A message on the topic of language families. Major language families

Languages ​​and peoples. Today, the peoples of the world speak more than 3,000 languages. Forgotten languages there are about 4000, some of them are still alive in the memory of mankind (Sanskrit, Latin). By the nature of the language, many researchers judge the degree of kinship between peoples. Language is most often used as an ethnic differentiating feature. The linguistic classification of peoples is the most recognized in world science. At the same time, language is not an indispensable feature that distinguishes one people from another. The same Spanish language is spoken by several different Latin American peoples. The same can be said about the Norwegians and Danes, who have a common literary language. At the same time, residents of Northern and Southern China speak different languages, but consider themselves to be the same ethnic group.

Each of the major literary languages ​​of Europe (French, Italian, English, German) dominates a territory that is linguistically much less homogeneous than the territory of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples (L. Gumilyov, 1990). The Saxons and Tyroleans hardly understand each other, and the Milanese and Sicilians do not understand each other at all. The English of Northumberland speak a language close to Norwegian, as they are descendants of the Vikings who settled in England. The Swiss speak German, French, Italian and Romansh.

The French speak four languages: French, Celtic (Bretons), Basque (Gascons) and Provençal. Linguistic differences between them can be traced from the beginning of the Romanization of Gaul.

Taking into account their intra-ethnic differences, the French, Germans, Italians, and British should be compared not with Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, but with all Eastern Europeans. At the same time, such systems of ethnic groups as the Chinese or Indians correspond not to the French, Germans or Ukrainians, but to Europeans as a whole (L. Gumilyov, 1990).

All languages ​​of the peoples of the world belong to certain language families, each of which unites languages ​​similar in linguistic structure and origin. The process of formation of language families is associated with the isolation of different peoples from each other in the process of human settlement across the globe. At the same time, in one language family Peoples who were initially genetically distant from each other may enter. Thus, the Mongols, having conquered many nations, adopted foreign languages, and the blacks resettled by slave traders in America speak English.

Human races and language families. According to biological characteristics, people are divided into races. The French scientist Cuvier identified three human races at the beginning of the 19th century - black, yellow and white.

The idea that human races emerged from different centers was established in the Old Testament: “Can an Ethiopian change his skin and a leopard his spots.” On this basis, the theory of the “Nordic, or Indo-European chosen man” was created among English-speaking Protestants. Such a person was put on a pedestal by the French Comte de Gobineau in a book with the provocative title “Treatise on the Inequality of Human Races.” The word “Indo-European” over time was transformed into “Indo-Germanic”, and the ancestral home of the primitive “Indo-Germans” began to be sought in the region of the North European Plain, which at that time was part of the kingdom of Prussia. In the 20th century ideas about racial and national elitism turned into the bloodiest wars in human history.

By the middle of the 20th century. Many classifications of human races have developed - from two (Negroid and Mongoloid) to thirty-five. Most scientists write about four human races with the following centers of origin: the Greater Sunda Islands - the homeland of the Australoids, East Asia - the Mongoloids, Southern and Central Europe - the Caucasoids, and Africa - the Negroids.

All these races, their languages ​​and centers of origin are correlated by some researchers with different original hominids. The ancestors of the Australoids are Javan Pithecanthropus, the Mongoloids are Sinanthropus, the Negroids are African Neanderthals, and the Caucasoids are European Neanderthals. The genetic connection of certain ancient forms with the corresponding modern races can be traced using morphological comparisons of craniums. Mongoloids, for example, are similar to Sinanthropus with a flattened face, Caucasians are similar to European Neanderthals with strongly protruding nasal bones, and the broad nose makes Negroids similar to African Neanderthals (V. Alekseev, 1985). In the Paleolithic, people were the same black, white, yellow as they are today, with the same differentiation of skulls and skeletons. This means that intercivilizational differences go back to ancient times, to the beginning of the human race. These should also include interlingual differences.

The oldest finds of representatives of the Negroid race were discovered not in Africa, but in Southern France, in the Grimaldi Cave near Nice, and in Abkhazia, in the Kholodny Grotto. An admixture of Negroid blood is found not only among Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, residents of the south of France and the Caucasus, but also among residents of the north-west - in Ireland (L. Gumilyov, 1997).

Classical Negroids belong to the Niger-Kordofanian language family, which began to populate Central Africa from North Africa and Western Asia quite late - somewhere at the beginning of our era.

Before the arrival of the Negroids (Fulani, Bantu, Zulus) in Africa, the territory south of the Sahara was inhabited by the Kapoids, representatives of a recently identified race, which included the Hottentots and Bushmen, belonging to the Khoisan language family. Unlike blacks, capoids are not black, but brown: they have Mongoloid facial features, they speak not while exhaling, but while inhaling, and are sharply different from both blacks and Europeans and Mongoloids. They are considered a remnant of some ancient race southern hemisphere, which was displaced from the main areas of its settlement by Negroids (L. Gumilyov, 1997). Then many Negroids were transported to America by slave traders

Another ancient race of the southern hemisphere is the Australoid (Australian family). Australoids live in Australia and Melanesia. They have huge beards with black skin, wavy hair, and broad shoulders, exceptional reaction speed. Their closest relatives lived in southern India and belong to the Dravidian language family (Tamil, Telugu).

Representatives of the Caucasoid (white race, belonging mainly to the Indo-European language family, inhabited not only, as now, Europe, Western Asia and the North of India, but also almost the entire Caucasus, a significant part of the Middle and Central Asia and Northern Tibet.

The largest ethnolinguistic groups of the Indo-European language family in Europe are Romance (French, Italians, Spaniards, Romanians), Germanic (Germans, English), Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Slovaks, Bulgarians, Serbs). They populate Northern Asia(Russians), North America (Americans), South Africa (immigrants from England and Holland), Australia and New Zealand(immigrants from England), a significant part South America(Hispanic and Portuguese-speaking Latinos).

The largest representative of the Indo-European family is the Indo-Aryan group of peoples of India and Pakistan (Hindustani, Bengalis, Marathas, Punjabis, Biharis, Gujjars). This also includes the peoples of the Iranian group (Persians, Tajiks, Kurds, Baluchis, Ossetians), the Baltic group (Latvians and Lithuanians), Armenians, Greeks, Albanians..

The most numerous race is the Mongoloids. They are divided into subraces belonging to different language families.

Siberian, Central Asian, Central Asian, Volga and Transcaucasian Mongoloids form the Altai language family. It unites the Turkic, Mongolian and Tungus-Manchu ethnolinguistic groups, each of which in turn is divided into ethnolinguistic subgroups. Thus, the Turkic Mongoloids are divided into the Bulgar subgroup (Chuvash), southwestern (Azerbaijanis, Turkmens), northwestern (Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs), southeastern (Uzbeks, Uighurs), northeastern (Yakuts) subgroups.

The most widely spoken language in the world, Chinese (over 1 billion people), belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family. It is used in writing by North Chinese and South Chinese Mongoloids (Chinese or Han), who differ significantly from each other anthropologically and in colloquial speech. The Tibetan Mongoloids also belong to the same language family. Mongoloids Southeast Asia belong to the Paratai and Austroasiatic language families. The peoples of the Chukchi-Kamchatka and Eskimo-Aleut language families are also close to the Mongoloids.

There are also subraces, with which groups of certain languages ​​are usually correlated, that is, the system of human races is arranged hierarchically.

Representatives of the listed races include 3/4 of the world's population. The remaining peoples belong to small races or microraces with their own language families.

At the contact of the main human races, mixed or transitional racial forms are encountered, often forming their own language families.

Thus, the mixing of Negroids with Caucasians gave rise to mixed-transitional forms of peoples of the Afroasiatic, or Semitic-Hamitic family (Arabs, Jews, Sudanese, Ethiopians). Peoples speaking languages ​​of the Ural language family (Nenets, Khanty, Komi, Mordovians, Estonians, Hungarians) form transitional forms between Mongoloids and Caucasians. Very complex racial mixtures formed into the North Caucasian (Abkhazians, Adygeans, Kabardians, Circassians, Chechens, Ingush peoples of Dagestan) and Kartvelian (Georgians, Mingrelians, Svans) language families.

Similar racial mixing occurred in America, only it was much more intense than in the Old World, and, in general, did not affect language differences.

The main characteristics by which ethnic communities are distinguished are language and culture. There are 5 thousand different languages ​​in the world. They are grouped into numerous language families: Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Semitic-Hamitic, Austronesian, etc.

The largest is the Indo-European language family. It unites about 250,000,000 people, which is almost half of the Earth's population. It includes the following language groups that unite different peoples: Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Slovenes, etc.); Germanic (Germans, English, Americans, Norwegians, Dutch, etc.); Romanesque (French, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, etc.). The Sino-Tibetan language family is the second largest; its languages ​​(Chinese, Tibetan, Burmese) are spoken by about 1 billion people. The most widely spoken languages ​​in the world are Chinese (975 million people), English (478), Hindi (437), Spanish (392), Russian (284), Arabic (225), Bengali (200), Portuguese (184), Indonesian (159 ), Japanese (128), French (125) and German (123 million people) - spoken by two-thirds of the world's population.

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The Council of Europe (CoE) is the oldest international organization in Europe political organization, created 1949 The CE bodies are located in the French city of Strasbourg, on the border of France and Germany, as a symbol of reconciliation between the two countries.
The main goal of the Council of Europe is the development of a united Europe based on the principles of freedom, democracy, protection of human rights and the rule of law. Its activities are aimed primarily at ensuring and protecting human rights, whether civil, political, economic, social or cultural rights. Consequently, the activities of the Council of Europe cover all spheres of human life. This organization does not deal with economic news and military-political issues. Since 1995, Ukraine has also been a member of the Council of Europe, currently uniting 46 states.

