How the museum organizes paid services. Providing paid services in a museum: practical mistakes

Paid services in cultural institutions are being introduced everywhere. This is a new area of ​​work for public sector employees, so many heads of institutions allow serious organizational and administrative violations that could have been avoided

Let's talk about some of the features of providing paid services in a museum and consider practical experience in resolving some issues.

Paid museum services: benefits

Most heads of cultural institutions were not ready to introduce new methods of work related to the provision of paid services.

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It is difficult to hear of at least one director, for example, of a museum who would pursue profit, because a museum is, first of all, an educational institution.

However, additional funds allow managers to develop institutions and increase their attractiveness to visitors.

Today, most cultural institutions provide paid services, along with free ones. Through the provision of paid services to the institution, additional income is received, which goes to the needs of the organization.

Attendance at cultural institutions and their revenue are increasing. The marketing strategy should include the development and offering of various products that are in demand by visitors.

Main paid services in the museum:

  • sale of tickets to visit exhibitions;
  • paid excursions;
  • organization interactive programs, including children's birthdays;
  • sale of tickets for events, concerts, theatrical performances;
  • organization of educational clubs;
  • implementation souvenir products;
  • rental of premises for other organizations.

Since cultural institutions are mostly budget-funded, this imposes large number restrictions, and organizations have to very clearly work out the conditions under which inspectors would have as few questions as possible.

Mistakes of heads of cultural institutions

A museum inspection can reveal a large number of errors, and the head of the institution must be prepared for this, because he bears personal responsibility if they are discovered.

Mistakes, of course, are often made. Most of them are related to constantly changing legislation, especially in the field of procurement. Procurement legislation is not sufficiently designed for the activities of creative institutions.

There is a lack of sufficient experience among managers and employees, and often it arises after the heads of different institutions consult with each other.

Another problem is that even regulatory authorities often cannot give answers to certain questions.

When carrying out paid activities, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the following basic principles:

  • all paid services must comply with the statutory activities;
  • services must generate a minimum income;
  • services must be designed and designed accordingly;
  • services must be provided by employees whose salaries are paid from funds received from income-generating activities.

Also, the key to the absence of errors and questions from regulatory authorities is very clear planning and elaboration of regulations for the implementation of one or another paid activity.

Various interesting proposals are often received, but when the issue is studied deeper, the manager understands that very clear regulation of the entire process of providing the service is necessary.

The process is quite labor-intensive, because the manager has to immerse himself in a large volume of issues:

This is very important point, because ultimately the head of the institution is responsible for everything.

Let us dwell in more detail and explain with examples those that arise in practice.

Errors and their solutions were analyzed in one of the cultural institutions - the Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow.

Paid excursions and ticket sales

Initially, all tickets for both paid and free visitors were sold through the ticket office at the museum.

Initially, the museum wanted to refuse to provide free tickets to groups through the box office, because this increases the cost of forms. But this approach raised a lot of questions from the tax service.

New ticket systems have been installed that allow groups to be formed into one ticket, when, for example, a group of 30 people has one ticket. As practice shows, this eliminates a large number of questions for the tax inspectorate.

Material verified by Aktion Culture experts


· organization of exhibition activities from the museum’s funds (stationary, mobile)

· organization of exhibition activities of contemporary art (stationary, mobile);

Conducting museum lessons on educational program“Artists of our city” for all categories of students;

· conducting museum lessons on the educational program “Young Artist” for all categories of students;

· Conducting art lectures and thematic classes for all categories of citizens;

· holding thematic events for all categories of citizens;

· conducting excursions;

· master classes by artists and craftsmen;

· consultations in accordance with the profile of the museum.

Additional services:

· work with the library collection;

· work with museum materials;

· preparation and issuance of certificates;

· creation of an exhibition, exposition.

There are no restrictions on the range of services.

There are no restrictions on service consumers.

Granting preferential right to use the services of the institution to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Museum ticket price:

· visit to the museum with excursion service for adults - 130 rubles.

· visiting the museum without excursion service for adults - 100 rubles.

· visit to the museum with an excursion for schoolchildren and students - 70 rubles.

· visiting the museum without an excursion for schoolchildren and students - 50 rubles.

· traveling exhibition outside the museum with a guided tour - 70 rubles.

· interactive lesson - 50 rub.

· art history lecture hall outside the museum - 60 rubles.

· art history lecture hall in the museum - 30 rubles.

