English-speaking countries. English-speaking countries

Everyone knows that English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. It is spoken by more than 430 million people in the world. Many people call it the language of politics and business, because in most countries it is official.

Today, every fifth person in our country speaks English at a minimum level, because it is recognized as international. It is studied in different countries of the world.

It became international due to its high demand.

List of countries where English is used for communication

In which countries of the world is English recognized as the national language?


Number of people living

Top 3 countries with the best knowledge of English among the population of other European countries

The largest English-speaking countries by population are:

  1. . The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world. The state occupies 9,629,091 square kilometers. Officially, America consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia.

American English and British English differ phonetically and grammatically.

On the territory of the United States of America, the English language appeared in the 17th–18th centuries, when the mass migration of British colonists to America began. At that time, Indian peoples lived on the territory of the country, who colloquial speech exclusively autochthonous names were used. Along with the Indians, representatives of the Spanish and French nation. It was the mixed population that influenced the formation and change of the English language into a variation of the American language. American English was fully formed within 400 years of its introduction to America.

Top 3 countries with the worst knowledge of English among the population of European countries

A very significant contribution to the formation American language contributed by Noah Webster. It was this man who developed the phonetics, spelling and vocabulary of modern American English. He also published a dictionary English words in 1828.

It is also worth noting that English has never been officially adopted as a state language in the United States, although it is official in 27 states of America.

  1. Great Britain. This country officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The country officially consists of 3:
  • Scotland.
  • Northern Ireland.
  • Wales.

In Scotland and Northern Ireland state language English is recognized, and in Wales National language- Welsh.

The formation of the English language in Great Britain began with the arrival of the Celts on the territory of this state in 800 BC. In the 14th century, this language was officially recognized as literary. Gradually it was introduced for study in schools. In the period from the 14th to the 15th centuries, they began to introduce Irregular Verbs. This period in the history of the English language is called the “Great Vowel Shift.”

  1. Canada. Today in Canada there are 2 officially recognized languages ​​by the constitution - English and French. More than 67% of the population of this country speaks English.

In Canada, the English language appeared in the 17th century thanks to the arrival of English colonists.

  1. Commonwealth of Australia. In Australia official language English was recognized, which, thanks to the formation of a special Australian dialect, was called Strine.
  2. Nigeria. The Federal Republic of Nigeria is located in West Africa and is the largest country by population on the African continent.

In Nigeria, English was introduced during the years of British colonial rule.

  1. Ireland. The English language was “brought” to Ireland, as to many countries in the world, by the British, who conquered the island and ruled it for almost 800 years.

Level of English in Europe

This state did not accept the English language for a very long time. They began to consider it “native” only in the 19th century after a lean year, which caused the departure of many indigenous people to the United States of America.

Why are you learning English? For work, education, travel... It all comes down to communication, right? People who speak English feel confident not only at home, but also abroad. Especially in those countries where English is used not by tourists, but by the local population. Moreover, the English-speaking countries of the world have much in common not only in the language of communication, but also in culture as a whole. We recently discussed.

At the same time, English-speaking countries often have a second or even a third official language. Tourists don’t need to know it, but imagine how much it will expand the boundaries of perception! After all, this is why we go on trips. Therefore, let's find out which countries use English as the main language, and what the Anglosphere is.

The Anglosphere as the sum of the English-speaking countries of the world

The term “Anglosphere” is still young - it appeared in 1995 thanks to the wit of the writer Neal Stephenson. In his fantasy novel The Diamond Age: or A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer, London is the cultural center of the English-speaking world. He wrote about English-speaking countries in English and had in mind a purely cultural component without any political overtones.