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"Language and Literature



1. Indo-European languages

1.1. Indo-Aryan languages

1.2. Iranian languages

1.3. Romance languages

1.4. Celtic languages

1.5. Germanic languages

1.6. Baltic languages

1.7. Slavic languages

1.8. Armenian

1.9. Greek

2. Sino-Tibetan family

3. Finno-Ugric family

4. Turkic family

5. Semitic-Hamitic (Afroasiatic) family

List of used literature


It should be noted that there are about 20 language families in total. The largest of them is the Indo-European family, whose languages ​​are spoken by approximately 45% of the world's population. Its distribution area is also the largest. It covers Europe, South-West and South Asia, North and South America, Australia. The largest group within this family is the Indo-Aryan, which includes the languages ​​Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, etc. The Romance group is also very large, including Spanish, Italian, French and some other languages. The same can be said about the Germanic group (English, German and a number of other languages), the Slavic group (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, etc.), the Iranian group (Persian, Tajik, Baluchi, etc.).

The second largest number of speakers is the Sino-Tibetan (Sino-Tibetan) family, whose languages ​​are used by 22% of all inhabitants of the planet. It is clear that the Chinese language provides it with such a large share in the world.

The large ones also include the Niger-Kordofanian family (distributed in Africa, south of the Sahara), the Afroasiatic family (mainly in the Near and Middle East), the Austronesian family (mainly in Southeast Asia and Oceania), the Dravidian family (in South Asia), Altai family (in Asia and Europe).

Currently, there are more than two and a half thousand languages. The exact number of languages ​​has not been established, as this is a very difficult process. There are still territories that are poorly studied linguistically. These include some areas of Australia, Oceania, and South America. Therefore, the study and research of the origin of languages ​​is very relevant.

1. AndNdo-European languages

Indo-European languages ​​represent one of the largest families of languages ​​in Eurasia (about 200 languages). They have spread over the last five centuries also to North and South America, Australia and partly to Africa. The most active was the expansion of the languages ​​of English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, and Russian, which led to the appearance of Indo-European speech on all continents. The top 20 most widely spoken languages ​​(counting both their native speakers and those using them as a second language in interethnic and international communication) now include English, Hindi and Urdu, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, German, French, Punjabi, Italian, Ukrainian.

The Indo-European (according to the tradition accepted among German scientists, Indo-Germanic) family of languages ​​is the most well studied: based on the study of its languages ​​in the 20s. 19th century Comparative historical linguistics began to take shape, the research methods and techniques of which were then transferred to other language families. The founders of Indo-European studies and comparative studies include the Germans Franz Bopp and Jacob Grimm, the Dane Rasmus Christian Rask and the Russian Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov.

Comparativists aim to establish the nature and degree of similarity (primarily material, but also to some extent typological) of the languages ​​under study, to find out the ways of its origin (from a common source or due to convergence as a result of long-term contacts) and the reasons for divergence (divergence) and convergence (convergence) between languages ​​of the same family, reconstruct the proto-linguistic state (in the form of a set of archetypes as a kind of matrix in which accumulated knowledge about internal structure hypothetical Proto-Indo-European) and trace the directions of subsequent development.

Today, it is most often believed that the area of ​​​​the original or fairly early distribution of speakers of the Indo-European language extended from Central Europe and the Northern Balkans to the Black Sea region (southern Russian steppes). At the same time, some researchers believe that the initial center of irradiation of Indo-European languages ​​and cultures lay in the Middle East, in close proximity to the speakers of Kartvelian, Afroasiatic and, probably, Dravidian and Ural-Altaic languages. Traces of these contacts give rise to the Nostratic hypothesis.

Indo-European linguistic unity could have its source either in a single proto-language, a base language (or, rather, a group of closely related dialects), or in a situation of linguistic union as a result of the development of a number of initially different languages. Both perspectives, in principle, do not contradict each other; one of them usually gains predominance in a certain period of development of a linguistic community.

Relations between members of the Indo-European family were constantly changing due to frequent migrations, and therefore the currently accepted classification of Indo-European languages ​​must be adjusted when referring to different stages history of this linguistic community. Earlier periods are characterized by the proximity of the Indo-Aryan and Iranian, Baltic and Slavic languages, the proximity of Italic and Celtic is less noticeable. The Baltic, Slavic, Thracian, Albanian languages ​​have many common features with Indo-Iranian languages, and the Italic and Celtic languages ​​have common features with Germanic, Venetian and Illyrian.

The main features characterizing the relatively ancient state of the Indo-European source language:

a) In phonetics: functioning of [e] and [o] as variants of one phoneme; the probability that vowels at an earlier stage lack phonemic status; [a] special role in the system; the presence of laryngeals, the disappearance of which led to the opposition of long and short vowels, as well as to the appearance of melodic stress; distinguishing between voiced, voiceless and aspirated stops; the difference between the three rows of back linguals, the tendency towards palatalization and labialization of consonants in certain positions;

b) In morphology: heteroclitic declension; the probable presence of an ergative (active) case; a relatively simple case system and the later appearance of a number of indirect cases from combinations of a name with a postposition, etc.; the proximity of the nominative with -s and the genitive with the same element; the presence of an “indefinite” case; the opposition of animate and inanimate classes, which gave rise to the three-genus system; the presence of two series of verb forms, which led to the development of thematic and athematic conjugation, transitivity/intransitivity, activity/inactivity; the presence of two series of personal endings of the verb, which became the reason for the differentiation of present and past tenses and mood forms; the presence of forms in -s, which led to the appearance of one of the classes of present stems, the sigmatic aorist, a number of mood forms and a derivative conjugation;

With) In syntax: interdependence of places of sentence members; the role of particles and preverbs; the beginning of the transition of a number of full-valued words into service elements; some initial features of analyticism.

1 .1 Indo-Aryan languages

Indo-Aryan languages ​​(Indian) are a group of related languages ​​that go back to the ancient Indian language.

The Indo-Aryan (Indian) languages ​​(more than 40) include: the Apabhransha group of languages, Assami languages, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Vedic, Gujarati, Magahi, Maithili, Maldivian, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Pali, Punjabi, Pahari group of languages, Sanskrit, Sinhala, Sindhi, Urdu, Hindi, Romani. Areas of distribution of living Indian languages: northern and central India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Republic of Maldives, Nepal. The total number of speakers is 770 million people.

All of them go back to the ancient Indian language and, together with the Iranian, Dardic and Nuristan languages, belong to the Indo-Iranian linguistic community. The most ancient period of development is represented by the Vedic language (the language of worship, from the 12th century BC) and Sanskrit (epic period: 3-2 centuries BC; epigraphic period: first centuries AD; classical period: 4- 5th century AD) language Turkic Indo-European grammar

Features of modern Indian languages:

a)INphonetics: number of phonemes from 30 to 50: preservation of aspirated and cerebral consonant classes; the rarity of contrasting long and short vowels; lack of initial combination of consonants;

b)INmorphology: loss of old inflection, development of analytical forms and creation of new inflection;

c)INsyntax: fixed verb position; widespread use of function words;

d)INvocabulary: the presence of words dating back to Sanskrit and external borrowings (from non-Aryan languages ​​of India, from Arabic, Persian, English); the formation of a number of local language unions (Himalayan, etc.); the presence of numerous alphabets, historically dating back to Brahmi.

1 .2 Iranian languages

Iranian languages ​​are a group of languages ​​dating back to the reconstructed ancient Iranian language, part of the Aryan branch of the Indo-European family. Iranian languages ​​are spoken in the Middle East, Central Asia, Pakistan and the Caucasus among the Iranian peoples, whose population is currently estimated at approximately 150 million.

The Iranian languages ​​(more than 60) include Avestan, Azeri, Alan, Bactrian, Bashkardi, Balochi, Vanj, Wakhan, Gilan, Dari, Old Persian, Zaza (language/dialect), Ishkashim, Kumzari (language/dialect), Kurdish, Mazanderan, Median, Munjan, Ormuri, Ossetian, group of Pamir languages, Parachi, Parthian, Persian, Pashto/Pashto, Sangisari language/dialect, Sargulyam, Semnan, Sivendi (language/dialect), Scythian, Sogdian, Middle Persian, Tajik, Tajrishi ( language/dialect), Talysh, Tat, Khorezm, Khotanosak, Shugnan-Rushan group of languages, Yaghnobi, Yazgulyam, etc.

Features of Iranian languages:

a)in phonetics: preservation in ancient Iranian languages ​​of the subsequently lost correlation of duration; preservation in consonantism mainly of the proto-language system; the development in later languages ​​of correlations based on aspiration, which are presented differently in different languages.

b)in morphology: on ancient stage- inflectional formation and ablaut of the root and suffix; diversity of declension and conjugation; trinity of the system of number and gender; multi-case inflectional paradigm; the use of inflections, suffixes, augments, and different types of stems to construct verb forms; rudiments of analytical structures; in later languages ​​- unification of types of formation; extinction of ablaut; binary systems of number and gender (up to the extinction of gender in a number of languages); formation of new verbal analytical and secondary inflectional forms based on participles; variety of person and number indicators of the verb; new formal indicators of passive, voice, aspect characteristics, time.

c)in syntax: the presence of a safe structure; the presence of ergative sentence construction in a number of languages.

