • copy Diploma and a copy Acta about completing the training course “Safe Handling of Weapons” (or +9,000 rub. when obtaining a weapons license for the first time, or +7,500 rub. only in case of renewal of the Permit for traumatic or gas weapons).

Purchasing a safe. An indispensable condition for issuing a license is the presence of a safe for storing weapons and ammunition. Its presence and reliability of fastening is checked by the district police officer, who, based on the results of the inspection of the safe, draws up a report with a note on whether or not the citizen has the ability to ensure the safe storage of traumatic items.

Submitting documents to the local licensing and permitting department. After completing the above steps, you can submit the prepared documents to obtain a license.

List of documents

In order to become a license holder, you must provide the following documents to the licensing and permitting department:

  • application for a license;
  • passport and photocopy of the applicant’s passport;
  • medical certificate in form 046-1;
  • 2 photographs 3x4;
  • document confirming completion of training.

After examining all the documents provided, an employee of the licensing and permitting department will make a decision on issuing/refusing to issue a license. As a rule, such a decision is made within a month. IN exceptional cases this period can be extended to six months.

Purchase of weapons and their registration in the licensing department. After receiving a license, a citizen can purchase a traumatic weapon. It must be registered with the same authority that issued the permit.

Validity period of a license to carry a traumatic weapon

The license is valid for five years, after which it must be renewed. It is better to deal with this issue several months before the expiration of its validity period - this will avoid problems associated with illegal possession injuries in the time interval between license periods.

List of persons who do not have the right to carry traumatic weapons

Weapons that pose a danger to human life and health require special attention. The owner of a traumatic weapon must have certain knowledge and skills. In this regard, the acquisition of self-defense weapons requires the execution of certain permits.
So that without problems obtain a license for a traumatic weapon you must follow the instructions and adhere to the rules.
Let's start with information about who can obtain permission to purchase, store and carry self-defense weapons:

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21 have the right to purchase civilian firearms of limited destruction.
with some exceptions, persons over 18 years of age, according to Article 13 of the Federal Law on Weapons .

Refused to purchase trauma equipment will be citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • Registered with a drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensary;
  • Having a criminal record;
  • Not having permanent place residence;
  • Unable to provide the necessary conditions for storing weapons;
  • Without honey conclusion indicating mental health;
  • Those who committed two administrative offenses during the year, encroaching on public order and public safety (such as drinking alcoholic beverages in public place and loud music after 23:00);
  • Deprived of the right to purchase weapons by court decision.
The following diseases and physical ailments may be grounds for refusal to issue a license:
- mental disorders severe form;
- drug addiction;
- alcoholism;
- epilepsy;
- poor eyesight;
- absence of fingers.
Having found out the basic amendments for the purchase of self-defense weapons, let’s move on to the instructions.

How to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon
The first step is to collect necessary documents
1. To serve applications for purchasing a license For traumatic weapons, you must visit a clinic and obtain a medical certificate form 046-1.
It is worth noting that the certificate is paid and is issued on the basis of other documents that must be issued by neurological and psychoneurological dispensaries.
Validity medical certificate for initial treatment is 6 months.
Detailed rules its receipt was described in the article
*In some cases, a condition for obtaining a certificate may be the presence of a military ID.
**For current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the GUIN, the FSB, the prosecutor's office and other paramilitary organizations, instead of a certificate of form 046-1, an extract from the order of actual service, as well as a copy of the substitute card for weapons, is required.
***Securities of the 6th category require copies of a permit to carry weapons and a certificate with a mark on the assignment of a qualification category.
2. Then you need to contact to the training center, in which you need to pass a test for knowledge of weapons laws, rules of their operation and first aid medical care . You are given two attempts to pass the test, but you will have to pay for each of them.
We previously discussed where and how gun safety courses are held in the article.

Important: Training centers must have a training license. In order to verify the legitimacy of the organization, you can contact the Department of Internal Affairs. They usually recommend specific centers whose certificate will definitely be accepted in the future.
*This paragraph applies to those who receive a license for the first time. This rule does not apply to current employees and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense. Based on the results of the test, a certificate is issued, which must be submitted to the police department.

To pass the test successfully It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the following laws:
Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons” ;
Rules for safe handling of weapons;
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation(Articles 37-39, 222 and 224);
Code of the Russian Federation about administrative offenses X .
3. Checking weapon storage conditions
Having received a certificate of successful completion of the test, you must visit the local inspector.He must confirm that you have no drives for administrative violations, and also check whether you have conditions for storing weapons. This includes a safe.