· For students educational institutions, persons under 18 years of age and large families - free - fourth Wednesday of every month

· WWII veterans and military personnel undergoing military service conscripts, disabled people of groups I and II, pensioners, large families and children from large families visit to the museum 50% of the ticket price

· For children preschool age Children under 7 years old can visit the museum free of charge

· On May 18, International Museum Day, visiting the museum is free
- The benefit is provided upon presentation of the relevant document
certifying that citizens belong to one or another preferential category

· service for other categories of visitors on this day is carried out on a general basis

Logistics support for the provision of services.

The municipal government cultural institution “Stary Oskol Art Museum” is located in a separate building. Total area premises - 250.97 sq.m., exhibition area - 193 sq.m., storage area - 30.17 sq.m. m. The museum has 3 exhibition halls. In the third hall there is a mobile plasma screen with the ability to demonstrate additional information about exhibitions, museum objects. The halls are equipped with places for visitors to relax and air conditioning is provided.

The museum offers the following range of services: excursions to exhibitions, lectures, viewing of videos about fine arts, visiting exhibitions and lectures, photo and video filming in the museum halls, museum educational programs for children and youth audiences, presentations, scientific and practical conferences, seminars, cultural events and more.

Museum lessons and lectures are one of the promising forms of work with school audiences and are organized with the aim of acquiring knowledge by students on a certain subject. curriculum or for the purpose of consolidating and deepening the knowledge acquired in class at school.

Museum educational program - has special methods and means of introducing people to cultural heritage with the help of priceless treasures stored in museums, as well as the surrounding object world. Museum educational programs include certain forms and methods of interaction between the museum and the child. Museum educational programs are actively being introduced into preschool and school practices and are used within the framework of the humanitarian, aesthetic and natural science profile.

Today, many museums are actively introducing new forms of working with visitors into their activities. One of these forms is festive events - this is essential new form mass scientific and educational work of the museum. The term “museum holidays” appeared relatively recently, but many museums in Russia are already actively using this type of service. Our National Museum also provides such a service. Carrying out museum holidays at the National Museum is provided by positive influence on its activities, contribute to the growth of the prestige of the museum institution, generate public interest and increase the flow of visitors.

The role of festive events in museums is as follows - holidays activate cultural life, primarily because at this time, free from everyday duties, the basic values ​​that give meaning are manifested human life. Festive events through the renewal of values ​​remind important events, act as a transmission mechanism cultural traditions from generation to generation. But for a museum it is important to maintain communication from generation to generation, since one of the functions of a museum institution is the storage and transmission of historical cultural values. This suggests that the holiday is somehow connected with the museum, as can be seen from the above facts.

The National Museum is also involved in the examination of objects of museum significance - this is an acquisition process that can be divided into stages, the sequence of which can be quite variable. Here are the most significant: 1) identification of museums of interest historical facts or facts modern life; 2) identification of objects of reality as objects of museum study for the purpose of acquiring funds; 3) identification of objects of museum significance; 4) final examination of objects of museum significance; and finally, 5) their acquisition by the museum and giving them the status of a museum object.

Another service provided by the National Museum is the reproduction of museum objects. Reproduction of museum objects - objects that accurately convey the appearance of museum objects. The main types of reproductions include:

· copy - an object created for the purpose of imitation or replacement of another, acting in relation to the copy as an original (exactly repeats all the properties of the original). May be an author's repetition (made by the same author as the original); historical reproduction (like Roman copies of Greek sculpture); modern reproduction. In the first two cases, copies are usually classified as museum objects, and in the latter - as scientific auxiliary materials. An example when a copy acquires the significance of an independent monument is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow (representing a copy of a 19th century temple destroyed in the 1930s, made using modern technologies).

· reconstruction - scientifically reasoned restoration of the appearance of a damaged or destroyed historical and cultural monument, natural object;

· dummy - an object that reproduces the size, shape, color and texture of the original, but may differ in size;

· reproduction - reproduction of works of painting, graphics, manuscripts, maps hand made, handwritten and unique printed books etc., made using duplicating technology in order to obtain as much as possible more repetitions;

· remake - exact copy, made from the same material as the original (for example, the uniform of a student at the Oriental Institute in Vladivostok, presented in the Museum of History of the Far Eastern State University, sewn on the basis of documents and drawings of the 19th - 20th centuries);

· layout - volumetric reproduction appearance of the original, made to scale and allowing for a conventional representation (due to the omission or exaggeration of any unimportant details of the original);

· model - a copy that preserves the design principles and texture of the original;

· hologram - a three-dimensional three-dimensional copy created using laser technology or recording on a photosensitive plate and reproduced from it.