The first written monuments from the 6th century. BC Cuneiform for Old Persian; Middle Persian (and a number of other languages) monuments (from the 2nd-3rd centuries AD) in a variety of Aramaic writing; a special alphabet based on Middle Persian for Avestan texts.

1 .3 Romance languages

Romance languages ​​are a group of languages ​​and dialects that are part of the Italic branch of the Indo-European language family and genetically go back to a common ancestor - Latin. The name Romanesque comes from Latin word Romanus (Roman).

The Romance group unites the languages ​​that emerged from Latin:

· Aromanian (Aromunian),

· Galician,

· Gascony,

· Dalmatian (extinct at the end of the 19th century),

· Spanish,

· Istro-Romanian,

· Italian,

· Catalan,

· Ladino (language of the Jews of Spain),

Megleno-Romanian (Meglenitic),

· Moldavian,

· Portuguese,

· Provençal (Occitan),

Romansh they include: Swiss, or Western, Romansh / Grisons / Courvalian / Romansh, represented by at least two varieties - Surselvian / Obwaldian and Upper Engadine languages, sometimes subdivided into larger number languages;

· Tyrolean, or Central, Romansh / Ladin / Dolomitic / Trentino and

· Friulian/Eastern Romansh, often distinguished in special group,

· Romanian,

· Sardinian (Sardinian),

· French-Provençal,

· French.

Literary languages ​​have their own variants: French - in Belgium, Switzerland, Canada; Spanish - in Latin America, Portuguese - in Brazil.

More than 10 creole languages ​​arose from French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

In Spain and Latin American countries, these languages ​​are often called neo-Latin. The total number of speakers is about 580 million people. More than 60 countries use Romance languages ​​as national or official languages.

Areas of distribution of Romance languages:

· “Old Romania”: Italy, Portugal, almost all of Spain, France, southern Belgium, western and southern Switzerland, the main territory of Romania, almost all of Moldova, isolated inclusions in northern Greece, southern and northwestern Yugoslavia;

· “New Romania”: part of North America (Quebec in Canada, Mexico), almost all of Central America and South America, most of the Antilles;

· Countries that were former colonies, where Romance languages ​​(French, Spanish, Portuguese), without displacing local ones, became official - almost all of Africa, small territories in South Asia and Oceania.

Romance languages ​​are a continuation and development of folk Latin speech in the territories that became part of the Roman Empire. Their history is marked by tendencies towards differentiation (divergence) and integration (convergence).

Main features of Romance languages:

a)in phonetics: the general Romance system has 7 vowels (the greatest preservation in Italian); development of specific vowels (nasals in French and Portuguese, labialized front vowels in French, Provençal, Romansh; mixed vowels in Balkan-Romanian); formation of diphthongs; reduction of unstressed vowels (especially final ones); neutralization of openness/closedness e And O in unstressed syllables; simplification and transformation of consonant groups; the emergence as a result of palatalization of affricates, which in some languages ​​became fricatives; weakening or reduction of the intervocalic consonant; weakening and reduction of the consonant in the outcome of the syllable; a tendency towards open syllables and limited compatibility of consonants; a tendency to phonetically link words in the speech stream (especially in French);

b)in morphology: maintaining inflection with a strong tendency towards analyticism; the name has 2 numbers, 2 genders, no case category (except for Balkan-Roman ones), transfer of object relations by prepositions; variety of article forms; preservation of the case system for pronouns; agreement of adjectives with names in gender and number; formation of adverbs from adjectives using the suffix -mente (except Balkan-Romanian); an extensive system of analytical verb forms; the typical Romance verb scheme contains 16 tenses and 4 moods; 2 pledges; peculiar non-personal forms;

c)in syntax: word order is fixed in some cases; the adjective usually follows the noun; determiners precede the verb (except for Balkan-Romance ones).

1 .4 Celtic languages

The Celtic group is formed by the languages ​​Breton, Welsh (Cymric), Gaulish, Gaelic, Irish, Celtiberian, Cornish, Cumbrian, Lepontian, Man(k), Pictish, Scottish (Erish). In the 1st millennium BC. Celtic languages ​​were spread over a large part of Europe (now part of Germany, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, northern Italy), reaching in the east to the Carpathians and through the Balkans to Asia Minor. Later, their distribution area was greatly reduced; the Manx, Cornish, Celtiberian, Lepontian, and Gaulish languages ​​became extinct. The living languages ​​are Irish, Gaelic, Welsh and Breton. Irish is one of the official languages ​​in Ireland. Welsh is used in the press and on radio, Breton and Gaelic are used in everyday communication.

The vocalism of New Celtic languages ​​is characterized by interaction with neighboring consonants. As a result of this, rounding, palatalization, reversal, narrowing, contact nasalization, etc., became widespread (in diachrony and synchrony). Some of these phenomena, as the causes that caused them disappear, turn into morphological means for expressing number, case, kind, etc.

The island languages ​​deviate sharply from the ancient Indo-European type: numerous combinatorial changes (aspiration, palatalization and labialization of consonants); infixation of pronouns in verb forms; "conjugated" prepositions; specific use of verbal names; word order. These and many other features make the Celtic languages ​​stand out among the Indo-European languages. languages ​​(explanations: influence of non-Indo-European substrate; historical innovations). Preservation of a number of archaic features. Changes in living languages: loss of the opposition of personal absolute and conjunctive verb endings in many tenses and moods (Irish).

1.5 Germanic languages

Germanic languages ​​are a branch of the Indo-European family. Distributed in a number of countries Western Europe(Great Britain, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein), North. America (USA, Canada), southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia), Asia (India), Australia, New Zealand. The total number of native speakers is about 550 million people.

Modern Germanic languages ​​are divided into 2 subgroups: West Germanic and North Germanic (Scandinavian).

West Germanic languages ​​include English, Frisian, High German (German), Dutch, Boer, Flemish, and Yiddish.

English language is the native language of the majority of the population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain - England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA. In addition, English is used as an official language in the Republic of South Africa, the Republic of India and Pakistan.

Frisian distributed among the population of the Friesland Islands in the North Sea. The literary Frisian language developed on the basis of West Frisian dialects.

High German is the native language of the population of Germany, Austria and a large part of Switzerland, as well as the literary language of the urban population of the northern regions of Germany; rural population these areas still speak a special dialect called Low German or "Platdeutsch". In the Middle Ages, Low German was the language of an extensive folk literature that has come down to us in a number of artistic works.

Dutch is the native language of the Dutch people.

Afrikaans, also called "Afrikaans", distributed over a large area Republic of South Africa. The Boer language, close to Dutch, is spoken by the Boers or Afrikaners - descendants of Dutch colonists who left Holland in the 17th century.

Flemish very close to Dutch. It is spoken by the population of northern Belgium and parts of the Netherlands. Along with French, Flemish is the official language of the Belgian state.

Yiddish- the language of the Jewish population of Eastern Europe, which developed in the 10th - 12th centuries on the basis of Middle High German dialects.

North Germanic languages ​​include: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese.

Swedish is the native language of the Swedish people and the population of the coastal strip of Finland, where representatives of ancient Swedish tribes moved in the distant past. Of the Swedish dialects that currently exist, the dialect of the inhabitants of the island of Gotland, the so-called Gutnic dialect, stands out sharply for its peculiarities. Modern Swedish consists of German words written and arranged according to English grammar. The active Swedish vocabulary is not very large.

Danish is the native language of the Danish people and was for several centuries the state and literary language of Norway, which was part of the Danish state from the end of the 14th century. until 1814

Swedish and Danish, languages ​​that were close in the past, but have diverged significantly from each other at present, are sometimes combined into a subgroup of East Scandinavian languages.

Norwegian, the native language of the Norwegian people, is spoken throughout Norway. Due to the special historical conditions of the development of the Norwegian people, who were forced to remain under Danish rule for almost 400 years, the development of the Norwegian language was greatly delayed. Currently, in Norway there is a process of formation of a single national Norwegian language, which, in its characteristics, occupies an intermediate position between the Swedish and Danish languages.

In Icelandic says the people of Iceland. The ancestors of modern Icelanders were Norwegians who settled here in the 10th century. Over the course of almost a thousand years of independent development, the Icelandic language acquired a number of new features that significantly distinguished it from the Norwegian language, and also retained many features characteristic of the Old Norse language, while the Norwegian language lost them. All this has led to the fact that the difference between the Norwegian and (New) Icelandic languages ​​is currently very significant.

Faroese language, spoken in the Faroe Islands, which lie north of the Shetland Islands, like Icelandic, retains many of the features of the Old Norse language from which it broke off.

The languages ​​Norwegian, Icelandic and Faroese are sometimes grouped together on the basis of their origins into one group called the West Scandinavian language group. However, the facts of the modern Norwegian language indicate that in its present state it is much closer to the Swedish and Danish languages ​​than to Icelandic and Faroese.

Distinctive features of the Germanic languages:

a)in phonetics: dynamic stress on the first (root) syllable; reduction unstressed syllables; assimilative variation of vowels, which led to historical alternations in umlaut (by row) and refraction (by degree of rise); common Germanic consonant movement;

b)in morphology: widespread use of ablaut in inflection and word formation; formation (next to a strong preterite) of a weak preterite using a dental suffix; distinguishing between strong and weak declensions of adjectives; manifestation of a tendency towards analyticalism;

c)in word formation: the special role of the noun phrase (stem); the prevalence of suffixation in nominal word production and prefixation in verbal word production; the presence of conversion (especially in English);

d)in syntax: tendency to fix word order;

e)in vocabulary: layers of native Indo-European and common Germanic, borrowings from the languages ​​of Celtic, Latin, Greek, French.