Requirements for a gun safe:

  • Must be a metal cabinet or box, closed with two locks, with a wall thickness of at least 2 mm;
  • Accompanied by a second safe or metal box for cartridges and gunpowder, closed with two locks, with a wall thickness of at least 3 mm, or include a compartment for cartridges and gunpowder with a wall thickness of at least 3 mm, locked with a separate lock.
Okhotnychny presents a wide range.
The presented safes for pistols meet all the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the storage of military, civilian and service weapons.

A selection of gun safes for storing pistols:

A comprehensive version for three guns with a height of up to 1380 mm and ammunition for them.
The capacity of this safe allows you to store a pistol along with a shotgun. The door is on internal hinges, has a box-like design and is reinforced with a false panel. It is locked with two certified key locks - class II.
Inside there is a lockable cartridge compartment, two removable shelves and convenient roller holders for three barrels.
Behind the trays there is a secret compartment, locked with a highly secret key lock.

All can be viewed in our .
4. Next stage.
Further let's go todepartment of licensing and permitting work , also called LRO.

He is under control federal service troops -Russian National Guard at the place of residence.

Package of documents in LRO :
- Medical certificate form 046-1,
- Completed application form. It can be obtained from the licensing department or ;
- Citizen's passport Russian Federation(Including copies of the page with photo and registration mark) ;
- 4 photographs measuring 3 × 4 cm;
- Certificate of completion of courses on safe carrying, storage and use of weapons;
- Report from the district police officer on the proper conditions for storing weapons.

You can also apply for a permit for a traumatic weapon throughPublic services .

After submitting the documents to the LRO, you will receive a receipt forpayment of state tax (you can pay the fee at the bank);

Once all the conditions established by law have been met, you will be issued a license to purchase, store and carry self-defense weapons.
*Registration of the document usually takes at least a month. If you are denied it, you can appeal the decision.

The permit to purchase a traumatic weapon must contain your photo indicating your last name, first name and patronymic, place of registration, signature of the head of the Department of Internal Affairs and the date of issue of the document.

Sample permit for the acquisition, storage and carrying of self-defense weapons LOP :

5. Purchasing traumatic weapons

Having a license in hand, we go to .

The documents required to purchase weapons were discussed in the article .
*For traumatic weapons, it is necessary to exclude permits from the list relating to hunting weapons.

Consider popular models of traumatic weapons

Evolution of the T10 model. The Grand Power T12 traumatic pistol created by the Slovak designer Jaroslav Kuracina based on combat pistol Grand Power K100.

It is possible to install a removable front sight and change the rear panels of the handle.
The pistol is equipped with a universal rail [ Picatinny- rail-type bracket used on different types small arms to ensure versatility in mounting sights. Picatinny], onto which you can attach all kinds of accessories.

Caliber: 10×28;
Barrel length, mm: 100;
Trigger: SA/DA (single/double action);
Magazine capacity: up to 17 rounds. (Civilian version 10 rounds)

An excellent example of a short-barreled weapon.

The pistol is equipped with a rail tide [ Weaver- a weapon strap for attaching special optical sighting devices. Weaver]. which allows you to mount a laser laser or tactical flashlight.
The sight rear sight is mounted on the bolt in a transverse groove like [ Dovetail - mount for sighting optical devices on weapons. Dovetail].

Characteristics :
Caliber: 10x28;
Barrel length, mm: 112;
Trigger: SA/DA (single/double action);
Magazine capacity: 10.

The traumatic pistol is made on the basis of the Yarygin pistol.

Caliber: .45 Rubber;
Barrel length, mm: 112;
Fire mode: single;
Fuse type – double-sided, flag type;


This type of weapon does not represent a direct mortal danger for humans (except for particularly serious cases). That is why in English speaking countries it was called a “non-lethal weapon.” Trauma is used to temporarily incapacitate people or animals. If necessary, it can protect against aggressive and illegal actions against its owner.

It must be remembered that “non-lethal weapons” can still cause fatal outcome, albeit not intentionally. To purchase, you must obtain special permission (license). To do this, you must go through the same procedure as for obtaining a firearm or.

How to buy a traumatic pistol?

Obtaining a license. First of all, you need to obtain a special medical certificate, sample 046-1. To do this, you need to pay a receipt for a license at a branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. After this, you need to come to the police department at your place of registration and write an application to the department for licensing and permitting work (OLRR). You must have your passport and one photocopy with you.

Next, you need to collect a package of documents: relevant certificates (from a psycho- and drug treatment center), an application for permission to carry traumatic weapons, a photocopy of a civil passport, 4 black-and-white matte photographs of 3x4 format and a report from a local police officer on checking the storage conditions of traumatic weapons at home ( availability of a safe). The last point involves the purchase of a safe and its specific location in the house (apartment).