Also, the list of services provided by the National Museum includes: subscriptions, consulting services, methodological support for museums of the Republic of Buryatia, services scientific library, as well as a souvenir kiosk.

National Museum of the Republic of Buryatia for the successful solution of target tasks, except for storage, exhibition and scientific activity draws special attention to provide museum services to tourists and guests of the republic by providing art history, local history, ethnographic information in Russian, Buryat and English languages at a modern and high-quality level using traditional and latest museum information technologies.

State Budgetary Institution "Bryansk State Museum of Local Lore".

Museum services

1. Entrance ticket to visit the museum.

2. Excursion services.

1. Excursions in the museum

Sightseeing tour of the museum's permanent exhibition
(duration 1.5 hours)**

1500 rub. - group up to 10 people.
2500 rub. - group up to 20 people.
3000 rubles - group of up to 30 people.
1000 rub. - family ticket (1-5 people)

Thematic excursions through the permanent exhibition of the museum
(duration 45 min.)**

1000 rubles - group of up to 10 people.
1600 rubles - group up to 20 people.
2000 rubles - group of up to 30 people.
Family ticket (1-5 people) 500 rub.

**Additionally paid entrance ticket, 2 accompanying groups free of charge

2. Field trips.

Sightseeing tour of the city of Bryansk

2000 rub./1 hour - group up to 50 people

Travel excursions around the Bryansk region.*

3000 rub. (cost of 1 excursion) – group up to 50 people

3. Walking tours

Walking tours (duration 1 hour)*

200 rub. per person - group from 5 to 20 people.
100 rub. per person – group from 5 to 20 people.
(for organized children's groups)

*By appointment

3. Events

1. Events at the museum


150 rub. from 1 person

Museum event**

100 rub. from 1 person

Museum event with elements of a master class**

120 rub. from 1 person

Weekend events**

100 rub. from 1 person.
Group ticket for 80 rub. from 1 person
(group of 3 people)

Cycle of museum lessons “Lesson in the Museum”**

100 rub. from 1 person for 1 lesson

** By appointment + Attendance at every 4th event is free.

2. Outdoor events

Outdoor event for preschool institutions*

70 rub. from 1 person

Outdoor event for schoolchildren*

120 rub. from 1 person

Outdoor event for schoolchildren with elements of a master class*

150 rub. from 1 person

*By appointment

4. Other types of services.

Working with the source – museum objects

200 rub./1 hour

Copying (black and white)

5 rub. A4 sheet


100 rub. 1 page

Writing a review text

1000 rub.

Preparation of TEP or exposition structure

2000 rub.

Use of museum exhibits for excursions and events by third party specialists*

500 rub.

*Additional entrance fee

Planetarium services.

1. Planetarium events in the museum


80 rub. from 1 person

Astrospace program under the star dome

150 rub. from 1 person

Event at the Planetarium “Mysteries of the Universe”**

Lessons in the Planetarium*

150 rub. from 1 person – group of at least 10 people

2.On-site planetarium events


80 rub. from 1 person - group of at least 10 people

Fulldome program**

120 rub. from 1 person - group of at least 10 people
(within the city)
150 rub. from 1 person - group of at least 10 people
(outside the city)

Lecture-session and fulldome program**

150 rub. from 1 person - group of at least 10 people

Lessons in the Planetarium**

150 rub. from 1 person – group of at least 10 people


Astronomical field trips (observations through a telescope, lasting 2 hours)*

240 rub. from 1 person group of at least 10 people

Walking tours*(duration 45 min.)**

100 rub. from 1 person - group of at least 10 people

*By appointment.**By appointment + 2 accompanying groups free of charge


Memorial complex "Khatsun" - a branch of the State Budgetary Institution "Bashkortostan State Conservatory"

Excursion service:

500 rubles

500 rubles

800 rubles

1000 rubles

Excursion group up to 10 people

800 rubles

Excursion group up to 20 people

1000 rubles

Excursion group up to 30 people

1500 rubles


for services provided on a paid basis

Historical and Archaeological Museum in the village. Yudinovo - a branch of the State Budgetary Institution "BGKM"

Entrance ticket to the museum (Paleolithic, museum, art gallery):

Excursion service:

Family ticket (1 to 5 people)

800 rubles

Excursion services for persons under 16 years of age:

Excursion group up to 10 people

700 rubles

Excursion group up to 20 people

1300 rubles

Excursion group up to 30 people

1800 rubles

Excursion services for adult visitors:

Excursion group up to 10 people

800 rubles

Excursion group up to 20 people

1500 rubles

Excursion group up to 30 people

2100 rubles


for services provided on a paid basis

Memorial Museum A.K. Tolstoy in the village. Krasny Rog - a branch of the State Budgetary Institution "Bashkortostan State Conservatory"

Entrance ticket to visit the museum:

Excursion service:

Excursion services for single visitors
(1-2 people)

150 rubles

Family ticket
(from 2 to 5 people)

700 rubles

Sightseeing tour of the museum for a group of up to 10 people

1000 rub.

1300 rub.

Sightseeing tour of the museum for a group of up to 20 people

1500 rub.

2000 rub.

Sightseeing tour of the museum for a group of up to 30 people

1800 rub.

2100 rub.

Excursion “Through the alleys of the ancient park” - family ticket

700 rubles

Excursion “Through the alleys of the ancient park” group up to 10 people

1000 rub.

1300 rub.

Excursion “Through the alleys of the ancient park” group up to 20 people

1500 rub.

2000 rub.

Excursion “Through the alleys of the ancient park” group of up to 30 people

1800 rub.

2100 rub.

Walking tour from Church to Museum - family ticket
(from 1 to 5 people)

700 rubles

Walking tour from the Church to the Museum for a group of up to 10 people

1000 rub.

1300 rub.

Walking tour from the Church to the Museum for a group of up to 20 people

1500 rub.

2000 rub.

Walking tour from the Church to the Museum for a group of up to 30 people

1800 rub.

2100 rub.

Excursion with theatrical elements - family ticket
(from 1 to 5 people)

800 rubles

Excursion with theatrical elements for a group of up to 10 people

1200 rub.

1500 rub.

Excursion with theatrical elements for a group of up to 20 people

1800 rub.

2200 rub.

Excursion with theatrical elements for a group of up to 30 people

2000 rub.

2500 rub.

Carrying out events dedicated to significant dates

2000 rubles

Scroll additional services for wedding groups:

meeting with a loaf of bread, conducting interactive games

300 rubles

organizing excursions for newlyweds and guests

1000 rubles

visiting a forge and receiving a horseshoe for good luck

1500 rubles

horse riding
(sleigh, chaise, 15 minutes around the park)

500 rubles


for services provided on a paid basis by branches of the State Budgetary Institution "Bashkortostan State Conservatory"


Name of services

Unit of measurement

Price in rub.

Visit to the museum

Entrance fee to the museum without excursion service:

from 1 person


Children under 16 years old

for free



Excursion services (group up to 20 people):

Sightseeing tour of the museum

1.5 hours


Thematic tour of the museum

45 min.

Visiting non-commercial exhibitions from the funds of the Belarusian State Conservatory, other museums and organizations without excursion services:

from 1 person


Children (6-16 years old)

for free


Visiting non-commercial exhibitions from the funds of the Belarusian State Conservatory, other museums and organizations with excursion services (group of up to 20 people):


100 +800

Children (6-16 years old)


70 + 800

Attending commercial exhibitions

from 1 person


price list

Conducting a sightseeing tour of the city where the branch is located

(historical, architectural, archaeological monuments)(group up to 20 people)

Excursions by transport to museums and memorial complexes located on the territory

Bryansk region (group up to 20 people):

For adults

1 hour



1 hour

Walking tours (group up to 20 people)

1 hour


Carrying out thematic events on memorable dates

1 hour

Conducting theatrical themed matinees

1 hour

Consultation of researchers on local history issues (not related to expositions and exhibitions):


5 min.

from 50


1m/n page

from 500

Development of historical and genealogical information, compilation of bibliographic lists

1 m/n page

Organization of scenarios for themed matinees, holidays, events:

Without carrying out

1.5 h

from 2000

With holding

1.5 h

from 8000

Categories of citizens entitled to free admission to the museum

and its branches*

    Persons under 16 years of age;

    Children under 5 years of age attending planetarium programs at the museum;

    Participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, Afghan and Chechen wars;

    Orphans and children left without parental care, located in boarding schools, orphanages;

    Children from large families and their parents;

    Elderly citizens staying in boarding homes for the disabled and elderly;

    Disabled people of groups 1 and 2;

    Employees of museums of the Russian Federation;


*Upon presentation of documents.