1.6 Baltic languages

The Baltic group (the name belongs to G.G.F. Nesselman, 1845) includes the languages ​​Latvian, Lithuanian, Prussian.

Modern Baltic languages ​​are widespread in the eastern Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, the northeastern part of Poland - Suvalkija, partly Belarus).

Modern Baltic languages ​​are represented by Lithuanian and Latvian (sometimes Latgalian is also distinguished). The extinct Baltic languages ​​include Prussian (before the 18th century; East Prussia), Yatvingian or Sudavian (before the 18th century; north-eastern Poland, southern Lithuania, adjacent regions of Belarus), Curonian (before the mid-17th century; on the coast Baltic Sea within modern Lithuania and Latvia), Selonsky, or Selian (documents of the 13th-15th centuries; part of eastern Latvia and north-east Lithuania), Galindsky, or Golyadsky (in Russian chronicles "golyad"; documents of the 14th century; southern Prussia and , probably the Protva river basin).

Features of the Baltic languages:

a)INphonetics: the contrasts between palatalized and non-palatalized, simple consonants and affricates, tense and unstressed, long and short vowels are significant; the presence of intonation contrasts; the possibility of accumulation of up to 3 consonants at the beginning of a syllable; the presence of closed and open syllables;

b)INmorphology: the use of quantitative and qualitative alternation of vowels in the verb; in names there is movement of stress, change of intonation; richness of suffix inventory; neuter remains; 2 numbers; 7 cases, including instrumental, locative and vocative); 3 degrees of gradualness; 5 types of noun stems; distinguishing between nominal and pronominal types of declension for an adjective; the moods are indicative, conditional, desirable, imperative, and in Latvian, going back to the Finno-Ugric substrate, obligatory and retelling; active, reflexive, passive voices; diverse types of tenses and moods;

c)INsyntax: precedence of the genitive to other cases in the chain of names;

d)INvocabulary: most of the words are from the original I.-e. vocabulary; almost a single dictionary of the Baltic languages; significant commonality of Baltic and Slavic vocabulary; borrowings from Finno-Ugric, German, Polish, Russian languages.

1.7 Slavic languages

The Slavic group includes the languages ​​Belarusian, Bulgarian, Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian, Macedonian, Polabian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovenian, Old Church Slavonic, Ukrainian, Czech.

Slavic languages ​​are widespread in Europe and Asia (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, as well as the states of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Austria). Carriers Slavic languages They also live in the countries of America, Africa, and Australia. The total number of speakers is about 300 million people.

Slavic languages, according to the degree of their proximity to each other, form groups: East Slavic (Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian), South Slavic (Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian, or Serbian and Croatian, Slovenian) and Western Slavic (Czech, Slovak, Polish with Kashubian, Upper and Lower Sorbians).

General characteristicsSlavic languages


Grammatically, Slavic languages, with the exception of Bulgarian and Macedonian, have a highly developed system of noun inflections, up to seven cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional and vocative). The verb in Slavic languages ​​has three simple tenses (past, present and future), but is also characterized by such a complex characteristic as aspect. The verb can be imperfect or perfect and denotes the completeness of the action of the species. Participles and gerunds are widely used (one can compare their use with the use of participles and gerunds in English). In all Slavic languages, except Bulgarian and Macedonian, there is no article. The languages ​​of the Slavic subfamily are more conservative and therefore closer to the Proto-Indo-European language than the languages ​​of the Germanic and Romance groups, as evidenced by the retention by the Slavic languages ​​of seven of the eight cases for nouns that were characteristic of the Proto-Indo-European language, as well as the development of verb aspect.

b)Vocabulary composition

The vocabulary of Slavic languages ​​is predominantly of Indo-European origin. There is also an important element of the mutual influence of the Baltic and Slavic languages ​​on each other, which is reflected in the vocabulary. Borrowed words or translations of words go back to the Iranian and Germanic groups, as well as to Greek, Latin, and Turkic languages. They also influenced the vocabulary of such languages ​​as Italian and French. Slavic languages ​​also borrowed words from each other. The borrowing of foreign words tends to translate and imitate rather than simply absorb them.


Perhaps it is in the written form that the most significant differences between the Slavic languages ​​lie. Some Slavic languages ​​(in particular, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian and Polish) have a written language based on the Latin alphabet, since the speakers of these languages ​​belong predominantly to the Catholic faith. Other Slavic languages ​​(such as Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Macedonian, and Bulgarian) use adopted variants of the Cyrillic alphabet as a result of the influence of the Orthodox Church. The only language, Serbo-Croatian, uses two alphabets: Cyrillic for Serbian and Latin for Croatian.

1 .8 Armenian

The Armenian language is an Indo-European language, usually classified as a separate subgroup, less often combined with Greek and Phrygian languages.

It is common in Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Syria, Lebanon, USA, Iran, France and other countries. The total number of speakers is over 6 million people.

It is assumed that the Armenian language is based on the language of the Hayas-Armen tribal union within the state of Urartu. The Armenian ethnic group was formed in the 7th century. BC in the Armenian Highlands.

In the history of the written literary language, 3 stages are distinguished: ancient (from the beginning of the 5th century, from the time of the creation of the Armenian alphabet, to the 11th century, when oral ancient Armenian went out of use; the written version, Grabar, functioned in literature, competing with the new literary language , until the end of the 19th century, and has remained in the cult sphere to this day); middle (from the 12th to the 16th centuries; formation of dialects), new (from the 17th century), characterized by the presence of eastern and western variants of the literary language and the presence of many dialects.

Properties of the Armenian language:

a)in phonetics: at the ancient stage - the Indo-European phonological system with some modifications; removing opposition by length/shortness; the transition of syllabic Indo-European sonants into vowels and non-syllabic sonants into consonants; the emergence of new fricative phonemes; the appearance of affricates; change of plosives by interruption, similar to the Germanic movement of consonants; the presence of three rows - voiced, voiceless and aspirated; in the middle period - deafening of voiced and voicing of deaf; monophthongization of diphthongs; in the new period - a divergence between the two options, primarily in consonantism.

b)in morphology: predominantly inflectional-synthetic system; the appearance of analytical verbal constructions already in the ancient period; preservation of the three-row system of demonstrative pronouns; inheritance from i.-e. the basic principles of the formation of verbal and nominal stems, individual case and verbal inflections, word-forming suffixes; presence of 2 numbers; the withering away of the category of gender in the eastern version; use of the agglutinative principle of plural formation. numbers; distinguishing 7 cases and 8 types of declension; preservation of almost all categories of Indo-European pronouns; the verb has 3 voices (active, passive and neuter), 3 persons, 2 numbers, 5 moods (indicative, imperative, desirable, conditional, incentive), 3 tenses (present, past, future), 3 types of action (performing, perfect and subject to completion), 2 types of conjugation, simple and analytical forms (with a predominance of analytical), 7 participles.

1.9 Greek

The Greek language forms a special group within the Indo-European community. Genetically most closely related to the ancient Macedonian language. Distributed in the south of the Balkan Peninsula and the adjacent islands of the Ionian and Aegean seas, as well as in southern Albania, Egypt, southern Italy, Ukraine, and Russia.

Main periods: Ancient Greek (14th century BC - 4th century AD), Central Greek, or Byzantine (5th-15th centuries), Modern Greek (from the 15th century).

The main stages of the development of ancient Greek: archaic ((14-12 centuries BC - 8 centuries BC), classical (from 8-7 to 4 centuries BC), Hellenistic (time Koine formations; 4th-1st centuries BC), Late Greek (1st-4th centuries AD). In ancient Greek, dialect groups were distinguished: Ionian-Attic, Arcado-Cypriot (South Achaean), Aeolian (North Achaean, related). with the language of Crete-Mycenaean monuments), Dorian.

From the end of the 5th century. BC The Attic superdialect becomes the literary language. During the Hellenistic period, on the basis of the Attic and Ionian dialects, the Pan-Greek Koine was formed in literary and colloquial varieties. Later, there was a return to the Attic norm, which led to competition between two autonomous linguistic traditions.

Modern Greek Koine is formed on the basis of southern dialects and widely spread in the 18th and 19th centuries. Literary Modern Greek exists in two variants: kafarevusa "purified" and dimotika "folk".

In the Greek language, many structural properties are manifested due to long historical interaction during the formation of the Balkan language union.

Features of the Ancient Greek language:

a)in phonetics: 5 vowel phonemes, varying in length/shortness; formation of long vowels or diphthongs from adjacent vowels; musical accent is mobile, three types: sharp, blunt and rounded; 17 consonants, including voiced stops, voiceless and aspirated consonants, nasals, smooth consonants, affricates, spirants; thick and weak aspiration; transition i.-e. syllabic sonants into groups “vowel + consonant” (or “consonant + vowel”); reflection i.-e. labiovelar mainly in the form of anterior lingual or labial;

b)in morphology: 3 kinds; presence of articles; 3 numbers; 5 cases; 3 types of declination; 4 inclinations; 3 pledges; 2 types of conjugation; 2 groups of tenses (main: present, futurum, perfect; historical: aorist, imperfect, plusquaperfect);

c)in syntax: free word order; developed system of parataxis and hypotaxis; the important role of particles and prepositions;

d)in vocabulary: layers are native Greek, pre-Greek (Pelasgian), borrowed (from Semitic, Persian, Latin).