All these papers must be submitted to the OLRR at the place of registration. From this moment on, the application to purchase and carry a traumatic weapon will be considered within 10 days. At the end given period OLRR employees will make a decision on issuing a license or refusing it. Refusal to issue a license must be officially submitted in writing.

If the decision to issue a license to carry a traumatic weapon was satisfied, then the applicant will have to pass exams on knowledge of the storage, use and carrying of traumatic weapons. If the exams are passed successfully, the license should be issued after 30 days. Practice shows that a license can be issued later (if there are objective reasons).

Buying a traumatic pistol. The purchase can only be made with a license already received in hand. The permit is issued for a period of 5 years. This means that the purchase of a pistol (and other traumatic weapons) can be made at any time during the validity period of the license. After the purchase, you must register your weapon with the police department at the police department at your place of registration within six months.

A registered pistol is assigned a specific personnel number, which is entered into the personal observation file. From this moment on, the calculation of the length of service in trauma equipment begins.

To purchase, store and carry weapons in Russia, you must obtain the appropriate license or permit. First of all, it should be noted that weapons can be different types: long-barreled (hunting) and short-barreled (self-defense weapons). Each type has its own type of license, and they differ greatly from each other.

A license for short-barreled weapons is issued for a period of 5 years, during which you can purchase any short-barreled weapon (no more than 5 units), which must be registered with the licensing authorities within 14 days. A license for long guns is valid for six months, during which you must purchase the weapon or surrender the license. Such a license cannot be renewed; it can only be issued again upon re-payment of the state fee and submission of the necessary documents.

For the permitting department of the ATC authorities, you will need an application written in a certain form with the obligatory indication of passport data, as well as information about the applicant such as registration address and actual residence, Family status, data on the presence/absence of a criminal record, etc.

You will need photocopies of your passport, as well as 4 standard size photographs of 3 by 4 cm.

A medical certificate in standard form 046 can be obtained both in a local district and a private licensed clinic where a special medical commission operates, however, in order to issue it, specialists from the institution will definitely require official certificates issued by a psychoneurological and drug addiction clinic about the health of the person applying for this type client document.

Don’t forget to take a receipt for payment of the officially established amount of state duty and a report from your local police officer about your readiness for proper storage OS, reliability and “sanity” according to the form provided to the Internal Affairs Directorate.

After accepting the above list of documents and ten-day consideration of the written application, the applicant is entitled to be issued a license to store and purchase weapons for self-defense, after receiving which and successful completion exam on your knowledge of the previously mentioned rules and laws, you can safely go to a specialized store to purchase an OS.

Limited damage. Therefore, those who wish to do so must necessarily purchase a license for traumatism.

The persons who are prohibited from selling traumatic weapons are clearly defined. These are people under 18 years of age who have an outstanding criminal record or received a suspended sentence and have been brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order. Those who are registered with the police as members of organized criminal groups cannot purchase injuries.

Weapons are serious!

Collecting the necessary documents to obtain a license for a traumatic weapon is a troublesome and slow task. But we have to agree that weapons are a serious matter and need to be taken seriously. The first thing you need to do is visit the district clinic and all specialists so that they fill out medical certificate No. 046-1. Doctors will indicate your vision, hearing, mental health status, and whether you are registered with a narcologist.

Then you need to sign an inspection report from the local police inspector. He will confirm that you have properly prepared for the purchase of weapons: you have purchased a spacious safe for storing weapons, weapons accessories and ammunition. This safe must be securely attached to the wall. The most important event to obtain a license – training in safe handling of firearms limited damage. Such a training organization usually exists in every city or regional center. Specialists teach weapons handling skills and shooting techniques. Upon completion of studies, a corresponding certificate is issued, which is attached to the general package of necessary documents. You also need a certificate confirming that the apartment is connected to a security alarm system, and if a safe with a traumatic alarm is located on the first floor, that the windows are equipped with protective bars.

License is legality

Next, the documents will be reviewed by the local licensing and permitting department. After 1 month, he is obliged to issue a license for a trauma weapon, with which you can already go to the weapons store for the long-awaited purchase. Without a license, no legal store will sell goods. Within 14 days after purchasing a weapon, you must register it in the same department of licensing and permitting, where they will issue a permit to carry a weapon for a period of 5 years.

Currently, a permit for a traumatic weapon is a mandatory requirement for its acquisition. The thing is that it belongs to the category of dangerous and can seriously injure an animal or person. In some cases, its use can even cause the death of a living creature. The requirements for obtaining a license are quite numerous and contain certain nuances that must be kept in mind.