But we understand that in real world such political and social aspects such as, for example, the borders of states, the size of their population, official symbols, etc. Therefore, let's remember which countries are officially English-speaking, that is, English remains the main state language for them:

    India (pop. 1,129,866,154)

    USA (population 300,007,997)

    Pakistan (pop. 162,419,946)

    Nigeria (pop. 128,771,988)

    Philippines (pop. 87,857,473)

    United Kingdom (population 60,441,457)

    South Africa(population 44,344,136)

    Tanzania (pop. 38,860,170)

    Sudan (pop. 36,992,490)

  1. Kenya (pop. 33,829,590)
  2. Canada (population 32,300,000)
  3. Uganda (pop. 27,269,482)
  4. Ghana (pop. 25,199,609)
  5. Australia (pop. 23,130,931)
  6. Cameroon (pop. 16,380,005)
  7. Zimbabwe (pop. 12,746,990)
  8. Sierra Leone (pop. 6,017,643)
  9. Papua - New Guinea(population 5,545,268)
  10. Singapore (pop. 4,425,720)
  11. Ireland (pop. 4,130,700)
  12. New Zealand(population 4,108,561)
  13. Jamaica (pop. 2,731,832)
  14. Fiji (pop. 893,354)
  15. Seychelles (pop. 81,188)
  16. Marshall Islands (pop. 59,071).

This list does not contain the names of all, but the largest and/or most interesting for travelers countries in which English is the official language. However, be careful when using the term “official language.” Because each state, despite belonging to the imaginary “Anglosphere,” manages things in its own way. For example, the vast majority of Australians speak English, including government agencies that use it for work, but Australia simply does not have an official language.

But India, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada and the Philippines, which have large and multinational populations, consider English the official language, but not the only one - other official languages ​​are used along with it.

Other countries where English is spoken

The map of the Anglosphere is motley and diverse. It is impossible to unite all English-speaking countries with common bridges and/or roads; they are too scattered around the world. But you can trace the spread of the English language around the planet. It originated in Great Britain, and its policies in the 18th and 19th centuries contributed to the spread of the English language throughout the world. Many of the countries where English is the official language are former British colonies. And even today, not all of them have become sovereign states. Here are the non-sovereign English-speaking countries of the world:

    Hong Kong (pop. 6,898,686)

    Puerto Rico (pop. 3,912,054)

  1. Guam (pop. 108,708)
  2. US Virgin Islands (pop. 108,708)
  3. Jersey (pop. 88,200)
  4. Bermuda (pop. 65,365)
  5. Cayman Islands (pop. 44,270)
  6. Gibraltar (pop. 27,884)
  7. British Virgin Islands (pop. 22,643)
  8. Falkland Islands (pop. 2,969)

These territories, and even British territory V Indian Ocean with its population of 2,800 people, are not sovereign states. Their residents speak mainly English. Simply put, English speaking people are called Anglophones (from the Greek “anglos” - English and “phonos” - sound). This collective term conventionally unites the entire English-speaking population of the Earth. And this, for a moment, is 510 million people. Moreover, only 380 million have English as their native language, and another 130 million speak English fluently, but it is a second language for them, that is, they have learned it. Studying English in courses and/or on our own, we strive to join them, right? :)

Symbols of English-speaking countries

Each country where English is the official language has its own traditions and symbols. For example, there are floristic (plants), animalistic (animal) symbols of English-speaking countries. They can overlap with each other or be completely different, such as, for example, the symbol of Ireland is the clover and the symbol of Britain is the rose. But often one can easily trace the commonality or continuity of the flags of English-speaking countries.

Do you remember in which countries certain animals are revered? Here are some tips:

Learn English, explore English-speaking countries, and make English-speaking friends for a truly in-depth cultural experience.

English is international language. One and a half billion people around the world speak this language. It is native to 400-500 million people in 12 countries, and over a billion use English as a second language. Currently, among the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, English ranks 3rd or 4th (tied with Spanish) as a native language, and 2nd in total number speakers.

English language is the language of business and politics. It is one of the working languages ​​of the United Nations. The world of information technology is also based on English. More than 90% of all information in the world is also stored in English. This language is defined as the main language of the Internet. Television and radio broadcasts of the world's largest companies (CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC, CBC), covering an audience of 500 million people, are also performed in English. More than 70% of scientific publications are published in English. They sing and film in this language.