2. Sino-Tibetan family

Sino-Tibetan languages ​​(Sino-Tibetan languages) are one of the largest language families in the world. Includes over 100, according to other sources, several hundred languages, from tribal to national. The total number of speakers is over 1100 million people.

In modern linguistics, Sino-Tibetan languages ​​are usually divided into 2 branches, different in the degree of their internal division and in their place in linguistic map peace, -- Chinese and Tibeto-Burman. The first is formed by the Chinese language with its numerous dialects and groups of dialects. It is spoken by over 1050 million people, including about 700 million in the dialects of the northern group. The main area of ​​its distribution is the PRC south of the Gobi and east of Tibet.

The remaining Sino-Tibetan languages, numbering about 60 million speakers, are included in the Tibeto-Burman branch. Peoples speaking these languages ​​inhabit most of Myanmar (formerly Burma), Nepal, Bhutan, large areas of southwestern China and northeastern India. The most important Tibeto-Burman languages ​​or groups of closely related languages: Burmese (up to 30 million speakers) in Myanmar and (over 5.5 million) in Sichuan and Yunnan (PRC); Tibetan (over 5 million) in Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan (PRC), Kashmir (northern India), Nepal, Bhutan; Karen languages ​​(over 3 million) in Myanmar near the border with Thailand: Hani (1.25 million) in Yunnan; Manipuri, or Meithei (over 1 million); Bodo, or Kachari (750 thousand), and Garo (up to 700 thousand) in India; Jingpo, or Kachin (about 600 thousand), in Myanmar and Yunnan; fox (up to 600 thousand) in Yunnan; Tamang (about 550 thousand), Newar (over 450 thousand) and Gurung (about 450 thousand) in Nepal. The Tibeto-Burman branch includes the endangered language of the Tujia people (up to 3 million people) in Hunan (PRC), but by now most of the Tujia have switched to Chinese.

Sino-Tibetan languages ​​are syllabic, isolating languages ​​with a greater or lesser tendency to agglutination. Basic phonetic unit is a syllable, and the boundaries of syllables, as a rule, are also the boundaries of morphemes or words. The sounds within a syllable are arranged in a strictly defined order (usually a noisy consonant, sonant, intermediate vowel, main vowel, consonant; all elements except the main vowel may be absent). Combinations of consonants are not found in all languages ​​and are possible only at the beginning of a syllable. The number of consonants occurring at the end of a syllable is significantly less than the number of possible initial consonants (usually no more than 6-8); some languages ​​only allow open syllables or have only one final nasal consonant. Many languages ​​have tone. In languages ​​whose history is well known, one can observe a gradual simplification of consonantism and a complication of the system of vowels and tones.

A morpheme usually corresponds to a syllable; the root is usually immutable. However, many languages ​​violate these principles. Thus, in the Burmese language it is possible to alternate consonants in the root; in classical Tibetan there were non-syllabic prefixes and suffixes that expressed, in particular, the grammatical categories of the verb. The predominant method of word formation is the addition of roots. Isolating a word often presents a difficult problem: it is difficult to distinguish a compound word from a phrase, an affix from a function word. Adjectives in Sino-Tibetan languages ​​are grammatically closer to verbs than to names; sometimes they are included as part of the verb category as "verbs of quality". Conversion is widespread.

3. FInno-Ugric family

The Finno-Ugric (or Finno-Ugric) family is divided into four groups: the Baltic-Finnish (these are Finnish, Estonian, Karelian, Vepsian, Izhoran), Permian (Udmurt, Komi-Zyryan and Komi-Permyak languages), Volga, to which they belong Mari and Mordovian languages, and a group of Ugric languages, covering the Hungarian, Mansi and Khanty languages. A separate language of the Sami living in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Kola Peninsula, closest to the Baltic-Finnish languages. The most common Finno-Ugric language is Hungarian, and in neighboring countries it is Estonian.

All Finno-Ugric languages ​​have common features and a common basic vocabulary. These features originate in the hypothetical Proto-Finno-Ugric language. About 200 basic words of this language were proposed, including word roots for concepts such as names of kinship relationships, body parts, and basic numerals. This general vocabulary includes, according to Lyle Campbell, no less than 55 words related to fishing, 33 to hunting, 12 to deer, 17 to plants, 31 to technology, 26 to construction, 11 to clothing, 18 - to climate, 4 - to society, 11 - to religion, as well as three words related to trade.

Most Finno-Ugric languages ​​are agglutinative languages, the common features of which are the modification of words by adding suffixes (instead of prepositions) and syntactic coordination of suffixes. In addition, the Finno-Ugric languages ​​do not have a gender category. Therefore, there is only one pronoun with the meaning “he”, “she” and “it”, for example, hän in Finnish, tämd in Votic, tema in Estonian, x in Hungarian, síi? in the Komi language, Tudo in the Mari language, So in the Udmurt language.

In many Finno-Ugric languages, possessive adjectives and pronouns such as “my” or “your” are rarely used. Possession is expressed by inclination. For this purpose, suffixes are used, sometimes together with a pronoun in the genitive case: “my dog” in Finnish minun koirani (literally “me-my dog”), from the word koira - dog.

4. Turkic family

The Turkic family unites more than 20 languages, including:

1) Turkish (formerly Ottoman); writing since 1929 based on the Latin alphabet; until then, for several centuries - based on the Arabic alphabet.

2) Azerbaijani.

3) Turkmen.

4) Gagauz.

5) Crimean Tatar.

6) Karachay-Balkar.

7) Kumyk - used as a common language for Caucasian peoples Dagestan.

8) Nogai.

9) Karaite.

10) Tatar, with three dialects - middle, western (Mishar) and eastern (Siberian).

11) Bashkir.

12) Altai (Oirot).

13) Shorsky with the Kondoma and Mrass dialects3.

14) Khakass (with dialects Sogai, Beltir, Kachin, Koibal, Kyzyl, Shor).

15) Tuvan.

16) Yakut.

17) Dolgansky.

18) Kazakh.

19) Kyrgyz.

20) Uzbek.

21) Karakalpak.

22) Uyghur (new Uyghur).

23) Chuvash, a descendant of the language of the Kama Bulgars, written from the very beginning based on the Russian alphabet.

24) Orkhon - according to the Orkhon-Yenisei runic inscriptions, the language (or languages) of a powerful state of the 7th-8th centuries. n. e. in Northern Mongolia on the river. Orkhon. The name is conditional.

25) Pechenezh - the language of the steppe nomads of the 9th-11th centuries. AD

26) Polovtsian (Cuman) - according to the Polovtsian-Latin dictionary compiled by Italians, the language of the steppe nomads of the 11th-14th centuries.

27) Ancient Uyghur - the language of a huge state in Central Asia in the 9th-11th centuries. n. e. with writing based on a modified Aramaic alphabet.

28) Chagatai - literary language of the 15th-16th centuries. AD in Central Asia; Arabic graphics.

29) Bulgar - the language of the Bulgar kingdom at the mouth of the Kama; The Bulgar language formed the basis of the Chuvash language, part of the Bulgars moved to the Balkan Peninsula and, mixing with the Slavs, became a constituent element (superstrate) of the Bulgarian language.

30) Khazar - the language of a large state of the 7th-10th centuries. AD, in the region of the lower reaches of the Volga and Don, close to the Bulgarian.

5. Semitic-Hamitic(Afroasiatic) family

Afroasiatic languages ​​are a macrofamily (superfamily) of languages, which includes six families of languages ​​that have signs of a common origin (the presence of related root and grammatical morphemes).

Afroasiatic languages ​​include both living and dead languages. The former are currently distributed over a vast area, occupying the territory of Western Asia (from Mesopotamia to the coast of the Mediterranean and Red Seas) and vast territories of East and North Africa - right up to the Atlantic coast. Individual groups representatives of Afroasiatic languages ​​are also found outside the main territory of their distribution.

The total number of speakers currently, according to various estimates, ranges between 270 million and 300 million people. The Afroasiatic macrofamily includes the following language families (or branches):

Berber-Libyan languages. Living languages ​​of this family are distributed in North Africa west of Egypt and Libya to Mauritania, as well as in the oases of the Sahara, as far as Nigeria and Senegal. The Berber tribes of the Tuareg (Sahara) use their own script, called Tifinagh, which dates back to the ancient Libyan script. Libyan writing is represented by short rock inscriptions discovered in the Sahara and Libyan Desert; the earliest of them date back to the 2nd century BC. e.

Ancient Egyptian language with its later descendant, the Coptic language, is a dead language. It was distributed throughout the middle and lower Nile valley (modern Egypt). The first written monuments of ancient Egypt date back to the end of the 4th - beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. e. It existed as a living and spoken language until the 5th century AD. e. Monuments of the Coptic language have been known since the 3rd century AD. e.; by the 14th century it fell out of use, surviving as the cult language of Coptic christian church. In everyday life, Copts, who number about 6 million people at the end of 1999, use Arabic and are now considered an ethno-confessional group of Egyptian Arabs.

Cushitic languages of which only living ones are known, distributed in Northeast Africa: in the northeast of Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, northern Kenya and western Tanzania. According to data from the late 1980s, the number of speakers is about 25.7 million.

Omoto languages. Living unwritten languages, common in southwestern Ethiopia. The number of speakers according to the late 1980s is about 1.6 million people. As an independent branch of the Afro-Asian macrofamily, they began to stand out only in lately(G. Fleming, M. Bender, I. M. Dyakonov). Some scientists attribute the Omot languages ​​to the Western Cushitic group, which separated from Prakushitic earlier than the others.