Step 1: Medical Examination

It is possible to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon only if the applicant has a medical certificate. It is issued in accordance with form 046-1 at the district clinic or any other medical institution that has the right to do so (it is advisable to check with the registry about this possibility). The certificate is free, to obtain it you need to go through the following specialists:

  • Therapist.
  • Oculist.
  • Psychiatrist.
  • Expert in narcology.

Obtaining a medical certificate should be the first step towards acquiring the desired license. Please note that the document will most likely not be issued if you have the following diseases:

Step 2: purchasing a safe

It is impossible to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon without purchasing a device for its further storage, that is, a safe. When purchasing, you should take into account such a factor as the size of the weapon; it should be the main one. If you plan to increase your arsenal in the future, do not forget to set aside a certain reserve for this indicator. Another important requirement for a safe is the presence of a separate lockable cell for storing cartridges.

A similar product can be purchased both in a hunting store and in a specialized store. The latter option is considered more preferable, prices are lower and there is a wider choice. By the way, if you don’t select and buy a safe in time, the chance that you will be denied a license is very high, so don’t delay the purchase.

Step 3: Training and Characteristics from the Police

A permit for a traumatic weapon requires that you have a specification from a police officer. The district police officer prepares it, conducting surveys of neighbors and collecting official information about you (criminal record, etc.). In addition, a law enforcement officer will have to check whether you have a safe in your apartment and the level of its reliability.

In the police, applicants for traumatic weapons must be sent for training. Courses are held on on a paid basis and last about one month. During their passage you will be taught to store, use and use weapons correctly, according to the letter of the law. The training ends with passing the standards; If the final test is completed positively, an appropriate certificate with recorded results is issued. It is also possible early delivery standards. In this case, the applicant also receives a document for the police. If the results are unsatisfactory, the tests can be retaken.

In addition to acquiring specific knowledge, it does not hurt to engage in self-education. Basic information about owning a traumatic weapon is presented:

  • In Article 14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  • In the law “On Weapons” in Articles 22 and 24.

Step 4: Pay duties

The next step required to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon is to pay determined by the state duties. Over time, its size may change, which is why it is advisable to clarify the specific figures immediately before paying it. Contributions are paid at the banking organization.

Step 5: obtaining a license

Once you already have certificates from the clinic, the police, as well as the payment of fees and training, and a reliable safe is installed in the apartment, it is time to contact the police department to draw up an application. A permit for traumatic weapons is issued at the licensing and permitting department. The complete set of documents and requirements for its execution are as follows:

  • Medical certificate (form 046-1).
  • Matte photographs size 3x4, 2 pcs.
  • Passport (original and copy).
  • Characteristics and report from the district police officer.
  • Receipt for payment of duty.
  • Certificate of completion of training and passing standards.

You also need to write an application, which will be considered within 30 days.

Step 6: Permit to Carry

A permit to carry a traumatic weapon is issued immediately after its purchase; information about the pistol must be submitted to the police department, this must be done within up to 2 weeks. Employees law enforcement I am interested in the following information:

  • Statement.
  • Sales receipt for purchase.
  • Insurance contract.
  • Sleeves (in separate packaging).
  • A document confirming payment of the duty.
  • Photos 3x4 in the amount of 2 pieces.

Also, the traumatic weapon itself in a holster is transferred to the OLRR for experimental firing. Permission to carry is issued only a month after such manipulations.

Extension of a current document

It must be remembered that such a license has a certain validity period. According to the law, it is equal to five years. Renewal of a permit for traumatic weapons, if necessary, should begin before specified period completely out. Experts recommend starting the bureaucratic red tape approximately 3 months before the expiration of the five-year plan. The entire renewal process is not much different from the initial obtaining of permits. You will need:

  • Preparation of medical certificates.
  • Payment of receipt.
  • Drawing up an application.

Renewal is carried out according to the information provided in federal law"About weapons." The amendments made in 2012 state that to re-obtain a license there is no requirement to pass special standards.

Categories of citizens not entitled to a permit

Now you know that you need a permit for traumatic weapons. Unfortunately, or fortunately, certain categories of citizens a priori cannot count on receiving it. These include persons:

Instead of a conclusion

In conclusion, let us once again summarize what is needed to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon.

Documents for license:

  • Application from the applicant.
  • Passport (original and photocopy of the first pages).
  • Photos.
  • Medical certificate.
  • Certificate from the police.
  • Confirmation of passing standards.
  • Receipt for payment of duty.

The list of papers must be supplemented with a pre-purchased reliable and reinforced safe. After receiving a license, you must purchase defense equipment within 6 months.

A permit to carry a traumatic weapon is issued within a month after its purchase. To do this, you also need to contact the responsible department of the Department of Internal Affairs, provide the product itself and documentation for it (insurance, sales receipt, application, etc.)