It is difficult to imagine that the English language has gained such popularity and prevalence in just a short period of time. Being the most taught language in the world, English every day conquers more and more people who, for one reason or another, begin to study it.

Remembering countries that speak English

English is spoken all over the world, but there are English speaking countries, in which it is recognized as official. Let's name some of them: Australia, Bahamas, Botswana, Gambia, India, Nigeria, Ireland, Cameroon, Canada, Kenya, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Pakistan, Guinea, Singapore, USA, Fiji, Philippines, South Africa, Malta, etc. England (or Great Britain), as home country English, we don't call it. This is a partial list of English speaking countries. There are also states in which this language, although not recognized as official, is spoken by the majority of the population.

English has long been considered a language international relations. This is explained not only by the important role of England in world politics and economics, but also by the peculiarities of the language itself. It is simple and concise. English is an analytical language. All this makes it in demand for study. Adding the fact that the world's best groups sing in this language, we get another plus to its merits.


Worth knowing: list of countries where English is spoken, is quite extensive. Here are examples of some of them where English is the official language:

  • Philippines.
  • Kenya.
  • Jamaica.
  • Ireland.
  • Nigeria.

Above was only a small list of states in which English has long been an official language. It is spoken and important government decrees are issued. Now we can consider some countries from the point of view of the appearance and characteristics of the English language.

Back in the 5th century, Germanic tribes came to the territory of modern Britain. They brought their own dialect, which was quite convenient for conversation. It turns out that from the language of one small tribe there are now 2 billion people who use English. At all, English-speaking countries have their own distinctive features language. But more on that later.

So, with the arrival of the Germanic tribe, the English language began to spread throughout the entire United Kingdom. Of course, the state took centuries to get to the modern English language. The Scots have long resisted English becoming their official language. However, the colossal role of England and the simplicity of its language did their job. Scotland, having retained its Gaelic language, actively uses English not only in spoken but also in written speech. Of course, the papers are also filled out in English. But to be fair, it is worth noting: most Scots speak English, which incorporates local dialects. The result is a unique language system.

An interesting fact: since the 16th century, England has been working closely with Russian Empire. Therefore, many words from our language come to Britain: boyar (boyar), king (tsar), vodka (vodka) and many other concepts. Especially many terms came during the USSR period. All words were adapted to the peculiarities of the English language, acquiring a different phonetic design.

Now certain concepts from Russian are even moving into English. However, borrowing in the 21st century is negligible when compared with what happened in the last century. The phonetic design of Russian and other words in English acquires its own specificity. Everything is aimed at ensuring that the English-speaking population can master borrowed words without problems.

In this country, English is the native language of 80 percent of the population! It was brought to the USA thanks to British colonists, most of whom were British. This happened in the 17th-18th centuries, when trade relations developed.

At that time there were many Indian tribes with their own unique languages. Romanization also represented strong meaning. However, more and more Englishmen and people from Germanic tribes populated the continent. English is replacing Romance and local languages.

Now the American version of the English language is an interesting phenomenon. Of course, in general outline Classical English has been preserved in the United States, but it has been supplemented by local dialects. Even groups of words from Romance languages ​​were included in this language system. Emigrants, mastering the English language, introduced words from their countries into it. This is how the American version of classical English was formed. If you know the version of English that is studied in schools, then it is much easier to master and understand its American variety. It is also worth noting that English-speaking countries, like the USA, always have some local features of the classical language. This is typical not only for America, but also for those countries in which English becomes the official language. Now in the USA English version continues its development, but not on such a scale as it was in past centuries; progress and politics determine the speed of development language family. This is the pattern of any language and its variants. The process does not end, it will continue.

This state is characterized by bilingualism: French and English have become official languages ​​for this state. However, the first language is gradually replacing the second language. This is characterized by the fact that in Canada there are more people from Germanic tribes. In addition, the proximity of the location to the United States played an important role in this issue. Constant trade, business and simply friendly ties helped the English language spread throughout Canada. Now just over 20 percent speak French, while the rest prefer English.