Semitic languages. The most numerous of the Afroasiatic language families; is represented by modern living languages ​​(Arabic, Maltese, New Aramaic dialects, Hebrew, Ethiosemitic - Amharic, Tigre, Tigrai, etc.), widespread in the Arab East, Israel, Ethiopia and North Africa, and islands in other countries of Asia and Africa. The number of speakers varies according to different sources, amounting to approximately 200 million.

Chadian languages alive; This family includes more than 150 modern languages ​​and dialect groups. Distributed in Central and Western Sudan, in the Lake Chad region, Nigeria, Cameroon. The Hausa speakers are the most numerous, numbering about 30-40 million; For most of them, Hausa is not their native language, but a language of international communication.


This work characterizes the main language families, considers language groups, features of the linguistic structure of languages, including phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary. Of course, languages ​​differ both in prevalence and social functions, as well as in their phonetic structure and vocabulary, morphological and syntactic characteristics.

Emphasis should be placed on the enormous role played in modern linguistics by various classifications of the world's languages. This is not only a compact fixation of the many internal connections of the latter discovered by science, but also a certain guideline in their consistent study.

It should be noted that some languages ​​are outside the general classification and are not included in any of the families; Japanese also belongs to them. Many languages ​​are so poorly studied that they do not fall under any of the classifications. This is explained not only a large number languages ​​widespread on the globe, but also by the fact that a linguist studying existing (and existing) languages ​​has to deal with factual data that is very dissimilar and very different in its very essence.

List of used literature

1. Arakin V. D. History of the English language / V. D. Arakin. - M.: Fizmatlit, 2001. - 360 p.

2. Armenian language. Materials from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_language

3. Baltic languages ​​[Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.languages-study.com/baltic.html

4. Vendina T. I. Introduction to linguistics: textbook. manual for teachers universities/ T.I. Vendina. - M.: Higher school, 2003. - 288 p.

5. Golovin B.N. Introduction to linguistics / N. B. Golovin. - M.: Higher school, 1973. - 320 p.

6. Dyakonov I. M. Semitic-Hamitic languages ​​/ I. M. Dyakonov. - M., 1965. -189 p.

7. Kodukhov V.I. Introduction to linguistics / V.I. Kodukhov. - M.: Education, 1979. - 351 p.

8. Lewis G. Brief comparative grammar of the Celtic languages ​​[Electronic resource] / G. Lewis, H. Pedersen. - Access mode: http://bookre.org/reader?file=629546

9. Melnichuk O. S. Introduction to the historical-historical interpretation of words of the Yan language / O. S. Melnichuk. -K., 1966. - 596 p.

10. Reformatsky A. A. Introduction to linguistics / ed. V.A. Vinogradova. - M.: Aspect Press, 1998. - 536 p.

11. Edelman D.I. Indo-Iranian languages. Languages ​​of the world: Dardic and Nuristan languages ​​/ D. I. Edelman. - M. 1999. - 230 p.

12. Etymological dictionary of Slavic languages. - M.: Nauka, 1980. - T. 7. - 380 p.

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language families of the world

The following classifications (+maps) are based on Merritt Ruhlen's book " Guide to the languages ​​of the world" (A Guide to the World's Languages), published by Stanford University Press in 1987), which in turn relies heavily on the work of the great linguist Joseph Greenberg, who died on May 7, 2001. Maps and statistics are only an approximation of reality. Mistakes are allowed.

Khoisan family

There are about 30 languages ​​in this family, spoken by about 100,000 people. The Khoisan family includes the peoples we call Bushmen and Hottentots.

Niger-Kordofanian family

The largest sub-Saharan African family of languages, it includes 1,000 languages ​​with up to 200 million speakers. The most famous languages ​​are Mandinka, Swahili, Yoruba and Zulu.

Nilo-Saharan family

This family is approx. 140 languages ​​and 10 million native speakers. The most famous language: Maasai, spoken by the warlike nomads of East Africa.

Afro-Asian family

This is a large linguistic group, which includes 240 languages ​​spoken by 250 million speakers. It includes: Ancient Egyptian, Hebrew and Aramaic, as well as the famous Nigerian language Hausa. Some speak ok. 200 million people!

Indo-European family (including isolates: Basque, Burushaski and Nakhali)

The only major language family, Indo-European, which includes ca. 150 languages ​​with 1 billion native speakers. Among the languages ​​of this family: Hindi and Urdu (400 million), Bengali (200 million), Spanish (300 million), Portuguese (200 million), French (100 million), German (100 million), Russian (300 million), and English (400 million) in Europe and America. The number of English speakers around the world may reach 1 billion.

In the region of distribution of this family of languages, there are 3 isolates that cannot be assigned to any family: Basque language living in the territory between France and Spain, Burushaski and impudent that are located on the Indian Peninsula.

Caucasian family

There are 38 in total Caucasian languages, they are spoken by approximately 5 million people. The most famous: Abkhazian and Chechen.

Kartvelian languages are considered by many linguists to be a separate family, possibly related to the Indo-European family. This includes the Georgian language.

Dravidian family

These are ancient languages India, total ok. 25, number of speakers 150 million people. The most famous languages ​​of this family are Tamil and Telugu.

Ural-Yukaghir family

This family includes 20 languages ​​with a number of speakers of 20 million. The most famous languages ​​are: Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Sami - the language of the Laplanders.

Altaic family (including Ket and Gilat isolates)

The Altai family includes about 60 languages, spoken by about 250 million people. This family includes Turkish and Mongolian languages.

There is a lot of discussion going on regarding this family. The first controversial issue is how to classify the Altaic and Uralic languages ​​(see above), since they have a similar grammatical structure.

The second controversial issue: many linguists doubt that Korean, Japanese (125 million speakers), or Ainu should be included in this family, or even that these three languages ​​are related to each other!

Isolates are also presented here: Ket and Gilyak languages.

Chukchi-Kamchatka family ("Paleo-Siberian") family

Perhaps this is the smallest family, with only 5 languages ​​spoken by 23,000 speakers. The distribution area of ​​these languages ​​is the northeastern part of Siberia. Many linguists believe that these are two different families.

Sino-Tibetan family

A very significant language family, which includes about 250 languages. Only 1 billion people speak!

Miao-Yao languages, Austro-Asiatic and Dai family

Austro-Asiatic (Munda languages ​​in India and Mon-Khmer languages ​​in southeast Asia) includes 150 languages ​​spoken by 60 million people, including Vietnamese.

The Miao-Yao family of languages ​​consists of 4 languages ​​spoken by 7 million people living in southern China and Southeast Asia.

There are 60 languages ​​and 50 million speakers in the Dai family, which includes the Thai language (Siamese).

These three language families are sometimes combined with the Austronesian family (below) into a hyperfamily called Austrian ( Austrian). On the other hand, some linguists consider the Miao-Yao and Dai families to be related to the Chinese languages.

Austronesian family

This family includes 1,000 different languages ​​spoken by 250 million people. Malay and Indonesian (essentially the same language) are spoken by approx. 140 million. Among other languages ​​of this family we can note: Madagascar in Africa, Tagalog in the Philippines, the languages ​​of the aborigines of Formosa Island (Taiwan) - now almost superseded Chinese- and many Pacific Island languages, from Hawaiian in the north Pacific Ocean to Maori in New Zealand.

Indian-Pacific and Australian families

The Indian-Pacific family includes approx. 700 languages, most of them are widespread on the island of New Guinea, the number of speakers of these languages ​​is approximately 3 million. Many linguists do not believe that all these languages ​​are related to each other. In fact, some of them haven't even been studied! On the other hand, some believe that this family may also include the Tasmanian language - now extinct.

It is possible that the 170 Australian Aboriginal languages ​​also belong to this family. Unfortunately, only 30,000 speakers of these languages ​​remain today.

Eskimo-Aleut family

The Eskimo-Aleut family of languages ​​consists of 9 languages ​​spoken approx. 85,000 people. The Inuit language plays a key role today in administration in Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat) and the Canadian territory of Nunavut.

Na-Dene family of languages

This family includes 34 languages ​​with approx. 200,000 people. The most famous examples are Tlingit, Haida, Navajo and Apache.

Amerind family (North America)

Although many linguists do not accept the idea of ​​combining all Northern (except Na-Dene and Eskimo-Aleut languages) and South American Indian languages ​​into one family, they are often combined for convenience. The Amerindian family includes almost 600 languages ​​spoken by more than 20 million people. In North America, the most famous languages ​​are: Ojibwe, Cree, Dakota (or Sioux), Cherokee and Iroquois, Hopi and Nahuatl (or Aztec), as well as the Mayan languages.

Amerind family (South America)

The language map of South America includes some of the North American subfamilies and others. The most famous languages ​​are Quechua (the language of the Inca Indians), Guarani and Caribbean. The Andean subfamily of languages ​​(which includes Quechua) has almost 9 million speakers!

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I'm an option

2) reduction in mortality.

1) exceeds mortality;

3) in case of mortality.

1) 12-10 = 2; 4) 26-7 = 19;
2) 13-8 = 5; 5) 43-13 = 30.
3) 19-7 = 12;

1) to all countries of the world;


1) Russia and Iran;
2) Iran and Canada;
3) Canada and Germany.

1) coastal mountain areas;
2) coastal plains;

8. The minimum population density on these peninsulas is the peninsula:

2) Florida; 4) Arabic.

The main reason for the high population density in South and Southeast Asia is:

10. The most homogeneous regions of the world in terms of population density are:
1) North Africa;
2) foreign Europe;
3) foreign Asia;
4) North America;
5) Latin America.

The main indicator of the degree of urbanization is:

4) low level and speed.

2) India; 4) Chad.

2) China; 4) Indonesia.

1) Russia; 3) India;
2) Japan; 4) Canada.
1) Spanish;
2) Portuguese;
3) English;
4) Brazilian.

1) mining industry;
2) agriculture;
3) construction;
4) unproductive sphere.

2. Option

1) high birth rate;
2) low mortality;


1) Negative;
2) equal to zero;
3) positive.

1) China; 3) India;
2) Japan; 4) Kenya.

1) 17-19 = -2; 4) 43-13 = 30;
2) 25-20 = 5; 5) 13-8 = 5.
3) 26-7 = 19;
5. The lowest rates of natural growth are typical for:

3) North America;

The age structure of the population with high doses of older people and a small proportion of children is typical for the countries:
1) develop;
2) development.
7. As a rule, the lowest average population density is typical for:
1) coastal mountain areas;
2) coastal plains;
3) continental terrestrial mountainous regions;
4) Intercontinental plains.

1) Madagascar; 3) Java;
2) Wrangel; 4) Sardinia.

1) extremely favorable natural conditions;
2) history of settlements;

10. Natural zones of the Earth are the lowest density. The peculiarity of the population is:
1) arctic deserts;
2) tundra;
3) taiga;
4) temperate desert;
5) tropical deserts.

1) number of large cities;
2) share of the urban population;
3) the presence of a metropolis.

The process of urbanization in developed countries is characterized by:
1) low rates and rates;

I3. Divide the countries of the world as the proportion of urban population declines:
1) Brazil; 3) Kuwait;
2) Ethiopia; 4) Zaire.
14. The first place in the world for the absolute number of citizens is:
1) Russia; 3) United States;
2) China; 4) Brazil.

The countries are characterized by the most diverse national composition of the population:
1) foreign Europe;
2) foreign Asia;
3) Africa;
4) Latin America.

1) Spanish; 3) English;
2) Arabic; 4) French.

17. The employment structure of highly developed countries is characterized by the predominance of employment in:
1) industry;
2) unproductive sphere;
3) agriculture;
4) construction.

© 2017 Educational portal “educontest.net”. Contact us | Terms of Use Print page FINAL OBSERVATION TESTS “POPULATION”
I'm an option
1. The main reason for the rapid increase in the world population is:
1) a significant increase in the birth rate;
2) reduction in mortality.
2, In most countries of the world, the birth rate is:
1) exceeds mortality;
2) approximately equal to mortality;
3) in case of mortality.

The highest birth and death rates are found in the following countries:
1) Africa; 3) foreign Europe;
2) foreign Asia; 4) Latin America.
4. The countries of foreign Europe are characterized by the following average formula for population reproduction (in million-1):
1) 12-10 = 2; 4) 26-7 = 19;
2) 13-8 = 5; 5) 43-13 = 30.
3) 19-7 = 12;
5. The population explosion is currently characterized by:
1) to all countries of the world;
2) mainly developed countries;
3) especially in developing countries.

Male population predominates:
1) Russia and Iran;
2) Iran and Canada;
3) Canada and Germany.
7. Typically, peak population density is characterized by:
1) coastal mountain areas;
2) coastal plains;
3) continental terrestrial mountainous regions;
4) Intercontinental plains.

The lowest population density on these peninsulas is the peninsula:
1) Scandinavian; 3) California;
2) Florida; 4) Arabic.
9. The main reason for the high population density in the countries of South and Southeast Asia is:
1) extremely favorable natural conditions;
2) employment of the population in labor-intensive agriculture;
3) high level industrial development.

The most homogeneous regions of the world in terms of population density are:
1) North Africa;
2) foreign Europe;
3) foreign Asia;
4) North America;
5) Latin America.
11. The main indicator of the degree of urbanization is:
1) number of large cities;
2) the ratio between urban and rural populations;
3) the presence of urban agglomerations;
4) the presence of millionaire cities.
12. The urbanization process in most developing countries is characterized by:
1) high level and speed;
2) high rates and low rates;
3) low level and high level;
4) low level and speed.

Divide the countries of the world as the percentage of urban population grows:
1) United States; 3) Kuwait;
2) India; 4) Chad.
14. The first place in the world in absolute number of citizens is:
1) Russia; 3) United States;
2) China; 4) Indonesia.
15. The most diverse country in the world:
1) Russia; 3) India;
2) Japan; 4) Canada.
16. The official language of Brazil is:
1) Spanish;
2) Portuguese;
3) English;
4) Brazilian.

The employment structure of most developing countries is characterized by a predominance of employment in:
1) mining industry;
2) agriculture;
3) construction;
4) unproductive sphere.

2. Option
1. The main reason for the increase in the world population is:
1) high birth rate;
2) low mortality;
3) excess fertility is higher than mortality.

In the vast majority of countries in the world, natural population growth is:
1) Negative;
2) equal to zero;
3) positive.

3. Highest fertility rate and natural increase of any country in the world:
1) China; 3) India;
2) Japan; 4) Kenya.
4. Africa is characterized by the following average population reproduction formula (in million shares):
1) 17-19 = -2; 4) 43-13 = 30;
2) 25-20 = 5; 5) 13-8 = 5.
3) 26-7 = 19;

The lowest rates of natural growth are typical for:
1) Africa; 4) foreign Europe;
2) foreign Asia; 5) Latin America.
3) North America;
6. The age structure of the population with a high proportion of elderly people and a low proportion of children is typical for the countries:
1) develop;
2) development.

Family language

In general, the lowest average population density is typical for:
1) coastal mountain areas;
2) coastal plains;
3) continental terrestrial mountainous regions;
4) Intercontinental plains.
8. The island with the highest population density is the island:
1) Madagascar; 3) Java;
2) Wrangel; 4) Sardinia.

State the main reason for the high population density in the northeastern United States:
1) extremely favorable natural conditions;
2) history of settlements;
3) high level of agricultural development.

Natural areas of the Earth are the lowest density. The peculiarity of the population is:
1) arctic deserts;
2) tundra;
3) taiga;
4) temperate desert;
5) tropical deserts.
11. The main indicator of the degree of urbanization is:
1) number of large cities;
2) share of the urban population;
3) the presence of a metropolis.
12. The process of urbanization in developed countries is characterized by:
1) low rates and rates;
2) low level with high levels;
3) high level with decreasing rates;
4) High speed and speed.

Divide the countries of the world as the proportion of urban population declines:
1) Brazil; 3) Kuwait;
2) Ethiopia; 4) Zaire.

First place in the world relative to the absolute number of citizens:
1) Russia; 3) United States;
2) China; 4) Brazil.
15. The most diverse ethnic composition of the population is typical for the countries:
1) foreign Europe;
2) foreign Asia;
3) Africa;
4) Latin America.
16. Language of India as a national language (together with Hindi):
1) Spanish; 3) English;
2) Arabic; 4) French.


The employment structure of highly developed countries is characterized by a predominance of employees in:
1) industry;
2) unproductive sphere;
3) agriculture;
4) construction.

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Cultural and historical features of the peoples of Russia.

Main religions widespread in the country.

Russia is a multinational country. Peoples differ in their numbers, languages, settlement patterns, national traditions, customs, traditional activities, way of life.
Russians (the largest people in Russia - 120 million people) live throughout Russia. The most important cultural and historical feature of this people is its centuries-old migration activity and the constant presence in the past of sparsely populated spaces near the main places of Russian settlement.

Russian groups in the process of migration found themselves in a variety of natural-historical conditions. They adopted the labor skills of the indigenous population and at the same time brought their labor experience (in particular, agricultural) to the areas of new settlement. A Russian village is characterized by a log wooden hut and a Russian stove.

Since the main occupation was agriculture, bread, flour, cereal dishes, and vegetables play a great role in national Russian cuisine. Folk art - ceramics (Gzhel), bone carving (Arkhangelsk region), wood carving, enamel (Rostov), ​​lacquer miniatures (Palekh, Fedoskino), tray painting (Zhostovo), lace weaving (Vologda), painted clay toy (Dymkovo ).

The culture of Ukrainians and Belarusians is close to Russian, since the peoples are closely connected by the historical path of development.
Some peoples of the Altai language family (Tuvians, Bashkirs) in the past were engaged in nomadic cattle breeding, which is due to the nature of the places where they lived. Animal skins were used to make portable dwellings, clothing, and shoes. The food was dominated by meat and dairy products (Bashkir kumiss).
The peoples living in the north of Russia (Khanty, Mansi, Chukchi) traditionally engage in reindeer herding, hunting and fishing.

Their culture and way of life indicate that these peoples have adapted well to life in complex natural conditions North.

Fill out the table Language families and groups of peoples of Russia

The peoples of the North Caucasus are famous for their masters of weapons and jewelry (Kuba-chi).
There are several religions in Russia.

Orthodoxy is spread throughout the country. It is professed by Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians (the latter along with Catholicism) and many other peoples, including (along with the remnants of Shamaism) believers of the small peoples of the North (Nenets, Chukchi, Evenks, etc.). Islam and Buddhism (Lamaism) are widespread in the areas of residence of certain peoples of Russia.