Just imagine: 447 languages ​​and 2,000 dialects – this is the linguistic diversity of the country! However, the Indian Constitution clearly states that Hindi and English are the two official languages ​​in which the government operates.

In India, English has perhaps undergone the greatest change. Given the variegated variety of languages ​​and dialects, English could not be preserved in its “pure” form. In addition, many researchers note interesting fact: There are many Portuguese words and concepts in Indian English. In addition, “hybrid” terms are distinguished. Typically, they connect the roots of English words and concepts from Hindi. One fact surprises and pleases language/culture researchers: many words from English began to acquire a different meaning, retaining their letterform and phonetic design. For example, abdar translates to "abstainer" in classical English. In India, this concept means a water carrier.

In general, even Indians who do not speak English understand it, this is a fact. However, a natural question may arise about why the local population prioritizes this language? The answers to these questions are lost in history. Initially, India was a British colony. This affected the demand for learning English. Nowadays many tourists come to India, so English has become the main language in the state.

Unfortunately, only some city residents have access to education. Rural population and those people who live on the periphery often cannot even write in their native language. However, they know English at least to an understanding level. This is the situation in a state full of secrets.

It would seem that the (mostly) Muslim state speaks English, which has become official here along with Urdu. Moreover, many signs and advertisements are created in English. It is actively studied in schools. Many private educational establishments Training is conducted entirely in English.

All these amazing features are explained by the fact that Pakistan constantly interacts politically with the United States. In addition, unlike India, Pakistani residents learn English more easily. And all this despite the fact that Urdu is similar to Hindi. This fact covered by many scientific works. By the way, Pakistan can boast that many media outlets conduct their activities in English.

English has acquired the status of an official language in many countries of the world. In addition, it is worth knowing one important fact. There are states that are to a certain extent dependent on the United States and some other countries. Therefore, English becomes the primary language in them. For example, Puerto Rico and Bermuda are dependent on the United States. These are not sovereign states. It is immediately clear that here the American English language has become the main language for the state system.

How many English-speaking countries are there currently on Earth? Find out in this article!

Countries where English is spoken.

Hello friends! Indeed, arriving in completely different countries located in opposite directions of the world, you hear everywhere English speech. English has become an international means of communication; everyone, young and old, is trying to learn it; its knowledge has come to be considered the standard of a literate, competent person. However, English is not considered the most widely spoken language in the world. He is in 2nd place and inferior Chinese language, or rather its dialect “Mandarin”. But we can still say with confidence that the victorious march of the English language across the planet is marching at a solemn pace and is not yet going to get tired or stop.

English-speaking countries in the world.

It all started with those countries that later began to be called English-speaking. This is the name given to a country where English is recognized as the official state language. There are more than 80 of these in the world. Surprisingly, these countries cover the entire geography globe. Where are the countries where English is spoken?

  • They are in Asia. The largest English-speaking countries there are India, Pakistan, the Philippines and others.
  • In Africa. These are Tanzania, Nigeria, Sudan, Kenya and many other countries.
  • In Europe. English-speaking Malta, Jersey, etc. are located here.
  • In America. English is spoken in Jamaica, Grenada, Barbados and other countries.
  • In Oceania. English speakers are considered Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands and others.

This is, of course, a very short list. But did you notice the peculiarity? Observant person, knowledgeable and history lover, will immediately understand what’s going on. Most of the countries listed are former colonies of Great Britain and the United Kingdom. After all, starting from the 18th century, England tried to develop its influence on all the conquered countries. And this influence was not only economic or military, but also cultural and scientific.

Despite the fact that in most countries English is considered the official language, it is known and spoken only by a small amount of people compared to the entire population of the country. Usually these are the people who live in major cities and got enough a good education or related to the tourism business.

And yet, English is rightfully considered the most common language. This is due, first of all, to the fact that it is considered the most taught in the world. Every day it is taught by a huge number of people, and not only in English-speaking countries. English is a true leader among other languages ​​in the world of big politics and business. It has become a means of international communication on the Internet, and it is in this language that most of the world's information is stored.