Tatars, Bashkirs, and many peoples of the North Caucasus profess Islam. Buryats, Kalmyks, Tuvans - Buddhism (Lamaism).

Russia is a multinational country, and therefore multilingual. Linguistic scientists count 150 languages ​​- here both the language such as Russian, which is spoken by 97.72% of the population in Russia, and the language of the Negidals - a small people (only 622 people!) Living on the Amur River - are taken into account on equal terms.

Some languages ​​are very similar: people can each speak their own language and at the same time understand each other perfectly, for example, Russian - Belarusian, Tatar - Bashkir, Kalmyk - Buryat.

In other languages, although they also have a lot in common - sounds, some words, grammar - it will still not be possible to come to an agreement: a Mari with a Mordovian, a Lezgin with an Avar. And finally, there are languages—scientists call them isolated—that are unlike any other.

These are the languages ​​of the Kets, Nivkhs and Yukaghirs.

Most of the languages ​​of Russia belong to one of four language families:

  • Indo-European;
  • Altai;
  • Ural;
  • North Caucasian.

Each family has a common ancestor language - a proto-language. Ancient tribes who spoke such a proto-language moved, mixed with other peoples, and the once single language split into several. This is how many languages ​​arose on Earth.

Let's say Russian belongs to Indo-European family.

In the same family - English and German, Hindi and Farsi, Ossetian and Spanish (and many, many others). Part of the family group Slavic languages. Here, Czech and Polish, Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian, etc. coexist with Russian.

d. And together with closely related Ukrainian and Belarusian, it is included in the subgroup East Slavic languages. Indo-European languages ​​are spoken in Russia by more than 87% of the population, but only 2% of them are not Slavic. These are Germanic languages: German and Yiddish; Armenian (one makes up a group); Iranian languages: Ossetian, Tat, Kurdish and Tajik; Romance: Moldavian; and even modern Indian languages ​​spoken by gypsies in Russia.

Altai family in Russia it is represented by three groups: Turkic, Mongolian and Tungus-Manchu.

There are only two peoples who speak Mongolian languages ​​- Kalmyks and Buryats, but just the enumeration of Turkic languages ​​may surprise you. These are Chuvash, Tatar, Bashkir, Karachay-Balkar, Nogai, Kumyk, Altai, Khakass, Shor, Tuvan, Tofalar, Yakut, Dolgan, Azerbaijani, etc. Most of these peoples live in Russia. Turkic peoples such as Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Turkmens, and Uzbeks also live in our country.

The Tungus-Manchu languages ​​include Evenki, Even, Negidal, Nanai, Oroch, Orok, Udege and Ulch.

Sometimes the question arises: where is a separate language, and where are only dialects of the same language? For example, many linguists in Kazan believe that Bashkir is a dialect of Tatar, and the same number of specialists in Ufa are convinced that these are two completely independent languages.

Similar disputes occur not only regarding Tatar and Bashkir.

To the Ural language family include Finno-Ugric and Samolian groups. The concept “Finnish” is conditional - in this case it does not mean state language Finland. It’s just that the languages ​​included in this group have related grammars and similar sounds, especially if you don’t parse the words and listen only to the melody.

Finnish languages ​​are spoken by Karelians, Vepsians, Izhorians, Vods, Komi, Maris, Mordovians, Udmurts, and Sami. There are two Ugric languages ​​in Russia: Khanty and Mansi (and the third Ugric is spoken by Hungarians). The Samoyed languages ​​are spoken by the Nenets, Nganasans, Enets, and Selkups. The Yukaghir language is genetically close to Uralic. These peoples are very small in number, and their languages ​​cannot be heard outside the north of Russia.

North Caucasian family- the concept is quite arbitrary.

Unless specialist linguists understand the ancient kinship of the languages ​​of the Caucasus. These languages ​​have very complex grammar and extremely difficult phonetics. They contain sounds that are completely inaccessible to people who speak other dialects.

Experts divide North Caucasian languages ​​into Akh-Lagestan and Abkhaz-Adyghe groups.

On Nakh The Vainakhs speak mutually understandable languages ​​- this is the common name for the Chechens and Ingush. (The group received its name from the self-name of the Chechens - Nakhchi.)

Representatives of approximately 30 nations live in Dagestan. “Approximately” - because not all the languages ​​of these peoples have been studied, and very often people determine their nationality precisely by language.

To the Dagestan languages include Avar, Andean, Iez, Ginukh, Gunzib, Bezhta, Khvarshin, Lak, Dargin, Lezgin, Tabasaran, Agul, Rutul...

We named the largest Dagestan languages, but did not list even half. It’s not for nothing that this republic was called the “mountain of languages.”

Peoples (language families, groups) and religions of Russia in tables

And “a paradise for linguists”: the field of activity for them here is vast.

Abkhaz-Adyghe languages ​​are spoken by related peoples. In Adyghe - Kabardians, Adygeis, Circassians, Shapsugs; in Abkhazian - Abkhaz and Abaza.

But not everything is so simple in this classification. Kabardians, Adyghe, Circassians and Shapsugs consider themselves a single people - Adyghe - with one language, Adyghe, and official sources call four Adyghe peoples.

In Russia there are languages ​​that are not included in any of the four families.

These are primarily the languages ​​of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East. All of them are few in number. In the Chukchi-Kamchatka languages Chukchi, Koryak and Itelmen speak; on Eskimo-Aleutian- Eskimos and Aleuts.

The languages ​​of the Kets on the Yenisei and the Nivkhs on Sakhalin and Amur are not included in any language family.

There are many languages, and in order for people to agree, they need a common one. In Russia, it became Russian, because Russians are the most numerous people in the country and they live in all its corners.

It is the language of great literature, science and international communication.

Languages, of course, are equal, but even the richest country cannot publish, for example, books on all issues in the language of several hundred people. Or even several tens of thousands. In a language that is spoken by millions, this is feasible.

Many peoples of Russia have lost or are losing their languages, especially representatives of small nations. Thus, the native language of the Chu-lymys, a small Turkic-speaking people in Siberia, has almost been forgotten.

The list, unfortunately, is long. In Russian cities, Russian is becoming the common language for the multinational population. And most often the only one. However, recently national cultural and educational societies have taken care of their own languages ​​in large centers. They usually organize Sunday schools for children.

Most languages ​​of Russia before the 20s.

XX century had no writing. Georgians, Armenians, and Jews had their own alphabet. Germans, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, and Finns wrote in the Latin alphabet (Latin alphabet). Some languages ​​are still unwritten.

The first attempts to create a written language for the peoples of Russia were made even before the revolution, but they began to take this seriously in the 20s: they reformed the Arabic script, adapting it to the phonetics of the Turkic languages.

It did not apply to the languages ​​of the Caucasian peoples. They developed a Latin alphabet, but there were not enough letters to accurately designate sounds in the languages ​​of small nations. From 1936 to 1941, the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia (and the USSR) were translated into the Slavic alphabet (except for those that had their own, which was also ancient), superscripts were added, tall straight sticks to indicate guttural sounds, and combinations of letters that were strange to the Russian eye like “ь” and “ь” after vowels.

It was believed that a single alphabet helped to better master the Russian language. Recently, some languages ​​have begun to use the Latin alphabet again.

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Population of Russia

Peoples (language families, groups) and religion of Russia in tables

The largest language families in Russia are:

The Indo-European family, which is about 120 million people.

Ethnolinguistic composition of the population of Russia

A person who includes the Slavic language group (Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians), German (Germans and Yiddish-speaking Jews), Iranian (Ossetia), Armenian (Armenian) group, Altai families numbering about 11 million people.

people from the Turkish (Tatar, Chuvash Bashkirs, Kazakhstanis, Azerbaijanis, Sakhauks, Karachais, Balkars Kumyks, Khakass, etc.) and Mongolians (Buryats and Kalmyks); Northern white family, numbering about 5 million (Avarians, Dargins, Laks, Chechen Ingush, Kabardians Adygeis, etc.). Ural family numbering 4,000,000 people (Mordovians, Mari, Udmurts, Karelia, Khanti, Mansis, Nentsi, etc.). People and religions of Russia

Family language

Language groups

Dominant religion

Areas of compact residence




throughout the territory





Orenburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk region, Altai region

Jews - Yiddish


Moscow, St. Petersburg, Jewish Autonomous Region


North Ossetia - Alania

Armenian Gregorian Church

Krasnodar region

Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Chuvashia, Ryazan and Tyumen, Perm region

Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk region

will save


Nogais and Kumyks


Balkars and Karachin


shamanism, animism

Altai Republic

Kemerovo region

Buddhism (Lamaism)


Sakha (Yakutia)


shamanism, animism

Northern Irkutsk region


Buddhism (Lamaism)

Buryatia, Transbaikalia



Eva and Evens

shamanism, animism

North of the region Irkutsk, Yakutia, Khabarovsk Territory, Magadan region

Nanai, Oroks, Orochi, Udege, Ulchi, etc.

Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories

North Caucasus





Chechens and Ingush

and Ingushetia

Avars, Dargins, Laks, Lezgins




Mordovia, Tatarstan, Penza region


Karelia, Tver region

Komi Republic


Perm region

Khanty and Mansi

Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region

Murmansk region

Nenets, Selkups and Nganasans Material from the site http: //worldofschool.ru

shamanism, animism

Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug


shamanism, animism

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Koryaks in Itelmen

Kamchatka region


Aleut and Eskim

Commander Islands and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Sakhalin region, Khabarovsk region

straw salmon

Krasnoyarsk region